BNA!@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:18 pm : Ok - here it is, the long awaited ZBrush forum.
I was hesistant to introduce it, but many users have convinced me with their work, the software did too

iceheart@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:30 pm : Loveable

ajerara@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 9:50 pm : are you guys going to put up any tutorial links for zbrush? I'll have to go nab a demo and check it out, it actually sounds kinda interesting.
Slogbog@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 11:29 pm : the program itself comes with some great demo scipts and tuts to get u acquainted with the program
1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:36 am : Yeay, Z rules

Even though it's probably the most important artistic tool for the coming years, it's not as complex or hard to learn as, max or maya. I would have prefered a more general 3d forum for Zbrush, Silo, XSI, Modo, Milkshape, wings 3d, rhino etc.
And all new users, go through the demo scripts, you will be amazed of how much you have learned in just a couple of hours

BNA!@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:35 am : I once had the modeling forums molded into one board, but it wasn't met with warmth by the user base plus it has proven impractical.
I don't think we have the right user base to offer more 3D application boards - eventually we'll be able to mature towards this, but it'll take years.
To maintain a forum section you need about 100 active users and a handful of totally dedicated ones being in there literally 24/7.
When I look through the registered users emails, I find 50 something triple A persons who visit us for occasional advanced problems, but that's about it.
The majority are still gamers-gone-modders and about 5% maximum of all users are what I consider active community people.
Anyhow, D3W is fun and it's my goal to evolve it further, especially beyond the lifecycle of the Doom3 engine (beginning 2008 imho).
In the end 3D applications will become more and more important in the computing world. There is a wealth of knowlegde one need to know when dealing in 3D and about two thirds of that knowlegde are generalized paradigms of thinking - the rest is application specific.
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
BTW - I consider AI a 3D application as well. It's "just" entities trying to calculate their way trough a computed environment made up of volumes.
This might be a bit visionary, but the concept of 3D has just started.
doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:45 am : are there any discount prices for ZBrush

1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:47 am : Yeah, I added a few to many applications to my list, but wings, milkshape and XSI mod tool are good beginner tools, maybe even more so than gmax or maya ple.
I was about to edit my post, and remove a few applications aswell as add that I meant a general 3d forum with doom 3 pipeline questions. Not general questions. There are better places than d3w to learn the tools.
I welcome a Zbrush forum, it's just that the technical side of zbrush is quite easy to learn, the artistic side is something that requires more traditional art / sculpting teaching, which don't transfer well to a mod forum.
I hope you evolve D3W further. D3W has a very good foundation. In a few years I hope it eventually will grow into a great general mod making community, maybe even indie game community.
With some nice support from the industry, such as talk to pros events, competitions with sponsored prices, etc

Hopefully a new for mods...

doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 4:13 pm : yeah i hope i do suceed, and i usualy do learn from all sorts of sites, 3dtotal,,and lots more, i was wandering if there was a discount price on zbrush, since i cant import jack in the demo, but i'll play around some more with this a bit more

Sparky@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:58 pm : Hey, nifty! A ZBrush board.
I only picked up the program a couple days ago, but I'll contribute what I can. If I learn anything useful, I'll make sure to post it here. Go!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:32 am : BNA wrote:
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
When I think about it, that this is just as much an argument for a general 3d forum, As both alot of concepts, as well as resources and tutorials etc can be used in any application.
There are tons of good resources to share, but atleast I don't want to post them in say, only the max forum, becuase it wouldn't belong there. I definately don't want to post it in all of the 3d app forums.
Even though there are a few tutorial links in the doom 3 modelling & animation forum, I only found them becuase I wrote this post and wanted to make sure I didn't miss something. Maybe I'm not the only one that did that?
BNA wrote:
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
Fanboys can go to... The reason I want a general 3d forum, is to give both beginners, (and veterans) a better way to share knowledge, no matter what application they choose to work or develop for. As it is now, I feel that alot of the resources are unavailible.
just some of my random thoughts

doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:58 am : agreed

good point
BNA!@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:18 pm : Ok - here it is, the long awaited ZBrush forum.
I was hesistant to introduce it, but many users have convinced me with their work, the software did too

iceheart@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:30 pm : Loveable

ajerara@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 9:50 pm : are you guys going to put up any tutorial links for zbrush? I'll have to go nab a demo and check it out, it actually sounds kinda interesting.
Slogbog@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 11:29 pm : the program itself comes with some great demo scipts and tuts to get u acquainted with the program
1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:36 am : Yeay, Z rules

Even though it's probably the most important artistic tool for the coming years, it's not as complex or hard to learn as, max or maya. I would have prefered a more general 3d forum for Zbrush, Silo, XSI, Modo, Milkshape, wings 3d, rhino etc.
And all new users, go through the demo scripts, you will be amazed of how much you have learned in just a couple of hours

BNA!@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:35 am : I once had the modeling forums molded into one board, but it wasn't met with warmth by the user base plus it has proven impractical.
I don't think we have the right user base to offer more 3D application boards - eventually we'll be able to mature towards this, but it'll take years.
To maintain a forum section you need about 100 active users and a handful of totally dedicated ones being in there literally 24/7.
When I look through the registered users emails, I find 50 something triple A persons who visit us for occasional advanced problems, but that's about it.
The majority are still gamers-gone-modders and about 5% maximum of all users are what I consider active community people.
Anyhow, D3W is fun and it's my goal to evolve it further, especially beyond the lifecycle of the Doom3 engine (beginning 2008 imho).
In the end 3D applications will become more and more important in the computing world. There is a wealth of knowlegde one need to know when dealing in 3D and about two thirds of that knowlegde are generalized paradigms of thinking - the rest is application specific.
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
BTW - I consider AI a 3D application as well. It's "just" entities trying to calculate their way trough a computed environment made up of volumes.
This might be a bit visionary, but the concept of 3D has just started.
doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:45 am : are there any discount prices for ZBrush

1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:47 am : Yeah, I added a few to many applications to my list, but wings, milkshape and XSI mod tool are good beginner tools, maybe even more so than gmax or maya ple.
I was about to edit my post, and remove a few applications aswell as add that I meant a general 3d forum with doom 3 pipeline questions. Not general questions. There are better places than d3w to learn the tools.
I welcome a Zbrush forum, it's just that the technical side of zbrush is quite easy to learn, the artistic side is something that requires more traditional art / sculpting teaching, which don't transfer well to a mod forum.
I hope you evolve D3W further. D3W has a very good foundation. In a few years I hope it eventually will grow into a great general mod making community, maybe even indie game community.
With some nice support from the industry, such as talk to pros events, competitions with sponsored prices, etc

Hopefully a new for mods...

doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 4:13 pm : yeah i hope i do suceed, and i usualy do learn from all sorts of sites, 3dtotal,,and lots more, i was wandering if there was a discount price on zbrush, since i cant import jack in the demo, but i'll play around some more with this a bit more

Sparky@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:58 pm : Hey, nifty! A ZBrush board.
I only picked up the program a couple days ago, but I'll contribute what I can. If I learn anything useful, I'll make sure to post it here. Go!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:32 am : BNA wrote:
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
When I think about it, that this is just as much an argument for a general 3d forum, As both alot of concepts, as well as resources and tutorials etc can be used in any application.
There are tons of good resources to share, but atleast I don't want to post them in say, only the max forum, becuase it wouldn't belong there. I definately don't want to post it in all of the 3d app forums.
Even though there are a few tutorial links in the doom 3 modelling & animation forum, I only found them becuase I wrote this post and wanted to make sure I didn't miss something. Maybe I'm not the only one that did that?
BNA wrote:
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
Fanboys can go to... The reason I want a general 3d forum, is to give both beginners, (and veterans) a better way to share knowledge, no matter what application they choose to work or develop for. As it is now, I feel that alot of the resources are unavailible.
just some of my random thoughts

doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:58 am : agreed

good point
BNA!@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:18 pm : Ok - here it is, the long awaited ZBrush forum.
I was hesistant to introduce it, but many users have convinced me with their work, the software did too

iceheart@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:30 pm : Loveable

ajerara@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 9:50 pm : are you guys going to put up any tutorial links for zbrush? I'll have to go nab a demo and check it out, it actually sounds kinda interesting.
Slogbog@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 11:29 pm : the program itself comes with some great demo scipts and tuts to get u acquainted with the program
1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:36 am : Yeay, Z rules

Even though it's probably the most important artistic tool for the coming years, it's not as complex or hard to learn as, max or maya. I would have prefered a more general 3d forum for Zbrush, Silo, XSI, Modo, Milkshape, wings 3d, rhino etc.
And all new users, go through the demo scripts, you will be amazed of how much you have learned in just a couple of hours

BNA!@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:35 am : I once had the modeling forums molded into one board, but it wasn't met with warmth by the user base plus it has proven impractical.
I don't think we have the right user base to offer more 3D application boards - eventually we'll be able to mature towards this, but it'll take years.
To maintain a forum section you need about 100 active users and a handful of totally dedicated ones being in there literally 24/7.
When I look through the registered users emails, I find 50 something triple A persons who visit us for occasional advanced problems, but that's about it.
The majority are still gamers-gone-modders and about 5% maximum of all users are what I consider active community people.
Anyhow, D3W is fun and it's my goal to evolve it further, especially beyond the lifecycle of the Doom3 engine (beginning 2008 imho).
In the end 3D applications will become more and more important in the computing world. There is a wealth of knowlegde one need to know when dealing in 3D and about two thirds of that knowlegde are generalized paradigms of thinking - the rest is application specific.
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
BTW - I consider AI a 3D application as well. It's "just" entities trying to calculate their way trough a computed environment made up of volumes.
This might be a bit visionary, but the concept of 3D has just started.
doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:45 am : are there any discount prices for ZBrush

1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:47 am : Yeah, I added a few to many applications to my list, but wings, milkshape and XSI mod tool are good beginner tools, maybe even more so than gmax or maya ple.
I was about to edit my post, and remove a few applications aswell as add that I meant a general 3d forum with doom 3 pipeline questions. Not general questions. There are better places than d3w to learn the tools.
I welcome a Zbrush forum, it's just that the technical side of zbrush is quite easy to learn, the artistic side is something that requires more traditional art / sculpting teaching, which don't transfer well to a mod forum.
I hope you evolve D3W further. D3W has a very good foundation. In a few years I hope it eventually will grow into a great general mod making community, maybe even indie game community.
With some nice support from the industry, such as talk to pros events, competitions with sponsored prices, etc

Hopefully a new for mods...

doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 4:13 pm : yeah i hope i do suceed, and i usualy do learn from all sorts of sites, 3dtotal,,and lots more, i was wandering if there was a discount price on zbrush, since i cant import jack in the demo, but i'll play around some more with this a bit more

Sparky@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:58 pm : Hey, nifty! A ZBrush board.
I only picked up the program a couple days ago, but I'll contribute what I can. If I learn anything useful, I'll make sure to post it here. Go!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:32 am : BNA wrote:
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
When I think about it, that this is just as much an argument for a general 3d forum, As both alot of concepts, as well as resources and tutorials etc can be used in any application.
There are tons of good resources to share, but atleast I don't want to post them in say, only the max forum, becuase it wouldn't belong there. I definately don't want to post it in all of the 3d app forums.
Even though there are a few tutorial links in the doom 3 modelling & animation forum, I only found them becuase I wrote this post and wanted to make sure I didn't miss something. Maybe I'm not the only one that did that?
BNA wrote:
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
Fanboys can go to... The reason I want a general 3d forum, is to give both beginners, (and veterans) a better way to share knowledge, no matter what application they choose to work or develop for. As it is now, I feel that alot of the resources are unavailible.
just some of my random thoughts

doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:58 am : agreed

good point
BNA!@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:18 pm : Ok - here it is, the long awaited ZBrush forum.
I was hesistant to introduce it, but many users have convinced me with their work, the software did too

iceheart@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:30 pm : Loveable

ajerara@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 9:50 pm : are you guys going to put up any tutorial links for zbrush? I'll have to go nab a demo and check it out, it actually sounds kinda interesting.
Slogbog@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 11:29 pm : the program itself comes with some great demo scipts and tuts to get u acquainted with the program
1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:36 am : Yeay, Z rules

Even though it's probably the most important artistic tool for the coming years, it's not as complex or hard to learn as, max or maya. I would have prefered a more general 3d forum for Zbrush, Silo, XSI, Modo, Milkshape, wings 3d, rhino etc.
And all new users, go through the demo scripts, you will be amazed of how much you have learned in just a couple of hours

BNA!@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:35 am : I once had the modeling forums molded into one board, but it wasn't met with warmth by the user base plus it has proven impractical.
I don't think we have the right user base to offer more 3D application boards - eventually we'll be able to mature towards this, but it'll take years.
To maintain a forum section you need about 100 active users and a handful of totally dedicated ones being in there literally 24/7.
When I look through the registered users emails, I find 50 something triple A persons who visit us for occasional advanced problems, but that's about it.
The majority are still gamers-gone-modders and about 5% maximum of all users are what I consider active community people.
Anyhow, D3W is fun and it's my goal to evolve it further, especially beyond the lifecycle of the Doom3 engine (beginning 2008 imho).
In the end 3D applications will become more and more important in the computing world. There is a wealth of knowlegde one need to know when dealing in 3D and about two thirds of that knowlegde are generalized paradigms of thinking - the rest is application specific.
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
BTW - I consider AI a 3D application as well. It's "just" entities trying to calculate their way trough a computed environment made up of volumes.
This might be a bit visionary, but the concept of 3D has just started.
doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:45 am : are there any discount prices for ZBrush

1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:47 am : Yeah, I added a few to many applications to my list, but wings, milkshape and XSI mod tool are good beginner tools, maybe even more so than gmax or maya ple.
I was about to edit my post, and remove a few applications aswell as add that I meant a general 3d forum with doom 3 pipeline questions. Not general questions. There are better places than d3w to learn the tools.
I welcome a Zbrush forum, it's just that the technical side of zbrush is quite easy to learn, the artistic side is something that requires more traditional art / sculpting teaching, which don't transfer well to a mod forum.
I hope you evolve D3W further. D3W has a very good foundation. In a few years I hope it eventually will grow into a great general mod making community, maybe even indie game community.
With some nice support from the industry, such as talk to pros events, competitions with sponsored prices, etc

Hopefully a new for mods...

doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 4:13 pm : yeah i hope i do suceed, and i usualy do learn from all sorts of sites, 3dtotal,,and lots more, i was wandering if there was a discount price on zbrush, since i cant import jack in the demo, but i'll play around some more with this a bit more

Sparky@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:58 pm : Hey, nifty! A ZBrush board.
I only picked up the program a couple days ago, but I'll contribute what I can. If I learn anything useful, I'll make sure to post it here. Go!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:32 am : BNA wrote:
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
When I think about it, that this is just as much an argument for a general 3d forum, As both alot of concepts, as well as resources and tutorials etc can be used in any application.
There are tons of good resources to share, but atleast I don't want to post them in say, only the max forum, becuase it wouldn't belong there. I definately don't want to post it in all of the 3d app forums.
Even though there are a few tutorial links in the doom 3 modelling & animation forum, I only found them becuase I wrote this post and wanted to make sure I didn't miss something. Maybe I'm not the only one that did that?
BNA wrote:
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
Fanboys can go to... The reason I want a general 3d forum, is to give both beginners, (and veterans) a better way to share knowledge, no matter what application they choose to work or develop for. As it is now, I feel that alot of the resources are unavailible.
just some of my random thoughts

doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:58 am : agreed

good point
BNA!@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:18 pm : Ok - here it is, the long awaited ZBrush forum.
I was hesistant to introduce it, but many users have convinced me with their work, the software did too

iceheart@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:30 pm : Loveable

ajerara@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 9:50 pm : are you guys going to put up any tutorial links for zbrush? I'll have to go nab a demo and check it out, it actually sounds kinda interesting.
Slogbog@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 11:29 pm : the program itself comes with some great demo scipts and tuts to get u acquainted with the program
1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:36 am : Yeay, Z rules

Even though it's probably the most important artistic tool for the coming years, it's not as complex or hard to learn as, max or maya. I would have prefered a more general 3d forum for Zbrush, Silo, XSI, Modo, Milkshape, wings 3d, rhino etc.
And all new users, go through the demo scripts, you will be amazed of how much you have learned in just a couple of hours

BNA!@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:35 am : I once had the modeling forums molded into one board, but it wasn't met with warmth by the user base plus it has proven impractical.
I don't think we have the right user base to offer more 3D application boards - eventually we'll be able to mature towards this, but it'll take years.
To maintain a forum section you need about 100 active users and a handful of totally dedicated ones being in there literally 24/7.
When I look through the registered users emails, I find 50 something triple A persons who visit us for occasional advanced problems, but that's about it.
The majority are still gamers-gone-modders and about 5% maximum of all users are what I consider active community people.
Anyhow, D3W is fun and it's my goal to evolve it further, especially beyond the lifecycle of the Doom3 engine (beginning 2008 imho).
In the end 3D applications will become more and more important in the computing world. There is a wealth of knowlegde one need to know when dealing in 3D and about two thirds of that knowlegde are generalized paradigms of thinking - the rest is application specific.
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
BTW - I consider AI a 3D application as well. It's "just" entities trying to calculate their way trough a computed environment made up of volumes.
This might be a bit visionary, but the concept of 3D has just started.
doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:45 am : are there any discount prices for ZBrush

1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:47 am : Yeah, I added a few to many applications to my list, but wings, milkshape and XSI mod tool are good beginner tools, maybe even more so than gmax or maya ple.
I was about to edit my post, and remove a few applications aswell as add that I meant a general 3d forum with doom 3 pipeline questions. Not general questions. There are better places than d3w to learn the tools.
I welcome a Zbrush forum, it's just that the technical side of zbrush is quite easy to learn, the artistic side is something that requires more traditional art / sculpting teaching, which don't transfer well to a mod forum.
I hope you evolve D3W further. D3W has a very good foundation. In a few years I hope it eventually will grow into a great general mod making community, maybe even indie game community.
With some nice support from the industry, such as talk to pros events, competitions with sponsored prices, etc

Hopefully a new for mods...

doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 4:13 pm : yeah i hope i do suceed, and i usualy do learn from all sorts of sites, 3dtotal,,and lots more, i was wandering if there was a discount price on zbrush, since i cant import jack in the demo, but i'll play around some more with this a bit more

Sparky@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:58 pm : Hey, nifty! A ZBrush board.
I only picked up the program a couple days ago, but I'll contribute what I can. If I learn anything useful, I'll make sure to post it here. Go!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:32 am : BNA wrote:
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
When I think about it, that this is just as much an argument for a general 3d forum, As both alot of concepts, as well as resources and tutorials etc can be used in any application.
There are tons of good resources to share, but atleast I don't want to post them in say, only the max forum, becuase it wouldn't belong there. I definately don't want to post it in all of the 3d app forums.
Even though there are a few tutorial links in the doom 3 modelling & animation forum, I only found them becuase I wrote this post and wanted to make sure I didn't miss something. Maybe I'm not the only one that did that?
BNA wrote:
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
Fanboys can go to... The reason I want a general 3d forum, is to give both beginners, (and veterans) a better way to share knowledge, no matter what application they choose to work or develop for. As it is now, I feel that alot of the resources are unavailible.
just some of my random thoughts

doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:58 am : agreed

good point
BNA!@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:18 pm : Ok - here it is, the long awaited ZBrush forum.
I was hesistant to introduce it, but many users have convinced me with their work, the software did too

iceheart@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:30 pm : Loveable

ajerara@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 9:50 pm : are you guys going to put up any tutorial links for zbrush? I'll have to go nab a demo and check it out, it actually sounds kinda interesting.
Slogbog@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 11:29 pm : the program itself comes with some great demo scipts and tuts to get u acquainted with the program
1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:36 am : Yeay, Z rules

Even though it's probably the most important artistic tool for the coming years, it's not as complex or hard to learn as, max or maya. I would have prefered a more general 3d forum for Zbrush, Silo, XSI, Modo, Milkshape, wings 3d, rhino etc.
And all new users, go through the demo scripts, you will be amazed of how much you have learned in just a couple of hours

BNA!@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:35 am : I once had the modeling forums molded into one board, but it wasn't met with warmth by the user base plus it has proven impractical.
I don't think we have the right user base to offer more 3D application boards - eventually we'll be able to mature towards this, but it'll take years.
To maintain a forum section you need about 100 active users and a handful of totally dedicated ones being in there literally 24/7.
When I look through the registered users emails, I find 50 something triple A persons who visit us for occasional advanced problems, but that's about it.
The majority are still gamers-gone-modders and about 5% maximum of all users are what I consider active community people.
Anyhow, D3W is fun and it's my goal to evolve it further, especially beyond the lifecycle of the Doom3 engine (beginning 2008 imho).
In the end 3D applications will become more and more important in the computing world. There is a wealth of knowlegde one need to know when dealing in 3D and about two thirds of that knowlegde are generalized paradigms of thinking - the rest is application specific.
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
BTW - I consider AI a 3D application as well. It's "just" entities trying to calculate their way trough a computed environment made up of volumes.
This might be a bit visionary, but the concept of 3D has just started.
doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:45 am : are there any discount prices for ZBrush

1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:47 am : Yeah, I added a few to many applications to my list, but wings, milkshape and XSI mod tool are good beginner tools, maybe even more so than gmax or maya ple.
I was about to edit my post, and remove a few applications aswell as add that I meant a general 3d forum with doom 3 pipeline questions. Not general questions. There are better places than d3w to learn the tools.
I welcome a Zbrush forum, it's just that the technical side of zbrush is quite easy to learn, the artistic side is something that requires more traditional art / sculpting teaching, which don't transfer well to a mod forum.
I hope you evolve D3W further. D3W has a very good foundation. In a few years I hope it eventually will grow into a great general mod making community, maybe even indie game community.
With some nice support from the industry, such as talk to pros events, competitions with sponsored prices, etc

Hopefully a new for mods...

doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 4:13 pm : yeah i hope i do suceed, and i usualy do learn from all sorts of sites, 3dtotal,,and lots more, i was wandering if there was a discount price on zbrush, since i cant import jack in the demo, but i'll play around some more with this a bit more

Sparky@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:58 pm : Hey, nifty! A ZBrush board.
I only picked up the program a couple days ago, but I'll contribute what I can. If I learn anything useful, I'll make sure to post it here. Go!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:32 am : BNA wrote:
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
When I think about it, that this is just as much an argument for a general 3d forum, As both alot of concepts, as well as resources and tutorials etc can be used in any application.
There are tons of good resources to share, but atleast I don't want to post them in say, only the max forum, becuase it wouldn't belong there. I definately don't want to post it in all of the 3d app forums.
Even though there are a few tutorial links in the doom 3 modelling & animation forum, I only found them becuase I wrote this post and wanted to make sure I didn't miss something. Maybe I'm not the only one that did that?
BNA wrote:
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
Fanboys can go to... The reason I want a general 3d forum, is to give both beginners, (and veterans) a better way to share knowledge, no matter what application they choose to work or develop for. As it is now, I feel that alot of the resources are unavailible.
just some of my random thoughts

doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:58 am : agreed

good point
BNA!@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:18 pm : Ok - here it is, the long awaited ZBrush forum.
I was hesistant to introduce it, but many users have convinced me with their work, the software did too

iceheart@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:30 pm : Loveable

ajerara@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 9:50 pm : are you guys going to put up any tutorial links for zbrush? I'll have to go nab a demo and check it out, it actually sounds kinda interesting.
Slogbog@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 11:29 pm : the program itself comes with some great demo scipts and tuts to get u acquainted with the program
1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:36 am : Yeay, Z rules

Even though it's probably the most important artistic tool for the coming years, it's not as complex or hard to learn as, max or maya. I would have prefered a more general 3d forum for Zbrush, Silo, XSI, Modo, Milkshape, wings 3d, rhino etc.
And all new users, go through the demo scripts, you will be amazed of how much you have learned in just a couple of hours

BNA!@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:35 am : I once had the modeling forums molded into one board, but it wasn't met with warmth by the user base plus it has proven impractical.
I don't think we have the right user base to offer more 3D application boards - eventually we'll be able to mature towards this, but it'll take years.
To maintain a forum section you need about 100 active users and a handful of totally dedicated ones being in there literally 24/7.
When I look through the registered users emails, I find 50 something triple A persons who visit us for occasional advanced problems, but that's about it.
The majority are still gamers-gone-modders and about 5% maximum of all users are what I consider active community people.
Anyhow, D3W is fun and it's my goal to evolve it further, especially beyond the lifecycle of the Doom3 engine (beginning 2008 imho).
In the end 3D applications will become more and more important in the computing world. There is a wealth of knowlegde one need to know when dealing in 3D and about two thirds of that knowlegde are generalized paradigms of thinking - the rest is application specific.
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
BTW - I consider AI a 3D application as well. It's "just" entities trying to calculate their way trough a computed environment made up of volumes.
This might be a bit visionary, but the concept of 3D has just started.
doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:45 am : are there any discount prices for ZBrush

1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:47 am : Yeah, I added a few to many applications to my list, but wings, milkshape and XSI mod tool are good beginner tools, maybe even more so than gmax or maya ple.
I was about to edit my post, and remove a few applications aswell as add that I meant a general 3d forum with doom 3 pipeline questions. Not general questions. There are better places than d3w to learn the tools.
I welcome a Zbrush forum, it's just that the technical side of zbrush is quite easy to learn, the artistic side is something that requires more traditional art / sculpting teaching, which don't transfer well to a mod forum.
I hope you evolve D3W further. D3W has a very good foundation. In a few years I hope it eventually will grow into a great general mod making community, maybe even indie game community.
With some nice support from the industry, such as talk to pros events, competitions with sponsored prices, etc

Hopefully a new for mods...

doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 4:13 pm : yeah i hope i do suceed, and i usualy do learn from all sorts of sites, 3dtotal,,and lots more, i was wandering if there was a discount price on zbrush, since i cant import jack in the demo, but i'll play around some more with this a bit more

Sparky@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:58 pm : Hey, nifty! A ZBrush board.
I only picked up the program a couple days ago, but I'll contribute what I can. If I learn anything useful, I'll make sure to post it here. Go!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:32 am : BNA wrote:
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
When I think about it, that this is just as much an argument for a general 3d forum, As both alot of concepts, as well as resources and tutorials etc can be used in any application.
There are tons of good resources to share, but atleast I don't want to post them in say, only the max forum, becuase it wouldn't belong there. I definately don't want to post it in all of the 3d app forums.
Even though there are a few tutorial links in the doom 3 modelling & animation forum, I only found them becuase I wrote this post and wanted to make sure I didn't miss something. Maybe I'm not the only one that did that?
BNA wrote:
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
Fanboys can go to... The reason I want a general 3d forum, is to give both beginners, (and veterans) a better way to share knowledge, no matter what application they choose to work or develop for. As it is now, I feel that alot of the resources are unavailible.
just some of my random thoughts

doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:58 am : agreed

good point
BNA!@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:18 pm : Ok - here it is, the long awaited ZBrush forum.
I was hesistant to introduce it, but many users have convinced me with their work, the software did too

iceheart@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:30 pm : Loveable

ajerara@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 9:50 pm : are you guys going to put up any tutorial links for zbrush? I'll have to go nab a demo and check it out, it actually sounds kinda interesting.
Slogbog@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 11:29 pm : the program itself comes with some great demo scipts and tuts to get u acquainted with the program
1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:36 am : Yeay, Z rules

Even though it's probably the most important artistic tool for the coming years, it's not as complex or hard to learn as, max or maya. I would have prefered a more general 3d forum for Zbrush, Silo, XSI, Modo, Milkshape, wings 3d, rhino etc.
And all new users, go through the demo scripts, you will be amazed of how much you have learned in just a couple of hours

BNA!@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:35 am : I once had the modeling forums molded into one board, but it wasn't met with warmth by the user base plus it has proven impractical.
I don't think we have the right user base to offer more 3D application boards - eventually we'll be able to mature towards this, but it'll take years.
To maintain a forum section you need about 100 active users and a handful of totally dedicated ones being in there literally 24/7.
When I look through the registered users emails, I find 50 something triple A persons who visit us for occasional advanced problems, but that's about it.
The majority are still gamers-gone-modders and about 5% maximum of all users are what I consider active community people.
Anyhow, D3W is fun and it's my goal to evolve it further, especially beyond the lifecycle of the Doom3 engine (beginning 2008 imho).
In the end 3D applications will become more and more important in the computing world. There is a wealth of knowlegde one need to know when dealing in 3D and about two thirds of that knowlegde are generalized paradigms of thinking - the rest is application specific.
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
BTW - I consider AI a 3D application as well. It's "just" entities trying to calculate their way trough a computed environment made up of volumes.
This might be a bit visionary, but the concept of 3D has just started.
doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:45 am : are there any discount prices for ZBrush

1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:47 am : Yeah, I added a few to many applications to my list, but wings, milkshape and XSI mod tool are good beginner tools, maybe even more so than gmax or maya ple.
I was about to edit my post, and remove a few applications aswell as add that I meant a general 3d forum with doom 3 pipeline questions. Not general questions. There are better places than d3w to learn the tools.
I welcome a Zbrush forum, it's just that the technical side of zbrush is quite easy to learn, the artistic side is something that requires more traditional art / sculpting teaching, which don't transfer well to a mod forum.
I hope you evolve D3W further. D3W has a very good foundation. In a few years I hope it eventually will grow into a great general mod making community, maybe even indie game community.
With some nice support from the industry, such as talk to pros events, competitions with sponsored prices, etc

Hopefully a new for mods...

doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 4:13 pm : yeah i hope i do suceed, and i usualy do learn from all sorts of sites, 3dtotal,,and lots more, i was wandering if there was a discount price on zbrush, since i cant import jack in the demo, but i'll play around some more with this a bit more

Sparky@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:58 pm : Hey, nifty! A ZBrush board.
I only picked up the program a couple days ago, but I'll contribute what I can. If I learn anything useful, I'll make sure to post it here. Go!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:32 am : BNA wrote:
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
When I think about it, that this is just as much an argument for a general 3d forum, As both alot of concepts, as well as resources and tutorials etc can be used in any application.
There are tons of good resources to share, but atleast I don't want to post them in say, only the max forum, becuase it wouldn't belong there. I definately don't want to post it in all of the 3d app forums.
Even though there are a few tutorial links in the doom 3 modelling & animation forum, I only found them becuase I wrote this post and wanted to make sure I didn't miss something. Maybe I'm not the only one that did that?
BNA wrote:
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
Fanboys can go to... The reason I want a general 3d forum, is to give both beginners, (and veterans) a better way to share knowledge, no matter what application they choose to work or develop for. As it is now, I feel that alot of the resources are unavailible.
just some of my random thoughts

doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:58 am : agreed

good point
BNA!@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:18 pm : Ok - here it is, the long awaited ZBrush forum.
I was hesistant to introduce it, but many users have convinced me with their work, the software did too

iceheart@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:30 pm : Loveable

ajerara@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 9:50 pm : are you guys going to put up any tutorial links for zbrush? I'll have to go nab a demo and check it out, it actually sounds kinda interesting.
Slogbog@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 11:29 pm : the program itself comes with some great demo scipts and tuts to get u acquainted with the program
1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:36 am : Yeay, Z rules

Even though it's probably the most important artistic tool for the coming years, it's not as complex or hard to learn as, max or maya. I would have prefered a more general 3d forum for Zbrush, Silo, XSI, Modo, Milkshape, wings 3d, rhino etc.
And all new users, go through the demo scripts, you will be amazed of how much you have learned in just a couple of hours

BNA!@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:35 am : I once had the modeling forums molded into one board, but it wasn't met with warmth by the user base plus it has proven impractical.
I don't think we have the right user base to offer more 3D application boards - eventually we'll be able to mature towards this, but it'll take years.
To maintain a forum section you need about 100 active users and a handful of totally dedicated ones being in there literally 24/7.
When I look through the registered users emails, I find 50 something triple A persons who visit us for occasional advanced problems, but that's about it.
The majority are still gamers-gone-modders and about 5% maximum of all users are what I consider active community people.
Anyhow, D3W is fun and it's my goal to evolve it further, especially beyond the lifecycle of the Doom3 engine (beginning 2008 imho).
In the end 3D applications will become more and more important in the computing world. There is a wealth of knowlegde one need to know when dealing in 3D and about two thirds of that knowlegde are generalized paradigms of thinking - the rest is application specific.
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
BTW - I consider AI a 3D application as well. It's "just" entities trying to calculate their way trough a computed environment made up of volumes.
This might be a bit visionary, but the concept of 3D has just started.
doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:45 am : are there any discount prices for ZBrush

1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:47 am : Yeah, I added a few to many applications to my list, but wings, milkshape and XSI mod tool are good beginner tools, maybe even more so than gmax or maya ple.
I was about to edit my post, and remove a few applications aswell as add that I meant a general 3d forum with doom 3 pipeline questions. Not general questions. There are better places than d3w to learn the tools.
I welcome a Zbrush forum, it's just that the technical side of zbrush is quite easy to learn, the artistic side is something that requires more traditional art / sculpting teaching, which don't transfer well to a mod forum.
I hope you evolve D3W further. D3W has a very good foundation. In a few years I hope it eventually will grow into a great general mod making community, maybe even indie game community.
With some nice support from the industry, such as talk to pros events, competitions with sponsored prices, etc

Hopefully a new for mods...

doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 4:13 pm : yeah i hope i do suceed, and i usualy do learn from all sorts of sites, 3dtotal,,and lots more, i was wandering if there was a discount price on zbrush, since i cant import jack in the demo, but i'll play around some more with this a bit more

Sparky@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:58 pm : Hey, nifty! A ZBrush board.
I only picked up the program a couple days ago, but I'll contribute what I can. If I learn anything useful, I'll make sure to post it here. Go!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:32 am : BNA wrote:
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
When I think about it, that this is just as much an argument for a general 3d forum, As both alot of concepts, as well as resources and tutorials etc can be used in any application.
There are tons of good resources to share, but atleast I don't want to post them in say, only the max forum, becuase it wouldn't belong there. I definately don't want to post it in all of the 3d app forums.
Even though there are a few tutorial links in the doom 3 modelling & animation forum, I only found them becuase I wrote this post and wanted to make sure I didn't miss something. Maybe I'm not the only one that did that?
BNA wrote:
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
Fanboys can go to... The reason I want a general 3d forum, is to give both beginners, (and veterans) a better way to share knowledge, no matter what application they choose to work or develop for. As it is now, I feel that alot of the resources are unavailible.
just some of my random thoughts

doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:58 am : agreed

good point
BNA!@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:18 pm : Ok - here it is, the long awaited ZBrush forum.
I was hesistant to introduce it, but many users have convinced me with their work, the software did too

iceheart@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:30 pm : Loveable

ajerara@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 9:50 pm : are you guys going to put up any tutorial links for zbrush? I'll have to go nab a demo and check it out, it actually sounds kinda interesting.
Slogbog@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 11:29 pm : the program itself comes with some great demo scipts and tuts to get u acquainted with the program
1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:36 am : Yeay, Z rules

Even though it's probably the most important artistic tool for the coming years, it's not as complex or hard to learn as, max or maya. I would have prefered a more general 3d forum for Zbrush, Silo, XSI, Modo, Milkshape, wings 3d, rhino etc.
And all new users, go through the demo scripts, you will be amazed of how much you have learned in just a couple of hours

BNA!@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:35 am : I once had the modeling forums molded into one board, but it wasn't met with warmth by the user base plus it has proven impractical.
I don't think we have the right user base to offer more 3D application boards - eventually we'll be able to mature towards this, but it'll take years.
To maintain a forum section you need about 100 active users and a handful of totally dedicated ones being in there literally 24/7.
When I look through the registered users emails, I find 50 something triple A persons who visit us for occasional advanced problems, but that's about it.
The majority are still gamers-gone-modders and about 5% maximum of all users are what I consider active community people.
Anyhow, D3W is fun and it's my goal to evolve it further, especially beyond the lifecycle of the Doom3 engine (beginning 2008 imho).
In the end 3D applications will become more and more important in the computing world. There is a wealth of knowlegde one need to know when dealing in 3D and about two thirds of that knowlegde are generalized paradigms of thinking - the rest is application specific.
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
BTW - I consider AI a 3D application as well. It's "just" entities trying to calculate their way trough a computed environment made up of volumes.
This might be a bit visionary, but the concept of 3D has just started.
doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:45 am : are there any discount prices for ZBrush

1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:47 am : Yeah, I added a few to many applications to my list, but wings, milkshape and XSI mod tool are good beginner tools, maybe even more so than gmax or maya ple.
I was about to edit my post, and remove a few applications aswell as add that I meant a general 3d forum with doom 3 pipeline questions. Not general questions. There are better places than d3w to learn the tools.
I welcome a Zbrush forum, it's just that the technical side of zbrush is quite easy to learn, the artistic side is something that requires more traditional art / sculpting teaching, which don't transfer well to a mod forum.
I hope you evolve D3W further. D3W has a very good foundation. In a few years I hope it eventually will grow into a great general mod making community, maybe even indie game community.
With some nice support from the industry, such as talk to pros events, competitions with sponsored prices, etc

Hopefully a new for mods...

doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 4:13 pm : yeah i hope i do suceed, and i usualy do learn from all sorts of sites, 3dtotal,,and lots more, i was wandering if there was a discount price on zbrush, since i cant import jack in the demo, but i'll play around some more with this a bit more

Sparky@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:58 pm : Hey, nifty! A ZBrush board.
I only picked up the program a couple days ago, but I'll contribute what I can. If I learn anything useful, I'll make sure to post it here. Go!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:32 am : BNA wrote:
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
When I think about it, that this is just as much an argument for a general 3d forum, As both alot of concepts, as well as resources and tutorials etc can be used in any application.
There are tons of good resources to share, but atleast I don't want to post them in say, only the max forum, becuase it wouldn't belong there. I definately don't want to post it in all of the 3d app forums.
Even though there are a few tutorial links in the doom 3 modelling & animation forum, I only found them becuase I wrote this post and wanted to make sure I didn't miss something. Maybe I'm not the only one that did that?
BNA wrote:
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
Fanboys can go to... The reason I want a general 3d forum, is to give both beginners, (and veterans) a better way to share knowledge, no matter what application they choose to work or develop for. As it is now, I feel that alot of the resources are unavailible.
just some of my random thoughts

doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:58 am : agreed

good point
BNA!@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:18 pm : Ok - here it is, the long awaited ZBrush forum.
I was hesistant to introduce it, but many users have convinced me with their work, the software did too

iceheart@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:30 pm : Loveable

ajerara@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 9:50 pm : are you guys going to put up any tutorial links for zbrush? I'll have to go nab a demo and check it out, it actually sounds kinda interesting.
Slogbog@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 11:29 pm : the program itself comes with some great demo scipts and tuts to get u acquainted with the program
1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:36 am : Yeay, Z rules

Even though it's probably the most important artistic tool for the coming years, it's not as complex or hard to learn as, max or maya. I would have prefered a more general 3d forum for Zbrush, Silo, XSI, Modo, Milkshape, wings 3d, rhino etc.
And all new users, go through the demo scripts, you will be amazed of how much you have learned in just a couple of hours

BNA!@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:35 am : I once had the modeling forums molded into one board, but it wasn't met with warmth by the user base plus it has proven impractical.
I don't think we have the right user base to offer more 3D application boards - eventually we'll be able to mature towards this, but it'll take years.
To maintain a forum section you need about 100 active users and a handful of totally dedicated ones being in there literally 24/7.
When I look through the registered users emails, I find 50 something triple A persons who visit us for occasional advanced problems, but that's about it.
The majority are still gamers-gone-modders and about 5% maximum of all users are what I consider active community people.
Anyhow, D3W is fun and it's my goal to evolve it further, especially beyond the lifecycle of the Doom3 engine (beginning 2008 imho).
In the end 3D applications will become more and more important in the computing world. There is a wealth of knowlegde one need to know when dealing in 3D and about two thirds of that knowlegde are generalized paradigms of thinking - the rest is application specific.
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
BTW - I consider AI a 3D application as well. It's "just" entities trying to calculate their way trough a computed environment made up of volumes.
This might be a bit visionary, but the concept of 3D has just started.
doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:45 am : are there any discount prices for ZBrush

1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:47 am : Yeah, I added a few to many applications to my list, but wings, milkshape and XSI mod tool are good beginner tools, maybe even more so than gmax or maya ple.
I was about to edit my post, and remove a few applications aswell as add that I meant a general 3d forum with doom 3 pipeline questions. Not general questions. There are better places than d3w to learn the tools.
I welcome a Zbrush forum, it's just that the technical side of zbrush is quite easy to learn, the artistic side is something that requires more traditional art / sculpting teaching, which don't transfer well to a mod forum.
I hope you evolve D3W further. D3W has a very good foundation. In a few years I hope it eventually will grow into a great general mod making community, maybe even indie game community.
With some nice support from the industry, such as talk to pros events, competitions with sponsored prices, etc

Hopefully a new for mods...

doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 4:13 pm : yeah i hope i do suceed, and i usualy do learn from all sorts of sites, 3dtotal,,and lots more, i was wandering if there was a discount price on zbrush, since i cant import jack in the demo, but i'll play around some more with this a bit more

Sparky@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:58 pm : Hey, nifty! A ZBrush board.
I only picked up the program a couple days ago, but I'll contribute what I can. If I learn anything useful, I'll make sure to post it here. Go!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:32 am : BNA wrote:
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
When I think about it, that this is just as much an argument for a general 3d forum, As both alot of concepts, as well as resources and tutorials etc can be used in any application.
There are tons of good resources to share, but atleast I don't want to post them in say, only the max forum, becuase it wouldn't belong there. I definately don't want to post it in all of the 3d app forums.
Even though there are a few tutorial links in the doom 3 modelling & animation forum, I only found them becuase I wrote this post and wanted to make sure I didn't miss something. Maybe I'm not the only one that did that?
BNA wrote:
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
Fanboys can go to... The reason I want a general 3d forum, is to give both beginners, (and veterans) a better way to share knowledge, no matter what application they choose to work or develop for. As it is now, I feel that alot of the resources are unavailible.
just some of my random thoughts

doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:58 am : agreed

good point
BNA!@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:18 pm : Ok - here it is, the long awaited ZBrush forum.
I was hesistant to introduce it, but many users have convinced me with their work, the software did too

iceheart@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:30 pm : Loveable

ajerara@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 9:50 pm : are you guys going to put up any tutorial links for zbrush? I'll have to go nab a demo and check it out, it actually sounds kinda interesting.
Slogbog@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 11:29 pm : the program itself comes with some great demo scipts and tuts to get u acquainted with the program
1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:36 am : Yeay, Z rules

Even though it's probably the most important artistic tool for the coming years, it's not as complex or hard to learn as, max or maya. I would have prefered a more general 3d forum for Zbrush, Silo, XSI, Modo, Milkshape, wings 3d, rhino etc.
And all new users, go through the demo scripts, you will be amazed of how much you have learned in just a couple of hours

BNA!@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:35 am : I once had the modeling forums molded into one board, but it wasn't met with warmth by the user base plus it has proven impractical.
I don't think we have the right user base to offer more 3D application boards - eventually we'll be able to mature towards this, but it'll take years.
To maintain a forum section you need about 100 active users and a handful of totally dedicated ones being in there literally 24/7.
When I look through the registered users emails, I find 50 something triple A persons who visit us for occasional advanced problems, but that's about it.
The majority are still gamers-gone-modders and about 5% maximum of all users are what I consider active community people.
Anyhow, D3W is fun and it's my goal to evolve it further, especially beyond the lifecycle of the Doom3 engine (beginning 2008 imho).
In the end 3D applications will become more and more important in the computing world. There is a wealth of knowlegde one need to know when dealing in 3D and about two thirds of that knowlegde are generalized paradigms of thinking - the rest is application specific.
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
BTW - I consider AI a 3D application as well. It's "just" entities trying to calculate their way trough a computed environment made up of volumes.
This might be a bit visionary, but the concept of 3D has just started.
doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:45 am : are there any discount prices for ZBrush

1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:47 am : Yeah, I added a few to many applications to my list, but wings, milkshape and XSI mod tool are good beginner tools, maybe even more so than gmax or maya ple.
I was about to edit my post, and remove a few applications aswell as add that I meant a general 3d forum with doom 3 pipeline questions. Not general questions. There are better places than d3w to learn the tools.
I welcome a Zbrush forum, it's just that the technical side of zbrush is quite easy to learn, the artistic side is something that requires more traditional art / sculpting teaching, which don't transfer well to a mod forum.
I hope you evolve D3W further. D3W has a very good foundation. In a few years I hope it eventually will grow into a great general mod making community, maybe even indie game community.
With some nice support from the industry, such as talk to pros events, competitions with sponsored prices, etc

Hopefully a new for mods...

doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 4:13 pm : yeah i hope i do suceed, and i usualy do learn from all sorts of sites, 3dtotal,,and lots more, i was wandering if there was a discount price on zbrush, since i cant import jack in the demo, but i'll play around some more with this a bit more

Sparky@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:58 pm : Hey, nifty! A ZBrush board.
I only picked up the program a couple days ago, but I'll contribute what I can. If I learn anything useful, I'll make sure to post it here. Go!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:32 am : BNA wrote:
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
When I think about it, that this is just as much an argument for a general 3d forum, As both alot of concepts, as well as resources and tutorials etc can be used in any application.
There are tons of good resources to share, but atleast I don't want to post them in say, only the max forum, becuase it wouldn't belong there. I definately don't want to post it in all of the 3d app forums.
Even though there are a few tutorial links in the doom 3 modelling & animation forum, I only found them becuase I wrote this post and wanted to make sure I didn't miss something. Maybe I'm not the only one that did that?
BNA wrote:
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
Fanboys can go to... The reason I want a general 3d forum, is to give both beginners, (and veterans) a better way to share knowledge, no matter what application they choose to work or develop for. As it is now, I feel that alot of the resources are unavailible.
just some of my random thoughts

doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:58 am : agreed

good point
BNA!@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:18 pm : Ok - here it is, the long awaited ZBrush forum.
I was hesistant to introduce it, but many users have convinced me with their work, the software did too

iceheart@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:30 pm : Loveable

ajerara@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 9:50 pm : are you guys going to put up any tutorial links for zbrush? I'll have to go nab a demo and check it out, it actually sounds kinda interesting.
Slogbog@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 11:29 pm : the program itself comes with some great demo scipts and tuts to get u acquainted with the program
1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:36 am : Yeay, Z rules

Even though it's probably the most important artistic tool for the coming years, it's not as complex or hard to learn as, max or maya. I would have prefered a more general 3d forum for Zbrush, Silo, XSI, Modo, Milkshape, wings 3d, rhino etc.
And all new users, go through the demo scripts, you will be amazed of how much you have learned in just a couple of hours

BNA!@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:35 am : I once had the modeling forums molded into one board, but it wasn't met with warmth by the user base plus it has proven impractical.
I don't think we have the right user base to offer more 3D application boards - eventually we'll be able to mature towards this, but it'll take years.
To maintain a forum section you need about 100 active users and a handful of totally dedicated ones being in there literally 24/7.
When I look through the registered users emails, I find 50 something triple A persons who visit us for occasional advanced problems, but that's about it.
The majority are still gamers-gone-modders and about 5% maximum of all users are what I consider active community people.
Anyhow, D3W is fun and it's my goal to evolve it further, especially beyond the lifecycle of the Doom3 engine (beginning 2008 imho).
In the end 3D applications will become more and more important in the computing world. There is a wealth of knowlegde one need to know when dealing in 3D and about two thirds of that knowlegde are generalized paradigms of thinking - the rest is application specific.
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
BTW - I consider AI a 3D application as well. It's "just" entities trying to calculate their way trough a computed environment made up of volumes.
This might be a bit visionary, but the concept of 3D has just started.
doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:45 am : are there any discount prices for ZBrush

1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:47 am : Yeah, I added a few to many applications to my list, but wings, milkshape and XSI mod tool are good beginner tools, maybe even more so than gmax or maya ple.
I was about to edit my post, and remove a few applications aswell as add that I meant a general 3d forum with doom 3 pipeline questions. Not general questions. There are better places than d3w to learn the tools.
I welcome a Zbrush forum, it's just that the technical side of zbrush is quite easy to learn, the artistic side is something that requires more traditional art / sculpting teaching, which don't transfer well to a mod forum.
I hope you evolve D3W further. D3W has a very good foundation. In a few years I hope it eventually will grow into a great general mod making community, maybe even indie game community.
With some nice support from the industry, such as talk to pros events, competitions with sponsored prices, etc

Hopefully a new for mods...

doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 4:13 pm : yeah i hope i do suceed, and i usualy do learn from all sorts of sites, 3dtotal,,and lots more, i was wandering if there was a discount price on zbrush, since i cant import jack in the demo, but i'll play around some more with this a bit more

Sparky@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:58 pm : Hey, nifty! A ZBrush board.
I only picked up the program a couple days ago, but I'll contribute what I can. If I learn anything useful, I'll make sure to post it here. Go!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:32 am : BNA wrote:
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
When I think about it, that this is just as much an argument for a general 3d forum, As both alot of concepts, as well as resources and tutorials etc can be used in any application.
There are tons of good resources to share, but atleast I don't want to post them in say, only the max forum, becuase it wouldn't belong there. I definately don't want to post it in all of the 3d app forums.
Even though there are a few tutorial links in the doom 3 modelling & animation forum, I only found them becuase I wrote this post and wanted to make sure I didn't miss something. Maybe I'm not the only one that did that?
BNA wrote:
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
Fanboys can go to... The reason I want a general 3d forum, is to give both beginners, (and veterans) a better way to share knowledge, no matter what application they choose to work or develop for. As it is now, I feel that alot of the resources are unavailible.
just some of my random thoughts

doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:58 am : agreed

good point
BNA!@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:18 pm : Ok - here it is, the long awaited ZBrush forum.
I was hesistant to introduce it, but many users have convinced me with their work, the software did too

iceheart@Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:30 pm : Loveable

ajerara@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 9:50 pm : are you guys going to put up any tutorial links for zbrush? I'll have to go nab a demo and check it out, it actually sounds kinda interesting.
Slogbog@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 11:29 pm : the program itself comes with some great demo scipts and tuts to get u acquainted with the program
1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:36 am : Yeay, Z rules

Even though it's probably the most important artistic tool for the coming years, it's not as complex or hard to learn as, max or maya. I would have prefered a more general 3d forum for Zbrush, Silo, XSI, Modo, Milkshape, wings 3d, rhino etc.
And all new users, go through the demo scripts, you will be amazed of how much you have learned in just a couple of hours

BNA!@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:35 am : I once had the modeling forums molded into one board, but it wasn't met with warmth by the user base plus it has proven impractical.
I don't think we have the right user base to offer more 3D application boards - eventually we'll be able to mature towards this, but it'll take years.
To maintain a forum section you need about 100 active users and a handful of totally dedicated ones being in there literally 24/7.
When I look through the registered users emails, I find 50 something triple A persons who visit us for occasional advanced problems, but that's about it.
The majority are still gamers-gone-modders and about 5% maximum of all users are what I consider active community people.
Anyhow, D3W is fun and it's my goal to evolve it further, especially beyond the lifecycle of the Doom3 engine (beginning 2008 imho).
In the end 3D applications will become more and more important in the computing world. There is a wealth of knowlegde one need to know when dealing in 3D and about two thirds of that knowlegde are generalized paradigms of thinking - the rest is application specific.
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
BTW - I consider AI a 3D application as well. It's "just" entities trying to calculate their way trough a computed environment made up of volumes.
This might be a bit visionary, but the concept of 3D has just started.
doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:45 am : are there any discount prices for ZBrush

1eyed@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:47 am : Yeah, I added a few to many applications to my list, but wings, milkshape and XSI mod tool are good beginner tools, maybe even more so than gmax or maya ple.
I was about to edit my post, and remove a few applications aswell as add that I meant a general 3d forum with doom 3 pipeline questions. Not general questions. There are better places than d3w to learn the tools.
I welcome a Zbrush forum, it's just that the technical side of zbrush is quite easy to learn, the artistic side is something that requires more traditional art / sculpting teaching, which don't transfer well to a mod forum.
I hope you evolve D3W further. D3W has a very good foundation. In a few years I hope it eventually will grow into a great general mod making community, maybe even indie game community.
With some nice support from the industry, such as talk to pros events, competitions with sponsored prices, etc

Hopefully a new for mods...

doomkid3000@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 4:13 pm : yeah i hope i do suceed, and i usualy do learn from all sorts of sites, 3dtotal,,and lots more, i was wandering if there was a discount price on zbrush, since i cant import jack in the demo, but i'll play around some more with this a bit more

Sparky@Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:58 pm : Hey, nifty! A ZBrush board.
I only picked up the program a couple days ago, but I'll contribute what I can. If I learn anything useful, I'll make sure to post it here. Go!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:32 am : BNA wrote:
To illustrate this point further with a simple example:
Once you got the concept of UV mapping, you'll be able to transfer that knowledge to any given applicaiton, may it be a game, a 3D modelling application or a rendering code base.
When I think about it, that this is just as much an argument for a general 3d forum, As both alot of concepts, as well as resources and tutorials etc can be used in any application.
There are tons of good resources to share, but atleast I don't want to post them in say, only the max forum, becuase it wouldn't belong there. I definately don't want to post it in all of the 3d app forums.
Even though there are a few tutorial links in the doom 3 modelling & animation forum, I only found them becuase I wrote this post and wanted to make sure I didn't miss something. Maybe I'm not the only one that did that?
BNA wrote:
That's also the reason why I don't try to compete in the fansite for game.x market. D3W is meant as a starting point for people advancing in 3D and the Doom3 engine is the nucleus which is getting talented people drawn towards all things 3D.
Fanboys can go to... The reason I want a general 3d forum, is to give both beginners, (and veterans) a better way to share knowledge, no matter what application they choose to work or develop for. As it is now, I feel that alot of the resources are unavailible.
just some of my random thoughts

doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:58 am : agreed

good point