Code: |
*BITMAP "\\base\textures\bb2\rot_ssd" |
Code: |
{ qer_editorimage textures/bb2/rot_ssd.tga diffusemap textures/bb2/rot_ssd.tga { blend add map textures/bb2/rot_ssd.tga rgb 0.75 } } |
Code: |
skin skins/weapons/ww_machinegun
{ "textures/bb2/rot_ssd" "textures/bb2/rot_ssd" } skin skins/weapons/ww_machinegun_pickup { "textures/bb2/rot_ssd" "textures/common/nodraw" } |
Code: |
entityDef herrws_weapon_machinegun
{ "inherit" "weapon_machinegun" "model" "models/weapons/machinegun/mach2_d3.ase" "editor_ignore" "0" "inv_icon" "gfx/guis/hud/icons/item_machinegun.tga" "skin" "skins/weapons/ww_machinegun" "skin_pickup" "skins/weapons/ww_machinegun_pickup" } |
Herr W wrote: |
...What confuses me most is that exactly the same files work in Q4. The only difference is that "q4base" instead of just "base" in the *BITMAP path... |
Quote: | ||
Quote: |
With regards to skins.... I'm not entirely sure they're supposed to work with ASE/LWO models |
Code: |
entityDef weapon_machinegun {
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1" "editor_mins" "-16 -16 0" "editor_maxs" "16 16 32" "editor_usage" "Machinegun" "editor_rotatable" "1" "spawnclass" "idItem" "size" "32 32 32" "model" "models/weapons/machinegun/w_machinegun.lwo" "model_view" "viewmodel_machinegun" "model_world" "worldmodel_machinegun" "joint_attach" "MGATTACHER" "def_dropItem" "moveable_item_machinegun" "weaponAngleOffsetAverages" "10" "weaponAngleOffsetScale" ".25" "weaponAngleOffsetMax" "15" "weaponOffsetTime" "400" "weaponOffsetScale" "0.005" "inv_name" "Machinegun" "inv_weapon" "weapon_machinegun" "inv_ammo_clip" "10" "inv_item" "5" "weapon_scriptobject" "weapon_machinegun" "def_projectile" "projectile_bullet_machinegun" "ammoType" "ammo_clip" "ammoRequired" "1" "clipSize" "60" "lowAmmo" "10" "mtr_flashShader" "muzzleflash" "flashColor" "1 0.8 0.4" "flashRadius" "120" "silent_fire" "0" "gui" "guis/weapons/machinegun.gui" "mtr_guiLightShader" "lights/viewWeaponGuiLight" "icon" "guis/assets/hud/wpn_3" "muzzle_kick_time" "0.2" "muzzle_kick_maxtime" "0.6" "muzzle_kick_angles" "0 0 0" "muzzle_kick_offset" "1 1 2" "recoilTime" "145" "recoilAngles" "-1 0 0" "hide_time" "0.3" // time to hide weapon when talking to npcs or looking at guis "hide_distance" "-15" // distance to offset weapon when talking to npcs or looking at guis "smoke_muzzle" "mgmuzzlesmoke.prt" "def_ejectBrass" "debris_brass" "ejectBrassDelay" "10" "snd_acquire" "sound_weapon_acquire" "snd_respawn" "sound_weapon_respawn" "snd_lowammo" "player_machinegun_lowammo" "snd_glass" "bullet_impact_glass" "skin_invisible" "skins/machinegun_invis" "spread" "1" } |
Code: |
skin skins/machinegun_invis {
models/weapons/machinegun/machinegun models/weapons/machinegun/machinegun_invis models/characters/player/arm2 models/characters/player/arm2_invis models/weapons/machinegun/w_machinegun models/weapons/machinegun/w_machinegun_invis } |
Quote: |
If //base/ didn't work you could have tried the other references... //purgatory and //model.... |
Quote: |
You might be able to 'force the pickup effect but using a triggered fx event, you could either use a trigger field targeted at an fx entity or use the pickup entity itself. Both should trigger an effect entity place approx to the center or origin of the pickup. |
Code: |
*BITMAP "\\base\textures\bb2\rot_ssd" |
Code: |
{ qer_editorimage textures/bb2/rot_ssd.tga diffusemap textures/bb2/rot_ssd.tga { blend add map textures/bb2/rot_ssd.tga rgb 0.75 } } |
Code: |
skin skins/weapons/ww_machinegun
{ "textures/bb2/rot_ssd" "textures/bb2/rot_ssd" } skin skins/weapons/ww_machinegun_pickup { "textures/bb2/rot_ssd" "textures/common/nodraw" } |
Code: |
entityDef herrws_weapon_machinegun
{ "inherit" "weapon_machinegun" "model" "models/weapons/machinegun/mach2_d3.ase" "editor_ignore" "0" "inv_icon" "gfx/guis/hud/icons/item_machinegun.tga" "skin" "skins/weapons/ww_machinegun" "skin_pickup" "skins/weapons/ww_machinegun_pickup" } |
Herr W wrote: |
...What confuses me most is that exactly the same files work in Q4. The only difference is that "q4base" instead of just "base" in the *BITMAP path... |
Quote: | ||
Quote: |
With regards to skins.... I'm not entirely sure they're supposed to work with ASE/LWO models |
Code: |
entityDef weapon_machinegun {
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1" "editor_mins" "-16 -16 0" "editor_maxs" "16 16 32" "editor_usage" "Machinegun" "editor_rotatable" "1" "spawnclass" "idItem" "size" "32 32 32" "model" "models/weapons/machinegun/w_machinegun.lwo" "model_view" "viewmodel_machinegun" "model_world" "worldmodel_machinegun" "joint_attach" "MGATTACHER" "def_dropItem" "moveable_item_machinegun" "weaponAngleOffsetAverages" "10" "weaponAngleOffsetScale" ".25" "weaponAngleOffsetMax" "15" "weaponOffsetTime" "400" "weaponOffsetScale" "0.005" "inv_name" "Machinegun" "inv_weapon" "weapon_machinegun" "inv_ammo_clip" "10" "inv_item" "5" "weapon_scriptobject" "weapon_machinegun" "def_projectile" "projectile_bullet_machinegun" "ammoType" "ammo_clip" "ammoRequired" "1" "clipSize" "60" "lowAmmo" "10" "mtr_flashShader" "muzzleflash" "flashColor" "1 0.8 0.4" "flashRadius" "120" "silent_fire" "0" "gui" "guis/weapons/machinegun.gui" "mtr_guiLightShader" "lights/viewWeaponGuiLight" "icon" "guis/assets/hud/wpn_3" "muzzle_kick_time" "0.2" "muzzle_kick_maxtime" "0.6" "muzzle_kick_angles" "0 0 0" "muzzle_kick_offset" "1 1 2" "recoilTime" "145" "recoilAngles" "-1 0 0" "hide_time" "0.3" // time to hide weapon when talking to npcs or looking at guis "hide_distance" "-15" // distance to offset weapon when talking to npcs or looking at guis "smoke_muzzle" "mgmuzzlesmoke.prt" "def_ejectBrass" "debris_brass" "ejectBrassDelay" "10" "snd_acquire" "sound_weapon_acquire" "snd_respawn" "sound_weapon_respawn" "snd_lowammo" "player_machinegun_lowammo" "snd_glass" "bullet_impact_glass" "skin_invisible" "skins/machinegun_invis" "spread" "1" } |
Code: |
skin skins/machinegun_invis {
models/weapons/machinegun/machinegun models/weapons/machinegun/machinegun_invis models/characters/player/arm2 models/characters/player/arm2_invis models/weapons/machinegun/w_machinegun models/weapons/machinegun/w_machinegun_invis } |
Quote: |
If //base/ didn't work you could have tried the other references... //purgatory and //model.... |
Quote: |
You might be able to 'force the pickup effect but using a triggered fx event, you could either use a trigger field targeted at an fx entity or use the pickup entity itself. Both should trigger an effect entity place approx to the center or origin of the pickup. |