spacer@Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:38 am : 

Finally finished a textureset \o/.
Sorta got inspired by the team arena textureset you see all the time in CTF maps for Q3.
Crits welcome, I think I could've done with a few more variations in wall materials..
kat@Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:50 am : Not too bad, although it looks like the ambient light you've used in the test map is flattening them out a little bit (I'm assuming there's an ambient light there!).
_shank@Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:39 am : Somehow i am not able to get it to work...i can see the textues in the texture browser, but they dont show up in the map...
i see ex's .mtr file in there, but there are no textures from that pack...
KungFuSquirrel@Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 5:40 am : echoing what kat said, definitely don't use an ambient to showcase textures

Get some good two-source directional lighting (preferably with some color variation) to show off those details!
That support also looks eerily like one of my two texture contributions to Natural Selection

Looks like some nice shapes and 'workhorse' tiles, nicely done! Will get back to you when I've had a chance to fiddle with them...
spacer@Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 1:12 pm : _shank wrote:
Somehow i am not able to get it to work...i can see the textues in the texture browser, but they dont show up in the map...
i see ex's .mtr file in there, but there are no textures from that pack...
Ah, I thought I deleted that

. I'm a total noob at actually getting textures to work in Q4, so I might've messed something up.
Kat: There is ambient lighting on that test map, because the textures were designed to be used somewhat like this.
Black Dog@Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:49 pm : Your material defs are all broken by the inclusion of the addnormals command in the bumpmap line without the expected parameters. This is easily fixed by search/replacing addnormals with whitespace.
Well, I like your textures but am a bit puzzled by the theme. There seems to be a cathedral thing going on, but also some hazard stripes and riveted metal panels? That doesn't seem like a logical match to me.
The set could do with some more colour variation between textures, and a bit more work on the normalmaps. They already have some noisy detail in them, which is good for this kind of surface, but I think they could use an additional subtle heightmap.
I like em though, particularly like the column texture. That rocks the house. More please!
evilartist@Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:34 pm : The textures are nice looking, but try and take full advantage of Doom 3 Engine's greatest feature (lighting) to show off the textures. Even crappy textures can look beautiful in Doom 3, with creative lighting--not that I'm saying your textures are crappy. I love them.

spacer@Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 9:22 pm : Been experimenting with Zbrush for making textures, this one was just a quicky to see what it'd look like
Tetzlaff@Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 5:27 pm : Nice! I almost overlooked it. Maybe someone can make a sticky thread in the texturing forum collecting all links to all texture packs that are available.
And I would label it a "Doom 3 / Quake 4 texture pack", since it can be used as well in Doom3 and is a great addition to hell themed texture sets.