I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:59 am :
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:19 am :
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
Qwertys@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:21 am :
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:14 am :
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:13 am :
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
If you don't like it, then go somewhere else.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:44 am :
bb_matt wrote:
it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
what so places that alow you to use an image as your sig are indecent ?
bb_matt wrote:
you would've been kicked by now.
wtf ? why ? cus you dont like me ? did i ever post trojans, postnude pics or threten you or haras you ?
so cut me some slak plz
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:27 pm :
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:14 pm :
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 12:49 am :
Mordenkainen wrote:
1) I quit.
Qwertys@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:21 am :
4) You first. Don't worry, I'll follow you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:45 pm :
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
End of story.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:50 pm :
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:00 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:08 pm :
but its what people whanted... a smaller...look
befor after
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:11 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
but its what people whanted... a smaller...look
befor after
Don't cry
Look at this:
And don't forget that people still can identify you through your custom avatar.
Nobody will visit your website because of your sig image, but many people will do if they get the impression it's worthwhile when reading your posts.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 3:18 pm :
heh? but the link i got in my sig is to kill epileptic people....
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
ok i whont use a sig
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 4:04 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it.
BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:19 pm :
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it. BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 1:15 am :
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk
LOL. I love that song, it's just so crazy!
"By pressing down a special key, I place a little melody".
That is great way of acheiving spam protection though, I had never thought about using an image.
Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 4:43 am :
bb_matt wrote:
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it. BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
I don't get it, bb_matt. How does a small .gif file with nothing but an email address on it be a tool for spam protection? Are you playing a prank on us?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 5:33 am :
There are programs out there called spiders. Their purpose is to surf the web in search of information. (Hmm, wonder why they are called spiders. )
They can be used productively, ie. Google, or not, ie. Spam lists.
In the case of spam these programs will look for email addresses and create a list. These lists are then sold to spammers who send out junk mail to everyone on the list.
Fortunately, the program cannot read the text in an image because an image is made of pixels so by making a simple graphic that displays your email you can prevent spiders from gathering your address.
bb_matt@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 6:52 am :
Yeah - what rich said !
I've already got spam protection at server level because I was getting up to 30 a day - my email addy has been on the net for over 5 years, so I guess I'm on a few lists by now !
Forums are a prime target for spiders to 'hunt' for thier prey - email addresses
Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 7:10 am :
Oh I get it now... I always thought not disclosing my email address is the best way of spam protection.
Come to think of it, I learnt alot from these forums. Thanks guys!
BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 3:15 pm :
Bump back into existence!
|DRC| Photek@Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 2:15 pm :
And may the force be with you!
awaregamer@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 7:09 pm :
My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : )
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 8:41 pm :
awaregamer wrote:
My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : )
No more longer - images in the signature are not allowed here, don't think it's silly to post your sig into the very forum explaining why you shouldn't?
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 1:59 am :
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:19 am :
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
Qwertys@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:21 am :
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:14 am :
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 11:13 am :
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
If you don't like it, then go somewhere else.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 11:44 am :
bb_matt wrote:
it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
what so places that alow you to use an image as your sig are indecent ?
bb_matt wrote:
you would've been kicked by now.
wtf ? why ? cus you dont like me ? did i ever post trojans, postnude pics or threten you or haras you ?
so cut me some slak plz
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 4:27 pm :
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:14 pm :
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:49 am :
Mordenkainen wrote:
1) I quit.
Qwertys@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 7:21 am :
4) You first. Don't worry, I'll follow you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:45 pm :
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
End of story.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:50 pm :
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 3:00 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 3:08 pm :
but its what people whanted... a smaller...look
befor after
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 3:11 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
but its what people whanted... a smaller...look
befor after
Don't cry
Look at this:
And don't forget that people still can identify you through your custom avatar.
Nobody will visit your website because of your sig image, but many people will do if they get the impression it's worthwhile when reading your posts.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 3:18 pm :
heh? but the link i got in my sig is to kill epileptic people....
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
ok i whont use a sig
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 4:04 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it.
BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:19 pm :
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it. BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 1:15 am :
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk
LOL. I love that song, it's just so crazy!
"By pressing down a special key, I place a little melody".
That is great way of acheiving spam protection though, I had never thought about using an image.
Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 4:43 am :
bb_matt wrote:
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it. BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
I don't get it, bb_matt. How does a small .gif file with nothing but an email address on it be a tool for spam protection? Are you playing a prank on us?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 5:33 am :
There are programs out there called spiders. Their purpose is to surf the web in search of information. (Hmm, wonder why they are called spiders. )
They can be used productively, ie. Google, or not, ie. Spam lists.
In the case of spam these programs will look for email addresses and create a list. These lists are then sold to spammers who send out junk mail to everyone on the list.
Fortunately, the program cannot read the text in an image because an image is made of pixels so by making a simple graphic that displays your email you can prevent spiders from gathering your address.
bb_matt@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 6:52 am :
Yeah - what rich said !
I've already got spam protection at server level because I was getting up to 30 a day - my email addy has been on the net for over 5 years, so I guess I'm on a few lists by now !
Forums are a prime target for spiders to 'hunt' for thier prey - email addresses
Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 7:10 am :
Oh I get it now... I always thought not disclosing my email address is the best way of spam protection.
Come to think of it, I learnt alot from these forums. Thanks guys!
BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 3:15 pm :
Bump back into existence!
|DRC| Photek@Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 2:15 pm :
And may the force be with you!
awaregamer@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 7:09 pm :
My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : )
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 8:41 pm :
awaregamer wrote:
My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : )
No more longer - images in the signature are not allowed here, don't think it's silly to post your sig into the very forum explaining why you shouldn't?
heh? but the link i got in my sig is to kill epileptic people....
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
ok i whont use a sig
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 4:04 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it.
BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:19 pm :
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it. BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 1:15 am :
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk
LOL. I love that song, it's just so crazy!
"By pressing down a special key, I place a little melody".
That is great way of acheiving spam protection though, I had never thought about using an image.
Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 4:43 am :
bb_matt wrote:
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it. BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
I don't get it, bb_matt. How does a small .gif file with nothing but an email address on it be a tool for spam protection? Are you playing a prank on us?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 5:33 am :
There are programs out there called spiders. Their purpose is to surf the web in search of information. (Hmm, wonder why they are called spiders. )
They can be used productively, ie. Google, or not, ie. Spam lists.
In the case of spam these programs will look for email addresses and create a list. These lists are then sold to spammers who send out junk mail to everyone on the list.
Fortunately, the program cannot read the text in an image because an image is made of pixels so by making a simple graphic that displays your email you can prevent spiders from gathering your address.
bb_matt@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 6:52 am :
Yeah - what rich said !
I've already got spam protection at server level because I was getting up to 30 a day - my email addy has been on the net for over 5 years, so I guess I'm on a few lists by now !
Forums are a prime target for spiders to 'hunt' for thier prey - email addresses
Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 7:10 am :
Oh I get it now... I always thought not disclosing my email address is the best way of spam protection.
Come to think of it, I learnt alot from these forums. Thanks guys!
BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 3:15 pm :
Bump back into existence!
|DRC| Photek@Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 2:15 pm :
And may the force be with you!
awaregamer@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 7:09 pm :
My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : )
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 8:41 pm :
awaregamer wrote:
My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : )
No more longer - images in the signature are not allowed here, don't think it's silly to post your sig into the very forum explaining why you shouldn't?
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 1:59 am :
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:19 am :
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
Qwertys@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:21 am :
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:14 am :
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 11:13 am :
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
If you don't like it, then go somewhere else.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 11:44 am :
bb_matt wrote:
it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
what so places that alow you to use an image as your sig are indecent ?
bb_matt wrote:
you would've been kicked by now.
wtf ? why ? cus you dont like me ? did i ever post trojans, postnude pics or threten you or haras you ?
so cut me some slak plz
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 4:27 pm :
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:14 pm :
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:49 am :
Mordenkainen wrote:
1) I quit.
Qwertys@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 7:21 am :
4) You first. Don't worry, I'll follow you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:45 pm :
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
End of story.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:50 pm :
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 3:00 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 3:08 pm :
but its what people whanted... a smaller...look
befor after
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 3:11 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
but its what people whanted... a smaller...look
befor after
Don't cry
Look at this:
And don't forget that people still can identify you through your custom avatar.
Nobody will visit your website because of your sig image, but many people will do if they get the impression it's worthwhile when reading your posts.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 3:18 pm :
heh? but the link i got in my sig is to kill epileptic people....
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
ok i whont use a sig
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 4:04 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it.
BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:19 pm :
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it. BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 1:15 am :
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk
LOL. I love that song, it's just so crazy!
"By pressing down a special key, I place a little melody".
That is great way of acheiving spam protection though, I had never thought about using an image.
Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 4:43 am :
bb_matt wrote:
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it. BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
I don't get it, bb_matt. How does a small .gif file with nothing but an email address on it be a tool for spam protection? Are you playing a prank on us?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 5:33 am :
There are programs out there called spiders. Their purpose is to surf the web in search of information. (Hmm, wonder why they are called spiders. )
They can be used productively, ie. Google, or not, ie. Spam lists.
In the case of spam these programs will look for email addresses and create a list. These lists are then sold to spammers who send out junk mail to everyone on the list.
Fortunately, the program cannot read the text in an image because an image is made of pixels so by making a simple graphic that displays your email you can prevent spiders from gathering your address.
bb_matt@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 6:52 am :
Yeah - what rich said !
I've already got spam protection at server level because I was getting up to 30 a day - my email addy has been on the net for over 5 years, so I guess I'm on a few lists by now !
Forums are a prime target for spiders to 'hunt' for thier prey - email addresses
Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 7:10 am :
Oh I get it now... I always thought not disclosing my email address is the best way of spam protection.
Come to think of it, I learnt alot from these forums. Thanks guys!
BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 3:15 pm :
Bump back into existence!
|DRC| Photek@Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 2:15 pm :
And may the force be with you!
awaregamer@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 7:09 pm :
My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : )
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 8:41 pm :
awaregamer wrote:
My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : )
No more longer - images in the signature are not allowed here, don't think it's silly to post your sig into the very forum explaining why you shouldn't?
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:59 am :
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:19 am :
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
Qwertys@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:21 am :
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:14 am :
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:13 am :
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
If you don't like it, then go somewhere else.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:44 am :
bb_matt wrote:
it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
what so places that alow you to use an image as your sig are indecent ?
bb_matt wrote:
you would've been kicked by now.
wtf ? why ? cus you dont like me ? did i ever post trojans, postnude pics or threten you or haras you ?
so cut me some slak plz
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:27 pm :
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:14 pm :
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 12:49 am :
Mordenkainen wrote:
1) I quit.
Qwertys@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:21 am :
4) You first. Don't worry, I'll follow you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:45 pm :
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
End of story.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:50 pm :
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:00 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:08 pm :
but its what people whanted... a smaller...look
befor after
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:11 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
but its what people whanted... a smaller...look
befor after
Don't cry
Look at this:
And don't forget that people still can identify you through your custom avatar.
Nobody will visit your website because of your sig image, but many people will do if they get the impression it's worthwhile when reading your posts.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:39 am :
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:59 am :
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:19 am :
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
Qwertys@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:21 am :
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:14 am :
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:13 am :
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
If you don't like it, then go somewhere else.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:44 am :
bb_matt wrote:
it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
what so places that alow you to use an image as your sig are indecent ?
bb_matt wrote:
you would've been kicked by now.
wtf ? why ? cus you dont like me ? did i ever post trojans, postnude pics or threten you or haras you ?
so cut me some slak plz
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:27 pm :
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:14 pm :
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 12:49 am :
Mordenkainen wrote:
1) I quit.
Qwertys@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:21 am :
4) You first. Don't worry, I'll follow you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:45 pm :
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
End of story.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:50 pm :
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:00 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:08 pm :
Doom3world • View topic - What is wrong with images in a signature?
Post subject: What is wrong with images in a signature?
Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:39 am
a gun & a nice word
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7557 Location: Orlando, FL
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on modwiki.net?
Joined: Thu Nov 08, 2001 11:00 pm Posts: 4940 Location: UK, York
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2002 10:20 am Posts: 3258 Location: London
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
Joined: Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:22 am Posts: 320 Location: tunbridge wells - UK
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2002 10:20 am Posts: 3258 Location: London
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7557 Location: Orlando, FL
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on modwiki.net?
Joined: Mon Nov 04, 2002 10:50 pm Posts: 1310 Location: PT, EU
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
Joined: Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:22 am Posts: 320 Location: tunbridge wells - UK
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:59 am :
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:19 am :
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
Qwertys@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:21 am :
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:14 am :
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:13 am :
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
If you don't like it, then go somewhere else.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:44 am :
bb_matt wrote:
it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
what so places that alow you to use an image as your sig are indecent ?
bb_matt wrote:
you would've been kicked by now.
wtf ? why ? cus you dont like me ? did i ever post trojans, postnude pics or threten you or haras you ?
so cut me some slak plz
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:27 pm :
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:14 pm :
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 12:49 am :
Mordenkainen wrote:
1) I quit.
Qwertys@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:21 am :
4) You first. Don't worry, I'll follow you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:45 pm :
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
End of story.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:50 pm :
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:00 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:08 pm :
but its what people whanted... a smaller...look
befor after
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:39 am :
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:59 am :
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:19 am :
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
Qwertys@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:21 am :
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:14 am :
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:13 am :
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
If you don't like it, then go somewhere else.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:44 am :
bb_matt wrote:
it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
what so places that alow you to use an image as your sig are indecent ?
bb_matt wrote:
you would've been kicked by now.
wtf ? why ? cus you dont like me ? did i ever post trojans, postnude pics or threten you or haras you ?
so cut me some slak plz
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:27 pm :
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:14 pm :
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 12:49 am :
Mordenkainen wrote:
1) I quit.
Qwertys@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:21 am :
4) You first. Don't worry, I'll follow you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:45 pm :
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
End of story.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:50 pm :
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:00 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:08 pm :
but its what people whanted... a smaller...look
befor after
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:39 am :
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:59 am :
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:19 am :
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
Qwertys@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:21 am :
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:14 am :
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:13 am :
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
If you don't like it, then go somewhere else.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:44 am :
bb_matt wrote:
it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
what so places that alow you to use an image as your sig are indecent ?
bb_matt wrote:
you would've been kicked by now.
wtf ? why ? cus you dont like me ? did i ever post trojans, postnude pics or threten you or haras you ?
so cut me some slak plz
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:27 pm :
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:14 pm :
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 12:49 am :
Mordenkainen wrote:
1) I quit.
Qwertys@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:21 am :
4) You first. Don't worry, I'll follow you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:45 pm :
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
End of story.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:50 pm :
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:00 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:08 pm :
but its what people whanted... a smaller...look
befor after
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:39 am :
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:59 am :
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:19 am :
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
Qwertys@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:21 am :
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:14 am :
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:13 am :
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
If you don't like it, then go somewhere else.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:44 am :
bb_matt wrote:
it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
what so places that alow you to use an image as your sig are indecent ?
bb_matt wrote:
you would've been kicked by now.
wtf ? why ? cus you dont like me ? did i ever post trojans, postnude pics or threten you or haras you ?
so cut me some slak plz
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:27 pm :
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:14 pm :
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 12:49 am :
Mordenkainen wrote:
1) I quit.
Qwertys@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:21 am :
4) You first. Don't worry, I'll follow you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:45 pm :
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
End of story.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:50 pm :
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:00 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:08 pm :
Doom3world • View topic - What is wrong with images in a signature?
Post subject: What is wrong with images in a signature?
Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:39 am
a gun & a nice word
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7572 Location: Orlando, FL
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on modwiki.net?
Joined: Thu Nov 08, 2001 11:00 pm Posts: 4940 Location: UK, York
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2002 10:20 am Posts: 3258 Location: London
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
Joined: Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:22 am Posts: 320 Location: tunbridge wells - UK
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2002 10:20 am Posts: 3258 Location: London
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7572 Location: Orlando, FL
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on modwiki.net?
Joined: Mon Nov 04, 2002 10:50 pm Posts: 1313 Location: PT, EU
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
Joined: Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:22 am Posts: 320 Location: tunbridge wells - UK
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:59 am :
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:19 am :
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
Qwertys@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:21 am :
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:14 am :
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:13 am :
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
If you don't like it, then go somewhere else.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:44 am :
bb_matt wrote:
it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
what so places that alow you to use an image as your sig are indecent ?
bb_matt wrote:
you would've been kicked by now.
wtf ? why ? cus you dont like me ? did i ever post trojans, postnude pics or threten you or haras you ?
so cut me some slak plz
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:27 pm :
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:14 pm :
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 12:49 am :
Mordenkainen wrote:
1) I quit.
Qwertys@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:21 am :
4) You first. Don't worry, I'll follow you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:45 pm :
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
End of story.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:50 pm :
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:00 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:08 pm :
Doom3world • View topic - What is wrong with images in a signature?
Post subject: What is wrong with images in a signature?
Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:39 am
a gun & a nice word
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7563 Location: Orlando, FL
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on modwiki.net?
Joined: Thu Nov 08, 2001 11:00 pm Posts: 4940 Location: UK, York
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2002 10:20 am Posts: 3258 Location: London
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
Joined: Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:22 am Posts: 320 Location: tunbridge wells - UK
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2002 10:20 am Posts: 3258 Location: London
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7563 Location: Orlando, FL
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on modwiki.net?
Joined: Mon Nov 04, 2002 10:50 pm Posts: 1311 Location: PT, EU
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
Joined: Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:22 am Posts: 320 Location: tunbridge wells - UK
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:59 am :
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:19 am :
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
Qwertys@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:21 am :
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:14 am :
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:13 am :
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
If you don't like it, then go somewhere else.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:44 am :
bb_matt wrote:
it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
what so places that alow you to use an image as your sig are indecent ?
bb_matt wrote:
you would've been kicked by now.
wtf ? why ? cus you dont like me ? did i ever post trojans, postnude pics or threten you or haras you ?
so cut me some slak plz
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:27 pm :
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:14 pm :
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 12:49 am :
Mordenkainen wrote:
1) I quit.
Qwertys@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:21 am :
4) You first. Don't worry, I'll follow you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:45 pm :
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
End of story.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:50 pm :
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:00 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:08 pm :
but its what people whanted... a smaller...look
befor after
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:39 am Post subject: What is wrong with images in a signature?: I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself. _________________ Staff
Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on modwiki.net? kat@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:59 am Post subject: : what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
Last edited by kat on Fri Aug 22, 2003 1:02 am; edited 1 time in total rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 1:01 am Post subject: : I don't remember that. Maybe that was before I came here. _________________ Staff
Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on modwiki.net? kat@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 1:10 am Post subject: : another one... not the one I'm thinking of but interesting all the same...
http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=324&highlight=sigs _________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips TheCray_nz@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 4:44 am Post subject: : That first one wasn't so much a discussion as it was a BNA conformity smackdown. _shank@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:05 am Post subject: : Ok...so i am caught admist of noobPlonkers n00biness....
1. i dont mind removing my sig if BNA says so
2. its not my sig...its made by peppi
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site. _________________ Shashank Uchil 512x512 bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:19 am Post subject: : Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar. Qwertys@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:21 am Post subject: : shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it. _________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff. [noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:14 am Post subject: : sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:13 am Post subject: :
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
If you don't like it, then go somewhere else. [noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:44 am Post subject: :
bb_matt wrote:
it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
what so places that alow you to use an image as your sig are indecent ?
bb_matt wrote:
you would've been kicked by now.
wtf ? why ? cus you dont like me ? did i ever post trojans, postnude pics or threten you or haras you ?
so cut me some slak plz _________________ - User rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:27 pm Post subject: :
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to b
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:39 am :
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:59 am :
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:19 am :
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
Qwertys@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:21 am :
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:14 am :
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:13 am :
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
If you don't like it, then go somewhere else.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:44 am :
bb_matt wrote:
it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
what so places that alow you to use an image as your sig are indecent ?
bb_matt wrote:
you would've been kicked by now.
wtf ? why ? cus you dont like me ? did i ever post trojans, postnude pics or threten you or haras you ?
so cut me some slak plz
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:27 pm :
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:14 pm :
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 12:49 am :
Mordenkainen wrote:
1) I quit.
Qwertys@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:21 am :
4) You first. Don't worry, I'll follow you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:45 pm :
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
End of story.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:50 pm :
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:00 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:08 pm :
Doom3world • View topic - What is wrong with images in a signature?
Post subject: What is wrong with images in a signature?
Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:39 am
a gun & a nice word
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7546 Location: Orlando, FL
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on modwiki.net?
Joined: Thu Nov 08, 2001 11:00 pm Posts: 4940 Location: UK, York
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2002 10:20 am Posts: 3258 Location: London
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
Joined: Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:22 am Posts: 320 Location: tunbridge wells - UK
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2002 10:20 am Posts: 3258 Location: London
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7546 Location: Orlando, FL
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on modwiki.net?
Joined: Mon Nov 04, 2002 10:50 pm Posts: 1309 Location: PT, EU
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
Joined: Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:22 am Posts: 320 Location: tunbridge wells - UK
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:59 am :
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:19 am :
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
Qwertys@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:21 am :
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:14 am :
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:13 am :
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
If you don't like it, then go somewhere else.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:44 am :
bb_matt wrote:
it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
what so places that alow you to use an image as your sig are indecent ?
bb_matt wrote:
you would've been kicked by now.
wtf ? why ? cus you dont like me ? did i ever post trojans, postnude pics or threten you or haras you ?
so cut me some slak plz
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:27 pm :
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:14 pm :
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 12:49 am :
Mordenkainen wrote:
1) I quit.
Qwertys@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:21 am :
4) You first. Don't worry, I'll follow you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:45 pm :
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
End of story.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:50 pm :
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:00 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:08 pm :
but its what people whanted... a smaller...look
befor after
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:39 am :
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:59 am :
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:19 am :
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
Qwertys@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:21 am :
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:14 am :
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:13 am :
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
If you don't like it, then go somewhere else.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:44 am :
bb_matt wrote:
it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
what so places that alow you to use an image as your sig are indecent ?
bb_matt wrote:
you would've been kicked by now.
wtf ? why ? cus you dont like me ? did i ever post trojans, postnude pics or threten you or haras you ?
so cut me some slak plz
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:27 pm :
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:14 pm :
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 12:49 am :
Mordenkainen wrote:
1) I quit.
Qwertys@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:21 am :
4) You first. Don't worry, I'll follow you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:45 pm :
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
End of story.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:50 pm :
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:00 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:08 pm :
Doom3world • View topic - What is wrong with images in a signature?
Post subject: What is wrong with images in a signature?
Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:39 am
a gun & a nice word
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7565 Location: Orlando, FL
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on modwiki.net?
Joined: Thu Nov 08, 2001 11:00 pm Posts: 4940 Location: UK, York
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2002 10:20 am Posts: 3258 Location: London
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
Joined: Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:22 am Posts: 320 Location: tunbridge wells - UK
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2002 10:20 am Posts: 3258 Location: London
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7565 Location: Orlando, FL
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on modwiki.net?
Joined: Mon Nov 04, 2002 10:50 pm Posts: 1311 Location: PT, EU
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
Joined: Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:22 am Posts: 320 Location: tunbridge wells - UK
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:59 am :
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:19 am :
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
Qwertys@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:21 am :
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:14 am :
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:13 am :
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
If you don't like it, then go somewhere else.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:44 am :
bb_matt wrote:
it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
what so places that alow you to use an image as your sig are indecent ?
bb_matt wrote:
you would've been kicked by now.
wtf ? why ? cus you dont like me ? did i ever post trojans, postnude pics or threten you or haras you ?
so cut me some slak plz
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:27 pm :
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:14 pm :
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 12:49 am :
Mordenkainen wrote:
1) I quit.
Qwertys@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:21 am :
4) You first. Don't worry, I'll follow you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:45 pm :
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
End of story.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:50 pm :
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:00 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:08 pm :
Doom3world • View topic - What is wrong with images in a signature?
Post subject: What is wrong with images in a signature?
Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:39 am
a gun & a nice word
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7577 Location: Orlando, FL
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on modwiki.net?
Joined: Thu Nov 08, 2001 11:00 pm Posts: 4943 Location: UK, York
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2002 10:20 am Posts: 3258 Location: London
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
Joined: Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:22 am Posts: 320 Location: tunbridge wells - UK
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2002 10:20 am Posts: 3258 Location: London
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7577 Location: Orlando, FL
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on modwiki.net?
Joined: Mon Nov 04, 2002 10:50 pm Posts: 1315 Location: PT, EU
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
Joined: Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:22 am Posts: 320 Location: tunbridge wells - UK
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:59 am :
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:19 am :
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
Qwertys@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:21 am :
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:14 am :
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:13 am :
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
If you don't like it, then go somewhere else.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:44 am :
bb_matt wrote:
it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
what so places that alow you to use an image as your sig are indecent ?
bb_matt wrote:
you would've been kicked by now.
wtf ? why ? cus you dont like me ? did i ever post trojans, postnude pics or threten you or haras you ?
so cut me some slak plz
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:27 pm :
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:14 pm :
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 12:49 am :
Mordenkainen wrote:
1) I quit.
Qwertys@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:21 am :
4) You first. Don't worry, I'll follow you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:45 pm :
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
End of story.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:50 pm :
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:00 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:08 pm :
but its what people whanted... a smaller...look
befor after
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:39 am :
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:59 am :
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:19 am :
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
Qwertys@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:21 am :
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:14 am :
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:13 am :
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
If you don't like it, then go somewhere else.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:44 am :
bb_matt wrote:
it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
what so places that alow you to use an image as your sig are indecent ?
bb_matt wrote:
you would've been kicked by now.
wtf ? why ? cus you dont like me ? did i ever post trojans, postnude pics or threten you or haras you ?
so cut me some slak plz
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:27 pm :
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:14 pm :
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 12:49 am :
Mordenkainen wrote:
1) I quit.
Qwertys@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:21 am :
4) You first. Don't worry, I'll follow you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:45 pm :
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
End of story.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:50 pm :
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:00 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:08 pm :
Doom3world • View topic - What is wrong with images in a signature?
Post subject: What is wrong with images in a signature?
Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:39 am
a gun & a nice word
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7551 Location: Orlando, FL
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on modwiki.net?
Joined: Thu Nov 08, 2001 11:00 pm Posts: 4940 Location: UK, York
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2002 10:20 am Posts: 3258 Location: London
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
Joined: Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:22 am Posts: 320 Location: tunbridge wells - UK
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2002 10:20 am Posts: 3258 Location: London
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7551 Location: Orlando, FL
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on modwiki.net?
Joined: Mon Nov 04, 2002 10:50 pm Posts: 1310 Location: PT, EU
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
Joined: Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:22 am Posts: 320 Location: tunbridge wells - UK
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:59 am :
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:19 am :
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
Qwertys@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:21 am :
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:14 am :
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:13 am :
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
If you don't like it, then go somewhere else.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:44 am :
bb_matt wrote:
it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
what so places that alow you to use an image as your sig are indecent ?
bb_matt wrote:
you would've been kicked by now.
wtf ? why ? cus you dont like me ? did i ever post trojans, postnude pics or threten you or haras you ?
so cut me some slak plz
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:27 pm :
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:14 pm :
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 12:49 am :
Mordenkainen wrote:
1) I quit.
Qwertys@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:21 am :
4) You first. Don't worry, I'll follow you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:45 pm :
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
End of story.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:50 pm :
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:00 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:08 pm :
but its what people whanted... a smaller...look
befor after
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:39 am :
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:59 am :
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:19 am :
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
Qwertys@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:21 am :
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:14 am :
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:13 am :
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
If you don't like it, then go somewhere else.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:44 am :
bb_matt wrote:
it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
what so places that alow you to use an image as your sig are indecent ?
bb_matt wrote:
you would've been kicked by now.
wtf ? why ? cus you dont like me ? did i ever post trojans, postnude pics or threten you or haras you ?
so cut me some slak plz
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:27 pm :
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:14 pm :
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 12:49 am :
Mordenkainen wrote:
1) I quit.
Qwertys@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:21 am :
4) You first. Don't worry, I'll follow you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:45 pm :
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
End of story.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:50 pm :
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:00 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:08 pm :
Doom3world • View topic - What is wrong with images in a signature?
Post subject: What is wrong with images in a signature?
Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:39 am
a gun & a nice word
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7546 Location: Orlando, FL
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on modwiki.net?
Joined: Thu Nov 08, 2001 11:00 pm Posts: 4940 Location: UK, York
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2002 10:20 am Posts: 3258 Location: London
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
Joined: Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:22 am Posts: 320 Location: tunbridge wells - UK
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2002 10:20 am Posts: 3258 Location: London
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7546 Location: Orlando, FL
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on modwiki.net?
Joined: Mon Nov 04, 2002 10:50 pm Posts: 1310 Location: PT, EU
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
Joined: Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:22 am Posts: 320 Location: tunbridge wells - UK
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:59 am :
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:19 am :
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
Qwertys@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:21 am :
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:14 am :
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:13 am :
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
If you don't like it, then go somewhere else.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:44 am :
bb_matt wrote:
it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
what so places that alow you to use an image as your sig are indecent ?
bb_matt wrote:
you would've been kicked by now.
wtf ? why ? cus you dont like me ? did i ever post trojans, postnude pics or threten you or haras you ?
so cut me some slak plz
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:27 pm :
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:14 pm :
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 12:49 am :
Mordenkainen wrote:
1) I quit.
Qwertys@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:21 am :
4) You first. Don't worry, I'll follow you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:45 pm :
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
End of story.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:50 pm :
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:00 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:08 pm :
but its what people whanted... a smaller...look
befor after
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:39 am :
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:59 am :
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:19 am :
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
Qwertys@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:21 am :
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:14 am :
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:13 am :
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
If you don't like it, then go somewhere else.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:44 am :
bb_matt wrote:
it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
what so places that alow you to use an image as your sig are indecent ?
bb_matt wrote:
you would've been kicked by now.
wtf ? why ? cus you dont like me ? did i ever post trojans, postnude pics or threten you or haras you ?
so cut me some slak plz
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:27 pm :
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:14 pm :
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 12:49 am :
Mordenkainen wrote:
1) I quit.
Qwertys@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:21 am :
4) You first. Don't worry, I'll follow you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:45 pm :
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
End of story.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:50 pm :
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:00 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:08 pm :
but its what people whanted... a smaller...look
befor after
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:39 am :
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:59 am :
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:19 am :
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
Qwertys@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:21 am :
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:14 am :
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
bb_matt@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:13 am :
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
If you don't like it, then go somewhere else.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:44 am :
bb_matt wrote:
it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
what so places that alow you to use an image as your sig are indecent ?
bb_matt wrote:
you would've been kicked by now.
wtf ? why ? cus you dont like me ? did i ever post trojans, postnude pics or threten you or haras you ?
so cut me some slak plz
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:27 pm :
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:14 pm :
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 12:49 am :
Mordenkainen wrote:
1) I quit.
Qwertys@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:21 am :
4) You first. Don't worry, I'll follow you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:45 pm :
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
End of story.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:50 pm :
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:00 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:08 pm :
Doom3world • View topic - What is wrong with images in a signature?
Post subject: What is wrong with images in a signature?
Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:39 am
a gun & a nice word
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7555 Location: Orlando, FL
I want to suck up the signature conversation into this thread. So to start things off...
What is wrong with images in a signature?
Nothing. As long as they are used in moderation.
Problems arise when an image is by some means a distraction from what the focus is on these forums, the content. People don't come to these forums because we post the most eye-catching signatures. They come here for a wealth of information and a mature community.
When you use a signature that is too large or screams against a background of text you encourage others to do so. And once a handfull of people begin doing it you can be sure that the focus of these forums will be lost in a sea of poorly produced images.
Now, on top of scouring multiple threads for information people must also sift through pointless images.
What is the point?
Okay so you labored in Photoshop or some other arbitrary paint program for 30 minutes to create your awesome signature. The bottom line is your going to get about 10 seconds of attention from anyone. Any time someone views it after that, it's only going to serve as dead space.
Do you want special attention?
Do you feel that your signature will gain you some "cool points"? People here don't make a name for themselves with images. They do it by contributing to the community. Stop trying to sell yourself.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on modwiki.net?
Joined: Thu Nov 08, 2001 11:00 pm Posts: 4940 Location: UK, York
what happened to that thread from ages ago where we discussed this very same thing?? thoroughly exploring the pros and cons? *goes of to search the archives*
it is there just for navigation sake...same as BNA has linked his sig...i thought it would be nice to have D3W sig...i am not pimping my home page or some other site.
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2002 10:20 am Posts: 3258 Location: London
Nothing wrong with your sig _shank - it's tiny !
We just don't want banner sized sigs here - I've pretty much blocked advertising from my browsing experience, I don't want it replaced with huge banner sized signatures.
I reckon that a small image is fine, or just stick to your good old avatar.
shank: i dont mind a sig image that small personally. anything under 200x100 pixels is OK in my book...
but i hate a LOT of those forums with images in their sig. quotes are cool (note my sig. but images can be a lot more distracting. imagine a big Sig with bright orange background and big letters that say "I H4x0r j00" or some crap like your name. its just annoying and distracting. when noob had that big sig i found it hard to read other posts because my eyes were "drawn" to it.
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
Joined: Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:22 am Posts: 320 Location: tunbridge wells - UK
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2002 10:20 am Posts: 3258 Location: London
[noob]plonker wrote:
sorry people but i find this realy funny/stupid : i'm a member on probaly 19 diferent forums and only on 2 of them : doomworld.com and doom3world.org do i get treated like dirt, in other places people take my posts seriusly and they compliment how nic my sig is exectera... you people sor some reason dont... this is weard
We're not treating you like dirt - we're just telling you what we don't like to see - freakin' huge banner images !
This is not like those other forums - it's a place for decent discussion and a good laugh.
BNA has been more than tolerant of some of the things you've said and done in the past - on most other places, you would've been kicked by now.
None of the rest of us have huge banner sized images for sigs, for the simple reason that it just clutters up the posts - it's irritating as heck - it's like web site banner advertising.
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:30 pm Posts: 7555 Location: Orlando, FL
Your problem is you assume that because this is a forum that it should conform to the standards of other forums.
Just because the folks over at [insert random forum name here] are cool with billboards in their signatures doesn't mean that everyone has to be.
When you registered here, you joined a community. You may not share the same high values, but out of respect you should talyor your posts to meet them.
It's like visiting a friend's house, some folks like you to take your shoes off at the front door. You do it because you repect their wishes.
_________________ Staff Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on modwiki.net?
Joined: Mon Nov 04, 2002 10:50 pm Posts: 1310 Location: PT, EU
Just to reiterate. BNA doesn't make money off this, and he doesn't even get paid costs expenses. If BNA tells us to jump off a cliff in return to hosting this forum he only expects two answers:
1) I quit.
Of course, BNA's decisions regarding this forum are sound ones. If ppl can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen. -shrug-
_________________ wviperw: Its just like kids with brocolli. They don't try it because they think they won't like it.
TheCray_nz: Well they're right. It's fucking aweful stuff.
I had the discussion before and I'm willing to contiue it:
Shank's micorbuttoon is pertty much ok for a sig, regardless the fact that it's peppi's nice Doom3world.org button.
I asked [n00b]plonker to remove his sig and go with custom avatar when he registered. He did it and all was fine.
Wait a couple of weeks, go out of town, and we're back where we started.
Since this forum indeed is about the content and the discussion evolving around it I'm getting rather sick of repetitive private messages to users.
The time spent answering this post and going to the admin panel to remove [n00b]'s oversized signature could've been spent elsewhere better and more productive.
So people please - keep your custom avatar and that's it.
Signatures are signatures, not poster walls, system spec listings, novel wriiting areas....
If a signature get's longer than a word or a short sentence then I'm personally convinced that's not significant enough for a signature.
On this forum I'd like to think sig comes more from significant and less from signature.
Regarding [n00b]plonkers statement that he get's treated like shit here:
It's not true - you know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.
So stop to outrage everytime something doesn't go precisely the way you want it.
I have to make as much compromises to run this forum as anybody else here, so if someone can't see himself fit into this community (including myself) he's well adviced to either start his own or to post elsewhere.
That has been my stance from day 0 till today and it won't change.
Joined: Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:22 am Posts: 320 Location: tunbridge wells - UK
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ?
btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it ( btw there i'm the person with the moast power because the admin never logs in cus of spam pms)
ok i maid a smaller one can i use this ? btw bna running a forom is easy, especialy one of this size ... go chec out http://www.cs-hacked.com/phpBB2/index.php i'm a moderator there and i got to chec it every 50 mins els some spammer will flood it
You've made a nice sig, but please don't use it.
It's like open up a can of worms - if nobody has something like a microbutton (look at matt) then it's all fine.
If not then I must go through the procedure of setting standards regarding size and pixel dimensions and so on...
Since I don't this place to become a conglomerate of rules I'd preferr it if everybody could accept not to use anything but a very small button.
I know what you mean about maintaining a CS forum, but I do not want to compare this tiny place with a CS place of any kind.
If things would evolve here like on some other forums I would pull the plug for the general public and revert to a couple of hand picked users which will discuss in private forums.
Thanks for making compromises and sorry for constantly issuing back the request for images in a signature.
heh? but the link i got in my sig is to kill epileptic people....
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
ok i whont use a sig
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 3:04 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it.
BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 5:19 pm :
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it. BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 12:15 am :
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk
LOL. I love that song, it's just so crazy!
"By pressing down a special key, I place a little melody".
That is great way of acheiving spam protection though, I had never thought about using an image.
Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 3:43 am :
bb_matt wrote:
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it. BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
I don't get it, bb_matt. How does a small .gif file with nothing but an email address on it be a tool for spam protection? Are you playing a prank on us?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 4:33 am :
There are programs out there called spiders. Their purpose is to surf the web in search of information. (Hmm, wonder why they are called spiders. )
They can be used productively, ie. Google, or not, ie. Spam lists.
In the case of spam these programs will look for email addresses and create a list. These lists are then sold to spammers who send out junk mail to everyone on the list.
Fortunately, the program cannot read the text in an image because an image is made of pixels so by making a simple graphic that displays your email you can prevent spiders from gathering your address.
bb_matt@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 5:52 am :
Yeah - what rich said !
I've already got spam protection at server level because I was getting up to 30 a day - my email addy has been on the net for over 5 years, so I guess I'm on a few lists by now !
Forums are a prime target for spiders to 'hunt' for thier prey - email addresses
Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 6:10 am :
Oh I get it now... I always thought not disclosing my email address is the best way of spam protection.
Come to think of it, I learnt alot from these forums. Thanks guys!
BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 2:15 pm :
Bump back into existence!
|DRC| Photek@Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 1:15 pm :
And may the force be with you!
awaregamer@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 6:09 pm :
My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : )
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 7:41 pm :
awaregamer wrote:
My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : )
No more longer - images in the signature are not allowed here, don't think it's silly to post your sig into the very forum explaining why you shouldn't?
heh? but the link i got in my sig is to kill epileptic people....
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
ok i whont use a sig
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 3:04 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it.
BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 5:19 pm :
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it. BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 12:15 am :
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk
LOL. I love that song, it's just so crazy!
"By pressing down a special key, I place a little melody".
That is great way of acheiving spam protection though, I had never thought about using an image.
Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 3:43 am :
bb_matt wrote:
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it. BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
I don't get it, bb_matt. How does a small .gif file with nothing but an email address on it be a tool for spam protection? Are you playing a prank on us?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 4:33 am :
There are programs out there called spiders. Their purpose is to surf the web in search of information. (Hmm, wonder why they are called spiders. )
They can be used productively, ie. Google, or not, ie. Spam lists.
In the case of spam these programs will look for email addresses and create a list. These lists are then sold to spammers who send out junk mail to everyone on the list.
Fortunately, the program cannot read the text in an image because an image is made of pixels so by making a simple graphic that displays your email you can prevent spiders from gathering your address.
bb_matt@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 5:52 am :
Yeah - what rich said !
I've already got spam protection at server level because I was getting up to 30 a day - my email addy has been on the net for over 5 years, so I guess I'm on a few lists by now !
Forums are a prime target for spiders to 'hunt' for thier prey - email addresses
Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 6:10 am :
Oh I get it now... I always thought not disclosing my email address is the best way of spam protection.
Come to think of it, I learnt alot from these forums. Thanks guys!
BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 2:15 pm :
Bump back into existence!
|DRC| Photek@Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 1:15 pm :
And may the force be with you!
awaregamer@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 6:09 pm :
My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : )
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 7:41 pm :
awaregamer wrote:
My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : )
No more longer - images in the signature are not allowed here, don't think it's silly to post your sig into the very forum explaining why you shouldn't?
[noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:18 pm Post subject: : heh? but the link i got in my sig is to kill epileptic people....
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
ok i whont use a sig _________________ - User BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 3:04 pm Post subject: :
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it.
BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection. _________________ Staff - The world is yours, soon in 6 degrees of freedom!
Visit ModWiki bb_matt@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 5:19 pm Post subject: :
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it.
BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 12:15 am Post subject: :
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk
LOL. I love that song, it's just so crazy!
"By pressing down a special key, I place a little melody".
That is great way of acheiving spam protection though, I had never thought about using an image. Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 3:43 am Post subject: :
bb_matt wrote:
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it.
BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
I don't get it, bb_matt. How does a small .gif file with nothing but an email address on it be a tool for spam protection? Are you playing a prank on us? _________________ ~ The above message is meant for literates only ~ rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 4:33 am Post subject: : There are programs out there called spiders. Their purpose is to surf the web in search of information. (Hmm, wonder why they are called spiders. )
They can be used productively, ie. Google, or not, ie. Spam lists.
In the case of spam these programs will look for email addresses and create a list. These lists are then sold to spammers who send out junk mail to everyone on the list.
Fortunately, the program cannot read the text in an image because an image is made of pixels so by making a simple graphic that displays your email you can prevent spiders from gathering your address. _________________ Staff
Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on modwiki.net? bb_matt@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 5:52 am Post subject: : Yeah - what rich said !
I've already got spam protection at server level because I was getting up to 30 a day - my email addy has been on the net for over 5 years, so I guess I'm on a few lists by now !
Forums are a prime target for spiders to 'hunt' for thier prey - email addresses Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 6:10 am Post subject: : Oh I get it now... I always thought not disclosing my email address is the best way of spam protection.
Come to think of it, I learnt alot from these forums. Thanks guys! _________________ ~ The above message is meant for literates only ~ BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 2:15 pm Post subject: : Bump back into existence! _________________ Staff - The world is yours, soon in 6 degrees of freedom!
Visit ModWiki |DRC| Photek@Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 1:15 pm Post subject: : And may the force be with you! _________________ Scandinavian Flick. awaregamer@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 6:09 pm Post subject: : My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : ) _________________ http://profile.xfire.com/awaregamer BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 7:41 pm Post subject: :
awaregamer wrote:
My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : )
No more longer - images in the signature are not allowed here, don't think it's silly to post your sig into the very forum explaining why you shouldn't? _________________ Staff - The world is yours, soon in 6 degrees of freedom!
Visit ModWiki [noob]plonker@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:18 pm :
heh? but the link i got in my sig is to kill epileptic people....
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
ok i whont use a sig
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 3:04 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it.
BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 5:19 pm :
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it. BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 12:15 am :
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk
LOL. I love that song, it's just so crazy!
"By pressing down a special key, I place a little melody".
That is great way of acheiving spam protection though, I had never thought about using an image.
Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 3:43 am :
bb_matt wrote:
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it. BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
I don't get it, bb_matt. How does a small .gif file with nothing but an email address on it be a tool for spam protection? Are you playing a prank on us?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 4:33 am :
There are programs out there called spiders. Their purpose is to surf the web in search of information. (Hmm, wonder why they are called spiders. )
They can be used productively, ie. Google, or not, ie. Spam lists.
In the case of spam these programs will look for email addresses and create a list. These lists are then sold to spammers who send out junk mail to everyone on the list.
Fortunately, the program cannot read the text in an image because an image is made of pixels so by making a simple graphic that displays your email you can prevent spiders from gathering your address.
bb_matt@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 5:52 am :
Yeah - what rich said !
I've already got spam protection at server level because I was getting up to 30 a day - my email addy has been on the net for over 5 years, so I guess I'm on a few lists by now !
Forums are a prime target for spiders to 'hunt' for thier prey - email addresses
Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 6:10 am :
Oh I get it now... I always thought not disclosing my email address is the best way of spam protection.
Come to think of it, I learnt alot from these forums. Thanks guys!
BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 2:15 pm :
Bump back into existence!
|DRC| Photek@Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 1:15 pm :
And may the force be with you!
awaregamer@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 6:09 pm :
My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : )
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 7:41 pm :
awaregamer wrote:
My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : )
No more longer - images in the signature are not allowed here, don't think it's silly to post your sig into the very forum explaining why you shouldn't?
heh? but the link i got in my sig is to kill epileptic people....
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
ok i whont use a sig
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 3:04 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it.
BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 5:19 pm :
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it. BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 12:15 am :
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk
LOL. I love that song, it's just so crazy!
"By pressing down a special key, I place a little melody".
That is great way of acheiving spam protection though, I had never thought about using an image.
Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 3:43 am :
bb_matt wrote:
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it. BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
I don't get it, bb_matt. How does a small .gif file with nothing but an email address on it be a tool for spam protection? Are you playing a prank on us?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 4:33 am :
There are programs out there called spiders. Their purpose is to surf the web in search of information. (Hmm, wonder why they are called spiders. )
They can be used productively, ie. Google, or not, ie. Spam lists.
In the case of spam these programs will look for email addresses and create a list. These lists are then sold to spammers who send out junk mail to everyone on the list.
Fortunately, the program cannot read the text in an image because an image is made of pixels so by making a simple graphic that displays your email you can prevent spiders from gathering your address.
bb_matt@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 5:52 am :
Yeah - what rich said !
I've already got spam protection at server level because I was getting up to 30 a day - my email addy has been on the net for over 5 years, so I guess I'm on a few lists by now !
Forums are a prime target for spiders to 'hunt' for thier prey - email addresses
Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 6:10 am :
Oh I get it now... I always thought not disclosing my email address is the best way of spam protection.
Come to think of it, I learnt alot from these forums. Thanks guys!
BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 2:15 pm :
Bump back into existence!
|DRC| Photek@Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 1:15 pm :
And may the force be with you!
awaregamer@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 6:09 pm :
My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : )
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 7:41 pm :
awaregamer wrote:
My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : )
No more longer - images in the signature are not allowed here, don't think it's silly to post your sig into the very forum explaining why you shouldn't?
heh? but the link i got in my sig is to kill epileptic people....
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
ok i whont use a sig
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 3:04 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it.
BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 5:19 pm :
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it. BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 12:15 am :
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk
LOL. I love that song, it's just so crazy!
"By pressing down a special key, I place a little melody".
That is great way of acheiving spam protection though, I had never thought about using an image.
Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 3:43 am :
bb_matt wrote:
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it. BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
I don't get it, bb_matt. How does a small .gif file with nothing but an email address on it be a tool for spam protection? Are you playing a prank on us?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 4:33 am :
There are programs out there called spiders. Their purpose is to surf the web in search of information. (Hmm, wonder why they are called spiders. )
They can be used productively, ie. Google, or not, ie. Spam lists.
In the case of spam these programs will look for email addresses and create a list. These lists are then sold to spammers who send out junk mail to everyone on the list.
Fortunately, the program cannot read the text in an image because an image is made of pixels so by making a simple graphic that displays your email you can prevent spiders from gathering your address.
bb_matt@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 5:52 am :
Yeah - what rich said !
I've already got spam protection at server level because I was getting up to 30 a day - my email addy has been on the net for over 5 years, so I guess I'm on a few lists by now !
Forums are a prime target for spiders to 'hunt' for thier prey - email addresses
Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 6:10 am :
Oh I get it now... I always thought not disclosing my email address is the best way of spam protection.
Come to think of it, I learnt alot from these forums. Thanks guys!
BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 2:15 pm :
Bump back into existence!
|DRC| Photek@Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 1:15 pm :
And may the force be with you!
awaregamer@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 6:09 pm :
My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : )
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 7:41 pm :
awaregamer wrote:
My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : )
No more longer - images in the signature are not allowed here, don't think it's silly to post your sig into the very forum explaining why you shouldn't?
heh? but the link i got in my sig is to kill epileptic people....
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
ok i whont use a sig
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 3:04 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it.
BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 5:19 pm :
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it. BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 12:15 am :
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk
LOL. I love that song, it's just so crazy!
"By pressing down a special key, I place a little melody".
That is great way of acheiving spam protection though, I had never thought about using an image.
Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 3:43 am :
bb_matt wrote:
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it. BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
I don't get it, bb_matt. How does a small .gif file with nothing but an email address on it be a tool for spam protection? Are you playing a prank on us?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 4:33 am :
There are programs out there called spiders. Their purpose is to surf the web in search of information. (Hmm, wonder why they are called spiders. )
They can be used productively, ie. Google, or not, ie. Spam lists.
In the case of spam these programs will look for email addresses and create a list. These lists are then sold to spammers who send out junk mail to everyone on the list.
Fortunately, the program cannot read the text in an image because an image is made of pixels so by making a simple graphic that displays your email you can prevent spiders from gathering your address.
bb_matt@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 5:52 am :
Yeah - what rich said !
I've already got spam protection at server level because I was getting up to 30 a day - my email addy has been on the net for over 5 years, so I guess I'm on a few lists by now !
Forums are a prime target for spiders to 'hunt' for thier prey - email addresses
Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 6:10 am :
Oh I get it now... I always thought not disclosing my email address is the best way of spam protection.
Come to think of it, I learnt alot from these forums. Thanks guys!
BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 2:15 pm :
Bump back into existence!
|DRC| Photek@Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 1:15 pm :
And may the force be with you!
awaregamer@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 6:09 pm :
My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : )
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 7:41 pm :
awaregamer wrote:
My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : )
No more longer - images in the signature are not allowed here, don't think it's silly to post your sig into the very forum explaining why you shouldn't?
heh? but the link i got in my sig is to kill epileptic people....
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
ok i whont use a sig
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 3:04 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it.
BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 5:19 pm :
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it. BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 12:15 am :
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk
LOL. I love that song, it's just so crazy!
"By pressing down a special key, I place a little melody".
That is great way of acheiving spam protection though, I had never thought about using an image.
Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 3:43 am :
bb_matt wrote:
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it. BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
I don't get it, bb_matt. How does a small .gif file with nothing but an email address on it be a tool for spam protection? Are you playing a prank on us?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 4:33 am :
There are programs out there called spiders. Their purpose is to surf the web in search of information. (Hmm, wonder why they are called spiders. )
They can be used productively, ie. Google, or not, ie. Spam lists.
In the case of spam these programs will look for email addresses and create a list. These lists are then sold to spammers who send out junk mail to everyone on the list.
Fortunately, the program cannot read the text in an image because an image is made of pixels so by making a simple graphic that displays your email you can prevent spiders from gathering your address.
bb_matt@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 5:52 am :
Yeah - what rich said !
I've already got spam protection at server level because I was getting up to 30 a day - my email addy has been on the net for over 5 years, so I guess I'm on a few lists by now !
Forums are a prime target for spiders to 'hunt' for thier prey - email addresses
Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 6:10 am :
Oh I get it now... I always thought not disclosing my email address is the best way of spam protection.
Come to think of it, I learnt alot from these forums. Thanks guys!
BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 2:15 pm :
Bump back into existence!
|DRC| Photek@Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 1:15 pm :
And may the force be with you!
awaregamer@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 6:09 pm :
My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : )
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 7:41 pm :
awaregamer wrote:
My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : )
No more longer - images in the signature are not allowed here, don't think it's silly to post your sig into the very forum explaining why you shouldn't?
heh? but the link i got in my sig is to kill epileptic people....
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
ok i whont use a sig
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 3:04 pm :
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it.
BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
bb_matt@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 5:19 pm :
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it. BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
TheCray_nz@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 12:15 am :
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk
LOL. I love that song, it's just so crazy!
"By pressing down a special key, I place a little melody".
That is great way of acheiving spam protection though, I had never thought about using an image.
Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 3:43 am :
bb_matt wrote:
BNA! wrote:
[noob]plonker wrote:
and bb's sig sux , he took 2 mins to doo it and i dont eaven look good
I'm willing to bet that it took him less than 30 seconds to make it. BTW - it's not a "sig", it's email spam protection.
Yeah - total spam protection - I've been looking for a way, and now I've found one
Prior to that, I was trying to create an avatar that when you mouseover it, it proclaims 'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator' from kraftwerk - I was going great guns - until I realised that the ubb board setup here has a 3k restriction on avatars.
So I work and work and work on this avatar to get it under 3k - eventually, I speed up the wav 'I'm the operator... etc' file and get it under 3k (god knows how !) and then I get :-
Only .png, .gif and .jpg files allowed
hehe - I had to laugh - DOH !
I don't get it, bb_matt. How does a small .gif file with nothing but an email address on it be a tool for spam protection? Are you playing a prank on us?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 4:33 am :
There are programs out there called spiders. Their purpose is to surf the web in search of information. (Hmm, wonder why they are called spiders. )
They can be used productively, ie. Google, or not, ie. Spam lists.
In the case of spam these programs will look for email addresses and create a list. These lists are then sold to spammers who send out junk mail to everyone on the list.
Fortunately, the program cannot read the text in an image because an image is made of pixels so by making a simple graphic that displays your email you can prevent spiders from gathering your address.
bb_matt@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 5:52 am :
Yeah - what rich said !
I've already got spam protection at server level because I was getting up to 30 a day - my email addy has been on the net for over 5 years, so I guess I'm on a few lists by now !
Forums are a prime target for spiders to 'hunt' for thier prey - email addresses
Zoorado@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 6:10 am :
Oh I get it now... I always thought not disclosing my email address is the best way of spam protection.
Come to think of it, I learnt alot from these forums. Thanks guys!
BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 2:15 pm :
Bump back into existence!
|DRC| Photek@Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 1:15 pm :
And may the force be with you!
awaregamer@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 6:09 pm :
My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : )
BNA!@Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 7:41 pm :
awaregamer wrote:
My signature works really well, don't know where your problem could come from : )
No more longer - images in the signature are not allowed here, don't think it's silly to post your sig into the very forum explaining why you shouldn't?