-- Developed by Jonathan "BeRSeRKeR" Garcia
fileIn "MD5MeshExporter.ms" -- The mesh exporter
fileIn "MD5AnimExporter.ms" -- The animation exporter
fileIn "MD5CameraExporter.ms" -- The camera exporter
rollout roAbout ".::About::." width:160
bitmap bmpBanner "" pos:[0,8] width:160 height:85 fileName:"MD5ExporterBanner.jpg"
button btnAbout "About" pos:[8,96] width:144 height:18
on btnAbout pressed do
messageBox "-- Developed by Jonathan \"BeRSeRKeR\" Garcia --" title: ".:: MD5 Exporter v0.1 ::." beep: false
rollout roMD5MeshAnim ".::Mesh & Animation::." width:160 height:584
-- Order of the rollout components matter! --
GroupBox grpFrameOptions " Frame options " pos:[8,16] width:144 height:104
spinner spnBaseFrame "Base frame " pos:[29,47] width:108 height:16 enabled:true type:#integer scale:1
spinner spnStartFrame "Start frame " pos:[28,69] width:109 height:16 enabled:true type:#integer scale:1
spinner spnEndFrame "End frame " pos:[28,94] width:109 height:16 enabled:true type:#integer scale:1
listbox lbxNodes "Nodes to export:" pos:[8,136] width:144 height:8
-- "Add" button filter function
fn filterFn node =
-- Skip objects already in the list of nodes and non geometric objects
-- Particle nodes are geometric objects so we discard them here!
((findItem lbxNodes.items node.name) == 0) and (superClassOf node == GeometryClass) and
(classOf node != BoneGeometry) and (classOf node != Biped_Object) and
(classOf node != Blizzard) and (classOf node != PF_Source) and (classOf node != Spray) and
(classOf node != PCloud) and (classOf node != Snow) and
(classOf node != PArray) and (classOf node != SuperSpray)
pickbutton btnPickNode "Add" pos:[16,272] width:56 height:18 enabled:true message:"" filter:filterFn toolTip:""
button btnRemove "Remove" pos:[80,272] width:64 height:18
label lblAddInfo "Add = pick a scene node" pos:[22,296] width:120 height:16
GroupBox grpExpOptions " Export options " pos:[8,336] width:144 height:80
radiobuttons rdoOptions "" pos:[16,360] width:127 height:48 labels:#("Export MD5Mesh only", "Export MD5Anim only", "Export both")
button btnExport "---> Export <---" pos:[32,440] width:96 height:18
-- animationRange callback function
fn roMD5MeshAnim_updateFrames_cb =
-- New animation ranges
local start = animationRange.start.frame as Integer
local end = animationRange.end.frame as Integer
-- When the spinners range changes, the values are reset to 0
-- so save the current spinners values...
local baseFrame = spnBaseFrame.value
local startFrame = spnStartFrame.value
local endFrame = spnEndFrame.value
-- Update spinners ranges
spnBaseFrame.range = spnStartFrame.range = spnEndFrame.range = [start, end, 0]
-- Restore the previous values
spnBaseFrame.value = baseFrame
spnStartFrame.value = startFrame
spnEndFrame.value = endFrame
on roMD5MeshAnim open do
local start = animationRange.start.frame as Integer
local end = animationRange.end.frame as Integer
spnBaseFrame.range = spnStartFrame.range = spnEndFrame.range = [start, end, 0]
spnBaseFrame.value = start
spnStartFrame.value = start + 1
spnEndFrame.value = end
rdoOptions.state = 3
-- Register animationRange callback function
registerTimeCallback roMD5MeshAnim_updateFrames_cb
on roMD5MeshAnim close do
-- Unregister animationRange callback function
unRegisterTimeCallback roMD5MeshAnim_updateFrames_cb
on btnPickNode picked node do
lbxNodes.items += #(node.name)
on btnRemove pressed do
if (lbxNodes.items.count > 0) and (lbxNodes.selection > 0) do
deleteItem lbxNodes.items lbxNodes.selection
lbxNodes.items = lbxNodes.items
on btnExport pressed do
local bUpdate = false
-- Check that base frame doesn't exceed the animation range
if (spnBaseFrame.value < animationRange.start.frame) or (spnBaseFrame.value > animationRange.end.frame) do
messageBox "Base frame out of range!" title: "Warning"
bUpdate = true
-- Check that start frame doesn't exceed the animation range
if (spnStartFrame.value < animationRange.start.frame) or (spnStartFrame.value > animationRange.end.frame) do
messageBox "Start frame out of range!" title: "Warning"
bUpdate = true
-- Check that end frame doesn't exceed the animation range
if (spnEndFrame.value < animationRange.start.frame) or (spnEndFrame.value > animationRange.end.frame) do
messageBox "End frame out of range!" title: "Warning"
bUpdate = true
-- If MAX animation range changes we have to update our sliders
if bUpdate == true do
local start = animationRange.start.frame as Integer
local end = animationRange.end.frame as Integer
spnBaseFrame.range = spnStartFrame.range = spnEndFrame.range = [start, end, 0]
spnBaseFrame.value = start
spnStartFrame.value = start + 1
spnEndFrame.value = end
messageBox "Frame range configuration updated" title: "Info"
return undefined
-- Is there some node to export?
if lbxNodes.items.count <= 0 do
messageBox "Nothing to export!" title: "Warning"
return undefined
-- Collect selected nodes
local nodeList = #()
for nodeName in lbxNodes.items do
node = getNodeByName nodeName
append nodeList node
-- Export options
case rdoOptions.state of
-- Let the user select the md5mesh output file
local meshFileName = getSaveFileName caption:"Save Doom III MD5Mesh" types:"Doom III MD5Mesh (*.md5mesh)|*.md5mesh"
if meshFileName != undefined do
md5Exp = MD5MeshExporter()
local bOk = md5Exp.doExport nodeList meshFileName
if bOk == true do
messageBox "MD5Mesh exported successfully!" title: ".::MD5Exporter::."
-- Let the user select the md5anim output file
local animFileName = getSaveFileName caption:"Save Doom III MD5Anim" types:"Doom III MD5Anim (*.md5anim)|*.md5anim"
if animFileName != undefined do
local nBaseFrame = spnBaseFrame.value
local animRange = interval spnStartFrame.value spnEndFrame.value
-- Create an ObjectSet
for node in nodeList do
-- Increment the selection
selectMore node
md5Exp = MD5AnimExporter()
local bOk = md5Exp.doExport $selection nBaseFrame animRange animFileName
if bOk == true do
messageBox "MD5Anim exported successfully!" title: ".::MD5Exporter::."
local bOk = false
-- Let the user select the md5mesh output file
local meshFileName = getSaveFileName caption:"Save Doom III MD5Mesh" types:"Doom III MD5Mesh (*.md5mesh)|*.md5mesh"
if meshFileName != undefined do
-- Export!
md5Exp = MD5MeshExporter()
bOk = md5Exp.doExport nodeList meshFileName
if bOk == false do
messageBox "MD5Mesh export failed!" title: ".::MD5Exporter::."
-- If MD5Mesh was exported, go for MD5Anim
if bOk == true do
-- Let the user select the md5anim output file
local animFileName = getSaveFileName caption:"Save Doom III MD5Anim" types:"Doom III MD5Anim (*.md5anim)|*.md5anim"
if animFileName != undefined do
local nBaseFrame = spnBaseFrame.value
local animRange = interval spnStartFrame.value spnEndFrame.value
-- Create an ObjectSet
for node in nodeList do
-- Increment the selection
selectMore node
-- Export!
md5Exp = MD5AnimExporter()
bOk = md5Exp.doExport $selection nBaseFrame animRange animFileName
if bOk == true then
messageBox "MD5Mesh and MD5Anim exported successfully!" title: ".::MD5Exporter::."
messageBox "MD5Anim export failed!" title: ".::MD5Exporter::."
rollout roMD5Camera ".::Camera::." width:160 height:378
-- "Add" button filter function
fn filterFn node =
return (superClassOf node == camera)
GroupBox grpCamera " Camera options " pos:[8,16] width:144 height:80
label lblCamera "No camera selected" pos:[19,40] width:125 height:16
pickbutton btnPick "Pick Camera" pos:[16,64] width:128 height:18 message:"Pick the camera to export" filter:filterFn
GroupBox grpCutScenes " Cut scene options " pos:[8,112] width:144 height:208
spinner spnStartFrame "Start " pos:[35,140] width:80 height:16 enabled:false type:#integer scale:1
spinner spnEndFrame "End " pos:[35,162] width:80 height:16 enabled:true type:#integer scale:1
listbox lbxCuts "Cut scenes:" pos:[16,192] width:128 height:5
button btnAdd "Add" pos:[17,288] width:60 height:18
button btnRemove "Remove" pos:[82,288] width:60 height:18
button btnExport "---> Export <---" pos:[32,344] width:96 height:18
-- animationRange callback function
fn roMD5Camera_updateFrames_cb =
-- New animation ranges
local start = animationRange.start.frame as Integer
local end = animationRange.end.frame as Integer
-- When the spinners range changes, the values are reset to 0
-- so save the current spinners values...
local startFrame = spnStartFrame.value
local endFrame = spnEndFrame.value
-- Update spinners ranges
spnStartFrame.range = spnEndFrame.range = [start, end, 0]
-- Restore the previous values
spnStartFrame.value = startFrame
spnEndFrame.value = endFrame
on roMD5Camera open do
-- Init spinners
local start = animationRange.start.frame as Integer
local end = animationRange.end.frame as Integer
spnStartFrame.range = spnEndFrame.range = [start, end, 0]
spnStartFrame.value = 0
spnEndFrame.value = end
-- Register animationRange callback function
registerTimeCallback roMD5Camera_updateFrames_cb
on roMD5Camera close do
-- Unregister animationRange callback function
unRegisterTimeCallback roMD5Camera_updateFrames_cb
on btnPick picked node do
lblCamera.caption = node.name
on btnAdd pressed do
local range = interval spnStartFrame.value spnEndFrame.value
local start = spnStartFrame.value
-- Look if the range already exists
local bFound = false
if lbxCuts.items.count != 0 and (findItem lbxCuts.items (range as String) != 0) do
bFound = true;
if ( (spnEndFrame.value - start) > 0) and (bFound != true) then
-- Insert new interval
lbxCuts.items += #(range as String)
-- Now we have to update the start and end frame --
if spnEndFrame.value < animationRange.end.frame do
-- Update start frame
spnStartFrame.value = spnEndFrame.value + 1
-- Update end frame
if (spnEndFrame.value + 1) < animationRange.end.frame then
spnEndFrame.value = spnEndFrame.value + 2
spnEndFrame.value = spnEndFrame.value + 1
-- Too bad!

if bFound == true then
messageBox "Interval already in the list!" title: "Warning"
messageBox "Invalid range!" title: "Warning"
on btnRemove pressed do
if (lbxCuts.items.count > 0) and (lbxCuts.selection > 0) do
-- Scene cuts must be deleted from bottom to top so if you want
-- delete cut 4, you have to delete cuts 5, 6, etc. first.
if lbxCuts.selection == lbxCuts.items.count then
-- Delete the selected cut
deleteItem lbxCuts.items lbxCuts.selection
lbxCuts.items = lbxCuts.items
-- Now we have to update the start and end frame --
if lbxCuts.items.count > 0 then
-- Get the last cut in the list
local toks = filterString (lbxCuts.items[lbxCuts.items.count]) " ()f"
local end = toks[3] as Integer
-- Update start frame
spnStartFrame.value = end + 1
-- Update end frame
if end <= animationRange.end.frame do
spnEndFrame.value = end + 2
-- Update start frame
spnStartFrame.value = 0
-- Update end frame
spnEndFrame.value = animationRange.end.frame
messageBox "You have to delete cuts below the current cut first!" title: "Warning"
on btnExport pressed do
-- Is there some camera to export?
local camera = getNodeByName lblCamera.caption
if camera == undefined do
messageBox "No camera to export!" title: "Warning"
return undefined
-- Is the camera animated?
if camera.isAnimated == false do
messageBox "The selected camera is not animated!" title: "Warning"
return undefined
-- Is there some cut scene to export?
if lbxCuts.items.count == 0 do
messageBox "No cut scenes to export!" title: "Warning"
return undefined
-- Check for invalid intervals
local totalFrames = 0
for auxCut in lbxCuts.items do
local toks = filterString auxCut " ()f"
local start = toks[2] as Integer
local end = toks[3] as Integer
totalFrames += (end - start + 1)
if totalFrames > (animationRange.end.frame - animationRange.start.frame + 1) do
messageBox "Invalid intervals found!" title: "Warning"
return undefined
-- Export --
-- Let the user select the md5mesh output file --
local camFileName = getSaveFileName caption:"Save Doom III MD5Camera" types:"Doom III MD5Camera (*.md5camera)"
if camFileName != undefined do
-- Note that MAXScript doesn't support extensions of 9 or more characters longer
-- so we have to do a workaround here
if (findString camFileName ".md5camera") == undefined do camFileName += ".md5camera"
md5Exp = MD5CameraExporter()
local bOk = md5Exp.doExport lbxCuts.items camera camFileName
if bOk == true do
messageBox "MD5Camera exported successfully!" title: ".::MD5Exporter::."
-- Let the show begins!

if md5Exporter != undefined do
closeRolloutFloater md5Exporter
md5Exporter = newRolloutFloater "MD5 Exporter" 172 580
addRollout roAbout md5Exporter
addRollout roMD5MeshAnim md5Exporter
addRollout roMD5Camera md5Exporter