CameraCubeMap (Material stage keyword)


The cameraCubeMap keyword is used instead of a map keyword to specify that the associated stage should render a cube map rather than an ordinary image. Typically a cube map stage would be blended into a material to present the appearance of environmental reflection.


cubeMap env/name_without_prefix


The path to the cube map images should be given, including the name up to but not including the directional suffixes (_forward, _back, _left, ect…)


The following stage blends the env/cloudy environment map onto a material…

   blend           gl_dst_alpha , gl_one
   cameraCubeMap   env/cloudy  
   texgen          reflect
   rgb             .6


This keyword expects the six environment map images to use the filename suffixes _forward, _back, _left, _right, _up, and _down.