Iceheart has been kind enough to provide us all with a Wiki to construct a Doom 3 modding manual of sorts.
Please, check it out and feel free to expand upon it...
[updated 31 July 06]
Spam was getting out of control. The software was too outdated to really do anything about it. The only solution was to take the site offline till we can upgrade.
it's old (and wrong in a couple things), but I still use this help file. ... -03-08.chmrich_is_bored wrote:
Spam was getting out of control. The software was too outdated to really do anything about it. The only solution was to take the site offline till we can upgrade.
Actually I forgot to pay for the domain in time, it's back up with another 4 years paid on it

Until the server can be upgraded (no ETA) the database will remain locked though, with some unintentional consequences like breaking the search engine. You should be able to search meaningfully with google's "site" syntax, like " <search term here>".
rich_is_bored wrote:
Spam was getting out of control. The software was too outdated to really do anything about it. The only solution was to take the site offline till we can upgrade.
Unfortunately this post predicted the future and now has in fact been brought down for an indeterminate amount of maintenance.
iceheart wrote:
rich_is_bored wrote:
Spam was getting out of control. The software was too outdated to really do anything about it. The only solution was to take the site offline till we can upgrade.
Unfortunately this post predicted the future and now has in fact been brought down for an indeterminate amount of maintenance.
Unfortunately Modwiki brought down D3W as a whole, so I couldn't post the news before switching it temporarily off.
But since Modwiki is most of the times even more valuable to the community than D3W - it will be back soon !
Iceheart has been kind enough to provide us all with a Wiki to construct a Doom 3 modding manual of sorts.
Please, check it out and feel free to expand upon it...
[updated 31 July 06]
Iceheart has been kind enough to provide us all with a Wiki to construct a Doom 3 modding manual of sorts.
Please, check it out and feel free to expand upon it...
[updated 31 July 06]
Iceheart has been kind enough to provide us all with a Wiki to construct a Doom 3 modding manual of sorts.
Please, check it out and feel free to expand upon it...
[updated 31 July 06]
Iceheart has been kind enough to provide us all with a Wiki to construct a Doom 3 modding manual of sorts.
Please, check it out and feel free to expand upon it...
[updated 31 July 06]
Iceheart has been kind enough to provide us all with a Wiki to construct a Doom 3 modding manual of sorts.
Please, check it out and feel free to expand upon it...
[updated 31 July 06]