S maxSoundsPerShader (cvar)


This Cvar defines how many different sounds are played for each sound shader .


At the console type…

s_maxSoundsPerShader [Int]


  • [Int] - Sets the number of sounds.


Flag Enabled Description
CVAR_ALL all flags
CVAR_BOOL variable is a boolean
CVAR_INTEGER variable is an integer
CVAR_FLOAT variable is a float
CVAR_SYSTEM X system variable
CVAR_RENDERER renderer variable
CVAR_SOUND X sound variable
CVAR_GUI gui variable
CVAR_GAME game variable
CVAR_TOOL tool variable
CVAR_USERINFO sent to servers, available to menu
CVAR_SERVERINFO sent from servers, available to menu
CVAR_NETWORKSYNC cvar is synced from the server to clients
CVAR_STATIC X statically declared, not user created
CVAR_CHEAT variable is considered a cheat
CVAR_NOCHEAT variable is not considered a cheat
CVAR_INIT can only be set from the command-line
CVAR_ROM display only, cannot be set by user at all
CVAR_ARCHIVE X set to cause it to be saved to a config file
CVAR_MODIFIED X set when the variable is modified


If set to 0 there is no limit and the engine will randomly choose which sound to play from the sound shader whenever that shader is triggered. Any other number means that only from the first up to the <number chosen> sounds are loaded into memory and used by the engine. In this case the order in which the sound files are defined in the sound shader matters.