Si rules (cvar)

The information on this page is specific to Enemy Territory: Quake Wars .

This page is in urgent need of attention because: this CVar’s flags are unknown


Defines the game’s rule set. The main purpose of this CVar is to change the game type.


At the console type…

si_rules <rule set>


Rule set (String)
This parameter specifies the name of the ruleset the game should use. Currently, the following values are defined:

  • sdGameRulesObjective
    Each map is played on its own, no XP can be passed on to the next map.

  • sdGameRulesStopWatch
    Each map is played on its own, no XP can be passed on to the next map. After completing the map the first time, the teams are switched and the attacking team must try to beat the previous time set by the other team.

  • sdGameRulesCampaign
    Each default campaign consists of 3 maps (custom maps may contain more or less) which are played in succession. XP is carried from one map to the other until all maps in a given campaign are completed. At this point, a new campaign is started and all XP is reset.


Flag Enabled Description
CVAR_ALL all flags
CVAR_BOOL variable is a boolean
CVAR_INTEGER variable is an integer
CVAR_FLOAT variable is a float
CVAR_SYSTEM system variable
CVAR_RENDERER renderer variable
CVAR_SOUND sound variable
CVAR_GUI gui variable
CVAR_GAME game variable
CVAR_TOOL tool variable
CVAR_USERINFO sent to servers, available to menu
CVAR_SERVERINFO sent from servers, available to menu
CVAR_NETWORKSYNC cvar is synced from the server to clients
CVAR_STATIC statically declared, not user created
CVAR_CHEAT variable is considered a cheat
CVAR_NOCHEAT variable is not considered a cheat
CVAR_INIT can only be set from the command-line
CVAR_ROM display only, cannot be set by user at all
CVAR_ARCHIVE set to cause it to be saved to a config file
CVAR_MODIFIED set when the variable is modified

