Me and a friend were playing Aliens vs Predator2 some time ago, and had lots of fun. The only drawback = the game is old and looks pretty bad.
The gameplay for those who don't know of it:
You can play as one of the 3 races brought together by a crossover by 20th Century Fox: Alien, Marine, or Predator.
Marines are standard FPS. They get some guns, and are set out to be killed.
The Predators behave as their counterparts from the movies. They can jump high, fight with retractable claws, become invisible, pin people to walls.
The Aliens can run on walls, jump high, and get hitpoints from eating corpses.
AvP mods get "foxed", that means Fox forbids them to use their intellectual property, and they get shut down. So one might muse the gameplay of the brilliant AvP2 to create something on Doom3?
Only 2 teams this time: Doom3 USMC Marines, against the demons of hell.
All models, textures and sounds are taken from Doom3.
Marines play as marines, get several "classes" or weapon loadouts, and act as cannonfodder

Demons on the other hand can do the wall-crawl stuff (as Imps and those 2headed things do in Doom3) Throw fireballs, spawn AI Trites/Ticks/Lostsouls to attack the marines.
As for gameplay? Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Objective of some sort.
All this set in the dark and brooding athmosphere of Doom3. Even in "vanilla" Doom3, with max 4 players on a MP server this would work IMO.
sounds interesting but have u got any screenshots or concept art?
....or are u waiting for sum1 else to do it

you consider avp2 dated? I don't even consider avp1 dated & it's as old as Q3.

And I don't consider q3 dated

I dont consider it dated either I consider it out-dated

Good idea, how you can spawn trites and stuff that would be interesting.
I think it would suffice to make you able to play for a daemon.
Like, lots of innocent people (Mars city -like levels) and you (imp/hellknight/lostsoul ?) messing around. Oh yeah, beware of marines, they shoot back sometimes

Bo$bevok wrote:
sounds interesting but have u got any screenshots or concept art?
....or are u waiting for sum1 else to do it

I was just tossing ideas. Tied down with too much work as it is, learning about the D3 engine. Maybe when i can stand my ground i will make something of this.
=NoMercy= wrote:
I dont consider it dated either I consider it out-dated

dated = outdated -.-
Phobos wrote:
=NoMercy= wrote:
I dont consider it dated either I consider it out-dated

dated = outdated -.-
Nah, outdated usually means that it is obselete, whereas something that is just dated is old but can still be good/useful.
It is still good and useful. AvP2 that is. But the awesome looking aliens, and the murderous predator deserve a revamp. Imagine them with normal+spec maps, better animations, and new sounds