pbmax@Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 4:52 pm : does hl2's water reflect in real-time? or does it use a cube map type reflection?
i saw this in a hl2 forum whiule researching water shaders:
"1.) In order to make reflective water, you will need to add an env_cubemap point entity at least 16 units above your water face.
2.) Go into the env_cubemap properties and go to the Brush Faces property. Click the "Pick" button and select the face of your water with the dropper.
That should do it. Now you have reflective water."
pbmax@Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 4:54 pm : found the answer already
"Cubemaps are important to use with water surfaces. On lower than DX9 level video cards, it is not possible to render the real-time reflective water shader. For these cards, an env_cubemap entity provides the pre-calculated environment map use to render water on sub-DX9 cards."
pbmax@Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:52 pm : does hl2's water reflect in real-time? or does it use a cube map type reflection?
i saw this in a hl2 forum whiule researching water shaders:
"1.) In order to make reflective water, you will need to add an env_cubemap point entity at least 16 units above your water face.
2.) Go into the env_cubemap properties and go to the Brush Faces property. Click the "Pick" button and select the face of your water with the dropper.
That should do it. Now you have reflective water."
pbmax@Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:54 pm : found the answer already
"Cubemaps are important to use with water surfaces. On lower than DX9 level video cards, it is not possible to render the real-time reflective water shader. For these cards, an env_cubemap entity provides the pre-calculated environment map use to render water on sub-DX9 cards."
pbmax@Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:52 pm : does hl2's water reflect in real-time? or does it use a cube map type reflection?
i saw this in a hl2 forum whiule researching water shaders:
"1.) In order to make reflective water, you will need to add an env_cubemap point entity at least 16 units above your water face.
2.) Go into the env_cubemap properties and go to the Brush Faces property. Click the "Pick" button and select the face of your water with the dropper.
That should do it. Now you have reflective water."
pbmax@Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:54 pm : found the answer already
"Cubemaps are important to use with water surfaces. On lower than DX9 level video cards, it is not possible to render the real-time reflective water shader. For these cards, an env_cubemap entity provides the pre-calculated environment map use to render water on sub-DX9 cards."