BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 6:27 am : Or better put:
Why does this:
Come out looking like this?
I've seen the wellknown 'fish' tutorial and I thought 'that doesn't look that hard'. Maybe I was wrong, or maybe I missed something some keys pressed that weren't in the video. But I can't seem to get my zsphere models to be symmetrical. I am using the mirror edit mode and the zspheresetup seems to be totally symmetrical. But when I preview it in adaptive mesh mode there no love. This frelled up model comes out.
I've been following the instructions but it's not doing it for me. I must be missing some basic concept. Someone please help me.

In this instance the zsphere model looks like a pacman kind of figure, the model should come out looking like that but instead it looks like an alien from Daikatana 3... I just want to make a really basic symmetrical model, modelled in zspheres that I can refine and export. How do I make my zsphere models symmetrical (like the fish in the fish movie). Can I lock the modeling axis' somewhere?
/me frowns upon the zbrush interface.
1eyed@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:20 am : Are you talking about the fish video on
That is not a good tutorial at all.
I don't have time to explain zspheres here, but I think your problems is becuase you added your side spheres, and drag them into the mesh, out to the other side, try to switch the position of the 2 side spheres, by using the move tool.
The Zscript tutorials on zspheres is what you should look at.
Zbrush user interface is different, you need to learn the basics, before you start using zspheres

Everything you need should be in this thread.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:30 am : Thanks. But I didn't drag them through the original sphere. I used x-mirror editing and drew a new child in edit mode. That made the two legs, I only moved them very slightly, certainly not through the mesh. I'm familiour with the basics, went through the tuts in zsphere and read most threads.
What I'm missing is how I can lock movement when I'm modeling to a certain angle. e.g. when I moved the leg-childsphere down they also rotated slight inward, this rotates the mesh as well. I want to move them down without them rotating.
So basically my problem is, whenever I move a childpshere, the mesh gets distorted somehow by rotating.
1eyed@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:14 am : Hmm I can't reproduce this, I tried to make the same shape. but I can't make get the same error, my spheres were rotated differently though. You could have a twist from rotated zspheres.
It looks like you used a very low intersection value in the adptive skin. Try to change the adaptive skin settings too.
I think the spheres rotate when you move them, so that you don't get twisting, but you have to rotate them manually sometimes.
Can you try to make something like a human, with more space between the spheres, and less overlapping?
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:29 am : you lock to an axis by holding shift as you rotate
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 12:09 pm : Thanks for the tips, guys.
I got a lot further now and was able to whip up a 'hello world' kind of basic human layout. It was all in the rotation and setup of the spheres.
Maybe I'll post something if I get the tools down.
iceheart@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 1:32 pm : Yes, ZSpheres are very finicky about how they are rotated/where children are attached to them, just read around every zsphere tutorial you can find, should figure it out in the end

Dinky@Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:10 am : Well not only should you avoid rotating them but before you actually give it the preview mesh (as in after you're done with ZSphere layout), go to Tool>Morph Target>Store MT
Then make an Adaptive mesh. And DO NOT use the Adaptive Mesh scroller to switch between the hi-res and lo-res models, you want to use The scroller bar under Tool>Geometry. That Adaptive Mesh scroller bar is to determine how many subdivisions you want as your maximum sub division. I always set the max to like 8.
Rotating sphere's really isn't that much of a problem, just use Tool>Morph Target>Store MT, and make sure to use the Geometry bar to cycle between lo-res/hi-res, and use adaptive mesh ONLY to determine maximum divisions.
And it should work fine!
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 6:27 am : Or better put:
Why does this:
Come out looking like this?
I've seen the wellknown 'fish' tutorial and I thought 'that doesn't look that hard'. Maybe I was wrong, or maybe I missed something some keys pressed that weren't in the video. But I can't seem to get my zsphere models to be symmetrical. I am using the mirror edit mode and the zspheresetup seems to be totally symmetrical. But when I preview it in adaptive mesh mode there no love. This frelled up model comes out.
I've been following the instructions but it's not doing it for me. I must be missing some basic concept. Someone please help me.

In this instance the zsphere model looks like a pacman kind of figure, the model should come out looking like that but instead it looks like an alien from Daikatana 3... I just want to make a really basic symmetrical model, modelled in zspheres that I can refine and export. How do I make my zsphere models symmetrical (like the fish in the fish movie). Can I lock the modeling axis' somewhere?
/me frowns upon the zbrush interface.
1eyed@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:20 am : Are you talking about the fish video on
That is not a good tutorial at all.
I don't have time to explain zspheres here, but I think your problems is becuase you added your side spheres, and drag them into the mesh, out to the other side, try to switch the position of the 2 side spheres, by using the move tool.
The Zscript tutorials on zspheres is what you should look at.
Zbrush user interface is different, you need to learn the basics, before you start using zspheres

Everything you need should be in this thread.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:30 am : Thanks. But I didn't drag them through the original sphere. I used x-mirror editing and drew a new child in edit mode. That made the two legs, I only moved them very slightly, certainly not through the mesh. I'm familiour with the basics, went through the tuts in zsphere and read most threads.
What I'm missing is how I can lock movement when I'm modeling to a certain angle. e.g. when I moved the leg-childsphere down they also rotated slight inward, this rotates the mesh as well. I want to move them down without them rotating.
So basically my problem is, whenever I move a childpshere, the mesh gets distorted somehow by rotating.
1eyed@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:14 am : Hmm I can't reproduce this, I tried to make the same shape. but I can't make get the same error, my spheres were rotated differently though. You could have a twist from rotated zspheres.
It looks like you used a very low intersection value in the adptive skin. Try to change the adaptive skin settings too.
I think the spheres rotate when you move them, so that you don't get twisting, but you have to rotate them manually sometimes.
Can you try to make something like a human, with more space between the spheres, and less overlapping?
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:29 am : you lock to an axis by holding shift as you rotate
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 12:09 pm : Thanks for the tips, guys.
I got a lot further now and was able to whip up a 'hello world' kind of basic human layout. It was all in the rotation and setup of the spheres.
Maybe I'll post something if I get the tools down.
iceheart@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 1:32 pm : Yes, ZSpheres are very finicky about how they are rotated/where children are attached to them, just read around every zsphere tutorial you can find, should figure it out in the end

Dinky@Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:10 am : Well not only should you avoid rotating them but before you actually give it the preview mesh (as in after you're done with ZSphere layout), go to Tool>Morph Target>Store MT
Then make an Adaptive mesh. And DO NOT use the Adaptive Mesh scroller to switch between the hi-res and lo-res models, you want to use The scroller bar under Tool>Geometry. That Adaptive Mesh scroller bar is to determine how many subdivisions you want as your maximum sub division. I always set the max to like 8.
Rotating sphere's really isn't that much of a problem, just use Tool>Morph Target>Store MT, and make sure to use the Geometry bar to cycle between lo-res/hi-res, and use adaptive mesh ONLY to determine maximum divisions.
And it should work fine!
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 6:27 am : Or better put:
Why does this:
Come out looking like this?
I've seen the wellknown 'fish' tutorial and I thought 'that doesn't look that hard'. Maybe I was wrong, or maybe I missed something some keys pressed that weren't in the video. But I can't seem to get my zsphere models to be symmetrical. I am using the mirror edit mode and the zspheresetup seems to be totally symmetrical. But when I preview it in adaptive mesh mode there no love. This frelled up model comes out.
I've been following the instructions but it's not doing it for me. I must be missing some basic concept. Someone please help me.

In this instance the zsphere model looks like a pacman kind of figure, the model should come out looking like that but instead it looks like an alien from Daikatana 3... I just want to make a really basic symmetrical model, modelled in zspheres that I can refine and export. How do I make my zsphere models symmetrical (like the fish in the fish movie). Can I lock the modeling axis' somewhere?
/me frowns upon the zbrush interface.
1eyed@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:20 am : Are you talking about the fish video on
That is not a good tutorial at all.
I don't have time to explain zspheres here, but I think your problems is becuase you added your side spheres, and drag them into the mesh, out to the other side, try to switch the position of the 2 side spheres, by using the move tool.
The Zscript tutorials on zspheres is what you should look at.
Zbrush user interface is different, you need to learn the basics, before you start using zspheres

Everything you need should be in this thread.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:30 am : Thanks. But I didn't drag them through the original sphere. I used x-mirror editing and drew a new child in edit mode. That made the two legs, I only moved them very slightly, certainly not through the mesh. I'm familiour with the basics, went through the tuts in zsphere and read most threads.
What I'm missing is how I can lock movement when I'm modeling to a certain angle. e.g. when I moved the leg-childsphere down they also rotated slight inward, this rotates the mesh as well. I want to move them down without them rotating.
So basically my problem is, whenever I move a childpshere, the mesh gets distorted somehow by rotating.
1eyed@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:14 am : Hmm I can't reproduce this, I tried to make the same shape. but I can't make get the same error, my spheres were rotated differently though. You could have a twist from rotated zspheres.
It looks like you used a very low intersection value in the adptive skin. Try to change the adaptive skin settings too.
I think the spheres rotate when you move them, so that you don't get twisting, but you have to rotate them manually sometimes.
Can you try to make something like a human, with more space between the spheres, and less overlapping?
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:29 am : you lock to an axis by holding shift as you rotate
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 12:09 pm : Thanks for the tips, guys.
I got a lot further now and was able to whip up a 'hello world' kind of basic human layout. It was all in the rotation and setup of the spheres.
Maybe I'll post something if I get the tools down.
iceheart@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 1:32 pm : Yes, ZSpheres are very finicky about how they are rotated/where children are attached to them, just read around every zsphere tutorial you can find, should figure it out in the end

Dinky@Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:10 am : Well not only should you avoid rotating them but before you actually give it the preview mesh (as in after you're done with ZSphere layout), go to Tool>Morph Target>Store MT
Then make an Adaptive mesh. And DO NOT use the Adaptive Mesh scroller to switch between the hi-res and lo-res models, you want to use The scroller bar under Tool>Geometry. That Adaptive Mesh scroller bar is to determine how many subdivisions you want as your maximum sub division. I always set the max to like 8.
Rotating sphere's really isn't that much of a problem, just use Tool>Morph Target>Store MT, and make sure to use the Geometry bar to cycle between lo-res/hi-res, and use adaptive mesh ONLY to determine maximum divisions.
And it should work fine!
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 6:27 am : Or better put:
Why does this:
Come out looking like this?
I've seen the wellknown 'fish' tutorial and I thought 'that doesn't look that hard'. Maybe I was wrong, or maybe I missed something some keys pressed that weren't in the video. But I can't seem to get my zsphere models to be symmetrical. I am using the mirror edit mode and the zspheresetup seems to be totally symmetrical. But when I preview it in adaptive mesh mode there no love. This frelled up model comes out.
I've been following the instructions but it's not doing it for me. I must be missing some basic concept. Someone please help me.

In this instance the zsphere model looks like a pacman kind of figure, the model should come out looking like that but instead it looks like an alien from Daikatana 3... I just want to make a really basic symmetrical model, modelled in zspheres that I can refine and export. How do I make my zsphere models symmetrical (like the fish in the fish movie). Can I lock the modeling axis' somewhere?
/me frowns upon the zbrush interface.
1eyed@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:20 am : Are you talking about the fish video on
That is not a good tutorial at all.
I don't have time to explain zspheres here, but I think your problems is becuase you added your side spheres, and drag them into the mesh, out to the other side, try to switch the position of the 2 side spheres, by using the move tool.
The Zscript tutorials on zspheres is what you should look at.
Zbrush user interface is different, you need to learn the basics, before you start using zspheres

Everything you need should be in this thread.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:30 am : Thanks. But I didn't drag them through the original sphere. I used x-mirror editing and drew a new child in edit mode. That made the two legs, I only moved them very slightly, certainly not through the mesh. I'm familiour with the basics, went through the tuts in zsphere and read most threads.
What I'm missing is how I can lock movement when I'm modeling to a certain angle. e.g. when I moved the leg-childsphere down they also rotated slight inward, this rotates the mesh as well. I want to move them down without them rotating.
So basically my problem is, whenever I move a childpshere, the mesh gets distorted somehow by rotating.
1eyed@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:14 am : Hmm I can't reproduce this, I tried to make the same shape. but I can't make get the same error, my spheres were rotated differently though. You could have a twist from rotated zspheres.
It looks like you used a very low intersection value in the adptive skin. Try to change the adaptive skin settings too.
I think the spheres rotate when you move them, so that you don't get twisting, but you have to rotate them manually sometimes.
Can you try to make something like a human, with more space between the spheres, and less overlapping?
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:29 am : you lock to an axis by holding shift as you rotate
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 12:09 pm : Thanks for the tips, guys.
I got a lot further now and was able to whip up a 'hello world' kind of basic human layout. It was all in the rotation and setup of the spheres.
Maybe I'll post something if I get the tools down.
iceheart@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 1:32 pm : Yes, ZSpheres are very finicky about how they are rotated/where children are attached to them, just read around every zsphere tutorial you can find, should figure it out in the end

Dinky@Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:10 am : Well not only should you avoid rotating them but before you actually give it the preview mesh (as in after you're done with ZSphere layout), go to Tool>Morph Target>Store MT
Then make an Adaptive mesh. And DO NOT use the Adaptive Mesh scroller to switch between the hi-res and lo-res models, you want to use The scroller bar under Tool>Geometry. That Adaptive Mesh scroller bar is to determine how many subdivisions you want as your maximum sub division. I always set the max to like 8.
Rotating sphere's really isn't that much of a problem, just use Tool>Morph Target>Store MT, and make sure to use the Geometry bar to cycle between lo-res/hi-res, and use adaptive mesh ONLY to determine maximum divisions.
And it should work fine!
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 6:27 am : Or better put:
Why does this:
Come out looking like this?
I've seen the wellknown 'fish' tutorial and I thought 'that doesn't look that hard'. Maybe I was wrong, or maybe I missed something some keys pressed that weren't in the video. But I can't seem to get my zsphere models to be symmetrical. I am using the mirror edit mode and the zspheresetup seems to be totally symmetrical. But when I preview it in adaptive mesh mode there no love. This frelled up model comes out.
I've been following the instructions but it's not doing it for me. I must be missing some basic concept. Someone please help me.

In this instance the zsphere model looks like a pacman kind of figure, the model should come out looking like that but instead it looks like an alien from Daikatana 3... I just want to make a really basic symmetrical model, modelled in zspheres that I can refine and export. How do I make my zsphere models symmetrical (like the fish in the fish movie). Can I lock the modeling axis' somewhere?
/me frowns upon the zbrush interface.
1eyed@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:20 am : Are you talking about the fish video on
That is not a good tutorial at all.
I don't have time to explain zspheres here, but I think your problems is becuase you added your side spheres, and drag them into the mesh, out to the other side, try to switch the position of the 2 side spheres, by using the move tool.
The Zscript tutorials on zspheres is what you should look at.
Zbrush user interface is different, you need to learn the basics, before you start using zspheres

Everything you need should be in this thread.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:30 am : Thanks. But I didn't drag them through the original sphere. I used x-mirror editing and drew a new child in edit mode. That made the two legs, I only moved them very slightly, certainly not through the mesh. I'm familiour with the basics, went through the tuts in zsphere and read most threads.
What I'm missing is how I can lock movement when I'm modeling to a certain angle. e.g. when I moved the leg-childsphere down they also rotated slight inward, this rotates the mesh as well. I want to move them down without them rotating.
So basically my problem is, whenever I move a childpshere, the mesh gets distorted somehow by rotating.
1eyed@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:14 am : Hmm I can't reproduce this, I tried to make the same shape. but I can't make get the same error, my spheres were rotated differently though. You could have a twist from rotated zspheres.
It looks like you used a very low intersection value in the adptive skin. Try to change the adaptive skin settings too.
I think the spheres rotate when you move them, so that you don't get twisting, but you have to rotate them manually sometimes.
Can you try to make something like a human, with more space between the spheres, and less overlapping?
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:29 am : you lock to an axis by holding shift as you rotate
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 12:09 pm : Thanks for the tips, guys.
I got a lot further now and was able to whip up a 'hello world' kind of basic human layout. It was all in the rotation and setup of the spheres.
Maybe I'll post something if I get the tools down.
iceheart@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 1:32 pm : Yes, ZSpheres are very finicky about how they are rotated/where children are attached to them, just read around every zsphere tutorial you can find, should figure it out in the end

Dinky@Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:10 am : Well not only should you avoid rotating them but before you actually give it the preview mesh (as in after you're done with ZSphere layout), go to Tool>Morph Target>Store MT
Then make an Adaptive mesh. And DO NOT use the Adaptive Mesh scroller to switch between the hi-res and lo-res models, you want to use The scroller bar under Tool>Geometry. That Adaptive Mesh scroller bar is to determine how many subdivisions you want as your maximum sub division. I always set the max to like 8.
Rotating sphere's really isn't that much of a problem, just use Tool>Morph Target>Store MT, and make sure to use the Geometry bar to cycle between lo-res/hi-res, and use adaptive mesh ONLY to determine maximum divisions.
And it should work fine!
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 6:27 am : Or better put:
Why does this:
Come out looking like this?
I've seen the wellknown 'fish' tutorial and I thought 'that doesn't look that hard'. Maybe I was wrong, or maybe I missed something some keys pressed that weren't in the video. But I can't seem to get my zsphere models to be symmetrical. I am using the mirror edit mode and the zspheresetup seems to be totally symmetrical. But when I preview it in adaptive mesh mode there no love. This frelled up model comes out.
I've been following the instructions but it's not doing it for me. I must be missing some basic concept. Someone please help me.

In this instance the zsphere model looks like a pacman kind of figure, the model should come out looking like that but instead it looks like an alien from Daikatana 3... I just want to make a really basic symmetrical model, modelled in zspheres that I can refine and export. How do I make my zsphere models symmetrical (like the fish in the fish movie). Can I lock the modeling axis' somewhere?
/me frowns upon the zbrush interface.
1eyed@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:20 am : Are you talking about the fish video on
That is not a good tutorial at all.
I don't have time to explain zspheres here, but I think your problems is becuase you added your side spheres, and drag them into the mesh, out to the other side, try to switch the position of the 2 side spheres, by using the move tool.
The Zscript tutorials on zspheres is what you should look at.
Zbrush user interface is different, you need to learn the basics, before you start using zspheres

Everything you need should be in this thread.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:30 am : Thanks. But I didn't drag them through the original sphere. I used x-mirror editing and drew a new child in edit mode. That made the two legs, I only moved them very slightly, certainly not through the mesh. I'm familiour with the basics, went through the tuts in zsphere and read most threads.
What I'm missing is how I can lock movement when I'm modeling to a certain angle. e.g. when I moved the leg-childsphere down they also rotated slight inward, this rotates the mesh as well. I want to move them down without them rotating.
So basically my problem is, whenever I move a childpshere, the mesh gets distorted somehow by rotating.
1eyed@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:14 am : Hmm I can't reproduce this, I tried to make the same shape. but I can't make get the same error, my spheres were rotated differently though. You could have a twist from rotated zspheres.
It looks like you used a very low intersection value in the adptive skin. Try to change the adaptive skin settings too.
I think the spheres rotate when you move them, so that you don't get twisting, but you have to rotate them manually sometimes.
Can you try to make something like a human, with more space between the spheres, and less overlapping?
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:29 am : you lock to an axis by holding shift as you rotate
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 12:09 pm : Thanks for the tips, guys.
I got a lot further now and was able to whip up a 'hello world' kind of basic human layout. It was all in the rotation and setup of the spheres.
Maybe I'll post something if I get the tools down.
iceheart@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 1:32 pm : Yes, ZSpheres are very finicky about how they are rotated/where children are attached to them, just read around every zsphere tutorial you can find, should figure it out in the end

Dinky@Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:10 am : Well not only should you avoid rotating them but before you actually give it the preview mesh (as in after you're done with ZSphere layout), go to Tool>Morph Target>Store MT
Then make an Adaptive mesh. And DO NOT use the Adaptive Mesh scroller to switch between the hi-res and lo-res models, you want to use The scroller bar under Tool>Geometry. That Adaptive Mesh scroller bar is to determine how many subdivisions you want as your maximum sub division. I always set the max to like 8.
Rotating sphere's really isn't that much of a problem, just use Tool>Morph Target>Store MT, and make sure to use the Geometry bar to cycle between lo-res/hi-res, and use adaptive mesh ONLY to determine maximum divisions.
And it should work fine!
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 6:27 am : Or better put:
Why does this:
Come out looking like this?
I've seen the wellknown 'fish' tutorial and I thought 'that doesn't look that hard'. Maybe I was wrong, or maybe I missed something some keys pressed that weren't in the video. But I can't seem to get my zsphere models to be symmetrical. I am using the mirror edit mode and the zspheresetup seems to be totally symmetrical. But when I preview it in adaptive mesh mode there no love. This frelled up model comes out.
I've been following the instructions but it's not doing it for me. I must be missing some basic concept. Someone please help me.

In this instance the zsphere model looks like a pacman kind of figure, the model should come out looking like that but instead it looks like an alien from Daikatana 3... I just want to make a really basic symmetrical model, modelled in zspheres that I can refine and export. How do I make my zsphere models symmetrical (like the fish in the fish movie). Can I lock the modeling axis' somewhere?
/me frowns upon the zbrush interface.
1eyed@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:20 am : Are you talking about the fish video on
That is not a good tutorial at all.
I don't have time to explain zspheres here, but I think your problems is becuase you added your side spheres, and drag them into the mesh, out to the other side, try to switch the position of the 2 side spheres, by using the move tool.
The Zscript tutorials on zspheres is what you should look at.
Zbrush user interface is different, you need to learn the basics, before you start using zspheres

Everything you need should be in this thread.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:30 am : Thanks. But I didn't drag them through the original sphere. I used x-mirror editing and drew a new child in edit mode. That made the two legs, I only moved them very slightly, certainly not through the mesh. I'm familiour with the basics, went through the tuts in zsphere and read most threads.
What I'm missing is how I can lock movement when I'm modeling to a certain angle. e.g. when I moved the leg-childsphere down they also rotated slight inward, this rotates the mesh as well. I want to move them down without them rotating.
So basically my problem is, whenever I move a childpshere, the mesh gets distorted somehow by rotating.
1eyed@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:14 am : Hmm I can't reproduce this, I tried to make the same shape. but I can't make get the same error, my spheres were rotated differently though. You could have a twist from rotated zspheres.
It looks like you used a very low intersection value in the adptive skin. Try to change the adaptive skin settings too.
I think the spheres rotate when you move them, so that you don't get twisting, but you have to rotate them manually sometimes.
Can you try to make something like a human, with more space between the spheres, and less overlapping?
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:29 am : you lock to an axis by holding shift as you rotate
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 12:09 pm : Thanks for the tips, guys.
I got a lot further now and was able to whip up a 'hello world' kind of basic human layout. It was all in the rotation and setup of the spheres.
Maybe I'll post something if I get the tools down.
iceheart@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 1:32 pm : Yes, ZSpheres are very finicky about how they are rotated/where children are attached to them, just read around every zsphere tutorial you can find, should figure it out in the end

Dinky@Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:10 am : Well not only should you avoid rotating them but before you actually give it the preview mesh (as in after you're done with ZSphere layout), go to Tool>Morph Target>Store MT
Then make an Adaptive mesh. And DO NOT use the Adaptive Mesh scroller to switch between the hi-res and lo-res models, you want to use The scroller bar under Tool>Geometry. That Adaptive Mesh scroller bar is to determine how many subdivisions you want as your maximum sub division. I always set the max to like 8.
Rotating sphere's really isn't that much of a problem, just use Tool>Morph Target>Store MT, and make sure to use the Geometry bar to cycle between lo-res/hi-res, and use adaptive mesh ONLY to determine maximum divisions.
And it should work fine!
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 6:27 am : Or better put:
Why does this:
Come out looking like this?
I've seen the wellknown 'fish' tutorial and I thought 'that doesn't look that hard'. Maybe I was wrong, or maybe I missed something some keys pressed that weren't in the video. But I can't seem to get my zsphere models to be symmetrical. I am using the mirror edit mode and the zspheresetup seems to be totally symmetrical. But when I preview it in adaptive mesh mode there no love. This frelled up model comes out.
I've been following the instructions but it's not doing it for me. I must be missing some basic concept. Someone please help me.

In this instance the zsphere model looks like a pacman kind of figure, the model should come out looking like that but instead it looks like an alien from Daikatana 3... I just want to make a really basic symmetrical model, modelled in zspheres that I can refine and export. How do I make my zsphere models symmetrical (like the fish in the fish movie). Can I lock the modeling axis' somewhere?
/me frowns upon the zbrush interface.
1eyed@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:20 am : Are you talking about the fish video on
That is not a good tutorial at all.
I don't have time to explain zspheres here, but I think your problems is becuase you added your side spheres, and drag them into the mesh, out to the other side, try to switch the position of the 2 side spheres, by using the move tool.
The Zscript tutorials on zspheres is what you should look at.
Zbrush user interface is different, you need to learn the basics, before you start using zspheres

Everything you need should be in this thread.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:30 am : Thanks. But I didn't drag them through the original sphere. I used x-mirror editing and drew a new child in edit mode. That made the two legs, I only moved them very slightly, certainly not through the mesh. I'm familiour with the basics, went through the tuts in zsphere and read most threads.
What I'm missing is how I can lock movement when I'm modeling to a certain angle. e.g. when I moved the leg-childsphere down they also rotated slight inward, this rotates the mesh as well. I want to move them down without them rotating.
So basically my problem is, whenever I move a childpshere, the mesh gets distorted somehow by rotating.
1eyed@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:14 am : Hmm I can't reproduce this, I tried to make the same shape. but I can't make get the same error, my spheres were rotated differently though. You could have a twist from rotated zspheres.
It looks like you used a very low intersection value in the adptive skin. Try to change the adaptive skin settings too.
I think the spheres rotate when you move them, so that you don't get twisting, but you have to rotate them manually sometimes.
Can you try to make something like a human, with more space between the spheres, and less overlapping?
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:29 am : you lock to an axis by holding shift as you rotate
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 12:09 pm : Thanks for the tips, guys.
I got a lot further now and was able to whip up a 'hello world' kind of basic human layout. It was all in the rotation and setup of the spheres.
Maybe I'll post something if I get the tools down.
iceheart@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 1:32 pm : Yes, ZSpheres are very finicky about how they are rotated/where children are attached to them, just read around every zsphere tutorial you can find, should figure it out in the end

Dinky@Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:10 am : Well not only should you avoid rotating them but before you actually give it the preview mesh (as in after you're done with ZSphere layout), go to Tool>Morph Target>Store MT
Then make an Adaptive mesh. And DO NOT use the Adaptive Mesh scroller to switch between the hi-res and lo-res models, you want to use The scroller bar under Tool>Geometry. That Adaptive Mesh scroller bar is to determine how many subdivisions you want as your maximum sub division. I always set the max to like 8.
Rotating sphere's really isn't that much of a problem, just use Tool>Morph Target>Store MT, and make sure to use the Geometry bar to cycle between lo-res/hi-res, and use adaptive mesh ONLY to determine maximum divisions.
And it should work fine!
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 6:27 am : Or better put:
Why does this:
Come out looking like this?
I've seen the wellknown 'fish' tutorial and I thought 'that doesn't look that hard'. Maybe I was wrong, or maybe I missed something some keys pressed that weren't in the video. But I can't seem to get my zsphere models to be symmetrical. I am using the mirror edit mode and the zspheresetup seems to be totally symmetrical. But when I preview it in adaptive mesh mode there no love. This frelled up model comes out.
I've been following the instructions but it's not doing it for me. I must be missing some basic concept. Someone please help me.

In this instance the zsphere model looks like a pacman kind of figure, the model should come out looking like that but instead it looks like an alien from Daikatana 3... I just want to make a really basic symmetrical model, modelled in zspheres that I can refine and export. How do I make my zsphere models symmetrical (like the fish in the fish movie). Can I lock the modeling axis' somewhere?
/me frowns upon the zbrush interface.
1eyed@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:20 am : Are you talking about the fish video on
That is not a good tutorial at all.
I don't have time to explain zspheres here, but I think your problems is becuase you added your side spheres, and drag them into the mesh, out to the other side, try to switch the position of the 2 side spheres, by using the move tool.
The Zscript tutorials on zspheres is what you should look at.
Zbrush user interface is different, you need to learn the basics, before you start using zspheres

Everything you need should be in this thread.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:30 am : Thanks. But I didn't drag them through the original sphere. I used x-mirror editing and drew a new child in edit mode. That made the two legs, I only moved them very slightly, certainly not through the mesh. I'm familiour with the basics, went through the tuts in zsphere and read most threads.
What I'm missing is how I can lock movement when I'm modeling to a certain angle. e.g. when I moved the leg-childsphere down they also rotated slight inward, this rotates the mesh as well. I want to move them down without them rotating.
So basically my problem is, whenever I move a childpshere, the mesh gets distorted somehow by rotating.
1eyed@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:14 am : Hmm I can't reproduce this, I tried to make the same shape. but I can't make get the same error, my spheres were rotated differently though. You could have a twist from rotated zspheres.
It looks like you used a very low intersection value in the adptive skin. Try to change the adaptive skin settings too.
I think the spheres rotate when you move them, so that you don't get twisting, but you have to rotate them manually sometimes.
Can you try to make something like a human, with more space between the spheres, and less overlapping?
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:29 am : you lock to an axis by holding shift as you rotate
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 12:09 pm : Thanks for the tips, guys.
I got a lot further now and was able to whip up a 'hello world' kind of basic human layout. It was all in the rotation and setup of the spheres.
Maybe I'll post something if I get the tools down.
iceheart@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 1:32 pm : Yes, ZSpheres are very finicky about how they are rotated/where children are attached to them, just read around every zsphere tutorial you can find, should figure it out in the end

Dinky@Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:10 am : Well not only should you avoid rotating them but before you actually give it the preview mesh (as in after you're done with ZSphere layout), go to Tool>Morph Target>Store MT
Then make an Adaptive mesh. And DO NOT use the Adaptive Mesh scroller to switch between the hi-res and lo-res models, you want to use The scroller bar under Tool>Geometry. That Adaptive Mesh scroller bar is to determine how many subdivisions you want as your maximum sub division. I always set the max to like 8.
Rotating sphere's really isn't that much of a problem, just use Tool>Morph Target>Store MT, and make sure to use the Geometry bar to cycle between lo-res/hi-res, and use adaptive mesh ONLY to determine maximum divisions.
And it should work fine!
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 6:27 am Post subject: Why does my zsphere modeling suck?: Or better put:
Why does this:
Come out looking like this?
I've seen the wellknown 'fish' tutorial and I thought 'that doesn't look that hard'. Maybe I was wrong, or maybe I missed something some keys pressed that weren't in the video. But I can't seem to get my zsphere models to be symmetrical. I am using the mirror edit mode and the zspheresetup seems to be totally symmetrical. But when I preview it in adaptive mesh mode there no love. This frelled up model comes out.
I've been following the instructions but it's not doing it for me. I must be missing some basic concept. Someone please help me. 
In this instance the zsphere model looks like a pacman kind of figure, the model should come out looking like that but instead it looks like an alien from Daikatana 3... I just want to make a really basic symmetrical model, modelled in zspheres that I can refine and export. How do I make my zsphere models symmetrical (like the fish in the fish movie). Can I lock the modeling axis' somewhere?
/me frowns upon the zbrush interface.
Hexen Edge Of Chaos
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1eyed@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:20 am Post subject: : Are you talking about the fish video on
That is not a good tutorial at all.
I don't have time to explain zspheres here, but I think your problems is becuase you added your side spheres, and drag them into the mesh, out to the other side, try to switch the position of the 2 side spheres, by using the move tool.
The Zscript tutorials on zspheres is what you should look at.
Zbrush user interface is different, you need to learn the basics, before you start using zspheres 
Everything you need should be in this thread.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:30 am Post subject: : Thanks. But I didn't drag them through the original sphere. I used x-mirror editing and drew a new child in edit mode. That made the two legs, I only moved them very slightly, certainly not through the mesh. I'm familiour with the basics, went through the tuts in zsphere and read most threads.
What I'm missing is how I can lock movement when I'm modeling to a certain angle. e.g. when I moved the leg-childsphere down they also rotated slight inward, this rotates the mesh as well. I want to move them down without them rotating.
So basically my problem is, whenever I move a childpshere, the mesh gets distorted somehow by rotating.
Hexen Edge Of Chaos
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1eyed@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:14 am Post subject: : Hmm I can't reproduce this, I tried to make the same shape. but I can't make get the same error, my spheres were rotated differently though. You could have a twist from rotated zspheres.
It looks like you used a very low intersection value in the adptive skin. Try to change the adaptive skin settings too.
I think the spheres rotate when you move them, so that you don't get twisting, but you have to rotate them manually sometimes.
Can you try to make something like a human, with more space between the spheres, and less overlapping?
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:29 am Post subject: : you lock to an axis by holding shift as you rotate
Good Bye!
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 12:09 pm Post subject: : Thanks for the tips, guys.
I got a lot further now and was able to whip up a 'hello world' kind of basic human layout. It was all in the rotation and setup of the spheres.
Maybe I'll post something if I get the tools down.
Hexen Edge Of Chaos
Download the Ultimate Mod
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iceheart@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 1:32 pm Post subject: : Yes, ZSpheres are very finicky about how they are rotated/where children are attached to them, just read around every zsphere tutorial you can find, should figure it out in the end
Staff - wiki resource for all Doom 3 engine-based games.
Dinky@Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:10 am Post subject: : Well not only should you avoid rotating them but before you actually give it the preview mesh (as in after you're done with ZSphere layout), go to Tool>Morph Target>Store MT
Then make an Adaptive mesh. And DO NOT use the Adaptive Mesh scroller to switch between the hi-res and lo-res models, you want to use The scroller bar under Tool>Geometry. That Adaptive Mesh scroller bar is to determine how many subdivisions you want as your maximum sub division. I always set the max to like 8.
Rotating sphere's really isn't that much of a problem, just use Tool>Morph Target>Store MT, and make sure to use the Geometry bar to cycle between lo-res/hi-res, and use adaptive mesh ONLY to determine maximum divisions.
And it should work fine!
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 6:27 am : Or better put:
Why does this:
Come out looking like this?
I've seen the wellknown 'fish' tutorial and I thought 'that doesn't look that hard'. Maybe I was wrong, or maybe I missed something some keys pressed that weren't in the video. But I can't seem to get my zsphere models to be symmetrical. I am using the mirror edit mode and the zspheresetup seems to be totally symmetrical. But when I preview it in adaptive mesh mode there no love. This frelled up model comes out.
I've been following the instructions but it's not doing it for me. I must be missing some basic concept. Someone please help me.

In this instance the zsphere model looks like a pacman kind of figure, the model should come out looking like that but instead it looks like an alien from Daikatana 3... I just want to make a really basic symmetrical model, modelled in zspheres that I can refine and export. How do I make my zsphere models symmetrical (like the fish in the fish movie). Can I lock the modeling axis' somewhere?
/me frowns upon the zbrush interface.
1eyed@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:20 am : Are you talking about the fish video on
That is not a good tutorial at all.
I don't have time to explain zspheres here, but I think your problems is becuase you added your side spheres, and drag them into the mesh, out to the other side, try to switch the position of the 2 side spheres, by using the move tool.
The Zscript tutorials on zspheres is what you should look at.
Zbrush user interface is different, you need to learn the basics, before you start using zspheres

Everything you need should be in this thread.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:30 am : Thanks. But I didn't drag them through the original sphere. I used x-mirror editing and drew a new child in edit mode. That made the two legs, I only moved them very slightly, certainly not through the mesh. I'm familiour with the basics, went through the tuts in zsphere and read most threads.
What I'm missing is how I can lock movement when I'm modeling to a certain angle. e.g. when I moved the leg-childsphere down they also rotated slight inward, this rotates the mesh as well. I want to move them down without them rotating.
So basically my problem is, whenever I move a childpshere, the mesh gets distorted somehow by rotating.
1eyed@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:14 am : Hmm I can't reproduce this, I tried to make the same shape. but I can't make get the same error, my spheres were rotated differently though. You could have a twist from rotated zspheres.
It looks like you used a very low intersection value in the adptive skin. Try to change the adaptive skin settings too.
I think the spheres rotate when you move them, so that you don't get twisting, but you have to rotate them manually sometimes.
Can you try to make something like a human, with more space between the spheres, and less overlapping?
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:29 am : you lock to an axis by holding shift as you rotate
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 12:09 pm : Thanks for the tips, guys.
I got a lot further now and was able to whip up a 'hello world' kind of basic human layout. It was all in the rotation and setup of the spheres.
Maybe I'll post something if I get the tools down.
iceheart@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 1:32 pm : Yes, ZSpheres are very finicky about how they are rotated/where children are attached to them, just read around every zsphere tutorial you can find, should figure it out in the end

Dinky@Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:10 am : Well not only should you avoid rotating them but before you actually give it the preview mesh (as in after you're done with ZSphere layout), go to Tool>Morph Target>Store MT
Then make an Adaptive mesh. And DO NOT use the Adaptive Mesh scroller to switch between the hi-res and lo-res models, you want to use The scroller bar under Tool>Geometry. That Adaptive Mesh scroller bar is to determine how many subdivisions you want as your maximum sub division. I always set the max to like 8.
Rotating sphere's really isn't that much of a problem, just use Tool>Morph Target>Store MT, and make sure to use the Geometry bar to cycle between lo-res/hi-res, and use adaptive mesh ONLY to determine maximum divisions.
And it should work fine!
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 6:27 am : Or better put:
Why does this:
Come out looking like this?
I've seen the wellknown 'fish' tutorial and I thought 'that doesn't look that hard'. Maybe I was wrong, or maybe I missed something some keys pressed that weren't in the video. But I can't seem to get my zsphere models to be symmetrical. I am using the mirror edit mode and the zspheresetup seems to be totally symmetrical. But when I preview it in adaptive mesh mode there no love. This frelled up model comes out.
I've been following the instructions but it's not doing it for me. I must be missing some basic concept. Someone please help me.

In this instance the zsphere model looks like a pacman kind of figure, the model should come out looking like that but instead it looks like an alien from Daikatana 3... I just want to make a really basic symmetrical model, modelled in zspheres that I can refine and export. How do I make my zsphere models symmetrical (like the fish in the fish movie). Can I lock the modeling axis' somewhere?
/me frowns upon the zbrush interface.
1eyed@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:20 am : Are you talking about the fish video on
That is not a good tutorial at all.
I don't have time to explain zspheres here, but I think your problems is becuase you added your side spheres, and drag them into the mesh, out to the other side, try to switch the position of the 2 side spheres, by using the move tool.
The Zscript tutorials on zspheres is what you should look at.
Zbrush user interface is different, you need to learn the basics, before you start using zspheres

Everything you need should be in this thread.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:30 am : Thanks. But I didn't drag them through the original sphere. I used x-mirror editing and drew a new child in edit mode. That made the two legs, I only moved them very slightly, certainly not through the mesh. I'm familiour with the basics, went through the tuts in zsphere and read most threads.
What I'm missing is how I can lock movement when I'm modeling to a certain angle. e.g. when I moved the leg-childsphere down they also rotated slight inward, this rotates the mesh as well. I want to move them down without them rotating.
So basically my problem is, whenever I move a childpshere, the mesh gets distorted somehow by rotating.
1eyed@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:14 am : Hmm I can't reproduce this, I tried to make the same shape. but I can't make get the same error, my spheres were rotated differently though. You could have a twist from rotated zspheres.
It looks like you used a very low intersection value in the adptive skin. Try to change the adaptive skin settings too.
I think the spheres rotate when you move them, so that you don't get twisting, but you have to rotate them manually sometimes.
Can you try to make something like a human, with more space between the spheres, and less overlapping?
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:29 am : you lock to an axis by holding shift as you rotate
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 12:09 pm : Thanks for the tips, guys.
I got a lot further now and was able to whip up a 'hello world' kind of basic human layout. It was all in the rotation and setup of the spheres.
Maybe I'll post something if I get the tools down.
iceheart@Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 1:32 pm : Yes, ZSpheres are very finicky about how they are rotated/where children are attached to them, just read around every zsphere tutorial you can find, should figure it out in the end

Dinky@Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:10 am : Well not only should you avoid rotating them but before you actually give it the preview mesh (as in after you're done with ZSphere layout), go to Tool>Morph Target>Store MT
Then make an Adaptive mesh. And DO NOT use the Adaptive Mesh scroller to switch between the hi-res and lo-res models, you want to use The scroller bar under Tool>Geometry. That Adaptive Mesh scroller bar is to determine how many subdivisions you want as your maximum sub division. I always set the max to like 8.
Rotating sphere's really isn't that much of a problem, just use Tool>Morph Target>Store MT, and make sure to use the Geometry bar to cycle between lo-res/hi-res, and use adaptive mesh ONLY to determine maximum divisions.
And it should work fine!