ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 4:05 am : If RTCW2 is as bad as Quake 4 I will pass till it comes out of the bargain bin, Q4 is the most trite gun and run game (I.E. mediocre at best) I have played yet,Quake 2 is far more advanced in setting and theme than Q4 is....
ET:QW looks like it had a lot of thought put into it its a shame they could not conglomerated on it and got a fine SP and MP game out it seems to me Q4 was a rush job in almost every respect....
Zakyrus_theOmega@Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 12:55 pm : vinnie_jones wrote:
in my experience one should avoid "leaked" copies of, well, generally everything, the likelyhood of a trojan or virus is very high
vinnie_jones is right. Leak = Virus.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:11 pm : Zakyrus_theOmega wrote:
vinnie_jones wrote:
in my experience one should avoid "leaked" copies of, well, generally everything, the likelyhood of a trojan or virus is very high
vinnie_jones is right. Leak = Virus.
meh leaks are pointless unless tis from a well known group LOL
even then lil point and messing with a MP game leak.
BNA!@Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:40 pm : ZippyDSMlee wrote:
meh leaks are pointless unless tis from a well known group LOL
even then lil point and messing with a MP game leak.
You know that talking anything warez will get you and anyone else banned from here.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:47 pm : BNA! wrote:
ZippyDSMlee wrote:
meh leaks are pointless unless tis from a well known group LOL
even then lil point and messing with a MP game leak.
You know that talking anything warez will get you and anyone else banned from here.
My bad, just to clarify are cracks bad as well?
kat@Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 2:27 pm : Yes. Any talk that promotes the idea of being that cheap deserves a banning.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 2:37 pm : kat wrote:
Yes. Any talk that promotes the idea of being that cheap deserves a banning.
Nothing cheap about playing it without the disc if you own the game(one can only have so many USB boxs

), and with the install token stupidity of securom where you have 5 installs for 5 PCs/OS's (reinstall on the same OS dose not count,only when you reinstall the OS and the game dose it count) and then the game is bricked until you call in and beg for reactivation of a product you bought.
There is a reason why cracks fall under fair use, but I'll remember not to get into anti corporate mode here

I'll stick to nawing on code(and having it beat the crap out of me) and whining at the occasional mediocre game ^^
kat@Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 2:49 pm : If you own the media then that's fine.. but generally speaking, and you know this as well as I or anyone here does, when people talk of "cracks" and "warez" they don't own the media, so any talk of that carries with it the implied assumption that that's what's going on "I wantz to playz this gamezor but I an't payingz for it'z"
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 2:59 pm : kat wrote:
If you own the media then that's fine.. but generally speaking, and you know this as well as I or anyone here does, when people talk of "cracks" and "warez" they don't own the media, so any talk of that carries with it the implied assumption that that's what's going on "I wantz to playz this gamezor but I an't payingz for it'z"
kat wrote:
If you own the media then that's fine.. but generally speaking, and you know this as well as I or anyone here does, when people talk of "cracks" and "warez" they don't own the media, so any talk of that carries with it the implied assumption that that's what's going on "I wantz to playz this gamezor but I an't payingz for it'z"
I know I know but I get the fur up over the stigma of it, after all nothing like a new 50$ medicore or crap games to make it a "option" to the one burned so many times, hell I pined some hope on Bioshock and what do they go and do water it down for the console then top it off slightly OTT DRM BS and bugs...*sigh* its a good thing I didn't spend 130 on launch for a collectors box...I managed to get it off ebay for 30, fool listed it as 360 and PC versions I got 10 back for the bad listing(40 total) I think Ebay is my best option now adays no game over 30$ ever more!
and Jericho looks so nice too ;_; I wonder how "toned down" for the 360 it is 0-o
Zippy is entering rant mode and nearing the hammer ><
sorry sorry ><
sxotty@Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 3:56 pm : kat wrote:
If you own the media then that's fine.. but generally speaking, and you know this as well as I or anyone here does, when people talk of "cracks" and "warez" they don't own the media, so any talk of that carries with it the implied assumption that that's what's going on "I wantz to playz this gamezor but I an't payingz for it'z"
Actually when I have a new game (that I bought) the first thing I do is go and see if there is a nocd crack b/c I hate having to fiddle with the stupid cds or dvds, don't want to scratch them, or wait for them to spin up when I want to play. Admittedly though the last two games I bought, the cracks I got did not even work so I was stuck finding the CD and waiting when I wanted to play. Of course I did not look hard or anything.
48 hours madness sale is the place to get game btw.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:07 pm : they look good to me. but are they just grabs from the trailer?
CrimsonHead@Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:24 pm : The game is being primarily developed on the X-box 360 first and then ported to the PC so any graphical cruddiness is most likely in order to accomodate the 360's limitations. It looks acceptable to me, it's not terrible, but some things could be better, the Doom³ engine is starting to look a little dated since we've been seeing all this Rage media, but Rage is'nt out yet and it looks a heck of a lot better than the Source engine. The only thing that really bothers me is those blue creatures inside the veil look a lot like blue Headcrabs to me, and those diode things on the armored Nazis shoulders look too stroggish, just about every monster in Quake 4 had those things on their backs, shoulders, and arms.
Kristus@Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:34 pm : I dunno what to say about this really. I've thought that the characters looked bad from the first view I've got of 'Wolfenstein'. They all seem lifeless in their expression. The same thing plagued QuakeIV though, but not as much as here. This makes them look like puppets. Doom 3 was much better at this, making the human characters come alive a lot more. Also in ETQW the humans are more life like than in this. Even if they don't really change their facial expressions. They are very well modeled.
But in Wolfenstein. They all look stale and dead. Their hands are as bad as their faces.
I said last week to a friend how I thought they were on comparable quality to the models in RTCW, a game nearly a decade older.
It's possible that the whole experience is tainted by the different lighting technique used in Wolfenstein over the other Tech 4 games. There's really not much in terms of shadows and such in any of the shots I've seen.
But, then I see this shot and I think. Maybe it won't be so bad after all: ... eshow=true
CrimsonHead@Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:44 pm : I wonder if you'll have some kind of zippo lighter or flashlight, there were a couple parts in RTCW even where it was almost too dark in the crypts and I wanted a flashlight.
leifhv@Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 6:48 pm : It's being targeted at machines that have 512mb of ram...shared between the CPU and GPU. A common gaming PC today has 512mb for the GPU alone. It's obvious that this will affect graphics fidelity and, more important, level design.
id is making no secret of the fact that they won't spend much time on making improvements to the PC versions of their game. PC gamers will get the same textures, effects and level designs as the consoles.
Lets hope that Valve, Crytek and others continue to make use of the PC advantages in the coming years.
Krollspell@Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:26 pm : I don't believe the PC version will get the same textures - that wouldn't make sense. Carmack stated that in Rage, the PC players would be able to crank up the texture detail... Though this is in id tech 5 and not 4. Ah, I don't know...
pbmax@Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 8:03 pm : the only thing that will get "cranked up" on the PC would be fame rate and resolution. don't count on getting crisper textures.
Gena@Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:23 pm : X-box 360/PS3 version - format of the textures is dds
PC version - format of the textures is tga
Mordenkainen@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 12:56 am : Gena wrote:
X-box 360/PS3 version - format of the textures is dds
PC version - format of the textures is tga
So, what you're saying is that on the PC we'll have to endure an extra 20 seconds of loadtime while the game generates the mip-map pyramid and stuff? Or do you mean that the video card will be shuffling around 32bps of actual honest to goodness uncompressed textures around? Oh geez, I can see the bandwidth train derailing already.
Also, dds vs TGA quality difference is overrated. DXT1 can be quite crappy in some situations but there's nothing stopping you from using DXT3 or DXT5 even for 3-channel assets. DOOM in Ultra quality used uncompressed textures too; you could sometimes notice a difference but you had to actively look for it. Enabling AF 8-tap was far more useful.
Anyway, about these high-rez shots. I think it's confirmed they're not using shadow volumes. I do wish they'd use ETQW's tree assets though. The one in the last shot looks terrible.

qwertz123@Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 11:39 pm : listen to that man! though i dont like him, cuz he stole my quakewars key (thx god someone else did believe in me!) but your comparison lacks alot of knowlegde (even et:qw had no tga's anymore) so what ever; i still believe!
Kristus@Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 3:23 am : Mordenkainen wrote:
DOOM in Ultra quality used uncompressed textures too; you could sometimes notice a difference but you had to actively look for it. Enabling AF 8-tap was far more useful.
Yeah, but compared to Hi quality mode it was just the the specular map that was still DDS file. Anyway. I for one heartily welcome TGA textures after having been exposed to all these Unreal 3 engine games where the compression is constantly so ever present.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:25 pm : Kristus wrote:
Mordenkainen wrote:
DOOM in Ultra quality used uncompressed textures too; you could sometimes notice a difference but you had to actively look for it. Enabling AF 8-tap was far more useful.
Yeah, but compared to Hi quality mode it was just the the specular map that was still DDS file.
In High Quality
only the normal maps are uncompressed.
Gena@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 12:26 pm : 8 Hi-Res screens (3556 x 2000)from the first screenshot (upper left corner) -
pbmax@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 1:47 pm : Gena wrote:
from the first screenshot (upper left corner) -
WTF?must be a skilled sniper that cut a small hole in the glass.
Hostyle@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 8:14 pm : The game looks more and more terrible. Looks so oldskool. Unoptimized engine forced them to make this shity graphics and the whole idea of magical world button just totaly turns me off. I say dont develop this game anymore please. Thanks.
evilartist@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 10:01 pm : The graphics may be mediocre, but I just hope it'll be fun. What's the point of comparing Wolf to D3 anyway? Just because they both use the same engine, that doesn't mean both id and Raven have equal talent in their art department.
qwertz123@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:40 pm : hostyle has some truth and i wouldnt be surprised if atvi would cancel the producer role. maybe jc can help us outa here...
so where the fuck is blaskowitz!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:07 pm : they look good to me. but are they just grabs from the trailer?
CrimsonHead@Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:24 pm : The game is being primarily developed on the X-box 360 first and then ported to the PC so any graphical cruddiness is most likely in order to accomodate the 360's limitations. It looks acceptable to me, it's not terrible, but some things could be better, the Doom³ engine is starting to look a little dated since we've been seeing all this Rage media, but Rage is'nt out yet and it looks a heck of a lot better than the Source engine. The only thing that really bothers me is those blue creatures inside the veil look a lot like blue Headcrabs to me, and those diode things on the armored Nazis shoulders look too stroggish, just about every monster in Quake 4 had those things on their backs, shoulders, and arms.
Kristus@Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:34 pm : I dunno what to say about this really. I've thought that the characters looked bad from the first view I've got of 'Wolfenstein'. They all seem lifeless in their expression. The same thing plagued QuakeIV though, but not as much as here. This makes them look like puppets. Doom 3 was much better at this, making the human characters come alive a lot more. Also in ETQW the humans are more life like than in this. Even if they don't really change their facial expressions. They are very well modeled.
But in Wolfenstein. They all look stale and dead. Their hands are as bad as their faces.
I said last week to a friend how I thought they were on comparable quality to the models in RTCW, a game nearly a decade older.
It's possible that the whole experience is tainted by the different lighting technique used in Wolfenstein over the other Tech 4 games. There's really not much in terms of shadows and such in any of the shots I've seen.
But, then I see this shot and I think. Maybe it won't be so bad after all: ... eshow=true
CrimsonHead@Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:44 pm : I wonder if you'll have some kind of zippo lighter or flashlight, there were a couple parts in RTCW even where it was almost too dark in the crypts and I wanted a flashlight.
leifhv@Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 6:48 pm : It's being targeted at machines that have 512mb of ram...shared between the CPU and GPU. A common gaming PC today has 512mb for the GPU alone. It's obvious that this will affect graphics fidelity and, more important, level design.
id is making no secret of the fact that they won't spend much time on making improvements to the PC versions of their game. PC gamers will get the same textures, effects and level designs as the consoles.
Lets hope that Valve, Crytek and others continue to make use of the PC advantages in the coming years.
Krollspell@Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:26 pm : I don't believe the PC version will get the same textures - that wouldn't make sense. Carmack stated that in Rage, the PC players would be able to crank up the texture detail... Though this is in id tech 5 and not 4. Ah, I don't know...
pbmax@Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 8:03 pm : the only thing that will get "cranked up" on the PC would be fame rate and resolution. don't count on getting crisper textures.
Gena@Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:23 pm : X-box 360/PS3 version - format of the textures is dds
PC version - format of the textures is tga
Mordenkainen@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 12:56 am : Gena wrote:
X-box 360/PS3 version - format of the textures is dds
PC version - format of the textures is tga
So, what you're saying is that on the PC we'll have to endure an extra 20 seconds of loadtime while the game generates the mip-map pyramid and stuff? Or do you mean that the video card will be shuffling around 32bps of actual honest to goodness uncompressed textures around? Oh geez, I can see the bandwidth train derailing already.
Also, dds vs TGA quality difference is overrated. DXT1 can be quite crappy in some situations but there's nothing stopping you from using DXT3 or DXT5 even for 3-channel assets. DOOM in Ultra quality used uncompressed textures too; you could sometimes notice a difference but you had to actively look for it. Enabling AF 8-tap was far more useful.
Anyway, about these high-rez shots. I think it's confirmed they're not using shadow volumes. I do wish they'd use ETQW's tree assets though. The one in the last shot looks terrible.

qwertz123@Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 11:39 pm : listen to that man! though i dont like him, cuz he stole my quakewars key (thx god someone else did believe in me!) but your comparison lacks alot of knowlegde (even et:qw had no tga's anymore) so what ever; i still believe!
Kristus@Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 3:23 am : Mordenkainen wrote:
DOOM in Ultra quality used uncompressed textures too; you could sometimes notice a difference but you had to actively look for it. Enabling AF 8-tap was far more useful.
Yeah, but compared to Hi quality mode it was just the the specular map that was still DDS file. Anyway. I for one heartily welcome TGA textures after having been exposed to all these Unreal 3 engine games where the compression is constantly so ever present.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:25 pm : Kristus wrote:
Mordenkainen wrote:
DOOM in Ultra quality used uncompressed textures too; you could sometimes notice a difference but you had to actively look for it. Enabling AF 8-tap was far more useful.
Yeah, but compared to Hi quality mode it was just the the specular map that was still DDS file.
In High Quality
only the normal maps are uncompressed.
Gena@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 12:26 pm : 8 Hi-Res screens (3556 x 2000)from the first screenshot (upper left corner) -
pbmax@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 1:47 pm : Gena wrote:
from the first screenshot (upper left corner) -
WTF?must be a skilled sniper that cut a small hole in the glass.
Hostyle@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 8:14 pm : The game looks more and more terrible. Looks so oldskool. Unoptimized engine forced them to make this shity graphics and the whole idea of magical world button just totaly turns me off. I say dont develop this game anymore please. Thanks.
evilartist@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 10:01 pm : The graphics may be mediocre, but I just hope it'll be fun. What's the point of comparing Wolf to D3 anyway? Just because they both use the same engine, that doesn't mean both id and Raven have equal talent in their art department.
qwertz123@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:40 pm : hostyle has some truth and i wouldnt be surprised if atvi would cancel the producer role. maybe jc can help us outa here...
so where the fuck is blaskowitz!