xfxgeforced@Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 9:18 am :
well wenever i try to export my mesh and anim, i chose to export box01 and box02 which are parts of the bat, the animated thing in the scene, and the pumkin, and when i try to export to md5, it gets this error Image

DERTON HELp! plz :wink:

(it says "- Runtime Error: Exceeded the Vertex count skin: skin")

xfxgeforced@Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 5:33 pm :
here is the animation in a gif:

BeRSeRKeR@Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 6:44 pm :
Looking at the image seems the error is from my exporter. I'll take a look at it.

Have you tried derton exporter?


BeRSeRKeR@Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 7:06 pm :
It's hard to know exactly what the problem could be but, it's possible that you have some vertices without any bone influence?. Take into account that all your vertices need to be assigned to at least one bone. Try to move the root bone and see if any vertex stay in place and is not moving along with the skeleton.

Hope that helps...

xfxgeforced@Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 7:34 pm :
BeRSeRKeR wrote:
It's hard to know exactly what the problem could be but, it's possible that you have some vertices without any bone influence?. Take into account that all your vertices need to be assigned to at least one bone. Try to move the root bone and see if any vertex stay in place and is not moving along with the skeleton.

Hope that helps...

im using derton, and there actually are two objects that arent assigned to any bones. they are the pumpkin and the brown middle part of the bat. they do all have skins, but do i have to have bones assigned?

xfxgeforced@Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 7:48 pm :
ok i assigned bones to all the meshes and now it just froze wen i tried to export, no error though!

*nvm it just took a really long time, alot of vertices i guess? this is gonna lag my game so bad :lol:

BeRSeRKeR@Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 8:58 pm :
xfxgeforced wrote:
im using derton

If you are using the exporter shown in the image then it's mine. :D

xfxgeforced wrote:
ok i assigned bones to all the meshes and now it just froze wen i tried to export, no error though!

Yes, if your model has a lot (and not that much) of vertices, the exporting process will take a while (because I search for duplicated vertices) so if you don't get any error, means that the script is working (I know, I should show a progress bar. Maybe in the next version :)). When the process ends, a message box will be shown.


xfxgeforced@Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 9:24 pm :
o, so it is urs, well thanks for allowing me to export md5's! and i have given up, i had it all set up and referenced and then i try to put it in the game and when i select the model in d3editor, it errors and says that so and so vertice on line so and so has a weight of 0, and i press ok and d3editor closes...

i turned all the 0's to 1's, and then it had an error with the animation. ill just think of a different idea and do it later.

xfxgeforced@Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 10:08 pm :
well im starting again with a new bat an idea of how to do this. here he is, the cute little thing:

BeRSeRKeR@Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 10:34 pm :
If you don't mind you could send me the MAX scene that's giving you problems to the email address:

berserker at planetquake dot com

and I'll give it a shot ASAP.

xfxgeforced@Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 10:52 pm :
okay ill send u the scene, but for now heres my bat animation (new)

***heres the scene with the pumpkin and bat that i was having trouble with
http://illhostit.com/files/464982054890 ... t_anim.max

xfxgeforced@Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 11:24 pm :
can u tell me what this means? it failed
-- Developed by Jonathan "BeRSeRKeR" Garcia

fileIn "MD5MeshExporter.ms" -- The mesh exporter
fileIn "MD5AnimExporter.ms" -- The animation exporter
fileIn "MD5CameraExporter.ms" -- The camera exporter

rollout roAbout ".::About::." width:160
bitmap bmpBanner "" pos:[0,8] width:160 height:85 fileName:"MD5ExporterBanner.jpg"
button btnAbout "About" pos:[8,96] width:144 height:18

on btnAbout pressed do
messageBox "-- Developed by Jonathan \"BeRSeRKeR\" Garcia --" title: ".:: MD5 Exporter v0.1 ::." beep: false

rollout roMD5MeshAnim ".::Mesh & Animation::." width:160 height:584
-- Order of the rollout components matter! --

GroupBox grpFrameOptions " Frame options " pos:[8,16] width:144 height:104

spinner spnBaseFrame "Base frame " pos:[29,47] width:108 height:16 enabled:true type:#integer scale:1
spinner spnStartFrame "Start frame " pos:[28,69] width:109 height:16 enabled:true type:#integer scale:1
spinner spnEndFrame "End frame " pos:[28,94] width:109 height:16 enabled:true type:#integer scale:1

listbox lbxNodes "Nodes to export:" pos:[8,136] width:144 height:8

-- "Add" button filter function
fn filterFn node =
-- Skip objects already in the list of nodes and non geometric objects
-- Particle nodes are geometric objects so we discard them here!
((findItem lbxNodes.items node.name) == 0) and (superClassOf node == GeometryClass) and
(classOf node != BoneGeometry) and (classOf node != Biped_Object) and
(classOf node != Blizzard) and (classOf node != PF_Source) and (classOf node != Spray) and
(classOf node != PCloud) and (classOf node != Snow) and
(classOf node != PArray) and (classOf node != SuperSpray)

pickbutton btnPickNode "Add" pos:[16,272] width:56 height:18 enabled:true message:"" filter:filterFn toolTip:""
button btnRemove "Remove" pos:[80,272] width:64 height:18
label lblAddInfo "Add = pick a scene node" pos:[22,296] width:120 height:16
GroupBox grpExpOptions " Export options " pos:[8,336] width:144 height:80
radiobuttons rdoOptions "" pos:[16,360] width:127 height:48 labels:#("Export MD5Mesh only", "Export MD5Anim only", "Export both")
button btnExport "---> Export <---" pos:[32,440] width:96 height:18

-- animationRange callback function
fn roMD5MeshAnim_updateFrames_cb =
-- New animation ranges
local start = animationRange.start.frame as Integer
local end = animationRange.end.frame as Integer

-- When the spinners range changes, the values are reset to 0
-- so save the current spinners values...
local baseFrame = spnBaseFrame.value
local startFrame = spnStartFrame.value
local endFrame = spnEndFrame.value

-- Update spinners ranges
spnBaseFrame.range = spnStartFrame.range = spnEndFrame.range = [start, end, 0]

-- Restore the previous values
spnBaseFrame.value = baseFrame
spnStartFrame.value = startFrame
spnEndFrame.value = endFrame

on roMD5MeshAnim open do
local start = animationRange.start.frame as Integer
local end = animationRange.end.frame as Integer

spnBaseFrame.range = spnStartFrame.range = spnEndFrame.range = [start, end, 0]

spnBaseFrame.value = start
spnStartFrame.value = start + 1
spnEndFrame.value = end

rdoOptions.state = 3

-- Register animationRange callback function
registerTimeCallback roMD5MeshAnim_updateFrames_cb

on roMD5MeshAnim close do
-- Unregister animationRange callback function
unRegisterTimeCallback roMD5MeshAnim_updateFrames_cb

on btnPickNode picked node do
lbxNodes.items += #(node.name)

on btnRemove pressed do
if (lbxNodes.items.count > 0) and (lbxNodes.selection > 0) do
deleteItem lbxNodes.items lbxNodes.selection
lbxNodes.items = lbxNodes.items

on btnExport pressed do
local bUpdate = false

-- Check that base frame doesn't exceed the animation range
if (spnBaseFrame.value < animationRange.start.frame) or (spnBaseFrame.value > animationRange.end.frame) do
messageBox "Base frame out of range!" title: "Warning"
bUpdate = true

-- Check that start frame doesn't exceed the animation range
if (spnStartFrame.value < animationRange.start.frame) or (spnStartFrame.value > animationRange.end.frame) do
messageBox "Start frame out of range!" title: "Warning"
bUpdate = true

-- Check that end frame doesn't exceed the animation range
if (spnEndFrame.value < animationRange.start.frame) or (spnEndFrame.value > animationRange.end.frame) do
messageBox "End frame out of range!" title: "Warning"
bUpdate = true

-- If MAX animation range changes we have to update our sliders
if bUpdate == true do
local start = animationRange.start.frame as Integer
local end = animationRange.end.frame as Integer

spnBaseFrame.range = spnStartFrame.range = spnEndFrame.range = [start, end, 0]

spnBaseFrame.value = start
spnStartFrame.value = start + 1
spnEndFrame.value = end

messageBox "Frame range configuration updated" title: "Info"

return undefined

-- Is there some node to export?
if lbxNodes.items.count <= 0 do
messageBox "Nothing to export!" title: "Warning"
return undefined

-- Collect selected nodes
local nodeList = #()
for nodeName in lbxNodes.items do
node = getNodeByName nodeName
append nodeList node

-- Export options
case rdoOptions.state of
-- Let the user select the md5mesh output file
local meshFileName = getSaveFileName caption:"Save Doom III MD5Mesh" types:"Doom III MD5Mesh (*.md5mesh)|*.md5mesh"

if meshFileName != undefined do
md5Exp = MD5MeshExporter()
local bOk = md5Exp.doExport nodeList meshFileName

if bOk == true do
messageBox "MD5Mesh exported successfully!" title: ".::MD5Exporter::."
-- Let the user select the md5anim output file
local animFileName = getSaveFileName caption:"Save Doom III MD5Anim" types:"Doom III MD5Anim (*.md5anim)|*.md5anim"

if animFileName != undefined do
local nBaseFrame = spnBaseFrame.value
local animRange = interval spnStartFrame.value spnEndFrame.value

-- Create an ObjectSet
for node in nodeList do
-- Increment the selection
selectMore node

md5Exp = MD5AnimExporter()
local bOk = md5Exp.doExport $selection nBaseFrame animRange animFileName

if bOk == true do
messageBox "MD5Anim exported successfully!" title: ".::MD5Exporter::."

local bOk = false

-- Let the user select the md5mesh output file
local meshFileName = getSaveFileName caption:"Save Doom III MD5Mesh" types:"Doom III MD5Mesh (*.md5mesh)|*.md5mesh"

if meshFileName != undefined do
-- Export!
md5Exp = MD5MeshExporter()
bOk = md5Exp.doExport nodeList meshFileName

if bOk == false do
messageBox "MD5Mesh export failed!" title: ".::MD5Exporter::."

-- If MD5Mesh was exported, go for MD5Anim
if bOk == true do
-- Let the user select the md5anim output file
local animFileName = getSaveFileName caption:"Save Doom III MD5Anim" types:"Doom III MD5Anim (*.md5anim)|*.md5anim"

if animFileName != undefined do
local nBaseFrame = spnBaseFrame.value
local animRange = interval spnStartFrame.value spnEndFrame.value

-- Create an ObjectSet
for node in nodeList do
-- Increment the selection
selectMore node

-- Export!
md5Exp = MD5AnimExporter()
bOk = md5Exp.doExport $selection nBaseFrame animRange animFileName

if bOk == true then
messageBox "MD5Mesh and MD5Anim exported successfully!" title: ".::MD5Exporter::."
messageBox "MD5Anim export failed!" title: ".::MD5Exporter::."


rollout roMD5Camera ".::Camera::." width:160 height:378
-- "Add" button filter function
fn filterFn node =
return (superClassOf node == camera)

GroupBox grpCamera " Camera options " pos:[8,16] width:144 height:80
label lblCamera "No camera selected" pos:[19,40] width:125 height:16
pickbutton btnPick "Pick Camera" pos:[16,64] width:128 height:18 message:"Pick the camera to export" filter:filterFn

GroupBox grpCutScenes " Cut scene options " pos:[8,112] width:144 height:208
spinner spnStartFrame "Start " pos:[35,140] width:80 height:16 enabled:false type:#integer scale:1
spinner spnEndFrame "End " pos:[35,162] width:80 height:16 enabled:true type:#integer scale:1
listbox lbxCuts "Cut scenes:" pos:[16,192] width:128 height:5
button btnAdd "Add" pos:[17,288] width:60 height:18
button btnRemove "Remove" pos:[82,288] width:60 height:18
button btnExport "---> Export <---" pos:[32,344] width:96 height:18

-- animationRange callback function
fn roMD5Camera_updateFrames_cb =
-- New animation ranges
local start = animationRange.start.frame as Integer
local end = animationRange.end.frame as Integer

-- When the spinners range changes, the values are reset to 0
-- so save the current spinners values...
local startFrame = spnStartFrame.value
local endFrame = spnEndFrame.value

-- Update spinners ranges
spnStartFrame.range = spnEndFrame.range = [start, end, 0]

-- Restore the previous values
spnStartFrame.value = startFrame
spnEndFrame.value = endFrame

on roMD5Camera open do
-- Init spinners
local start = animationRange.start.frame as Integer
local end = animationRange.end.frame as Integer

spnStartFrame.range = spnEndFrame.range = [start, end, 0]

spnStartFrame.value = 0
spnEndFrame.value = end

-- Register animationRange callback function
registerTimeCallback roMD5Camera_updateFrames_cb

on roMD5Camera close do
-- Unregister animationRange callback function
unRegisterTimeCallback roMD5Camera_updateFrames_cb

on btnPick picked node do
lblCamera.caption = node.name

on btnAdd pressed do
local range = interval spnStartFrame.value spnEndFrame.value
local start = spnStartFrame.value

-- Look if the range already exists
local bFound = false
if lbxCuts.items.count != 0 and (findItem lbxCuts.items (range as String) != 0) do
bFound = true;

if ( (spnEndFrame.value - start) > 0) and (bFound != true) then
-- Insert new interval
lbxCuts.items += #(range as String)

-- Now we have to update the start and end frame --
if spnEndFrame.value < animationRange.end.frame do
-- Update start frame
spnStartFrame.value = spnEndFrame.value + 1
-- Update end frame
if (spnEndFrame.value + 1) < animationRange.end.frame then
spnEndFrame.value = spnEndFrame.value + 2
spnEndFrame.value = spnEndFrame.value + 1
-- Too bad! :)
if bFound == true then
messageBox "Interval already in the list!" title: "Warning"
messageBox "Invalid range!" title: "Warning"
on btnRemove pressed do
if (lbxCuts.items.count > 0) and (lbxCuts.selection > 0) do
-- Scene cuts must be deleted from bottom to top so if you want
-- delete cut 4, you have to delete cuts 5, 6, etc. first.
if lbxCuts.selection == lbxCuts.items.count then
-- Delete the selected cut
deleteItem lbxCuts.items lbxCuts.selection
lbxCuts.items = lbxCuts.items

-- Now we have to update the start and end frame --
if lbxCuts.items.count > 0 then
-- Get the last cut in the list
local toks = filterString (lbxCuts.items[lbxCuts.items.count]) " ()f"
local end = toks[3] as Integer

-- Update start frame
spnStartFrame.value = end + 1
-- Update end frame
if end <= animationRange.end.frame do
spnEndFrame.value = end + 2
-- Update start frame
spnStartFrame.value = 0
-- Update end frame
spnEndFrame.value = animationRange.end.frame
messageBox "You have to delete cuts below the current cut first!" title: "Warning"
on btnExport pressed do
-- Is there some camera to export?
local camera = getNodeByName lblCamera.caption
if camera == undefined do
messageBox "No camera to export!" title: "Warning"
return undefined

-- Is the camera animated?
if camera.isAnimated == false do
messageBox "The selected camera is not animated!" title: "Warning"
return undefined

-- Is there some cut scene to export?
if lbxCuts.items.count == 0 do
messageBox "No cut scenes to export!" title: "Warning"
return undefined

-- Check for invalid intervals
local totalFrames = 0
for auxCut in lbxCuts.items do
local toks = filterString auxCut " ()f"
local start = toks[2] as Integer
local end = toks[3] as Integer

totalFrames += (end - start + 1)
if totalFrames > (animationRange.end.frame - animationRange.start.frame + 1) do
messageBox "Invalid intervals found!" title: "Warning"
return undefined

-- Export --

-- Let the user select the md5mesh output file --

local camFileName = getSaveFileName caption:"Save Doom III MD5Camera" types:"Doom III MD5Camera (*.md5camera)"

if camFileName != undefined do
-- Note that MAXScript doesn't support extensions of 9 or more characters longer
-- so we have to do a workaround here
if (findString camFileName ".md5camera") == undefined do camFileName += ".md5camera"

md5Exp = MD5CameraExporter()
local bOk = md5Exp.doExport lbxCuts.items camera camFileName

if bOk == true do
messageBox "MD5Camera exported successfully!" title: ".::MD5Exporter::."

-- Let the show begins! :P --

if md5Exporter != undefined do
closeRolloutFloater md5Exporter
md5Exporter = newRolloutFloater "MD5 Exporter" 172 580
addRollout roAbout md5Exporter
addRollout roMD5MeshAnim md5Exporter
addRollout roMD5Camera md5Exporter

BeRSeRKeR@Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:04 am :
Ok, the first problem I've seen is that there's multiple root bones. Only one root bone can exists in your scene. So to comply with Doom3 animated models specification, you should have only one root bone and every vertex needs to be linked (at least) with one bone.

I've created a really simple scene, similar to the one you've sent me. You can download it here. I've tested the mesh & animation in my model viewer and works perfect.

Hope that helps.

xfxgeforced@Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:12 am :
BeRSeRKeR wrote:
Ok, the first problem I've seen is that there's multiple root bones. Only one root bone can exists in your scene. So to comply with Doom3 animated models specification, you should have only one root bone and every vertex needs to be linked (at least) with one bone.

I've created a really simple scene, similar to the one you've sent me. You can download it here. I've tested the mesh & animation in my model viewer and works perfect.

Hope that helps.>