obihb@Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 3:50 pm : I've decided to post some shots of my new monster for Doom3. I had alot of fun creating the Shambler and had to make one of my other favourite monsters from Quake, the Demon. It's also pink.. hehee. I'm pretty sure most people will recognise this little critter. I actually wanted to make him first but decided on the Shambler because he could be used as a boss, the Demon can't.
As you can see it's still early days for the model. The gray part of course being my place holder for shape purpose. I'm taking a very different approuch with this model in the sense of creating detail as I go along. Usually I would create a full character before doing any details. This way I don't get tired of just having to do one thing or another and can balance out the detail with less frustration, working on smaller parts at a time.
Any comments or critique is wellcome.
Enforcer@Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 3:56 pm : I dont see any pic!
Sparky@Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 5:15 pm : Wee, that looks like fun. I love how everyone's learning how to do everything now- we're going to have to market ourselves as scripters/animators/mappers/2d artists/modelers/level designers.
It's hard to tell what it'll look like posed. But judging by these two renders, I think its head needs to be a bit lower. Perhaps the shoulder blades should be rotated forwards towards the chest, as well. That way it'll be nicely hump-backed and tortured looking. I also wonder if the hips shouldn't be narrower.

Are you going to do a creepy, lipless grin?
Daniel Schimmer@Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 6:00 pm : Nice work so far!
evilartist@Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 6:30 pm : We have some truly talented people in this community.

Is that demon wearing pants?

obihb@Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 10:18 am : Sparky: The grin is cool, I'll probably try keep it but he'll be able to move his jaw. His posture will change of course based on the pose after I've skinned it. The modelling position is sortof stretched out for skinning purpose.
Daniel Schimmer: Thanks!.
evilartist: Thanks. He's not wearing pants..

The gray portion is just a temp mesh for me to model after to get the shape right.
Some new screens with a more complete mesh. I'm still in tweak mode with this mesh so stuff might change a little or alot depending. I've also included the high poly wireframe for interest sake. It's definately fun making another monster for a change..

Enforcer@Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 2:03 pm : Obihb i still dont see any of yer pics i saw sparky's but i dont see yours
obihb@Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 3:37 pm : Enforcer: I'm sorry, I don't know what to do about it. The images are posted on Imageshack and I can see them. I don't know if it could be a browser thing or what. What do you see?.. it should be a thumbnail and click o it for the full size pic.
I've setup a very quick bone structure and very quick skin just for a little pose test. Deformation is obviously not that great but does the job for this test.
I think the posture should be fine for the final model based on this test. I did model it originally off an import from the model from Quake so the shape should be very similar and so I should be able to get the right body posture and so on.
MBolus@Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 4:31 pm : Looking good so far. Although you used some references, the glenohumeral joint and deltoid seem too low in relation to other parts. Consider moving the shoulder joint higher from the ground. It's also hard to tell from this angle, but check how she looks with thinner horns or claws.
Sparky@Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 6:01 pm : That little stumpy neck is more mobile than I thought! It really can get low enough when you pose it. I like it. The lack of neck is part of the demon's charm.
You're far enough into the modeling process that I can't think of anything constructive to say that won't require major reworking. I'm curious, how heavily to you rely on sketches when you model? What's your workflow like?
obihb@Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 6:23 pm : MBolus: I've moved the shoulder down on purpose for this pose. Unless you mean something else. I made it look like he hangs the shoulder sortof. I didn't really use reference much so stuff could be wrong. The only type of ref I used was a basic form of the creature's shape and some muscle ref for some stuff.
I'll give the horms a tweak and see what it looks like. Don't know about the claws, maybe I'll check that aswell.
Sparky: For this model I used no sketches. In general I don't use them. First time I ever did my own sketch for a model was for the Shambler. Usually I would just do it from my head or look at pictures if I wanna get something spesific right.
I had some muscle reference for the arms, a bit for the back and chest. The rest I sucked from my thumb..

To get the shape right overall I had a model I imported a long time ago from Quake to base it from. The gray mesh you see in the first shots is from a very simple model from that imported one.
If you had anything to say even if it needs reworking it would still be good to hear. Of course I might not actually do it but if it's worth the effort then, why not?..

Taffmaster@Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 8:13 pm : thats one ugly looking demon, it belongs in a zoo. any plans for releasing this deformed freak?
whatthe@Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 3:31 am : thats one cool looking demon, excellent work, keep it up
obihb@Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 1:31 pm : Taffmaster: Yes, I hope to release it as a new monster for Doom.
whatthe: Thanks!..
Playing around with the vertex painter. It's the first time I really used it for this type of thing. It's pretty cool and can do layers and blend them with the same type of blend modes as in Photoshop can.
I did this to see what a bit of color would look like. Just having some fun. My idea in the end is to make the high poly model look as good as I can then render to texture for the low poly so I spend very little time on texturing the low poly. A great feature in Max to have.. render to texture..

CSR 1963@Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 1:53 pm : Dude, awesome. I've only played the oringinal Quake a few times, so I'm rusty on that guy, but that model looking great, I can't wait to see the thing charge at me through a dark hallway.
obihb@Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 1:04 pm : CSR 1963: Thanks.
Started to unwrap this sucker. This isn't a huge update, just more to show what I'm working towards. This has some texture on the body and I'm using my original vertex colors to do the shading for me. Works pretty well. This is the basic idea I have for the look of it. Obviously still lots to do texture wise but it's getting somewhere I think.

obihb@Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 10:38 pm : Body is now UV mapped.. finally. Still got to do the horns, mouth and teeth. Also have to work on the texture some more but it's taking shape.

Daniel Schimmer@Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:33 pm : Whoa, that looks way kickass now!, keep up the awesome work!
irishlostboy1980@Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:43 pm : i have never played quake, so i dont know this creatures source, but it is one messed up looking creature from the screenshots.
well done, and keep the fun little creatures coming
Slogbog@Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 12:14 am : that looks awesome, how do you get such seamless texturing between bits that i presume have been segmented in the uv map? (i.e. flowing from the back on to the shoulder, im assuming the its seperate as you showed the back segment textured as a wip)
psyborg@Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 2:07 pm Post subject: : not bad, not bad at all.
Sparky@Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 6:08 am Post subject: : I was just scrutinizing the last of the three screenshots you posted on the 11th. You said there's a UV seam between the arm and the torso, right? I'm not seeing a nasty seam in the normal map. How did you manage that?
P.S.- can we see your UV map?
whatthe@Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 6:28 am Post subject: : AWESOME MODEL!!!!
Kristus@Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 8:01 am Post subject: : Awsome work, only missing the blood... and the ability to move.. :p
How many faces is that btw? Looks very smooth and nice.
D3: Phobos
obihb@Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 9:16 am Post subject: : Sparky: The Seams are there on the high poly model because of the diffuse map and UV coordinates. That does not get translated into the normal map because it only renders the mesh normals for that.
There are some seams in the normal map for sure but which I can't do anything about because it is the nature of the technology to have some seams unless you can manage a seamless UV map which is impossible. The seams aren't too "heavy" though but you'll see them if you get to look at the model in realtime and from different angles.
Kristus: The low poly model is about 1780 polys.
whatthe, psyborg: Thanks.
Here's the UV map wire, diffuse and normal map.
Bauul@Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 12:20 pm Post subject: : lovely model, I always thought the Fiend would make a wonderful addition to the Doom monsters.
I wish there were more custom monsters out there, monsters really make or break games, new ones are so much fun to play with.
an idea i've had cooking recently for a damn good addition to the Doom 3 monster set are the House of the Dead monster set, the combination of zombies and technology in that game lends itself perfectly to Doom 3.
E.g. last boss from the first game

See what I mean?
obihb@Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 11:28 am Post subject: : Bauul: Thanks. Yeah, that monster would fit very nicely into Doom3. Talking about House of the Dead though, I thought Doom3 would be so cool to play in that fashion, a lightgun shaped like a shotgun and the Marine just walk through the levels and you blast anything that moves!.. yeah!.. 
I've been dealing with alot of the technical bull that come with making a new monster and I think I've solved most of it now. I've also finally started some animation which is always more fun. Here's a walking cycle I've been working on. I'm mostly happy with it but there's always place for more tweaks when it comes to animation.
AVI - 66KB
SyPHer_@Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 12:10 pm Post subject: : That is certainly a very nice animation. I like how the monster really does look quite organic and natural in the area between the leg and body, and then the tail has a very spooky bounce to it in the middle. But it does seem like it's straying a little from the original Quake monster, but I guess that's a good thing considering how primitive the animations were for that.
Keep up the great work!
EDIT: Also, don't forget that the tail is there to counter-balance the top of his torso and his blade-arms. So if his tail tilts then his whole upper body should arcordingly. I'm just nit-picking now...
Member of SKUMindustries. Working on a yet to be announced Doom3 total conversion.
Kristus@Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 12:47 pm Post subject: : looking good there, will be great when I see this critter come jumping at me. :p The fiend always was one of my favorit Quake1 monsters.
D3: Phobos
hellraven@Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 12:43 am Post subject: Very nice!: Hey I have been around the game mod scene for a while a seem a lot of work. I have to say that this model is really turning out well. The texture and all the mapping turned out very nicely. That animation also looks good. The walk reminds me of jurasic park. Keep up the good work!! Can't wait to see more.
Legshot@Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:50 pm Post subject: : soooo any news on this one?
doomkid3000@Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:57 pm Post subject: : i cant wait to see your model in game obihb
and play with that thing you did i mean
obihb@Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 4:25 pm Post subject: : Ok, I've had some time since it's the "calm" time of year to do a little bit of work on this guy.
I'm supporting another up and coming Doom/Quake forum and have posted my very tiny little update over on their forums. My updates to this monster will be posted there from now on in an attempt to attract more people with Doom and Quake modelling and editing experience.
The site is
Enjoy the little video I posted there!.
Here's the direct link to the Demon's post.
Last edited by obihb on Sun Dec 25, 2005 2:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ww3@Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 5:36 pm Post subject: : Awesome
I love the fact that the skin is really detailed, you should also make 'em jump at the you!
\\\ Ww3 Designs ///
doomkid3000@Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 6:36 pm Post subject: :
obihb@Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 7:37 pm Post subject: : Ww3 wrote: |
I love the fact that the skin is really detailed, you should also make 'em jump at the you! |
He jumps, like in Quake.. just not shown in this vid!.. 
psyborg@Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 2:07 pm Post subject: : not bad, not bad at all.
Sparky@Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 6:08 am Post subject: : I was just scrutinizing the last of the three screenshots you posted on the 11th. You said there's a UV seam between the arm and the torso, right? I'm not seeing a nasty seam in the normal map. How did you manage that?
P.S.- can we see your UV map?
whatthe@Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 6:28 am Post subject: : AWESOME MODEL!!!!
Kristus@Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 8:01 am Post subject: : Awsome work, only missing the blood... and the ability to move.. :p
How many faces is that btw? Looks very smooth and nice.
D3: Phobos
obihb@Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 9:16 am Post subject: : Sparky: The Seams are there on the high poly model because of the diffuse map and UV coordinates. That does not get translated into the normal map because it only renders the mesh normals for that.
There are some seams in the normal map for sure but which I can't do anything about because it is the nature of the technology to have some seams unless you can manage a seamless UV map which is impossible. The seams aren't too "heavy" though but you'll see them if you get to look at the model in realtime and from different angles.
Kristus: The low poly model is about 1780 polys.
whatthe, psyborg: Thanks.
Here's the UV map wire, diffuse and normal map.
Bauul@Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 12:20 pm Post subject: : lovely model, I always thought the Fiend would make a wonderful addition to the Doom monsters.
I wish there were more custom monsters out there, monsters really make or break games, new ones are so much fun to play with.
an idea i've had cooking recently for a damn good addition to the Doom 3 monster set are the House of the Dead monster set, the combination of zombies and technology in that game lends itself perfectly to Doom 3.
E.g. last boss from the first game

See what I mean?
obihb@Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 11:28 am Post subject: : Bauul: Thanks. Yeah, that monster would fit very nicely into Doom3. Talking about House of the Dead though, I thought Doom3 would be so cool to play in that fashion, a lightgun shaped like a shotgun and the Marine just walk through the levels and you blast anything that moves!.. yeah!.. 
I've been dealing with alot of the technical bull that come with making a new monster and I think I've solved most of it now. I've also finally started some animation which is always more fun. Here's a walking cycle I've been working on. I'm mostly happy with it but there's always place for more tweaks when it comes to animation.
AVI - 66KB
SyPHer_@Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 12:10 pm Post subject: : That is certainly a very nice animation. I like how the monster really does look quite organic and natural in the area between the leg and body, and then the tail has a very spooky bounce to it in the middle. But it does seem like it's straying a little from the original Quake monster, but I guess that's a good thing considering how primitive the animations were for that.
Keep up the great work!
EDIT: Also, don't forget that the tail is there to counter-balance the top of his torso and his blade-arms. So if his tail tilts then his whole upper body should arcordingly. I'm just nit-picking now...
Member of SKUMindustries. Working on a yet to be announced Doom3 total conversion.
Kristus@Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 12:47 pm Post subject: : looking good there, will be great when I see this critter come jumping at me. :p The fiend always was one of my favorit Quake1 monsters.
D3: Phobos
hellraven@Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 12:43 am Post subject: Very nice!: Hey I have been around the game mod scene for a while a seem a lot of work. I have to say that this model is really turning out well. The texture and all the mapping turned out very nicely. That animation also looks good. The walk reminds me of jurasic park. Keep up the good work!! Can't wait to see more.
Legshot@Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:50 pm Post subject: : soooo any news on this one?
doomkid3000@Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:57 pm Post subject: : i cant wait to see your model in game obihb
and play with that thing you did i mean
obihb@Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 4:25 pm Post subject: : Ok, I've had some time since it's the "calm" time of year to do a little bit of work on this guy.
I'm supporting another up and coming Doom/Quake forum and have posted my very tiny little update over on their forums. My updates to this monster will be posted there from now on in an attempt to attract more people with Doom and Quake modelling and editing experience.
The site is
Enjoy the little video I posted there!.
Here's the direct link to the Demon's post.
Last edited by obihb on Sun Dec 25, 2005 2:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ww3@Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 5:36 pm Post subject: : Awesome
I love the fact that the skin is really detailed, you should also make 'em jump at the you!
\\\ Ww3 Designs ///
doomkid3000@Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 6:36 pm Post subject: :
obihb@Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 7:37 pm Post subject: : Ww3 wrote: |
I love the fact that the skin is really detailed, you should also make 'em jump at the you! |
He jumps, like in Quake.. just not shown in this vid!.. 
psyborg@Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 2:07 pm Post subject: : not bad, not bad at all.
Sparky@Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 6:08 am Post subject: : I was just scrutinizing the last of the three screenshots you posted on the 11th. You said there's a UV seam between the arm and the torso, right? I'm not seeing a nasty seam in the normal map. How did you manage that?
P.S.- can we see your UV map?
whatthe@Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 6:28 am Post subject: : AWESOME MODEL!!!!
Kristus@Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 8:01 am Post subject: : Awsome work, only missing the blood... and the ability to move.. :p
How many faces is that btw? Looks very smooth and nice.
D3: Phobos
obihb@Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 9:16 am Post subject: : Sparky: The Seams are there on the high poly model because of the diffuse map and UV coordinates. That does not get translated into the normal map because it only renders the mesh normals for that.
There are some seams in the normal map for sure but which I can't do anything about because it is the nature of the technology to have some seams unless you can manage a seamless UV map which is impossible. The seams aren't too "heavy" though but you'll see them if you get to look at the model in realtime and from different angles.
Kristus: The low poly model is about 1780 polys.
whatthe, psyborg: Thanks.
Here's the UV map wire, diffuse and normal map.
Bauul@Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 12:20 pm Post subject: : lovely model, I always thought the Fiend would make a wonderful addition to the Doom monsters.
I wish there were more custom monsters out there, monsters really make or break games, new ones are so much fun to play with.
an idea i've had cooking recently for a damn good addition to the Doom 3 monster set are the House of the Dead monster set, the combination of zombies and technology in that game lends itself perfectly to Doom 3.
E.g. last boss from the first game

See what I mean?
obihb@Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 11:28 am Post subject: : Bauul: Thanks. Yeah, that monster would fit very nicely into Doom3. Talking about House of the Dead though, I thought Doom3 would be so cool to play in that fashion, a lightgun shaped like a shotgun and the Marine just walk through the levels and you blast anything that moves!.. yeah!.. 
I've been dealing with alot of the technical bull that come with making a new monster and I think I've solved most of it now. I've also finally started some animation which is always more fun. Here's a walking cycle I've been working on. I'm mostly happy with it but there's always place for more tweaks when it comes to animation.
AVI - 66KB
SyPHer_@Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 12:10 pm Post subject: : That is certainly a very nice animation. I like how the monster really does look quite organic and natural in the area between the leg and body, and then the tail has a very spooky bounce to it in the middle. But it does seem like it's straying a little from the original Quake monster, but I guess that's a good thing considering how primitive the animations were for that.
Keep up the great work!
EDIT: Also, don't forget that the tail is there to counter-balance the top of his torso and his blade-arms. So if his tail tilts then his whole upper body should arcordingly. I'm just nit-picking now...
Member of SKUMindustries. Working on a yet to be announced Doom3 total conversion.
Kristus@Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 12:47 pm Post subject: : looking good there, will be great when I see this critter come jumping at me. :p The fiend always was one of my favorit Quake1 monsters.
D3: Phobos
hellraven@Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 12:43 am Post subject: Very nice!: Hey I have been around the game mod scene for a while a seem a lot of work. I have to say that this model is really turning out well. The texture and all the mapping turned out very nicely. That animation also looks good. The walk reminds me of jurasic park. Keep up the good work!! Can't wait to see more.
Legshot@Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:50 pm Post subject: : soooo any news on this one?
doomkid3000@Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:57 pm Post subject: : i cant wait to see your model in game obihb
and play with that thing you did i mean
obihb@Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 4:25 pm Post subject: : Ok, I've had some time since it's the "calm" time of year to do a little bit of work on this guy.
I'm supporting another up and coming Doom/Quake forum and have posted my very tiny little update over on their forums. My updates to this monster will be posted there from now on in an attempt to attract more people with Doom and Quake modelling and editing experience.
The site is
Enjoy the little video I posted there!.
Here's the direct link to the Demon's post.
Last edited by obihb on Sun Dec 25, 2005 2:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ww3@Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 5:36 pm Post subject: : Awesome
I love the fact that the skin is really detailed, you should also make 'em jump at the you!
\\\ Ww3 Designs ///
doomkid3000@Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 6:36 pm Post subject: :
obihb@Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 7:37 pm Post subject: : Ww3 wrote: |
I love the fact that the skin is really detailed, you should also make 'em jump at the you! |
He jumps, like in Quake.. just not shown in this vid!.. 