Supports Mesh Objects with vertex colors, multiple UV, smoothgroups.
A little Note!: you should not try to import very big ase files (>50 MB with 512 MB RAM). With much RAM you might can try this.
""" Name: 'ASCII Scene (.ase) v0.13' Blender: 244 Group: 'Import' Tooltip: 'Import from ASCII Scene Export file format (.ase)' """ __author__ = "Goofos" __version__ = "0.13"
# goofos # # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK *****
import time, sys import Blender from Blender import Scene, Object, Mesh
''' Some Options ''' # Scale Factor (float) OPT_SCALE = 0.1 # Add EdgeSplit Modifier when importing sharp edges (bool) OPT_MOD_EDGESPLIT = True # Enable the fileselector (bool) OPT_FILESELECTOR = True # If the fileselector is disabled, specify a static filename (string) OPT_STATIC_FILENAME = 'E:\ASE Files\garage.ASE' # Enable Progressbar (bool) OPT_PROGRESSBAR = False # File buffer. After testing with big files i think there is no real difference. # -1 = system default, 0 = unbuffered, 1 = line buffered, >1 = buffer size OPT_FILE_BUFFER = -1
''' Import Options ''' # Import Meshes scaled, defined by the scale factor of OPT_SCALE (bool) # Note: Object location data looses some precision, .. i think! IMP_SCALED = True # Import Vertex Colors (bool) IMP_VCOLOR = True # Import UV Coords and UV layers (bool) IMP_UV = True # Import NGons as Blender FGons (bool) # Note: Include quads, too. IMP_FGONS = False # Try to find possible quads and convert the two tris to a quad (bool) # Note: Very slow!! ablsolutely doesn't work accurate :/ # i don't know wether this is a script problem or a blender problem! IMP_QUADS = False # Surround UV islands with seams (bool) IMP_SEAMS = False # Surround smooth groups with sharp edges (bool) IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS = True # Try to find the lowest autosmooth angle in vertex normals (bool) # Note: i dont know if this is correct :> IMP_AUTOSMOOTH = False
def sort_edgekeys(self,vi0,vi1,vi2): ''' Returns sorted edge keys of the given triangle vert indicies. ''' if vi0 > vi1: ed_k0 = vi1,vi0 else: ed_k0 = vi0,vi1 if vi1 > vi2: ed_k1 = vi2,vi1 else: ed_k1 = vi1,vi2 if vi0 > vi2: ed_k2 = vi2,vi0 else: ed_k2 = vi0,vi2 return ed_k0,ed_k1,ed_k2
def append_vert(self, ase_vert_index, x, y, z): ''' Create a new Vertex for this Mesh. ''' ase_v = Ase_vert(ase_vert_index, x, y, z) self.ase_verts[ase_vert_index] = ase_v #self.vertseq.insert(ase_vert_index, (,, self.vertseq.insert(ase_vert_index,
def append_face(self, index, vi0, vi1, vi2, AB=1, BC=1, CA=1, smooth_groups=[0], mat_indices=0): ''' Uhm ... work in progress! ''' # create a new Ase_face ase_f = Ase_face(index, vi0, vi1, vi2, smooth_groups, mat_indices) ed_keys = self.sort_edgekeys(vi0,vi1,vi2) #ed_keys = [vi0,vi1].sort(),[vi1,vi2].sort(),[vi0,vi2].sort() ase_f.edge_keys = ed_keys ase_f.vis_sum = AB+BC+CA if ase_f.vis_sum == 2: if not AB: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[0] elif not BC: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[1] elif not CA: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[2]
# set visibility (fgon) and sharp for edges # and look if the two face users might form a quad # or create a new Ase_edge for k,vis in zip(ed_keys,[AB,BC,CA]): # Ase_edge already exist or create a new one if not self.ase_edges.has_key(k): ase_ed = Ase_edge(k) ase_ed.fusers.append(ase_f.index) ase_ed.visible = vis self.ase_edges[k] = ase_ed continue else: ase_ed = self.ase_edges[k] ase_ed.fusers.append(ase_f.index) if ase_f.vis_sum == 2 and not ase_ed.visible: ase_f.tri_edge = k
fusers = [i for i in ase_ed.fusers if i != ase_f.index] if not fusers: continue for i in fusers: ase_f2 = self.ase_faces[i] # if this edge is invisible and both tris only have # this invisible edge, than the two tris could form a quad # easy done with a sum of all vis variables of the edges if k == ase_f.tri_edge: if ase_f.tri_edge == ase_f2.tri_edge: ase_f.quad_team = ase_f2.index ase_f2.quad_team = ase_f.index
# look if this edge is sharp # if not both faces share at least one smoothgroup var # than this edge is sharp #if continue for sg in smooth_groups: if sg not in ase_f2.smooth_groups: = True
def append_uv_channel(self, layer_index=1): ''' Create a new UV Layer and set it active. ''' self.ase_uv_channels[layer_index] = Ase_uv_channel(layer_index) self.active_uv = self.ase_uv_channels[layer_index]
def append_tvert(self, ase_uv_index, u, v, w=0): ''' Create a new UV Vector in the active! UV Channel. ''' if not self.active_uv: return #self.active_uv.ase_tverts[ase_uv_index] = Ase_tvert(ase_uv_index,u,v,w) self.active_uv.ase_tverts[ase_uv_index] = (u,v)
def append_tface(self, ase_face_index, uvi0, uvi1, uvi2, opt_check_seams=False): ''' Create a new Face UV with indicies to UV Vectors in the active UV Layer. Optional check for Seams and store into the UV Channel. ''' if not self.active_uv: return self.active_uv.ase_tfaces[ase_face_index] = [uvi0, uvi1, uvi2] # look if this face has seams # might useless because it makes no sense to import seams for all UV layers # that's why those edge keys are separately written to each ase UV layer if opt_check_seams: edge_keys = self.ase_faces[ase_face_index].edge_keys for ed_key,uvs in zip(edge_keys,[[uvi0,uvi1],[uvi1,uvi2],[uvi0,uvi2]]): uvs.sort() ase_ed,active_uv = self.ase_edges[ed_key],self.active_uv if not active_uv.ase_tedges.has_key(ed_key): active_uv.ase_tedges[ed_key] = uvs continue elif active_uv.ase_tedges[ed_key] != uvs: active_uv.seams.append(ed_key)
def append_vertcol(self, ase_color_index, r, g, b): #new = Ase_vertcolor(ase_color_index, r, g, b) #self.ase_vertcolors[ase_color_index] = new self.ase_vertcolors[ase_color_index] = (r,g,b)
def append_normal(self, ase_face_index, x, y, z): self.ase_faces[ase_face_index].normal = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z)
def append_vnormal(self, ase_face_index, ase_vert_index, x, y, z, opt_check_smooth=False): ase_f = self.ase_faces[ase_face_index] self.ase_verts[ase_vert_index].normals[ase_face_index] = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z) if opt_check_smooth and ase_f.smooth_groups: ase_edges = [self.ase_edges[key] for key in ase_f.edge_keys] for ed_key,ase_ed in zip(ase_f.edge_keys,ase_edges): if or len(ase_ed.fusers) < 2: continue for vi in ed_key: if not self.ase_verts.has_key(vi): continue vnormals = self.ase_verts[vi].normals fi0, fi1 = ase_ed.fusers[0:2] if vnormals.has_key(fi0) and vnormals.has_key(fi1): vnor0, vnor1 = vnormals[fi0],vnormals[fi1] if vnor0 == vnor1: continue else: angle = round(Blender.Mathutils.AngleBetweenVecs(vnor0, vnor1)) if not self.autosmooth: self.autosmooth = angle elif angle and self.autosmooth > angle: print angle self.autosmooth = angle
class Ase_vert: def __init__(self, index, x, y, z): self.index = index = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z) = (x,y,z) self.normals = {}
print 'Import Objects...' if OPT_PROGRESSBAR: Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(0.0, "Importing Objects...")
scene = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent() for ase_ob in ase_objects: if OPT_PROGRESSBAR and not (PB_index % PB_num): Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(PB_index / PB_num, "Importing Objects...")
if ase_ob.ase_type == 'geom': spawn_mesh(scene,ase_ob)
# create new Blender Object and link to scene ob = Blender.Object.New('Mesh', ob.setMatrix(matrix)
# get Mesh data from Object me = ob.getData(0,1) me.vertexColors = me.faceUV = False
# create Verts and Faces # seems like extend() is limited to a length of 64000? # this is a problem when importing big meshes. div = divmod(ase_me.num['VERTEX'], 64000) if div[1]: div = div[0]+1 else: div = div[0] start = 0 for i in range(div): end = start+64000 me.verts.extend(ase_me.vertseq[start:end]) start = end div = divmod(ase_me.num['FACES'], 64000) face_index_list = [] if div[1]: div = div[0]+1 else: div = div[0] start = 0 for i in range(div): end = start+64000 me.faces.extend(ase_me.faceseq[start:end]) start = end
# import Vertex Colors, Solid/Smooth to faces if IMP_VCOLOR: me.vertexColors = ase_me.hasVC ase_vcolors = ase_me.ase_vertcolors for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems(): try:f = me.faces[i] except: # dont know what's the problem with this print 'array index out of range:', i continue if me.vertexColors: cface = ase_me.ase_cfaces[i] c0,c1,c2 = ase_vcolors[cface[0]],ase_vcolors[cface[1]],ase_vcolors[cface[2]] fc0,fc1,fc2 = f.col[:] fc0.r,fc0.g,fc0.b = int(c0[0]*255),int(c0[1]*255),int(c0[2]*255) fc1.r,fc1.g,fc1.b = int(c1[0]*255),int(c1[1]*255),int(c1[2]*255) fc2.r,fc2.g,fc2.b = int(c2[0]*255),int(c2[1]*255),int(c2[2]*255) if ase_f.smooth_groups: f.smooth = 1
# import UV layer's if IMP_UV and ase_me.hasUV: for uv_chan in ase_me.ase_uv_channels.itervalues(): me.addUVLayer(uv_chan.uv_layer_name) me.activeUVLayer = uv_chan.uv_layer_name tverts = uv_chan.ase_tverts for fi,uvis in uv_chan.ase_tfaces.iteritems(): try:f = me.faces[fi] except: continue uv1,uv2,uv3 = tverts[uvis[0]],tverts[uvis[1]],tverts[uvis[2]] f.uv = [Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv1), Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv2), Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv3)] me.activeUVLayer = ase_me.ase_uv_channels[1].uv_layer_name
# EXPERIMENTAL! # convert tris to quads # this is currently the easiest way i found without destroying uvs or vcolors # but don't work like expected...:/ if IMP_QUADS: #quad_teams = set([i for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems() if ase_f.quad_team != None]) quad_teams = [] for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems(): if ase_f.quad_team != None: if ase_f.index < ase_f.quad_team: qt = ase_f.index,ase_f.quad_team elif ase_f.index > ase_f.quad_team: qt = ase_f.quad_team,ase_f.index if qt not in quad_teams: quad_teams.append(qt)
faces = me.faces # first deselect all faces for f in faces: f.sel = 0 for t0,t1 in quad_teams: ase_f0 = ase_me.ase_faces[t0] ase_f1 = ase_me.ase_faces[t1] try: f0,f1 = me.faces[ase_f0.index], me.faces[ase_f1.index] except: continue f0.sel = 1 f1.sel = 1 me.triangleToQuad() for i in faces.selected(): faces[i].sel = 0
# apply the matrix to mesh (and optional fit the ob and me to blender) if IMP_SCALED: # seems this isn't accurate because of precision of the location vector scale = Blender.Mathutils.ScaleMatrix(OPT_SCALE,4) inv_matrix = ob.getMatrix().copy().invert() * scale ob.setLocation(ob.getMatrix().translationPart() * scale) else: inv_matrix = ob.getMatrix().copy().invert() me.transform(inv_matrix, 1) me.calcNormals()
# apply sharp, seam and fgon flags to edges. add_EDGESPLIT = False if IMP_FGONS or IMP_SEAMS or IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: SHARP = Mesh.EdgeFlags.SHARP SEAM = Mesh.EdgeFlags.SEAM FGON = Mesh.EdgeFlags.FGON seam_keys = [] if ase_me.hasUV: seam_keys = ase_me.ase_uv_channels[1].seams for k,ase_ed in ase_me.ase_edges.iteritems(): if or not ase_ed.visible or k in seam_keys: edi = me.findEdges(k[0],k[1]) if edi: ed = me.edges[edi] if ase_me.hasUV and k in seam_keys and IMP_SEAMS: ed.flag |= SEAM if not ase_ed.visible and IMP_FGONS: ed.flag |= FGON if and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: ed.flag |= SHARP add_EDGESPLIT = True
# add EdgeSplit Modiefier when the mesh has sharp edges # autosmooth is EXPERIMENTAL! because i dont know if this is correct! if add_EDGESPLIT and OPT_MOD_EDGESPLIT: mod = ob.modifiers.append(Blender.Modifier.Types.EDGESPLIT) if not ase_me.autosmooth: mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_FROM_ANGLE] = 0 else: mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_ANGLE] = ase_me.autosmooth mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_FROM_SHARP] = 1 ob.makeDisplayList() # Needed to apply the modifier elif not add_EDGESPLIT and ase_me.autosmooth: AUTOSMOOTH = Mesh.Modes.AUTOSMOOTH me.modes |= AUTOSMOOTH me.degr = ase_me.autosmooth
# it is needed to read UV if Seams should be imported even when importing UV is disabled READ_UV = False if IMP_UV or IMP_SEAMS: READ_UV = True #if IMP_AUTOSMOOTH and not IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: IMP_AUTOSMOOTH = False
ase_objects = [] ase_ob = False for line in lines: if OPT_PROGRESSBAR and not (PB_index % 10000): Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(PB_index / PB_num, "Read File...") PB_index += 1
words = line.split() if not words: continue word0 = words[0] if word0 == '*GEOMOBJECT': #if ase_ob: ase_objects.append(ase_ob) ase_ob_type = word0.lower()[1:-6] #get rid of '*' and 'OBJECT' ase_ob = Ase_object(ase_ob_type) ase_objects.append(ase_ob) continue elif word0 in ['*HELPEROBJECT','*SHAPEOBJECT','*LIGHTOBJECT','*CAMERAOBJECT','*GROUP']: # Not supported objects! # because these objects too use a TM_NODE, # ase_ob should be set back to False to prevent errors. ase_ob = False continue elif word0 == '*NODE_NAME' and ase_ob: name = words[1][1:-1] #get rid of '"' if ase_ob and != '': = name elif ase_ob: = name continue elif word0 == '*NODE_PARENT' and ase_ob: ase_ob.parent = words[1][1:-1] #get rid of '"' continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW0' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row0 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW1' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row1 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW2' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row2 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW3' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row3 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH': ase_me = ase_ob.ase_data continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMVERTEX': ase_me.num['VERTEX'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMFACES': ase_me.num['FACES'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTEX': #vert_index, x, y, z ase_me.append_vert(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_FACE': #ase_face_index, vi0, vi1, vi2, AB, BC, CA, smooth_groups, mat_indicies #smooth = mat = False ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1]
smooth_groups = mat_indices = [] for i,w in enumerate(words): if w == '*MESH_SMOOTHING' and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: try: if words[i+1] != '*MESH_MTLID': smooth_groups = [int(i) for i in words[i+1].split(',')] except: smooth_groups = 0 elif w == '*MESH_MTLID' and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: try: mat_indices = [int(i) for i in words[i+1].split(',')] except: mat_indices = 0 ase_me.append_face(int(ase_face_index),int(words[3]),int(words[5]),int(words[7]),int(words[9]),int(words[11]),int(words[13]),smooth_groups,mat_indices) continue elif READ_UV: if word0 == '*MESH_NUMTVERTEX': if not ase_me.ase_uv_channels: ase_me.append_uv_channel() ase_me.active_uv.num['TVERTEX'] = int(words[1]) ase_me.hasUV = True continue elif word0 == '*MESH_MAPPINGCHANNEL': # uv_channel_index ase_me.append_uv_channel(int(words[1])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_TVERT': #uv_index, u, v, w ase_me.append_tvert(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMTVFACES': ase_me.active_uv.num['TVFACES'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_TFACE': #ase_face_index, uv0, uv1, uv2, opt_IMP_SEAMS ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1] ase_me.append_tface(int(ase_face_index),int(words[2]),int(words[3]),int(words[4]),IMP_SEAMS) continue elif IMP_VCOLOR: if word0 == '*MESH_NUMCVERTEX': ase_me.num['CVERTEX'] = int(words[1]) if ase_me.num['CVERTEX']: ase_me.hasVC = True continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTCOL': #color_index, r, g, b ase_me.append_vertcol(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMCVFACES': ase_me.num['CVFACES'] = words[1] continue elif word0 == '*MESH_CFACE': #ase_face_index, ci0, ci1, ci2 ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1] ase_me.append_cface(int(ase_face_index),int(words[2]),int(words[3]),int(words[4])) continue #elif word0 == '*MESH_NORMALS': elif IMP_AUTOSMOOTH: if word0 == '*MESH_FACENORMAL': # ase_face_index, x, y, z ase_face_index = int(words[1]) ase_me.append_normal(ase_face_index,float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL': # ase_face_index, ase_vert_index, x, y, z ase_me.append_vnormal(ase_face_index,int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4]),IMP_AUTOSMOOTH) continue else: continue return ase_objects
def print_boxed(text): #Copy/Paste from meshtools, only to remove the beep :) lines = text.splitlines() maxlinelen = max(map(len, lines)) if sys.platform[:3] == "win": print chr(218)+chr(196) + chr(196)*maxlinelen + chr(196)+chr(191) for line in lines: print chr(179) + ' ' + line.ljust(maxlinelen) + ' ' + chr(179) print chr(192)+chr(196) + chr(196)*maxlinelen + chr(196)+chr(217) else: print '+-' + '-'*maxlinelen + '-+' for line in lines: print '| ' + line.ljust(maxlinelen) + ' |' print '+-' + '-'*maxlinelen + '-+'
def read(filename):
global counts counts = {'verts':0,'tris':0,'faces':0}
start = time.clock()
print_boxed("----------ASCII Scene Import----------") print 'Import File: ', filename
mode = Blender.Window.EditMode() # are we in edit mode? If so ... if mode: Blender.Window.EditMode(0) # leave edit mode before getting the mesh
# Get USER Options pup_block = [('Import Options'),('Scale Meshes', IMPORT_SC, 'Scale the Objects so that they better fit into Blender\'s grid size'),('Vertex Colors', IMPORT_VC, 'Import Vertex Colors if existing'),('UV (Layer)', IMP_UV, 'Import UV and UV layer\'s if existing'),('Smoothing', IMPORT_SM, 'Surround Smoothgroups with sharp edges'),('Seams', IMPORT_SE, 'Try to import Seams from UV islands (from the first UV layer!)')]
if not Blender.Draw.PupBlock('Import ASCII Scene...', pup_block): return
Joined: Thu Mar 10, 2005 2:05 am Posts: 177 Location: black forrest
Version: 0.13
Supports Mesh Objects with vertex colors, multiple UV, smoothgroups.
A little Note!: you should not try to import very big ase files (>50 MB with 512 MB RAM). With much RAM you might can try this.
""" Name: 'ASCII Scene (.ase) v0.13' Blender: 244 Group: 'Import' Tooltip: 'Import from ASCII Scene Export file format (.ase)' """ __author__ = "Goofos" __version__ = "0.13"
# goofos # # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK *****
import time, sys import Blender from Blender import Scene, Object, Mesh
''' Some Options ''' # Scale Factor (float) OPT_SCALE = 0.1 # Add EdgeSplit Modifier when importing sharp edges (bool) OPT_MOD_EDGESPLIT = True # Enable the fileselector (bool) OPT_FILESELECTOR = True # If the fileselector is disabled, specify a static filename (string) OPT_STATIC_FILENAME = 'E:\ASE Files\garage.ASE' # Enable Progressbar (bool) OPT_PROGRESSBAR = False # File buffer. After testing with big files i think there is no real difference. # -1 = system default, 0 = unbuffered, 1 = line buffered, >1 = buffer size OPT_FILE_BUFFER = -1
''' Import Options ''' # Import Meshes scaled, defined by the scale factor of OPT_SCALE (bool) # Note: Object location data looses some precision, .. i think! IMP_SCALED = True # Import Vertex Colors (bool) IMP_VCOLOR = True # Import UV Coords and UV layers (bool) IMP_UV = True # Import NGons as Blender FGons (bool) # Note: Include quads, too. IMP_FGONS = False # Try to find possible quads and convert the two tris to a quad (bool) # Note: Very slow!! ablsolutely doesn't work accurate :/ # i don't know wether this is a script problem or a blender problem! IMP_QUADS = False # Surround UV islands with seams (bool) IMP_SEAMS = False # Surround smooth groups with sharp edges (bool) IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS = True # Try to find the lowest autosmooth angle in vertex normals (bool) # Note: i dont know if this is correct :> IMP_AUTOSMOOTH = False
def sort_edgekeys(self,vi0,vi1,vi2): ''' Returns sorted edge keys of the given triangle vert indicies. ''' if vi0 > vi1: ed_k0 = vi1,vi0 else: ed_k0 = vi0,vi1 if vi1 > vi2: ed_k1 = vi2,vi1 else: ed_k1 = vi1,vi2 if vi0 > vi2: ed_k2 = vi2,vi0 else: ed_k2 = vi0,vi2 return ed_k0,ed_k1,ed_k2
def append_vert(self, ase_vert_index, x, y, z): ''' Create a new Vertex for this Mesh. ''' ase_v = Ase_vert(ase_vert_index, x, y, z) self.ase_verts[ase_vert_index] = ase_v #self.vertseq.insert(ase_vert_index, (,, self.vertseq.insert(ase_vert_index,
def append_face(self, index, vi0, vi1, vi2, AB=1, BC=1, CA=1, smooth_groups=[0], mat_indices=0): ''' Uhm ... work in progress! ''' # create a new Ase_face ase_f = Ase_face(index, vi0, vi1, vi2, smooth_groups, mat_indices) ed_keys = self.sort_edgekeys(vi0,vi1,vi2) #ed_keys = [vi0,vi1].sort(),[vi1,vi2].sort(),[vi0,vi2].sort() ase_f.edge_keys = ed_keys ase_f.vis_sum = AB+BC+CA if ase_f.vis_sum == 2: if not AB: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[0] elif not BC: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[1] elif not CA: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[2]
# set visibility (fgon) and sharp for edges # and look if the two face users might form a quad # or create a new Ase_edge for k,vis in zip(ed_keys,[AB,BC,CA]): # Ase_edge already exist or create a new one if not self.ase_edges.has_key(k): ase_ed = Ase_edge(k) ase_ed.fusers.append(ase_f.index) ase_ed.visible = vis self.ase_edges[k] = ase_ed continue else: ase_ed = self.ase_edges[k] ase_ed.fusers.append(ase_f.index) if ase_f.vis_sum == 2 and not ase_ed.visible: ase_f.tri_edge = k
fusers = [i for i in ase_ed.fusers if i != ase_f.index] if not fusers: continue for i in fusers: ase_f2 = self.ase_faces[i] # if this edge is invisible and both tris only have # this invisible edge, than the two tris could form a quad # easy done with a sum of all vis variables of the edges if k == ase_f.tri_edge: if ase_f.tri_edge == ase_f2.tri_edge: ase_f.quad_team = ase_f2.index ase_f2.quad_team = ase_f.index
# look if this edge is sharp # if not both faces share at least one smoothgroup var # than this edge is sharp #if continue for sg in smooth_groups: if sg not in ase_f2.smooth_groups: = True
def append_uv_channel(self, layer_index=1): ''' Create a new UV Layer and set it active. ''' self.ase_uv_channels[layer_index] = Ase_uv_channel(layer_index) self.active_uv = self.ase_uv_channels[layer_index]
def append_tvert(self, ase_uv_index, u, v, w=0): ''' Create a new UV Vector in the active! UV Channel. ''' if not self.active_uv: return #self.active_uv.ase_tverts[ase_uv_index] = Ase_tvert(ase_uv_index,u,v,w) self.active_uv.ase_tverts[ase_uv_index] = (u,v)
def append_tface(self, ase_face_index, uvi0, uvi1, uvi2, opt_check_seams=False): ''' Create a new Face UV with indicies to UV Vectors in the active UV Layer. Optional check for Seams and store into the UV Channel. ''' if not self.active_uv: return self.active_uv.ase_tfaces[ase_face_index] = [uvi0, uvi1, uvi2] # look if this face has seams # might useless because it makes no sense to import seams for all UV layers # that's why those edge keys are separately written to each ase UV layer if opt_check_seams: edge_keys = self.ase_faces[ase_face_index].edge_keys for ed_key,uvs in zip(edge_keys,[[uvi0,uvi1],[uvi1,uvi2],[uvi0,uvi2]]): uvs.sort() ase_ed,active_uv = self.ase_edges[ed_key],self.active_uv if not active_uv.ase_tedges.has_key(ed_key): active_uv.ase_tedges[ed_key] = uvs continue elif active_uv.ase_tedges[ed_key] != uvs: active_uv.seams.append(ed_key)
def append_vertcol(self, ase_color_index, r, g, b): #new = Ase_vertcolor(ase_color_index, r, g, b) #self.ase_vertcolors[ase_color_index] = new self.ase_vertcolors[ase_color_index] = (r,g,b)
def append_normal(self, ase_face_index, x, y, z): self.ase_faces[ase_face_index].normal = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z)
def append_vnormal(self, ase_face_index, ase_vert_index, x, y, z, opt_check_smooth=False): ase_f = self.ase_faces[ase_face_index] self.ase_verts[ase_vert_index].normals[ase_face_index] = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z) if opt_check_smooth and ase_f.smooth_groups: ase_edges = [self.ase_edges[key] for key in ase_f.edge_keys] for ed_key,ase_ed in zip(ase_f.edge_keys,ase_edges): if or len(ase_ed.fusers) < 2: continue for vi in ed_key: if not self.ase_verts.has_key(vi): continue vnormals = self.ase_verts[vi].normals fi0, fi1 = ase_ed.fusers[0:2] if vnormals.has_key(fi0) and vnormals.has_key(fi1): vnor0, vnor1 = vnormals[fi0],vnormals[fi1] if vnor0 == vnor1: continue else: angle = round(Blender.Mathutils.AngleBetweenVecs(vnor0, vnor1)) if not self.autosmooth: self.autosmooth = angle elif angle and self.autosmooth > angle: print angle self.autosmooth = angle
class Ase_vert: def __init__(self, index, x, y, z): self.index = index = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z) = (x,y,z) self.normals = {}
print 'Import Objects...' if OPT_PROGRESSBAR: Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(0.0, "Importing Objects...")
scene = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent() for ase_ob in ase_objects: if OPT_PROGRESSBAR and not (PB_index % PB_num): Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(PB_index / PB_num, "Importing Objects...")
if ase_ob.ase_type == 'geom': spawn_mesh(scene,ase_ob)
# create new Blender Object and link to scene ob = Blender.Object.New('Mesh', ob.setMatrix(matrix)
# get Mesh data from Object me = ob.getData(0,1) me.vertexColors = me.faceUV = False
# create Verts and Faces # seems like extend() is limited to a length of 64000? # this is a problem when importing big meshes. div = divmod(ase_me.num['VERTEX'], 64000) if div[1]: div = div[0]+1 else: div = div[0] start = 0 for i in range(div): end = start+64000 me.verts.extend(ase_me.vertseq[start:end]) start = end div = divmod(ase_me.num['FACES'], 64000) face_index_list = [] if div[1]: div = div[0]+1 else: div = div[0] start = 0 for i in range(div): end = start+64000 me.faces.extend(ase_me.faceseq[start:end]) start = end
# import Vertex Colors, Solid/Smooth to faces if IMP_VCOLOR: me.vertexColors = ase_me.hasVC ase_vcolors = ase_me.ase_vertcolors for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems(): try:f = me.faces[i] except: # dont know what's the problem with this print 'array index out of range:', i continue if me.vertexColors: cface = ase_me.ase_cfaces[i] c0,c1,c2 = ase_vcolors[cface[0]],ase_vcolors[cface[1]],ase_vcolors[cface[2]] fc0,fc1,fc2 = f.col[:] fc0.r,fc0.g,fc0.b = int(c0[0]*255),int(c0[1]*255),int(c0[2]*255) fc1.r,fc1.g,fc1.b = int(c1[0]*255),int(c1[1]*255),int(c1[2]*255) fc2.r,fc2.g,fc2.b = int(c2[0]*255),int(c2[1]*255),int(c2[2]*255) if ase_f.smooth_groups: f.smooth = 1
# import UV layer's if IMP_UV and ase_me.hasUV: for uv_chan in ase_me.ase_uv_channels.itervalues(): me.addUVLayer(uv_chan.uv_layer_name) me.activeUVLayer = uv_chan.uv_layer_name tverts = uv_chan.ase_tverts for fi,uvis in uv_chan.ase_tfaces.iteritems(): try:f = me.faces[fi] except: continue uv1,uv2,uv3 = tverts[uvis[0]],tverts[uvis[1]],tverts[uvis[2]] f.uv = [Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv1), Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv2), Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv3)] me.activeUVLayer = ase_me.ase_uv_channels[1].uv_layer_name
# EXPERIMENTAL! # convert tris to quads # this is currently the easiest way i found without destroying uvs or vcolors # but don't work like expected...:/ if IMP_QUADS: #quad_teams = set([i for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems() if ase_f.quad_team != None]) quad_teams = [] for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems(): if ase_f.quad_team != None: if ase_f.index < ase_f.quad_team: qt = ase_f.index,ase_f.quad_team elif ase_f.index > ase_f.quad_team: qt = ase_f.quad_team,ase_f.index if qt not in quad_teams: quad_teams.append(qt)
faces = me.faces # first deselect all faces for f in faces: f.sel = 0 for t0,t1 in quad_teams: ase_f0 = ase_me.ase_faces[t0] ase_f1 = ase_me.ase_faces[t1] try: f0,f1 = me.faces[ase_f0.index], me.faces[ase_f1.index] except: continue f0.sel = 1 f1.sel = 1 me.triangleToQuad() for i in faces.selected(): faces[i].sel = 0
# apply the matrix to mesh (and optional fit the ob and me to blender) if IMP_SCALED: # seems this isn't accurate because of precision of the location vector scale = Blender.Mathutils.ScaleMatrix(OPT_SCALE,4) inv_matrix = ob.getMatrix().copy().invert() * scale ob.setLocation(ob.getMatrix().translationPart() * scale) else: inv_matrix = ob.getMatrix().copy().invert() me.transform(inv_matrix, 1) me.calcNormals()
# apply sharp, seam and fgon flags to edges. add_EDGESPLIT = False if IMP_FGONS or IMP_SEAMS or IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: SHARP = Mesh.EdgeFlags.SHARP SEAM = Mesh.EdgeFlags.SEAM FGON = Mesh.EdgeFlags.FGON seam_keys = [] if ase_me.hasUV: seam_keys = ase_me.ase_uv_channels[1].seams for k,ase_ed in ase_me.ase_edges.iteritems(): if or not ase_ed.visible or k in seam_keys: edi = me.findEdges(k[0],k[1]) if edi: ed = me.edges[edi] if ase_me.hasUV and k in seam_keys and IMP_SEAMS: ed.flag |= SEAM if not ase_ed.visible and IMP_FGONS: ed.flag |= FGON if and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: ed.flag |= SHARP add_EDGESPLIT = True
# add EdgeSplit Modiefier when the mesh has sharp edges # autosmooth is EXPERIMENTAL! because i dont know if this is correct! if add_EDGESPLIT and OPT_MOD_EDGESPLIT: mod = ob.modifiers.append(Blender.Modifier.Types.EDGESPLIT) if not ase_me.autosmooth: mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_FROM_ANGLE] = 0 else: mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_ANGLE] = ase_me.autosmooth mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_FROM_SHARP] = 1 ob.makeDisplayList() # Needed to apply the modifier elif not add_EDGESPLIT and ase_me.autosmooth: AUTOSMOOTH = Mesh.Modes.AUTOSMOOTH me.modes |= AUTOSMOOTH me.degr = ase_me.autosmooth
# it is needed to read UV if Seams should be imported even when importing UV is disabled READ_UV = False if IMP_UV or IMP_SEAMS: READ_UV = True #if IMP_AUTOSMOOTH and not IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: IMP_AUTOSMOOTH = False
ase_objects = [] ase_ob = False for line in lines: if OPT_PROGRESSBAR and not (PB_index % 10000): Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(PB_index / PB_num, "Read File...") PB_index += 1
words = line.split() if not words: continue word0 = words[0] if word0 == '*GEOMOBJECT': #if ase_ob: ase_objects.append(ase_ob) ase_ob_type = word0.lower()[1:-6] #get rid of '*' and 'OBJECT' ase_ob = Ase_object(ase_ob_type) ase_objects.append(ase_ob) continue elif word0 in ['*HELPEROBJECT','*SHAPEOBJECT','*LIGHTOBJECT','*CAMERAOBJECT','*GROUP']: # Not supported objects! # because these objects too use a TM_NODE, # ase_ob should be set back to False to prevent errors. ase_ob = False continue elif word0 == '*NODE_NAME' and ase_ob: name = words[1][1:-1] #get rid of '"' if ase_ob and != '': = name elif ase_ob: = name continue elif word0 == '*NODE_PARENT' and ase_ob: ase_ob.parent = words[1][1:-1] #get rid of '"' continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW0' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row0 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW1' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row1 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW2' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row2 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW3' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row3 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH': ase_me = ase_ob.ase_data continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMVERTEX': ase_me.num['VERTEX'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMFACES': ase_me.num['FACES'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTEX': #vert_index, x, y, z ase_me.append_vert(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_FACE': #ase_face_index, vi0, vi1, vi2, AB, BC, CA, smooth_groups, mat_indicies #smooth = mat = False ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1]
smooth_groups = mat_indices = [] for i,w in enumerate(words): if w == '*MESH_SMOOTHING' and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: try: if words[i+1] != '*MESH_MTLID': smooth_groups = [int(i) for i in words[i+1].split(',')] except: smooth_groups = 0 elif w == '*MESH_MTLID' and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: try: mat_indices = [int(i) for i in words[i+1].split(',')] except: mat_indices = 0 ase_me.append_face(int(ase_face_index),int(words[3]),int(words[5]),int(words[7]),int(words[9]),int(words[11]),int(words[13]),smooth_groups,mat_indices) continue elif READ_UV: if word0 == '*MESH_NUMTVERTEX': if not ase_me.ase_uv_channels: ase_me.append_uv_channel() ase_me.active_uv.num['TVERTEX'] = int(words[1]) ase_me.hasUV = True continue elif word0 == '*MESH_MAPPINGCHANNEL': # uv_channel_index ase_me.append_uv_channel(int(words[1])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_TVERT': #uv_index, u, v, w ase_me.append_tvert(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMTVFACES': ase_me.active_uv.num['TVFACES'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_TFACE': #ase_face_index, uv0, uv1, uv2, opt_IMP_SEAMS ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1] ase_me.append_tface(int(ase_face_index),int(words[2]),int(words[3]),int(words[4]),IMP_SEAMS) continue elif IMP_VCOLOR: if word0 == '*MESH_NUMCVERTEX': ase_me.num['CVERTEX'] = int(words[1]) if ase_me.num['CVERTEX']: ase_me.hasVC = True continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTCOL': #color_index, r, g, b ase_me.append_vertcol(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMCVFACES': ase_me.num['CVFACES'] = words[1] continue elif word0 == '*MESH_CFACE': #ase_face_index, ci0, ci1, ci2 ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1] ase_me.append_cface(int(ase_face_index),int(words[2]),int(words[3]),int(words[4])) continue #elif word0 == '*MESH_NORMALS': elif IMP_AUTOSMOOTH: if word0 == '*MESH_FACENORMAL': # ase_face_index, x, y, z ase_face_index = int(words[1]) ase_me.append_normal(ase_face_index,float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL': # ase_face_index, ase_vert_index, x, y, z ase_me.append_vnormal(ase_face_index,int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4]),IMP_AUTOSMOOTH) continue else: continue return ase_objects
def print_boxed(text): #Copy/Paste from meshtools, only to remove the beep :) lines = text.splitlines() maxlinelen = max(map(len, lines)) if sys.platform[:3] == "win": print chr(218)+chr(196) + chr(196)*maxlinelen + chr(196)+chr(191) for line in lines: print chr(179) + ' ' + line.ljust(maxlinelen) + ' ' + chr(179) print chr(192)+chr(196) + chr(196)*maxlinelen + chr(196)+chr(217) else: print '+-' + '-'*maxlinelen + '-+' for line in lines: print '| ' + line.ljust(maxlinelen) + ' |' print '+-' + '-'*maxlinelen + '-+'
def read(filename):
global counts counts = {'verts':0,'tris':0,'faces':0}
start = time.clock()
print_boxed("----------ASCII Scene Import----------") print 'Import File: ', filename
mode = Blender.Window.EditMode() # are we in edit mode? If so ... if mode: Blender.Window.EditMode(0) # leave edit mode before getting the mesh
# Get USER Options pup_block = [('Import Options'),('Scale Meshes', IMPORT_SC, 'Scale the Objects so that they better fit into Blender\'s grid size'),('Vertex Colors', IMPORT_VC, 'Import Vertex Colors if existing'),('UV (Layer)', IMP_UV, 'Import UV and UV layer\'s if existing'),('Smoothing', IMPORT_SM, 'Surround Smoothgroups with sharp edges'),('Seams', IMPORT_SE, 'Try to import Seams from UV islands (from the first UV layer!)')]
if not Blender.Draw.PupBlock('Import ASCII Scene...', pup_block): return
Joined: Thu Nov 08, 2001 11:00 pm Posts: 4940 Location: UK, York
Goofos@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:00 am :
Version: 0.13
Supports Mesh Objects with vertex colors, multiple UV, smoothgroups.
A little Note!: you should not try to import very big ase files (>50 MB with 512 MB RAM). With much RAM you might can try this.
""" Name: 'ASCII Scene (.ase) v0.13' Blender: 244 Group: 'Import' Tooltip: 'Import from ASCII Scene Export file format (.ase)' """ __author__ = "Goofos" __version__ = "0.13"
# goofos # # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK *****
import time, sys import Blender from Blender import Scene, Object, Mesh
''' Some Options ''' # Scale Factor (float) OPT_SCALE = 0.1 # Add EdgeSplit Modifier when importing sharp edges (bool) OPT_MOD_EDGESPLIT = True # Enable the fileselector (bool) OPT_FILESELECTOR = True # If the fileselector is disabled, specify a static filename (string) OPT_STATIC_FILENAME = 'E:\ASE Files\garage.ASE' # Enable Progressbar (bool) OPT_PROGRESSBAR = False # File buffer. After testing with big files i think there is no real difference. # -1 = system default, 0 = unbuffered, 1 = line buffered, >1 = buffer size OPT_FILE_BUFFER = -1
''' Import Options ''' # Import Meshes scaled, defined by the scale factor of OPT_SCALE (bool) # Note: Object location data looses some precision, .. i think! IMP_SCALED = True # Import Vertex Colors (bool) IMP_VCOLOR = True # Import UV Coords and UV layers (bool) IMP_UV = True # Import NGons as Blender FGons (bool) # Note: Include quads, too. IMP_FGONS = False # Try to find possible quads and convert the two tris to a quad (bool) # Note: Very slow!! ablsolutely doesn't work accurate :/ # i don't know wether this is a script problem or a blender problem! IMP_QUADS = False # Surround UV islands with seams (bool) IMP_SEAMS = False # Surround smooth groups with sharp edges (bool) IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS = True # Try to find the lowest autosmooth angle in vertex normals (bool) # Note: i dont know if this is correct :> IMP_AUTOSMOOTH = False
def sort_edgekeys(self,vi0,vi1,vi2): ''' Returns sorted edge keys of the given triangle vert indicies. ''' if vi0 > vi1: ed_k0 = vi1,vi0 else: ed_k0 = vi0,vi1 if vi1 > vi2: ed_k1 = vi2,vi1 else: ed_k1 = vi1,vi2 if vi0 > vi2: ed_k2 = vi2,vi0 else: ed_k2 = vi0,vi2 return ed_k0,ed_k1,ed_k2
def append_vert(self, ase_vert_index, x, y, z): ''' Create a new Vertex for this Mesh. ''' ase_v = Ase_vert(ase_vert_index, x, y, z) self.ase_verts[ase_vert_index] = ase_v #self.vertseq.insert(ase_vert_index, (,, self.vertseq.insert(ase_vert_index,
def append_face(self, index, vi0, vi1, vi2, AB=1, BC=1, CA=1, smooth_groups=[0], mat_indices=0): ''' Uhm ... work in progress! ''' # create a new Ase_face ase_f = Ase_face(index, vi0, vi1, vi2, smooth_groups, mat_indices) ed_keys = self.sort_edgekeys(vi0,vi1,vi2) #ed_keys = [vi0,vi1].sort(),[vi1,vi2].sort(),[vi0,vi2].sort() ase_f.edge_keys = ed_keys ase_f.vis_sum = AB+BC+CA if ase_f.vis_sum == 2: if not AB: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[0] elif not BC: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[1] elif not CA: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[2]
# set visibility (fgon) and sharp for edges # and look if the two face users might form a quad # or create a new Ase_edge for k,vis in zip(ed_keys,[AB,BC,CA]): # Ase_edge already exist or create a new one if not self.ase_edges.has_key(k): ase_ed = Ase_edge(k) ase_ed.fusers.append(ase_f.index) ase_ed.visible = vis self.ase_edges[k] = ase_ed continue else: ase_ed = self.ase_edges[k] ase_ed.fusers.append(ase_f.index) if ase_f.vis_sum == 2 and not ase_ed.visible: ase_f.tri_edge = k
fusers = [i for i in ase_ed.fusers if i != ase_f.index] if not fusers: continue for i in fusers: ase_f2 = self.ase_faces[i] # if this edge is invisible and both tris only have # this invisible edge, than the two tris could form a quad # easy done with a sum of all vis variables of the edges if k == ase_f.tri_edge: if ase_f.tri_edge == ase_f2.tri_edge: ase_f.quad_team = ase_f2.index ase_f2.quad_team = ase_f.index
# look if this edge is sharp # if not both faces share at least one smoothgroup var # than this edge is sharp #if continue for sg in smooth_groups: if sg not in ase_f2.smooth_groups: = True
def append_uv_channel(self, layer_index=1): ''' Create a new UV Layer and set it active. ''' self.ase_uv_channels[layer_index] = Ase_uv_channel(layer_index) self.active_uv = self.ase_uv_channels[layer_index]
def append_tvert(self, ase_uv_index, u, v, w=0): ''' Create a new UV Vector in the active! UV Channel. ''' if not self.active_uv: return #self.active_uv.ase_tverts[ase_uv_index] = Ase_tvert(ase_uv_index,u,v,w) self.active_uv.ase_tverts[ase_uv_index] = (u,v)
def append_tface(self, ase_face_index, uvi0, uvi1, uvi2, opt_check_seams=False): ''' Create a new Face UV with indicies to UV Vectors in the active UV Layer. Optional check for Seams and store into the UV Channel. ''' if not self.active_uv: return self.active_uv.ase_tfaces[ase_face_index] = [uvi0, uvi1, uvi2] # look if this face has seams # might useless because it makes no sense to import seams for all UV layers # that's why those edge keys are separately written to each ase UV layer if opt_check_seams: edge_keys = self.ase_faces[ase_face_index].edge_keys for ed_key,uvs in zip(edge_keys,[[uvi0,uvi1],[uvi1,uvi2],[uvi0,uvi2]]): uvs.sort() ase_ed,active_uv = self.ase_edges[ed_key],self.active_uv if not active_uv.ase_tedges.has_key(ed_key): active_uv.ase_tedges[ed_key] = uvs continue elif active_uv.ase_tedges[ed_key] != uvs: active_uv.seams.append(ed_key)
def append_vertcol(self, ase_color_index, r, g, b): #new = Ase_vertcolor(ase_color_index, r, g, b) #self.ase_vertcolors[ase_color_index] = new self.ase_vertcolors[ase_color_index] = (r,g,b)
def append_normal(self, ase_face_index, x, y, z): self.ase_faces[ase_face_index].normal = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z)
def append_vnormal(self, ase_face_index, ase_vert_index, x, y, z, opt_check_smooth=False): ase_f = self.ase_faces[ase_face_index] self.ase_verts[ase_vert_index].normals[ase_face_index] = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z) if opt_check_smooth and ase_f.smooth_groups: ase_edges = [self.ase_edges[key] for key in ase_f.edge_keys] for ed_key,ase_ed in zip(ase_f.edge_keys,ase_edges): if or len(ase_ed.fusers) < 2: continue for vi in ed_key: if not self.ase_verts.has_key(vi): continue vnormals = self.ase_verts[vi].normals fi0, fi1 = ase_ed.fusers[0:2] if vnormals.has_key(fi0) and vnormals.has_key(fi1): vnor0, vnor1 = vnormals[fi0],vnormals[fi1] if vnor0 == vnor1: continue else: angle = round(Blender.Mathutils.AngleBetweenVecs(vnor0, vnor1)) if not self.autosmooth: self.autosmooth = angle elif angle and self.autosmooth > angle: print angle self.autosmooth = angle
class Ase_vert: def __init__(self, index, x, y, z): self.index = index = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z) = (x,y,z) self.normals = {}
print 'Import Objects...' if OPT_PROGRESSBAR: Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(0.0, "Importing Objects...")
scene = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent() for ase_ob in ase_objects: if OPT_PROGRESSBAR and not (PB_index % PB_num): Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(PB_index / PB_num, "Importing Objects...")
if ase_ob.ase_type == 'geom': spawn_mesh(scene,ase_ob)
# create new Blender Object and link to scene ob = Blender.Object.New('Mesh', ob.setMatrix(matrix)
# get Mesh data from Object me = ob.getData(0,1) me.vertexColors = me.faceUV = False
# create Verts and Faces # seems like extend() is limited to a length of 64000? # this is a problem when importing big meshes. div = divmod(ase_me.num['VERTEX'], 64000) if div[1]: div = div[0]+1 else: div = div[0] start = 0 for i in range(div): end = start+64000 me.verts.extend(ase_me.vertseq[start:end]) start = end div = divmod(ase_me.num['FACES'], 64000) face_index_list = [] if div[1]: div = div[0]+1 else: div = div[0] start = 0 for i in range(div): end = start+64000 me.faces.extend(ase_me.faceseq[start:end]) start = end
# import Vertex Colors, Solid/Smooth to faces if IMP_VCOLOR: me.vertexColors = ase_me.hasVC ase_vcolors = ase_me.ase_vertcolors for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems(): try:f = me.faces[i] except: # dont know what's the problem with this print 'array index out of range:', i continue if me.vertexColors: cface = ase_me.ase_cfaces[i] c0,c1,c2 = ase_vcolors[cface[0]],ase_vcolors[cface[1]],ase_vcolors[cface[2]] fc0,fc1,fc2 = f.col[:] fc0.r,fc0.g,fc0.b = int(c0[0]*255),int(c0[1]*255),int(c0[2]*255) fc1.r,fc1.g,fc1.b = int(c1[0]*255),int(c1[1]*255),int(c1[2]*255) fc2.r,fc2.g,fc2.b = int(c2[0]*255),int(c2[1]*255),int(c2[2]*255) if ase_f.smooth_groups: f.smooth = 1
# import UV layer's if IMP_UV and ase_me.hasUV: for uv_chan in ase_me.ase_uv_channels.itervalues(): me.addUVLayer(uv_chan.uv_layer_name) me.activeUVLayer = uv_chan.uv_layer_name tverts = uv_chan.ase_tverts for fi,uvis in uv_chan.ase_tfaces.iteritems(): try:f = me.faces[fi] except: continue uv1,uv2,uv3 = tverts[uvis[0]],tverts[uvis[1]],tverts[uvis[2]] f.uv = [Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv1), Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv2), Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv3)] me.activeUVLayer = ase_me.ase_uv_channels[1].uv_layer_name
# EXPERIMENTAL! # convert tris to quads # this is currently the easiest way i found without destroying uvs or vcolors # but don't work like expected...:/ if IMP_QUADS: #quad_teams = set([i for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems() if ase_f.quad_team != None]) quad_teams = [] for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems(): if ase_f.quad_team != None: if ase_f.index < ase_f.quad_team: qt = ase_f.index,ase_f.quad_team elif ase_f.index > ase_f.quad_team: qt = ase_f.quad_team,ase_f.index if qt not in quad_teams: quad_teams.append(qt)
faces = me.faces # first deselect all faces for f in faces: f.sel = 0 for t0,t1 in quad_teams: ase_f0 = ase_me.ase_faces[t0] ase_f1 = ase_me.ase_faces[t1] try: f0,f1 = me.faces[ase_f0.index], me.faces[ase_f1.index] except: continue f0.sel = 1 f1.sel = 1 me.triangleToQuad() for i in faces.selected(): faces[i].sel = 0
# apply the matrix to mesh (and optional fit the ob and me to blender) if IMP_SCALED: # seems this isn't accurate because of precision of the location vector scale = Blender.Mathutils.ScaleMatrix(OPT_SCALE,4) inv_matrix = ob.getMatrix().copy().invert() * scale ob.setLocation(ob.getMatrix().translationPart() * scale) else: inv_matrix = ob.getMatrix().copy().invert() me.transform(inv_matrix, 1) me.calcNormals()
# apply sharp, seam and fgon flags to edges. add_EDGESPLIT = False if IMP_FGONS or IMP_SEAMS or IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: SHARP = Mesh.EdgeFlags.SHARP SEAM = Mesh.EdgeFlags.SEAM FGON = Mesh.EdgeFlags.FGON seam_keys = [] if ase_me.hasUV: seam_keys = ase_me.ase_uv_channels[1].seams for k,ase_ed in ase_me.ase_edges.iteritems(): if or not ase_ed.visible or k in seam_keys: edi = me.findEdges(k[0],k[1]) if edi: ed = me.edges[edi] if ase_me.hasUV and k in seam_keys and IMP_SEAMS: ed.flag |= SEAM if not ase_ed.visible and IMP_FGONS: ed.flag |= FGON if and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: ed.flag |= SHARP add_EDGESPLIT = True
# add EdgeSplit Modiefier when the mesh has sharp edges # autosmooth is EXPERIMENTAL! because i dont know if this is correct! if add_EDGESPLIT and OPT_MOD_EDGESPLIT: mod = ob.modifiers.append(Blender.Modifier.Types.EDGESPLIT) if not ase_me.autosmooth: mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_FROM_ANGLE] = 0 else: mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_ANGLE] = ase_me.autosmooth mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_FROM_SHARP] = 1 ob.makeDisplayList() # Needed to apply the modifier elif not add_EDGESPLIT and ase_me.autosmooth: AUTOSMOOTH = Mesh.Modes.AUTOSMOOTH me.modes |= AUTOSMOOTH me.degr = ase_me.autosmooth
# it is needed to read UV if Seams should be imported even when importing UV is disabled READ_UV = False if IMP_UV or IMP_SEAMS: READ_UV = True #if IMP_AUTOSMOOTH and not IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: IMP_AUTOSMOOTH = False
ase_objects = [] ase_ob = False for line in lines: if OPT_PROGRESSBAR and not (PB_index % 10000): Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(PB_index / PB_num, "Read File...") PB_index += 1
words = line.split() if not words: continue word0 = words[0] if word0 == '*GEOMOBJECT': #if ase_ob: ase_objects.append(ase_ob) ase_ob_type = word0.lower()[1:-6] #get rid of '*' and 'OBJECT' ase_ob = Ase_object(ase_ob_type) ase_objects.append(ase_ob) continue elif word0 in ['*HELPEROBJECT','*SHAPEOBJECT','*LIGHTOBJECT','*CAMERAOBJECT','*GROUP']: # Not supported objects! # because these objects too use a TM_NODE, # ase_ob should be set back to False to prevent errors. ase_ob = False continue elif word0 == '*NODE_NAME' and ase_ob: name = words[1][1:-1] #get rid of '"' if ase_ob and != '': = name elif ase_ob: = name continue elif word0 == '*NODE_PARENT' and ase_ob: ase_ob.parent = words[1][1:-1] #get rid of '"' continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW0' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row0 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW1' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row1 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW2' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row2 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW3' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row3 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH': ase_me = ase_ob.ase_data continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMVERTEX': ase_me.num['VERTEX'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMFACES': ase_me.num['FACES'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTEX': #vert_index, x, y, z ase_me.append_vert(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_FACE': #ase_face_index, vi0, vi1, vi2, AB, BC, CA, smooth_groups, mat_indicies #smooth = mat = False ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1]
smooth_groups = mat_indices = [] for i,w in enumerate(words): if w == '*MESH_SMOOTHING' and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: try: if words[i+1] != '*MESH_MTLID': smooth_groups = [int(i) for i in words[i+1].split(',')] except: smooth_groups = 0 elif w == '*MESH_MTLID' and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: try: mat_indices = [int(i) for i in words[i+1].split(',')] except: mat_indices = 0 ase_me.append_face(int(ase_face_index),int(words[3]),int(words[5]),int(words[7]),int(words[9]),int(words[11]),int(words[13]),smooth_groups,mat_indices) continue elif READ_UV: if word0 == '*MESH_NUMTVERTEX': if not ase_me.ase_uv_channels: ase_me.append_uv_channel() ase_me.active_uv.num['TVERTEX'] = int(words[1]) ase_me.hasUV = True continue elif word0 == '*MESH_MAPPINGCHANNEL': # uv_channel_index ase_me.append_uv_channel(int(words[1])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_TVERT': #uv_index, u, v, w ase_me.append_tvert(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMTVFACES': ase_me.active_uv.num['TVFACES'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_TFACE': #ase_face_index, uv0, uv1, uv2, opt_IMP_SEAMS ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1] ase_me.append_tface(int(ase_face_index),int(words[2]),int(words[3]),int(words[4]),IMP_SEAMS) continue elif IMP_VCOLOR: if word0 == '*MESH_NUMCVERTEX': ase_me.num['CVERTEX'] = int(words[1]) if ase_me.num['CVERTEX']: ase_me.hasVC = True continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTCOL': #color_index, r, g, b ase_me.append_vertcol(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMCVFACES': ase_me.num['CVFACES'] = words[1] continue elif word0 == '*MESH_CFACE': #ase_face_index, ci0, ci1, ci2 ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1] ase_me.append_cface(int(ase_face_index),int(words[2]),int(words[3]),int(words[4])) continue #elif word0 == '*MESH_NORMALS': elif IMP_AUTOSMOOTH: if word0 == '*MESH_FACENORMAL': # ase_face_index, x, y, z ase_face_index = int(words[1]) ase_me.append_normal(ase_face_index,float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL': # ase_face_index, ase_vert_index, x, y, z ase_me.append_vnormal(ase_face_index,int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4]),IMP_AUTOSMOOTH) continue else: continue return ase_objects
def print_boxed(text): #Copy/Paste from meshtools, only to remove the beep :) lines = text.splitlines() maxlinelen = max(map(len, lines)) if sys.platform[:3] == "win": print chr(218)+chr(196) + chr(196)*maxlinelen + chr(196)+chr(191) for line in lines: print chr(179) + ' ' + line.ljust(maxlinelen) + ' ' + chr(179) print chr(192)+chr(196) + chr(196)*maxlinelen + chr(196)+chr(217) else: print '+-' + '-'*maxlinelen + '-+' for line in lines: print '| ' + line.ljust(maxlinelen) + ' |' print '+-' + '-'*maxlinelen + '-+'
def read(filename):
global counts counts = {'verts':0,'tris':0,'faces':0}
start = time.clock()
print_boxed("----------ASCII Scene Import----------") print 'Import File: ', filename
mode = Blender.Window.EditMode() # are we in edit mode? If so ... if mode: Blender.Window.EditMode(0) # leave edit mode before getting the mesh
# Get USER Options pup_block = [('Import Options'),('Scale Meshes', IMPORT_SC, 'Scale the Objects so that they better fit into Blender\'s grid size'),('Vertex Colors', IMPORT_VC, 'Import Vertex Colors if existing'),('UV (Layer)', IMP_UV, 'Import UV and UV layer\'s if existing'),('Smoothing', IMPORT_SM, 'Surround Smoothgroups with sharp edges'),('Seams', IMPORT_SE, 'Try to import Seams from UV islands (from the first UV layer!)')]
if not Blender.Draw.PupBlock('Import ASCII Scene...', pup_block): return
There was a space at end of the line if you copy/paste the script from the forum. I have put the array in one line, should work now.
kat@Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 6:19 pm :
DUDE!! sorted. Both vertex and UVW import work fine and dandy.
Goofos@Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:07 pm :
Fixed a problem with the matrices, dont know why this suddenly happened.
I quickly updated it again (to v0.12) to use some improvements of 2.42 (which doesn't worked with 2.40). Now it should import (big) meshes much faster.
Tweaker@Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:29 am :
Excellent, I was having problems importing with 2.42a, but this seems to have fixed it. Thanks.
kat@Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 7:52 pm :
Goofos, can you double check the script to make sure it works in 2.42/2.43 et-al.. I'm getting reports of the script working for some but not for others, I've not recently checked the script post 2.41.
Goofos@Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 11:35 am :
So far it works with 2.43, at least with ase files exported with 3ds or blender. The only problems i found are if the file has key animations or if you set the faces to smooth it looks a bit wrong but the smooth problem is fixed when you enter edit mode.
kat@Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:03 pm :
Thanks for double checking
Trakerz@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 2:27 pm :
Hi Goofos
Since multiple mapping coordinates have been introduced in blender 2.43 is there any way you could update ASE importer so we can see the models in blender with 2 or more UV coordinates?
Also is there a fix for importing the smoothing of the faces?..i`m using blender 2.44
Goofos@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:31 pm :
On the way for the next version, which should be ready within one or two weeks.
Trakerz@Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 8:13 am :
That sounds great..i have searched all the importers for blender and none of them support multiple uv`s
Can`t wait for the new ASE importer
Goofos@Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 7:06 pm :
Updated the script (v0.13).
I think this version needs some testing and a bit cleanup but i think this can wait for Blender 2.44a.
Trakerz@Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:40 pm :
GREAT WORK Goofos!!!!!!
I just tested an ASE file and works like a charm
BTW in the code there is a problem at line 485 : unexpected indent
i fixed mine by just fixing the right alingment to the 'if' statement
Here is the file if you with to do a try:
The tank model is not a free low poly tank from turbo squid for testing purposes:
The archive contains
tank_diff.tga - diffuse texture that goes on UV 1
tabk_AO.tga - ambient occlusion(lightmap) texture that goes on UV 2
the 3ds file is for the smoothing comparision
from what i have seen the smoothings are ok on the entire model...
I have no idea how the ase Materials/Maps deal with multiple UV channels. There is no reference either to a specific UV channel in the maps or in the UV channels itself to a specific map.
According to a manual/tutorial of the UT2kx Engine you have to create a new Material in the Unreal Editor if you want to use a second UV channel, therefore my guess is that the ase file format don't support Materials/Maps referencing multiple UV channels.
hyp3rfocus@Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 10:31 pm :
hi, i've had some problems with this script. i was getting the "python script error : check console" error message as soon as i selected this script. the output from the console said this...
File "<string>", line 485 add_EDGESPLIT = True ^ IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level i opened the file and added a couple of spaces so that it matched the line above and that seemed to do the trick.
apart from that little glitch it's a fantastic script. thanks for all your work.
kissaki@Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:03 pm :
with that fix from the previous post it also seems to work with recent Blender 2.46 (just a short note) nice! thx
Goofos@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:00 am :
Version: 0.13
Supports Mesh Objects with vertex colors, multiple UV, smoothgroups.
A little Note!: you should not try to import very big ase files (>50 MB with 512 MB RAM). With much RAM you might can try this.
""" Name: 'ASCII Scene (.ase) v0.13' Blender: 244 Group: 'Import' Tooltip: 'Import from ASCII Scene Export file format (.ase)' """ __author__ = "Goofos" __version__ = "0.13"
# goofos # # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK *****
import time, sys import Blender from Blender import Scene, Object, Mesh
''' Some Options ''' # Scale Factor (float) OPT_SCALE = 0.1 # Add EdgeSplit Modifier when importing sharp edges (bool) OPT_MOD_EDGESPLIT = True # Enable the fileselector (bool) OPT_FILESELECTOR = True # If the fileselector is disabled, specify a static filename (string) OPT_STATIC_FILENAME = 'E:\ASE Files\garage.ASE' # Enable Progressbar (bool) OPT_PROGRESSBAR = False # File buffer. After testing with big files i think there is no real difference. # -1 = system default, 0 = unbuffered, 1 = line buffered, >1 = buffer size OPT_FILE_BUFFER = -1
''' Import Options ''' # Import Meshes scaled, defined by the scale factor of OPT_SCALE (bool) # Note: Object location data looses some precision, .. i think! IMP_SCALED = True # Import Vertex Colors (bool) IMP_VCOLOR = True # Import UV Coords and UV layers (bool) IMP_UV = True # Import NGons as Blender FGons (bool) # Note: Include quads, too. IMP_FGONS = False # Try to find possible quads and convert the two tris to a quad (bool) # Note: Very slow!! ablsolutely doesn't work accurate :/ # i don't know wether this is a script problem or a blender problem! IMP_QUADS = False # Surround UV islands with seams (bool) IMP_SEAMS = False # Surround smooth groups with sharp edges (bool) IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS = True # Try to find the lowest autosmooth angle in vertex normals (bool) # Note: i dont know if this is correct :> IMP_AUTOSMOOTH = False
def sort_edgekeys(self,vi0,vi1,vi2): ''' Returns sorted edge keys of the given triangle vert indicies. ''' if vi0 > vi1: ed_k0 = vi1,vi0 else: ed_k0 = vi0,vi1 if vi1 > vi2: ed_k1 = vi2,vi1 else: ed_k1 = vi1,vi2 if vi0 > vi2: ed_k2 = vi2,vi0 else: ed_k2 = vi0,vi2 return ed_k0,ed_k1,ed_k2
def append_vert(self, ase_vert_index, x, y, z): ''' Create a new Vertex for this Mesh. ''' ase_v = Ase_vert(ase_vert_index, x, y, z) self.ase_verts[ase_vert_index] = ase_v #self.vertseq.insert(ase_vert_index, (,, self.vertseq.insert(ase_vert_index,
def append_face(self, index, vi0, vi1, vi2, AB=1, BC=1, CA=1, smooth_groups=[0], mat_indices=0): ''' Uhm ... work in progress! ''' # create a new Ase_face ase_f = Ase_face(index, vi0, vi1, vi2, smooth_groups, mat_indices) ed_keys = self.sort_edgekeys(vi0,vi1,vi2) #ed_keys = [vi0,vi1].sort(),[vi1,vi2].sort(),[vi0,vi2].sort() ase_f.edge_keys = ed_keys ase_f.vis_sum = AB+BC+CA if ase_f.vis_sum == 2: if not AB: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[0] elif not BC: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[1] elif not CA: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[2]
# set visibility (fgon) and sharp for edges # and look if the two face users might form a quad # or create a new Ase_edge for k,vis in zip(ed_keys,[AB,BC,CA]): # Ase_edge already exist or create a new one if not self.ase_edges.has_key(k): ase_ed = Ase_edge(k) ase_ed.fusers.append(ase_f.index) ase_ed.visible = vis self.ase_edges[k] = ase_ed continue else: ase_ed = self.ase_edges[k] ase_ed.fusers.append(ase_f.index) if ase_f.vis_sum == 2 and not ase_ed.visible: ase_f.tri_edge = k
fusers = [i for i in ase_ed.fusers if i != ase_f.index] if not fusers: continue for i in fusers: ase_f2 = self.ase_faces[i] # if this edge is invisible and both tris only have # this invisible edge, than the two tris could form a quad # easy done with a sum of all vis variables of the edges if k == ase_f.tri_edge: if ase_f.tri_edge == ase_f2.tri_edge: ase_f.quad_team = ase_f2.index ase_f2.quad_team = ase_f.index
# look if this edge is sharp # if not both faces share at least one smoothgroup var # than this edge is sharp #if continue for sg in smooth_groups: if sg not in ase_f2.smooth_groups: = True
def append_uv_channel(self, layer_index=1): ''' Create a new UV Layer and set it active. ''' self.ase_uv_channels[layer_index] = Ase_uv_channel(layer_index) self.active_uv = self.ase_uv_channels[layer_index]
def append_tvert(self, ase_uv_index, u, v, w=0): ''' Create a new UV Vector in the active! UV Channel. ''' if not self.active_uv: return #self.active_uv.ase_tverts[ase_uv_index] = Ase_tvert(ase_uv_index,u,v,w) self.active_uv.ase_tverts[ase_uv_index] = (u,v)
def append_tface(self, ase_face_index, uvi0, uvi1, uvi2, opt_check_seams=False): ''' Create a new Face UV with indicies to UV Vectors in the active UV Layer. Optional check for Seams and store into the UV Channel. ''' if not self.active_uv: return self.active_uv.ase_tfaces[ase_face_index] = [uvi0, uvi1, uvi2] # look if this face has seams # might useless because it makes no sense to import seams for all UV layers # that's why those edge keys are separately written to each ase UV layer if opt_check_seams: edge_keys = self.ase_faces[ase_face_index].edge_keys for ed_key,uvs in zip(edge_keys,[[uvi0,uvi1],[uvi1,uvi2],[uvi0,uvi2]]): uvs.sort() ase_ed,active_uv = self.ase_edges[ed_key],self.active_uv if not active_uv.ase_tedges.has_key(ed_key): active_uv.ase_tedges[ed_key] = uvs continue elif active_uv.ase_tedges[ed_key] != uvs: active_uv.seams.append(ed_key)
def append_vertcol(self, ase_color_index, r, g, b): #new = Ase_vertcolor(ase_color_index, r, g, b) #self.ase_vertcolors[ase_color_index] = new self.ase_vertcolors[ase_color_index] = (r,g,b)
def append_normal(self, ase_face_index, x, y, z): self.ase_faces[ase_face_index].normal = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z)
def append_vnormal(self, ase_face_index, ase_vert_index, x, y, z, opt_check_smooth=False): ase_f = self.ase_faces[ase_face_index] self.ase_verts[ase_vert_index].normals[ase_face_index] = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z) if opt_check_smooth and ase_f.smooth_groups: ase_edges = [self.ase_edges[key] for key in ase_f.edge_keys] for ed_key,ase_ed in zip(ase_f.edge_keys,ase_edges): if or len(ase_ed.fusers) < 2: continue for vi in ed_key: if not self.ase_verts.has_key(vi): continue vnormals = self.ase_verts[vi].normals fi0, fi1 = ase_ed.fusers[0:2] if vnormals.has_key(fi0) and vnormals.has_key(fi1): vnor0, vnor1 = vnormals[fi0],vnormals[fi1] if vnor0 == vnor1: continue else: angle = round(Blender.Mathutils.AngleBetweenVecs(vnor0, vnor1)) if not self.autosmooth: self.autosmooth = angle elif angle and self.autosmooth > angle: print angle self.autosmooth = angle
class Ase_vert: def __init__(self, index, x, y, z): self.index = index = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z) = (x,y,z) self.normals = {}
print 'Import Objects...' if OPT_PROGRESSBAR: Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(0.0, "Importing Objects...")
scene = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent() for ase_ob in ase_objects: if OPT_PROGRESSBAR and not (PB_index % PB_num): Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(PB_index / PB_num, "Importing Objects...")
if ase_ob.ase_type == 'geom': spawn_mesh(scene,ase_ob)
# create new Blender Object and link to scene ob = Blender.Object.New('Mesh', ob.setMatrix(matrix)
# get Mesh data from Object me = ob.getData(0,1) me.vertexColors = me.faceUV = False
# create Verts and Faces # seems like extend() is limited to a length of 64000? # this is a problem when importing big meshes. div = divmod(ase_me.num['VERTEX'], 64000) if div[1]: div = div[0]+1 else: div = div[0] start = 0 for i in range(div): end = start+64000 me.verts.extend(ase_me.vertseq[start:end]) start = end div = divmod(ase_me.num['FACES'], 64000) face_index_list = [] if div[1]: div = div[0]+1 else: div = div[0] start = 0 for i in range(div): end = start+64000 me.faces.extend(ase_me.faceseq[start:end]) start = end
# import Vertex Colors, Solid/Smooth to faces if IMP_VCOLOR: me.vertexColors = ase_me.hasVC ase_vcolors = ase_me.ase_vertcolors for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems(): try:f = me.faces[i] except: # dont know what's the problem with this print 'array index out of range:', i continue if me.vertexColors: cface = ase_me.ase_cfaces[i] c0,c1,c2 = ase_vcolors[cface[0]],ase_vcolors[cface[1]],ase_vcolors[cface[2]] fc0,fc1,fc2 = f.col[:] fc0.r,fc0.g,fc0.b = int(c0[0]*255),int(c0[1]*255),int(c0[2]*255) fc1.r,fc1.g,fc1.b = int(c1[0]*255),int(c1[1]*255),int(c1[2]*255) fc2.r,fc2.g,fc2.b = int(c2[0]*255),int(c2[1]*255),int(c2[2]*255) if ase_f.smooth_groups: f.smooth = 1
# import UV layer's if IMP_UV and ase_me.hasUV: for uv_chan in ase_me.ase_uv_channels.itervalues(): me.addUVLayer(uv_chan.uv_layer_name) me.activeUVLayer = uv_chan.uv_layer_name tverts = uv_chan.ase_tverts for fi,uvis in uv_chan.ase_tfaces.iteritems(): try:f = me.faces[fi] except: continue uv1,uv2,uv3 = tverts[uvis[0]],tverts[uvis[1]],tverts[uvis[2]] f.uv = [Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv1), Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv2), Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv3)] me.activeUVLayer = ase_me.ase_uv_channels[1].uv_layer_name
# EXPERIMENTAL! # convert tris to quads # this is currently the easiest way i found without destroying uvs or vcolors # but don't work like expected...:/ if IMP_QUADS: #quad_teams = set([i for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems() if ase_f.quad_team != None]) quad_teams = [] for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems(): if ase_f.quad_team != None: if ase_f.index < ase_f.quad_team: qt = ase_f.index,ase_f.quad_team elif ase_f.index > ase_f.quad_team: qt = ase_f.quad_team,ase_f.index if qt not in quad_teams: quad_teams.append(qt)
faces = me.faces # first deselect all faces for f in faces: f.sel = 0 for t0,t1 in quad_teams: ase_f0 = ase_me.ase_faces[t0] ase_f1 = ase_me.ase_faces[t1] try: f0,f1 = me.faces[ase_f0.index], me.faces[ase_f1.index] except: continue f0.sel = 1 f1.sel = 1 me.triangleToQuad() for i in faces.selected(): faces[i].sel = 0
# apply the matrix to mesh (and optional fit the ob and me to blender) if IMP_SCALED: # seems this isn't accurate because of precision of the location vector scale = Blender.Mathutils.ScaleMatrix(OPT_SCALE,4) inv_matrix = ob.getMatrix().copy().invert() * scale ob.setLocation(ob.getMatrix().translationPart() * scale) else: inv_matrix = ob.getMatrix().copy().invert() me.transform(inv_matrix, 1) me.calcNormals()
# apply sharp, seam and fgon flags to edges. add_EDGESPLIT = False if IMP_FGONS or IMP_SEAMS or IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: SHARP = Mesh.EdgeFlags.SHARP SEAM = Mesh.EdgeFlags.SEAM FGON = Mesh.EdgeFlags.FGON seam_keys = [] if ase_me.hasUV: seam_keys = ase_me.ase_uv_channels[1].seams for k,ase_ed in ase_me.ase_edges.iteritems(): if or not ase_ed.visible or k in seam_keys: edi = me.findEdges(k[0],k[1]) if edi: ed = me.edges[edi] if ase_me.hasUV and k in seam_keys and IMP_SEAMS: ed.flag |= SEAM if not ase_ed.visible and IMP_FGONS: ed.flag |= FGON if and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: ed.flag |= SHARP add_EDGESPLIT = True
# add EdgeSplit Modiefier when the mesh has sharp edges # autosmooth is EXPERIMENTAL! because i dont know if this is correct! if add_EDGESPLIT and OPT_MOD_EDGESPLIT: mod = ob.modifiers.append(Blender.Modifier.Types.EDGESPLIT) if not ase_me.autosmooth: mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_FROM_ANGLE] = 0 else: mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_ANGLE] = ase_me.autosmooth mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_FROM_SHARP] = 1 ob.makeDisplayList() # Needed to apply the modifier elif not add_EDGESPLIT and ase_me.autosmooth: AUTOSMOOTH = Mesh.Modes.AUTOSMOOTH me.modes |= AUTOSMOOTH me.degr = ase_me.autosmooth
# it is needed to read UV if Seams should be imported even when importing UV is disabled READ_UV = False if IMP_UV or IMP_SEAMS: READ_UV = True #if IMP_AUTOSMOOTH and not IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: IMP_AUTOSMOOTH = False
ase_objects = [] ase_ob = False for line in lines: if OPT_PROGRESSBAR and not (PB_index % 10000): Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(PB_index / PB_num, "Read File...") PB_index += 1
words = line.split() if not words: continue word0 = words[0] if word0 == '*GEOMOBJECT': #if ase_ob: ase_objects.append(ase_ob) ase_ob_type = word0.lower()[1:-6] #get rid of '*' and 'OBJECT' ase_ob = Ase_object(ase_ob_type) ase_objects.append(ase_ob) continue elif word0 in ['*HELPEROBJECT','*SHAPEOBJECT','*LIGHTOBJECT','*CAMERAOBJECT','*GROUP']: # Not supported objects! # because these objects too use a TM_NODE, # ase_ob should be set back to False to prevent errors. ase_ob = False continue elif word0 == '*NODE_NAME' and ase_ob: name = words[1][1:-1] #get rid of '"' if ase_ob and != '': = name elif ase_ob: = name continue elif word0 == '*NODE_PARENT' and ase_ob: ase_ob.parent = words[1][1:-1] #get rid of '"' continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW0' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row0 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW1' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row1 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW2' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row2 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW3' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row3 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH': ase_me = ase_ob.ase_data continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMVERTEX': ase_me.num['VERTEX'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMFACES': ase_me.num['FACES'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTEX': #vert_index, x, y, z ase_me.append_vert(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_FACE': #ase_face_index, vi0, vi1, vi2, AB, BC, CA, smooth_groups, mat_indicies #smooth = mat = False ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1]
smooth_groups = mat_indices = [] for i,w in enumerate(words): if w == '*MESH_SMOOTHING' and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: try: if words[i+1] != '*MESH_MTLID': smooth_groups = [int(i) for i in words[i+1].split(',')] except: smooth_groups = 0 elif w == '*MESH_MTLID' and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: try: mat_indices = [int(i) for i in words[i+1].split(',')] except: mat_indices = 0 ase_me.append_face(int(ase_face_index),int(words[3]),int(words[5]),int(words[7]),int(words[9]),int(words[11]),int(words[13]),smooth_groups,mat_indices) continue elif READ_UV: if word0 == '*MESH_NUMTVERTEX': if not ase_me.ase_uv_channels: ase_me.append_uv_channel() ase_me.active_uv.num['TVERTEX'] = int(words[1]) ase_me.hasUV = True continue elif word0 == '*MESH_MAPPINGCHANNEL': # uv_channel_index ase_me.append_uv_channel(int(words[1])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_TVERT': #uv_index, u, v, w ase_me.append_tvert(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMTVFACES': ase_me.active_uv.num['TVFACES'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_TFACE': #ase_face_index, uv0, uv1, uv2, opt_IMP_SEAMS ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1] ase_me.append_tface(int(ase_face_index),int(words[2]),int(words[3]),int(words[4]),IMP_SEAMS) continue elif IMP_VCOLOR: if word0 == '*MESH_NUMCVERTEX': ase_me.num['CVERTEX'] = int(words[1]) if ase_me.num['CVERTEX']: ase_me.hasVC = True continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTCOL': #color_index, r, g, b ase_me.append_vertcol(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMCVFACES': ase_me.num['CVFACES'] = words[1] continue elif word0 == '*MESH_CFACE': #ase_face_index, ci0, ci1, ci2 ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1] ase_me.append_cface(int(ase_face_index),int(words[2]),int(words[3]),int(words[4])) continue #elif word0 == '*MESH_NORMALS': elif IMP_AUTOSMOOTH: if word0 == '*MESH_FACENORMAL': # ase_face_index, x, y, z ase_face_index = int(words[1]) ase_me.append_normal(ase_face_index,float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL': # ase_face_index, ase_vert_index, x, y, z ase_me.append_vnormal(ase_face_index,int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4]),IMP_AUTOSMOOTH) continue else: continue return ase_objects
def print_boxed(text): #Copy/Paste from meshtools, only to remove the beep :) lines = text.splitlines() maxlinelen = max(map(len, lines)) if sys.platform[:3] == "win": print chr(218)+chr(196) + chr(196)*maxlinelen + chr(196)+chr(191) for line in lines: print chr(179) + ' ' + line.ljust(maxlinelen) + ' ' + chr(179) print chr(192)+chr(196) + chr(196)*maxlinelen + chr(196)+chr(217) else: print '+-' + '-'*maxlinelen + '-+' for line in lines: print '| ' + line.ljust(maxlinelen) + ' |' print '+-' + '-'*maxlinelen + '-+'
def read(filename):
global counts counts = {'verts':0,'tris':0,'faces':0}
start = time.clock()
print_boxed("----------ASCII Scene Import----------") print 'Import File: ', filename
mode = Blender.Window.EditMode() # are we in edit mode? If so ... if mode: Blender.Window.EditMode(0) # leave edit mode before getting the mesh
# Get USER Options pup_block = [('Import Options'),('Scale Meshes', IMPORT_SC, 'Scale the Objects so that they better fit into Blender\'s grid size'),('Vertex Colors', IMPORT_VC, 'Import Vertex Colors if existing'),('UV (Layer)', IMP_UV, 'Import UV and UV layer\'s if existing'),('Smoothing', IMPORT_SM, 'Surround Smoothgroups with sharp edges'),('Seams', IMPORT_SE, 'Try to import Seams from UV islands (from the first UV layer!)')]
if not Blender.Draw.PupBlock('Import ASCII Scene...', pup_block): return
There was a space at end of the line if you copy/paste the script from the forum. I have put the array in one line, should work now.
kat@Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 6:19 pm :
DUDE!! sorted. Both vertex and UVW import work fine and dandy.
Goofos@Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:07 pm :
Fixed a problem with the matrices, dont know why this suddenly happened.
I quickly updated it again (to v0.12) to use some improvements of 2.42 (which doesn't worked with 2.40). Now it should import (big) meshes much faster.
Tweaker@Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:29 am :
Excellent, I was having problems importing with 2.42a, but this seems to have fixed it. Thanks.
kat@Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 7:52 pm :
Goofos, can you double check the script to make sure it works in 2.42/2.43 et-al.. I'm getting reports of the script working for some but not for others, I've not recently checked the script post 2.41.
Goofos@Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 11:35 am :
So far it works with 2.43, at least with ase files exported with 3ds or blender. The only problems i found are if the file has key animations or if you set the faces to smooth it looks a bit wrong but the smooth problem is fixed when you enter edit mode.
kat@Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:03 pm :
Thanks for double checking
Trakerz@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 2:27 pm :
Hi Goofos
Since multiple mapping coordinates have been introduced in blender 2.43 is there any way you could update ASE importer so we can see the models in blender with 2 or more UV coordinates?
Also is there a fix for importing the smoothing of the faces?..i`m using blender 2.44
Goofos@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:31 pm :
On the way for the next version, which should be ready within one or two weeks.
Trakerz@Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 8:13 am :
That sounds great..i have searched all the importers for blender and none of them support multiple uv`s
Can`t wait for the new ASE importer
Goofos@Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 7:06 pm :
Updated the script (v0.13).
I think this version needs some testing and a bit cleanup but i think this can wait for Blender 2.44a.
Trakerz@Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:40 pm :
GREAT WORK Goofos!!!!!!
I just tested an ASE file and works like a charm
BTW in the code there is a problem at line 485 : unexpected indent
i fixed mine by just fixing the right alingment to the 'if' statement
Here is the file if you with to do a try:
The tank model is not a free low poly tank from turbo squid for testing purposes:
The archive contains
tank_diff.tga - diffuse texture that goes on UV 1
tabk_AO.tga - ambient occlusion(lightmap) texture that goes on UV 2
the 3ds file is for the smoothing comparision
from what i have seen the smoothings are ok on the entire model...
I have no idea how the ase Materials/Maps deal with multiple UV channels. There is no reference either to a specific UV channel in the maps or in the UV channels itself to a specific map.
According to a manual/tutorial of the UT2kx Engine you have to create a new Material in the Unreal Editor if you want to use a second UV channel, therefore my guess is that the ase file format don't support Materials/Maps referencing multiple UV channels.
hyp3rfocus@Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 10:31 pm :
hi, i've had some problems with this script. i was getting the "python script error : check console" error message as soon as i selected this script. the output from the console said this...
File "<string>", line 485 add_EDGESPLIT = True ^ IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level i opened the file and added a couple of spaces so that it matched the line above and that seemed to do the trick.
apart from that little glitch it's a fantastic script. thanks for all your work.
kissaki@Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:03 pm :
with that fix from the previous post it also seems to work with recent Blender 2.46 (just a short note) nice! thx
Goofos@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:00 am :
Version: 0.13
Supports Mesh Objects with vertex colors, multiple UV, smoothgroups.
A little Note!: you should not try to import very big ase files (>50 MB with 512 MB RAM). With much RAM you might can try this.
""" Name: 'ASCII Scene (.ase) v0.13' Blender: 244 Group: 'Import' Tooltip: 'Import from ASCII Scene Export file format (.ase)' """ __author__ = "Goofos" __version__ = "0.13"
# goofos # # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK *****
import time, sys import Blender from Blender import Scene, Object, Mesh
''' Some Options ''' # Scale Factor (float) OPT_SCALE = 0.1 # Add EdgeSplit Modifier when importing sharp edges (bool) OPT_MOD_EDGESPLIT = True # Enable the fileselector (bool) OPT_FILESELECTOR = True # If the fileselector is disabled, specify a static filename (string) OPT_STATIC_FILENAME = 'E:\ASE Files\garage.ASE' # Enable Progressbar (bool) OPT_PROGRESSBAR = False # File buffer. After testing with big files i think there is no real difference. # -1 = system default, 0 = unbuffered, 1 = line buffered, >1 = buffer size OPT_FILE_BUFFER = -1
''' Import Options ''' # Import Meshes scaled, defined by the scale factor of OPT_SCALE (bool) # Note: Object location data looses some precision, .. i think! IMP_SCALED = True # Import Vertex Colors (bool) IMP_VCOLOR = True # Import UV Coords and UV layers (bool) IMP_UV = True # Import NGons as Blender FGons (bool) # Note: Include quads, too. IMP_FGONS = False # Try to find possible quads and convert the two tris to a quad (bool) # Note: Very slow!! ablsolutely doesn't work accurate :/ # i don't know wether this is a script problem or a blender problem! IMP_QUADS = False # Surround UV islands with seams (bool) IMP_SEAMS = False # Surround smooth groups with sharp edges (bool) IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS = True # Try to find the lowest autosmooth angle in vertex normals (bool) # Note: i dont know if this is correct :> IMP_AUTOSMOOTH = False
def sort_edgekeys(self,vi0,vi1,vi2): ''' Returns sorted edge keys of the given triangle vert indicies. ''' if vi0 > vi1: ed_k0 = vi1,vi0 else: ed_k0 = vi0,vi1 if vi1 > vi2: ed_k1 = vi2,vi1 else: ed_k1 = vi1,vi2 if vi0 > vi2: ed_k2 = vi2,vi0 else: ed_k2 = vi0,vi2 return ed_k0,ed_k1,ed_k2
def append_vert(self, ase_vert_index, x, y, z): ''' Create a new Vertex for this Mesh. ''' ase_v = Ase_vert(ase_vert_index, x, y, z) self.ase_verts[ase_vert_index] = ase_v #self.vertseq.insert(ase_vert_index, (,, self.vertseq.insert(ase_vert_index,
def append_face(self, index, vi0, vi1, vi2, AB=1, BC=1, CA=1, smooth_groups=[0], mat_indices=0): ''' Uhm ... work in progress! ''' # create a new Ase_face ase_f = Ase_face(index, vi0, vi1, vi2, smooth_groups, mat_indices) ed_keys = self.sort_edgekeys(vi0,vi1,vi2) #ed_keys = [vi0,vi1].sort(),[vi1,vi2].sort(),[vi0,vi2].sort() ase_f.edge_keys = ed_keys ase_f.vis_sum = AB+BC+CA if ase_f.vis_sum == 2: if not AB: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[0] elif not BC: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[1] elif not CA: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[2]
# set visibility (fgon) and sharp for edges # and look if the two face users might form a quad # or create a new Ase_edge for k,vis in zip(ed_keys,[AB,BC,CA]): # Ase_edge already exist or create a new one if not self.ase_edges.has_key(k): ase_ed = Ase_edge(k) ase_ed.fusers.append(ase_f.index) ase_ed.visible = vis self.ase_edges[k] = ase_ed continue else: ase_ed = self.ase_edges[k] ase_ed.fusers.append(ase_f.index) if ase_f.vis_sum == 2 and not ase_ed.visible: ase_f.tri_edge = k
fusers = [i for i in ase_ed.fusers if i != ase_f.index] if not fusers: continue for i in fusers: ase_f2 = self.ase_faces[i] # if this edge is invisible and both tris only have # this invisible edge, than the two tris could form a quad # easy done with a sum of all vis variables of the edges if k == ase_f.tri_edge: if ase_f.tri_edge == ase_f2.tri_edge: ase_f.quad_team = ase_f2.index ase_f2.quad_team = ase_f.index
# look if this edge is sharp # if not both faces share at least one smoothgroup var # than this edge is sharp #if continue for sg in smooth_groups: if sg not in ase_f2.smooth_groups: = True
def append_uv_channel(self, layer_index=1): ''' Create a new UV Layer and set it active. ''' self.ase_uv_channels[layer_index] = Ase_uv_channel(layer_index) self.active_uv = self.ase_uv_channels[layer_index]
def append_tvert(self, ase_uv_index, u, v, w=0): ''' Create a new UV Vector in the active! UV Channel. ''' if not self.active_uv: return #self.active_uv.ase_tverts[ase_uv_index] = Ase_tvert(ase_uv_index,u,v,w) self.active_uv.ase_tverts[ase_uv_index] = (u,v)
def append_tface(self, ase_face_index, uvi0, uvi1, uvi2, opt_check_seams=False): ''' Create a new Face UV with indicies to UV Vectors in the active UV Layer. Optional check for Seams and store into the UV Channel. ''' if not self.active_uv: return self.active_uv.ase_tfaces[ase_face_index] = [uvi0, uvi1, uvi2] # look if this face has seams # might useless because it makes no sense to import seams for all UV layers # that's why those edge keys are separately written to each ase UV layer if opt_check_seams: edge_keys = self.ase_faces[ase_face_index].edge_keys for ed_key,uvs in zip(edge_keys,[[uvi0,uvi1],[uvi1,uvi2],[uvi0,uvi2]]): uvs.sort() ase_ed,active_uv = self.ase_edges[ed_key],self.active_uv if not active_uv.ase_tedges.has_key(ed_key): active_uv.ase_tedges[ed_key] = uvs continue elif active_uv.ase_tedges[ed_key] != uvs: active_uv.seams.append(ed_key)
def append_vertcol(self, ase_color_index, r, g, b): #new = Ase_vertcolor(ase_color_index, r, g, b) #self.ase_vertcolors[ase_color_index] = new self.ase_vertcolors[ase_color_index] = (r,g,b)
def append_normal(self, ase_face_index, x, y, z): self.ase_faces[ase_face_index].normal = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z)
def append_vnormal(self, ase_face_index, ase_vert_index, x, y, z, opt_check_smooth=False): ase_f = self.ase_faces[ase_face_index] self.ase_verts[ase_vert_index].normals[ase_face_index] = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z) if opt_check_smooth and ase_f.smooth_groups: ase_edges = [self.ase_edges[key] for key in ase_f.edge_keys] for ed_key,ase_ed in zip(ase_f.edge_keys,ase_edges): if or len(ase_ed.fusers) < 2: continue for vi in ed_key: if not self.ase_verts.has_key(vi): continue vnormals = self.ase_verts[vi].normals fi0, fi1 = ase_ed.fusers[0:2] if vnormals.has_key(fi0) and vnormals.has_key(fi1): vnor0, vnor1 = vnormals[fi0],vnormals[fi1] if vnor0 == vnor1: continue else: angle = round(Blender.Mathutils.AngleBetweenVecs(vnor0, vnor1)) if not self.autosmooth: self.autosmooth = angle elif angle and self.autosmooth > angle: print angle self.autosmooth = angle
class Ase_vert: def __init__(self, index, x, y, z): self.index = index = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z) = (x,y,z) self.normals = {}
print 'Import Objects...' if OPT_PROGRESSBAR: Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(0.0, "Importing Objects...")
scene = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent() for ase_ob in ase_objects: if OPT_PROGRESSBAR and not (PB_index % PB_num): Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(PB_index / PB_num, "Importing Objects...")
if ase_ob.ase_type == 'geom': spawn_mesh(scene,ase_ob)
# create new Blender Object and link to scene ob = Blender.Object.New('Mesh', ob.setMatrix(matrix)
# get Mesh data from Object me = ob.getData(0,1) me.vertexColors = me.faceUV = False
# create Verts and Faces # seems like extend() is limited to a length of 64000? # this is a problem when importing big meshes. div = divmod(ase_me.num['VERTEX'], 64000) if div[1]: div = div[0]+1 else: div = div[0] start = 0 for i in range(div): end = start+64000 me.verts.extend(ase_me.vertseq[start:end]) start = end div = divmod(ase_me.num['FACES'], 64000) face_index_list = [] if div[1]: div = div[0]+1 else: div = div[0] start = 0 for i in range(div): end = start+64000 me.faces.extend(ase_me.faceseq[start:end]) start = end
# import Vertex Colors, Solid/Smooth to faces if IMP_VCOLOR: me.vertexColors = ase_me.hasVC ase_vcolors = ase_me.ase_vertcolors for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems(): try:f = me.faces[i] except: # dont know what's the problem with this print 'array index out of range:', i continue if me.vertexColors: cface = ase_me.ase_cfaces[i] c0,c1,c2 = ase_vcolors[cface[0]],ase_vcolors[cface[1]],ase_vcolors[cface[2]] fc0,fc1,fc2 = f.col[:] fc0.r,fc0.g,fc0.b = int(c0[0]*255),int(c0[1]*255),int(c0[2]*255) fc1.r,fc1.g,fc1.b = int(c1[0]*255),int(c1[1]*255),int(c1[2]*255) fc2.r,fc2.g,fc2.b = int(c2[0]*255),int(c2[1]*255),int(c2[2]*255) if ase_f.smooth_groups: f.smooth = 1
# import UV layer's if IMP_UV and ase_me.hasUV: for uv_chan in ase_me.ase_uv_channels.itervalues(): me.addUVLayer(uv_chan.uv_layer_name) me.activeUVLayer = uv_chan.uv_layer_name tverts = uv_chan.ase_tverts for fi,uvis in uv_chan.ase_tfaces.iteritems(): try:f = me.faces[fi] except: continue uv1,uv2,uv3 = tverts[uvis[0]],tverts[uvis[1]],tverts[uvis[2]] f.uv = [Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv1), Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv2), Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv3)] me.activeUVLayer = ase_me.ase_uv_channels[1].uv_layer_name
# EXPERIMENTAL! # convert tris to quads # this is currently the easiest way i found without destroying uvs or vcolors # but don't work like expected...:/ if IMP_QUADS: #quad_teams = set([i for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems() if ase_f.quad_team != None]) quad_teams = [] for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems(): if ase_f.quad_team != None: if ase_f.index < ase_f.quad_team: qt = ase_f.index,ase_f.quad_team elif ase_f.index > ase_f.quad_team: qt = ase_f.quad_team,ase_f.index if qt not in quad_teams: quad_teams.append(qt)
faces = me.faces # first deselect all faces for f in faces: f.sel = 0 for t0,t1 in quad_teams: ase_f0 = ase_me.ase_faces[t0] ase_f1 = ase_me.ase_faces[t1] try: f0,f1 = me.faces[ase_f0.index], me.faces[ase_f1.index] except: continue f0.sel = 1 f1.sel = 1 me.triangleToQuad() for i in faces.selected(): faces[i].sel = 0
# apply the matrix to mesh (and optional fit the ob and me to blender) if IMP_SCALED: # seems this isn't accurate because of precision of the location vector scale = Blender.Mathutils.ScaleMatrix(OPT_SCALE,4) inv_matrix = ob.getMatrix().copy().invert() * scale ob.setLocation(ob.getMatrix().translationPart() * scale) else: inv_matrix = ob.getMatrix().copy().invert() me.transform(inv_matrix, 1) me.calcNormals()
# apply sharp, seam and fgon flags to edges. add_EDGESPLIT = False if IMP_FGONS or IMP_SEAMS or IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: SHARP = Mesh.EdgeFlags.SHARP SEAM = Mesh.EdgeFlags.SEAM FGON = Mesh.EdgeFlags.FGON seam_keys = [] if ase_me.hasUV: seam_keys = ase_me.ase_uv_channels[1].seams for k,ase_ed in ase_me.ase_edges.iteritems(): if or not ase_ed.visible or k in seam_keys: edi = me.findEdges(k[0],k[1]) if edi: ed = me.edges[edi] if ase_me.hasUV and k in seam_keys and IMP_SEAMS: ed.flag |= SEAM if not ase_ed.visible and IMP_FGONS: ed.flag |= FGON if and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: ed.flag |= SHARP add_EDGESPLIT = True
# add EdgeSplit Modiefier when the mesh has sharp edges # autosmooth is EXPERIMENTAL! because i dont know if this is correct! if add_EDGESPLIT and OPT_MOD_EDGESPLIT: mod = ob.modifiers.append(Blender.Modifier.Types.EDGESPLIT) if not ase_me.autosmooth: mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_FROM_ANGLE] = 0 else: mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_ANGLE] = ase_me.autosmooth mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_FROM_SHARP] = 1 ob.makeDisplayList() # Needed to apply the modifier elif not add_EDGESPLIT and ase_me.autosmooth: AUTOSMOOTH = Mesh.Modes.AUTOSMOOTH me.modes |= AUTOSMOOTH me.degr = ase_me.autosmooth
# it is needed to read UV if Seams should be imported even when importing UV is disabled READ_UV = False if IMP_UV or IMP_SEAMS: READ_UV = True #if IMP_AUTOSMOOTH and not IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: IMP_AUTOSMOOTH = False
ase_objects = [] ase_ob = False for line in lines: if OPT_PROGRESSBAR and not (PB_index % 10000): Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(PB_index / PB_num, "Read File...") PB_index += 1
words = line.split() if not words: continue word0 = words[0] if word0 == '*GEOMOBJECT': #if ase_ob: ase_objects.append(ase_ob) ase_ob_type = word0.lower()[1:-6] #get rid of '*' and 'OBJECT' ase_ob = Ase_object(ase_ob_type) ase_objects.append(ase_ob) continue elif word0 in ['*HELPEROBJECT','*SHAPEOBJECT','*LIGHTOBJECT','*CAMERAOBJECT','*GROUP']: # Not supported objects! # because these objects too use a TM_NODE, # ase_ob should be set back to False to prevent errors. ase_ob = False continue elif word0 == '*NODE_NAME' and ase_ob: name = words[1][1:-1] #get rid of '"' if ase_ob and != '': = name elif ase_ob: = name continue elif word0 == '*NODE_PARENT' and ase_ob: ase_ob.parent = words[1][1:-1] #get rid of '"' continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW0' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row0 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW1' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row1 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW2' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row2 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW3' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row3 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH': ase_me = ase_ob.ase_data continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMVERTEX': ase_me.num['VERTEX'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMFACES': ase_me.num['FACES'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTEX': #vert_index, x, y, z ase_me.append_vert(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_FACE': #ase_face_index, vi0, vi1, vi2, AB, BC, CA, smooth_groups, mat_indicies #smooth = mat = False ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1]
smooth_groups = mat_indices = [] for i,w in enumerate(words): if w == '*MESH_SMOOTHING' and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: try: if words[i+1] != '*MESH_MTLID': smooth_groups = [int(i) for i in words[i+1].split(',')] except: smooth_groups = 0 elif w == '*MESH_MTLID' and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: try: mat_indices = [int(i) for i in words[i+1].split(',')] except: mat_indices = 0 ase_me.append_face(int(ase_face_index),int(words[3]),int(words[5]),int(words[7]),int(words[9]),int(words[11]),int(words[13]),smooth_groups,mat_indices) continue elif READ_UV: if word0 == '*MESH_NUMTVERTEX': if not ase_me.ase_uv_channels: ase_me.append_uv_channel() ase_me.active_uv.num['TVERTEX'] = int(words[1]) ase_me.hasUV = True continue elif word0 == '*MESH_MAPPINGCHANNEL': # uv_channel_index ase_me.append_uv_channel(int(words[1])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_TVERT': #uv_index, u, v, w ase_me.append_tvert(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMTVFACES': ase_me.active_uv.num['TVFACES'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_TFACE': #ase_face_index, uv0, uv1, uv2, opt_IMP_SEAMS ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1] ase_me.append_tface(int(ase_face_index),int(words[2]),int(words[3]),int(words[4]),IMP_SEAMS) continue elif IMP_VCOLOR: if word0 == '*MESH_NUMCVERTEX': ase_me.num['CVERTEX'] = int(words[1]) if ase_me.num['CVERTEX']: ase_me.hasVC = True continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTCOL': #color_index, r, g, b ase_me.append_vertcol(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMCVFACES': ase_me.num['CVFACES'] = words[1] continue elif word0 == '*MESH_CFACE': #ase_face_index, ci0, ci1, ci2 ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1] ase_me.append_cface(int(ase_face_index),int(words[2]),int(words[3]),int(words[4])) continue #elif word0 == '*MESH_NORMALS': elif IMP_AUTOSMOOTH: if word0 == '*MESH_FACENORMAL': # ase_face_index, x, y, z ase_face_index = int(words[1]) ase_me.append_normal(ase_face_index,float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL': # ase_face_index, ase_vert_index, x, y, z ase_me.append_vnormal(ase_face_index,int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4]),IMP_AUTOSMOOTH) continue else: continue return ase_objects
def print_boxed(text): #Copy/Paste from meshtools, only to remove the beep :) lines = text.splitlines() maxlinelen = max(map(len, lines)) if sys.platform[:3] == "win": print chr(218)+chr(196) + chr(196)*maxlinelen + chr(196)+chr(191) for line in lines: print chr(179) + ' ' + line.ljust(maxlinelen) + ' ' + chr(179) print chr(192)+chr(196) + chr(196)*maxlinelen + chr(196)+chr(217) else: print '+-' + '-'*maxlinelen + '-+' for line in lines: print '| ' + line.ljust(maxlinelen) + ' |' print '+-' + '-'*maxlinelen + '-+'
def read(filename):
global counts counts = {'verts':0,'tris':0,'faces':0}
start = time.clock()
print_boxed("----------ASCII Scene Import----------") print 'Import File: ', filename
mode = Blender.Window.EditMode() # are we in edit mode? If so ... if mode: Blender.Window.EditMode(0) # leave edit mode before getting the mesh
# Get USER Options pup_block = [('Import Options'),('Scale Meshes', IMPORT_SC, 'Scale the Objects so that they better fit into Blender\'s grid size'),('Vertex Colors', IMPORT_VC, 'Import Vertex Colors if existing'),('UV (Layer)', IMP_UV, 'Import UV and UV layer\'s if existing'),('Smoothing', IMPORT_SM, 'Surround Smoothgroups with sharp edges'),('Seams', IMPORT_SE, 'Try to import Seams from UV islands (from the first UV layer!)')]
if not Blender.Draw.PupBlock('Import ASCII Scene...', pup_block): return
There was a space at end of the line if you copy/paste the script from the forum. I have put the array in one line, should work now.
kat@Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 6:19 pm :
DUDE!! sorted. Both vertex and UVW import work fine and dandy.
Goofos@Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:07 pm :
Fixed a problem with the matrices, dont know why this suddenly happened.
I quickly updated it again (to v0.12) to use some improvements of 2.42 (which doesn't worked with 2.40). Now it should import (big) meshes much faster.
Tweaker@Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:29 am :
Excellent, I was having problems importing with 2.42a, but this seems to have fixed it. Thanks.
kat@Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 7:52 pm :
Goofos, can you double check the script to make sure it works in 2.42/2.43 et-al.. I'm getting reports of the script working for some but not for others, I've not recently checked the script post 2.41.
Goofos@Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 11:35 am :
So far it works with 2.43, at least with ase files exported with 3ds or blender. The only problems i found are if the file has key animations or if you set the faces to smooth it looks a bit wrong but the smooth problem is fixed when you enter edit mode.
kat@Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:03 pm :
Thanks for double checking
Trakerz@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 2:27 pm :
Hi Goofos
Since multiple mapping coordinates have been introduced in blender 2.43 is there any way you could update ASE importer so we can see the models in blender with 2 or more UV coordinates?
Also is there a fix for importing the smoothing of the faces?..i`m using blender 2.44
Goofos@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:31 pm :
On the way for the next version, which should be ready within one or two weeks.
Trakerz@Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 8:13 am :
That sounds great..i have searched all the importers for blender and none of them support multiple uv`s
Can`t wait for the new ASE importer
Goofos@Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 7:06 pm :
Updated the script (v0.13).
I think this version needs some testing and a bit cleanup but i think this can wait for Blender 2.44a.
Trakerz@Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:40 pm :
GREAT WORK Goofos!!!!!!
I just tested an ASE file and works like a charm
BTW in the code there is a problem at line 485 : unexpected indent
i fixed mine by just fixing the right alingment to the 'if' statement
Here is the file if you with to do a try:
The tank model is not a free low poly tank from turbo squid for testing purposes:
The archive contains
tank_diff.tga - diffuse texture that goes on UV 1
tabk_AO.tga - ambient occlusion(lightmap) texture that goes on UV 2
the 3ds file is for the smoothing comparision
from what i have seen the smoothings are ok on the entire model...
I have no idea how the ase Materials/Maps deal with multiple UV channels. There is no reference either to a specific UV channel in the maps or in the UV channels itself to a specific map.
According to a manual/tutorial of the UT2kx Engine you have to create a new Material in the Unreal Editor if you want to use a second UV channel, therefore my guess is that the ase file format don't support Materials/Maps referencing multiple UV channels.
Goofos@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:00 am :
Version: 0.13
Supports Mesh Objects with vertex colors, multiple UV, smoothgroups.
A little Note!: you should not try to import very big ase files (>50 MB with 512 MB RAM). With much RAM you might can try this.
""" Name: 'ASCII Scene (.ase) v0.13' Blender: 244 Group: 'Import' Tooltip: 'Import from ASCII Scene Export file format (.ase)' """ __author__ = "Goofos" __version__ = "0.13"
# goofos # # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK *****
import time, sys import Blender from Blender import Scene, Object, Mesh
''' Some Options ''' # Scale Factor (float) OPT_SCALE = 0.1 # Add EdgeSplit Modifier when importing sharp edges (bool) OPT_MOD_EDGESPLIT = True # Enable the fileselector (bool) OPT_FILESELECTOR = True # If the fileselector is disabled, specify a static filename (string) OPT_STATIC_FILENAME = 'E:\ASE Files\garage.ASE' # Enable Progressbar (bool) OPT_PROGRESSBAR = False # File buffer. After testing with big files i think there is no real difference. # -1 = system default, 0 = unbuffered, 1 = line buffered, >1 = buffer size OPT_FILE_BUFFER = -1
''' Import Options ''' # Import Meshes scaled, defined by the scale factor of OPT_SCALE (bool) # Note: Object location data looses some precision, .. i think! IMP_SCALED = True # Import Vertex Colors (bool) IMP_VCOLOR = True # Import UV Coords and UV layers (bool) IMP_UV = True # Import NGons as Blender FGons (bool) # Note: Include quads, too. IMP_FGONS = False # Try to find possible quads and convert the two tris to a quad (bool) # Note: Very slow!! ablsolutely doesn't work accurate :/ # i don't know wether this is a script problem or a blender problem! IMP_QUADS = False # Surround UV islands with seams (bool) IMP_SEAMS = False # Surround smooth groups with sharp edges (bool) IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS = True # Try to find the lowest autosmooth angle in vertex normals (bool) # Note: i dont know if this is correct :> IMP_AUTOSMOOTH = False
def sort_edgekeys(self,vi0,vi1,vi2): ''' Returns sorted edge keys of the given triangle vert indicies. ''' if vi0 > vi1: ed_k0 = vi1,vi0 else: ed_k0 = vi0,vi1 if vi1 > vi2: ed_k1 = vi2,vi1 else: ed_k1 = vi1,vi2 if vi0 > vi2: ed_k2 = vi2,vi0 else: ed_k2 = vi0,vi2 return ed_k0,ed_k1,ed_k2
def append_vert(self, ase_vert_index, x, y, z): ''' Create a new Vertex for this Mesh. ''' ase_v = Ase_vert(ase_vert_index, x, y, z) self.ase_verts[ase_vert_index] = ase_v #self.vertseq.insert(ase_vert_index, (,, self.vertseq.insert(ase_vert_index,
def append_face(self, index, vi0, vi1, vi2, AB=1, BC=1, CA=1, smooth_groups=[0], mat_indices=0): ''' Uhm ... work in progress! ''' # create a new Ase_face ase_f = Ase_face(index, vi0, vi1, vi2, smooth_groups, mat_indices) ed_keys = self.sort_edgekeys(vi0,vi1,vi2) #ed_keys = [vi0,vi1].sort(),[vi1,vi2].sort(),[vi0,vi2].sort() ase_f.edge_keys = ed_keys ase_f.vis_sum = AB+BC+CA if ase_f.vis_sum == 2: if not AB: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[0] elif not BC: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[1] elif not CA: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[2]
# set visibility (fgon) and sharp for edges # and look if the two face users might form a quad # or create a new Ase_edge for k,vis in zip(ed_keys,[AB,BC,CA]): # Ase_edge already exist or create a new one if not self.ase_edges.has_key(k): ase_ed = Ase_edge(k) ase_ed.fusers.append(ase_f.index) ase_ed.visible = vis self.ase_edges[k] = ase_ed continue else: ase_ed = self.ase_edges[k] ase_ed.fusers.append(ase_f.index) if ase_f.vis_sum == 2 and not ase_ed.visible: ase_f.tri_edge = k
fusers = [i for i in ase_ed.fusers if i != ase_f.index] if not fusers: continue for i in fusers: ase_f2 = self.ase_faces[i] # if this edge is invisible and both tris only have # this invisible edge, than the two tris could form a quad # easy done with a sum of all vis variables of the edges if k == ase_f.tri_edge: if ase_f.tri_edge == ase_f2.tri_edge: ase_f.quad_team = ase_f2.index ase_f2.quad_team = ase_f.index
# look if this edge is sharp # if not both faces share at least one smoothgroup var # than this edge is sharp #if continue for sg in smooth_groups: if sg not in ase_f2.smooth_groups: = True
def append_uv_channel(self, layer_index=1): ''' Create a new UV Layer and set it active. ''' self.ase_uv_channels[layer_index] = Ase_uv_channel(layer_index) self.active_uv = self.ase_uv_channels[layer_index]
def append_tvert(self, ase_uv_index, u, v, w=0): ''' Create a new UV Vector in the active! UV Channel. ''' if not self.active_uv: return #self.active_uv.ase_tverts[ase_uv_index] = Ase_tvert(ase_uv_index,u,v,w) self.active_uv.ase_tverts[ase_uv_index] = (u,v)
def append_tface(self, ase_face_index, uvi0, uvi1, uvi2, opt_check_seams=False): ''' Create a new Face UV with indicies to UV Vectors in the active UV Layer. Optional check for Seams and store into the UV Channel. ''' if not self.active_uv: return self.active_uv.ase_tfaces[ase_face_index] = [uvi0, uvi1, uvi2] # look if this face has seams # might useless because it makes no sense to import seams for all UV layers # that's why those edge keys are separately written to each ase UV layer if opt_check_seams: edge_keys = self.ase_faces[ase_face_index].edge_keys for ed_key,uvs in zip(edge_keys,[[uvi0,uvi1],[uvi1,uvi2],[uvi0,uvi2]]): uvs.sort() ase_ed,active_uv = self.ase_edges[ed_key],self.active_uv if not active_uv.ase_tedges.has_key(ed_key): active_uv.ase_tedges[ed_key] = uvs continue elif active_uv.ase_tedges[ed_key] != uvs: active_uv.seams.append(ed_key)
def append_vertcol(self, ase_color_index, r, g, b): #new = Ase_vertcolor(ase_color_index, r, g, b) #self.ase_vertcolors[ase_color_index] = new self.ase_vertcolors[ase_color_index] = (r,g,b)
def append_normal(self, ase_face_index, x, y, z): self.ase_faces[ase_face_index].normal = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z)
def append_vnormal(self, ase_face_index, ase_vert_index, x, y, z, opt_check_smooth=False): ase_f = self.ase_faces[ase_face_index] self.ase_verts[ase_vert_index].normals[ase_face_index] = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z) if opt_check_smooth and ase_f.smooth_groups: ase_edges = [self.ase_edges[key] for key in ase_f.edge_keys] for ed_key,ase_ed in zip(ase_f.edge_keys,ase_edges): if or len(ase_ed.fusers) < 2: continue for vi in ed_key: if not self.ase_verts.has_key(vi): continue vnormals = self.ase_verts[vi].normals fi0, fi1 = ase_ed.fusers[0:2] if vnormals.has_key(fi0) and vnormals.has_key(fi1): vnor0, vnor1 = vnormals[fi0],vnormals[fi1] if vnor0 == vnor1: continue else: angle = round(Blender.Mathutils.AngleBetweenVecs(vnor0, vnor1)) if not self.autosmooth: self.autosmooth = angle elif angle and self.autosmooth > angle: print angle self.autosmooth = angle
class Ase_vert: def __init__(self, index, x, y, z): self.index = index = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z) = (x,y,z) self.normals = {}
print 'Import Objects...' if OPT_PROGRESSBAR: Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(0.0, "Importing Objects...")
scene = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent() for ase_ob in ase_objects: if OPT_PROGRESSBAR and not (PB_index % PB_num): Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(PB_index / PB_num, "Importing Objects...")
if ase_ob.ase_type == 'geom': spawn_mesh(scene,ase_ob)
# create new Blender Object and link to scene ob = Blender.Object.New('Mesh', ob.setMatrix(matrix)
# get Mesh data from Object me = ob.getData(0,1) me.vertexColors = me.faceUV = False
# create Verts and Faces # seems like extend() is limited to a length of 64000? # this is a problem when importing big meshes. div = divmod(ase_me.num['VERTEX'], 64000) if div[1]: div = div[0]+1 else: div = div[0] start = 0 for i in range(div): end = start+64000 me.verts.extend(ase_me.vertseq[start:end]) start = end div = divmod(ase_me.num['FACES'], 64000) face_index_list = [] if div[1]: div = div[0]+1 else: div = div[0] start = 0 for i in range(div): end = start+64000 me.faces.extend(ase_me.faceseq[start:end]) start = end
# import Vertex Colors, Solid/Smooth to faces if IMP_VCOLOR: me.vertexColors = ase_me.hasVC ase_vcolors = ase_me.ase_vertcolors for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems(): try:f = me.faces[i] except: # dont know what's the problem with this print 'array index out of range:', i continue if me.vertexColors: cface = ase_me.ase_cfaces[i] c0,c1,c2 = ase_vcolors[cface[0]],ase_vcolors[cface[1]],ase_vcolors[cface[2]] fc0,fc1,fc2 = f.col[:] fc0.r,fc0.g,fc0.b = int(c0[0]*255),int(c0[1]*255),int(c0[2]*255) fc1.r,fc1.g,fc1.b = int(c1[0]*255),int(c1[1]*255),int(c1[2]*255) fc2.r,fc2.g,fc2.b = int(c2[0]*255),int(c2[1]*255),int(c2[2]*255) if ase_f.smooth_groups: f.smooth = 1
# import UV layer's if IMP_UV and ase_me.hasUV: for uv_chan in ase_me.ase_uv_channels.itervalues(): me.addUVLayer(uv_chan.uv_layer_name) me.activeUVLayer = uv_chan.uv_layer_name tverts = uv_chan.ase_tverts for fi,uvis in uv_chan.ase_tfaces.iteritems(): try:f = me.faces[fi] except: continue uv1,uv2,uv3 = tverts[uvis[0]],tverts[uvis[1]],tverts[uvis[2]] f.uv = [Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv1), Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv2), Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv3)] me.activeUVLayer = ase_me.ase_uv_channels[1].uv_layer_name
# EXPERIMENTAL! # convert tris to quads # this is currently the easiest way i found without destroying uvs or vcolors # but don't work like expected...:/ if IMP_QUADS: #quad_teams = set([i for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems() if ase_f.quad_team != None]) quad_teams = [] for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems(): if ase_f.quad_team != None: if ase_f.index < ase_f.quad_team: qt = ase_f.index,ase_f.quad_team elif ase_f.index > ase_f.quad_team: qt = ase_f.quad_team,ase_f.index if qt not in quad_teams: quad_teams.append(qt)
faces = me.faces # first deselect all faces for f in faces: f.sel = 0 for t0,t1 in quad_teams: ase_f0 = ase_me.ase_faces[t0] ase_f1 = ase_me.ase_faces[t1] try: f0,f1 = me.faces[ase_f0.index], me.faces[ase_f1.index] except: continue f0.sel = 1 f1.sel = 1 me.triangleToQuad() for i in faces.selected(): faces[i].sel = 0
# apply the matrix to mesh (and optional fit the ob and me to blender) if IMP_SCALED: # seems this isn't accurate because of precision of the location vector scale = Blender.Mathutils.ScaleMatrix(OPT_SCALE,4) inv_matrix = ob.getMatrix().copy().invert() * scale ob.setLocation(ob.getMatrix().translationPart() * scale) else: inv_matrix = ob.getMatrix().copy().invert() me.transform(inv_matrix, 1) me.calcNormals()
# apply sharp, seam and fgon flags to edges. add_EDGESPLIT = False if IMP_FGONS or IMP_SEAMS or IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: SHARP = Mesh.EdgeFlags.SHARP SEAM = Mesh.EdgeFlags.SEAM FGON = Mesh.EdgeFlags.FGON seam_keys = [] if ase_me.hasUV: seam_keys = ase_me.ase_uv_channels[1].seams for k,ase_ed in ase_me.ase_edges.iteritems(): if or not ase_ed.visible or k in seam_keys: edi = me.findEdges(k[0],k[1]) if edi: ed = me.edges[edi] if ase_me.hasUV and k in seam_keys and IMP_SEAMS: ed.flag |= SEAM if not ase_ed.visible and IMP_FGONS: ed.flag |= FGON if and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: ed.flag |= SHARP add_EDGESPLIT = True
# add EdgeSplit Modiefier when the mesh has sharp edges # autosmooth is EXPERIMENTAL! because i dont know if this is correct! if add_EDGESPLIT and OPT_MOD_EDGESPLIT: mod = ob.modifiers.append(Blender.Modifier.Types.EDGESPLIT) if not ase_me.autosmooth: mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_FROM_ANGLE] = 0 else: mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_ANGLE] = ase_me.autosmooth mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_FROM_SHARP] = 1 ob.makeDisplayList() # Needed to apply the modifier elif not add_EDGESPLIT and ase_me.autosmooth: AUTOSMOOTH = Mesh.Modes.AUTOSMOOTH me.modes |= AUTOSMOOTH me.degr = ase_me.autosmooth
# it is needed to read UV if Seams should be imported even when importing UV is disabled READ_UV = False if IMP_UV or IMP_SEAMS: READ_UV = True #if IMP_AUTOSMOOTH and not IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: IMP_AUTOSMOOTH = False
ase_objects = [] ase_ob = False for line in lines: if OPT_PROGRESSBAR and not (PB_index % 10000): Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(PB_index / PB_num, "Read File...") PB_index += 1
words = line.split() if not words: continue word0 = words[0] if word0 == '*GEOMOBJECT': #if ase_ob: ase_objects.append(ase_ob) ase_ob_type = word0.lower()[1:-6] #get rid of '*' and 'OBJECT' ase_ob = Ase_object(ase_ob_type) ase_objects.append(ase_ob) continue elif word0 in ['*HELPEROBJECT','*SHAPEOBJECT','*LIGHTOBJECT','*CAMERAOBJECT','*GROUP']: # Not supported objects! # because these objects too use a TM_NODE, # ase_ob should be set back to False to prevent errors. ase_ob = False continue elif word0 == '*NODE_NAME' and ase_ob: name = words[1][1:-1] #get rid of '"' if ase_ob and != '': = name elif ase_ob: = name continue elif word0 == '*NODE_PARENT' and ase_ob: ase_ob.parent = words[1][1:-1] #get rid of '"' continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW0' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row0 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW1' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row1 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW2' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row2 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW3' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row3 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH': ase_me = ase_ob.ase_data continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMVERTEX': ase_me.num['VERTEX'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMFACES': ase_me.num['FACES'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTEX': #vert_index, x, y, z ase_me.append_vert(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_FACE': #ase_face_index, vi0, vi1, vi2, AB, BC, CA, smooth_groups, mat_indicies #smooth = mat = False ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1]
smooth_groups = mat_indices = [] for i,w in enumerate(words): if w == '*MESH_SMOOTHING' and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: try: if words[i+1] != '*MESH_MTLID': smooth_groups = [int(i) for i in words[i+1].split(',')] except: smooth_groups = 0 elif w == '*MESH_MTLID' and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: try: mat_indices = [int(i) for i in words[i+1].split(',')] except: mat_indices = 0 ase_me.append_face(int(ase_face_index),int(words[3]),int(words[5]),int(words[7]),int(words[9]),int(words[11]),int(words[13]),smooth_groups,mat_indices) continue elif READ_UV: if word0 == '*MESH_NUMTVERTEX': if not ase_me.ase_uv_channels: ase_me.append_uv_channel() ase_me.active_uv.num['TVERTEX'] = int(words[1]) ase_me.hasUV = True continue elif word0 == '*MESH_MAPPINGCHANNEL': # uv_channel_index ase_me.append_uv_channel(int(words[1])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_TVERT': #uv_index, u, v, w ase_me.append_tvert(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMTVFACES': ase_me.active_uv.num['TVFACES'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_TFACE': #ase_face_index, uv0, uv1, uv2, opt_IMP_SEAMS ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1] ase_me.append_tface(int(ase_face_index),int(words[2]),int(words[3]),int(words[4]),IMP_SEAMS) continue elif IMP_VCOLOR: if word0 == '*MESH_NUMCVERTEX': ase_me.num['CVERTEX'] = int(words[1]) if ase_me.num['CVERTEX']: ase_me.hasVC = True continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTCOL': #color_index, r, g, b ase_me.append_vertcol(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMCVFACES': ase_me.num['CVFACES'] = words[1] continue elif word0 == '*MESH_CFACE': #ase_face_index, ci0, ci1, ci2 ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1] ase_me.append_cface(int(ase_face_index),int(words[2]),int(words[3]),int(words[4])) continue #elif word0 == '*MESH_NORMALS': elif IMP_AUTOSMOOTH: if word0 == '*MESH_FACENORMAL': # ase_face_index, x, y, z ase_face_index = int(words[1]) ase_me.append_normal(ase_face_index,float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL': # ase_face_index, ase_vert_index, x, y, z ase_me.append_vnormal(ase_face_index,int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4]),IMP_AUTOSMOOTH) continue else: continue return ase_objects
def print_boxed(text): #Copy/Paste from meshtools, only to remove the beep :) lines = text.splitlines() maxlinelen = max(map(len, lines)) if sys.platform[:3] == "win": print chr(218)+chr(196) + chr(196)*maxlinelen + chr(196)+chr(191) for line in lines: print chr(179) + ' ' + line.ljust(maxlinelen) + ' ' + chr(179) print chr(192)+chr(196) + chr(196)*maxlinelen + chr(196)+chr(217) else: print '+-' + '-'*maxlinelen + '-+' for line in lines: print '| ' + line.ljust(maxlinelen) + ' |' print '+-' + '-'*maxlinelen + '-+'
def read(filename):
global counts counts = {'verts':0,'tris':0,'faces':0}
start = time.clock()
print_boxed("----------ASCII Scene Import----------") print 'Import File: ', filename
mode = Blender.Window.EditMode() # are we in edit mode? If so ... if mode: Blender.Window.EditMode(0) # leave edit mode before getting the mesh
# Get USER Options pup_block = [('Import Options'),('Scale Meshes', IMPORT_SC, 'Scale the Objects so that they better fit into Blender\'s grid size'),('Vertex Colors', IMPORT_VC, 'Import Vertex Colors if existing'),('UV (Layer)', IMP_UV, 'Import UV and UV layer\'s if existing'),('Smoothing', IMPORT_SM, 'Surround Smoothgroups with sharp edges'),('Seams', IMPORT_SE, 'Try to import Seams from UV islands (from the first UV layer!)')]
if not Blender.Draw.PupBlock('Import ASCII Scene...', pup_block): return
if __name__ == '__main__' and OPT_FILESELECTOR: Blender.Window.FileSelector(read_ui, 'Import ASCII Scene', ('.ase')) elif __name__ == '__main__': read_ui(OPT_STATIC_FILENAME)
Bittoman@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:12 pm :
Nice job, thanks Goofos!
Goofos@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:00 am :
Version: 0.13
Supports Mesh Objects with vertex colors, multiple UV, smoothgroups.
A little Note!: you should not try to import very big ase files (>50 MB with 512 MB RAM). With much RAM you might can try this.
""" Name: 'ASCII Scene (.ase) v0.13' Blender: 244 Group: 'Import' Tooltip: 'Import from ASCII Scene Export file format (.ase)' """ __author__ = "Goofos" __version__ = "0.13"
# goofos # # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK *****
import time, sys import Blender from Blender import Scene, Object, Mesh
''' Some Options ''' # Scale Factor (float) OPT_SCALE = 0.1 # Add EdgeSplit Modifier when importing sharp edges (bool) OPT_MOD_EDGESPLIT = True # Enable the fileselector (bool) OPT_FILESELECTOR = True # If the fileselector is disabled, specify a static filename (string) OPT_STATIC_FILENAME = 'E:\ASE Files\garage.ASE' # Enable Progressbar (bool) OPT_PROGRESSBAR = False # File buffer. After testing with big files i think there is no real difference. # -1 = system default, 0 = unbuffered, 1 = line buffered, >1 = buffer size OPT_FILE_BUFFER = -1
''' Import Options ''' # Import Meshes scaled, defined by the scale factor of OPT_SCALE (bool) # Note: Object location data looses some precision, .. i think! IMP_SCALED = True # Import Vertex Colors (bool) IMP_VCOLOR = True # Import UV Coords and UV layers (bool) IMP_UV = True # Import NGons as Blender FGons (bool) # Note: Include quads, too. IMP_FGONS = False # Try to find possible quads and convert the two tris to a quad (bool) # Note: Very slow!! ablsolutely doesn't work accurate :/ # i don't know wether this is a script problem or a blender problem! IMP_QUADS = False # Surround UV islands with seams (bool) IMP_SEAMS = False # Surround smooth groups with sharp edges (bool) IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS = True # Try to find the lowest autosmooth angle in vertex normals (bool) # Note: i dont know if this is correct :> IMP_AUTOSMOOTH = False
def sort_edgekeys(self,vi0,vi1,vi2): ''' Returns sorted edge keys of the given triangle vert indicies. ''' if vi0 > vi1: ed_k0 = vi1,vi0 else: ed_k0 = vi0,vi1 if vi1 > vi2: ed_k1 = vi2,vi1 else: ed_k1 = vi1,vi2 if vi0 > vi2: ed_k2 = vi2,vi0 else: ed_k2 = vi0,vi2 return ed_k0,ed_k1,ed_k2
def append_vert(self, ase_vert_index, x, y, z): ''' Create a new Vertex for this Mesh. ''' ase_v = Ase_vert(ase_vert_index, x, y, z) self.ase_verts[ase_vert_index] = ase_v #self.vertseq.insert(ase_vert_index, (,, self.vertseq.insert(ase_vert_index,
def append_face(self, index, vi0, vi1, vi2, AB=1, BC=1, CA=1, smooth_groups=[0], mat_indices=0): ''' Uhm ... work in progress! ''' # create a new Ase_face ase_f = Ase_face(index, vi0, vi1, vi2, smooth_groups, mat_indices) ed_keys = self.sort_edgekeys(vi0,vi1,vi2) #ed_keys = [vi0,vi1].sort(),[vi1,vi2].sort(),[vi0,vi2].sort() ase_f.edge_keys = ed_keys ase_f.vis_sum = AB+BC+CA if ase_f.vis_sum == 2: if not AB: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[0] elif not BC: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[1] elif not CA: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[2]
# set visibility (fgon) and sharp for edges # and look if the two face users might form a quad # or create a new Ase_edge for k,vis in zip(ed_keys,[AB,BC,CA]): # Ase_edge already exist or create a new one if not self.ase_edges.has_key(k): ase_ed = Ase_edge(k) ase_ed.fusers.append(ase_f.index) ase_ed.visible = vis self.ase_edges[k] = ase_ed continue else: ase_ed = self.ase_edges[k] ase_ed.fusers.append(ase_f.index) if ase_f.vis_sum == 2 and not ase_ed.visible: ase_f.tri_edge = k
fusers = [i for i in ase_ed.fusers if i != ase_f.index] if not fusers: continue for i in fusers: ase_f2 = self.ase_faces[i] # if this edge is invisible and both tris only have # this invisible edge, than the two tris could form a quad # easy done with a sum of all vis variables of the edges if k == ase_f.tri_edge: if ase_f.tri_edge == ase_f2.tri_edge: ase_f.quad_team = ase_f2.index ase_f2.quad_team = ase_f.index
# look if this edge is sharp # if not both faces share at least one smoothgroup var # than this edge is sharp #if continue for sg in smooth_groups: if sg not in ase_f2.smooth_groups: = True
def append_uv_channel(self, layer_index=1): ''' Create a new UV Layer and set it active. ''' self.ase_uv_channels[layer_index] = Ase_uv_channel(layer_index) self.active_uv = self.ase_uv_channels[layer_index]
def append_tvert(self, ase_uv_index, u, v, w=0): ''' Create a new UV Vector in the active! UV Channel. ''' if not self.active_uv: return #self.active_uv.ase_tverts[ase_uv_index] = Ase_tvert(ase_uv_index,u,v,w) self.active_uv.ase_tverts[ase_uv_index] = (u,v)
def append_tface(self, ase_face_index, uvi0, uvi1, uvi2, opt_check_seams=False): ''' Create a new Face UV with indicies to UV Vectors in the active UV Layer. Optional check for Seams and store into the UV Channel. ''' if not self.active_uv: return self.active_uv.ase_tfaces[ase_face_index] = [uvi0, uvi1, uvi2] # look if this face has seams # might useless because it makes no sense to import seams for all UV layers # that's why those edge keys are separately written to each ase UV layer if opt_check_seams: edge_keys = self.ase_faces[ase_face_index].edge_keys for ed_key,uvs in zip(edge_keys,[[uvi0,uvi1],[uvi1,uvi2],[uvi0,uvi2]]): uvs.sort() ase_ed,active_uv = self.ase_edges[ed_key],self.active_uv if not active_uv.ase_tedges.has_key(ed_key): active_uv.ase_tedges[ed_key] = uvs continue elif active_uv.ase_tedges[ed_key] != uvs: active_uv.seams.append(ed_key)
def append_vertcol(self, ase_color_index, r, g, b): #new = Ase_vertcolor(ase_color_index, r, g, b) #self.ase_vertcolors[ase_color_index] = new self.ase_vertcolors[ase_color_index] = (r,g,b)
def append_normal(self, ase_face_index, x, y, z): self.ase_faces[ase_face_index].normal = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z)
def append_vnormal(self, ase_face_index, ase_vert_index, x, y, z, opt_check_smooth=False): ase_f = self.ase_faces[ase_face_index] self.ase_verts[ase_vert_index].normals[ase_face_index] = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z) if opt_check_smooth and ase_f.smooth_groups: ase_edges = [self.ase_edges[key] for key in ase_f.edge_keys] for ed_key,ase_ed in zip(ase_f.edge_keys,ase_edges): if or len(ase_ed.fusers) < 2: continue for vi in ed_key: if not self.ase_verts.has_key(vi): continue vnormals = self.ase_verts[vi].normals fi0, fi1 = ase_ed.fusers[0:2] if vnormals.has_key(fi0) and vnormals.has_key(fi1): vnor0, vnor1 = vnormals[fi0],vnormals[fi1] if vnor0 == vnor1: continue else: angle = round(Blender.Mathutils.AngleBetweenVecs(vnor0, vnor1)) if not self.autosmooth: self.autosmooth = angle elif angle and self.autosmooth > angle: print angle self.autosmooth = angle
class Ase_vert: def __init__(self, index, x, y, z): self.index = index = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z) = (x,y,z) self.normals = {}
print 'Import Objects...' if OPT_PROGRESSBAR: Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(0.0, "Importing Objects...")
scene = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent() for ase_ob in ase_objects: if OPT_PROGRESSBAR and not (PB_index % PB_num): Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(PB_index / PB_num, "Importing Objects...")
if ase_ob.ase_type == 'geom': spawn_mesh(scene,ase_ob)
# create new Blender Object and link to scene ob = Blender.Object.New('Mesh', ob.setMatrix(matrix)
# get Mesh data from Object me = ob.getData(0,1) me.vertexColors = me.faceUV = False
# create Verts and Faces # seems like extend() is limited to a length of 64000? # this is a problem when importing big meshes. div = divmod(ase_me.num['VERTEX'], 64000) if div[1]: div = div[0]+1 else: div = div[0] start = 0 for i in range(div): end = start+64000 me.verts.extend(ase_me.vertseq[start:end]) start = end div = divmod(ase_me.num['FACES'], 64000) face_index_list = [] if div[1]: div = div[0]+1 else: div = div[0] start = 0 for i in range(div): end = start+64000 me.faces.extend(ase_me.faceseq[start:end]) start = end
# import Vertex Colors, Solid/Smooth to faces if IMP_VCOLOR: me.vertexColors = ase_me.hasVC ase_vcolors = ase_me.ase_vertcolors for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems(): try:f = me.faces[i] except: # dont know what's the problem with this print 'array index out of range:', i continue if me.vertexColors: cface = ase_me.ase_cfaces[i] c0,c1,c2 = ase_vcolors[cface[0]],ase_vcolors[cface[1]],ase_vcolors[cface[2]] fc0,fc1,fc2 = f.col[:] fc0.r,fc0.g,fc0.b = int(c0[0]*255),int(c0[1]*255),int(c0[2]*255) fc1.r,fc1.g,fc1.b = int(c1[0]*255),int(c1[1]*255),int(c1[2]*255) fc2.r,fc2.g,fc2.b = int(c2[0]*255),int(c2[1]*255),int(c2[2]*255) if ase_f.smooth_groups: f.smooth = 1
# import UV layer's if IMP_UV and ase_me.hasUV: for uv_chan in ase_me.ase_uv_channels.itervalues(): me.addUVLayer(uv_chan.uv_layer_name) me.activeUVLayer = uv_chan.uv_layer_name tverts = uv_chan.ase_tverts for fi,uvis in uv_chan.ase_tfaces.iteritems(): try:f = me.faces[fi] except: continue uv1,uv2,uv3 = tverts[uvis[0]],tverts[uvis[1]],tverts[uvis[2]] f.uv = [Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv1), Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv2), Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv3)] me.activeUVLayer = ase_me.ase_uv_channels[1].uv_layer_name
# EXPERIMENTAL! # convert tris to quads # this is currently the easiest way i found without destroying uvs or vcolors # but don't work like expected...:/ if IMP_QUADS: #quad_teams = set([i for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems() if ase_f.quad_team != None]) quad_teams = [] for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems(): if ase_f.quad_team != None: if ase_f.index < ase_f.quad_team: qt = ase_f.index,ase_f.quad_team elif ase_f.index > ase_f.quad_team: qt = ase_f.quad_team,ase_f.index if qt not in quad_teams: quad_teams.append(qt)
faces = me.faces # first deselect all faces for f in faces: f.sel = 0 for t0,t1 in quad_teams: ase_f0 = ase_me.ase_faces[t0] ase_f1 = ase_me.ase_faces[t1] try: f0,f1 = me.faces[ase_f0.index], me.faces[ase_f1.index] except: continue f0.sel = 1 f1.sel = 1 me.triangleToQuad() for i in faces.selected(): faces[i].sel = 0
# apply the matrix to mesh (and optional fit the ob and me to blender) if IMP_SCALED: # seems this isn't accurate because of precision of the location vector scale = Blender.Mathutils.ScaleMatrix(OPT_SCALE,4) inv_matrix = ob.getMatrix().copy().invert() * scale ob.setLocation(ob.getMatrix().translationPart() * scale) else: inv_matrix = ob.getMatrix().copy().invert() me.transform(inv_matrix, 1) me.calcNormals()
# apply sharp, seam and fgon flags to edges. add_EDGESPLIT = False if IMP_FGONS or IMP_SEAMS or IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: SHARP = Mesh.EdgeFlags.SHARP SEAM = Mesh.EdgeFlags.SEAM FGON = Mesh.EdgeFlags.FGON seam_keys = [] if ase_me.hasUV: seam_keys = ase_me.ase_uv_channels[1].seams for k,ase_ed in ase_me.ase_edges.iteritems(): if or not ase_ed.visible or k in seam_keys: edi = me.findEdges(k[0],k[1]) if edi: ed = me.edges[edi] if ase_me.hasUV and k in seam_keys and IMP_SEAMS: ed.flag |= SEAM if not ase_ed.visible and IMP_FGONS: ed.flag |= FGON if and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: ed.flag |= SHARP add_EDGESPLIT = True
# add EdgeSplit Modiefier when the mesh has sharp edges # autosmooth is EXPERIMENTAL! because i dont know if this is correct! if add_EDGESPLIT and OPT_MOD_EDGESPLIT: mod = ob.modifiers.append(Blender.Modifier.Types.EDGESPLIT) if not ase_me.autosmooth: mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_FROM_ANGLE] = 0 else: mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_ANGLE] = ase_me.autosmooth mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_FROM_SHARP] = 1 ob.makeDisplayList() # Needed to apply the modifier elif not add_EDGESPLIT and ase_me.autosmooth: AUTOSMOOTH = Mesh.Modes.AUTOSMOOTH me.modes |= AUTOSMOOTH me.degr = ase_me.autosmooth
# it is needed to read UV if Seams should be imported even when importing UV is disabled READ_UV = False if IMP_UV or IMP_SEAMS: READ_UV = True #if IMP_AUTOSMOOTH and not IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: IMP_AUTOSMOOTH = False
ase_objects = [] ase_ob = False for line in lines: if OPT_PROGRESSBAR and not (PB_index % 10000): Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(PB_index / PB_num, "Read File...") PB_index += 1
words = line.split() if not words: continue word0 = words[0] if word0 == '*GEOMOBJECT': #if ase_ob: ase_objects.append(ase_ob) ase_ob_type = word0.lower()[1:-6] #get rid of '*' and 'OBJECT' ase_ob = Ase_object(ase_ob_type) ase_objects.append(ase_ob) continue elif word0 in ['*HELPEROBJECT','*SHAPEOBJECT','*LIGHTOBJECT','*CAMERAOBJECT','*GROUP']: # Not supported objects! # because these objects too use a TM_NODE, # ase_ob should be set back to False to prevent errors. ase_ob = False continue elif word0 == '*NODE_NAME' and ase_ob: name = words[1][1:-1] #get rid of '"' if ase_ob and != '': = name elif ase_ob: = name continue elif word0 == '*NODE_PARENT' and ase_ob: ase_ob.parent = words[1][1:-1] #get rid of '"' continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW0' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row0 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW1' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row1 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW2' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row2 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW3' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row3 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH': ase_me = ase_ob.ase_data continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMVERTEX': ase_me.num['VERTEX'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMFACES': ase_me.num['FACES'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTEX': #vert_index, x, y, z ase_me.append_vert(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_FACE': #ase_face_index, vi0, vi1, vi2, AB, BC, CA, smooth_groups, mat_indicies #smooth = mat = False ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1]
smooth_groups = mat_indices = [] for i,w in enumerate(words): if w == '*MESH_SMOOTHING' and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: try: if words[i+1] != '*MESH_MTLID': smooth_groups = [int(i) for i in words[i+1].split(',')] except: smooth_groups = 0 elif w == '*MESH_MTLID' and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: try: mat_indices = [int(i) for i in words[i+1].split(',')] except: mat_indices = 0 ase_me.append_face(int(ase_face_index),int(words[3]),int(words[5]),int(words[7]),int(words[9]),int(words[11]),int(words[13]),smooth_groups,mat_indices) continue elif READ_UV: if word0 == '*MESH_NUMTVERTEX': if not ase_me.ase_uv_channels: ase_me.append_uv_channel() ase_me.active_uv.num['TVERTEX'] = int(words[1]) ase_me.hasUV = True continue elif word0 == '*MESH_MAPPINGCHANNEL': # uv_channel_index ase_me.append_uv_channel(int(words[1])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_TVERT': #uv_index, u, v, w ase_me.append_tvert(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMTVFACES': ase_me.active_uv.num['TVFACES'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_TFACE': #ase_face_index, uv0, uv1, uv2, opt_IMP_SEAMS ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1] ase_me.append_tface(int(ase_face_index),int(words[2]),int(words[3]),int(words[4]),IMP_SEAMS) continue elif IMP_VCOLOR: if word0 == '*MESH_NUMCVERTEX': ase_me.num['CVERTEX'] = int(words[1]) if ase_me.num['CVERTEX']: ase_me.hasVC = True continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTCOL': #color_index, r, g, b ase_me.append_vertcol(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMCVFACES': ase_me.num['CVFACES'] = words[1] continue elif word0 == '*MESH_CFACE': #ase_face_index, ci0, ci1, ci2 ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1] ase_me.append_cface(int(ase_face_index),int(words[2]),int(words[3]),int(words[4])) continue #elif word0 == '*MESH_NORMALS': elif IMP_AUTOSMOOTH: if word0 == '*MESH_FACENORMAL': # ase_face_index, x, y, z ase_face_index = int(words[1]) ase_me.append_normal(ase_face_index,float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL': # ase_face_index, ase_vert_index, x, y, z ase_me.append_vnormal(ase_face_index,int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4]),IMP_AUTOSMOOTH) continue else: continue return ase_objects
def print_boxed(text): #Copy/Paste from meshtools, only to remove the beep :) lines = text.splitlines() maxlinelen = max(map(len, lines)) if sys.platform[:3] == "win": print chr(218)+chr(196) + chr(196)*maxlinelen + chr(196)+chr(191) for line in lines: print chr(179) + ' ' + line.ljust(maxlinelen) + ' ' + chr(179) print chr(192)+chr(196) + chr(196)*maxlinelen + chr(196)+chr(217) else: print '+-' + '-'*maxlinelen + '-+' for line in lines: print '| ' + line.ljust(maxlinelen) + ' |' print '+-' + '-'*maxlinelen + '-+'
def read(filename):
global counts counts = {'verts':0,'tris':0,'faces':0}
start = time.clock()
print_boxed("----------ASCII Scene Import----------") print 'Import File: ', filename
mode = Blender.Window.EditMode() # are we in edit mode? If so ... if mode: Blender.Window.EditMode(0) # leave edit mode before getting the mesh
# Get USER Options pup_block = [('Import Options'),('Scale Meshes', IMPORT_SC, 'Scale the Objects so that they better fit into Blender\'s grid size'),('Vertex Colors', IMPORT_VC, 'Import Vertex Colors if existing'),('UV (Layer)', IMP_UV, 'Import UV and UV layer\'s if existing'),('Smoothing', IMPORT_SM, 'Surround Smoothgroups with sharp edges'),('Seams', IMPORT_SE, 'Try to import Seams from UV islands (from the first UV layer!)')]
if not Blender.Draw.PupBlock('Import ASCII Scene...', pup_block): return
Joined: Thu Mar 10, 2005 2:05 am Posts: 177 Location: black forrest
Version: 0.13
Supports Mesh Objects with vertex colors, multiple UV, smoothgroups.
A little Note!: you should not try to import very big ase files (>50 MB with 512 MB RAM). With much RAM you might can try this.
""" Name: 'ASCII Scene (.ase) v0.13' Blender: 244 Group: 'Import' Tooltip: 'Import from ASCII Scene Export file format (.ase)' """ __author__ = "Goofos" __version__ = "0.13"
# goofos # # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK *****
import time, sys import Blender from Blender import Scene, Object, Mesh
''' Some Options ''' # Scale Factor (float) OPT_SCALE = 0.1 # Add EdgeSplit Modifier when importing sharp edges (bool) OPT_MOD_EDGESPLIT = True # Enable the fileselector (bool) OPT_FILESELECTOR = True # If the fileselector is disabled, specify a static filename (string) OPT_STATIC_FILENAME = 'E:\ASE Files\garage.ASE' # Enable Progressbar (bool) OPT_PROGRESSBAR = False # File buffer. After testing with big files i think there is no real difference. # -1 = system default, 0 = unbuffered, 1 = line buffered, >1 = buffer size OPT_FILE_BUFFER = -1
''' Import Options ''' # Import Meshes scaled, defined by the scale factor of OPT_SCALE (bool) # Note: Object location data looses some precision, .. i think! IMP_SCALED = True # Import Vertex Colors (bool) IMP_VCOLOR = True # Import UV Coords and UV layers (bool) IMP_UV = True # Import NGons as Blender FGons (bool) # Note: Include quads, too. IMP_FGONS = False # Try to find possible quads and convert the two tris to a quad (bool) # Note: Very slow!! ablsolutely doesn't work accurate :/ # i don't know wether this is a script problem or a blender problem! IMP_QUADS = False # Surround UV islands with seams (bool) IMP_SEAMS = False # Surround smooth groups with sharp edges (bool) IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS = True # Try to find the lowest autosmooth angle in vertex normals (bool) # Note: i dont know if this is correct :> IMP_AUTOSMOOTH = False
def sort_edgekeys(self,vi0,vi1,vi2): ''' Returns sorted edge keys of the given triangle vert indicies. ''' if vi0 > vi1: ed_k0 = vi1,vi0 else: ed_k0 = vi0,vi1 if vi1 > vi2: ed_k1 = vi2,vi1 else: ed_k1 = vi1,vi2 if vi0 > vi2: ed_k2 = vi2,vi0 else: ed_k2 = vi0,vi2 return ed_k0,ed_k1,ed_k2
def append_vert(self, ase_vert_index, x, y, z): ''' Create a new Vertex for this Mesh. ''' ase_v = Ase_vert(ase_vert_index, x, y, z) self.ase_verts[ase_vert_index] = ase_v #self.vertseq.insert(ase_vert_index, (,, self.vertseq.insert(ase_vert_index,
def append_face(self, index, vi0, vi1, vi2, AB=1, BC=1, CA=1, smooth_groups=[0], mat_indices=0): ''' Uhm ... work in progress! ''' # create a new Ase_face ase_f = Ase_face(index, vi0, vi1, vi2, smooth_groups, mat_indices) ed_keys = self.sort_edgekeys(vi0,vi1,vi2) #ed_keys = [vi0,vi1].sort(),[vi1,vi2].sort(),[vi0,vi2].sort() ase_f.edge_keys = ed_keys ase_f.vis_sum = AB+BC+CA if ase_f.vis_sum == 2: if not AB: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[0] elif not BC: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[1] elif not CA: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[2]
# set visibility (fgon) and sharp for edges # and look if the two face users might form a quad # or create a new Ase_edge for k,vis in zip(ed_keys,[AB,BC,CA]): # Ase_edge already exist or create a new one if not self.ase_edges.has_key(k): ase_ed = Ase_edge(k) ase_ed.fusers.append(ase_f.index) ase_ed.visible = vis self.ase_edges[k] = ase_ed continue else: ase_ed = self.ase_edges[k] ase_ed.fusers.append(ase_f.index) if ase_f.vis_sum == 2 and not ase_ed.visible: ase_f.tri_edge = k
fusers = [i for i in ase_ed.fusers if i != ase_f.index] if not fusers: continue for i in fusers: ase_f2 = self.ase_faces[i] # if this edge is invisible and both tris only have # this invisible edge, than the two tris could form a quad # easy done with a sum of all vis variables of the edges if k == ase_f.tri_edge: if ase_f.tri_edge == ase_f2.tri_edge: ase_f.quad_team = ase_f2.index ase_f2.quad_team = ase_f.index
# look if this edge is sharp # if not both faces share at least one smoothgroup var # than this edge is sharp #if continue for sg in smooth_groups: if sg not in ase_f2.smooth_groups: = True
def append_uv_channel(self, layer_index=1): ''' Create a new UV Layer and set it active. ''' self.ase_uv_channels[layer_index] = Ase_uv_channel(layer_index) self.active_uv = self.ase_uv_channels[layer_index]
def append_tvert(self, ase_uv_index, u, v, w=0): ''' Create a new UV Vector in the active! UV Channel. ''' if not self.active_uv: return #self.active_uv.ase_tverts[ase_uv_index] = Ase_tvert(ase_uv_index,u,v,w) self.active_uv.ase_tverts[ase_uv_index] = (u,v)
def append_tface(self, ase_face_index, uvi0, uvi1, uvi2, opt_check_seams=False): ''' Create a new Face UV with indicies to UV Vectors in the active UV Layer. Optional check for Seams and store into the UV Channel. ''' if not self.active_uv: return self.active_uv.ase_tfaces[ase_face_index] = [uvi0, uvi1, uvi2] # look if this face has seams # might useless because it makes no sense to import seams for all UV layers # that's why those edge keys are separately written to each ase UV layer if opt_check_seams: edge_keys = self.ase_faces[ase_face_index].edge_keys for ed_key,uvs in zip(edge_keys,[[uvi0,uvi1],[uvi1,uvi2],[uvi0,uvi2]]): uvs.sort() ase_ed,active_uv = self.ase_edges[ed_key],self.active_uv if not active_uv.ase_tedges.has_key(ed_key): active_uv.ase_tedges[ed_key] = uvs continue elif active_uv.ase_tedges[ed_key] != uvs: active_uv.seams.append(ed_key)
def append_vertcol(self, ase_color_index, r, g, b): #new = Ase_vertcolor(ase_color_index, r, g, b) #self.ase_vertcolors[ase_color_index] = new self.ase_vertcolors[ase_color_index] = (r,g,b)
def append_normal(self, ase_face_index, x, y, z): self.ase_faces[ase_face_index].normal = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z)
def append_vnormal(self, ase_face_index, ase_vert_index, x, y, z, opt_check_smooth=False): ase_f = self.ase_faces[ase_face_index] self.ase_verts[ase_vert_index].normals[ase_face_index] = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z) if opt_check_smooth and ase_f.smooth_groups: ase_edges = [self.ase_edges[key] for key in ase_f.edge_keys] for ed_key,ase_ed in zip(ase_f.edge_keys,ase_edges): if or len(ase_ed.fusers) < 2: continue for vi in ed_key: if not self.ase_verts.has_key(vi): continue vnormals = self.ase_verts[vi].normals fi0, fi1 = ase_ed.fusers[0:2] if vnormals.has_key(fi0) and vnormals.has_key(fi1): vnor0, vnor1 = vnormals[fi0],vnormals[fi1] if vnor0 == vnor1: continue else: angle = round(Blender.Mathutils.AngleBetweenVecs(vnor0, vnor1)) if not self.autosmooth: self.autosmooth = angle elif angle and self.autosmooth > angle: print angle self.autosmooth = angle
class Ase_vert: def __init__(self, index, x, y, z): self.index = index = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z) = (x,y,z) self.normals = {}
print 'Import Objects...' if OPT_PROGRESSBAR: Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(0.0, "Importing Objects...")
scene = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent() for ase_ob in ase_objects: if OPT_PROGRESSBAR and not (PB_index % PB_num): Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(PB_index / PB_num, "Importing Objects...")
if ase_ob.ase_type == 'geom': spawn_mesh(scene,ase_ob)
# create new Blender Object and link to scene ob = Blender.Object.New('Mesh', ob.setMatrix(matrix)
# get Mesh data from Object me = ob.getData(0,1) me.vertexColors = me.faceUV = False
# create Verts and Faces # seems like extend() is limited to a length of 64000? # this is a problem when importing big meshes. div = divmod(ase_me.num['VERTEX'], 64000) if div[1]: div = div[0]+1 else: div = div[0] start = 0 for i in range(div): end = start+64000 me.verts.extend(ase_me.vertseq[start:end]) start = end div = divmod(ase_me.num['FACES'], 64000) face_index_list = [] if div[1]: div = div[0]+1 else: div = div[0] start = 0 for i in range(div): end = start+64000 me.faces.extend(ase_me.faceseq[start:end]) start = end
# import Vertex Colors, Solid/Smooth to faces if IMP_VCOLOR: me.vertexColors = ase_me.hasVC ase_vcolors = ase_me.ase_vertcolors for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems(): try:f = me.faces[i] except: # dont know what's the problem with this print 'array index out of range:', i continue if me.vertexColors: cface = ase_me.ase_cfaces[i] c0,c1,c2 = ase_vcolors[cface[0]],ase_vcolors[cface[1]],ase_vcolors[cface[2]] fc0,fc1,fc2 = f.col[:] fc0.r,fc0.g,fc0.b = int(c0[0]*255),int(c0[1]*255),int(c0[2]*255) fc1.r,fc1.g,fc1.b = int(c1[0]*255),int(c1[1]*255),int(c1[2]*255) fc2.r,fc2.g,fc2.b = int(c2[0]*255),int(c2[1]*255),int(c2[2]*255) if ase_f.smooth_groups: f.smooth = 1
# import UV layer's if IMP_UV and ase_me.hasUV: for uv_chan in ase_me.ase_uv_channels.itervalues(): me.addUVLayer(uv_chan.uv_layer_name) me.activeUVLayer = uv_chan.uv_layer_name tverts = uv_chan.ase_tverts for fi,uvis in uv_chan.ase_tfaces.iteritems(): try:f = me.faces[fi] except: continue uv1,uv2,uv3 = tverts[uvis[0]],tverts[uvis[1]],tverts[uvis[2]] f.uv = [Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv1), Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv2), Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv3)] me.activeUVLayer = ase_me.ase_uv_channels[1].uv_layer_name
# EXPERIMENTAL! # convert tris to quads # this is currently the easiest way i found without destroying uvs or vcolors # but don't work like expected...:/ if IMP_QUADS: #quad_teams = set([i for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems() if ase_f.quad_team != None]) quad_teams = [] for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems(): if ase_f.quad_team != None: if ase_f.index < ase_f.quad_team: qt = ase_f.index,ase_f.quad_team elif ase_f.index > ase_f.quad_team: qt = ase_f.quad_team,ase_f.index if qt not in quad_teams: quad_teams.append(qt)
faces = me.faces # first deselect all faces for f in faces: f.sel = 0 for t0,t1 in quad_teams: ase_f0 = ase_me.ase_faces[t0] ase_f1 = ase_me.ase_faces[t1] try: f0,f1 = me.faces[ase_f0.index], me.faces[ase_f1.index] except: continue f0.sel = 1 f1.sel = 1 me.triangleToQuad() for i in faces.selected(): faces[i].sel = 0
# apply the matrix to mesh (and optional fit the ob and me to blender) if IMP_SCALED: # seems this isn't accurate because of precision of the location vector scale = Blender.Mathutils.ScaleMatrix(OPT_SCALE,4) inv_matrix = ob.getMatrix().copy().invert() * scale ob.setLocation(ob.getMatrix().translationPart() * scale) else: inv_matrix = ob.getMatrix().copy().invert() me.transform(inv_matrix, 1) me.calcNormals()
# apply sharp, seam and fgon flags to edges. add_EDGESPLIT = False if IMP_FGONS or IMP_SEAMS or IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: SHARP = Mesh.EdgeFlags.SHARP SEAM = Mesh.EdgeFlags.SEAM FGON = Mesh.EdgeFlags.FGON seam_keys = [] if ase_me.hasUV: seam_keys = ase_me.ase_uv_channels[1].seams for k,ase_ed in ase_me.ase_edges.iteritems(): if or not ase_ed.visible or k in seam_keys: edi = me.findEdges(k[0],k[1]) if edi: ed = me.edges[edi] if ase_me.hasUV and k in seam_keys and IMP_SEAMS: ed.flag |= SEAM if not ase_ed.visible and IMP_FGONS: ed.flag |= FGON if and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: ed.flag |= SHARP add_EDGESPLIT = True
# add EdgeSplit Modiefier when the mesh has sharp edges # autosmooth is EXPERIMENTAL! because i dont know if this is correct! if add_EDGESPLIT and OPT_MOD_EDGESPLIT: mod = ob.modifiers.append(Blender.Modifier.Types.EDGESPLIT) if not ase_me.autosmooth: mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_FROM_ANGLE] = 0 else: mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_ANGLE] = ase_me.autosmooth mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_FROM_SHARP] = 1 ob.makeDisplayList() # Needed to apply the modifier elif not add_EDGESPLIT and ase_me.autosmooth: AUTOSMOOTH = Mesh.Modes.AUTOSMOOTH me.modes |= AUTOSMOOTH me.degr = ase_me.autosmooth
# it is needed to read UV if Seams should be imported even when importing UV is disabled READ_UV = False if IMP_UV or IMP_SEAMS: READ_UV = True #if IMP_AUTOSMOOTH and not IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: IMP_AUTOSMOOTH = False
ase_objects = [] ase_ob = False for line in lines: if OPT_PROGRESSBAR and not (PB_index % 10000): Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(PB_index / PB_num, "Read File...") PB_index += 1
words = line.split() if not words: continue word0 = words[0] if word0 == '*GEOMOBJECT': #if ase_ob: ase_objects.append(ase_ob) ase_ob_type = word0.lower()[1:-6] #get rid of '*' and 'OBJECT' ase_ob = Ase_object(ase_ob_type) ase_objects.append(ase_ob) continue elif word0 in ['*HELPEROBJECT','*SHAPEOBJECT','*LIGHTOBJECT','*CAMERAOBJECT','*GROUP']: # Not supported objects! # because these objects too use a TM_NODE, # ase_ob should be set back to False to prevent errors. ase_ob = False continue elif word0 == '*NODE_NAME' and ase_ob: name = words[1][1:-1] #get rid of '"' if ase_ob and != '': = name elif ase_ob: = name continue elif word0 == '*NODE_PARENT' and ase_ob: ase_ob.parent = words[1][1:-1] #get rid of '"' continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW0' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row0 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW1' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row1 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW2' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row2 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW3' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row3 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH': ase_me = ase_ob.ase_data continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMVERTEX': ase_me.num['VERTEX'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMFACES': ase_me.num['FACES'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTEX': #vert_index, x, y, z ase_me.append_vert(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_FACE': #ase_face_index, vi0, vi1, vi2, AB, BC, CA, smooth_groups, mat_indicies #smooth = mat = False ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1]
smooth_groups = mat_indices = [] for i,w in enumerate(words): if w == '*MESH_SMOOTHING' and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: try: if words[i+1] != '*MESH_MTLID': smooth_groups = [int(i) for i in words[i+1].split(',')] except: smooth_groups = 0 elif w == '*MESH_MTLID' and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: try: mat_indices = [int(i) for i in words[i+1].split(',')] except: mat_indices = 0 ase_me.append_face(int(ase_face_index),int(words[3]),int(words[5]),int(words[7]),int(words[9]),int(words[11]),int(words[13]),smooth_groups,mat_indices) continue elif READ_UV: if word0 == '*MESH_NUMTVERTEX': if not ase_me.ase_uv_channels: ase_me.append_uv_channel() ase_me.active_uv.num['TVERTEX'] = int(words[1]) ase_me.hasUV = True continue elif word0 == '*MESH_MAPPINGCHANNEL': # uv_channel_index ase_me.append_uv_channel(int(words[1])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_TVERT': #uv_index, u, v, w ase_me.append_tvert(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMTVFACES': ase_me.active_uv.num['TVFACES'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_TFACE': #ase_face_index, uv0, uv1, uv2, opt_IMP_SEAMS ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1] ase_me.append_tface(int(ase_face_index),int(words[2]),int(words[3]),int(words[4]),IMP_SEAMS) continue elif IMP_VCOLOR: if word0 == '*MESH_NUMCVERTEX': ase_me.num['CVERTEX'] = int(words[1]) if ase_me.num['CVERTEX']: ase_me.hasVC = True continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTCOL': #color_index, r, g, b ase_me.append_vertcol(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMCVFACES': ase_me.num['CVFACES'] = words[1] continue elif word0 == '*MESH_CFACE': #ase_face_index, ci0, ci1, ci2 ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1] ase_me.append_cface(int(ase_face_index),int(words[2]),int(words[3]),int(words[4])) continue #elif word0 == '*MESH_NORMALS': elif IMP_AUTOSMOOTH: if word0 == '*MESH_FACENORMAL': # ase_face_index, x, y, z ase_face_index = int(words[1]) ase_me.append_normal(ase_face_index,float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL': # ase_face_index, ase_vert_index, x, y, z ase_me.append_vnormal(ase_face_index,int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4]),IMP_AUTOSMOOTH) continue else: continue return ase_objects
def print_boxed(text): #Copy/Paste from meshtools, only to remove the beep :) lines = text.splitlines() maxlinelen = max(map(len, lines)) if sys.platform[:3] == "win": print chr(218)+chr(196) + chr(196)*maxlinelen + chr(196)+chr(191) for line in lines: print chr(179) + ' ' + line.ljust(maxlinelen) + ' ' + chr(179) print chr(192)+chr(196) + chr(196)*maxlinelen + chr(196)+chr(217) else: print '+-' + '-'*maxlinelen + '-+' for line in lines: print '| ' + line.ljust(maxlinelen) + ' |' print '+-' + '-'*maxlinelen + '-+'
def read(filename):
global counts counts = {'verts':0,'tris':0,'faces':0}
start = time.clock()
print_boxed("----------ASCII Scene Import----------") print 'Import File: ', filename
mode = Blender.Window.EditMode() # are we in edit mode? If so ... if mode: Blender.Window.EditMode(0) # leave edit mode before getting the mesh
# Get USER Options pup_block = [('Import Options'),('Scale Meshes', IMPORT_SC, 'Scale the Objects so that they better fit into Blender\'s grid size'),('Vertex Colors', IMPORT_VC, 'Import Vertex Colors if existing'),('UV (Layer)', IMP_UV, 'Import UV and UV layer\'s if existing'),('Smoothing', IMPORT_SM, 'Surround Smoothgroups with sharp edges'),('Seams', IMPORT_SE, 'Try to import Seams from UV islands (from the first UV layer!)')]
if not Blender.Draw.PupBlock('Import ASCII Scene...', pup_block): return
Joined: Thu Nov 08, 2001 11:00 pm Posts: 4940 Location: UK, York
Goofos@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:00 am :
Version: 0.13
Supports Mesh Objects with vertex colors, multiple UV, smoothgroups.
A little Note!: you should not try to import very big ase files (>50 MB with 512 MB RAM). With much RAM you might can try this.
""" Name: 'ASCII Scene (.ase) v0.13' Blender: 244 Group: 'Import' Tooltip: 'Import from ASCII Scene Export file format (.ase)' """ __author__ = "Goofos" __version__ = "0.13"
# goofos # # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK *****
import time, sys import Blender from Blender import Scene, Object, Mesh
''' Some Options ''' # Scale Factor (float) OPT_SCALE = 0.1 # Add EdgeSplit Modifier when importing sharp edges (bool) OPT_MOD_EDGESPLIT = True # Enable the fileselector (bool) OPT_FILESELECTOR = True # If the fileselector is disabled, specify a static filename (string) OPT_STATIC_FILENAME = 'E:\ASE Files\garage.ASE' # Enable Progressbar (bool) OPT_PROGRESSBAR = False # File buffer. After testing with big files i think there is no real difference. # -1 = system default, 0 = unbuffered, 1 = line buffered, >1 = buffer size OPT_FILE_BUFFER = -1
''' Import Options ''' # Import Meshes scaled, defined by the scale factor of OPT_SCALE (bool) # Note: Object location data looses some precision, .. i think! IMP_SCALED = True # Import Vertex Colors (bool) IMP_VCOLOR = True # Import UV Coords and UV layers (bool) IMP_UV = True # Import NGons as Blender FGons (bool) # Note: Include quads, too. IMP_FGONS = False # Try to find possible quads and convert the two tris to a quad (bool) # Note: Very slow!! ablsolutely doesn't work accurate :/ # i don't know wether this is a script problem or a blender problem! IMP_QUADS = False # Surround UV islands with seams (bool) IMP_SEAMS = False # Surround smooth groups with sharp edges (bool) IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS = True # Try to find the lowest autosmooth angle in vertex normals (bool) # Note: i dont know if this is correct :> IMP_AUTOSMOOTH = False
def sort_edgekeys(self,vi0,vi1,vi2): ''' Returns sorted edge keys of the given triangle vert indicies. ''' if vi0 > vi1: ed_k0 = vi1,vi0 else: ed_k0 = vi0,vi1 if vi1 > vi2: ed_k1 = vi2,vi1 else: ed_k1 = vi1,vi2 if vi0 > vi2: ed_k2 = vi2,vi0 else: ed_k2 = vi0,vi2 return ed_k0,ed_k1,ed_k2
def append_vert(self, ase_vert_index, x, y, z): ''' Create a new Vertex for this Mesh. ''' ase_v = Ase_vert(ase_vert_index, x, y, z) self.ase_verts[ase_vert_index] = ase_v #self.vertseq.insert(ase_vert_index, (,, self.vertseq.insert(ase_vert_index,
def append_face(self, index, vi0, vi1, vi2, AB=1, BC=1, CA=1, smooth_groups=[0], mat_indices=0): ''' Uhm ... work in progress! ''' # create a new Ase_face ase_f = Ase_face(index, vi0, vi1, vi2, smooth_groups, mat_indices) ed_keys = self.sort_edgekeys(vi0,vi1,vi2) #ed_keys = [vi0,vi1].sort(),[vi1,vi2].sort(),[vi0,vi2].sort() ase_f.edge_keys = ed_keys ase_f.vis_sum = AB+BC+CA if ase_f.vis_sum == 2: if not AB: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[0] elif not BC: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[1] elif not CA: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[2]
# set visibility (fgon) and sharp for edges # and look if the two face users might form a quad # or create a new Ase_edge for k,vis in zip(ed_keys,[AB,BC,CA]): # Ase_edge already exist or create a new one if not self.ase_edges.has_key(k): ase_ed = Ase_edge(k) ase_ed.fusers.append(ase_f.index) ase_ed.visible = vis self.ase_edges[k] = ase_ed continue else: ase_ed = self.ase_edges[k] ase_ed.fusers.append(ase_f.index) if ase_f.vis_sum == 2 and not ase_ed.visible: ase_f.tri_edge = k
fusers = [i for i in ase_ed.fusers if i != ase_f.index] if not fusers: continue for i in fusers: ase_f2 = self.ase_faces[i] # if this edge is invisible and both tris only have # this invisible edge, than the two tris could form a quad # easy done with a sum of all vis variables of the edges if k == ase_f.tri_edge: if ase_f.tri_edge == ase_f2.tri_edge: ase_f.quad_team = ase_f2.index ase_f2.quad_team = ase_f.index
# look if this edge is sharp # if not both faces share at least one smoothgroup var # than this edge is sharp #if continue for sg in smooth_groups: if sg not in ase_f2.smooth_groups: = True
def append_uv_channel(self, layer_index=1): ''' Create a new UV Layer and set it active. ''' self.ase_uv_channels[layer_index] = Ase_uv_channel(layer_index) self.active_uv = self.ase_uv_channels[layer_index]
def append_tvert(self, ase_uv_index, u, v, w=0): ''' Create a new UV Vector in the active! UV Channel. ''' if not self.active_uv: return #self.active_uv.ase_tverts[ase_uv_index] = Ase_tvert(ase_uv_index,u,v,w) self.active_uv.ase_tverts[ase_uv_index] = (u,v)
def append_tface(self, ase_face_index, uvi0, uvi1, uvi2, opt_check_seams=False): ''' Create a new Face UV with indicies to UV Vectors in the active UV Layer. Optional check for Seams and store into the UV Channel. ''' if not self.active_uv: return self.active_uv.ase_tfaces[ase_face_index] = [uvi0, uvi1, uvi2] # look if this face has seams # might useless because it makes no sense to import seams for all UV layers # that's why those edge keys are separately written to each ase UV layer if opt_check_seams: edge_keys = self.ase_faces[ase_face_index].edge_keys for ed_key,uvs in zip(edge_keys,[[uvi0,uvi1],[uvi1,uvi2],[uvi0,uvi2]]): uvs.sort() ase_ed,active_uv = self.ase_edges[ed_key],self.active_uv if not active_uv.ase_tedges.has_key(ed_key): active_uv.ase_tedges[ed_key] = uvs continue elif active_uv.ase_tedges[ed_key] != uvs: active_uv.seams.append(ed_key)
def append_vertcol(self, ase_color_index, r, g, b): #new = Ase_vertcolor(ase_color_index, r, g, b) #self.ase_vertcolors[ase_color_index] = new self.ase_vertcolors[ase_color_index] = (r,g,b)
def append_normal(self, ase_face_index, x, y, z): self.ase_faces[ase_face_index].normal = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z)
def append_vnormal(self, ase_face_index, ase_vert_index, x, y, z, opt_check_smooth=False): ase_f = self.ase_faces[ase_face_index] self.ase_verts[ase_vert_index].normals[ase_face_index] = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z) if opt_check_smooth and ase_f.smooth_groups: ase_edges = [self.ase_edges[key] for key in ase_f.edge_keys] for ed_key,ase_ed in zip(ase_f.edge_keys,ase_edges): if or len(ase_ed.fusers) < 2: continue for vi in ed_key: if not self.ase_verts.has_key(vi): continue vnormals = self.ase_verts[vi].normals fi0, fi1 = ase_ed.fusers[0:2] if vnormals.has_key(fi0) and vnormals.has_key(fi1): vnor0, vnor1 = vnormals[fi0],vnormals[fi1] if vnor0 == vnor1: continue else: angle = round(Blender.Mathutils.AngleBetweenVecs(vnor0, vnor1)) if not self.autosmooth: self.autosmooth = angle elif angle and self.autosmooth > angle: print angle self.autosmooth = angle
class Ase_vert: def __init__(self, index, x, y, z): self.index = index = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z) = (x,y,z) self.normals = {}
print 'Import Objects...' if OPT_PROGRESSBAR: Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(0.0, "Importing Objects...")
scene = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent() for ase_ob in ase_objects: if OPT_PROGRESSBAR and not (PB_index % PB_num): Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(PB_index / PB_num, "Importing Objects...")
if ase_ob.ase_type == 'geom': spawn_mesh(scene,ase_ob)
# create new Blender Object and link to scene ob = Blender.Object.New('Mesh', ob.setMatrix(matrix)
# get Mesh data from Object me = ob.getData(0,1) me.vertexColors = me.faceUV = False
# create Verts and Faces # seems like extend() is limited to a length of 64000? # this is a problem when importing big meshes. div = divmod(ase_me.num['VERTEX'], 64000) if div[1]: div = div[0]+1 else: div = div[0] start = 0 for i in range(div): end = start+64000 me.verts.extend(ase_me.vertseq[start:end]) start = end div = divmod(ase_me.num['FACES'], 64000) face_index_list = [] if div[1]: div = div[0]+1 else: div = div[0] start = 0 for i in range(div): end = start+64000 me.faces.extend(ase_me.faceseq[start:end]) start = end
# import Vertex Colors, Solid/Smooth to faces if IMP_VCOLOR: me.vertexColors = ase_me.hasVC ase_vcolors = ase_me.ase_vertcolors for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems(): try:f = me.faces[i] except: # dont know what's the problem with this print 'array index out of range:', i continue if me.vertexColors: cface = ase_me.ase_cfaces[i] c0,c1,c2 = ase_vcolors[cface[0]],ase_vcolors[cface[1]],ase_vcolors[cface[2]] fc0,fc1,fc2 = f.col[:] fc0.r,fc0.g,fc0.b = int(c0[0]*255),int(c0[1]*255),int(c0[2]*255) fc1.r,fc1.g,fc1.b = int(c1[0]*255),int(c1[1]*255),int(c1[2]*255) fc2.r,fc2.g,fc2.b = int(c2[0]*255),int(c2[1]*255),int(c2[2]*255) if ase_f.smooth_groups: f.smooth = 1
# import UV layer's if IMP_UV and ase_me.hasUV: for uv_chan in ase_me.ase_uv_channels.itervalues(): me.addUVLayer(uv_chan.uv_layer_name) me.activeUVLayer = uv_chan.uv_layer_name tverts = uv_chan.ase_tverts for fi,uvis in uv_chan.ase_tfaces.iteritems(): try:f = me.faces[fi] except: continue uv1,uv2,uv3 = tverts[uvis[0]],tverts[uvis[1]],tverts[uvis[2]] f.uv = [Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv1), Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv2), Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv3)] me.activeUVLayer = ase_me.ase_uv_channels[1].uv_layer_name
# EXPERIMENTAL! # convert tris to quads # this is currently the easiest way i found without destroying uvs or vcolors # but don't work like expected...:/ if IMP_QUADS: #quad_teams = set([i for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems() if ase_f.quad_team != None]) quad_teams = [] for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems(): if ase_f.quad_team != None: if ase_f.index < ase_f.quad_team: qt = ase_f.index,ase_f.quad_team elif ase_f.index > ase_f.quad_team: qt = ase_f.quad_team,ase_f.index if qt not in quad_teams: quad_teams.append(qt)
faces = me.faces # first deselect all faces for f in faces: f.sel = 0 for t0,t1 in quad_teams: ase_f0 = ase_me.ase_faces[t0] ase_f1 = ase_me.ase_faces[t1] try: f0,f1 = me.faces[ase_f0.index], me.faces[ase_f1.index] except: continue f0.sel = 1 f1.sel = 1 me.triangleToQuad() for i in faces.selected(): faces[i].sel = 0
# apply the matrix to mesh (and optional fit the ob and me to blender) if IMP_SCALED: # seems this isn't accurate because of precision of the location vector scale = Blender.Mathutils.ScaleMatrix(OPT_SCALE,4) inv_matrix = ob.getMatrix().copy().invert() * scale ob.setLocation(ob.getMatrix().translationPart() * scale) else: inv_matrix = ob.getMatrix().copy().invert() me.transform(inv_matrix, 1) me.calcNormals()
# apply sharp, seam and fgon flags to edges. add_EDGESPLIT = False if IMP_FGONS or IMP_SEAMS or IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: SHARP = Mesh.EdgeFlags.SHARP SEAM = Mesh.EdgeFlags.SEAM FGON = Mesh.EdgeFlags.FGON seam_keys = [] if ase_me.hasUV: seam_keys = ase_me.ase_uv_channels[1].seams for k,ase_ed in ase_me.ase_edges.iteritems(): if or not ase_ed.visible or k in seam_keys: edi = me.findEdges(k[0],k[1]) if edi: ed = me.edges[edi] if ase_me.hasUV and k in seam_keys and IMP_SEAMS: ed.flag |= SEAM if not ase_ed.visible and IMP_FGONS: ed.flag |= FGON if and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: ed.flag |= SHARP add_EDGESPLIT = True
# add EdgeSplit Modiefier when the mesh has sharp edges # autosmooth is EXPERIMENTAL! because i dont know if this is correct! if add_EDGESPLIT and OPT_MOD_EDGESPLIT: mod = ob.modifiers.append(Blender.Modifier.Types.EDGESPLIT) if not ase_me.autosmooth: mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_FROM_ANGLE] = 0 else: mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_ANGLE] = ase_me.autosmooth mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_FROM_SHARP] = 1 ob.makeDisplayList() # Needed to apply the modifier elif not add_EDGESPLIT and ase_me.autosmooth: AUTOSMOOTH = Mesh.Modes.AUTOSMOOTH me.modes |= AUTOSMOOTH me.degr = ase_me.autosmooth
# it is needed to read UV if Seams should be imported even when importing UV is disabled READ_UV = False if IMP_UV or IMP_SEAMS: READ_UV = True #if IMP_AUTOSMOOTH and not IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: IMP_AUTOSMOOTH = False
ase_objects = [] ase_ob = False for line in lines: if OPT_PROGRESSBAR and not (PB_index % 10000): Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(PB_index / PB_num, "Read File...") PB_index += 1
words = line.split() if not words: continue word0 = words[0] if word0 == '*GEOMOBJECT': #if ase_ob: ase_objects.append(ase_ob) ase_ob_type = word0.lower()[1:-6] #get rid of '*' and 'OBJECT' ase_ob = Ase_object(ase_ob_type) ase_objects.append(ase_ob) continue elif word0 in ['*HELPEROBJECT','*SHAPEOBJECT','*LIGHTOBJECT','*CAMERAOBJECT','*GROUP']: # Not supported objects! # because these objects too use a TM_NODE, # ase_ob should be set back to False to prevent errors. ase_ob = False continue elif word0 == '*NODE_NAME' and ase_ob: name = words[1][1:-1] #get rid of '"' if ase_ob and != '': = name elif ase_ob: = name continue elif word0 == '*NODE_PARENT' and ase_ob: ase_ob.parent = words[1][1:-1] #get rid of '"' continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW0' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row0 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW1' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row1 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW2' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row2 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW3' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row3 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH': ase_me = ase_ob.ase_data continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMVERTEX': ase_me.num['VERTEX'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMFACES': ase_me.num['FACES'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTEX': #vert_index, x, y, z ase_me.append_vert(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_FACE': #ase_face_index, vi0, vi1, vi2, AB, BC, CA, smooth_groups, mat_indicies #smooth = mat = False ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1]
smooth_groups = mat_indices = [] for i,w in enumerate(words): if w == '*MESH_SMOOTHING' and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: try: if words[i+1] != '*MESH_MTLID': smooth_groups = [int(i) for i in words[i+1].split(',')] except: smooth_groups = 0 elif w == '*MESH_MTLID' and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: try: mat_indices = [int(i) for i in words[i+1].split(',')] except: mat_indices = 0 ase_me.append_face(int(ase_face_index),int(words[3]),int(words[5]),int(words[7]),int(words[9]),int(words[11]),int(words[13]),smooth_groups,mat_indices) continue elif READ_UV: if word0 == '*MESH_NUMTVERTEX': if not ase_me.ase_uv_channels: ase_me.append_uv_channel() ase_me.active_uv.num['TVERTEX'] = int(words[1]) ase_me.hasUV = True continue elif word0 == '*MESH_MAPPINGCHANNEL': # uv_channel_index ase_me.append_uv_channel(int(words[1])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_TVERT': #uv_index, u, v, w ase_me.append_tvert(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMTVFACES': ase_me.active_uv.num['TVFACES'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_TFACE': #ase_face_index, uv0, uv1, uv2, opt_IMP_SEAMS ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1] ase_me.append_tface(int(ase_face_index),int(words[2]),int(words[3]),int(words[4]),IMP_SEAMS) continue elif IMP_VCOLOR: if word0 == '*MESH_NUMCVERTEX': ase_me.num['CVERTEX'] = int(words[1]) if ase_me.num['CVERTEX']: ase_me.hasVC = True continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTCOL': #color_index, r, g, b ase_me.append_vertcol(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMCVFACES': ase_me.num['CVFACES'] = words[1] continue elif word0 == '*MESH_CFACE': #ase_face_index, ci0, ci1, ci2 ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1] ase_me.append_cface(int(ase_face_index),int(words[2]),int(words[3]),int(words[4])) continue #elif word0 == '*MESH_NORMALS': elif IMP_AUTOSMOOTH: if word0 == '*MESH_FACENORMAL': # ase_face_index, x, y, z ase_face_index = int(words[1]) ase_me.append_normal(ase_face_index,float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL': # ase_face_index, ase_vert_index, x, y, z ase_me.append_vnormal(ase_face_index,int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4]),IMP_AUTOSMOOTH) continue else: continue return ase_objects
def print_boxed(text): #Copy/Paste from meshtools, only to remove the beep :) lines = text.splitlines() maxlinelen = max(map(len, lines)) if sys.platform[:3] == "win": print chr(218)+chr(196) + chr(196)*maxlinelen + chr(196)+chr(191) for line in lines: print chr(179) + ' ' + line.ljust(maxlinelen) + ' ' + chr(179) print chr(192)+chr(196) + chr(196)*maxlinelen + chr(196)+chr(217) else: print '+-' + '-'*maxlinelen + '-+' for line in lines: print '| ' + line.ljust(maxlinelen) + ' |' print '+-' + '-'*maxlinelen + '-+'
def read(filename):
global counts counts = {'verts':0,'tris':0,'faces':0}
start = time.clock()
print_boxed("----------ASCII Scene Import----------") print 'Import File: ', filename
mode = Blender.Window.EditMode() # are we in edit mode? If so ... if mode: Blender.Window.EditMode(0) # leave edit mode before getting the mesh
# Get USER Options pup_block = [('Import Options'),('Scale Meshes', IMPORT_SC, 'Scale the Objects so that they better fit into Blender\'s grid size'),('Vertex Colors', IMPORT_VC, 'Import Vertex Colors if existing'),('UV (Layer)', IMP_UV, 'Import UV and UV layer\'s if existing'),('Smoothing', IMPORT_SM, 'Surround Smoothgroups with sharp edges'),('Seams', IMPORT_SE, 'Try to import Seams from UV islands (from the first UV layer!)')]
if not Blender.Draw.PupBlock('Import ASCII Scene...', pup_block): return
Joined: Thu Mar 10, 2005 2:05 am Posts: 177 Location: black forrest
Version: 0.13
Supports Mesh Objects with vertex colors, multiple UV, smoothgroups.
A little Note!: you should not try to import very big ase files (>50 MB with 512 MB RAM). With much RAM you might can try this.
""" Name: 'ASCII Scene (.ase) v0.13' Blender: 244 Group: 'Import' Tooltip: 'Import from ASCII Scene Export file format (.ase)' """ __author__ = "Goofos" __version__ = "0.13"
# goofos # # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK *****
import time, sys import Blender from Blender import Scene, Object, Mesh
''' Some Options ''' # Scale Factor (float) OPT_SCALE = 0.1 # Add EdgeSplit Modifier when importing sharp edges (bool) OPT_MOD_EDGESPLIT = True # Enable the fileselector (bool) OPT_FILESELECTOR = True # If the fileselector is disabled, specify a static filename (string) OPT_STATIC_FILENAME = 'E:\ASE Files\garage.ASE' # Enable Progressbar (bool) OPT_PROGRESSBAR = False # File buffer. After testing with big files i think there is no real difference. # -1 = system default, 0 = unbuffered, 1 = line buffered, >1 = buffer size OPT_FILE_BUFFER = -1
''' Import Options ''' # Import Meshes scaled, defined by the scale factor of OPT_SCALE (bool) # Note: Object location data looses some precision, .. i think! IMP_SCALED = True # Import Vertex Colors (bool) IMP_VCOLOR = True # Import UV Coords and UV layers (bool) IMP_UV = True # Import NGons as Blender FGons (bool) # Note: Include quads, too. IMP_FGONS = False # Try to find possible quads and convert the two tris to a quad (bool) # Note: Very slow!! ablsolutely doesn't work accurate :/ # i don't know wether this is a script problem or a blender problem! IMP_QUADS = False # Surround UV islands with seams (bool) IMP_SEAMS = False # Surround smooth groups with sharp edges (bool) IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS = True # Try to find the lowest autosmooth angle in vertex normals (bool) # Note: i dont know if this is correct :> IMP_AUTOSMOOTH = False
def sort_edgekeys(self,vi0,vi1,vi2): ''' Returns sorted edge keys of the given triangle vert indicies. ''' if vi0 > vi1: ed_k0 = vi1,vi0 else: ed_k0 = vi0,vi1 if vi1 > vi2: ed_k1 = vi2,vi1 else: ed_k1 = vi1,vi2 if vi0 > vi2: ed_k2 = vi2,vi0 else: ed_k2 = vi0,vi2 return ed_k0,ed_k1,ed_k2
def append_vert(self, ase_vert_index, x, y, z): ''' Create a new Vertex for this Mesh. ''' ase_v = Ase_vert(ase_vert_index, x, y, z) self.ase_verts[ase_vert_index] = ase_v #self.vertseq.insert(ase_vert_index, (,, self.vertseq.insert(ase_vert_index,
def append_face(self, index, vi0, vi1, vi2, AB=1, BC=1, CA=1, smooth_groups=[0], mat_indices=0): ''' Uhm ... work in progress! ''' # create a new Ase_face ase_f = Ase_face(index, vi0, vi1, vi2, smooth_groups, mat_indices) ed_keys = self.sort_edgekeys(vi0,vi1,vi2) #ed_keys = [vi0,vi1].sort(),[vi1,vi2].sort(),[vi0,vi2].sort() ase_f.edge_keys = ed_keys ase_f.vis_sum = AB+BC+CA if ase_f.vis_sum == 2: if not AB: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[0] elif not BC: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[1] elif not CA: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[2]
# set visibility (fgon) and sharp for edges # and look if the two face users might form a quad # or create a new Ase_edge for k,vis in zip(ed_keys,[AB,BC,CA]): # Ase_edge already exist or create a new one if not self.ase_edges.has_key(k): ase_ed = Ase_edge(k) ase_ed.fusers.append(ase_f.index) ase_ed.visible = vis self.ase_edges[k] = ase_ed continue else: ase_ed = self.ase_edges[k] ase_ed.fusers.append(ase_f.index) if ase_f.vis_sum == 2 and not ase_ed.visible: ase_f.tri_edge = k
fusers = [i for i in ase_ed.fusers if i != ase_f.index] if not fusers: continue for i in fusers: ase_f2 = self.ase_faces[i] # if this edge is invisible and both tris only have # this invisible edge, than the two tris could form a quad # easy done with a sum of all vis variables of the edges if k == ase_f.tri_edge: if ase_f.tri_edge == ase_f2.tri_edge: ase_f.quad_team = ase_f2.index ase_f2.quad_team = ase_f.index
# look if this edge is sharp # if not both faces share at least one smoothgroup var # than this edge is sharp #if continue for sg in smooth_groups: if sg not in ase_f2.smooth_groups: = True
def append_uv_channel(self, layer_index=1): ''' Create a new UV Layer and set it active. ''' self.ase_uv_channels[layer_index] = Ase_uv_channel(layer_index) self.active_uv = self.ase_uv_channels[layer_index]
def append_tvert(self, ase_uv_index, u, v, w=0): ''' Create a new UV Vector in the active! UV Channel. ''' if not self.active_uv: return #self.active_uv.ase_tverts[ase_uv_index] = Ase_tvert(ase_uv_index,u,v,w) self.active_uv.ase_tverts[ase_uv_index] = (u,v)
def append_tface(self, ase_face_index, uvi0, uvi1, uvi2, opt_check_seams=False): ''' Create a new Face UV with indicies to UV Vectors in the active UV Layer. Optional check for Seams and store into the UV Channel. ''' if not self.active_uv: return self.active_uv.ase_tfaces[ase_face_index] = [uvi0, uvi1, uvi2] # look if this face has seams # might useless because it makes no sense to import seams for all UV layers # that's why those edge keys are separately written to each ase UV layer if opt_check_seams: edge_keys = self.ase_faces[ase_face_index].edge_keys for ed_key,uvs in zip(edge_keys,[[uvi0,uvi1],[uvi1,uvi2],[uvi0,uvi2]]): uvs.sort() ase_ed,active_uv = self.ase_edges[ed_key],self.active_uv if not active_uv.ase_tedges.has_key(ed_key): active_uv.ase_tedges[ed_key] = uvs continue elif active_uv.ase_tedges[ed_key] != uvs: active_uv.seams.append(ed_key)
def append_vertcol(self, ase_color_index, r, g, b): #new = Ase_vertcolor(ase_color_index, r, g, b) #self.ase_vertcolors[ase_color_index] = new self.ase_vertcolors[ase_color_index] = (r,g,b)
def append_normal(self, ase_face_index, x, y, z): self.ase_faces[ase_face_index].normal = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z)
def append_vnormal(self, ase_face_index, ase_vert_index, x, y, z, opt_check_smooth=False): ase_f = self.ase_faces[ase_face_index] self.ase_verts[ase_vert_index].normals[ase_face_index] = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z) if opt_check_smooth and ase_f.smooth_groups: ase_edges = [self.ase_edges[key] for key in ase_f.edge_keys] for ed_key,ase_ed in zip(ase_f.edge_keys,ase_edges): if or len(ase_ed.fusers) < 2: continue for vi in ed_key: if not self.ase_verts.has_key(vi): continue vnormals = self.ase_verts[vi].normals fi0, fi1 = ase_ed.fusers[0:2] if vnormals.has_key(fi0) and vnormals.has_key(fi1): vnor0, vnor1 = vnormals[fi0],vnormals[fi1] if vnor0 == vnor1: continue else: angle = round(Blender.Mathutils.AngleBetweenVecs(vnor0, vnor1)) if not self.autosmooth: self.autosmooth = angle elif angle and self.autosmooth > angle: print angle self.autosmooth = angle
class Ase_vert: def __init__(self, index, x, y, z): self.index = index = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z) = (x,y,z) self.normals = {}
print 'Import Objects...' if OPT_PROGRESSBAR: Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(0.0, "Importing Objects...")
scene = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent() for ase_ob in ase_objects: if OPT_PROGRESSBAR and not (PB_index % PB_num): Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(PB_index / PB_num, "Importing Objects...")
if ase_ob.ase_type == 'geom': spawn_mesh(scene,ase_ob)
# create new Blender Object and link to scene ob = Blender.Object.New('Mesh', ob.setMatrix(matrix)
# get Mesh data from Object me = ob.getData(0,1) me.vertexColors = me.faceUV = False
# create Verts and Faces # seems like extend() is limited to a length of 64000? # this is a problem when importing big meshes. div = divmod(ase_me.num['VERTEX'], 64000) if div[1]: div = div[0]+1 else: div = div[0] start = 0 for i in range(div): end = start+64000 me.verts.extend(ase_me.vertseq[start:end]) start = end div = divmod(ase_me.num['FACES'], 64000) face_index_list = [] if div[1]: div = div[0]+1 else: div = div[0] start = 0 for i in range(div): end = start+64000 me.faces.extend(ase_me.faceseq[start:end]) start = end
# import Vertex Colors, Solid/Smooth to faces if IMP_VCOLOR: me.vertexColors = ase_me.hasVC ase_vcolors = ase_me.ase_vertcolors for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems(): try:f = me.faces[i] except: # dont know what's the problem with this print 'array index out of range:', i continue if me.vertexColors: cface = ase_me.ase_cfaces[i] c0,c1,c2 = ase_vcolors[cface[0]],ase_vcolors[cface[1]],ase_vcolors[cface[2]] fc0,fc1,fc2 = f.col[:] fc0.r,fc0.g,fc0.b = int(c0[0]*255),int(c0[1]*255),int(c0[2]*255) fc1.r,fc1.g,fc1.b = int(c1[0]*255),int(c1[1]*255),int(c1[2]*255) fc2.r,fc2.g,fc2.b = int(c2[0]*255),int(c2[1]*255),int(c2[2]*255) if ase_f.smooth_groups: f.smooth = 1
# import UV layer's if IMP_UV and ase_me.hasUV: for uv_chan in ase_me.ase_uv_channels.itervalues(): me.addUVLayer(uv_chan.uv_layer_name) me.activeUVLayer = uv_chan.uv_layer_name tverts = uv_chan.ase_tverts for fi,uvis in uv_chan.ase_tfaces.iteritems(): try:f = me.faces[fi] except: continue uv1,uv2,uv3 = tverts[uvis[0]],tverts[uvis[1]],tverts[uvis[2]] f.uv = [Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv1), Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv2), Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv3)] me.activeUVLayer = ase_me.ase_uv_channels[1].uv_layer_name
# EXPERIMENTAL! # convert tris to quads # this is currently the easiest way i found without destroying uvs or vcolors # but don't work like expected...:/ if IMP_QUADS: #quad_teams = set([i for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems() if ase_f.quad_team != None]) quad_teams = [] for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems(): if ase_f.quad_team != None: if ase_f.index < ase_f.quad_team: qt = ase_f.index,ase_f.quad_team elif ase_f.index > ase_f.quad_team: qt = ase_f.quad_team,ase_f.index if qt not in quad_teams: quad_teams.append(qt)
faces = me.faces # first deselect all faces for f in faces: f.sel = 0 for t0,t1 in quad_teams: ase_f0 = ase_me.ase_faces[t0] ase_f1 = ase_me.ase_faces[t1] try: f0,f1 = me.faces[ase_f0.index], me.faces[ase_f1.index] except: continue f0.sel = 1 f1.sel = 1 me.triangleToQuad() for i in faces.selected(): faces[i].sel = 0
# apply the matrix to mesh (and optional fit the ob and me to blender) if IMP_SCALED: # seems this isn't accurate because of precision of the location vector scale = Blender.Mathutils.ScaleMatrix(OPT_SCALE,4) inv_matrix = ob.getMatrix().copy().invert() * scale ob.setLocation(ob.getMatrix().translationPart() * scale) else: inv_matrix = ob.getMatrix().copy().invert() me.transform(inv_matrix, 1) me.calcNormals()
# apply sharp, seam and fgon flags to edges. add_EDGESPLIT = False if IMP_FGONS or IMP_SEAMS or IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: SHARP = Mesh.EdgeFlags.SHARP SEAM = Mesh.EdgeFlags.SEAM FGON = Mesh.EdgeFlags.FGON seam_keys = [] if ase_me.hasUV: seam_keys = ase_me.ase_uv_channels[1].seams for k,ase_ed in ase_me.ase_edges.iteritems(): if or not ase_ed.visible or k in seam_keys: edi = me.findEdges(k[0],k[1]) if edi: ed = me.edges[edi] if ase_me.hasUV and k in seam_keys and IMP_SEAMS: ed.flag |= SEAM if not ase_ed.visible and IMP_FGONS: ed.flag |= FGON if and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: ed.flag |= SHARP add_EDGESPLIT = True
# add EdgeSplit Modiefier when the mesh has sharp edges # autosmooth is EXPERIMENTAL! because i dont know if this is correct! if add_EDGESPLIT and OPT_MOD_EDGESPLIT: mod = ob.modifiers.append(Blender.Modifier.Types.EDGESPLIT) if not ase_me.autosmooth: mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_FROM_ANGLE] = 0 else: mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_ANGLE] = ase_me.autosmooth mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_FROM_SHARP] = 1 ob.makeDisplayList() # Needed to apply the modifier elif not add_EDGESPLIT and ase_me.autosmooth: AUTOSMOOTH = Mesh.Modes.AUTOSMOOTH me.modes |= AUTOSMOOTH me.degr = ase_me.autosmooth
# it is needed to read UV if Seams should be imported even when importing UV is disabled READ_UV = False if IMP_UV or IMP_SEAMS: READ_UV = True #if IMP_AUTOSMOOTH and not IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: IMP_AUTOSMOOTH = False
ase_objects = [] ase_ob = False for line in lines: if OPT_PROGRESSBAR and not (PB_index % 10000): Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(PB_index / PB_num, "Read File...") PB_index += 1
words = line.split() if not words: continue word0 = words[0] if word0 == '*GEOMOBJECT': #if ase_ob: ase_objects.append(ase_ob) ase_ob_type = word0.lower()[1:-6] #get rid of '*' and 'OBJECT' ase_ob = Ase_object(ase_ob_type) ase_objects.append(ase_ob) continue elif word0 in ['*HELPEROBJECT','*SHAPEOBJECT','*LIGHTOBJECT','*CAMERAOBJECT','*GROUP']: # Not supported objects! # because these objects too use a TM_NODE, # ase_ob should be set back to False to prevent errors. ase_ob = False continue elif word0 == '*NODE_NAME' and ase_ob: name = words[1][1:-1] #get rid of '"' if ase_ob and != '': = name elif ase_ob: = name continue elif word0 == '*NODE_PARENT' and ase_ob: ase_ob.parent = words[1][1:-1] #get rid of '"' continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW0' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row0 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW1' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row1 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW2' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row2 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*TM_ROW3' and ase_ob: ase_ob.row3 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH': ase_me = ase_ob.ase_data continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMVERTEX': ase_me.num['VERTEX'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMFACES': ase_me.num['FACES'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTEX': #vert_index, x, y, z ase_me.append_vert(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_FACE': #ase_face_index, vi0, vi1, vi2, AB, BC, CA, smooth_groups, mat_indicies #smooth = mat = False ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1]
smooth_groups = mat_indices = [] for i,w in enumerate(words): if w == '*MESH_SMOOTHING' and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: try: if words[i+1] != '*MESH_MTLID': smooth_groups = [int(i) for i in words[i+1].split(',')] except: smooth_groups = 0 elif w == '*MESH_MTLID' and IMP_SMOOTHGROUPS: try: mat_indices = [int(i) for i in words[i+1].split(',')] except: mat_indices = 0 ase_me.append_face(int(ase_face_index),int(words[3]),int(words[5]),int(words[7]),int(words[9]),int(words[11]),int(words[13]),smooth_groups,mat_indices) continue elif READ_UV: if word0 == '*MESH_NUMTVERTEX': if not ase_me.ase_uv_channels: ase_me.append_uv_channel() ase_me.active_uv.num['TVERTEX'] = int(words[1]) ase_me.hasUV = True continue elif word0 == '*MESH_MAPPINGCHANNEL': # uv_channel_index ase_me.append_uv_channel(int(words[1])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_TVERT': #uv_index, u, v, w ase_me.append_tvert(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMTVFACES': ase_me.active_uv.num['TVFACES'] = int(words[1]) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_TFACE': #ase_face_index, uv0, uv1, uv2, opt_IMP_SEAMS ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1] ase_me.append_tface(int(ase_face_index),int(words[2]),int(words[3]),int(words[4]),IMP_SEAMS) continue elif IMP_VCOLOR: if word0 == '*MESH_NUMCVERTEX': ase_me.num['CVERTEX'] = int(words[1]) if ase_me.num['CVERTEX']: ase_me.hasVC = True continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTCOL': #color_index, r, g, b ase_me.append_vertcol(int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMCVFACES': ase_me.num['CVFACES'] = words[1] continue elif word0 == '*MESH_CFACE': #ase_face_index, ci0, ci1, ci2 ase_face_index = words[1] if ase_face_index.endswith(':'): ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1] ase_me.append_cface(int(ase_face_index),int(words[2]),int(words[3]),int(words[4])) continue #elif word0 == '*MESH_NORMALS': elif IMP_AUTOSMOOTH: if word0 == '*MESH_FACENORMAL': # ase_face_index, x, y, z ase_face_index = int(words[1]) ase_me.append_normal(ase_face_index,float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4])) continue elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL': # ase_face_index, ase_vert_index, x, y, z ase_me.append_vnormal(ase_face_index,int(words[1]),float(words[2]),float(words[3]),float(words[4]),IMP_AUTOSMOOTH) continue else: continue return ase_objects
def print_boxed(text): #Copy/Paste from meshtools, only to remove the beep :) lines = text.splitlines() maxlinelen = max(map(len, lines)) if sys.platform[:3] == "win": print chr(218)+chr(196) + chr(196)*maxlinelen + chr(196)+chr(191) for line in lines: print chr(179) + ' ' + line.ljust(maxlinelen) + ' ' + chr(179) print chr(192)+chr(196) + chr(196)*maxlinelen + chr(196)+chr(217) else: print '+-' + '-'*maxlinelen + '-+' for line in lines: print '| ' + line.ljust(maxlinelen) + ' |' print '+-' + '-'*maxlinelen + '-+'
def read(filename):
global counts counts = {'verts':0,'tris':0,'faces':0}
start = time.clock()
print_boxed("----------ASCII Scene Import----------") print 'Import File: ', filename
mode = Blender.Window.EditMode() # are we in edit mode? If so ... if mode: Blender.Window.EditMode(0) # leave edit mode before getting the mesh
# Get USER Options pup_block = [('Import Options'),('Scale Meshes', IMPORT_SC, 'Scale the Objects so that they better fit into Blender\'s grid size'),('Vertex Colors', IMPORT_VC, 'Import Vertex Colors if existing'),('UV (Layer)', IMP_UV, 'Import UV and UV layer\'s if existing'),('Smoothing', IMPORT_SM, 'Surround Smoothgroups with sharp edges'),('Seams', IMPORT_SE, 'Try to import Seams from UV islands (from the first UV layer!)')]
if not Blender.Draw.PupBlock('Import ASCII Scene...', pup_block): return
Joined: Thu Nov 08, 2001 11:00 pm Posts: 4940 Location: UK, York
Goofos@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:00 am Post subject: ASE Importer: I made a first small script to import ASE meshes. Its not perfect and may a bit lame but should import correct meshes (from 3DS). Materials are currently not supported but UV coords and VertexColors.
Note: Meshes from 3DS are very big in Blender
# goofos at
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import string, time, sys as osSys
import Blender
from Blender import Draw, Mesh, Window, Object, Scene
#import meshtools
# Get USER Options
pup_block = [('Import Options'),('Vertex Color', IMPORT_VC, 'Import Vertex Colors if exist'),('UV', IMPORT_UV, 'Import UV if exist'),]
if not Draw.PupBlock('Import...', pup_block):
if __name__ == '__main__':
Window.FileSelector(read_ui, 'Import ASCII Scene', ('.ase'))
Last edited by Goofos on Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:25 pm; edited 4 times in total Bittoman@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:12 pm Post subject: : Nice job, thanks Goofos! kat@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 10:30 pm Post subject: : Not tried it yet but 'GG' on doing this one. Another step up the ladder for Blender! _________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips kat@Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 8:04 pm Post subject: : Just tried this script for the 1st time and encountered the following error with Blender 2.41 when run as a script from the text window (Alt+P).
IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level
File "goofosASE_import_17Ap", line 295
if obj.objType == 'Mesh':
_________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips Goofos@Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 3:58 pm Post subject: : Should work now. Seems my OS is a bit more tollerant with format errors :> OrbWeaver@Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 10:43 am Post subject: : I haven't tried this but it sounds great. Until now ASE has been almost universally considered an "export-only" format. kat@Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 5:33 pm Post subject: New error: New error when doing Ctrl+P to run the script
_________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips Goofos@Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 3:07 pm Post subject: : There was a space at end of the line if you copy/paste the script from the forum. I have put the array in one line, should work now. kat@Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 6:19 pm Post subject: : DUDE!! sorted. Both vertex and UVW import work fine and dandy. _________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips Goofos@Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:07 pm Post subject: : Fixed a problem with the matrices, dont know why this suddenly happened.
I quickly updated it again (to v0.12) to use some improvements of 2.42 (which doesn't worked with 2.40). Now it should import (big) meshes much faster.
Last edited by Goofos on Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:34 pm; edited 1 time in total Tweaker@Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:29 am Post subject: : Excellent, I was having problems importing with 2.42a, but this seems to have fixed it. Thanks. Goofos@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:00 am Post subject: ASE Importer: I made a first small script to import ASE meshes. Its not perfect and may a bit lame but should import correct meshes (from 3DS). Materials are currently not supported but UV coords and VertexColors.
Note: Meshes from 3DS are very big in Blender
# goofos at
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import string, time, sys as osSys
import Blender
from Blender import Draw, Mesh, Window, Object, Scene
#import meshtools
# Get USER Options
pup_block = [('Import Options'),('Vertex Color', IMPORT_VC, 'Import Vertex Colors if exist'),('UV', IMPORT_UV, 'Import UV if exist'),]
if not Draw.PupBlock('Import...', pup_block):
if __name__ == '__main__':
Window.FileSelector(read_ui, 'Import ASCII Scene', ('.ase'))
Last edited by Goofos on Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:25 pm; edited 4 times in total Bittoman@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:12 pm Post subject: : Nice job, thanks Goofos! kat@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 10:30 pm Post subject: : Not tried it yet but 'GG' on doing this one. Another step up the ladder for Blender! _________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips kat@Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 8:04 pm Post subject: : Just tried this script for the 1st time and encountered the following error with Blender 2.41 when run as a script from the text window (Alt+P).
IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level
File "goofosASE_import_17Ap", line 295
if obj.objType == 'Mesh':
_________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips Goofos@Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 3:58 pm Post subject: : Should work now. Seems my OS is a bit more tollerant with format errors :> OrbWeaver@Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 10:43 am Post subject: : I haven't tried this but it sounds great. Until now ASE has been almost universally considered an "export-only" format. kat@Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 5:33 pm Post subject: New error: New error when doing Ctrl+P to run the script
_________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips Goofos@Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 3:07 pm Post subject: : There was a space at end of the line if you copy/paste the script from the forum. I have put the array in one line, should work now. kat@Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 6:19 pm Post subject: : DUDE!! sorted. Both vertex and UVW import work fine and dandy. _________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips Goofos@Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:07 pm Post subject: : Fixed a problem with the matrices, dont know why this suddenly happened.
I quickly updated it again (to v0.12) to use some improvements of 2.42 (which doesn't worked with 2.40). Now it should import (big) meshes much faster.
Last edited by Goofos on Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:34 pm; edited 1 time in total Tweaker@Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:29 am Post subject: : Excellent, I was having problems importing with 2.42a, but this seems to have fixed it. Thanks. Goofos@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:00 am Post subject: ASE Importer:
Version: 0.13
Supports Mesh Objects with vertex colors, multiple UV, smoothgroups.
A little Note!: you should not try to import very big ase files (>50 MB with 512 MB RAM). With much RAM you might can try this.
Name: 'ASCII Scene (.ase) v0.13'
Blender: 244
Group: 'Import'
Tooltip: 'Import from ASCII Scene Export file format (.ase)'
__author__ = "Goofos"
__version__ = "0.13"
# goofos
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import time, sys
import Blender
from Blender import Scene, Object, Mesh
Some Options
# Scale Factor (float)
# Add EdgeSplit Modifier when importing sharp edges (bool)
# Enable the fileselector (bool)
# If the fileselector is disabled, specify a static filename (string)
# Enable Progressbar (bool)
# File buffer. After testing with big files i think there is no real difference.
# -1 = system default, 0 = unbuffered, 1 = line buffered, >1 = buffer size
Import Options
# Import Meshes scaled, defined by the scale factor of OPT_SCALE (bool)
# Note: Object location data looses some precision, .. i think!
# Import Vertex Colors (bool)
# Import UV Coords and UV layers (bool)
IMP_UV = True
# Import NGons as Blender FGons (bool)
# Note: Include quads, too.
# Try to find possible quads and convert the two tris to a quad (bool)
# Note: Very slow!! ablsolutely doesn't work accurate :/
# i don't know wether this is a script problem or a blender problem!
# Surround UV islands with seams (bool)
# Surround smooth groups with sharp edges (bool)
# Try to find the lowest autosmooth angle in vertex normals (bool)
# Note: i dont know if this is correct :>
def sort_edgekeys(self,vi0,vi1,vi2):
Returns sorted edge keys of the given triangle vert indicies.
if vi0 > vi1: ed_k0 = vi1,vi0
else: ed_k0 = vi0,vi1
if vi1 > vi2: ed_k1 = vi2,vi1
else: ed_k1 = vi1,vi2
if vi0 > vi2: ed_k2 = vi2,vi0
else: ed_k2 = vi0,vi2
return ed_k0,ed_k1,ed_k2
def append_vert(self, ase_vert_index, x, y, z):
Create a new Vertex for this Mesh.
ase_v = Ase_vert(ase_vert_index, x, y, z)
self.ase_verts[ase_vert_index] = ase_v
#self.vertseq.insert(ase_vert_index, (,,
def append_face(self, index, vi0, vi1, vi2, AB=1, BC=1, CA=1, smooth_groups=[0], mat_indices=0):
Uhm ... work in progress!
# create a new Ase_face
ase_f = Ase_face(index, vi0, vi1, vi2, smooth_groups, mat_indices)
ed_keys = self.sort_edgekeys(vi0,vi1,vi2)
#ed_keys = [vi0,vi1].sort(),[vi1,vi2].sort(),[vi0,vi2].sort()
ase_f.edge_keys = ed_keys
ase_f.vis_sum = AB+BC+CA
if ase_f.vis_sum == 2:
if not AB: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[0]
elif not BC: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[1]
elif not CA: ase_f.tri_edge = ed_keys[2]
# set visibility (fgon) and sharp for edges
# and look if the two face users might form a quad
# or create a new Ase_edge
for k,vis in zip(ed_keys,[AB,BC,CA]):
# Ase_edge already exist or create a new one
if not self.ase_edges.has_key(k):
ase_ed = Ase_edge(k)
ase_ed.visible = vis
self.ase_edges[k] = ase_ed
ase_ed = self.ase_edges[k]
if ase_f.vis_sum == 2 and not ase_ed.visible:
ase_f.tri_edge = k
fusers = [i for i in ase_ed.fusers if i != ase_f.index]
if not fusers: continue
for i in fusers:
ase_f2 = self.ase_faces[i]
# if this edge is invisible and both tris only have
# this invisible edge, than the two tris could form a quad
# easy done with a sum of all vis variables of the edges
if k == ase_f.tri_edge:
if ase_f.tri_edge == ase_f2.tri_edge:
ase_f.quad_team = ase_f2.index
ase_f2.quad_team = ase_f.index
# look if this edge is sharp
# if not both faces share at least one smoothgroup var
# than this edge is sharp
#if continue
for sg in smooth_groups:
if sg not in ase_f2.smooth_groups: = True
def append_uv_channel(self, layer_index=1):
Create a new UV Layer and set it active.
self.ase_uv_channels[layer_index] = Ase_uv_channel(layer_index)
self.active_uv = self.ase_uv_channels[layer_index]
def append_tvert(self, ase_uv_index, u, v, w=0):
Create a new UV Vector in the active! UV Channel.
if not self.active_uv: return
#self.active_uv.ase_tverts[ase_uv_index] = Ase_tvert(ase_uv_index,u,v,w)
self.active_uv.ase_tverts[ase_uv_index] = (u,v)
def append_tface(self, ase_face_index, uvi0, uvi1, uvi2, opt_check_seams=False):
Create a new Face UV with indicies to UV Vectors in the active UV Layer.
Optional check for Seams and store into the UV Channel.
if not self.active_uv: return
self.active_uv.ase_tfaces[ase_face_index] = [uvi0, uvi1, uvi2]
# look if this face has seams
# might useless because it makes no sense to import seams for all UV layers
# that's why those edge keys are separately written to each ase UV layer
if opt_check_seams:
edge_keys = self.ase_faces[ase_face_index].edge_keys
for ed_key,uvs in zip(edge_keys,[[uvi0,uvi1],[uvi1,uvi2],[uvi0,uvi2]]):
ase_ed,active_uv = self.ase_edges[ed_key],self.active_uv
if not active_uv.ase_tedges.has_key(ed_key):
active_uv.ase_tedges[ed_key] = uvs
elif active_uv.ase_tedges[ed_key] != uvs:
def append_vertcol(self, ase_color_index, r, g, b):
#new = Ase_vertcolor(ase_color_index, r, g, b)
#self.ase_vertcolors[ase_color_index] = new
self.ase_vertcolors[ase_color_index] = (r,g,b)
def append_normal(self, ase_face_index, x, y, z):
self.ase_faces[ase_face_index].normal = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z)
def append_vnormal(self, ase_face_index, ase_vert_index, x, y, z, opt_check_smooth=False):
ase_f = self.ase_faces[ase_face_index]
self.ase_verts[ase_vert_index].normals[ase_face_index] = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z)
if opt_check_smooth and ase_f.smooth_groups:
ase_edges = [self.ase_edges[key] for key in ase_f.edge_keys]
for ed_key,ase_ed in zip(ase_f.edge_keys,ase_edges):
if or len(ase_ed.fusers) < 2: continue
for vi in ed_key:
if not self.ase_verts.has_key(vi): continue
vnormals = self.ase_verts[vi].normals
fi0, fi1 = ase_ed.fusers[0:2]
if vnormals.has_key(fi0) and vnormals.has_key(fi1):
vnor0, vnor1 = vnormals[fi0],vnormals[fi1]
if vnor0 == vnor1:
angle = round(Blender.Mathutils.AngleBetweenVecs(vnor0, vnor1))
if not self.autosmooth: self.autosmooth = angle
elif angle and self.autosmooth > angle:
print angle
self.autosmooth = angle
class Ase_vert:
def __init__(self, index, x, y, z):
self.index = index = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(x,y,z) = (x,y,z)
self.normals = {}
print 'Import Objects...'
if OPT_PROGRESSBAR: Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(0.0, "Importing Objects...")
scene = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent()
for ase_ob in ase_objects:
if OPT_PROGRESSBAR and not (PB_index % PB_num):
Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(PB_index / PB_num, "Importing Objects...")
if ase_ob.ase_type == 'geom':
# create new Blender Object and link to scene
ob = Blender.Object.New('Mesh',
# get Mesh data from Object
me = ob.getData(0,1)
me.vertexColors = me.faceUV = False
# create Verts and Faces
# seems like extend() is limited to a length of 64000?
# this is a problem when importing big meshes.
div = divmod(ase_me.num['VERTEX'], 64000)
if div[1]: div = div[0]+1
else: div = div[0]
start = 0
for i in range(div):
end = start+64000
start = end
div = divmod(ase_me.num['FACES'], 64000)
face_index_list = []
if div[1]: div = div[0]+1
else: div = div[0]
start = 0
for i in range(div):
end = start+64000
start = end
# import Vertex Colors, Solid/Smooth to faces
me.vertexColors = ase_me.hasVC
ase_vcolors = ase_me.ase_vertcolors
for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems():
try:f = me.faces[i]
# dont know what's the problem with this
print 'array index out of range:', i
if me.vertexColors:
cface = ase_me.ase_cfaces[i]
c0,c1,c2 = ase_vcolors[cface[0]],ase_vcolors[cface[1]],ase_vcolors[cface[2]]
fc0,fc1,fc2 = f.col[:]
fc0.r,fc0.g,fc0.b = int(c0[0]*255),int(c0[1]*255),int(c0[2]*255)
fc1.r,fc1.g,fc1.b = int(c1[0]*255),int(c1[1]*255),int(c1[2]*255)
fc2.r,fc2.g,fc2.b = int(c2[0]*255),int(c2[1]*255),int(c2[2]*255)
if ase_f.smooth_groups:
f.smooth = 1
# import UV layer's
if IMP_UV and ase_me.hasUV:
for uv_chan in ase_me.ase_uv_channels.itervalues():
me.activeUVLayer = uv_chan.uv_layer_name
tverts = uv_chan.ase_tverts
for fi,uvis in uv_chan.ase_tfaces.iteritems():
try:f = me.faces[fi]
except: continue
uv1,uv2,uv3 = tverts[uvis[0]],tverts[uvis[1]],tverts[uvis[2]]
f.uv = [Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv1), Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv2), Blender.Mathutils.Vector(uv3)]
me.activeUVLayer = ase_me.ase_uv_channels[1].uv_layer_name
# convert tris to quads
# this is currently the easiest way i found without destroying uvs or vcolors
# but don't work like expected...:/
#quad_teams = set([i for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems() if ase_f.quad_team != None])
quad_teams = []
for i,ase_f in ase_me.ase_faces.iteritems():
if ase_f.quad_team != None:
if ase_f.index < ase_f.quad_team: qt = ase_f.index,ase_f.quad_team
elif ase_f.index > ase_f.quad_team: qt = ase_f.quad_team,ase_f.index
if qt not in quad_teams:
faces = me.faces
# first deselect all faces
for f in faces: f.sel = 0
for t0,t1 in quad_teams:
ase_f0 = ase_me.ase_faces[t0]
ase_f1 = ase_me.ase_faces[t1]
try: f0,f1 = me.faces[ase_f0.index], me.faces[ase_f1.index]
except: continue
f0.sel = 1
f1.sel = 1
for i in faces.selected():
faces[i].sel = 0
# apply the matrix to mesh (and optional fit the ob and me to blender)
# seems this isn't accurate because of precision of the location vector
scale = Blender.Mathutils.ScaleMatrix(OPT_SCALE,4)
inv_matrix = ob.getMatrix().copy().invert() * scale
ob.setLocation(ob.getMatrix().translationPart() * scale)
inv_matrix = ob.getMatrix().copy().invert()
me.transform(inv_matrix, 1)
# apply sharp, seam and fgon flags to edges.
add_EDGESPLIT = False
SHARP = Mesh.EdgeFlags.SHARP
SEAM = Mesh.EdgeFlags.SEAM
FGON = Mesh.EdgeFlags.FGON
seam_keys = []
if ase_me.hasUV: seam_keys = ase_me.ase_uv_channels[1].seams
for k,ase_ed in ase_me.ase_edges.iteritems():
if or not ase_ed.visible or k in seam_keys:
edi = me.findEdges(k[0],k[1])
if edi:
ed = me.edges[edi]
if ase_me.hasUV and k in seam_keys and IMP_SEAMS: ed.flag |= SEAM
if not ase_ed.visible and IMP_FGONS: ed.flag |= FGON
ed.flag |= SHARP
add_EDGESPLIT = True
# add EdgeSplit Modiefier when the mesh has sharp edges
# autosmooth is EXPERIMENTAL! because i dont know if this is correct!
mod = ob.modifiers.append(Blender.Modifier.Types.EDGESPLIT)
if not ase_me.autosmooth:
mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_FROM_ANGLE] = 0
mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_ANGLE] = ase_me.autosmooth
mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.EDGESPLIT_FROM_SHARP] = 1
ob.makeDisplayList() # Needed to apply the modifier
elif not add_EDGESPLIT and ase_me.autosmooth:
me.modes |= AUTOSMOOTH
me.degr = ase_me.autosmooth
# it is needed to read UV if Seams should be imported even when importing UV is disabled
READ_UV = False
ase_objects = []
ase_ob = False
for line in lines:
if OPT_PROGRESSBAR and not (PB_index % 10000):
Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(PB_index / PB_num, "Read File...")
PB_index += 1
words = line.split()
if not words:
word0 = words[0]
if word0 == '*GEOMOBJECT':
#if ase_ob: ase_objects.append(ase_ob)
ase_ob_type = word0.lower()[1:-6] #get rid of '*' and 'OBJECT'
ase_ob = Ase_object(ase_ob_type)
# Not supported objects!
# because these objects too use a TM_NODE,
# ase_ob should be set back to False to prevent errors.
ase_ob = False
elif word0 == '*NODE_NAME' and ase_ob:
name = words[1][1:-1] #get rid of '"'
if ase_ob and != '': = name
elif ase_ob: = name
elif word0 == '*NODE_PARENT' and ase_ob:
ase_ob.parent = words[1][1:-1] #get rid of '"'
elif word0 == '*TM_ROW0' and ase_ob:
ase_ob.row0 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3])
elif word0 == '*TM_ROW1' and ase_ob:
ase_ob.row1 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3])
elif word0 == '*TM_ROW2' and ase_ob:
ase_ob.row2 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3])
elif word0 == '*TM_ROW3' and ase_ob:
ase_ob.row3 = float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3])
elif word0 == '*MESH':
ase_me = ase_ob.ase_data
elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMVERTEX':
ase_me.num['VERTEX'] = int(words[1])
elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMFACES':
ase_me.num['FACES'] = int(words[1])
elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTEX':
#vert_index, x, y, z
elif word0 == '*MESH_FACE':
#ase_face_index, vi0, vi1, vi2, AB, BC, CA, smooth_groups, mat_indicies
#smooth = mat = False
ase_face_index = words[1]
if ase_face_index.endswith(':'):
ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1]
smooth_groups = mat_indices = []
for i,w in enumerate(words):
if words[i+1] != '*MESH_MTLID':
smooth_groups = [int(i) for i in words[i+1].split(',')]
smooth_groups = 0
mat_indices = [int(i) for i in words[i+1].split(',')]
mat_indices = 0
elif READ_UV:
if word0 == '*MESH_NUMTVERTEX':
if not ase_me.ase_uv_channels: ase_me.append_uv_channel()
ase_me.active_uv.num['TVERTEX'] = int(words[1])
ase_me.hasUV = True
elif word0 == '*MESH_MAPPINGCHANNEL':
# uv_channel_index
elif word0 == '*MESH_TVERT':
#uv_index, u, v, w
elif word0 == '*MESH_NUMTVFACES':
ase_me.active_uv.num['TVFACES'] = int(words[1])
elif word0 == '*MESH_TFACE':
#ase_face_index, uv0, uv1, uv2, opt_IMP_SEAMS
ase_face_index = words[1]
if ase_face_index.endswith(':'):
ase_face_index = ase_face_index[:-1]
if word0 == '*MESH_NUMCVERTEX':
ase_me.num['CVERTEX'] = int(words[1])
if ase_me.num['CVERTEX']:
ase_me.hasVC = True
elif word0 == '*MESH_VERTCOL':
#color_index, r, g, b
Goofos@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:00 am Post subject: ASE Importer: I made a first small script to import ASE meshes. Its not perfect and may a bit lame but should import correct meshes (from 3DS). Materials are currently not supported but UV coords and VertexColors.
Note: Meshes from 3DS are very big in Blender
# goofos at
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import string, time, sys as osSys
import Blender
from Blender import Draw, Mesh, Window, Object, Scene
#import meshtools
# Get USER Options
pup_block = [('Import Options'),('Vertex Color', IMPORT_VC, 'Import Vertex Colors if exist'),('UV', IMPORT_UV, 'Import UV if exist'),]
if not Draw.PupBlock('Import...', pup_block):
if __name__ == '__main__':
Window.FileSelector(read_ui, 'Import ASCII Scene', ('.ase'))
Last edited by Goofos on Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:25 pm; edited 4 times in total Bittoman@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:12 pm Post subject: : Nice job, thanks Goofos! kat@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 10:30 pm Post subject: : Not tried it yet but 'GG' on doing this one. Another step up the ladder for Blender! _________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips kat@Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 8:04 pm Post subject: : Just tried this script for the 1st time and encountered the following error with Blender 2.41 when run as a script from the text window (Alt+P).
IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level
File "goofosASE_import_17Ap", line 295
if obj.objType == 'Mesh':
_________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips Goofos@Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 3:58 pm Post subject: : Should work now. Seems my OS is a bit more tollerant with format errors :> OrbWeaver@Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 10:43 am Post subject: : I haven't tried this but it sounds great. Until now ASE has been almost universally considered an "export-only" format. kat@Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 5:33 pm Post subject: New error: New error when doing Ctrl+P to run the script
_________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips Goofos@Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 3:07 pm Post subject: : There was a space at end of the line if you copy/paste the script from the forum. I have put the array in one line, should work now. kat@Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 6:19 pm Post subject: : DUDE!! sorted. Both vertex and UVW import work fine and dandy. _________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips Goofos@Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:07 pm Post subject: : Fixed a problem with the matrices, dont know why this suddenly happened.
I quickly updated it again (to v0.12) to use some improvements of 2.42 (which doesn't worked with 2.40). Now it should import (big) meshes much faster.
Last edited by Goofos on Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:34 pm; edited 1 time in total Tweaker@Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:29 am Post subject: : Excellent, I was having problems importing with 2.42a, but this seems to have fixed it. Thanks. Goofos@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:00 am Post subject: ASE Importer: I made a first small script to import ASE meshes. Its not perfect and may a bit lame but should import correct meshes (from 3DS). Materials are currently not supported but UV coords and VertexColors.
Note: Meshes from 3DS are very big in Blender
# goofos at
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import string, time, sys as osSys
import Blender
from Blender import Draw, Mesh, Window, Object, Scene
#import meshtools
# Get USER Options
pup_block = [('Import Options'),('Vertex Color', IMPORT_VC, 'Import Vertex Colors if exist'),('UV', IMPORT_UV, 'Import UV if exist'),]
if not Draw.PupBlock('Import...', pup_block):
if __name__ == '__main__':
Window.FileSelector(read_ui, 'Import ASCII Scene', ('.ase'))
Last edited by Goofos on Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:25 pm; edited 4 times in total Bittoman@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:12 pm Post subject: : Nice job, thanks Goofos! kat@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 10:30 pm Post subject: : Not tried it yet but 'GG' on doing this one. Another step up the ladder for Blender! _________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips kat@Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 8:04 pm Post subject: : Just tried this script for the 1st time and encountered the following error with Blender 2.41 when run as a script from the text window (Alt+P).
IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level
File "goofosASE_import_17Ap", line 295
if obj.objType == 'Mesh':
_________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips Goofos@Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 3:58 pm Post subject: : Should work now. Seems my OS is a bit more tollerant with format errors :> OrbWeaver@Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 10:43 am Post subject: : I haven't tried this but it sounds great. Until now ASE has been almost universally considered an "export-only" format. kat@Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 5:33 pm Post subject: New error: New error when doing Ctrl+P to run the script
_________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips Goofos@Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 3:07 pm Post subject: : There was a space at end of the line if you copy/paste the script from the forum. I have put the array in one line, should work now. kat@Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 6:19 pm Post subject: : DUDE!! sorted. Both vertex and UVW import work fine and dandy. _________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips Goofos@Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:07 pm Post subject: : Fixed a problem with the matrices, dont know why this suddenly happened.
I quickly updated it again (to v0.12) to use some improvements of 2.42 (which doesn't worked with 2.40). Now it should import (big) meshes much faster.
Last edited by Goofos on Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:34 pm; edited 1 time in total Tweaker@Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:29 am Post subject: : Excellent, I was having problems importing with 2.42a, but this seems to have fixed it. Thanks. Goofos@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:00 am Post subject: ASE Importer: I made a first small script to import ASE meshes. Its not perfect and may a bit lame but should import correct meshes (from 3DS). Materials are currently not supported but UV coords and VertexColors.
Note: Meshes from 3DS are very big in Blender
# goofos at
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import string, time, sys as osSys
import Blender
from Blender import Draw, Mesh, Window, Object, Scene
#import meshtools
# Get USER Options
pup_block = [('Import Options'),('Vertex Color', IMPORT_VC, 'Import Vertex Colors if exist'),('UV', IMPORT_UV, 'Import UV if exist'),]
if not Draw.PupBlock('Import...', pup_block):
if __name__ == '__main__':
Window.FileSelector(read_ui, 'Import ASCII Scene', ('.ase'))
Last edited by Goofos on Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:25 pm; edited 4 times in total Bittoman@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:12 pm Post subject: : Nice job, thanks Goofos! kat@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 10:30 pm Post subject: : Not tried it yet but 'GG' on doing this one. Another step up the ladder for Blender! _________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips kat@Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 8:04 pm Post subject: : Just tried this script for the 1st time and encountered the following error with Blender 2.41 when run as a script from the text window (Alt+P).
IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level
File "goofosASE_import_17Ap", line 295
if obj.objType == 'Mesh':
_________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips Goofos@Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 3:58 pm Post subject: : Should work now. Seems my OS is a bit more tollerant with format errors :> OrbWeaver@Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 10:43 am Post subject: : I haven't tried this but it sounds great. Until now ASE has been almost universally considered an "export-only" format. kat@Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 5:33 pm Post subject: New error: New error when doing Ctrl+P to run the script
_________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips Goofos@Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 3:07 pm Post subject: : There was a space at end of the line if you copy/paste the script from the forum. I have put the array in one line, should work now. kat@Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 6:19 pm Post subject: : DUDE!! sorted. Both vertex and UVW import work fine and dandy. _________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips Goofos@Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:07 pm Post subject: : Fixed a problem with the matrices, dont know why this suddenly happened.
I quickly updated it again (to v0.12) to use some improvements of 2.42 (which doesn't worked with 2.40). Now it should import (big) meshes much faster.
Last edited by Goofos on Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:34 pm; edited 1 time in total Tweaker@Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:29 am Post subject: : Excellent, I was having problems importing with 2.42a, but this seems to have fixed it. Thanks. Goofos@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:00 am Post subject: ASE Importer: I made a first small script to import ASE meshes. Its not perfect and may a bit lame but should import correct meshes (from 3DS). Materials are currently not supported but UV coords and VertexColors.
Note: Meshes from 3DS are very big in Blender
# goofos at
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import string, time, sys as osSys
import Blender
from Blender import Draw, Mesh, Window, Object, Scene
#import meshtools
# Get USER Options
pup_block = [('Import Options'),('Vertex Color', IMPORT_VC, 'Import Vertex Colors if exist'),('UV', IMPORT_UV, 'Import UV if exist'),]
if not Draw.PupBlock('Import...', pup_block):
if __name__ == '__main__':
Window.FileSelector(read_ui, 'Import ASCII Scene', ('.ase'))
Last edited by Goofos on Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:25 pm; edited 4 times in total Bittoman@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:12 pm Post subject: : Nice job, thanks Goofos! kat@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 10:30 pm Post subject: : Not tried it yet but 'GG' on doing this one. Another step up the ladder for Blender! _________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips kat@Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 8:04 pm Post subject: : Just tried this script for the 1st time and encountered the following error with Blender 2.41 when run as a script from the text window (Alt+P).
IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level
File "goofosASE_import_17Ap", line 295
if obj.objType == 'Mesh':
_________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips Goofos@Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 3:58 pm Post subject: : Should work now. Seems my OS is a bit more tollerant with format errors :> OrbWeaver@Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 10:43 am Post subject: : I haven't tried this but it sounds great. Until now ASE has been almost universally considered an "export-only" format. kat@Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 5:33 pm Post subject: New error: New error when doing Ctrl+P to run the script
_________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips Goofos@Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 3:07 pm Post subject: : There was a space at end of the line if you copy/paste the script from the forum. I have put the array in one line, should work now. kat@Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 6:19 pm Post subject: : DUDE!! sorted. Both vertex and UVW import work fine and dandy. _________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips Goofos@Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:07 pm Post subject: : Fixed a problem with the matrices, dont know why this suddenly happened.
I quickly updated it again (to v0.12) to use some improvements of 2.42 (which doesn't worked with 2.40). Now it should import (big) meshes much faster.
Last edited by Goofos on Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:34 pm; edited 1 time in total Tweaker@Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:29 am Post subject: : Excellent, I was having problems importing with 2.42a, but this seems to have fixed it. Thanks. Goofos@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:00 am Post subject: ASE Importer: I made a first small script to import ASE meshes. Its not perfect and may a bit lame but should import correct meshes (from 3DS). Materials are currently not supported but UV coords and VertexColors.
Note: Meshes from 3DS are very big in Blender
# goofos at
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import string, time, sys as osSys
import Blender
from Blender import Draw, Mesh, Window, Object, Scene
#import meshtools
# Get USER Options
pup_block = [('Import Options'),('Vertex Color', IMPORT_VC, 'Import Vertex Colors if exist'),('UV', IMPORT_UV, 'Import UV if exist'),]
if not Draw.PupBlock('Import...', pup_block):
if __name__ == '__main__':
Window.FileSelector(read_ui, 'Import ASCII Scene', ('.ase'))
Last edited by Goofos on Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:25 pm; edited 4 times in total Bittoman@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:12 pm Post subject: : Nice job, thanks Goofos! kat@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 10:30 pm Post subject: : Not tried it yet but 'GG' on doing this one. Another step up the ladder for Blender! _________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips kat@Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 8:04 pm Post subject: : Just tried this script for the 1st time and encountered the following error with Blender 2.41 when run as a script from the text window (Alt+P).
IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level
File "goofosASE_import_17Ap", line 295
if obj.objType == 'Mesh':
_________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips Goofos@Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 3:58 pm Post subject: : Should work now. Seems my OS is a bit more tollerant with format errors :> OrbWeaver@Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 10:43 am Post subject: : I haven't tried this but it sounds great. Until now ASE has been almost universally considered an "export-only" format. kat@Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 5:33 pm Post subject: New error: New error when doing Ctrl+P to run the script
_________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips Goofos@Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 3:07 pm Post subject: : There was a space at end of the line if you copy/paste the script from the forum. I have put the array in one line, should work now. kat@Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 6:19 pm Post subject: : DUDE!! sorted. Both vertex and UVW import work fine and dandy. _________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips Goofos@Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:07 pm Post subject: : Fixed a problem with the matrices, dont know why this suddenly happened.
I quickly updated it again (to v0.12) to use some improvements of 2.42 (which doesn't worked with 2.40). Now it should import (big) meshes much faster.
Last edited by Goofos on Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:34 pm; edited 1 time in total Tweaker@Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:29 am Post subject: : Excellent, I was having problems importing with 2.42a, but this seems to have fixed it. Thanks. Goofos@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:00 am Post subject: ASE Importer: I made a first small script to import ASE meshes. Its not perfect and may a bit lame but should import correct meshes (from 3DS). Materials are currently not supported but UV coords and VertexColors.
Note: Meshes from 3DS are very big in Blender
# goofos at
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import string, time, sys as osSys
import Blender
from Blender import Draw, Mesh, Window, Object, Scene
#import meshtools
# Get USER Options
pup_block = [('Import Options'),('Vertex Color', IMPORT_VC, 'Import Vertex Colors if exist'),('UV', IMPORT_UV, 'Import UV if exist'),]
if not Draw.PupBlock('Import...', pup_block):
if __name__ == '__main__':
Window.FileSelector(read_ui, 'Import ASCII Scene', ('.ase'))
Last edited by Goofos on Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:25 pm; edited 4 times in total Bittoman@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:12 pm Post subject: : Nice job, thanks Goofos! kat@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 10:30 pm Post subject: : Not tried it yet but 'GG' on doing this one. Another step up the ladder for Blender! _________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips kat@Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 8:04 pm Post subject: : Just tried this script for the 1st time and encountered the following error with Blender 2.41 when run as a script from the text window (Alt+P).
IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level
File "goofosASE_import_17Ap", line 295
if obj.objType == 'Mesh':
_________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips Goofos@Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 3:58 pm Post subject: : Should work now. Seems my OS is a bit more tollerant with format errors :> OrbWeaver@Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 10:43 am Post subject: : I haven't tried this but it sounds great. Until now ASE has been almost universally considered an "export-only" format. kat@Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 5:33 pm Post subject: New error: New error when doing Ctrl+P to run the script
_________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips Goofos@Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 3:07 pm Post subject: : There was a space at end of the line if you copy/paste the script from the forum. I have put the array in one line, should work now. kat@Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 6:19 pm Post subject: : DUDE!! sorted. Both vertex and UVW import work fine and dandy. _________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips Goofos@Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:07 pm Post subject: : Fixed a problem with the matrices, dont know why this suddenly happened.
I quickly updated it again (to v0.12) to use some improvements of 2.42 (which doesn't worked with 2.40). Now it should import (big) meshes much faster.
Last edited by Goofos on Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:34 pm; edited 1 time in total Tweaker@Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:29 am Post subject: : Excellent, I was having problems importing with 2.42a, but this seems to have fixed it. Thanks. Goofos@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:00 am Post subject: ASE Importer: I made a first small script to import ASE meshes. Its not perfect and may a bit lame but should import correct meshes (from 3DS). Materials are currently not supported but UV coords and VertexColors.
Note: Meshes from 3DS are very big in Blender
# goofos at
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import string, time, sys as osSys
import Blender
from Blender import Draw, Mesh, Window, Object, Scene
#import meshtools
# Get USER Options
pup_block = [('Import Options'),('Vertex Color', IMPORT_VC, 'Import Vertex Colors if exist'),('UV', IMPORT_UV, 'Import UV if exist'),]
if not Draw.PupBlock('Import...', pup_block):
if __name__ == '__main__':
Window.FileSelector(read_ui, 'Import ASCII Scene', ('.ase'))
Last edited by Goofos on Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:25 pm; edited 4 times in total Bittoman@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:12 pm Post subject: : Nice job, thanks Goofos! kat@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 10:30 pm Post subject: : Not tried it yet but 'GG' on doing this one. Another step up the ladder for Blender! _________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips kat@Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 8:04 pm Post subject: : Just tried this script for the 1st time and encountered the following error with Blender 2.41 when run as a script from the text window (Alt+P).
IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level
File "goofosASE_import_17Ap", line 295
if obj.objType == 'Mesh':
_________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips Goofos@Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 3:58 pm Post subject: : Should work now. Seems my OS is a bit more tollerant with format errors :> OrbWeaver@Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 10:43 am Post subject: : I haven't tried this but it sounds great. Until now ASE has been almost universally considered an "export-only" format. kat@Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 5:33 pm Post subject: New error: New error when doing Ctrl+P to run the script