Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 2:51 am : Just running some tests because I want to get custom players into Q4 MP.

MBolus@Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 4:18 am : The first one looks good, but the second needs more cowbell.
cusTom3@Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:20 pm : Brain,
just wanted to thank you. your tutorials were wonderful and you make me laugh all the time

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 5:40 am : MBolus: Thanks for the comments, I'll use more cowbell in the future.
cusTom3: I find it easier to learn when I'm smiling. Remember, if you get a job because you learned something from my tutorials, you are obligated (sorry man, I didn't make the rulez) to "donate" 15% of your first paycheck to via PayPal. Thanks!
With that bit of legalese behind us, let's move on.
I have tried, and have been rather successful, getting a custom player model into Quake 4's MP player selection lineup. I call this creation, "The Shape".
Because I had to replace vanilla game content to make this initial trial work, The Shape has kind of "re-organized" the Corpse player model available.
Aside from that bit of art, here is another gif to kill your bandwidth:
[EDIT]if you're posting several giffs like that, url link to the rather than posting the actual anims on the forums. File size is just as important as image size. kat
MBolus@Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 6:11 am : Brain Trepaning wrote:
cusTom3: I find it easier to learn when I'm smiling. Remember, if you get a job because you learned something from my tutorials, you are obligated (sorry man, I didn't make the rulez) to "donate" 15% of your first paycheck to via PayPal. Thanks!
With that bit of legalese behind us, let's move on.
Hmm ... but what if he loses a job because of your tutorials?
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 3:35 pm : MBolus wrote:
Hmm ... but what if he loses a job because of your tutorials?
Then he is careless, and you owe him 15% of your next paycheck.
parsonsbear@Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 11:04 pm : So this is replacing MP assets, instead of adding new ones? Is there a mod way to do this?
Hope I'm not going off topic by asking a serious question ...

cusTom3@Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 11:51 pm : parsonsbear wrote:
So this is replacing MP assets, instead of adding new ones? Is there a mod way to do this?
Hope I'm not going off topic by asking a serious question ...

it sounded to me like he did that for this particular test. perhaps he will post an update when he finds a way to mod it out.
with my little understanding of the whole thing i would think it would just be a .def file addition.
and yes, going off topic as you did should cost you 15% of Trepaning's paycheck

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:35 am : Presently, this is just replacing vanilla content. I will figure out how to add custom players in new slots, as was possible in Quake 3, but do not know how to do that yet. Anyone is welcome to figure out how and post the answer, thanks! Also, having player selection as a contact-sheet as in Q3A would be awesome, instead of having to sift through the model choices one at a time.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:50 am : Hmm, I think I need to work on the animations a bit

Zenix@Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 4:20 am : Ok, this isn't that useful for multiplayer as it edits the player.def file. Maybe for a total conversion though?
in player.def create an entitydef of your model, mine looks like this..
entityDef model_player_zenix
"model" "model_player_failed_transfer"
"def_head" "char_marinehead_strassa"
"skin" ""
"description" "Zenix Test Model"
Then find entityDef player_marine_mp and it should have a list of def_models ( numbered 0 - 15 ) ( theres's actually 2 lists, the top ones commented out so ignore it )
add your model at the end,
"def_model16" "model_player_zenix"
then find entityDef player_marine_mp_ui and do the same thing.
Just for your info the one in player_marine_mp is for when you're already in a game, the mp_ui one is for before you've joined.

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:13 pm : Awesome work so far! I wondered what the UI was for, and hadn't touched upon it yet. I'll get to this stuff tonight...
What is the animation list required for MP?
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 3:19 pm : I have made #16 player using the Marine Body and a custom head skinned to the STRASSA bone set up. (Only the HEAD CHANNEL bone actually influences the mesh.)
I can see the player body/head in the UI just fine, but when I go into the game, it has no head. BUT if I start up the game and do NOT look at the player in the UI selection list first and jump straight into the level, it appears in the game with teh body and head just fine. However, when I again look at the player model in the UI before entering the level, the game model will not have its head once again.
May just be a simple thing, I am just posting observations thus far.
Zenix@Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 11:30 pm : Odd, can't imagine what would cause that.
One problem with custom models though, the player select screen always uses the marine idle anim, so any model that doesn't use these anims is going to look messed up. You can always select your model from the console ( ui_model ) but then you have to know the exact name.
=NoMercy=@Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 11:18 pm : I can't find the head models and the def file for the heads if there is any.. can someone help me please?
Zenix@Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 11:59 pm : models\lipsync\marine_head
Not sure about def files.
Ranting Canadian@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 1:13 am : Has any progress been made in the custom MP player models area? I am really interested in doing this, becasue i think it would be fun to recreate myself and some of my friends as in-game players. Would be great fun in LAN parties ect. So Brian, I think you should make a nifty video about doing this. I havnt seen any new videos from you lately and it makes me sad

I think I will try and and mess with the process and try and get it to work in a pk4/mod, i dont really like messing with original game content becasue i will end up breaking somthing and having to reinstall

. But if you guys are still interested in furthering this I am more than willing to help.
Zenix@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:01 am : To do it without modifying original content, you would have to set your model via the console( ui_model ).
It really shouldn't be too hard, if I had a model with the proper anims and joints I think I could do it. Hmm, maybe Brian wants to donate Duck Nukem.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 12:07 am : I would need a list of the anims required for MP, and a bone structure hierarchy, unless someone wants to make a new DEF file for the custom player. I have the MP rig for Maya, but do not know how to skin or animate in Maya yet. I have a friend going to show me tonight or tomorrow, then it should be fairly simple to skin a new mesh to the default rig and use the game's prefab anims. A modified (rescaled, repostioned, whatever) rig would require a whole new export of the anims needed for MP, and a custom rig (new bones and bone names) would require a new DEF file as well as new anims. Duck Nukem, made in 3ds Max, has a custom rig.
dw@Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 8:38 pm : Well its good, but some cases will require whole new rig, animations, DEF file etc.
Here take a look:
And I hope Maya is not the final option for exporting custom model...
kat@Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 8:58 pm : How many triangles is that?
And yeah, if people are wanting custom models that's pretty much going to mean everything will need to be custom..

dw@Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 5:51 pm : to kat:
Agh, crap. Sorry, actualy polycount is given in triangles.
Need to fix that.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 6:06 pm : So far, I can get Duck Nukem to show up in the UI selection list and he looks just ducky in ModView, but the game crashes to desktop when I create a server...
kat@Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 8:27 pm : dw wrote:
to kat:
Agh, crap. Sorry, actualy polycount is given in triangles.
Need to fix that.
Damn he's seriously shapely for that tris count, I was exacting double that for what you have there!
dw@Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 11:04 pm : /*little offtop*/
kat wrote:
Damn he's seriously shapely for that tris count, I was exacting double that for what you have there!
Err... My english is far from perfect

, I understand every single word, but not the whole meaning. Do you mean polycount is too high for these shape? ... or too low?
Oh, I get it(I think) - this polycount is WITHOUT the gun.
It's the gun that confused you, right?
kat@Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 1:23 am : Sorry, I mean't "you've created a lot of detail on that model using such a low polycount".
revility@Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 7:47 am : Been importing and tinkering around with editing the mp models and replacing them.
However, when i import them with derton's importer, they are in an idle like pose. Is there a way to import the meshes in just a the regular spread eagle style?
dw@Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:54 am : You can try importing animation "af_pose".
dw@Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 6:56 am :
port66@Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 2:43 pm : you need the sdk though. to add spawnclasses.
revility@Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 4:02 am : ah, theres the af_pose. looks a little wacky around the the arms some.
Found that using the failed transer models/corpses is better, their already set that way on import. Those skinny bastards should work great for a female base

also noticed that not all mp models use the all same bones. Some stuff like fingurs and body parts are different for each one.
5p3c7r4@Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 7:19 pm : [quote="Brain Trepaning"]Just running some tests because I want to get custom players into Q4 MP.
HI everyone,
I am wokring on a mod for q4 (q4max) and I am not having much luck getting the models in,
Since youve obviously got some good info on this, can you please show me where I can learn it as well or please tell me what I need to do?
Thank you
heres a shot of the model so far
I am mostly wokring In max But I can work in maya as well, I can import an dexport no problem, so my quesdtion is how do i bind this mesh to the player animations already in q4?
In q3 it was as simple and making your animations and lining them up with the text file contaning the movement markers etc.
Please help....
der_ton@Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 2:08 pm : 5p3c7r4 wrote:
Please help....

4ll 4nsw3rz go here please: ... highlight=
5p3c7r4: double posting is not l33t.

Slyrr@Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 7:51 pm : I've recently thought about trying to import a custom model into Q4.
I've done lots of models for Unreal Tournament based games, but never for any of the Quake games. As such, I'm a bit out of my depth.
Can anyone recommend a good site to go to that explains the process from start to finish with specifics? (Unreal/Epic games has the UDN site, which does just that, containing many tutorials with screenshots that go through everything required from start to finish in your modelling suite, and also from start to finish for importing to the game and making sure you can actually SEE it as a choice in your player selection.
If there's a site like that I haven't found it. the iddevnet site doesn't say all that much....
I'm pretty familiar with the process of actually CREATING the model, rigging it up and animating it, even with custom skeletons. I'm also pretty familar with the EXPORTING process to .md5 mesh and anim format with Der_Ton's exporting program.
The only things I'm NOT sure on, are what's needed for their IK setup, how exactly that's supposed to be rigged for a model, and how to organize and write up the model so it can be used in game.
Also, custom SOUNDS for the model - the iddevnet pages say how to import a sound into the game - but not for a specific player model....
Any advice in that regard is welcome. It would be kinda neat to see my RAPTOR model in Quake4 with a normalmap applied....
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 12:36 pm : Sorry to bump this rather old thread but we are still having issues with IK setups. Feet end up halfway into geometry and other strange things seems to happen involving the IK setup of our monsters. Does anybody have a clear explenation as to how the IK setup works in Doom3? How can we make sure feet stay ON the ground and don't end up INSIDE it?
We've literally searched every forum and post here on Doom 3 world. But whenever we get close threads just 'end' like this one. I know other mods and teams were succesful in putting enemies into the game so it can't be that hard. Iddevnet has no information on this at all. It's strange how something so important has so little documentation.
CrimsonHead@Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 3:49 pm : Has anyone else seen this? ... odel;28314I wonder what happened to that project? I hope it's not abandoned, I'd love to see all the Q3A models get remade for Quake4.
kat@Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 8:58 pm : How many triangles is that?
And yeah, if people are wanting custom models that's pretty much going to mean everything will need to be custom..

dw@Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 5:51 pm : to kat:
Agh, crap. Sorry, actualy polycount is given in triangles.
Need to fix that.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 6:06 pm : So far, I can get Duck Nukem to show up in the UI selection list and he looks just ducky in ModView, but the game crashes to desktop when I create a server...
kat@Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 8:27 pm : dw wrote:
to kat:
Agh, crap. Sorry, actualy polycount is given in triangles.
Need to fix that.
Damn he's seriously shapely for that tris count, I was exacting double that for what you have there!
dw@Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 11:04 pm : /*little offtop*/
kat wrote:
Damn he's seriously shapely for that tris count, I was exacting double that for what you have there!
Err... My english is far from perfect

, I understand every single word, but not the whole meaning. Do you mean polycount is too high for these shape? ... or too low?
Oh, I get it(I think) - this polycount is WITHOUT the gun.
It's the gun that confused you, right?
kat@Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 1:23 am : Sorry, I mean't "you've created a lot of detail on that model using such a low polycount".
revility@Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 7:47 am : Been importing and tinkering around with editing the mp models and replacing them.
However, when i import them with derton's importer, they are in an idle like pose. Is there a way to import the meshes in just a the regular spread eagle style?
dw@Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:54 am : You can try importing animation "af_pose".
dw@Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 6:56 am :
port66@Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 2:43 pm : you need the sdk though. to add spawnclasses.
revility@Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 4:02 am : ah, theres the af_pose. looks a little wacky around the the arms some.
Found that using the failed transer models/corpses is better, their already set that way on import. Those skinny bastards should work great for a female base

also noticed that not all mp models use the all same bones. Some stuff like fingurs and body parts are different for each one.
5p3c7r4@Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 7:19 pm : [quote="Brain Trepaning"]Just running some tests because I want to get custom players into Q4 MP.
HI everyone,
I am wokring on a mod for q4 (q4max) and I am not having much luck getting the models in,
Since youve obviously got some good info on this, can you please show me where I can learn it as well or please tell me what I need to do?
Thank you
heres a shot of the model so far
I am mostly wokring In max But I can work in maya as well, I can import an dexport no problem, so my quesdtion is how do i bind this mesh to the player animations already in q4?
In q3 it was as simple and making your animations and lining them up with the text file contaning the movement markers etc.
Please help....
der_ton@Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 2:08 pm : 5p3c7r4 wrote:
Please help....

4ll 4nsw3rz go here please: ... highlight=
5p3c7r4: double posting is not l33t.

Slyrr@Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 7:51 pm : I've recently thought about trying to import a custom model into Q4.
I've done lots of models for Unreal Tournament based games, but never for any of the Quake games. As such, I'm a bit out of my depth.
Can anyone recommend a good site to go to that explains the process from start to finish with specifics? (Unreal/Epic games has the UDN site, which does just that, containing many tutorials with screenshots that go through everything required from start to finish in your modelling suite, and also from start to finish for importing to the game and making sure you can actually SEE it as a choice in your player selection.
If there's a site like that I haven't found it. the iddevnet site doesn't say all that much....
I'm pretty familiar with the process of actually CREATING the model, rigging it up and animating it, even with custom skeletons. I'm also pretty familar with the EXPORTING process to .md5 mesh and anim format with Der_Ton's exporting program.
The only things I'm NOT sure on, are what's needed for their IK setup, how exactly that's supposed to be rigged for a model, and how to organize and write up the model so it can be used in game.
Also, custom SOUNDS for the model - the iddevnet pages say how to import a sound into the game - but not for a specific player model....
Any advice in that regard is welcome. It would be kinda neat to see my RAPTOR model in Quake4 with a normalmap applied....
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 12:36 pm : Sorry to bump this rather old thread but we are still having issues with IK setups. Feet end up halfway into geometry and other strange things seems to happen involving the IK setup of our monsters. Does anybody have a clear explenation as to how the IK setup works in Doom3? How can we make sure feet stay ON the ground and don't end up INSIDE it?
We've literally searched every forum and post here on Doom 3 world. But whenever we get close threads just 'end' like this one. I know other mods and teams were succesful in putting enemies into the game so it can't be that hard. Iddevnet has no information on this at all. It's strange how something so important has so little documentation.
CrimsonHead@Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 3:49 pm : Has anyone else seen this? ... odel;28314I wonder what happened to that project? I hope it's not abandoned, I'd love to see all the Q3A models get remade for Quake4.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 2:51 am : Just running some tests because I want to get custom players into Q4 MP.

MBolus@Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 4:18 am : The first one looks good, but the second needs more cowbell.
cusTom3@Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:20 pm : Brain,
just wanted to thank you. your tutorials were wonderful and you make me laugh all the time

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 5:40 am : MBolus: Thanks for the comments, I'll use more cowbell in the future.
cusTom3: I find it easier to learn when I'm smiling. Remember, if you get a job because you learned something from my tutorials, you are obligated (sorry man, I didn't make the rulez) to "donate" 15% of your first paycheck to via PayPal. Thanks!
With that bit of legalese behind us, let's move on.
I have tried, and have been rather successful, getting a custom player model into Quake 4's MP player selection lineup. I call this creation, "The Shape".
Because I had to replace vanilla game content to make this initial trial work, The Shape has kind of "re-organized" the Corpse player model available.
Aside from that bit of art, here is another gif to kill your bandwidth:
[EDIT]if you're posting several giffs like that, url link to the rather than posting the actual anims on the forums. File size is just as important as image size. kat
MBolus@Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 6:11 am : Brain Trepaning wrote:
cusTom3: I find it easier to learn when I'm smiling. Remember, if you get a job because you learned something from my tutorials, you are obligated (sorry man, I didn't make the rulez) to "donate" 15% of your first paycheck to via PayPal. Thanks!
With that bit of legalese behind us, let's move on.
Hmm ... but what if he loses a job because of your tutorials?
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 3:35 pm : MBolus wrote:
Hmm ... but what if he loses a job because of your tutorials?
Then he is careless, and you owe him 15% of your next paycheck.
parsonsbear@Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 11:04 pm : So this is replacing MP assets, instead of adding new ones? Is there a mod way to do this?
Hope I'm not going off topic by asking a serious question ...

cusTom3@Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 11:51 pm : parsonsbear wrote:
So this is replacing MP assets, instead of adding new ones? Is there a mod way to do this?
Hope I'm not going off topic by asking a serious question ...

it sounded to me like he did that for this particular test. perhaps he will post an update when he finds a way to mod it out.
with my little understanding of the whole thing i would think it would just be a .def file addition.
and yes, going off topic as you did should cost you 15% of Trepaning's paycheck

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:35 am : Presently, this is just replacing vanilla content. I will figure out how to add custom players in new slots, as was possible in Quake 3, but do not know how to do that yet. Anyone is welcome to figure out how and post the answer, thanks! Also, having player selection as a contact-sheet as in Q3A would be awesome, instead of having to sift through the model choices one at a time.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:50 am : Hmm, I think I need to work on the animations a bit

Zenix@Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 4:20 am : Ok, this isn't that useful for multiplayer as it edits the player.def file. Maybe for a total conversion though?
in player.def create an entitydef of your model, mine looks like this..
entityDef model_player_zenix
"model" "model_player_failed_transfer"
"def_head" "char_marinehead_strassa"
"skin" ""
"description" "Zenix Test Model"
Then find entityDef player_marine_mp and it should have a list of def_models ( numbered 0 - 15 ) ( theres's actually 2 lists, the top ones commented out so ignore it )
add your model at the end,
"def_model16" "model_player_zenix"
then find entityDef player_marine_mp_ui and do the same thing.
Just for your info the one in player_marine_mp is for when you're already in a game, the mp_ui one is for before you've joined.

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:13 pm : Awesome work so far! I wondered what the UI was for, and hadn't touched upon it yet. I'll get to this stuff tonight...
What is the animation list required for MP?
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 3:19 pm : I have made #16 player using the Marine Body and a custom head skinned to the STRASSA bone set up. (Only the HEAD CHANNEL bone actually influences the mesh.)
I can see the player body/head in the UI just fine, but when I go into the game, it has no head. BUT if I start up the game and do NOT look at the player in the UI selection list first and jump straight into the level, it appears in the game with teh body and head just fine. However, when I again look at the player model in the UI before entering the level, the game model will not have its head once again.
May just be a simple thing, I am just posting observations thus far.
Zenix@Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 11:30 pm : Odd, can't imagine what would cause that.
One problem with custom models though, the player select screen always uses the marine idle anim, so any model that doesn't use these anims is going to look messed up. You can always select your model from the console ( ui_model ) but then you have to know the exact name.
=NoMercy=@Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 11:18 pm : I can't find the head models and the def file for the heads if there is any.. can someone help me please?
Zenix@Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 11:59 pm : models\lipsync\marine_head
Not sure about def files.
Ranting Canadian@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 1:13 am : Has any progress been made in the custom MP player models area? I am really interested in doing this, becasue i think it would be fun to recreate myself and some of my friends as in-game players. Would be great fun in LAN parties ect. So Brian, I think you should make a nifty video about doing this. I havnt seen any new videos from you lately and it makes me sad

I think I will try and and mess with the process and try and get it to work in a pk4/mod, i dont really like messing with original game content becasue i will end up breaking somthing and having to reinstall

. But if you guys are still interested in furthering this I am more than willing to help.
Zenix@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:01 am : To do it without modifying original content, you would have to set your model via the console( ui_model ).
It really shouldn't be too hard, if I had a model with the proper anims and joints I think I could do it. Hmm, maybe Brian wants to donate Duck Nukem.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 12:07 am : I would need a list of the anims required for MP, and a bone structure hierarchy, unless someone wants to make a new DEF file for the custom player. I have the MP rig for Maya, but do not know how to skin or animate in Maya yet. I have a friend going to show me tonight or tomorrow, then it should be fairly simple to skin a new mesh to the default rig and use the game's prefab anims. A modified (rescaled, repostioned, whatever) rig would require a whole new export of the anims needed for MP, and a custom rig (new bones and bone names) would require a new DEF file as well as new anims. Duck Nukem, made in 3ds Max, has a custom rig.
dw@Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 8:38 pm : Well its good, but some cases will require whole new rig, animations, DEF file etc.
Here take a look:
And I hope Maya is not the final option for exporting custom model...
kat@Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 8:58 pm : How many triangles is that?
And yeah, if people are wanting custom models that's pretty much going to mean everything will need to be custom..

dw@Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 5:51 pm : to kat:
Agh, crap. Sorry, actualy polycount is given in triangles.
Need to fix that.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 6:06 pm : So far, I can get Duck Nukem to show up in the UI selection list and he looks just ducky in ModView, but the game crashes to desktop when I create a server...
kat@Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 8:27 pm : dw wrote:
to kat:
Agh, crap. Sorry, actualy polycount is given in triangles.
Need to fix that.
Damn he's seriously shapely for that tris count, I was exacting double that for what you have there!
dw@Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 11:04 pm : /*little offtop*/
kat wrote:
Damn he's seriously shapely for that tris count, I was exacting double that for what you have there!
Err... My english is far from perfect

, I understand every single word, but not the whole meaning. Do you mean polycount is too high for these shape? ... or too low?
Oh, I get it(I think) - this polycount is WITHOUT the gun.
It's the gun that confused you, right?
kat@Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 1:23 am : Sorry, I mean't "you've created a lot of detail on that model using such a low polycount".
revility@Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 7:47 am : Been importing and tinkering around with editing the mp models and replacing them.
However, when i import them with derton's importer, they are in an idle like pose. Is there a way to import the meshes in just a the regular spread eagle style?
dw@Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:54 am : You can try importing animation "af_pose".
dw@Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 6:56 am :
port66@Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 2:43 pm : you need the sdk though. to add spawnclasses.
revility@Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 4:02 am : ah, theres the af_pose. looks a little wacky around the the arms some.
Found that using the failed transer models/corpses is better, their already set that way on import. Those skinny bastards should work great for a female base

also noticed that not all mp models use the all same bones. Some stuff like fingurs and body parts are different for each one.
5p3c7r4@Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 7:19 pm : [quote="Brain Trepaning"]Just running some tests because I want to get custom players into Q4 MP.
HI everyone,
I am wokring on a mod for q4 (q4max) and I am not having much luck getting the models in,
Since youve obviously got some good info on this, can you please show me where I can learn it as well or please tell me what I need to do?
Thank you
heres a shot of the model so far
I am mostly wokring In max But I can work in maya as well, I can import an dexport no problem, so my quesdtion is how do i bind this mesh to the player animations already in q4?
In q3 it was as simple and making your animations and lining them up with the text file contaning the movement markers etc.
Please help....
der_ton@Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 2:08 pm : 5p3c7r4 wrote:
Please help....

4ll 4nsw3rz go here please: ... highlight=
5p3c7r4: double posting is not l33t.

Slyrr@Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 7:51 pm : I've recently thought about trying to import a custom model into Q4.
I've done lots of models for Unreal Tournament based games, but never for any of the Quake games. As such, I'm a bit out of my depth.
Can anyone recommend a good site to go to that explains the process from start to finish with specifics? (Unreal/Epic games has the UDN site, which does just that, containing many tutorials with screenshots that go through everything required from start to finish in your modelling suite, and also from start to finish for importing to the game and making sure you can actually SEE it as a choice in your player selection.
If there's a site like that I haven't found it. the iddevnet site doesn't say all that much....
I'm pretty familiar with the process of actually CREATING the model, rigging it up and animating it, even with custom skeletons. I'm also pretty familar with the EXPORTING process to .md5 mesh and anim format with Der_Ton's exporting program.
The only things I'm NOT sure on, are what's needed for their IK setup, how exactly that's supposed to be rigged for a model, and how to organize and write up the model so it can be used in game.
Also, custom SOUNDS for the model - the iddevnet pages say how to import a sound into the game - but not for a specific player model....
Any advice in that regard is welcome. It would be kinda neat to see my RAPTOR model in Quake4 with a normalmap applied....
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 12:36 pm : Sorry to bump this rather old thread but we are still having issues with IK setups. Feet end up halfway into geometry and other strange things seems to happen involving the IK setup of our monsters. Does anybody have a clear explenation as to how the IK setup works in Doom3? How can we make sure feet stay ON the ground and don't end up INSIDE it?
We've literally searched every forum and post here on Doom 3 world. But whenever we get close threads just 'end' like this one. I know other mods and teams were succesful in putting enemies into the game so it can't be that hard. Iddevnet has no information on this at all. It's strange how something so important has so little documentation.
CrimsonHead@Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 3:49 pm : Has anyone else seen this? ... odel;28314I wonder what happened to that project? I hope it's not abandoned, I'd love to see all the Q3A models get remade for Quake4.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 2:51 am : Just running some tests because I want to get custom players into Q4 MP.

MBolus@Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 4:18 am : The first one looks good, but the second needs more cowbell.
cusTom3@Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:20 pm : Brain,
just wanted to thank you. your tutorials were wonderful and you make me laugh all the time

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 5:40 am : MBolus: Thanks for the comments, I'll use more cowbell in the future.
cusTom3: I find it easier to learn when I'm smiling. Remember, if you get a job because you learned something from my tutorials, you are obligated (sorry man, I didn't make the rulez) to "donate" 15% of your first paycheck to via PayPal. Thanks!
With that bit of legalese behind us, let's move on.
I have tried, and have been rather successful, getting a custom player model into Quake 4's MP player selection lineup. I call this creation, "The Shape".
Because I had to replace vanilla game content to make this initial trial work, The Shape has kind of "re-organized" the Corpse player model available.
Aside from that bit of art, here is another gif to kill your bandwidth:
[EDIT]if you're posting several giffs like that, url link to the rather than posting the actual anims on the forums. File size is just as important as image size. kat
MBolus@Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 6:11 am : Brain Trepaning wrote:
cusTom3: I find it easier to learn when I'm smiling. Remember, if you get a job because you learned something from my tutorials, you are obligated (sorry man, I didn't make the rulez) to "donate" 15% of your first paycheck to via PayPal. Thanks!
With that bit of legalese behind us, let's move on.
Hmm ... but what if he loses a job because of your tutorials?
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 3:35 pm : MBolus wrote:
Hmm ... but what if he loses a job because of your tutorials?
Then he is careless, and you owe him 15% of your next paycheck.
parsonsbear@Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 11:04 pm : So this is replacing MP assets, instead of adding new ones? Is there a mod way to do this?
Hope I'm not going off topic by asking a serious question ...

cusTom3@Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 11:51 pm : parsonsbear wrote:
So this is replacing MP assets, instead of adding new ones? Is there a mod way to do this?
Hope I'm not going off topic by asking a serious question ...

it sounded to me like he did that for this particular test. perhaps he will post an update when he finds a way to mod it out.
with my little understanding of the whole thing i would think it would just be a .def file addition.
and yes, going off topic as you did should cost you 15% of Trepaning's paycheck

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:35 am : Presently, this is just replacing vanilla content. I will figure out how to add custom players in new slots, as was possible in Quake 3, but do not know how to do that yet. Anyone is welcome to figure out how and post the answer, thanks! Also, having player selection as a contact-sheet as in Q3A would be awesome, instead of having to sift through the model choices one at a time.
Zenix@Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:50 am : Hmm, I think I need to work on the animations a bit

Zenix@Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 4:20 am : Ok, this isn't that useful for multiplayer as it edits the player.def file. Maybe for a total conversion though?
in player.def create an entitydef of your model, mine looks like this..
entityDef model_player_zenix
"model" "model_player_failed_transfer"
"def_head" "char_marinehead_strassa"
"skin" ""
"description" "Zenix Test Model"
Then find entityDef player_marine_mp and it should have a list of def_models ( numbered 0 - 15 ) ( theres's actually 2 lists, the top ones commented out so ignore it )
add your model at the end,
"def_model16" "model_player_zenix"
then find entityDef player_marine_mp_ui and do the same thing.
Just for your info the one in player_marine_mp is for when you're already in a game, the mp_ui one is for before you've joined.

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:13 pm : Awesome work so far! I wondered what the UI was for, and hadn't touched upon it yet. I'll get to this stuff tonight...
What is the animation list required for MP?
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 3:19 pm : I have made #16 player using the Marine Body and a custom head skinned to the STRASSA bone set up. (Only the HEAD CHANNEL bone actually influences the mesh.)
I can see the player body/head in the UI just fine, but when I go into the game, it has no head. BUT if I start up the game and do NOT look at the player in the UI selection list first and jump straight into the level, it appears in the game with teh body and head just fine. However, when I again look at the player model in the UI before entering the level, the game model will not have its head once again.
May just be a simple thing, I am just posting observations thus far.
Zenix@Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 11:30 pm : Odd, can't imagine what would cause that.
One problem with custom models though, the player select screen always uses the marine idle anim, so any model that doesn't use these anims is going to look messed up. You can always select your model from the console ( ui_model ) but then you have to know the exact name.
=NoMercy=@Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 11:18 pm : I can't find the head models and the def file for the heads if there is any.. can someone help me please?
Zenix@Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 11:59 pm : models\lipsync\marine_head
Not sure about def files.
Ranting Canadian@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 1:13 am : Has any progress been made in the custom MP player models area? I am really interested in doing this, becasue i think it would be fun to recreate myself and some of my friends as in-game players. Would be great fun in LAN parties ect. So Brian, I think you should make a nifty video about doing this. I havnt seen any new videos from you lately and it makes me sad

I think I will try and and mess with the process and try and get it to work in a pk4/mod, i dont really like messing with original game content becasue i will end up breaking somthing and having to reinstall

. But if you guys are still interested in furthering this I am more than willing to help.
Zenix@Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:01 am : To do it without modifying original content, you would have to set your model via the console( ui_model ).
It really shouldn't be too hard, if I had a model with the proper anims and joints I think I could do it. Hmm, maybe Brian wants to donate Duck Nukem.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 12:07 am : I would need a list of the anims required for MP, and a bone structure hierarchy, unless someone wants to make a new DEF file for the custom player. I have the MP rig for Maya, but do not know how to skin or animate in Maya yet. I have a friend going to show me tonight or tomorrow, then it should be fairly simple to skin a new mesh to the default rig and use the game's prefab anims. A modified (rescaled, repostioned, whatever) rig would require a whole new export of the anims needed for MP, and a custom rig (new bones and bone names) would require a new DEF file as well as new anims. Duck Nukem, made in 3ds Max, has a custom rig.
dw@Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 8:38 pm : Well its good, but some cases will require whole new rig, animations, DEF file etc.
Here take a look:
And I hope Maya is not the final option for exporting custom model...
kat@Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 8:58 pm : How many triangles is that?
And yeah, if people are wanting custom models that's pretty much going to mean everything will need to be custom..

dw@Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 5:51 pm : to kat:
Agh, crap. Sorry, actualy polycount is given in triangles.
Need to fix that.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 6:06 pm : So far, I can get Duck Nukem to show up in the UI selection list and he looks just ducky in ModView, but the game crashes to desktop when I create a server...
kat@Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 8:27 pm : dw wrote:
to kat:
Agh, crap. Sorry, actualy polycount is given in triangles.
Need to fix that.
Damn he's seriously shapely for that tris count, I was exacting double that for what you have there!
dw@Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 11:04 pm : /*little offtop*/
kat wrote:
Damn he's seriously shapely for that tris count, I was exacting double that for what you have there!
Err... My english is far from perfect

, I understand every single word, but not the whole meaning. Do you mean polycount is too high for these shape? ... or too low?
Oh, I get it(I think) - this polycount is WITHOUT the gun.
It's the gun that confused you, right?
kat@Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 1:23 am : Sorry, I mean't "you've created a lot of detail on that model using such a low polycount".
revility@Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 7:47 am : Been importing and tinkering around with editing the mp models and replacing them.
However, when i import them with derton's importer, they are in an idle like pose. Is there a way to import the meshes in just a the regular spread eagle style?
dw@Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:54 am : You can try importing animation "af_pose".
dw@Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 6:56 am :
port66@Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 2:43 pm : you need the sdk though. to add spawnclasses.
revility@Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 4:02 am : ah, theres the af_pose. looks a little wacky around the the arms some.
Found that using the failed transer models/corpses is better, their already set that way on import. Those skinny bastards should work great for a female base

also noticed that not all mp models use the all same bones. Some stuff like fingurs and body parts are different for each one.
5p3c7r4@Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 7:19 pm : [quote="Brain Trepaning"]Just running some tests because I want to get custom players into Q4 MP.
HI everyone,
I am wokring on a mod for q4 (q4max) and I am not having much luck getting the models in,
Since youve obviously got some good info on this, can you please show me where I can learn it as well or please tell me what I need to do?
Thank you
heres a shot of the model so far
I am mostly wokring In max But I can work in maya as well, I can import an dexport no problem, so my quesdtion is how do i bind this mesh to the player animations already in q4?
In q3 it was as simple and making your animations and lining them up with the text file contaning the movement markers etc.
Please help....
der_ton@Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 2:08 pm : 5p3c7r4 wrote:
Please help....

4ll 4nsw3rz go here please: ... highlight=
5p3c7r4: double posting is not l33t.

Slyrr@Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 7:51 pm : I've recently thought about trying to import a custom model into Q4.
I've done lots of models for Unreal Tournament based games, but never for any of the Quake games. As such, I'm a bit out of my depth.
Can anyone recommend a good site to go to that explains the process from start to finish with specifics? (Unreal/Epic games has the UDN site, which does just that, containing many tutorials with screenshots that go through everything required from start to finish in your modelling suite, and also from start to finish for importing to the game and making sure you can actually SEE it as a choice in your player selection.
If there's a site like that I haven't found it. the iddevnet site doesn't say all that much....
I'm pretty familiar with the process of actually CREATING the model, rigging it up and animating it, even with custom skeletons. I'm also pretty familar with the EXPORTING process to .md5 mesh and anim format with Der_Ton's exporting program.
The only things I'm NOT sure on, are what's needed for their IK setup, how exactly that's supposed to be rigged for a model, and how to organize and write up the model so it can be used in game.
Also, custom SOUNDS for the model - the iddevnet pages say how to import a sound into the game - but not for a specific player model....
Any advice in that regard is welcome. It would be kinda neat to see my RAPTOR model in Quake4 with a normalmap applied....
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 12:36 pm : Sorry to bump this rather old thread but we are still having issues with IK setups. Feet end up halfway into geometry and other strange things seems to happen involving the IK setup of our monsters. Does anybody have a clear explenation as to how the IK setup works in Doom3? How can we make sure feet stay ON the ground and don't end up INSIDE it?
We've literally searched every forum and post here on Doom 3 world. But whenever we get close threads just 'end' like this one. I know other mods and teams were succesful in putting enemies into the game so it can't be that hard. Iddevnet has no information on this at all. It's strange how something so important has so little documentation.
CrimsonHead@Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 3:49 pm : Has anyone else seen this? ... odel;28314I wonder what happened to that project? I hope it's not abandoned, I'd love to see all the Q3A models get remade for Quake4.