1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:47 am : Share your work in progress!

I'll start
I've never done anything serious in Zbrush, just playing around with the tools, and watching alot of good video tutorials. Anyways, the new Zbrush forum got me inspired to try to do something serious, and spend some time on it. This is what I have so far.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... hthing.jpg
There are some obvious anatomy errors, but I just modelled from my memory, didn't use any reference material. If I continue, I'll probably open up an anatomy book...
Let me know what ya think
Oh and maybe this should be in the pimping forum, just thought we could have a zbrush wip thread in the zbrush forum.
ajerara@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:00 am : It looks pretty detailed, amazing that you can get that much organic detail. Are you going to skin it? It would look good skinned.
Sparky@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:27 am : Please, yes! Let's get some nice ZBrush WIP threads going. Thanks for starting one, 1eyed! I'd like to start one of my own at some point.
What do people think about ZBrush WIP threads being here vs. in the "3d editing and offline rendering" WIP subforum?
It looks like you're having fun, and aren't afraid to try new things (or show them to people and get feedback). To me, those are both vastly more important than any model you produce as you learn. I know less than you do about ZBrush at this point, so I can only give you general feedback.
Overall, I think you dove into the detail work too quickly. I think the model would have benefitted from a more top-down approach (large features before small). Also, and this is rather subjective, I feel that fine details should always be modeled separately on each side of an organic form. How often do people grow warts in exactly the same place on both sides of their face? I hope I don't sound too negative. I'm trying to give you an honest opinion. Anyhow, have fun with ZBrush!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:26 am : TY
ajerara: I'll probably skin it, not sure yet...
Sparky: Well, the thing with zbrush is that you work in any subdivision level you want, I could go back to the original box model, with around 1-200 polygons, and add edge loops, then go back to the high poly model, that would now be more dense due to the new edgeloop. then I could resize his jaw in a medium subdivision level etz etz etz.......
And it's a work in progress

I havn't had time to detail all areas yet, Hopefully I havn't even begun to add small details, depends on how well my system handles this model.
And it's symetrical, becuase if I it make asymetrical, the symetrical editing will break. When I have one side completely done, I'll make it asymetrical

Also, the model is box modelled in zbrush, so I can very easily resize or scale areas.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... ushbox.jpg
low detail change to high detail
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... shbox2.jpg
That works both ways, take a look at the nose on the box model, from the start, it was a normal healthy human nose, then I sculpted the nose when I had a lot more detail in the mesh, and the low level nose is now more or less inversed.
Oh, that purple/blue edge loop was created after I made the cheek detail.
Try to ignore the crappy edge flow, it's hard to boxmodel in zbrush

doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:56 am : is this in the demo, or did you guys buy it

very impressive work guys
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:52 pm :
Escape@Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:48 am : Is possible to make something non-organic with this program, like house or car?
kat@Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 6:04 pm : Yes but the way it actually works is much better suited to organic shapes not man made ones.
Escape@Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 6:49 am : What about import/export for 3ds max: I want to make general (rough) shape in 3dsmax, export it to Zbrush, edit it there, texture it, add material then import it with all stuff in 3dsmax and export it from max to specific file for video game.Afaik there is no game-export-plugins for Zbrush, mostly just for maya and max.
modern@Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:42 am : Escape wrote:
What about import/export for 3ds max: I want to make general (rough) shape in 3dsmax, export it to Zbrush, edit it there, texture it, add material then import it with all stuff in 3dsmax and export it from max to specific file for video game.Afaik there is no game-export-plugins for Zbrush, mostly just for maya and max.
I would suggest making your low poly object in max, uv mapping it there before exporting it to zbrush as an .obj. You should bear in mind how zbrush subdivides objects. You need to export your object as quads, and your quads need to be as square as possible. Long thin quads, will subdivide into smaller long thin quads, which will not sculpt nicely.
Its is possible to export the zbrush high poly object in sections. Max wont handle millions of polys. Or you can use the zbrush inhouse normal map tools, or pixolator's zmapper plugin to produce a normal map.
The advantage of exporting sections from zbrush is you can then use that geometry on revised low poly geometry, or any other models you like.
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:47 am : Share your work in progress!

I'll start
I've never done anything serious in Zbrush, just playing around with the tools, and watching alot of good video tutorials. Anyways, the new Zbrush forum got me inspired to try to do something serious, and spend some time on it. This is what I have so far.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... hthing.jpg
There are some obvious anatomy errors, but I just modelled from my memory, didn't use any reference material. If I continue, I'll probably open up an anatomy book...
Let me know what ya think
Oh and maybe this should be in the pimping forum, just thought we could have a zbrush wip thread in the zbrush forum.
ajerara@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:00 am : It looks pretty detailed, amazing that you can get that much organic detail. Are you going to skin it? It would look good skinned.
Sparky@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:27 am : Please, yes! Let's get some nice ZBrush WIP threads going. Thanks for starting one, 1eyed! I'd like to start one of my own at some point.
What do people think about ZBrush WIP threads being here vs. in the "3d editing and offline rendering" WIP subforum?
It looks like you're having fun, and aren't afraid to try new things (or show them to people and get feedback). To me, those are both vastly more important than any model you produce as you learn. I know less than you do about ZBrush at this point, so I can only give you general feedback.
Overall, I think you dove into the detail work too quickly. I think the model would have benefitted from a more top-down approach (large features before small). Also, and this is rather subjective, I feel that fine details should always be modeled separately on each side of an organic form. How often do people grow warts in exactly the same place on both sides of their face? I hope I don't sound too negative. I'm trying to give you an honest opinion. Anyhow, have fun with ZBrush!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:26 am : TY
ajerara: I'll probably skin it, not sure yet...
Sparky: Well, the thing with zbrush is that you work in any subdivision level you want, I could go back to the original box model, with around 1-200 polygons, and add edge loops, then go back to the high poly model, that would now be more dense due to the new edgeloop. then I could resize his jaw in a medium subdivision level etz etz etz.......
And it's a work in progress

I havn't had time to detail all areas yet, Hopefully I havn't even begun to add small details, depends on how well my system handles this model.
And it's symetrical, becuase if I it make asymetrical, the symetrical editing will break. When I have one side completely done, I'll make it asymetrical

Also, the model is box modelled in zbrush, so I can very easily resize or scale areas.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... ushbox.jpg
low detail change to high detail
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... shbox2.jpg
That works both ways, take a look at the nose on the box model, from the start, it was a normal healthy human nose, then I sculpted the nose when I had a lot more detail in the mesh, and the low level nose is now more or less inversed.
Oh, that purple/blue edge loop was created after I made the cheek detail.
Try to ignore the crappy edge flow, it's hard to boxmodel in zbrush

doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:56 am : is this in the demo, or did you guys buy it

very impressive work guys
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:52 pm :
Escape@Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:48 am : Is possible to make something non-organic with this program, like house or car?
kat@Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 6:04 pm : Yes but the way it actually works is much better suited to organic shapes not man made ones.
Escape@Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 6:49 am : What about import/export for 3ds max: I want to make general (rough) shape in 3dsmax, export it to Zbrush, edit it there, texture it, add material then import it with all stuff in 3dsmax and export it from max to specific file for video game.Afaik there is no game-export-plugins for Zbrush, mostly just for maya and max.
modern@Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:42 am : Escape wrote:
What about import/export for 3ds max: I want to make general (rough) shape in 3dsmax, export it to Zbrush, edit it there, texture it, add material then import it with all stuff in 3dsmax and export it from max to specific file for video game.Afaik there is no game-export-plugins for Zbrush, mostly just for maya and max.
I would suggest making your low poly object in max, uv mapping it there before exporting it to zbrush as an .obj. You should bear in mind how zbrush subdivides objects. You need to export your object as quads, and your quads need to be as square as possible. Long thin quads, will subdivide into smaller long thin quads, which will not sculpt nicely.
Its is possible to export the zbrush high poly object in sections. Max wont handle millions of polys. Or you can use the zbrush inhouse normal map tools, or pixolator's zmapper plugin to produce a normal map.
The advantage of exporting sections from zbrush is you can then use that geometry on revised low poly geometry, or any other models you like.
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:47 am : Share your work in progress!

I'll start
I've never done anything serious in Zbrush, just playing around with the tools, and watching alot of good video tutorials. Anyways, the new Zbrush forum got me inspired to try to do something serious, and spend some time on it. This is what I have so far.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... hthing.jpg
There are some obvious anatomy errors, but I just modelled from my memory, didn't use any reference material. If I continue, I'll probably open up an anatomy book...
Let me know what ya think
Oh and maybe this should be in the pimping forum, just thought we could have a zbrush wip thread in the zbrush forum.
ajerara@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:00 am : It looks pretty detailed, amazing that you can get that much organic detail. Are you going to skin it? It would look good skinned.
Sparky@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:27 am : Please, yes! Let's get some nice ZBrush WIP threads going. Thanks for starting one, 1eyed! I'd like to start one of my own at some point.
What do people think about ZBrush WIP threads being here vs. in the "3d editing and offline rendering" WIP subforum?
It looks like you're having fun, and aren't afraid to try new things (or show them to people and get feedback). To me, those are both vastly more important than any model you produce as you learn. I know less than you do about ZBrush at this point, so I can only give you general feedback.
Overall, I think you dove into the detail work too quickly. I think the model would have benefitted from a more top-down approach (large features before small). Also, and this is rather subjective, I feel that fine details should always be modeled separately on each side of an organic form. How often do people grow warts in exactly the same place on both sides of their face? I hope I don't sound too negative. I'm trying to give you an honest opinion. Anyhow, have fun with ZBrush!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:26 am : TY
ajerara: I'll probably skin it, not sure yet...
Sparky: Well, the thing with zbrush is that you work in any subdivision level you want, I could go back to the original box model, with around 1-200 polygons, and add edge loops, then go back to the high poly model, that would now be more dense due to the new edgeloop. then I could resize his jaw in a medium subdivision level etz etz etz.......
And it's a work in progress

I havn't had time to detail all areas yet, Hopefully I havn't even begun to add small details, depends on how well my system handles this model.
And it's symetrical, becuase if I it make asymetrical, the symetrical editing will break. When I have one side completely done, I'll make it asymetrical

Also, the model is box modelled in zbrush, so I can very easily resize or scale areas.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... ushbox.jpg
low detail change to high detail
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... shbox2.jpg
That works both ways, take a look at the nose on the box model, from the start, it was a normal healthy human nose, then I sculpted the nose when I had a lot more detail in the mesh, and the low level nose is now more or less inversed.
Oh, that purple/blue edge loop was created after I made the cheek detail.
Try to ignore the crappy edge flow, it's hard to boxmodel in zbrush

doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:56 am : is this in the demo, or did you guys buy it

very impressive work guys
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:52 pm :
Escape@Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:48 am : Is possible to make something non-organic with this program, like house or car?
kat@Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 6:04 pm : Yes but the way it actually works is much better suited to organic shapes not man made ones.
Escape@Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 6:49 am : What about import/export for 3ds max: I want to make general (rough) shape in 3dsmax, export it to Zbrush, edit it there, texture it, add material then import it with all stuff in 3dsmax and export it from max to specific file for video game.Afaik there is no game-export-plugins for Zbrush, mostly just for maya and max.
modern@Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:42 am : Escape wrote:
What about import/export for 3ds max: I want to make general (rough) shape in 3dsmax, export it to Zbrush, edit it there, texture it, add material then import it with all stuff in 3dsmax and export it from max to specific file for video game.Afaik there is no game-export-plugins for Zbrush, mostly just for maya and max.
I would suggest making your low poly object in max, uv mapping it there before exporting it to zbrush as an .obj. You should bear in mind how zbrush subdivides objects. You need to export your object as quads, and your quads need to be as square as possible. Long thin quads, will subdivide into smaller long thin quads, which will not sculpt nicely.
Its is possible to export the zbrush high poly object in sections. Max wont handle millions of polys. Or you can use the zbrush inhouse normal map tools, or pixolator's zmapper plugin to produce a normal map.
The advantage of exporting sections from zbrush is you can then use that geometry on revised low poly geometry, or any other models you like.
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:47 am : Share your work in progress!

I'll start
I've never done anything serious in Zbrush, just playing around with the tools, and watching alot of good video tutorials. Anyways, the new Zbrush forum got me inspired to try to do something serious, and spend some time on it. This is what I have so far.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... hthing.jpg
There are some obvious anatomy errors, but I just modelled from my memory, didn't use any reference material. If I continue, I'll probably open up an anatomy book...
Let me know what ya think
Oh and maybe this should be in the pimping forum, just thought we could have a zbrush wip thread in the zbrush forum.
ajerara@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:00 am : It looks pretty detailed, amazing that you can get that much organic detail. Are you going to skin it? It would look good skinned.
Sparky@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:27 am : Please, yes! Let's get some nice ZBrush WIP threads going. Thanks for starting one, 1eyed! I'd like to start one of my own at some point.
What do people think about ZBrush WIP threads being here vs. in the "3d editing and offline rendering" WIP subforum?
It looks like you're having fun, and aren't afraid to try new things (or show them to people and get feedback). To me, those are both vastly more important than any model you produce as you learn. I know less than you do about ZBrush at this point, so I can only give you general feedback.
Overall, I think you dove into the detail work too quickly. I think the model would have benefitted from a more top-down approach (large features before small). Also, and this is rather subjective, I feel that fine details should always be modeled separately on each side of an organic form. How often do people grow warts in exactly the same place on both sides of their face? I hope I don't sound too negative. I'm trying to give you an honest opinion. Anyhow, have fun with ZBrush!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:26 am : TY
ajerara: I'll probably skin it, not sure yet...
Sparky: Well, the thing with zbrush is that you work in any subdivision level you want, I could go back to the original box model, with around 1-200 polygons, and add edge loops, then go back to the high poly model, that would now be more dense due to the new edgeloop. then I could resize his jaw in a medium subdivision level etz etz etz.......
And it's a work in progress

I havn't had time to detail all areas yet, Hopefully I havn't even begun to add small details, depends on how well my system handles this model.
And it's symetrical, becuase if I it make asymetrical, the symetrical editing will break. When I have one side completely done, I'll make it asymetrical

Also, the model is box modelled in zbrush, so I can very easily resize or scale areas.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... ushbox.jpg
low detail change to high detail
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... shbox2.jpg
That works both ways, take a look at the nose on the box model, from the start, it was a normal healthy human nose, then I sculpted the nose when I had a lot more detail in the mesh, and the low level nose is now more or less inversed.
Oh, that purple/blue edge loop was created after I made the cheek detail.
Try to ignore the crappy edge flow, it's hard to boxmodel in zbrush

doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:56 am : is this in the demo, or did you guys buy it

very impressive work guys
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:52 pm :
Escape@Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:48 am : Is possible to make something non-organic with this program, like house or car?
kat@Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 6:04 pm : Yes but the way it actually works is much better suited to organic shapes not man made ones.
Escape@Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 6:49 am : What about import/export for 3ds max: I want to make general (rough) shape in 3dsmax, export it to Zbrush, edit it there, texture it, add material then import it with all stuff in 3dsmax and export it from max to specific file for video game.Afaik there is no game-export-plugins for Zbrush, mostly just for maya and max.
modern@Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:42 am : Escape wrote:
What about import/export for 3ds max: I want to make general (rough) shape in 3dsmax, export it to Zbrush, edit it there, texture it, add material then import it with all stuff in 3dsmax and export it from max to specific file for video game.Afaik there is no game-export-plugins for Zbrush, mostly just for maya and max.
I would suggest making your low poly object in max, uv mapping it there before exporting it to zbrush as an .obj. You should bear in mind how zbrush subdivides objects. You need to export your object as quads, and your quads need to be as square as possible. Long thin quads, will subdivide into smaller long thin quads, which will not sculpt nicely.
Its is possible to export the zbrush high poly object in sections. Max wont handle millions of polys. Or you can use the zbrush inhouse normal map tools, or pixolator's zmapper plugin to produce a normal map.
The advantage of exporting sections from zbrush is you can then use that geometry on revised low poly geometry, or any other models you like.
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:47 am : Share your work in progress!

I'll start
I've never done anything serious in Zbrush, just playing around with the tools, and watching alot of good video tutorials. Anyways, the new Zbrush forum got me inspired to try to do something serious, and spend some time on it. This is what I have so far.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... hthing.jpg
There are some obvious anatomy errors, but I just modelled from my memory, didn't use any reference material. If I continue, I'll probably open up an anatomy book...
Let me know what ya think
Oh and maybe this should be in the pimping forum, just thought we could have a zbrush wip thread in the zbrush forum.
ajerara@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:00 am : It looks pretty detailed, amazing that you can get that much organic detail. Are you going to skin it? It would look good skinned.
Sparky@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:27 am : Please, yes! Let's get some nice ZBrush WIP threads going. Thanks for starting one, 1eyed! I'd like to start one of my own at some point.
What do people think about ZBrush WIP threads being here vs. in the "3d editing and offline rendering" WIP subforum?
It looks like you're having fun, and aren't afraid to try new things (or show them to people and get feedback). To me, those are both vastly more important than any model you produce as you learn. I know less than you do about ZBrush at this point, so I can only give you general feedback.
Overall, I think you dove into the detail work too quickly. I think the model would have benefitted from a more top-down approach (large features before small). Also, and this is rather subjective, I feel that fine details should always be modeled separately on each side of an organic form. How often do people grow warts in exactly the same place on both sides of their face? I hope I don't sound too negative. I'm trying to give you an honest opinion. Anyhow, have fun with ZBrush!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:26 am : TY
ajerara: I'll probably skin it, not sure yet...
Sparky: Well, the thing with zbrush is that you work in any subdivision level you want, I could go back to the original box model, with around 1-200 polygons, and add edge loops, then go back to the high poly model, that would now be more dense due to the new edgeloop. then I could resize his jaw in a medium subdivision level etz etz etz.......
And it's a work in progress

I havn't had time to detail all areas yet, Hopefully I havn't even begun to add small details, depends on how well my system handles this model.
And it's symetrical, becuase if I it make asymetrical, the symetrical editing will break. When I have one side completely done, I'll make it asymetrical

Also, the model is box modelled in zbrush, so I can very easily resize or scale areas.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... ushbox.jpg
low detail change to high detail
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... shbox2.jpg
That works both ways, take a look at the nose on the box model, from the start, it was a normal healthy human nose, then I sculpted the nose when I had a lot more detail in the mesh, and the low level nose is now more or less inversed.
Oh, that purple/blue edge loop was created after I made the cheek detail.
Try to ignore the crappy edge flow, it's hard to boxmodel in zbrush

doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:56 am : is this in the demo, or did you guys buy it

very impressive work guys
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:52 pm :
Escape@Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:48 am : Is possible to make something non-organic with this program, like house or car?
kat@Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 6:04 pm : Yes but the way it actually works is much better suited to organic shapes not man made ones.
Escape@Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 6:49 am : What about import/export for 3ds max: I want to make general (rough) shape in 3dsmax, export it to Zbrush, edit it there, texture it, add material then import it with all stuff in 3dsmax and export it from max to specific file for video game.Afaik there is no game-export-plugins for Zbrush, mostly just for maya and max.
modern@Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:42 am : Escape wrote:
What about import/export for 3ds max: I want to make general (rough) shape in 3dsmax, export it to Zbrush, edit it there, texture it, add material then import it with all stuff in 3dsmax and export it from max to specific file for video game.Afaik there is no game-export-plugins for Zbrush, mostly just for maya and max.
I would suggest making your low poly object in max, uv mapping it there before exporting it to zbrush as an .obj. You should bear in mind how zbrush subdivides objects. You need to export your object as quads, and your quads need to be as square as possible. Long thin quads, will subdivide into smaller long thin quads, which will not sculpt nicely.
Its is possible to export the zbrush high poly object in sections. Max wont handle millions of polys. Or you can use the zbrush inhouse normal map tools, or pixolator's zmapper plugin to produce a normal map.
The advantage of exporting sections from zbrush is you can then use that geometry on revised low poly geometry, or any other models you like.
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:47 am : Share your work in progress!

I'll start
I've never done anything serious in Zbrush, just playing around with the tools, and watching alot of good video tutorials. Anyways, the new Zbrush forum got me inspired to try to do something serious, and spend some time on it. This is what I have so far.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... hthing.jpg
There are some obvious anatomy errors, but I just modelled from my memory, didn't use any reference material. If I continue, I'll probably open up an anatomy book...
Let me know what ya think
Oh and maybe this should be in the pimping forum, just thought we could have a zbrush wip thread in the zbrush forum.
ajerara@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:00 am : It looks pretty detailed, amazing that you can get that much organic detail. Are you going to skin it? It would look good skinned.
Sparky@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:27 am : Please, yes! Let's get some nice ZBrush WIP threads going. Thanks for starting one, 1eyed! I'd like to start one of my own at some point.
What do people think about ZBrush WIP threads being here vs. in the "3d editing and offline rendering" WIP subforum?
It looks like you're having fun, and aren't afraid to try new things (or show them to people and get feedback). To me, those are both vastly more important than any model you produce as you learn. I know less than you do about ZBrush at this point, so I can only give you general feedback.
Overall, I think you dove into the detail work too quickly. I think the model would have benefitted from a more top-down approach (large features before small). Also, and this is rather subjective, I feel that fine details should always be modeled separately on each side of an organic form. How often do people grow warts in exactly the same place on both sides of their face? I hope I don't sound too negative. I'm trying to give you an honest opinion. Anyhow, have fun with ZBrush!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:26 am : TY
ajerara: I'll probably skin it, not sure yet...
Sparky: Well, the thing with zbrush is that you work in any subdivision level you want, I could go back to the original box model, with around 1-200 polygons, and add edge loops, then go back to the high poly model, that would now be more dense due to the new edgeloop. then I could resize his jaw in a medium subdivision level etz etz etz.......
And it's a work in progress

I havn't had time to detail all areas yet, Hopefully I havn't even begun to add small details, depends on how well my system handles this model.
And it's symetrical, becuase if I it make asymetrical, the symetrical editing will break. When I have one side completely done, I'll make it asymetrical

Also, the model is box modelled in zbrush, so I can very easily resize or scale areas.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... ushbox.jpg
low detail change to high detail
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... shbox2.jpg
That works both ways, take a look at the nose on the box model, from the start, it was a normal healthy human nose, then I sculpted the nose when I had a lot more detail in the mesh, and the low level nose is now more or less inversed.
Oh, that purple/blue edge loop was created after I made the cheek detail.
Try to ignore the crappy edge flow, it's hard to boxmodel in zbrush

doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:56 am : is this in the demo, or did you guys buy it

very impressive work guys
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:52 pm :
Escape@Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:48 am : Is possible to make something non-organic with this program, like house or car?
kat@Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 6:04 pm : Yes but the way it actually works is much better suited to organic shapes not man made ones.
Escape@Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 6:49 am : What about import/export for 3ds max: I want to make general (rough) shape in 3dsmax, export it to Zbrush, edit it there, texture it, add material then import it with all stuff in 3dsmax and export it from max to specific file for video game.Afaik there is no game-export-plugins for Zbrush, mostly just for maya and max.
modern@Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:42 am : Escape wrote:
What about import/export for 3ds max: I want to make general (rough) shape in 3dsmax, export it to Zbrush, edit it there, texture it, add material then import it with all stuff in 3dsmax and export it from max to specific file for video game.Afaik there is no game-export-plugins for Zbrush, mostly just for maya and max.
I would suggest making your low poly object in max, uv mapping it there before exporting it to zbrush as an .obj. You should bear in mind how zbrush subdivides objects. You need to export your object as quads, and your quads need to be as square as possible. Long thin quads, will subdivide into smaller long thin quads, which will not sculpt nicely.
Its is possible to export the zbrush high poly object in sections. Max wont handle millions of polys. Or you can use the zbrush inhouse normal map tools, or pixolator's zmapper plugin to produce a normal map.
The advantage of exporting sections from zbrush is you can then use that geometry on revised low poly geometry, or any other models you like.
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:47 am Post subject: WIP Thread :): Share your work in progress! 
I'll start
I've never done anything serious in Zbrush, just playing around with the tools, and watching alot of good video tutorials. Anyways, the new Zbrush forum got me inspired to try to do something serious, and spend some time on it. This is what I have so far.
There are some obvious anatomy errors, but I just modelled from my memory, didn't use any reference material. If I continue, I'll probably open up an anatomy book...
Let me know what ya think
Oh and maybe this should be in the pimping forum, just thought we could have a zbrush wip thread in the zbrush forum.
ajerara@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:00 am Post subject: : It looks pretty detailed, amazing that you can get that much organic detail. Are you going to skin it? It would look good skinned.
Sparky@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:27 am Post subject: : Please, yes! Let's get some nice ZBrush WIP threads going. Thanks for starting one, 1eyed! I'd like to start one of my own at some point.
What do people think about ZBrush WIP threads being here vs. in the "3d editing and offline rendering" WIP subforum?
It looks like you're having fun, and aren't afraid to try new things (or show them to people and get feedback). To me, those are both vastly more important than any model you produce as you learn. I know less than you do about ZBrush at this point, so I can only give you general feedback.
Overall, I think you dove into the detail work too quickly. I think the model would have benefitted from a more top-down approach (large features before small). Also, and this is rather subjective, I feel that fine details should always be modeled separately on each side of an organic form. How often do people grow warts in exactly the same place on both sides of their face? I hope I don't sound too negative. I'm trying to give you an honest opinion. Anyhow, have fun with ZBrush!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:26 am Post subject: : TY
ajerara: I'll probably skin it, not sure yet...
Sparky: Well, the thing with zbrush is that you work in any subdivision level you want, I could go back to the original box model, with around 1-200 polygons, and add edge loops, then go back to the high poly model, that would now be more dense due to the new edgeloop. then I could resize his jaw in a medium subdivision level etz etz etz.......
And it's a work in progress
I havn't had time to detail all areas yet, Hopefully I havn't even begun to add small details, depends on how well my system handles this model.
And it's symetrical, becuase if I it make asymetrical, the symetrical editing will break. When I have one side completely done, I'll make it asymetrical 
Also, the model is box modelled in zbrush, so I can very easily resize or scale areas.
low detail change to high detail
That works both ways, take a look at the nose on the box model, from the start, it was a normal healthy human nose, then I sculpted the nose when I had a lot more detail in the mesh, and the low level nose is now more or less inversed.
Oh, that purple/blue edge loop was created after I made the cheek detail.
Try to ignore the crappy edge flow, it's hard to boxmodel in zbrush
doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:56 am Post subject: : is this in the demo, or did you guys buy it
very impressive work guys
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:52 pm Post subject: : update
first atempt at skinning.
Escape@Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:48 am Post subject: : Is possible to make something non-organic with this program, like house or car?
kat@Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 6:04 pm Post subject: : Yes but the way it actually works is much better suited to organic shapes not man made ones.
Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips
Escape@Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 6:49 am Post subject: : What about import/export for 3ds max: I want to make general (rough) shape in 3dsmax, export it to Zbrush, edit it there, texture it, add material then import it with all stuff in 3dsmax and export it from max to specific file for video game.Afaik there is no game-export-plugins for Zbrush, mostly just for maya and max.
modern@Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:42 am Post subject: : Escape wrote: |
What about import/export for 3ds max: I want to make general (rough) shape in 3dsmax, export it to Zbrush, edit it there, texture it, add material then import it with all stuff in 3dsmax and export it from max to specific file for video game.Afaik there is no game-export-plugins for Zbrush, mostly just for maya and max. |
I would suggest making your low poly object in max, uv mapping it there before exporting it to zbrush as an .obj. You should bear in mind how zbrush subdivides objects. You need to export your object as quads, and your quads need to be as square as possible. Long thin quads, will subdivide into smaller long thin quads, which will not sculpt nicely.
Its is possible to export the zbrush high poly object in sections. Max wont handle millions of polys. Or you can use the zbrush inhouse normal map tools, or pixolator's zmapper plugin to produce a normal map.
The advantage of exporting sections from zbrush is you can then use that geometry on revised low poly geometry, or any other models you like.
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:47 am : Share your work in progress!

I'll start
I've never done anything serious in Zbrush, just playing around with the tools, and watching alot of good video tutorials. Anyways, the new Zbrush forum got me inspired to try to do something serious, and spend some time on it. This is what I have so far.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... hthing.jpg
There are some obvious anatomy errors, but I just modelled from my memory, didn't use any reference material. If I continue, I'll probably open up an anatomy book...
Let me know what ya think
Oh and maybe this should be in the pimping forum, just thought we could have a zbrush wip thread in the zbrush forum.
ajerara@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:00 am : It looks pretty detailed, amazing that you can get that much organic detail. Are you going to skin it? It would look good skinned.
Sparky@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:27 am : Please, yes! Let's get some nice ZBrush WIP threads going. Thanks for starting one, 1eyed! I'd like to start one of my own at some point.
What do people think about ZBrush WIP threads being here vs. in the "3d editing and offline rendering" WIP subforum?
It looks like you're having fun, and aren't afraid to try new things (or show them to people and get feedback). To me, those are both vastly more important than any model you produce as you learn. I know less than you do about ZBrush at this point, so I can only give you general feedback.
Overall, I think you dove into the detail work too quickly. I think the model would have benefitted from a more top-down approach (large features before small). Also, and this is rather subjective, I feel that fine details should always be modeled separately on each side of an organic form. How often do people grow warts in exactly the same place on both sides of their face? I hope I don't sound too negative. I'm trying to give you an honest opinion. Anyhow, have fun with ZBrush!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:26 am : TY
ajerara: I'll probably skin it, not sure yet...
Sparky: Well, the thing with zbrush is that you work in any subdivision level you want, I could go back to the original box model, with around 1-200 polygons, and add edge loops, then go back to the high poly model, that would now be more dense due to the new edgeloop. then I could resize his jaw in a medium subdivision level etz etz etz.......
And it's a work in progress

I havn't had time to detail all areas yet, Hopefully I havn't even begun to add small details, depends on how well my system handles this model.
And it's symetrical, becuase if I it make asymetrical, the symetrical editing will break. When I have one side completely done, I'll make it asymetrical

Also, the model is box modelled in zbrush, so I can very easily resize or scale areas.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... ushbox.jpg
low detail change to high detail
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... shbox2.jpg
That works both ways, take a look at the nose on the box model, from the start, it was a normal healthy human nose, then I sculpted the nose when I had a lot more detail in the mesh, and the low level nose is now more or less inversed.
Oh, that purple/blue edge loop was created after I made the cheek detail.
Try to ignore the crappy edge flow, it's hard to boxmodel in zbrush

doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:56 am : is this in the demo, or did you guys buy it

very impressive work guys
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:52 pm :
Escape@Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:48 am : Is possible to make something non-organic with this program, like house or car?
kat@Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 6:04 pm : Yes but the way it actually works is much better suited to organic shapes not man made ones.
Escape@Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 6:49 am : What about import/export for 3ds max: I want to make general (rough) shape in 3dsmax, export it to Zbrush, edit it there, texture it, add material then import it with all stuff in 3dsmax and export it from max to specific file for video game.Afaik there is no game-export-plugins for Zbrush, mostly just for maya and max.
modern@Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:42 am : Escape wrote:
What about import/export for 3ds max: I want to make general (rough) shape in 3dsmax, export it to Zbrush, edit it there, texture it, add material then import it with all stuff in 3dsmax and export it from max to specific file for video game.Afaik there is no game-export-plugins for Zbrush, mostly just for maya and max.
I would suggest making your low poly object in max, uv mapping it there before exporting it to zbrush as an .obj. You should bear in mind how zbrush subdivides objects. You need to export your object as quads, and your quads need to be as square as possible. Long thin quads, will subdivide into smaller long thin quads, which will not sculpt nicely.
Its is possible to export the zbrush high poly object in sections. Max wont handle millions of polys. Or you can use the zbrush inhouse normal map tools, or pixolator's zmapper plugin to produce a normal map.
The advantage of exporting sections from zbrush is you can then use that geometry on revised low poly geometry, or any other models you like.
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:47 am : Share your work in progress!

I'll start
I've never done anything serious in Zbrush, just playing around with the tools, and watching alot of good video tutorials. Anyways, the new Zbrush forum got me inspired to try to do something serious, and spend some time on it. This is what I have so far.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... hthing.jpg
There are some obvious anatomy errors, but I just modelled from my memory, didn't use any reference material. If I continue, I'll probably open up an anatomy book...
Let me know what ya think
Oh and maybe this should be in the pimping forum, just thought we could have a zbrush wip thread in the zbrush forum.
ajerara@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:00 am : It looks pretty detailed, amazing that you can get that much organic detail. Are you going to skin it? It would look good skinned.
Sparky@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:27 am : Please, yes! Let's get some nice ZBrush WIP threads going. Thanks for starting one, 1eyed! I'd like to start one of my own at some point.
What do people think about ZBrush WIP threads being here vs. in the "3d editing and offline rendering" WIP subforum?
It looks like you're having fun, and aren't afraid to try new things (or show them to people and get feedback). To me, those are both vastly more important than any model you produce as you learn. I know less than you do about ZBrush at this point, so I can only give you general feedback.
Overall, I think you dove into the detail work too quickly. I think the model would have benefitted from a more top-down approach (large features before small). Also, and this is rather subjective, I feel that fine details should always be modeled separately on each side of an organic form. How often do people grow warts in exactly the same place on both sides of their face? I hope I don't sound too negative. I'm trying to give you an honest opinion. Anyhow, have fun with ZBrush!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:26 am : TY
ajerara: I'll probably skin it, not sure yet...
Sparky: Well, the thing with zbrush is that you work in any subdivision level you want, I could go back to the original box model, with around 1-200 polygons, and add edge loops, then go back to the high poly model, that would now be more dense due to the new edgeloop. then I could resize his jaw in a medium subdivision level etz etz etz.......
And it's a work in progress

I havn't had time to detail all areas yet, Hopefully I havn't even begun to add small details, depends on how well my system handles this model.
And it's symetrical, becuase if I it make asymetrical, the symetrical editing will break. When I have one side completely done, I'll make it asymetrical

Also, the model is box modelled in zbrush, so I can very easily resize or scale areas.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... ushbox.jpg
low detail change to high detail
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... shbox2.jpg
That works both ways, take a look at the nose on the box model, from the start, it was a normal healthy human nose, then I sculpted the nose when I had a lot more detail in the mesh, and the low level nose is now more or less inversed.
Oh, that purple/blue edge loop was created after I made the cheek detail.
Try to ignore the crappy edge flow, it's hard to boxmodel in zbrush

doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:56 am : is this in the demo, or did you guys buy it

very impressive work guys
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:52 pm :
Escape@Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:48 am : Is possible to make something non-organic with this program, like house or car?
kat@Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 6:04 pm : Yes but the way it actually works is much better suited to organic shapes not man made ones.
Escape@Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 6:49 am : What about import/export for 3ds max: I want to make general (rough) shape in 3dsmax, export it to Zbrush, edit it there, texture it, add material then import it with all stuff in 3dsmax and export it from max to specific file for video game.Afaik there is no game-export-plugins for Zbrush, mostly just for maya and max.
modern@Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:42 am : Escape wrote:
What about import/export for 3ds max: I want to make general (rough) shape in 3dsmax, export it to Zbrush, edit it there, texture it, add material then import it with all stuff in 3dsmax and export it from max to specific file for video game.Afaik there is no game-export-plugins for Zbrush, mostly just for maya and max.
I would suggest making your low poly object in max, uv mapping it there before exporting it to zbrush as an .obj. You should bear in mind how zbrush subdivides objects. You need to export your object as quads, and your quads need to be as square as possible. Long thin quads, will subdivide into smaller long thin quads, which will not sculpt nicely.
Its is possible to export the zbrush high poly object in sections. Max wont handle millions of polys. Or you can use the zbrush inhouse normal map tools, or pixolator's zmapper plugin to produce a normal map.
The advantage of exporting sections from zbrush is you can then use that geometry on revised low poly geometry, or any other models you like.
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:47 am : Share your work in progress!

I'll start
I've never done anything serious in Zbrush, just playing around with the tools, and watching alot of good video tutorials. Anyways, the new Zbrush forum got me inspired to try to do something serious, and spend some time on it. This is what I have so far.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... hthing.jpg
There are some obvious anatomy errors, but I just modelled from my memory, didn't use any reference material. If I continue, I'll probably open up an anatomy book...
Let me know what ya think
Oh and maybe this should be in the pimping forum, just thought we could have a zbrush wip thread in the zbrush forum.
ajerara@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:00 am : It looks pretty detailed, amazing that you can get that much organic detail. Are you going to skin it? It would look good skinned.
Sparky@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:27 am : Please, yes! Let's get some nice ZBrush WIP threads going. Thanks for starting one, 1eyed! I'd like to start one of my own at some point.
What do people think about ZBrush WIP threads being here vs. in the "3d editing and offline rendering" WIP subforum?
It looks like you're having fun, and aren't afraid to try new things (or show them to people and get feedback). To me, those are both vastly more important than any model you produce as you learn. I know less than you do about ZBrush at this point, so I can only give you general feedback.
Overall, I think you dove into the detail work too quickly. I think the model would have benefitted from a more top-down approach (large features before small). Also, and this is rather subjective, I feel that fine details should always be modeled separately on each side of an organic form. How often do people grow warts in exactly the same place on both sides of their face? I hope I don't sound too negative. I'm trying to give you an honest opinion. Anyhow, have fun with ZBrush!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:26 am : TY
ajerara: I'll probably skin it, not sure yet...
Sparky: Well, the thing with zbrush is that you work in any subdivision level you want, I could go back to the original box model, with around 1-200 polygons, and add edge loops, then go back to the high poly model, that would now be more dense due to the new edgeloop. then I could resize his jaw in a medium subdivision level etz etz etz.......
And it's a work in progress

I havn't had time to detail all areas yet, Hopefully I havn't even begun to add small details, depends on how well my system handles this model.
And it's symetrical, becuase if I it make asymetrical, the symetrical editing will break. When I have one side completely done, I'll make it asymetrical

Also, the model is box modelled in zbrush, so I can very easily resize or scale areas.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... ushbox.jpg
low detail change to high detail
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... shbox2.jpg
That works both ways, take a look at the nose on the box model, from the start, it was a normal healthy human nose, then I sculpted the nose when I had a lot more detail in the mesh, and the low level nose is now more or less inversed.
Oh, that purple/blue edge loop was created after I made the cheek detail.
Try to ignore the crappy edge flow, it's hard to boxmodel in zbrush

doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:56 am : is this in the demo, or did you guys buy it

very impressive work guys
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:52 pm :
Escape@Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:48 am : Is possible to make something non-organic with this program, like house or car?
kat@Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 6:04 pm : Yes but the way it actually works is much better suited to organic shapes not man made ones.
Escape@Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 6:49 am : What about import/export for 3ds max: I want to make general (rough) shape in 3dsmax, export it to Zbrush, edit it there, texture it, add material then import it with all stuff in 3dsmax and export it from max to specific file for video game.Afaik there is no game-export-plugins for Zbrush, mostly just for maya and max.
modern@Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:42 am : Escape wrote:
What about import/export for 3ds max: I want to make general (rough) shape in 3dsmax, export it to Zbrush, edit it there, texture it, add material then import it with all stuff in 3dsmax and export it from max to specific file for video game.Afaik there is no game-export-plugins for Zbrush, mostly just for maya and max.
I would suggest making your low poly object in max, uv mapping it there before exporting it to zbrush as an .obj. You should bear in mind how zbrush subdivides objects. You need to export your object as quads, and your quads need to be as square as possible. Long thin quads, will subdivide into smaller long thin quads, which will not sculpt nicely.
Its is possible to export the zbrush high poly object in sections. Max wont handle millions of polys. Or you can use the zbrush inhouse normal map tools, or pixolator's zmapper plugin to produce a normal map.
The advantage of exporting sections from zbrush is you can then use that geometry on revised low poly geometry, or any other models you like.
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:47 am : Share your work in progress!

I'll start
I've never done anything serious in Zbrush, just playing around with the tools, and watching alot of good video tutorials. Anyways, the new Zbrush forum got me inspired to try to do something serious, and spend some time on it. This is what I have so far.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... hthing.jpg
There are some obvious anatomy errors, but I just modelled from my memory, didn't use any reference material. If I continue, I'll probably open up an anatomy book...
Let me know what ya think
Oh and maybe this should be in the pimping forum, just thought we could have a zbrush wip thread in the zbrush forum.
ajerara@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:00 am : It looks pretty detailed, amazing that you can get that much organic detail. Are you going to skin it? It would look good skinned.
Sparky@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:27 am : Please, yes! Let's get some nice ZBrush WIP threads going. Thanks for starting one, 1eyed! I'd like to start one of my own at some point.
What do people think about ZBrush WIP threads being here vs. in the "3d editing and offline rendering" WIP subforum?
It looks like you're having fun, and aren't afraid to try new things (or show them to people and get feedback). To me, those are both vastly more important than any model you produce as you learn. I know less than you do about ZBrush at this point, so I can only give you general feedback.
Overall, I think you dove into the detail work too quickly. I think the model would have benefitted from a more top-down approach (large features before small). Also, and this is rather subjective, I feel that fine details should always be modeled separately on each side of an organic form. How often do people grow warts in exactly the same place on both sides of their face? I hope I don't sound too negative. I'm trying to give you an honest opinion. Anyhow, have fun with ZBrush!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:26 am : TY
ajerara: I'll probably skin it, not sure yet...
Sparky: Well, the thing with zbrush is that you work in any subdivision level you want, I could go back to the original box model, with around 1-200 polygons, and add edge loops, then go back to the high poly model, that would now be more dense due to the new edgeloop. then I could resize his jaw in a medium subdivision level etz etz etz.......
And it's a work in progress

I havn't had time to detail all areas yet, Hopefully I havn't even begun to add small details, depends on how well my system handles this model.
And it's symetrical, becuase if I it make asymetrical, the symetrical editing will break. When I have one side completely done, I'll make it asymetrical

Also, the model is box modelled in zbrush, so I can very easily resize or scale areas.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... ushbox.jpg
low detail change to high detail
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... shbox2.jpg
That works both ways, take a look at the nose on the box model, from the start, it was a normal healthy human nose, then I sculpted the nose when I had a lot more detail in the mesh, and the low level nose is now more or less inversed.
Oh, that purple/blue edge loop was created after I made the cheek detail.
Try to ignore the crappy edge flow, it's hard to boxmodel in zbrush

doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:56 am : is this in the demo, or did you guys buy it

very impressive work guys
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:52 pm :
Escape@Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:48 am : Is possible to make something non-organic with this program, like house or car?
kat@Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 6:04 pm : Yes but the way it actually works is much better suited to organic shapes not man made ones.
Escape@Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 6:49 am : What about import/export for 3ds max: I want to make general (rough) shape in 3dsmax, export it to Zbrush, edit it there, texture it, add material then import it with all stuff in 3dsmax and export it from max to specific file for video game.Afaik there is no game-export-plugins for Zbrush, mostly just for maya and max.
modern@Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:42 am : Escape wrote:
What about import/export for 3ds max: I want to make general (rough) shape in 3dsmax, export it to Zbrush, edit it there, texture it, add material then import it with all stuff in 3dsmax and export it from max to specific file for video game.Afaik there is no game-export-plugins for Zbrush, mostly just for maya and max.
I would suggest making your low poly object in max, uv mapping it there before exporting it to zbrush as an .obj. You should bear in mind how zbrush subdivides objects. You need to export your object as quads, and your quads need to be as square as possible. Long thin quads, will subdivide into smaller long thin quads, which will not sculpt nicely.
Its is possible to export the zbrush high poly object in sections. Max wont handle millions of polys. Or you can use the zbrush inhouse normal map tools, or pixolator's zmapper plugin to produce a normal map.
The advantage of exporting sections from zbrush is you can then use that geometry on revised low poly geometry, or any other models you like.
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:47 am : Share your work in progress!

I'll start
I've never done anything serious in Zbrush, just playing around with the tools, and watching alot of good video tutorials. Anyways, the new Zbrush forum got me inspired to try to do something serious, and spend some time on it. This is what I have so far.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... hthing.jpg
There are some obvious anatomy errors, but I just modelled from my memory, didn't use any reference material. If I continue, I'll probably open up an anatomy book...
Let me know what ya think
Oh and maybe this should be in the pimping forum, just thought we could have a zbrush wip thread in the zbrush forum.
ajerara@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:00 am : It looks pretty detailed, amazing that you can get that much organic detail. Are you going to skin it? It would look good skinned.
Sparky@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:27 am : Please, yes! Let's get some nice ZBrush WIP threads going. Thanks for starting one, 1eyed! I'd like to start one of my own at some point.
What do people think about ZBrush WIP threads being here vs. in the "3d editing and offline rendering" WIP subforum?
It looks like you're having fun, and aren't afraid to try new things (or show them to people and get feedback). To me, those are both vastly more important than any model you produce as you learn. I know less than you do about ZBrush at this point, so I can only give you general feedback.
Overall, I think you dove into the detail work too quickly. I think the model would have benefitted from a more top-down approach (large features before small). Also, and this is rather subjective, I feel that fine details should always be modeled separately on each side of an organic form. How often do people grow warts in exactly the same place on both sides of their face? I hope I don't sound too negative. I'm trying to give you an honest opinion. Anyhow, have fun with ZBrush!
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:26 am : TY
ajerara: I'll probably skin it, not sure yet...
Sparky: Well, the thing with zbrush is that you work in any subdivision level you want, I could go back to the original box model, with around 1-200 polygons, and add edge loops, then go back to the high poly model, that would now be more dense due to the new edgeloop. then I could resize his jaw in a medium subdivision level etz etz etz.......
And it's a work in progress

I havn't had time to detail all areas yet, Hopefully I havn't even begun to add small details, depends on how well my system handles this model.
And it's symetrical, becuase if I it make asymetrical, the symetrical editing will break. When I have one side completely done, I'll make it asymetrical

Also, the model is box modelled in zbrush, so I can very easily resize or scale areas.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... ushbox.jpg
low detail change to high detail
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/r ... shbox2.jpg
That works both ways, take a look at the nose on the box model, from the start, it was a normal healthy human nose, then I sculpted the nose when I had a lot more detail in the mesh, and the low level nose is now more or less inversed.
Oh, that purple/blue edge loop was created after I made the cheek detail.
Try to ignore the crappy edge flow, it's hard to boxmodel in zbrush

doomkid3000@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:56 am : is this in the demo, or did you guys buy it

very impressive work guys
1eyed@Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:52 pm :
Escape@Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:48 am : Is possible to make something non-organic with this program, like house or car?
kat@Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 6:04 pm : Yes but the way it actually works is much better suited to organic shapes not man made ones.
Escape@Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 6:49 am : What about import/export for 3ds max: I want to make general (rough) shape in 3dsmax, export it to Zbrush, edit it there, texture it, add material then import it with all stuff in 3dsmax and export it from max to specific file for video game.Afaik there is no game-export-plugins for Zbrush, mostly just for maya and max.
modern@Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:42 am : Escape wrote:
What about import/export for 3ds max: I want to make general (rough) shape in 3dsmax, export it to Zbrush, edit it there, texture it, add material then import it with all stuff in 3dsmax and export it from max to specific file for video game.Afaik there is no game-export-plugins for Zbrush, mostly just for maya and max.
I would suggest making your low poly object in max, uv mapping it there before exporting it to zbrush as an .obj. You should bear in mind how zbrush subdivides objects. You need to export your object as quads, and your quads need to be as square as possible. Long thin quads, will subdivide into smaller long thin quads, which will not sculpt nicely.
Its is possible to export the zbrush high poly object in sections. Max wont handle millions of polys. Or you can use the zbrush inhouse normal map tools, or pixolator's zmapper plugin to produce a normal map.
The advantage of exporting sections from zbrush is you can then use that geometry on revised low poly geometry, or any other models you like.