der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:36 pm : edit: Look at my latest post on page 4 of this thread.
viewtopic.php?p=130466#130466 info:
It has been completed a while ago, but BNA was away and couldn´t upload it. Thanks to him for uploading it so soon after his return!
Read the readme (duh), and read the other details that I included in the script itself (the header of the script is its own readme, kind of).
The script does NOT work with Blender2.30. Blender2.30 was announced as a "preview" version for the 2.3x gui features, and it apparently is exactly that, a
preview (get what I mean?). Just stick to 2.28a or 2.28c until they release a proper 2.3x.
Things to come: a new version of my md5viewer (300% speed gain

, more accurate lighting, especially on low-end cards), including an animated md5 character ("Bob", made by
Kat, look at the WIP forum here). Animation was done in Blender, using this script to export to md5.

BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:38 pm : Hey - my pleasure to click the upload button while you're doing all the awsome work!
Thanks to you man!!!
Onan@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:06 pm : 
Wow! That's really a big step forward to be able to use freeware for Doom3 animations. I think I will stay at Maya nevertheless, but it's good to know that this is possible now.
Would be cool if you could also write an exporter for 3DSMax Animation. There is already one that exports ASE to md5mesh, but until now you can't export the animations.
Good work!
der_ton@Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am : Ok, some "requirements" for that script:
As I mentioned, use Blender2.28a or 2.28c
Then, in order to execute complicated python scripts in Blender, you have to install Python. Download
Python2.2.3 here: (7 MB)
There are newer versions of Python, but this version is the one that works with Blender2.28. That should be the first step.
Then the next step is to update your system variables. You need a new system variable called PYTHONPATH, and it must be set to something like this:
Ofcourse that´s if you installed Python to C:\Python22
If you don´t know how to set that PYTHONPATH system variable, read more information:
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:11 pm : I just got python working, and I am wanting to try out this script. But when I press alt p I get an error. In the, How to use, part you said something about typing, meta alt p ? where do you type meta?
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:22 pm : what's the error (check both the DOSprompt box sitting behind the main app window and Blender highlighted text)
What Blender and Python vs you running?
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:27 pm : I'm on osx so there is no console. But the error says: ERROR: Python script error, check console. ?????
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:49 pm : I've not got Blender open atm but you should have the script open in the Blender script/text viewport? What normally happens is the error message pops up and when you 'ok' that it goes to and highlights the offending bit of the script... I don't have Mac so don't know if you actually get the same thing happening with errors.
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am : Ok when I try to start the script, and get the error, it highlights: buffer = buffer + meshes[0] . to_md5mesh()
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:26 am : I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
kat@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:30 am : ah right.. I think that's come up before.. do a search using the error term and see what pops up.. der_ton said someting specific to it iirc... something about the mesh you're exporting not having any animation assigned to it
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:08 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
You could also post the exact error message that is printed on Blender´s console (the dos window that comes up with blender).
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:09 pm : I think I have already mentioned that I'm on OSX so there is no console.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:12 am : Ooops, sorry...

Well is your model animated? You don´t have to do a whole animation, just define two different keyframes for at least one bone
(with the skeleton selected, go to "pose mode", select a bone and press I ('insert keyframe'), select "LocRot" for the requested type of keyframe. That sets the first keyframe. Then move the framecounter to a different frame, and then set another keyframe there.)
shadowdragon@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:44 pm : Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:28 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
Yep, sorry... I´ll update the script soon and that´ll be fixed then, too. In the meantime, give me as much feedback as possible so that the next version is as usable as possible.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:47 am : Hey I just got my linux box up and running

It's totaly awesome, and python and blender 2.32 work flawlessly. So as soon as my brrother will give me the linux, I'm gonna try out the scripts again, see if they work

der_ton@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:22 pm : I can already tell you that it´s not gonna work with Blender 2.3x, because they f***ed up some stuff in the Python API. But I´ll write a workaround soon.
In the meantime, you could try it on Linux with Blender 2.28, would be nice to know if that works.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:51 pm : Ok yea I'll try 2.28 as 2.32 sure didn't work

der_ton@Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm : There´s a new version,
It can export camera animations, and it has a GUI!

Userfriendlyness should have improved a bit.
And it works on Blenders from 2.28 until the newest, 2.32.

As always, I´m interested in any feedback. But especially from the Mac and Linux users, as I can´t test it there myself.
der_ton@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 7:45 pm : The md5 file format is particularly for animated characters (skeletal animation), which is done with "armatures" in Blender. To get static objects into a Doom3-engine game it is best to use ASE or LWO.
motorsep@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 9:28 pm : 2 emanon:
There you go, try this one: have to add Armature modifier to your mesh and define armature you want to deform you mesh. Another thing - don't scale, rotate or move armature in object mode. After you rig you mesh and paint weighs, select armature, move to Pose mode and do whatever you want there.
Super Happy Cow@Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 9:48 am : So, uhhh... Any chance there'll be a version of this that'll work with Quake Wars?
Every time I import an md5mesh from QW it gives me the bones, but not the actual mesh. Did I miss something?
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 1:45 pm : Super Happy Cow wrote:
So, uhhh... Any chance there'll be a version of this that'll work with Quake Wars?
Every time I import an md5mesh from QW it gives me the bones, but not the actual mesh. Did I miss something?
You are referring to the importer, I had it sitting on my HD for a while and just did some checking and finishing touches finally, thanks for the kick in the ass.
Super Happy Cow@Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 9:19 pm : Oooo, I'm soooo exciiiteeeed!
MasterSlowPoke@Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:11 am : I'm having trouble getting the bounds of MD5Animations to export correctly. Let me illustrate: This is frame 1 of my Jump animation for my model. The red box represents the bounds and the values of those planes are listed.

However, the bounds calculated by this script have incorrect yMin and yMax values:

I'm not sure if the error is on my part or your part. I'm selecting both the armature and the mesh when exporting and there aren't any other objects in the scene. I don't have any idea why it gets the y values wrong.
In addition to this error, when attempting to export another animation, Walk, all of the bounds are listed as <0,0,0>, which is obviously wrong.
I'm not sure if the bound values are actually useful for Doom 3, but I was planning on using this exporter to load skinned meshes into an XNA library, and I need correct bounding information for collision detection. I guess it's possible to calculate the bound myself when the model is loaded but that's a lot of work when there is room for it in the files.
Here is my source .blend file: for completion here are the MD5Mesh and MD5Anim files I generated:
kat@Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 12:36 pm : Your "root" bone should be at the base (feet) of the mesh, that might explain why you're getting negative co-ords for the bounding box as the root is *usually* considered the "0,0,0" point of mesh and animations.
Also, adjust your XYZ object co-ords to make sure you're sitting at 0,0,0 for those before export
Also what version of Blender & python are you using?
MasterSlowPoke@Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:10 pm : I'm using Blender 2.45 and Python 2.5.
Looks like my mesh was centered at <0,1,0> for some reason, changing that to the origin helped out a bit, this is what the bounding box for the first frame is now:
( -23.828159 -3.631474 0.033270 ) ( 23.828178 39.758806 35.007507 )
Now the only one that is really wrong is yMax. I'm not sure why it thinks the model extends out almost 40 units.
Moving the root bone's root to <0,0,0> didn't seem to have any effect at all. I made sure the armature was centered on <0,0,0>, too.
motorsep@Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:13 pm : I have written comprehensive tutorial on how to export meshes from Blender to MD5. Please visit Goodies page and read the tutorial (it's called Blender 2 DarkPlaces engine). I hope it will help.
MasterSlowPoke@Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:28 pm : Actually I just found the same exporter you used in that tutorial in another thread on this forum and it works great. My bounds are perfect for every frame. Thanks guys!
As an aside, how is this exporter licensed? Could I mirror it with a link back to this forum, or would you prefer to keep it off of my hosting?
motorsep@Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:46 pm : As far as licensing goes, ask der_ton.
Also I would recommend using Blender 2.48a, it has more features.
der_ton@Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 6:05 pm : The script is released under the GPL, so you can ofcourse host it on your site. Having a link to this thread is a good idea.
Yes there is something wrong with the boundingbox info generated by the script. Since the beginning of the script in 2004 some version of Blender changed the API in a way that broke something and I haven't sorted that out, I'll have to take a look. Also I am going to update the script to incorporate the improvements that BlackHC and Tr3B made (
The current way of handling boundingboxes in their script is to have the boundingbox that encompasses all the mesh objects in the scene. If your animated character is the only object in the scene then it's all good ofcourse, otherwise the boundingbox might end up too large.
In Doom3 engine games, the boundingbox is not used for physics, but only for the renderer to cull offscreen models. Too large boundingboxes are not a problem, they only cost a little performance in cases where the character is actually offscreen but its boundingbox is not.
Tamarin@Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 5:53 pm : I am having trouble exporting the bounding box as well.
Everything else works fine, so thanks to der_ton, blender programmers and many others.
Here is an example .blend
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 1:12 pm : Which of the files is it exactly? Nice models BTW!
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:36 pm : edit: Look at my latest post on page 4 of this thread.
viewtopic.php?p=130466#130466 info:
It has been completed a while ago, but BNA was away and couldn´t upload it. Thanks to him for uploading it so soon after his return!
Read the readme (duh), and read the other details that I included in the script itself (the header of the script is its own readme, kind of).
The script does NOT work with Blender2.30. Blender2.30 was announced as a "preview" version for the 2.3x gui features, and it apparently is exactly that, a
preview (get what I mean?). Just stick to 2.28a or 2.28c until they release a proper 2.3x.
Things to come: a new version of my md5viewer (300% speed gain

, more accurate lighting, especially on low-end cards), including an animated md5 character ("Bob", made by
Kat, look at the WIP forum here). Animation was done in Blender, using this script to export to md5.

BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:38 pm : Hey - my pleasure to click the upload button while you're doing all the awsome work!
Thanks to you man!!!
Onan@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:06 pm : 
Wow! That's really a big step forward to be able to use freeware for Doom3 animations. I think I will stay at Maya nevertheless, but it's good to know that this is possible now.
Would be cool if you could also write an exporter for 3DSMax Animation. There is already one that exports ASE to md5mesh, but until now you can't export the animations.
Good work!
der_ton@Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am : Ok, some "requirements" for that script:
As I mentioned, use Blender2.28a or 2.28c
Then, in order to execute complicated python scripts in Blender, you have to install Python. Download
Python2.2.3 here: (7 MB)
There are newer versions of Python, but this version is the one that works with Blender2.28. That should be the first step.
Then the next step is to update your system variables. You need a new system variable called PYTHONPATH, and it must be set to something like this:
Ofcourse that´s if you installed Python to C:\Python22
If you don´t know how to set that PYTHONPATH system variable, read more information:
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:11 pm : I just got python working, and I am wanting to try out this script. But when I press alt p I get an error. In the, How to use, part you said something about typing, meta alt p ? where do you type meta?
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:22 pm : what's the error (check both the DOSprompt box sitting behind the main app window and Blender highlighted text)
What Blender and Python vs you running?
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:27 pm : I'm on osx so there is no console. But the error says: ERROR: Python script error, check console. ?????
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:49 pm : I've not got Blender open atm but you should have the script open in the Blender script/text viewport? What normally happens is the error message pops up and when you 'ok' that it goes to and highlights the offending bit of the script... I don't have Mac so don't know if you actually get the same thing happening with errors.
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am : Ok when I try to start the script, and get the error, it highlights: buffer = buffer + meshes[0] . to_md5mesh()
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:26 am : I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
kat@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:30 am : ah right.. I think that's come up before.. do a search using the error term and see what pops up.. der_ton said someting specific to it iirc... something about the mesh you're exporting not having any animation assigned to it
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:08 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
You could also post the exact error message that is printed on Blender´s console (the dos window that comes up with blender).
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:09 pm : I think I have already mentioned that I'm on OSX so there is no console.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:12 am : Ooops, sorry...

Well is your model animated? You don´t have to do a whole animation, just define two different keyframes for at least one bone
(with the skeleton selected, go to "pose mode", select a bone and press I ('insert keyframe'), select "LocRot" for the requested type of keyframe. That sets the first keyframe. Then move the framecounter to a different frame, and then set another keyframe there.)
shadowdragon@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:44 pm : Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:28 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
Yep, sorry... I´ll update the script soon and that´ll be fixed then, too. In the meantime, give me as much feedback as possible so that the next version is as usable as possible.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:47 am : Hey I just got my linux box up and running

It's totaly awesome, and python and blender 2.32 work flawlessly. So as soon as my brrother will give me the linux, I'm gonna try out the scripts again, see if they work

der_ton@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:22 pm : I can already tell you that it´s not gonna work with Blender 2.3x, because they f***ed up some stuff in the Python API. But I´ll write a workaround soon.
In the meantime, you could try it on Linux with Blender 2.28, would be nice to know if that works.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:51 pm : Ok yea I'll try 2.28 as 2.32 sure didn't work

der_ton@Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm : There´s a new version,
It can export camera animations, and it has a GUI!

Userfriendlyness should have improved a bit.
And it works on Blenders from 2.28 until the newest, 2.32.

As always, I´m interested in any feedback. But especially from the Mac and Linux users, as I can´t test it there myself.
der_ton@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 7:45 pm : The md5 file format is particularly for animated characters (skeletal animation), which is done with "armatures" in Blender. To get static objects into a Doom3-engine game it is best to use ASE or LWO.
motorsep@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 9:28 pm : 2 emanon:
There you go, try this one: have to add Armature modifier to your mesh and define armature you want to deform you mesh. Another thing - don't scale, rotate or move armature in object mode. After you rig you mesh and paint weighs, select armature, move to Pose mode and do whatever you want there.
Super Happy Cow@Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 9:48 am : So, uhhh... Any chance there'll be a version of this that'll work with Quake Wars?
Every time I import an md5mesh from QW it gives me the bones, but not the actual mesh. Did I miss something?
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 1:45 pm : Super Happy Cow wrote:
So, uhhh... Any chance there'll be a version of this that'll work with Quake Wars?
Every time I import an md5mesh from QW it gives me the bones, but not the actual mesh. Did I miss something?
You are referring to the importer, I had it sitting on my HD for a while and just did some checking and finishing touches finally, thanks for the kick in the ass.
Super Happy Cow@Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 9:19 pm : Oooo, I'm soooo exciiiteeeed!
MasterSlowPoke@Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:11 am : I'm having trouble getting the bounds of MD5Animations to export correctly. Let me illustrate: This is frame 1 of my Jump animation for my model. The red box represents the bounds and the values of those planes are listed.

However, the bounds calculated by this script have incorrect yMin and yMax values:

I'm not sure if the error is on my part or your part. I'm selecting both the armature and the mesh when exporting and there aren't any other objects in the scene. I don't have any idea why it gets the y values wrong.
In addition to this error, when attempting to export another animation, Walk, all of the bounds are listed as <0,0,0>, which is obviously wrong.
I'm not sure if the bound values are actually useful for Doom 3, but I was planning on using this exporter to load skinned meshes into an XNA library, and I need correct bounding information for collision detection. I guess it's possible to calculate the bound myself when the model is loaded but that's a lot of work when there is room for it in the files.
Here is my source .blend file: for completion here are the MD5Mesh and MD5Anim files I generated:
kat@Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 12:36 pm : Your "root" bone should be at the base (feet) of the mesh, that might explain why you're getting negative co-ords for the bounding box as the root is *usually* considered the "0,0,0" point of mesh and animations.
Also, adjust your XYZ object co-ords to make sure you're sitting at 0,0,0 for those before export
Also what version of Blender & python are you using?
MasterSlowPoke@Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:10 pm : I'm using Blender 2.45 and Python 2.5.
Looks like my mesh was centered at <0,1,0> for some reason, changing that to the origin helped out a bit, this is what the bounding box for the first frame is now:
( -23.828159 -3.631474 0.033270 ) ( 23.828178 39.758806 35.007507 )
Now the only one that is really wrong is yMax. I'm not sure why it thinks the model extends out almost 40 units.
Moving the root bone's root to <0,0,0> didn't seem to have any effect at all. I made sure the armature was centered on <0,0,0>, too.
motorsep@Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:13 pm : I have written comprehensive tutorial on how to export meshes from Blender to MD5. Please visit Goodies page and read the tutorial (it's called Blender 2 DarkPlaces engine). I hope it will help.
MasterSlowPoke@Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:28 pm : Actually I just found the same exporter you used in that tutorial in another thread on this forum and it works great. My bounds are perfect for every frame. Thanks guys!
As an aside, how is this exporter licensed? Could I mirror it with a link back to this forum, or would you prefer to keep it off of my hosting?
motorsep@Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:46 pm : As far as licensing goes, ask der_ton.
Also I would recommend using Blender 2.48a, it has more features.
der_ton@Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 6:05 pm : The script is released under the GPL, so you can ofcourse host it on your site. Having a link to this thread is a good idea.
Yes there is something wrong with the boundingbox info generated by the script. Since the beginning of the script in 2004 some version of Blender changed the API in a way that broke something and I haven't sorted that out, I'll have to take a look. Also I am going to update the script to incorporate the improvements that BlackHC and Tr3B made (
The current way of handling boundingboxes in their script is to have the boundingbox that encompasses all the mesh objects in the scene. If your animated character is the only object in the scene then it's all good ofcourse, otherwise the boundingbox might end up too large.
In Doom3 engine games, the boundingbox is not used for physics, but only for the renderer to cull offscreen models. Too large boundingboxes are not a problem, they only cost a little performance in cases where the character is actually offscreen but its boundingbox is not.
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:36 pm : edit: Look at my latest post on page 4 of this thread.
viewtopic.php?p=130466#130466 info:
It has been completed a while ago, but BNA was away and couldn´t upload it. Thanks to him for uploading it so soon after his return!
Read the readme (duh), and read the other details that I included in the script itself (the header of the script is its own readme, kind of).
The script does NOT work with Blender2.30. Blender2.30 was announced as a "preview" version for the 2.3x gui features, and it apparently is exactly that, a
preview (get what I mean?). Just stick to 2.28a or 2.28c until they release a proper 2.3x.
Things to come: a new version of my md5viewer (300% speed gain

, more accurate lighting, especially on low-end cards), including an animated md5 character ("Bob", made by
Kat, look at the WIP forum here). Animation was done in Blender, using this script to export to md5.

BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:38 pm : Hey - my pleasure to click the upload button while you're doing all the awsome work!
Thanks to you man!!!
Onan@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:06 pm : 
Wow! That's really a big step forward to be able to use freeware for Doom3 animations. I think I will stay at Maya nevertheless, but it's good to know that this is possible now.
Would be cool if you could also write an exporter for 3DSMax Animation. There is already one that exports ASE to md5mesh, but until now you can't export the animations.
Good work!
der_ton@Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am : Ok, some "requirements" for that script:
As I mentioned, use Blender2.28a or 2.28c
Then, in order to execute complicated python scripts in Blender, you have to install Python. Download
Python2.2.3 here: (7 MB)
There are newer versions of Python, but this version is the one that works with Blender2.28. That should be the first step.
Then the next step is to update your system variables. You need a new system variable called PYTHONPATH, and it must be set to something like this:
Ofcourse that´s if you installed Python to C:\Python22
If you don´t know how to set that PYTHONPATH system variable, read more information:
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:11 pm : I just got python working, and I am wanting to try out this script. But when I press alt p I get an error. In the, How to use, part you said something about typing, meta alt p ? where do you type meta?
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:22 pm : what's the error (check both the DOSprompt box sitting behind the main app window and Blender highlighted text)
What Blender and Python vs you running?
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:27 pm : I'm on osx so there is no console. But the error says: ERROR: Python script error, check console. ?????
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:49 pm : I've not got Blender open atm but you should have the script open in the Blender script/text viewport? What normally happens is the error message pops up and when you 'ok' that it goes to and highlights the offending bit of the script... I don't have Mac so don't know if you actually get the same thing happening with errors.
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am : Ok when I try to start the script, and get the error, it highlights: buffer = buffer + meshes[0] . to_md5mesh()
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:26 am : I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
kat@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:30 am : ah right.. I think that's come up before.. do a search using the error term and see what pops up.. der_ton said someting specific to it iirc... something about the mesh you're exporting not having any animation assigned to it
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:08 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
You could also post the exact error message that is printed on Blender´s console (the dos window that comes up with blender).
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:09 pm : I think I have already mentioned that I'm on OSX so there is no console.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:12 am : Ooops, sorry...

Well is your model animated? You don´t have to do a whole animation, just define two different keyframes for at least one bone
(with the skeleton selected, go to "pose mode", select a bone and press I ('insert keyframe'), select "LocRot" for the requested type of keyframe. That sets the first keyframe. Then move the framecounter to a different frame, and then set another keyframe there.)
shadowdragon@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:44 pm : Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:28 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
Yep, sorry... I´ll update the script soon and that´ll be fixed then, too. In the meantime, give me as much feedback as possible so that the next version is as usable as possible.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:47 am : Hey I just got my linux box up and running

It's totaly awesome, and python and blender 2.32 work flawlessly. So as soon as my brrother will give me the linux, I'm gonna try out the scripts again, see if they work

der_ton@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:22 pm : I can already tell you that it´s not gonna work with Blender 2.3x, because they f***ed up some stuff in the Python API. But I´ll write a workaround soon.
In the meantime, you could try it on Linux with Blender 2.28, would be nice to know if that works.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:51 pm : Ok yea I'll try 2.28 as 2.32 sure didn't work

der_ton@Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm : There´s a new version,
It can export camera animations, and it has a GUI!

Userfriendlyness should have improved a bit.
And it works on Blenders from 2.28 until the newest, 2.32.

As always, I´m interested in any feedback. But especially from the Mac and Linux users, as I can´t test it there myself.
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 11:54 pm : Yeah that tutorial was written for the early version of the USM exporter (before Googos wrote the better ASE exporter).
You'd probably want to split the bottom of the object to get a clean line there. The size issue is easy to solve, Blender is 10x *smaller* than Q4 so just select the object in object mode and scale it up by 10x. Once done Ctrl+A to 'fix' it's size before export.
The bottom of the tutorial is valid in terms of setting up the material / testure paths to get the model textured in game.
MelGibbsome@Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 12:24 am : again thanks for the help (and speedy too!)
resizing brings up another question, which i think i know the answer to, but it could have been a coincedence.
does the camera position determine the "size" of the end product?
when I first made stuff in blender, and hit f12, parts were cut off or the object wasn't centered. So I played with the camera position and got it to look the way I wanted to (in the f12 window).
is that right? or does the ase contain the whole object regardless of camera position?
kat@Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 12:39 am : No, the camera only determines the size of a rendered images realtive to the physical sizes of objects in a scene; tow objects of differing sizes will render differently.
It's not related to model size in game engines which is why you need to Ctrl+A to 'fix' their size.
If you look at the tool bar just under (or above) the 3D window you'll see a series of icons, one of those looks like a little picture (on the far right) click that and you get a better idea of what the base mesh will look like 'as is'.
MelGibbsome@Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 5:18 pm : The material that I'm applying to my pieces, I made right in blender, simply choosing the marble texture and modifying the colors....
how do I export THAT material to an external file? (tga)........I see no way to do it, other than screen capping the blender window and cropping everything but the material preview window out.
is there another way?
kat@Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 6:08 pm : Sort of... I've not tried this myself yet but Blender does have a 'render to texture' feature (you'll need to look this up) that should allow you to render out the material based on the UVWmaps layout.
Otherwise yes, you have to screen capture or render a series of images and fiddle around with them.
MelGibbsome@Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 6:15 pm : thanks...........i did that..........then i tried to import the tga as my material (doing all this so I can reference the texture in q4 for both these models and the rooks I'm doing q4 so they look the same) but I can't figure out where you import a pic for use as the texture now.
good grief
kat@Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 6:44 pm : You now need to change the way the object is being textured, so duplicate it and it's material and then change that from the proceedural image you've used to a 'bitmap', asign that to the material.
Go into UVW editing mode and then asign the image texture.
You should then find that the object uses the image instead after doing this
MelGibbsome@Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 8:24 pm : I hate to be a pain in the ars here, but i cant find "uvw editing mode".
the modes I see are:
Weight Paint
Vertex Paint
Texture Paint
UV Face Select
oh and while I'm here...the bishop model in q4 as is, is only 9 high by 3 wide..........i need it to be like 100 times that, not 10.
kat@Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 9:38 pm : UV Face select ('F').
Scale the model by '100'. Open up the object properties panel by hitting 'N' in the 3D window and then type in values where you see 'Size X' (Y and Z). Don't forget to Ctrl+A before export.
MelGibbsome@Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 11:48 pm : ready to shoot me yet?
ok, pressing N DOES give me xyz values, but those are the coordinates on the plane and changing those MOVES the object, as opposed to scaling it........i found where to scale it before but when I scaled by 100, it went off the grid so far as I couldn't pull the camera back far enough to get it in frame again.
As far as assigning the external texture? I found uv face select (f doesnt work, but i can easily call it up in the drop down menus).........but I see nothing to click on that opens up a window and allows me to import an external texture.
While I was waiting for your reply earlier, I went to that one tutorial and tried uvunwrapping it and saving the layout.......then I opened that with photoshop, applied my texture to it, saved it under another name and then in blender, did that open new image thing and replaced the plain white unwrap with my altered one..........this altered one DOES show up in the ase file after compile, however, hitting f12 in blender, it shows the model untextured unless i have the built in one (non external texture) turned there a place in the buttons window (materials panels) where you can import a graphic???
I then re compiled it as ase and it listed my altered texture file as the material. I edited the bmap line concerning q4 paths and although the model does show up different from the first one I imported into q4 (with no texture), it doesn't show the texture.
and I still haven't split the damn thing or "mapped it" ... the tutorial for prepping for d3/q4 says it assumes u unwrapped and mapped.....think i did unwrap...but sure i didnt map.
head spinning............think I'll fall down now.
kat@Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 3:23 am : MelGibbsome wrote:
...head spinning............think I'll fall down now.
I'm not surprised, like most people new to this you've tried to do too much in too short a time and you've over complicated what should relatively simple process.
If you're in 'object' mode hitting 'F' *does* put Blender into Faces select mode but in doing that you have to open the UVWtexture mapping (image) window (split the interface so you have a 3D and image veiwport open), you then assign the image itself from there.
Make sure you're 'Draw Type' is set to 'shaded' view as well otherwise you'll just see white in the main 3D window.
Read my tutorial again as it tells you about the scaling issue.
MelGibbsome@Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 4:02 am : again, THANKS!
just so we're on the same page, WHICH tutorial are you talking about? lol, i've been reading a bunch of them. could u post the link to that specific one?
and you're right, i have been doing a crash course on this and i certainly HOPE it's easier than this has been taking!
kat@Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 5:10 am :
MelGibbsome@Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 2:50 pm : Scaling: After changing all axis from 1 to 100, the object gets bigger. I then try to move the camera out so it will all be in the frame, and every time...the camera disappears and I can't get it back.
Applying texture: I take it this means, while in uvwface select mode, in the window set as uvwimage editor, u click on image, then load? this certainly works and if my draw mode is set to textured (not shaded) I DO see the texture on the other three screens ( i have top, front and side, and swap the camera window with the uvwimage edit).
However, when I hit F12, the original texture, made internally in blender, shows up on the model, not my externally imported one. Is that supposed to happen?
and oh yeah.......although i had no problem finding the unwrap menu selection, i see no selection to I still havent done that either.
kat@Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 3:51 pm : MelGibbsome wrote:
Scaling: After changing all axis from 1 to 100, the object gets bigger. I then try to move the camera out so it will all be in the frame, and every time...the camera disappears and I can't get it back.
Read this (in particular the 'addendum') until it's burnt into the back of your retina!
Applying texture: I take it this means, while in uvwface select mode, in the window set as uvwimage editor, u click on image, then load? this certainly works and if my draw mode is set to textured (not shaded) I DO see the texture on the other three screens ( i have top, front and side, and swap the camera window with the uvwimage edit).
However, when I hit F12, the original texture, made internally in blender, shows up on the model, not my externally imported one. Is that supposed to happen?
In the 'Shader' buttons windows (F5 - the little shaded sphere) directly under the material name block (MA:'name') is a set of button, click the one marked TexFace.
and oh yeah.......although i had no problem finding the unwrap menu selection, i see no selection to I still havent done that either.
What do you mean by that? Describe what you're trying to do here...
fuag@Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 10:36 pm : Hi, trying to use teh exporter, I have one frame of animation on the ipo curve with only locand rot keys for the bone and the bone is linked to all the verticies in the model. I export the md5mesh and then a 1 frame md5anim, however when I try to use testModel on the md5mesh it says
"NULL joints on renderEntity"

kat@Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 11:58 pm : Try keyframing at 1 and 5 so it covers a couple of frames and then see what happens. Also check the mesh and anim in the model viewer for problems... you should always use that as a 1st port of call to check the basic integraty of the mesh before doing anything engine side.
fuag@Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 5:46 am : the mesh shows up fine in gtkradiant, I can't run the model viewer because I don't have windows and it doesnt run through wine. but I did try it with a couple frames animation with no change. Heres some links to the file I'm trying to work on, please tell me if you can't download them, means i messed up the permissions again, always get wier permission problems with sym links.
here's the .blend a really bad texture i used just so i coul have uv coordinates to export and the md5mesh and md5anim files i'm trying to use.
EDIT: thats odd, if use the mdel def for testModel it loads it up fine although the smoothgroups are off and it doesnt get lit, but if it ry to load it up in the game as an item its a black box and if I try to view the md5mesh file it give sthe NULL joint error.. well, at least i have a model loaded now

kat@Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 6:31 am : That testmodel problem means there's probably a problem in the def file somewhere. I'll take a look at the files when I can.
fuag@Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:06 am : hmm, i think i might have run into a bug in the export script in blender 2.41 and on, it doesnt affect the initial import but then when you go to rig it with editAFs the bones are rotated around where they branch off from the back at T branches.
this is the full thread
the .blend for testing can be found at
it already has vert groups/bones and a 5 second rest animation called "Tpose" in it and I've tried to clean up any extra things left over from playing around with the skele configuration.
Thanks again to cat for helping me fix all the stupid mistakes.
tete@Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 8:23 am : Guyus anyone has a VERSION 6 exporter of MD5 for blender ?
I have implemented some class that reads out the Ver 6 anim / mesh with textures and would be v.thankfull for the blender MD5 version 6 exporter...?
der_ton@Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 8:48 am :
tete@Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 1:53 pm : Cheers mate!
tete@Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 3:26 pm : argh bad news...
Compiled with Python version 2.4.
Checking for installed Python... got it!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts\",
line 1431, in handle_button_event
File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts\",
line 992, in export
for b in data.getBones(): treat_bone(b)
AttributeError: 'Armature' object has no attribute 'getBones'
i've tried to run this on your fish model...
tete@Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 3:37 pm : Ahm okay, getBones no longer exist...
tete@Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 4:05 pm : this:
AttributeError: 'Bone' object has no attribute 'getHead'
getTail...also not implemented anymore..?
tete@Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 8:58 pm : der_ton:
i've tried to run the script on:
Blender 2.28 with
Python 2.2.3 (#42, May 30 2003, 18:12:08) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
but got:
Run Python script "" ...
analyzing IPOs: only IPOs with names starting with Action will be handled
using ipo Action.Bone1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1431, in handle_button_event
File "", line 1197, in export
x, y, z = getIpoValue(ipo, "LocX"), getIpoValue(ipo, "LocY"), getIpoValue(ip
o, "LocZ")
File "", line 858, in getIpoValue
ipocurves = ipo.getCurves()
AttributeError: getCurves
Sorry for bothering, but i would be v.gladfull for any help with this problem..
Goofos@Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:56 pm : I think you need the newest version of Blender, which is 2.42.
motorsep@Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 7:06 pm : der_ton,
there is a bug in MD5 exporter by der_ton.
Below I am gonna provide screen shots of Blender with my model and screen shots of md5 loaded to viewer.
Md5 viewer:
See how characters skirt is stretched and squashed in the front and squashed and lowered down on the back?!
It's not suppose to be like that, it suppose to be just like in Blender.
is there any way der_ton could look at that and fix the exporter please?
Here is my .blend file for test purposes.
EDIT: Another thing is that MD5 exporter exports all meshes, even those that are in other inactive layers (let's say I have animated mesh in Layer1 and few meshes in Layer2). Is there any way to make exporter to export only selected meshes? I would appreciate it.
der_ton@Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 3:19 pm : Did you use scaling on any bones? Scaling is ignored by the exporter because MD5 doesn't support that.
Or do you mean the shading? That must be because of discontinuous UV mapping.
You can send me your blend file by mail or link if none of this helps.
Yeah the exporter exports everything, I should change that so it exports only those meshes that are parented to the skeleton. I don't know why I didn't do that a long time ago...

motorsep@Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 3:50 pm : der_ton,
I ment geometry of the skirt, not shading.
No bone scaling has been done. So it's an issue with the exporter I believe.
I just e-mailed you my .blend file.
I appreciate your help, thanks.
motorsep@Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 3:46 pm : Any progress?
der_ton@Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:34 pm : Yeah I looked at your blend file, it's kind of non-standard, how you organized it. The meshes are not parented to the armature, I'm not sure if this is causing the geometry glitches on the skirt but I'd recommend you try it out. When I quickly wanted to try it myself, while parenting a skinned mesh to the armature, it deformed a bit because it was already bound to the armature, I'm not sure what to make of this. Maybe there's a workaround, but in the worst case you'll have to do the vertex weighting again. Maybe someone on one of the blender forums knows about this problem.
On a sidenote about Blender and organizing the objects in character animation, I find it strange that a mesh can be bound to an armature for deformation, without having that armature as a parent object. What if there are several armatures in the scene, with bones that have names like bones in the other armature? Which armature is the mesh supposed to follow?
I'll send you the 'beta' version of the updated exporter that exports only meshes that are parented to the armature (which solves the problem that you mentioned that all geometry in the scene gets exported), and it also supports many armatures in the scene. The one that is selected will be exported, same with camera export (if that was ever used by anyone, heh).
sarcius@Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 9:25 am : I'm currently using der_ton's Blender->MD5 exporter, and I seem to be getting extra vertices exported with the model. The number of faces is correct, but the number of vertices in the file (amusingly, the # was 3,456) doesn't match up with the model at 868 vertices.
Thank you very much!
der_ton@Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 10:19 am : In the md5 format, vertices only have one uv-coordinate. If in Blender your mesh has discontinuous uvs (for example in an un-uv'ed mesh, the python script sees discontinuous uvs on every triangle), the vertices have to be split so that for each adjacent triangle the uvs can be different.
To make a long story short, your mesh probably doesn't have uvs assigned yet, or your normals are not smoothed, which also forces the script to duplicate vertices for each adjacent triangle.
sarcius@Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 6:29 pm : I don't know if calling "Set Smooth" should have set the smooth normals that you were talking about (I'm still slightly new to Blender), but after setting that and unwrapping again I have (on another, simpler object I was testing with) 64 vertices exported to the md5mesh file as opposed to 88...however the model has 24 in Blender.
With the more complex model I was referring to, I "Set Smooth" and it lowered the number of vertices in the exported file to 1166, a large improvement over the 3456 from before.
Thank you for your fast response! I assume these extra vertices are from my uvmap not being fully connected when I unwrapped it (using the automatic unwrapper).
Thanks again for making this awesome exporter!
Nenon@Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 1:31 pm : Hey there,
I am having problems with the current version of the exporter I have and I can't download any updated versions because all the download links are broken. Is it possible to send the exporter to
Thank you,
der_ton@Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 9:56 pm :
Nenon@Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:52 am : Awesome, cheers man works perfectly

hondaman900@Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 9:29 pm : Is there a downloadable version for Windows Blender?
kat@Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 10:12 pm : hondaman900 wrote:
Is there a downloadable version for Windows Blender?
I just uploaded the current version to my site (

) but the link in the first post is the latest.
Super Happy Cow@Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 1:47 am : Super Happy Question time! : D
Does this exporter work with Quake 4? : D
Also, how do I get materials onto md5 models?
With .ase files I know the top material line is referenced in the file, but how do I do that for md5meshes?
Thanks for your help, dudes. And I love your Vandelay-esque importer/exporter, der_ton. <3.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 9:50 am : Yep the exporter works for Quake4, the md5 files are compatible between Doom3, Q4 and Prey.
You get materials onto md5 models by either naming the texture within Blender (which the exporter will then use as a "shader" name in the md5 file), or you manually edit the md5 file after export, simply open it with a text editor. You have to look up the line that says "shader". If the model has more than one section, each using their own material, then there is more than one "shader" line. The name after the "shader" keyword is the material name that references a material definition.
Vandelay-esque, what does that mean? Wikipedia only pointed me to Seinfeld-related stuff...

Super Happy Cow@Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:13 pm : Awesome. As soon as I get some of the concept art I'll get working on that. : D
Oh! Do I have to export every animation as a separate file?
Vandelay is the name of the "pathetic character" George's alter ego, who he uses to pick up girlfriends among other things.
In the first episode of Seinfeld, I believe Vandelay is meant to be both an importer and exporter. Of what? I have no idea, but exporter next to importer always makes me think of him. : D
der_ton@Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 9:07 pm : Yes, every animation goes into its own file. Once you start looking at the entity and model definitions, things will get clear.
Ah, I get it, "Vandelay"... yeah I guess I'm kind of in the import/export buisness, too...

Super Happy Cow@Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 8:28 pm : >: D Any tips on unwrapping hands for my view model? Since Quake 4 seems to split the model wherever there's a seam. D: I don't want the hands to look super weird!
kat@Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 8:57 pm : Add a seam on the mesh to follow the underside of the hand (the palm) and then take a single line up the underside of the arm. Unwrap that and then use unSmoothedTangents in the material. Basically place the seams where they're not readily going to be seen.
Super Happy Cow@Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 7:13 pm : Ah. Nevermind, I don't really have to worry about it. I was just concerned about how the smoothing would look in Quake, since it's definitely evident in Blender. In Q4 it's not evident at all, and the only way I can notice a seam is through the color map.
motorsep@Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 4:46 pm : Yesterday I made an attempt to export my mesh and animation to MD5 with latest script and I failed :/
I use SVN build of Blender since 2.45 release doesn't have new constraints.
Here is SVN build I use: is .blend file along with exported results in .zip file:, please help us out!!!
I tried to use your beta script you sent me a while ago (v0.96), where it would export only selected meshes, but it gave an error, something like "indexes out of range, line 947 (?) and 1146 (?)", somewhere around those lines.
I appreciate your time, thank you.
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:08 am : The problem is not the new Blender version you are using, but the setup of the character, it is not as the exporter expects it to be.
Although it is not necessary in Blender anymore with the addition of the "modifiers", you still have to parent the meshes to the armature so that the exporter knows which meshes to export. In this case, select a mesh, shift-select the armature, use ctrl-P and then say "Object" (when it gives you the options "Object" or "Armature"), so that it only makes a parent relationship but not the deformation stuff, because that is already handled with the modifier you applied.
Also, the mesh looks kinda wrong on export, but I hope that's just because your skeleton uses scaling, which isn't supported by the md5 format (and ignored by the exporter). Or maybe there is some weighting problem. The animations come out alright though, even though your rig looks kinda "exotic".

motorsep@Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 5:41 pm : hi der_ton,
Thank you for the reply. I checked my mesh and armature by clearing rotations/scale/position and indeed it was totally messed up

So I recreated simple case with one bone, but I place mesh and armature into the same coordinates and it exported perfectly. Also few rigs of other users that didn't have scale/rotation issues were successfully exported into MD5.
I will be working then on fixing my rig

I remember you sent me 0.96 beta version of the exporter that allowed me to export only selected meshes. It seems like it doesn't work with 2.45 and SVN builds. Is there any way you can look into it and fix it, please?
tree3eert@Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:52 pm : Hey der_ton, I think I found a bug in the exporter script. When I export out, the md5 file has the correct uvs for only the first floating point value (the u). The v floating point number is not correct, checking this with a correct uvs from an obj file. I wrote a perl script to correct the output. (using blender 2.4.5)
Also, I was wondering what is the best way in blender to get the vertices to not duplicate when exporting to md5>?
der_ton@Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 9:47 am : About the wrong v coordinate, you mean if their actual value is x, they are output as 1-x? That's how Doom3 wants it to be. Are you using the md5 files with your own program? Then if you load a MD5 model from any of the Doom3-engine games, you'll see that they don't display right with your program if it doesn't flip the v coordinate or flips the textures at load-time.
tree3eert@Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 2:06 am : You're right. I noticed that they were inversed (for Doom). I am using the md5 format in my game. So I made a change in your script without the subtraction.
Thanks for writing this script! Much appreciated.
emanon@Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 4:37 pm : I'm trying to export a mesh with no rigging or animation.
When I do so I get a file with none of the mesh data(yes, everything is selected):
D5Version 10
commandline ""
numJoints 0
numMeshes 1
joints {
mesh {
shader "p_03.psd"
numverts 0
numtris 0
numweights 0
Reading further up there seemed to be a suggestion that I should add some armature and connect it to the mesh in order to get the script working.
That resulted in:
MD5Version 10
commandline ""
numJoints 1
numMeshes 1
joints {
"Bone" -1 ( 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ) ( 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ) //
mesh {
shader "p_03.psd"
numverts 0
numtris 0
numweights 0
In case it helps, the original blend file is available here:
I have successfully exported other models.
Where did I go wrong?
Is this something unsupported by the exporter?
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 6:22 pm : I always like when I can just quote myself

der_ton wrote:
Although it is not necessary in Blender anymore with the addition of the "modifiers", you still have to parent the meshes to the armature so that the exporter knows which meshes to export. In this case, select a mesh, shift-select the armature, use ctrl-P and then say "Object" (when it gives you the options "Object" or "Armature"), so that it only makes a parent relationship but not the deformation stuff, because that is already handled with the modifier you applied.
I hope that helps. I will also add some hint like this to the readme for the next release.
emanon@Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 4:06 pm : Sorry, rereading my post it isn't clear what I was referring to. Should have quoted it.
Trying that is what I did to get the 2nd result.

Specifically, I created an armature. And followed your direction and attached it to the mesh.
Unfortunately, I still get none of the mesh data.
Am I misunderstanding the suggestion? Did I implement it incorrectly?
motorsep@Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 5:13 pm : Did you weight paint you mesh (or created vertex groups manually)?
Seems like you did not.
emanon@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 6:13 pm : Tried doing the weight painting and vertex group creation.
I'm a coder rather than an artist, and very new to blender so I'm not sure that I did everything correctly.
Unfortunately, I'm still not getting the mesh data out.
My sense is that I did something wrong/not understanding the suggestions/instructions.
For those that are interested, the modified blend file and resultant export are available as: and
Thanks for any further suggestions.
Out of curiosity, why do we need bones, etc to get the mesh out?
Looking at the python code it's not immediately obvious to me.
der_ton@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 7:45 pm : The md5 file format is particularly for animated characters (skeletal animation), which is done with "armatures" in Blender. To get static objects into a Doom3-engine game it is best to use ASE or LWO.
motorsep@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 9:28 pm : 2 emanon:
There you go, try this one: have to add Armature modifier to your mesh and define armature you want to deform you mesh. Another thing - don't scale, rotate or move armature in object mode. After you rig you mesh and paint weighs, select armature, move to Pose mode and do whatever you want there.
Super Happy Cow@Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 9:48 am : So, uhhh... Any chance there'll be a version of this that'll work with Quake Wars?
Every time I import an md5mesh from QW it gives me the bones, but not the actual mesh. Did I miss something?
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 1:45 pm : Super Happy Cow wrote:
So, uhhh... Any chance there'll be a version of this that'll work with Quake Wars?
Every time I import an md5mesh from QW it gives me the bones, but not the actual mesh. Did I miss something?
You are referring to the importer, I had it sitting on my HD for a while and just did some checking and finishing touches finally, thanks for the kick in the ass.
Super Happy Cow@Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 9:19 pm : Oooo, I'm soooo exciiiteeeed!
MasterSlowPoke@Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:11 am : I'm having trouble getting the bounds of MD5Animations to export correctly. Let me illustrate: This is frame 1 of my Jump animation for my model. The red box represents the bounds and the values of those planes are listed.

However, the bounds calculated by this script have incorrect yMin and yMax values:

I'm not sure if the error is on my part or your part. I'm selecting both the armature and the mesh when exporting and there aren't any other objects in the scene. I don't have any idea why it gets the y values wrong.
In addition to this error, when attempting to export another animation, Walk, all of the bounds are listed as <0,0,0>, which is obviously wrong.
I'm not sure if the bound values are actually useful for Doom 3, but I was planning on using this exporter to load skinned meshes into an XNA library, and I need correct bounding information for collision detection. I guess it's possible to calculate the bound myself when the model is loaded but that's a lot of work when there is room for it in the files.
Here is my source .blend file: for completion here are the MD5Mesh and MD5Anim files I generated:
kat@Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 12:36 pm : Your "root" bone should be at the base (feet) of the mesh, that might explain why you're getting negative co-ords for the bounding box as the root is *usually* considered the "0,0,0" point of mesh and animations.
Also, adjust your XYZ object co-ords to make sure you're sitting at 0,0,0 for those before export
Also what version of Blender & python are you using?
MasterSlowPoke@Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:10 pm : I'm using Blender 2.45 and Python 2.5.
Looks like my mesh was centered at <0,1,0> for some reason, changing that to the origin helped out a bit, this is what the bounding box for the first frame is now:
( -23.828159 -3.631474 0.033270 ) ( 23.828178 39.758806 35.007507 )
Now the only one that is really wrong is yMax. I'm not sure why it thinks the model extends out almost 40 units.
Moving the root bone's root to <0,0,0> didn't seem to have any effect at all. I made sure the armature was centered on <0,0,0>, too.
motorsep@Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:13 pm : I have written comprehensive tutorial on how to export meshes from Blender to MD5. Please visit Goodies page and read the tutorial (it's called Blender 2 DarkPlaces engine). I hope it will help.
MasterSlowPoke@Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:28 pm : Actually I just found the same exporter you used in that tutorial in another thread on this forum and it works great. My bounds are perfect for every frame. Thanks guys!
As an aside, how is this exporter licensed? Could I mirror it with a link back to this forum, or would you prefer to keep it off of my hosting?
motorsep@Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:46 pm : As far as licensing goes, ask der_ton.
Also I would recommend using Blender 2.48a, it has more features.
der_ton@Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 6:05 pm : The script is released under the GPL, so you can ofcourse host it on your site. Having a link to this thread is a good idea.
Yes there is something wrong with the boundingbox info generated by the script. Since the beginning of the script in 2004 some version of Blender changed the API in a way that broke something and I haven't sorted that out, I'll have to take a look. Also I am going to update the script to incorporate the improvements that BlackHC and Tr3B made (
The current way of handling boundingboxes in their script is to have the boundingbox that encompasses all the mesh objects in the scene. If your animated character is the only object in the scene then it's all good ofcourse, otherwise the boundingbox might end up too large.
In Doom3 engine games, the boundingbox is not used for physics, but only for the renderer to cull offscreen models. Too large boundingboxes are not a problem, they only cost a little performance in cases where the character is actually offscreen but its boundingbox is not.
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:36 pm : edit: Look at my latest post on page 4 of this thread.
viewtopic.php?p=130466#130466 info:
It has been completed a while ago, but BNA was away and couldn´t upload it. Thanks to him for uploading it so soon after his return!
Read the readme (duh), and read the other details that I included in the script itself (the header of the script is its own readme, kind of).
The script does NOT work with Blender2.30. Blender2.30 was announced as a "preview" version for the 2.3x gui features, and it apparently is exactly that, a
preview (get what I mean?). Just stick to 2.28a or 2.28c until they release a proper 2.3x.
Things to come: a new version of my md5viewer (300% speed gain

, more accurate lighting, especially on low-end cards), including an animated md5 character ("Bob", made by
Kat, look at the WIP forum here). Animation was done in Blender, using this script to export to md5.

BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:38 pm : Hey - my pleasure to click the upload button while you're doing all the awsome work!
Thanks to you man!!!
Onan@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:06 pm : 
Wow! That's really a big step forward to be able to use freeware for Doom3 animations. I think I will stay at Maya nevertheless, but it's good to know that this is possible now.
Would be cool if you could also write an exporter for 3DSMax Animation. There is already one that exports ASE to md5mesh, but until now you can't export the animations.
Good work!
der_ton@Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am : Ok, some "requirements" for that script:
As I mentioned, use Blender2.28a or 2.28c
Then, in order to execute complicated python scripts in Blender, you have to install Python. Download
Python2.2.3 here: (7 MB)
There are newer versions of Python, but this version is the one that works with Blender2.28. That should be the first step.
Then the next step is to update your system variables. You need a new system variable called PYTHONPATH, and it must be set to something like this:
Ofcourse that´s if you installed Python to C:\Python22
If you don´t know how to set that PYTHONPATH system variable, read more information:
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:11 pm : I just got python working, and I am wanting to try out this script. But when I press alt p I get an error. In the, How to use, part you said something about typing, meta alt p ? where do you type meta?
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:22 pm : what's the error (check both the DOSprompt box sitting behind the main app window and Blender highlighted text)
What Blender and Python vs you running?
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:27 pm : I'm on osx so there is no console. But the error says: ERROR: Python script error, check console. ?????
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:49 pm : I've not got Blender open atm but you should have the script open in the Blender script/text viewport? What normally happens is the error message pops up and when you 'ok' that it goes to and highlights the offending bit of the script... I don't have Mac so don't know if you actually get the same thing happening with errors.
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am : Ok when I try to start the script, and get the error, it highlights: buffer = buffer + meshes[0] . to_md5mesh()
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:26 am : I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
kat@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:30 am : ah right.. I think that's come up before.. do a search using the error term and see what pops up.. der_ton said someting specific to it iirc... something about the mesh you're exporting not having any animation assigned to it
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:08 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
You could also post the exact error message that is printed on Blender´s console (the dos window that comes up with blender).
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:09 pm : I think I have already mentioned that I'm on OSX so there is no console.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:12 am : Ooops, sorry...

Well is your model animated? You don´t have to do a whole animation, just define two different keyframes for at least one bone
(with the skeleton selected, go to "pose mode", select a bone and press I ('insert keyframe'), select "LocRot" for the requested type of keyframe. That sets the first keyframe. Then move the framecounter to a different frame, and then set another keyframe there.)
shadowdragon@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:44 pm : Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:28 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
Yep, sorry... I´ll update the script soon and that´ll be fixed then, too. In the meantime, give me as much feedback as possible so that the next version is as usable as possible.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:47 am : Hey I just got my linux box up and running

It's totaly awesome, and python and blender 2.32 work flawlessly. So as soon as my brrother will give me the linux, I'm gonna try out the scripts again, see if they work

der_ton@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:22 pm : I can already tell you that it´s not gonna work with Blender 2.3x, because they f***ed up some stuff in the Python API. But I´ll write a workaround soon.
In the meantime, you could try it on Linux with Blender 2.28, would be nice to know if that works.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:51 pm : Ok yea I'll try 2.28 as 2.32 sure didn't work

der_ton@Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm : There´s a new version,
It can export camera animations, and it has a GUI!

Userfriendlyness should have improved a bit.
And it works on Blenders from 2.28 until the newest, 2.32.

As always, I´m interested in any feedback. But especially from the Mac and Linux users, as I can´t test it there myself.
-=GGW=- $ol!d $n4>|e@Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 5:40 am : this is really a really really sweet exporter, have you submitted it to the blender dev forums yet for official inclusion into later versions of blender

der_ton@Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 3:12 pm : No I haven't, that would mean I have to update it in a schedule that not I decide, and it wouldn't be of much use to Blender users in general. Those that use Blender for Doom3 engine modding sooner or later stumble on this forum anyway and will be aware of this script.
der_ton@Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 10:35 pm : The script is updated and works with Blender2.40 only (or newer maybe).
It hasn't been tested extensively, if there you encounter any bugs please tell me.
Thanks to PaladinOfKaos for the getVertexInfluences workaround!
zl1corvette@Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 4:05 am : Yippe no more 2.36!
der_ton@Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 12:09 pm : Another update, for Blender2.41:
-Works with 2.41 only (or newer maybe)
-is a bit faster
-uses Blender241's new Pose-module (enables export of ik or other constraints without baking to IPO animations. If the artist knows how to use this, it can be really helpful I think)
der_ton@Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 10:31 am : Be careful when using the exporter, there is a bug in Blender that might cause trouble. Save your .blend before using the exporter, then export, then reload the .blend file, just to make sure. I haven't tested this but just saw a bug report about a blender function that this script is using, too:
bart_bender@Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 1:49 pm : I'm try use the script and have some problems in an AMD x86_64 Architecture (Linux mandriva 2006 x86_64), the problem is the next
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 114, in ?
ImportError: No module named os
The script can't import the python libraries , some idea????
(i've installed python24 and python23 blenders and pythons)
PD: sorry for me english , i'm spanish user
der_ton@Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 3:35 pm : Hmm, have you checked if your python is configured as it should be? I have no experience with linux.
Do other scripts that use Python modules work? If not, you might want to check out the forum where they have a sticky thread about this stuff.
mcbeth@Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 10:16 pm : mcbeth wrote:
out of curiousity is it possible to do a md5general script for blender I use blender for modelling only at this time but for the sake of education It has been very useful for max, I have done walls that wiggle like jello with it
any chance this might have become easily doable with the armature mod in blender like the animation import now. I could try and learn python if I had some pointers
I want to play with blender RVKs for facial stuff.
der_ton@Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 5:06 pm : I don't know if the api updates facilitate this or not. My rough idea of how this would be done doesn't need the armature part of the api because you don't have to get any armature data out of blender since you don't care how the vertices are animated, you just sample the whole mesh each frame and save all vertices as md5-bones.
There's something like a getRawFromData() function (I might be wrong but it should be some similar name), that provides you with the raw blender mesh AFTER all animations have been applied. That's what has to be used for this exporter.
mcbeth@Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 2:09 am : thanks I'll check stuff out and see what happens
MelGibbsome@Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 10:00 pm : ok I'm a newb to this stuff.
I just installed the script and it shows up as doom3 md5 in the file export drop down list.
i've got a 4 window set up (top, side, front, camera) so the camera view IS visible.
I select doom3 md5 from teh file/export list. a window pops up at the bottom with buttons saying export camera, and wanting mesh and anim files. i set the mesh to my blend file name (its a simple one frame bishop chess piece) and I click on export. the screen flashes and thats it.
no md5 file to be found anywhere.
what am i doing wrong please?
and oh DID trash my original blend file and i had to redo the bishop.
MelGibbsome@Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 11:41 pm : ok like i said im REALLY A NEWB to this......
when it asked for the mesh file I thought it was asking for SOURCE and not the destination and I was actually over writing my blend with the md5 file!
NOW my problem writes a 1k file and i gave it a md5 extension which q4 doesnt see, (just realized) so i renamed it to lwo and when i import it, i just get this little cube, not my model.
SO does this script create lwo files? All's im trying to make here is simple chess pieces that will be imported to q4 map. I tried making them directly in q4 and altho they look okay in the editor, they get anomlies in game do to requiring too much rendering i guess.
so can i get some help on this please??? thanks
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 2:25 am : the extension is *md5mesh* and *md5anim* not just *md5*. When you're exporting the mesh it;s obviously best to call it something else and then add the extension to the end; so 'widget.md5mesh' and 'widget.md5anim', that way the exporter won't overwrite anything and it'll create the correctly named file for you.
If the chess piece isn't meant to animate (using a proper skeleton) then export it out as a proper LWO or ASE file, don't bother with MD5.
MelGibbsome@Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 4:17 pm : yes i saw where i could export as lwo i said, I'm new to this modeling stuff and don't have a clue.
i tried reading the tutorial on preparing blender object for lwo but it was over my head.
only took me like 30 mins to make my first piece and 10 for the second (in blender).
now all's i want to do is export the damn thing and it's apparently more complicated than just clicking on export!
oh and when i do just click on export as lwo? for one object i get a python script error and for the other i get a beep and screen flash. in both cases, a 0kb lwo file is created. (BTW, where IN THE HELL is "the console"??? Every time I get a script error, it says "see console".... I can find NO control to click on to show the console!)
Now, I am guessing that when you click on the export lwo file and it asks for the file name, it is asking for the DESTINATION and not the source? Wish the stupid program would automatically call the file the name of the project with the correct type of extension at the end, as a default, just like every other program under God's green earth!
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 4:46 pm : LOL ok, 1st things 1st. The 'console' in Blender is the DOS box that's open behind the main app window, if you minimise Blender you'll see it sitting in the desktop approx top left of the screen. Any errors etc are output there.
What version of Blender are you using?
You're probably best of using ASE for now as the way LWO materials need to be set up in Blender *is* a little confusing if you've not done it before (which reminds me, I need to get a video tutorial for this done).
ASE is much easier to do. Just model, UVWmap and texture the object as normal, triangulate the mesh (Ctrl+T) and then with it still selected run the script (make sure you use the right version).
Make sure you use a different file name than the one you're working on (it's just common sense to do this because as you've found you'll inadvertantly overwrite the source file if you're not careful) and append .ase to it. Just hit the button and you should be done.
From there on in read the prepping ASE models tute.
MelGibbsome@Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 9:00 pm : MEGA thanks for your time and patience......the DOS window......DUH how stupid am I? never thought of that - although thinking it was just a bat file, I have tried closing it, thinking it wouldn't effect the main window....but of course it closes everything LOL.
I will try your steps..........just one question...does q4 see .ase files? mine only seems to see lwo's.
OH YEAH...........I'm using version 2.41
edited to say: just checked the file/export selections there for ase files...
MelGibbsome@Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 9:25 pm : Ok i found teh ase exporter thread and copied and pasted that script into notepad, saved it as a py file and executed it with my pawn and bishop models.
I get the same error on both (wish I knew how to copy and paste from that console window):
SyntaxError: invalid token
File "<string>", line 380
mapTable={0:'*MAP_AMBIENT',1:............lists rest of line here
what's missing that I get this error?
kat@Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 10:15 pm : Grab the 2.37 script from my site and try that, I know that one does work becasue I use it all the time, the new script for 2.41 (also on my site) can be a little fussy for some reason I've not yet figureed out.
And yeah, I've done that with the DOS box... closed it and closed the main app!
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:36 pm : edit: Look at my latest post on page 4 of this thread.
viewtopic.php?p=130466#130466 info:
It has been completed a while ago, but BNA was away and couldn´t upload it. Thanks to him for uploading it so soon after his return!
Read the readme (duh), and read the other details that I included in the script itself (the header of the script is its own readme, kind of).
The script does NOT work with Blender2.30. Blender2.30 was announced as a "preview" version for the 2.3x gui features, and it apparently is exactly that, a
preview (get what I mean?). Just stick to 2.28a or 2.28c until they release a proper 2.3x.
Things to come: a new version of my md5viewer (300% speed gain

, more accurate lighting, especially on low-end cards), including an animated md5 character ("Bob", made by
Kat, look at the WIP forum here). Animation was done in Blender, using this script to export to md5.

BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:38 pm : Hey - my pleasure to click the upload button while you're doing all the awsome work!
Thanks to you man!!!
Onan@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:06 pm : 
Wow! That's really a big step forward to be able to use freeware for Doom3 animations. I think I will stay at Maya nevertheless, but it's good to know that this is possible now.
Would be cool if you could also write an exporter for 3DSMax Animation. There is already one that exports ASE to md5mesh, but until now you can't export the animations.
Good work!
der_ton@Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am : Ok, some "requirements" for that script:
As I mentioned, use Blender2.28a or 2.28c
Then, in order to execute complicated python scripts in Blender, you have to install Python. Download
Python2.2.3 here: (7 MB)
There are newer versions of Python, but this version is the one that works with Blender2.28. That should be the first step.
Then the next step is to update your system variables. You need a new system variable called PYTHONPATH, and it must be set to something like this:
Ofcourse that´s if you installed Python to C:\Python22
If you don´t know how to set that PYTHONPATH system variable, read more information:
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:11 pm : I just got python working, and I am wanting to try out this script. But when I press alt p I get an error. In the, How to use, part you said something about typing, meta alt p ? where do you type meta?
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:22 pm : what's the error (check both the DOSprompt box sitting behind the main app window and Blender highlighted text)
What Blender and Python vs you running?
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:27 pm : I'm on osx so there is no console. But the error says: ERROR: Python script error, check console. ?????
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:49 pm : I've not got Blender open atm but you should have the script open in the Blender script/text viewport? What normally happens is the error message pops up and when you 'ok' that it goes to and highlights the offending bit of the script... I don't have Mac so don't know if you actually get the same thing happening with errors.
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am : Ok when I try to start the script, and get the error, it highlights: buffer = buffer + meshes[0] . to_md5mesh()
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:26 am : I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
kat@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:30 am : ah right.. I think that's come up before.. do a search using the error term and see what pops up.. der_ton said someting specific to it iirc... something about the mesh you're exporting not having any animation assigned to it
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:08 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
You could also post the exact error message that is printed on Blender´s console (the dos window that comes up with blender).
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:09 pm : I think I have already mentioned that I'm on OSX so there is no console.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:12 am : Ooops, sorry...

Well is your model animated? You don´t have to do a whole animation, just define two different keyframes for at least one bone
(with the skeleton selected, go to "pose mode", select a bone and press I ('insert keyframe'), select "LocRot" for the requested type of keyframe. That sets the first keyframe. Then move the framecounter to a different frame, and then set another keyframe there.)
shadowdragon@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:44 pm : Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:28 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
Yep, sorry... I´ll update the script soon and that´ll be fixed then, too. In the meantime, give me as much feedback as possible so that the next version is as usable as possible.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:47 am : Hey I just got my linux box up and running

It's totaly awesome, and python and blender 2.32 work flawlessly. So as soon as my brrother will give me the linux, I'm gonna try out the scripts again, see if they work

der_ton@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:22 pm : I can already tell you that it´s not gonna work with Blender 2.3x, because they f***ed up some stuff in the Python API. But I´ll write a workaround soon.
In the meantime, you could try it on Linux with Blender 2.28, would be nice to know if that works.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:51 pm : Ok yea I'll try 2.28 as 2.32 sure didn't work

der_ton@Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm : There´s a new version,
It can export camera animations, and it has a GUI!

Userfriendlyness should have improved a bit.
And it works on Blenders from 2.28 until the newest, 2.32.

As always, I´m interested in any feedback. But especially from the Mac and Linux users, as I can´t test it there myself.
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:36 pm : edit: Look at my latest post on page 4 of this thread.
viewtopic.php?p=130466#130466 info:
It has been completed a while ago, but BNA was away and couldn´t upload it. Thanks to him for uploading it so soon after his return!
Read the readme (duh), and read the other details that I included in the script itself (the header of the script is its own readme, kind of).
The script does NOT work with Blender2.30. Blender2.30 was announced as a "preview" version for the 2.3x gui features, and it apparently is exactly that, a
preview (get what I mean?). Just stick to 2.28a or 2.28c until they release a proper 2.3x.
Things to come: a new version of my md5viewer (300% speed gain

, more accurate lighting, especially on low-end cards), including an animated md5 character ("Bob", made by
Kat, look at the WIP forum here). Animation was done in Blender, using this script to export to md5.

BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:38 pm : Hey - my pleasure to click the upload button while you're doing all the awsome work!
Thanks to you man!!!
Onan@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:06 pm : 
Wow! That's really a big step forward to be able to use freeware for Doom3 animations. I think I will stay at Maya nevertheless, but it's good to know that this is possible now.
Would be cool if you could also write an exporter for 3DSMax Animation. There is already one that exports ASE to md5mesh, but until now you can't export the animations.
Good work!
der_ton@Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am : Ok, some "requirements" for that script:
As I mentioned, use Blender2.28a or 2.28c
Then, in order to execute complicated python scripts in Blender, you have to install Python. Download
Python2.2.3 here: (7 MB)
There are newer versions of Python, but this version is the one that works with Blender2.28. That should be the first step.
Then the next step is to update your system variables. You need a new system variable called PYTHONPATH, and it must be set to something like this:
Ofcourse that´s if you installed Python to C:\Python22
If you don´t know how to set that PYTHONPATH system variable, read more information:
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:11 pm : I just got python working, and I am wanting to try out this script. But when I press alt p I get an error. In the, How to use, part you said something about typing, meta alt p ? where do you type meta?
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:22 pm : what's the error (check both the DOSprompt box sitting behind the main app window and Blender highlighted text)
What Blender and Python vs you running?
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:27 pm : I'm on osx so there is no console. But the error says: ERROR: Python script error, check console. ?????
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:49 pm : I've not got Blender open atm but you should have the script open in the Blender script/text viewport? What normally happens is the error message pops up and when you 'ok' that it goes to and highlights the offending bit of the script... I don't have Mac so don't know if you actually get the same thing happening with errors.
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am : Ok when I try to start the script, and get the error, it highlights: buffer = buffer + meshes[0] . to_md5mesh()
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:26 am : I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
kat@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:30 am : ah right.. I think that's come up before.. do a search using the error term and see what pops up.. der_ton said someting specific to it iirc... something about the mesh you're exporting not having any animation assigned to it
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:08 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
You could also post the exact error message that is printed on Blender´s console (the dos window that comes up with blender).
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:09 pm : I think I have already mentioned that I'm on OSX so there is no console.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:12 am : Ooops, sorry...

Well is your model animated? You don´t have to do a whole animation, just define two different keyframes for at least one bone
(with the skeleton selected, go to "pose mode", select a bone and press I ('insert keyframe'), select "LocRot" for the requested type of keyframe. That sets the first keyframe. Then move the framecounter to a different frame, and then set another keyframe there.)
shadowdragon@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:44 pm : Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:28 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
Yep, sorry... I´ll update the script soon and that´ll be fixed then, too. In the meantime, give me as much feedback as possible so that the next version is as usable as possible.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:47 am : Hey I just got my linux box up and running

It's totaly awesome, and python and blender 2.32 work flawlessly. So as soon as my brrother will give me the linux, I'm gonna try out the scripts again, see if they work

der_ton@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:22 pm : I can already tell you that it´s not gonna work with Blender 2.3x, because they f***ed up some stuff in the Python API. But I´ll write a workaround soon.
In the meantime, you could try it on Linux with Blender 2.28, would be nice to know if that works.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:51 pm : Ok yea I'll try 2.28 as 2.32 sure didn't work

der_ton@Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm : There´s a new version,
It can export camera animations, and it has a GUI!

Userfriendlyness should have improved a bit.
And it works on Blenders from 2.28 until the newest, 2.32.

As always, I´m interested in any feedback. But especially from the Mac and Linux users, as I can´t test it there myself.
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:36 pm : edit: Look at my latest post on page 4 of this thread.
viewtopic.php?p=130466#130466 info:
It has been completed a while ago, but BNA was away and couldn´t upload it. Thanks to him for uploading it so soon after his return!
Read the readme (duh), and read the other details that I included in the script itself (the header of the script is its own readme, kind of).
The script does NOT work with Blender2.30. Blender2.30 was announced as a "preview" version for the 2.3x gui features, and it apparently is exactly that, a
preview (get what I mean?). Just stick to 2.28a or 2.28c until they release a proper 2.3x.
Things to come: a new version of my md5viewer (300% speed gain

, more accurate lighting, especially on low-end cards), including an animated md5 character ("Bob", made by
Kat, look at the WIP forum here). Animation was done in Blender, using this script to export to md5.

BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:38 pm : Hey - my pleasure to click the upload button while you're doing all the awsome work!
Thanks to you man!!!
Onan@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:06 pm : 
Wow! That's really a big step forward to be able to use freeware for Doom3 animations. I think I will stay at Maya nevertheless, but it's good to know that this is possible now.
Would be cool if you could also write an exporter for 3DSMax Animation. There is already one that exports ASE to md5mesh, but until now you can't export the animations.
Good work!
der_ton@Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am : Ok, some "requirements" for that script:
As I mentioned, use Blender2.28a or 2.28c
Then, in order to execute complicated python scripts in Blender, you have to install Python. Download
Python2.2.3 here: (7 MB)
There are newer versions of Python, but this version is the one that works with Blender2.28. That should be the first step.
Then the next step is to update your system variables. You need a new system variable called PYTHONPATH, and it must be set to something like this:
Ofcourse that´s if you installed Python to C:\Python22
If you don´t know how to set that PYTHONPATH system variable, read more information:
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:11 pm : I just got python working, and I am wanting to try out this script. But when I press alt p I get an error. In the, How to use, part you said something about typing, meta alt p ? where do you type meta?
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:22 pm : what's the error (check both the DOSprompt box sitting behind the main app window and Blender highlighted text)
What Blender and Python vs you running?
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:27 pm : I'm on osx so there is no console. But the error says: ERROR: Python script error, check console. ?????
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:49 pm : I've not got Blender open atm but you should have the script open in the Blender script/text viewport? What normally happens is the error message pops up and when you 'ok' that it goes to and highlights the offending bit of the script... I don't have Mac so don't know if you actually get the same thing happening with errors.
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am : Ok when I try to start the script, and get the error, it highlights: buffer = buffer + meshes[0] . to_md5mesh()
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:26 am : I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
kat@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:30 am : ah right.. I think that's come up before.. do a search using the error term and see what pops up.. der_ton said someting specific to it iirc... something about the mesh you're exporting not having any animation assigned to it
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:08 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
You could also post the exact error message that is printed on Blender´s console (the dos window that comes up with blender).
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:09 pm : I think I have already mentioned that I'm on OSX so there is no console.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:12 am : Ooops, sorry...

Well is your model animated? You don´t have to do a whole animation, just define two different keyframes for at least one bone
(with the skeleton selected, go to "pose mode", select a bone and press I ('insert keyframe'), select "LocRot" for the requested type of keyframe. That sets the first keyframe. Then move the framecounter to a different frame, and then set another keyframe there.)
shadowdragon@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:44 pm : Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:28 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
Yep, sorry... I´ll update the script soon and that´ll be fixed then, too. In the meantime, give me as much feedback as possible so that the next version is as usable as possible.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:47 am : Hey I just got my linux box up and running

It's totaly awesome, and python and blender 2.32 work flawlessly. So as soon as my brrother will give me the linux, I'm gonna try out the scripts again, see if they work

der_ton@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:22 pm : I can already tell you that it´s not gonna work with Blender 2.3x, because they f***ed up some stuff in the Python API. But I´ll write a workaround soon.
In the meantime, you could try it on Linux with Blender 2.28, would be nice to know if that works.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:51 pm : Ok yea I'll try 2.28 as 2.32 sure didn't work

der_ton@Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm : There´s a new version,
It can export camera animations, and it has a GUI!

Userfriendlyness should have improved a bit.
And it works on Blenders from 2.28 until the newest, 2.32.

As always, I´m interested in any feedback. But especially from the Mac and Linux users, as I can´t test it there myself.
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:36 pm : edit: Look at my latest post on page 4 of this thread.
viewtopic.php?p=130466#130466 info:
It has been completed a while ago, but BNA was away and couldn´t upload it. Thanks to him for uploading it so soon after his return!
Read the readme (duh), and read the other details that I included in the script itself (the header of the script is its own readme, kind of).
The script does NOT work with Blender2.30. Blender2.30 was announced as a "preview" version for the 2.3x gui features, and it apparently is exactly that, a
preview (get what I mean?). Just stick to 2.28a or 2.28c until they release a proper 2.3x.
Things to come: a new version of my md5viewer (300% speed gain

, more accurate lighting, especially on low-end cards), including an animated md5 character ("Bob", made by
Kat, look at the WIP forum here). Animation was done in Blender, using this script to export to md5.

BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:38 pm : Hey - my pleasure to click the upload button while you're doing all the awsome work!
Thanks to you man!!!
Onan@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:06 pm : 
Wow! That's really a big step forward to be able to use freeware for Doom3 animations. I think I will stay at Maya nevertheless, but it's good to know that this is possible now.
Would be cool if you could also write an exporter for 3DSMax Animation. There is already one that exports ASE to md5mesh, but until now you can't export the animations.
Good work!
der_ton@Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am : Ok, some "requirements" for that script:
As I mentioned, use Blender2.28a or 2.28c
Then, in order to execute complicated python scripts in Blender, you have to install Python. Download
Python2.2.3 here: (7 MB)
There are newer versions of Python, but this version is the one that works with Blender2.28. That should be the first step.
Then the next step is to update your system variables. You need a new system variable called PYTHONPATH, and it must be set to something like this:
Ofcourse that´s if you installed Python to C:\Python22
If you don´t know how to set that PYTHONPATH system variable, read more information:
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:11 pm : I just got python working, and I am wanting to try out this script. But when I press alt p I get an error. In the, How to use, part you said something about typing, meta alt p ? where do you type meta?
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:22 pm : what's the error (check both the DOSprompt box sitting behind the main app window and Blender highlighted text)
What Blender and Python vs you running?
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:27 pm : I'm on osx so there is no console. But the error says: ERROR: Python script error, check console. ?????
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:49 pm : I've not got Blender open atm but you should have the script open in the Blender script/text viewport? What normally happens is the error message pops up and when you 'ok' that it goes to and highlights the offending bit of the script... I don't have Mac so don't know if you actually get the same thing happening with errors.
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am : Ok when I try to start the script, and get the error, it highlights: buffer = buffer + meshes[0] . to_md5mesh()
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:26 am : I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
kat@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:30 am : ah right.. I think that's come up before.. do a search using the error term and see what pops up.. der_ton said someting specific to it iirc... something about the mesh you're exporting not having any animation assigned to it
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:08 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
You could also post the exact error message that is printed on Blender´s console (the dos window that comes up with blender).
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:09 pm : I think I have already mentioned that I'm on OSX so there is no console.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:12 am : Ooops, sorry...

Well is your model animated? You don´t have to do a whole animation, just define two different keyframes for at least one bone
(with the skeleton selected, go to "pose mode", select a bone and press I ('insert keyframe'), select "LocRot" for the requested type of keyframe. That sets the first keyframe. Then move the framecounter to a different frame, and then set another keyframe there.)
shadowdragon@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:44 pm : Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:28 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
Yep, sorry... I´ll update the script soon and that´ll be fixed then, too. In the meantime, give me as much feedback as possible so that the next version is as usable as possible.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:47 am : Hey I just got my linux box up and running

It's totaly awesome, and python and blender 2.32 work flawlessly. So as soon as my brrother will give me the linux, I'm gonna try out the scripts again, see if they work

der_ton@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:22 pm : I can already tell you that it´s not gonna work with Blender 2.3x, because they f***ed up some stuff in the Python API. But I´ll write a workaround soon.
In the meantime, you could try it on Linux with Blender 2.28, would be nice to know if that works.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:51 pm : Ok yea I'll try 2.28 as 2.32 sure didn't work

der_ton@Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm : There´s a new version,
It can export camera animations, and it has a GUI!

Userfriendlyness should have improved a bit.
And it works on Blenders from 2.28 until the newest, 2.32.

As always, I´m interested in any feedback. But especially from the Mac and Linux users, as I can´t test it there myself.
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:36 pm : edit: Look at my latest post on page 4 of this thread.
viewtopic.php?p=130466#130466 info:
It has been completed a while ago, but BNA was away and couldn´t upload it. Thanks to him for uploading it so soon after his return!
Read the readme (duh), and read the other details that I included in the script itself (the header of the script is its own readme, kind of).
The script does NOT work with Blender2.30. Blender2.30 was announced as a "preview" version for the 2.3x gui features, and it apparently is exactly that, a
preview (get what I mean?). Just stick to 2.28a or 2.28c until they release a proper 2.3x.
Things to come: a new version of my md5viewer (300% speed gain

, more accurate lighting, especially on low-end cards), including an animated md5 character ("Bob", made by
Kat, look at the WIP forum here). Animation was done in Blender, using this script to export to md5.

BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:38 pm : Hey - my pleasure to click the upload button while you're doing all the awsome work!
Thanks to you man!!!
Onan@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:06 pm : 
Wow! That's really a big step forward to be able to use freeware for Doom3 animations. I think I will stay at Maya nevertheless, but it's good to know that this is possible now.
Would be cool if you could also write an exporter for 3DSMax Animation. There is already one that exports ASE to md5mesh, but until now you can't export the animations.
Good work!
der_ton@Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am : Ok, some "requirements" for that script:
As I mentioned, use Blender2.28a or 2.28c
Then, in order to execute complicated python scripts in Blender, you have to install Python. Download
Python2.2.3 here: (7 MB)
There are newer versions of Python, but this version is the one that works with Blender2.28. That should be the first step.
Then the next step is to update your system variables. You need a new system variable called PYTHONPATH, and it must be set to something like this:
Ofcourse that´s if you installed Python to C:\Python22
If you don´t know how to set that PYTHONPATH system variable, read more information:
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:11 pm : I just got python working, and I am wanting to try out this script. But when I press alt p I get an error. In the, How to use, part you said something about typing, meta alt p ? where do you type meta?
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:22 pm : what's the error (check both the DOSprompt box sitting behind the main app window and Blender highlighted text)
What Blender and Python vs you running?
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:27 pm : I'm on osx so there is no console. But the error says: ERROR: Python script error, check console. ?????
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:49 pm : I've not got Blender open atm but you should have the script open in the Blender script/text viewport? What normally happens is the error message pops up and when you 'ok' that it goes to and highlights the offending bit of the script... I don't have Mac so don't know if you actually get the same thing happening with errors.
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am : Ok when I try to start the script, and get the error, it highlights: buffer = buffer + meshes[0] . to_md5mesh()
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:26 am : I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
kat@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:30 am : ah right.. I think that's come up before.. do a search using the error term and see what pops up.. der_ton said someting specific to it iirc... something about the mesh you're exporting not having any animation assigned to it
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:08 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
You could also post the exact error message that is printed on Blender´s console (the dos window that comes up with blender).
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:09 pm : I think I have already mentioned that I'm on OSX so there is no console.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:12 am : Ooops, sorry...

Well is your model animated? You don´t have to do a whole animation, just define two different keyframes for at least one bone
(with the skeleton selected, go to "pose mode", select a bone and press I ('insert keyframe'), select "LocRot" for the requested type of keyframe. That sets the first keyframe. Then move the framecounter to a different frame, and then set another keyframe there.)
shadowdragon@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:44 pm : Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:28 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
Yep, sorry... I´ll update the script soon and that´ll be fixed then, too. In the meantime, give me as much feedback as possible so that the next version is as usable as possible.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:47 am : Hey I just got my linux box up and running

It's totaly awesome, and python and blender 2.32 work flawlessly. So as soon as my brrother will give me the linux, I'm gonna try out the scripts again, see if they work

der_ton@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:22 pm : I can already tell you that it´s not gonna work with Blender 2.3x, because they f***ed up some stuff in the Python API. But I´ll write a workaround soon.
In the meantime, you could try it on Linux with Blender 2.28, would be nice to know if that works.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:51 pm : Ok yea I'll try 2.28 as 2.32 sure didn't work

der_ton@Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm : There´s a new version,
It can export camera animations, and it has a GUI!

Userfriendlyness should have improved a bit.
And it works on Blenders from 2.28 until the newest, 2.32.

As always, I´m interested in any feedback. But especially from the Mac and Linux users, as I can´t test it there myself.
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:36 pm : edit: Look at my latest post on page 4 of this thread.
viewtopic.php?p=130466#130466 info:
It has been completed a while ago, but BNA was away and couldn´t upload it. Thanks to him for uploading it so soon after his return!
Read the readme (duh), and read the other details that I included in the script itself (the header of the script is its own readme, kind of).
The script does NOT work with Blender2.30. Blender2.30 was announced as a "preview" version for the 2.3x gui features, and it apparently is exactly that, a
preview (get what I mean?). Just stick to 2.28a or 2.28c until they release a proper 2.3x.
Things to come: a new version of my md5viewer (300% speed gain

, more accurate lighting, especially on low-end cards), including an animated md5 character ("Bob", made by
Kat, look at the WIP forum here). Animation was done in Blender, using this script to export to md5.

BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:38 pm : Hey - my pleasure to click the upload button while you're doing all the awsome work!
Thanks to you man!!!
Onan@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:06 pm : 
Wow! That's really a big step forward to be able to use freeware for Doom3 animations. I think I will stay at Maya nevertheless, but it's good to know that this is possible now.
Would be cool if you could also write an exporter for 3DSMax Animation. There is already one that exports ASE to md5mesh, but until now you can't export the animations.
Good work!
der_ton@Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am : Ok, some "requirements" for that script:
As I mentioned, use Blender2.28a or 2.28c
Then, in order to execute complicated python scripts in Blender, you have to install Python. Download
Python2.2.3 here: (7 MB)
There are newer versions of Python, but this version is the one that works with Blender2.28. That should be the first step.
Then the next step is to update your system variables. You need a new system variable called PYTHONPATH, and it must be set to something like this:
Ofcourse that´s if you installed Python to C:\Python22
If you don´t know how to set that PYTHONPATH system variable, read more information:
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:11 pm : I just got python working, and I am wanting to try out this script. But when I press alt p I get an error. In the, How to use, part you said something about typing, meta alt p ? where do you type meta?
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:22 pm : what's the error (check both the DOSprompt box sitting behind the main app window and Blender highlighted text)
What Blender and Python vs you running?
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:27 pm : I'm on osx so there is no console. But the error says: ERROR: Python script error, check console. ?????
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:49 pm : I've not got Blender open atm but you should have the script open in the Blender script/text viewport? What normally happens is the error message pops up and when you 'ok' that it goes to and highlights the offending bit of the script... I don't have Mac so don't know if you actually get the same thing happening with errors.
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am : Ok when I try to start the script, and get the error, it highlights: buffer = buffer + meshes[0] . to_md5mesh()
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:26 am : I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
kat@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:30 am : ah right.. I think that's come up before.. do a search using the error term and see what pops up.. der_ton said someting specific to it iirc... something about the mesh you're exporting not having any animation assigned to it
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:08 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
You could also post the exact error message that is printed on Blender´s console (the dos window that comes up with blender).
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:09 pm : I think I have already mentioned that I'm on OSX so there is no console.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:12 am : Ooops, sorry...

Well is your model animated? You don´t have to do a whole animation, just define two different keyframes for at least one bone
(with the skeleton selected, go to "pose mode", select a bone and press I ('insert keyframe'), select "LocRot" for the requested type of keyframe. That sets the first keyframe. Then move the framecounter to a different frame, and then set another keyframe there.)
shadowdragon@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:44 pm : Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:28 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
Yep, sorry... I´ll update the script soon and that´ll be fixed then, too. In the meantime, give me as much feedback as possible so that the next version is as usable as possible.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:47 am : Hey I just got my linux box up and running

It's totaly awesome, and python and blender 2.32 work flawlessly. So as soon as my brrother will give me the linux, I'm gonna try out the scripts again, see if they work

der_ton@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:22 pm : I can already tell you that it´s not gonna work with Blender 2.3x, because they f***ed up some stuff in the Python API. But I´ll write a workaround soon.
In the meantime, you could try it on Linux with Blender 2.28, would be nice to know if that works.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:51 pm : Ok yea I'll try 2.28 as 2.32 sure didn't work

der_ton@Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm : There´s a new version,
It can export camera animations, and it has a GUI!

Userfriendlyness should have improved a bit.
And it works on Blenders from 2.28 until the newest, 2.32.

As always, I´m interested in any feedback. But especially from the Mac and Linux users, as I can´t test it there myself.
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:36 pm : edit: Look at my latest post on page 4 of this thread.
viewtopic.php?p=130466#130466 info:
It has been completed a while ago, but BNA was away and couldn´t upload it. Thanks to him for uploading it so soon after his return!
Read the readme (duh), and read the other details that I included in the script itself (the header of the script is its own readme, kind of).
The script does NOT work with Blender2.30. Blender2.30 was announced as a "preview" version for the 2.3x gui features, and it apparently is exactly that, a
preview (get what I mean?). Just stick to 2.28a or 2.28c until they release a proper 2.3x.
Things to come: a new version of my md5viewer (300% speed gain

, more accurate lighting, especially on low-end cards), including an animated md5 character ("Bob", made by
Kat, look at the WIP forum here). Animation was done in Blender, using this script to export to md5.

BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:38 pm : Hey - my pleasure to click the upload button while you're doing all the awsome work!
Thanks to you man!!!
Onan@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:06 pm : 
Wow! That's really a big step forward to be able to use freeware for Doom3 animations. I think I will stay at Maya nevertheless, but it's good to know that this is possible now.
Would be cool if you could also write an exporter for 3DSMax Animation. There is already one that exports ASE to md5mesh, but until now you can't export the animations.
Good work!
der_ton@Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am : Ok, some "requirements" for that script:
As I mentioned, use Blender2.28a or 2.28c
Then, in order to execute complicated python scripts in Blender, you have to install Python. Download
Python2.2.3 here: (7 MB)
There are newer versions of Python, but this version is the one that works with Blender2.28. That should be the first step.
Then the next step is to update your system variables. You need a new system variable called PYTHONPATH, and it must be set to something like this:
Ofcourse that´s if you installed Python to C:\Python22
If you don´t know how to set that PYTHONPATH system variable, read more information:
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:11 pm : I just got python working, and I am wanting to try out this script. But when I press alt p I get an error. In the, How to use, part you said something about typing, meta alt p ? where do you type meta?
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:22 pm : what's the error (check both the DOSprompt box sitting behind the main app window and Blender highlighted text)
What Blender and Python vs you running?
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:27 pm : I'm on osx so there is no console. But the error says: ERROR: Python script error, check console. ?????
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:49 pm : I've not got Blender open atm but you should have the script open in the Blender script/text viewport? What normally happens is the error message pops up and when you 'ok' that it goes to and highlights the offending bit of the script... I don't have Mac so don't know if you actually get the same thing happening with errors.
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am : Ok when I try to start the script, and get the error, it highlights: buffer = buffer + meshes[0] . to_md5mesh()
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:26 am : I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
kat@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:30 am : ah right.. I think that's come up before.. do a search using the error term and see what pops up.. der_ton said someting specific to it iirc... something about the mesh you're exporting not having any animation assigned to it
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:08 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
You could also post the exact error message that is printed on Blender´s console (the dos window that comes up with blender).
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:09 pm : I think I have already mentioned that I'm on OSX so there is no console.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:12 am : Ooops, sorry...

Well is your model animated? You don´t have to do a whole animation, just define two different keyframes for at least one bone
(with the skeleton selected, go to "pose mode", select a bone and press I ('insert keyframe'), select "LocRot" for the requested type of keyframe. That sets the first keyframe. Then move the framecounter to a different frame, and then set another keyframe there.)
shadowdragon@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:44 pm : Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:28 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
Yep, sorry... I´ll update the script soon and that´ll be fixed then, too. In the meantime, give me as much feedback as possible so that the next version is as usable as possible.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:47 am : Hey I just got my linux box up and running

It's totaly awesome, and python and blender 2.32 work flawlessly. So as soon as my brrother will give me the linux, I'm gonna try out the scripts again, see if they work

der_ton@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:22 pm : I can already tell you that it´s not gonna work with Blender 2.3x, because they f***ed up some stuff in the Python API. But I´ll write a workaround soon.
In the meantime, you could try it on Linux with Blender 2.28, would be nice to know if that works.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:51 pm : Ok yea I'll try 2.28 as 2.32 sure didn't work

der_ton@Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm : There´s a new version,
It can export camera animations, and it has a GUI!

Userfriendlyness should have improved a bit.
And it works on Blenders from 2.28 until the newest, 2.32.

As always, I´m interested in any feedback. But especially from the Mac and Linux users, as I can´t test it there myself.
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:36 pm : edit: Look at my latest post on page 4 of this thread.
viewtopic.php?p=130466#130466 info:
It has been completed a while ago, but BNA was away and couldn´t upload it. Thanks to him for uploading it so soon after his return!
Read the readme (duh), and read the other details that I included in the script itself (the header of the script is its own readme, kind of).
The script does NOT work with Blender2.30. Blender2.30 was announced as a "preview" version for the 2.3x gui features, and it apparently is exactly that, a
preview (get what I mean?). Just stick to 2.28a or 2.28c until they release a proper 2.3x.
Things to come: a new version of my md5viewer (300% speed gain

, more accurate lighting, especially on low-end cards), including an animated md5 character ("Bob", made by
Kat, look at the WIP forum here). Animation was done in Blender, using this script to export to md5.

BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:38 pm : Hey - my pleasure to click the upload button while you're doing all the awsome work!
Thanks to you man!!!
Onan@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:06 pm : 
Wow! That's really a big step forward to be able to use freeware for Doom3 animations. I think I will stay at Maya nevertheless, but it's good to know that this is possible now.
Would be cool if you could also write an exporter for 3DSMax Animation. There is already one that exports ASE to md5mesh, but until now you can't export the animations.
Good work!
der_ton@Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am : Ok, some "requirements" for that script:
As I mentioned, use Blender2.28a or 2.28c
Then, in order to execute complicated python scripts in Blender, you have to install Python. Download
Python2.2.3 here: (7 MB)
There are newer versions of Python, but this version is the one that works with Blender2.28. That should be the first step.
Then the next step is to update your system variables. You need a new system variable called PYTHONPATH, and it must be set to something like this:
Ofcourse that´s if you installed Python to C:\Python22
If you don´t know how to set that PYTHONPATH system variable, read more information:
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:11 pm : I just got python working, and I am wanting to try out this script. But when I press alt p I get an error. In the, How to use, part you said something about typing, meta alt p ? where do you type meta?
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:22 pm : what's the error (check both the DOSprompt box sitting behind the main app window and Blender highlighted text)
What Blender and Python vs you running?
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:27 pm : I'm on osx so there is no console. But the error says: ERROR: Python script error, check console. ?????
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:49 pm : I've not got Blender open atm but you should have the script open in the Blender script/text viewport? What normally happens is the error message pops up and when you 'ok' that it goes to and highlights the offending bit of the script... I don't have Mac so don't know if you actually get the same thing happening with errors.
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am : Ok when I try to start the script, and get the error, it highlights: buffer = buffer + meshes[0] . to_md5mesh()
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:26 am : I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
kat@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:30 am : ah right.. I think that's come up before.. do a search using the error term and see what pops up.. der_ton said someting specific to it iirc... something about the mesh you're exporting not having any animation assigned to it
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:08 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
You could also post the exact error message that is printed on Blender´s console (the dos window that comes up with blender).
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:09 pm : I think I have already mentioned that I'm on OSX so there is no console.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:12 am : Ooops, sorry...

Well is your model animated? You don´t have to do a whole animation, just define two different keyframes for at least one bone
(with the skeleton selected, go to "pose mode", select a bone and press I ('insert keyframe'), select "LocRot" for the requested type of keyframe. That sets the first keyframe. Then move the framecounter to a different frame, and then set another keyframe there.)
shadowdragon@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:44 pm : Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:28 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
Yep, sorry... I´ll update the script soon and that´ll be fixed then, too. In the meantime, give me as much feedback as possible so that the next version is as usable as possible.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:47 am : Hey I just got my linux box up and running

It's totaly awesome, and python and blender 2.32 work flawlessly. So as soon as my brrother will give me the linux, I'm gonna try out the scripts again, see if they work

der_ton@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:22 pm : I can already tell you that it´s not gonna work with Blender 2.3x, because they f***ed up some stuff in the Python API. But I´ll write a workaround soon.
In the meantime, you could try it on Linux with Blender 2.28, would be nice to know if that works.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:51 pm : Ok yea I'll try 2.28 as 2.32 sure didn't work

der_ton@Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm : There´s a new version,
It can export camera animations, and it has a GUI!

Userfriendlyness should have improved a bit.
And it works on Blenders from 2.28 until the newest, 2.32.

As always, I´m interested in any feedback. But especially from the Mac and Linux users, as I can´t test it there myself.
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:36 pm : edit: Look at my latest post on page 4 of this thread.
viewtopic.php?p=130466#130466 info:
It has been completed a while ago, but BNA was away and couldn´t upload it. Thanks to him for uploading it so soon after his return!
Read the readme (duh), and read the other details that I included in the script itself (the header of the script is its own readme, kind of).
The script does NOT work with Blender2.30. Blender2.30 was announced as a "preview" version for the 2.3x gui features, and it apparently is exactly that, a
preview (get what I mean?). Just stick to 2.28a or 2.28c until they release a proper 2.3x.
Things to come: a new version of my md5viewer (300% speed gain

, more accurate lighting, especially on low-end cards), including an animated md5 character ("Bob", made by
Kat, look at the WIP forum here). Animation was done in Blender, using this script to export to md5.

BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:38 pm : Hey - my pleasure to click the upload button while you're doing all the awsome work!
Thanks to you man!!!
Onan@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:06 pm : 
Wow! That's really a big step forward to be able to use freeware for Doom3 animations. I think I will stay at Maya nevertheless, but it's good to know that this is possible now.
Would be cool if you could also write an exporter for 3DSMax Animation. There is already one that exports ASE to md5mesh, but until now you can't export the animations.
Good work!
der_ton@Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am : Ok, some "requirements" for that script:
As I mentioned, use Blender2.28a or 2.28c
Then, in order to execute complicated python scripts in Blender, you have to install Python. Download
Python2.2.3 here: (7 MB)
There are newer versions of Python, but this version is the one that works with Blender2.28. That should be the first step.
Then the next step is to update your system variables. You need a new system variable called PYTHONPATH, and it must be set to something like this:
Ofcourse that´s if you installed Python to C:\Python22
If you don´t know how to set that PYTHONPATH system variable, read more information:
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:11 pm : I just got python working, and I am wanting to try out this script. But when I press alt p I get an error. In the, How to use, part you said something about typing, meta alt p ? where do you type meta?
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:22 pm : what's the error (check both the DOSprompt box sitting behind the main app window and Blender highlighted text)
What Blender and Python vs you running?
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:27 pm : I'm on osx so there is no console. But the error says: ERROR: Python script error, check console. ?????
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:49 pm : I've not got Blender open atm but you should have the script open in the Blender script/text viewport? What normally happens is the error message pops up and when you 'ok' that it goes to and highlights the offending bit of the script... I don't have Mac so don't know if you actually get the same thing happening with errors.
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am : Ok when I try to start the script, and get the error, it highlights: buffer = buffer + meshes[0] . to_md5mesh()
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:26 am : I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
kat@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:30 am : ah right.. I think that's come up before.. do a search using the error term and see what pops up.. der_ton said someting specific to it iirc... something about the mesh you're exporting not having any animation assigned to it
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:08 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
You could also post the exact error message that is printed on Blender´s console (the dos window that comes up with blender).
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:09 pm : I think I have already mentioned that I'm on OSX so there is no console.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:12 am : Ooops, sorry...

Well is your model animated? You don´t have to do a whole animation, just define two different keyframes for at least one bone
(with the skeleton selected, go to "pose mode", select a bone and press I ('insert keyframe'), select "LocRot" for the requested type of keyframe. That sets the first keyframe. Then move the framecounter to a different frame, and then set another keyframe there.)
shadowdragon@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:44 pm : Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:28 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
Yep, sorry... I´ll update the script soon and that´ll be fixed then, too. In the meantime, give me as much feedback as possible so that the next version is as usable as possible.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:47 am : Hey I just got my linux box up and running

It's totaly awesome, and python and blender 2.32 work flawlessly. So as soon as my brrother will give me the linux, I'm gonna try out the scripts again, see if they work

der_ton@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:22 pm : I can already tell you that it´s not gonna work with Blender 2.3x, because they f***ed up some stuff in the Python API. But I´ll write a workaround soon.
In the meantime, you could try it on Linux with Blender 2.28, would be nice to know if that works.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:51 pm : Ok yea I'll try 2.28 as 2.32 sure didn't work

der_ton@Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm : There´s a new version,
It can export camera animations, and it has a GUI!

Userfriendlyness should have improved a bit.
And it works on Blenders from 2.28 until the newest, 2.32.

As always, I´m interested in any feedback. But especially from the Mac and Linux users, as I can´t test it there myself.
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:36 pm : edit: Look at my latest post on page 4 of this thread.
viewtopic.php?p=130466#130466 info:
It has been completed a while ago, but BNA was away and couldn´t upload it. Thanks to him for uploading it so soon after his return!
Read the readme (duh), and read the other details that I included in the script itself (the header of the script is its own readme, kind of).
The script does NOT work with Blender2.30. Blender2.30 was announced as a "preview" version for the 2.3x gui features, and it apparently is exactly that, a
preview (get what I mean?). Just stick to 2.28a or 2.28c until they release a proper 2.3x.
Things to come: a new version of my md5viewer (300% speed gain

, more accurate lighting, especially on low-end cards), including an animated md5 character ("Bob", made by
Kat, look at the WIP forum here). Animation was done in Blender, using this script to export to md5.

BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:38 pm : Hey - my pleasure to click the upload button while you're doing all the awsome work!
Thanks to you man!!!
Onan@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:06 pm : 
Wow! That's really a big step forward to be able to use freeware for Doom3 animations. I think I will stay at Maya nevertheless, but it's good to know that this is possible now.
Would be cool if you could also write an exporter for 3DSMax Animation. There is already one that exports ASE to md5mesh, but until now you can't export the animations.
Good work!
der_ton@Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am : Ok, some "requirements" for that script:
As I mentioned, use Blender2.28a or 2.28c
Then, in order to execute complicated python scripts in Blender, you have to install Python. Download
Python2.2.3 here: (7 MB)
There are newer versions of Python, but this version is the one that works with Blender2.28. That should be the first step.
Then the next step is to update your system variables. You need a new system variable called PYTHONPATH, and it must be set to something like this:
Ofcourse that´s if you installed Python to C:\Python22
If you don´t know how to set that PYTHONPATH system variable, read more information:
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:11 pm : I just got python working, and I am wanting to try out this script. But when I press alt p I get an error. In the, How to use, part you said something about typing, meta alt p ? where do you type meta?
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:22 pm : what's the error (check both the DOSprompt box sitting behind the main app window and Blender highlighted text)
What Blender and Python vs you running?
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:27 pm : I'm on osx so there is no console. But the error says: ERROR: Python script error, check console. ?????
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:49 pm : I've not got Blender open atm but you should have the script open in the Blender script/text viewport? What normally happens is the error message pops up and when you 'ok' that it goes to and highlights the offending bit of the script... I don't have Mac so don't know if you actually get the same thing happening with errors.
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am : Ok when I try to start the script, and get the error, it highlights: buffer = buffer + meshes[0] . to_md5mesh()
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:26 am : I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
kat@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:30 am : ah right.. I think that's come up before.. do a search using the error term and see what pops up.. der_ton said someting specific to it iirc... something about the mesh you're exporting not having any animation assigned to it
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:08 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
You could also post the exact error message that is printed on Blender´s console (the dos window that comes up with blender).
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:09 pm : I think I have already mentioned that I'm on OSX so there is no console.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:12 am : Ooops, sorry...

Well is your model animated? You don´t have to do a whole animation, just define two different keyframes for at least one bone
(with the skeleton selected, go to "pose mode", select a bone and press I ('insert keyframe'), select "LocRot" for the requested type of keyframe. That sets the first keyframe. Then move the framecounter to a different frame, and then set another keyframe there.)
shadowdragon@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:44 pm : Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:28 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
Yep, sorry... I´ll update the script soon and that´ll be fixed then, too. In the meantime, give me as much feedback as possible so that the next version is as usable as possible.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:47 am : Hey I just got my linux box up and running

It's totaly awesome, and python and blender 2.32 work flawlessly. So as soon as my brrother will give me the linux, I'm gonna try out the scripts again, see if they work

der_ton@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:22 pm : I can already tell you that it´s not gonna work with Blender 2.3x, because they f***ed up some stuff in the Python API. But I´ll write a workaround soon.
In the meantime, you could try it on Linux with Blender 2.28, would be nice to know if that works.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:51 pm : Ok yea I'll try 2.28 as 2.32 sure didn't work

der_ton@Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm : There´s a new version,
It can export camera animations, and it has a GUI!

Userfriendlyness should have improved a bit.
And it works on Blenders from 2.28 until the newest, 2.32.

As always, I´m interested in any feedback. But especially from the Mac and Linux users, as I can´t test it there myself.
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:36 pm : edit: Look at my latest post on page 4 of this thread.
viewtopic.php?p=130466#130466 info:
It has been completed a while ago, but BNA was away and couldn´t upload it. Thanks to him for uploading it so soon after his return!
Read the readme (duh), and read the other details that I included in the script itself (the header of the script is its own readme, kind of).
The script does NOT work with Blender2.30. Blender2.30 was announced as a "preview" version for the 2.3x gui features, and it apparently is exactly that, a
preview (get what I mean?). Just stick to 2.28a or 2.28c until they release a proper 2.3x.
Things to come: a new version of my md5viewer (300% speed gain

, more accurate lighting, especially on low-end cards), including an animated md5 character ("Bob", made by
Kat, look at the WIP forum here). Animation was done in Blender, using this script to export to md5.

BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:38 pm : Hey - my pleasure to click the upload button while you're doing all the awsome work!
Thanks to you man!!!
Onan@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:06 pm : 
Wow! That's really a big step forward to be able to use freeware for Doom3 animations. I think I will stay at Maya nevertheless, but it's good to know that this is possible now.
Would be cool if you could also write an exporter for 3DSMax Animation. There is already one that exports ASE to md5mesh, but until now you can't export the animations.
Good work!
der_ton@Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am : Ok, some "requirements" for that script:
As I mentioned, use Blender2.28a or 2.28c
Then, in order to execute complicated python scripts in Blender, you have to install Python. Download
Python2.2.3 here: (7 MB)
There are newer versions of Python, but this version is the one that works with Blender2.28. That should be the first step.
Then the next step is to update your system variables. You need a new system variable called PYTHONPATH, and it must be set to something like this:
Ofcourse that´s if you installed Python to C:\Python22
If you don´t know how to set that PYTHONPATH system variable, read more information:
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:11 pm : I just got python working, and I am wanting to try out this script. But when I press alt p I get an error. In the, How to use, part you said something about typing, meta alt p ? where do you type meta?
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:22 pm : what's the error (check both the DOSprompt box sitting behind the main app window and Blender highlighted text)
What Blender and Python vs you running?
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:27 pm : I'm on osx so there is no console. But the error says: ERROR: Python script error, check console. ?????
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:49 pm : I've not got Blender open atm but you should have the script open in the Blender script/text viewport? What normally happens is the error message pops up and when you 'ok' that it goes to and highlights the offending bit of the script... I don't have Mac so don't know if you actually get the same thing happening with errors.
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am : Ok when I try to start the script, and get the error, it highlights: buffer = buffer + meshes[0] . to_md5mesh()
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:26 am : I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
kat@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:30 am : ah right.. I think that's come up before.. do a search using the error term and see what pops up.. der_ton said someting specific to it iirc... something about the mesh you're exporting not having any animation assigned to it
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:08 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
You could also post the exact error message that is printed on Blender´s console (the dos window that comes up with blender).
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:09 pm : I think I have already mentioned that I'm on OSX so there is no console.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:12 am : Ooops, sorry...

Well is your model animated? You don´t have to do a whole animation, just define two different keyframes for at least one bone
(with the skeleton selected, go to "pose mode", select a bone and press I ('insert keyframe'), select "LocRot" for the requested type of keyframe. That sets the first keyframe. Then move the framecounter to a different frame, and then set another keyframe there.)
shadowdragon@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:44 pm : Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:28 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
Yep, sorry... I´ll update the script soon and that´ll be fixed then, too. In the meantime, give me as much feedback as possible so that the next version is as usable as possible.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:47 am : Hey I just got my linux box up and running

It's totaly awesome, and python and blender 2.32 work flawlessly. So as soon as my brrother will give me the linux, I'm gonna try out the scripts again, see if they work

der_ton@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:22 pm : I can already tell you that it´s not gonna work with Blender 2.3x, because they f***ed up some stuff in the Python API. But I´ll write a workaround soon.
In the meantime, you could try it on Linux with Blender 2.28, would be nice to know if that works.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:51 pm : Ok yea I'll try 2.28 as 2.32 sure didn't work

der_ton@Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm : There´s a new version,
It can export camera animations, and it has a GUI!

Userfriendlyness should have improved a bit.
And it works on Blenders from 2.28 until the newest, 2.32.

As always, I´m interested in any feedback. But especially from the Mac and Linux users, as I can´t test it there myself.
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:36 pm : edit: Look at my latest post on page 4 of this thread.
viewtopic.php?p=130466#130466 info:
It has been completed a while ago, but BNA was away and couldn´t upload it. Thanks to him for uploading it so soon after his return!
Read the readme (duh), and read the other details that I included in the script itself (the header of the script is its own readme, kind of).
The script does NOT work with Blender2.30. Blender2.30 was announced as a "preview" version for the 2.3x gui features, and it apparently is exactly that, a
preview (get what I mean?). Just stick to 2.28a or 2.28c until they release a proper 2.3x.
Things to come: a new version of my md5viewer (300% speed gain

, more accurate lighting, especially on low-end cards), including an animated md5 character ("Bob", made by
Kat, look at the WIP forum here). Animation was done in Blender, using this script to export to md5.

BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:38 pm : Hey - my pleasure to click the upload button while you're doing all the awsome work!
Thanks to you man!!!
Onan@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:06 pm : 
Wow! That's really a big step forward to be able to use freeware for Doom3 animations. I think I will stay at Maya nevertheless, but it's good to know that this is possible now.
Would be cool if you could also write an exporter for 3DSMax Animation. There is already one that exports ASE to md5mesh, but until now you can't export the animations.
Good work!
der_ton@Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am : Ok, some "requirements" for that script:
As I mentioned, use Blender2.28a or 2.28c
Then, in order to execute complicated python scripts in Blender, you have to install Python. Download
Python2.2.3 here: (7 MB)
There are newer versions of Python, but this version is the one that works with Blender2.28. That should be the first step.
Then the next step is to update your system variables. You need a new system variable called PYTHONPATH, and it must be set to something like this:
Ofcourse that´s if you installed Python to C:\Python22
If you don´t know how to set that PYTHONPATH system variable, read more information:
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:11 pm : I just got python working, and I am wanting to try out this script. But when I press alt p I get an error. In the, How to use, part you said something about typing, meta alt p ? where do you type meta?
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:22 pm : what's the error (check both the DOSprompt box sitting behind the main app window and Blender highlighted text)
What Blender and Python vs you running?
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:27 pm : I'm on osx so there is no console. But the error says: ERROR: Python script error, check console. ?????
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:49 pm : I've not got Blender open atm but you should have the script open in the Blender script/text viewport? What normally happens is the error message pops up and when you 'ok' that it goes to and highlights the offending bit of the script... I don't have Mac so don't know if you actually get the same thing happening with errors.
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am : Ok when I try to start the script, and get the error, it highlights: buffer = buffer + meshes[0] . to_md5mesh()
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:26 am : I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
kat@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:30 am : ah right.. I think that's come up before.. do a search using the error term and see what pops up.. der_ton said someting specific to it iirc... something about the mesh you're exporting not having any animation assigned to it
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:08 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
You could also post the exact error message that is printed on Blender´s console (the dos window that comes up with blender).
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:09 pm : I think I have already mentioned that I'm on OSX so there is no console.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:12 am : Ooops, sorry...

Well is your model animated? You don´t have to do a whole animation, just define two different keyframes for at least one bone
(with the skeleton selected, go to "pose mode", select a bone and press I ('insert keyframe'), select "LocRot" for the requested type of keyframe. That sets the first keyframe. Then move the framecounter to a different frame, and then set another keyframe there.)
shadowdragon@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:44 pm : Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:28 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
Yep, sorry... I´ll update the script soon and that´ll be fixed then, too. In the meantime, give me as much feedback as possible so that the next version is as usable as possible.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:47 am : Hey I just got my linux box up and running

It's totaly awesome, and python and blender 2.32 work flawlessly. So as soon as my brrother will give me the linux, I'm gonna try out the scripts again, see if they work

der_ton@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:22 pm : I can already tell you that it´s not gonna work with Blender 2.3x, because they f***ed up some stuff in the Python API. But I´ll write a workaround soon.
In the meantime, you could try it on Linux with Blender 2.28, would be nice to know if that works.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:51 pm : Ok yea I'll try 2.28 as 2.32 sure didn't work

der_ton@Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm : There´s a new version,
It can export camera animations, and it has a GUI!

Userfriendlyness should have improved a bit.
And it works on Blenders from 2.28 until the newest, 2.32.

As always, I´m interested in any feedback. But especially from the Mac and Linux users, as I can´t test it there myself.
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:36 pm : edit: Look at my latest post on page 4 of this thread.
viewtopic.php?p=130466#130466 info:
It has been completed a while ago, but BNA was away and couldn´t upload it. Thanks to him for uploading it so soon after his return!
Read the readme (duh), and read the other details that I included in the script itself (the header of the script is its own readme, kind of).
The script does NOT work with Blender2.30. Blender2.30 was announced as a "preview" version for the 2.3x gui features, and it apparently is exactly that, a
preview (get what I mean?). Just stick to 2.28a or 2.28c until they release a proper 2.3x.
Things to come: a new version of my md5viewer (300% speed gain

, more accurate lighting, especially on low-end cards), including an animated md5 character ("Bob", made by
Kat, look at the WIP forum here). Animation was done in Blender, using this script to export to md5.

BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:38 pm : Hey - my pleasure to click the upload button while you're doing all the awsome work!
Thanks to you man!!!
Onan@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:06 pm : 
Wow! That's really a big step forward to be able to use freeware for Doom3 animations. I think I will stay at Maya nevertheless, but it's good to know that this is possible now.
Would be cool if you could also write an exporter for 3DSMax Animation. There is already one that exports ASE to md5mesh, but until now you can't export the animations.
Good work!
der_ton@Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am : Ok, some "requirements" for that script:
As I mentioned, use Blender2.28a or 2.28c
Then, in order to execute complicated python scripts in Blender, you have to install Python. Download
Python2.2.3 here: (7 MB)
There are newer versions of Python, but this version is the one that works with Blender2.28. That should be the first step.
Then the next step is to update your system variables. You need a new system variable called PYTHONPATH, and it must be set to something like this:
Ofcourse that´s if you installed Python to C:\Python22
If you don´t know how to set that PYTHONPATH system variable, read more information:
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:11 pm : I just got python working, and I am wanting to try out this script. But when I press alt p I get an error. In the, How to use, part you said something about typing, meta alt p ? where do you type meta?
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:22 pm : what's the error (check both the DOSprompt box sitting behind the main app window and Blender highlighted text)
What Blender and Python vs you running?
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:27 pm : I'm on osx so there is no console. But the error says: ERROR: Python script error, check console. ?????
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:49 pm : I've not got Blender open atm but you should have the script open in the Blender script/text viewport? What normally happens is the error message pops up and when you 'ok' that it goes to and highlights the offending bit of the script... I don't have Mac so don't know if you actually get the same thing happening with errors.
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am : Ok when I try to start the script, and get the error, it highlights: buffer = buffer + meshes[0] . to_md5mesh()
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:26 am : I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
kat@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:30 am : ah right.. I think that's come up before.. do a search using the error term and see what pops up.. der_ton said someting specific to it iirc... something about the mesh you're exporting not having any animation assigned to it
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:08 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
You could also post the exact error message that is printed on Blender´s console (the dos window that comes up with blender).
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:09 pm : I think I have already mentioned that I'm on OSX so there is no console.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:12 am : Ooops, sorry...

Well is your model animated? You don´t have to do a whole animation, just define two different keyframes for at least one bone
(with the skeleton selected, go to "pose mode", select a bone and press I ('insert keyframe'), select "LocRot" for the requested type of keyframe. That sets the first keyframe. Then move the framecounter to a different frame, and then set another keyframe there.)
shadowdragon@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:44 pm : Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:28 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
Yep, sorry... I´ll update the script soon and that´ll be fixed then, too. In the meantime, give me as much feedback as possible so that the next version is as usable as possible.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:47 am : Hey I just got my linux box up and running

It's totaly awesome, and python and blender 2.32 work flawlessly. So as soon as my brrother will give me the linux, I'm gonna try out the scripts again, see if they work

der_ton@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:22 pm : I can already tell you that it´s not gonna work with Blender 2.3x, because they f***ed up some stuff in the Python API. But I´ll write a workaround soon.
In the meantime, you could try it on Linux with Blender 2.28, would be nice to know if that works.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:51 pm : Ok yea I'll try 2.28 as 2.32 sure didn't work

der_ton@Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm : There´s a new version,
It can export camera animations, and it has a GUI!

Userfriendlyness should have improved a bit.
And it works on Blenders from 2.28 until the newest, 2.32.

As always, I´m interested in any feedback. But especially from the Mac and Linux users, as I can´t test it there myself.
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:36 pm : edit: Look at my latest post on page 4 of this thread.
viewtopic.php?p=130466#130466 info:
It has been completed a while ago, but BNA was away and couldn´t upload it. Thanks to him for uploading it so soon after his return!
Read the readme (duh), and read the other details that I included in the script itself (the header of the script is its own readme, kind of).
The script does NOT work with Blender2.30. Blender2.30 was announced as a "preview" version for the 2.3x gui features, and it apparently is exactly that, a
preview (get what I mean?). Just stick to 2.28a or 2.28c until they release a proper 2.3x.
Things to come: a new version of my md5viewer (300% speed gain

, more accurate lighting, especially on low-end cards), including an animated md5 character ("Bob", made by
Kat, look at the WIP forum here). Animation was done in Blender, using this script to export to md5.

BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:38 pm : Hey - my pleasure to click the upload button while you're doing all the awsome work!
Thanks to you man!!!
Onan@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:06 pm : 
Wow! That's really a big step forward to be able to use freeware for Doom3 animations. I think I will stay at Maya nevertheless, but it's good to know that this is possible now.
Would be cool if you could also write an exporter for 3DSMax Animation. There is already one that exports ASE to md5mesh, but until now you can't export the animations.
Good work!
der_ton@Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am : Ok, some "requirements" for that script:
As I mentioned, use Blender2.28a or 2.28c
Then, in order to execute complicated python scripts in Blender, you have to install Python. Download
Python2.2.3 here: (7 MB)
There are newer versions of Python, but this version is the one that works with Blender2.28. That should be the first step.
Then the next step is to update your system variables. You need a new system variable called PYTHONPATH, and it must be set to something like this:
Ofcourse that´s if you installed Python to C:\Python22
If you don´t know how to set that PYTHONPATH system variable, read more information:
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:11 pm : I just got python working, and I am wanting to try out this script. But when I press alt p I get an error. In the, How to use, part you said something about typing, meta alt p ? where do you type meta?
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:22 pm : what's the error (check both the DOSprompt box sitting behind the main app window and Blender highlighted text)
What Blender and Python vs you running?
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:27 pm : I'm on osx so there is no console. But the error says: ERROR: Python script error, check console. ?????
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:49 pm : I've not got Blender open atm but you should have the script open in the Blender script/text viewport? What normally happens is the error message pops up and when you 'ok' that it goes to and highlights the offending bit of the script... I don't have Mac so don't know if you actually get the same thing happening with errors.
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am : Ok when I try to start the script, and get the error, it highlights: buffer = buffer + meshes[0] . to_md5mesh()
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:26 am : I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
kat@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:30 am : ah right.. I think that's come up before.. do a search using the error term and see what pops up.. der_ton said someting specific to it iirc... something about the mesh you're exporting not having any animation assigned to it
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:08 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
You could also post the exact error message that is printed on Blender´s console (the dos window that comes up with blender).
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:09 pm : I think I have already mentioned that I'm on OSX so there is no console.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:12 am : Ooops, sorry...

Well is your model animated? You don´t have to do a whole animation, just define two different keyframes for at least one bone
(with the skeleton selected, go to "pose mode", select a bone and press I ('insert keyframe'), select "LocRot" for the requested type of keyframe. That sets the first keyframe. Then move the framecounter to a different frame, and then set another keyframe there.)
shadowdragon@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:44 pm : Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:28 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
Yep, sorry... I´ll update the script soon and that´ll be fixed then, too. In the meantime, give me as much feedback as possible so that the next version is as usable as possible.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:47 am : Hey I just got my linux box up and running

It's totaly awesome, and python and blender 2.32 work flawlessly. So as soon as my brrother will give me the linux, I'm gonna try out the scripts again, see if they work

der_ton@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:22 pm : I can already tell you that it´s not gonna work with Blender 2.3x, because they f***ed up some stuff in the Python API. But I´ll write a workaround soon.
In the meantime, you could try it on Linux with Blender 2.28, would be nice to know if that works.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:51 pm : Ok yea I'll try 2.28 as 2.32 sure didn't work

der_ton@Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm : There´s a new version,
It can export camera animations, and it has a GUI!

Userfriendlyness should have improved a bit.
And it works on Blenders from 2.28 until the newest, 2.32.

As always, I´m interested in any feedback. But especially from the Mac and Linux users, as I can´t test it there myself.
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:36 pm : edit: Look at my latest post on page 4 of this thread.
viewtopic.php?p=130466#130466 info:
It has been completed a while ago, but BNA was away and couldn´t upload it. Thanks to him for uploading it so soon after his return!
Read the readme (duh), and read the other details that I included in the script itself (the header of the script is its own readme, kind of).
The script does NOT work with Blender2.30. Blender2.30 was announced as a "preview" version for the 2.3x gui features, and it apparently is exactly that, a
preview (get what I mean?). Just stick to 2.28a or 2.28c until they release a proper 2.3x.
Things to come: a new version of my md5viewer (300% speed gain

, more accurate lighting, especially on low-end cards), including an animated md5 character ("Bob", made by
Kat, look at the WIP forum here). Animation was done in Blender, using this script to export to md5.

BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:38 pm : Hey - my pleasure to click the upload button while you're doing all the awsome work!
Thanks to you man!!!
Onan@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:06 pm : 
Wow! That's really a big step forward to be able to use freeware for Doom3 animations. I think I will stay at Maya nevertheless, but it's good to know that this is possible now.
Would be cool if you could also write an exporter for 3DSMax Animation. There is already one that exports ASE to md5mesh, but until now you can't export the animations.
Good work!
der_ton@Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am : Ok, some "requirements" for that script:
As I mentioned, use Blender2.28a or 2.28c
Then, in order to execute complicated python scripts in Blender, you have to install Python. Download
Python2.2.3 here: (7 MB)
There are newer versions of Python, but this version is the one that works with Blender2.28. That should be the first step.
Then the next step is to update your system variables. You need a new system variable called PYTHONPATH, and it must be set to something like this:
Ofcourse that´s if you installed Python to C:\Python22
If you don´t know how to set that PYTHONPATH system variable, read more information:
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:11 pm : I just got python working, and I am wanting to try out this script. But when I press alt p I get an error. In the, How to use, part you said something about typing, meta alt p ? where do you type meta?
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:22 pm : what's the error (check both the DOSprompt box sitting behind the main app window and Blender highlighted text)
What Blender and Python vs you running?
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:27 pm : I'm on osx so there is no console. But the error says: ERROR: Python script error, check console. ?????
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:49 pm : I've not got Blender open atm but you should have the script open in the Blender script/text viewport? What normally happens is the error message pops up and when you 'ok' that it goes to and highlights the offending bit of the script... I don't have Mac so don't know if you actually get the same thing happening with errors.
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am : Ok when I try to start the script, and get the error, it highlights: buffer = buffer + meshes[0] . to_md5mesh()
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:26 am : I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
kat@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:30 am : ah right.. I think that's come up before.. do a search using the error term and see what pops up.. der_ton said someting specific to it iirc... something about the mesh you're exporting not having any animation assigned to it
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:08 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
You could also post the exact error message that is printed on Blender´s console (the dos window that comes up with blender).
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:09 pm : I think I have already mentioned that I'm on OSX so there is no console.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:12 am : Ooops, sorry...

Well is your model animated? You don´t have to do a whole animation, just define two different keyframes for at least one bone
(with the skeleton selected, go to "pose mode", select a bone and press I ('insert keyframe'), select "LocRot" for the requested type of keyframe. That sets the first keyframe. Then move the framecounter to a different frame, and then set another keyframe there.)
shadowdragon@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:44 pm : Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:28 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
Yep, sorry... I´ll update the script soon and that´ll be fixed then, too. In the meantime, give me as much feedback as possible so that the next version is as usable as possible.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:47 am : Hey I just got my linux box up and running

It's totaly awesome, and python and blender 2.32 work flawlessly. So as soon as my brrother will give me the linux, I'm gonna try out the scripts again, see if they work

der_ton@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:22 pm : I can already tell you that it´s not gonna work with Blender 2.3x, because they f***ed up some stuff in the Python API. But I´ll write a workaround soon.
In the meantime, you could try it on Linux with Blender 2.28, would be nice to know if that works.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:51 pm : Ok yea I'll try 2.28 as 2.32 sure didn't work

der_ton@Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm : There´s a new version,
It can export camera animations, and it has a GUI!

Userfriendlyness should have improved a bit.
And it works on Blenders from 2.28 until the newest, 2.32.

As always, I´m interested in any feedback. But especially from the Mac and Linux users, as I can´t test it there myself.
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:36 pm : edit: Look at my latest post on page 4 of this thread.
viewtopic.php?p=130466#130466 info:
It has been completed a while ago, but BNA was away and couldn´t upload it. Thanks to him for uploading it so soon after his return!
Read the readme (duh), and read the other details that I included in the script itself (the header of the script is its own readme, kind of).
The script does NOT work with Blender2.30. Blender2.30 was announced as a "preview" version for the 2.3x gui features, and it apparently is exactly that, a
preview (get what I mean?). Just stick to 2.28a or 2.28c until they release a proper 2.3x.
Things to come: a new version of my md5viewer (300% speed gain

, more accurate lighting, especially on low-end cards), including an animated md5 character ("Bob", made by
Kat, look at the WIP forum here). Animation was done in Blender, using this script to export to md5.

BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:38 pm : Hey - my pleasure to click the upload button while you're doing all the awsome work!
Thanks to you man!!!
Onan@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:06 pm : 
Wow! That's really a big step forward to be able to use freeware for Doom3 animations. I think I will stay at Maya nevertheless, but it's good to know that this is possible now.
Would be cool if you could also write an exporter for 3DSMax Animation. There is already one that exports ASE to md5mesh, but until now you can't export the animations.
Good work!
der_ton@Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am : Ok, some "requirements" for that script:
As I mentioned, use Blender2.28a or 2.28c
Then, in order to execute complicated python scripts in Blender, you have to install Python. Download
Python2.2.3 here: (7 MB)
There are newer versions of Python, but this version is the one that works with Blender2.28. That should be the first step.
Then the next step is to update your system variables. You need a new system variable called PYTHONPATH, and it must be set to something like this:
Ofcourse that´s if you installed Python to C:\Python22
If you don´t know how to set that PYTHONPATH system variable, read more information:
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:11 pm : I just got python working, and I am wanting to try out this script. But when I press alt p I get an error. In the, How to use, part you said something about typing, meta alt p ? where do you type meta?
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:22 pm : what's the error (check both the DOSprompt box sitting behind the main app window and Blender highlighted text)
What Blender and Python vs you running?
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:27 pm : I'm on osx so there is no console. But the error says: ERROR: Python script error, check console. ?????
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:49 pm : I've not got Blender open atm but you should have the script open in the Blender script/text viewport? What normally happens is the error message pops up and when you 'ok' that it goes to and highlights the offending bit of the script... I don't have Mac so don't know if you actually get the same thing happening with errors.
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am : Ok when I try to start the script, and get the error, it highlights: buffer = buffer + meshes[0] . to_md5mesh()
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:26 am : I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
kat@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:30 am : ah right.. I think that's come up before.. do a search using the error term and see what pops up.. der_ton said someting specific to it iirc... something about the mesh you're exporting not having any animation assigned to it
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:08 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
You could also post the exact error message that is printed on Blender´s console (the dos window that comes up with blender).
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:09 pm : I think I have already mentioned that I'm on OSX so there is no console.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:12 am : Ooops, sorry...

Well is your model animated? You don´t have to do a whole animation, just define two different keyframes for at least one bone
(with the skeleton selected, go to "pose mode", select a bone and press I ('insert keyframe'), select "LocRot" for the requested type of keyframe. That sets the first keyframe. Then move the framecounter to a different frame, and then set another keyframe there.)
shadowdragon@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:44 pm : Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:28 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
Yep, sorry... I´ll update the script soon and that´ll be fixed then, too. In the meantime, give me as much feedback as possible so that the next version is as usable as possible.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:47 am : Hey I just got my linux box up and running

It's totaly awesome, and python and blender 2.32 work flawlessly. So as soon as my brrother will give me the linux, I'm gonna try out the scripts again, see if they work

der_ton@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:22 pm : I can already tell you that it´s not gonna work with Blender 2.3x, because they f***ed up some stuff in the Python API. But I´ll write a workaround soon.
In the meantime, you could try it on Linux with Blender 2.28, would be nice to know if that works.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:51 pm : Ok yea I'll try 2.28 as 2.32 sure didn't work

der_ton@Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm : There´s a new version,
It can export camera animations, and it has a GUI!

Userfriendlyness should have improved a bit.
And it works on Blenders from 2.28 until the newest, 2.32.

As always, I´m interested in any feedback. But especially from the Mac and Linux users, as I can´t test it there myself.
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:36 pm : edit: Look at my latest post on page 4 of this thread.
viewtopic.php?p=130466#130466 info:
It has been completed a while ago, but BNA was away and couldn´t upload it. Thanks to him for uploading it so soon after his return!
Read the readme (duh), and read the other details that I included in the script itself (the header of the script is its own readme, kind of).
The script does NOT work with Blender2.30. Blender2.30 was announced as a "preview" version for the 2.3x gui features, and it apparently is exactly that, a
preview (get what I mean?). Just stick to 2.28a or 2.28c until they release a proper 2.3x.
Things to come: a new version of my md5viewer (300% speed gain

, more accurate lighting, especially on low-end cards), including an animated md5 character ("Bob", made by
Kat, look at the WIP forum here). Animation was done in Blender, using this script to export to md5.

BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:38 pm : Hey - my pleasure to click the upload button while you're doing all the awsome work!
Thanks to you man!!!
Onan@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:06 pm : 
Wow! That's really a big step forward to be able to use freeware for Doom3 animations. I think I will stay at Maya nevertheless, but it's good to know that this is possible now.
Would be cool if you could also write an exporter for 3DSMax Animation. There is already one that exports ASE to md5mesh, but until now you can't export the animations.
Good work!
der_ton@Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am : Ok, some "requirements" for that script:
As I mentioned, use Blender2.28a or 2.28c
Then, in order to execute complicated python scripts in Blender, you have to install Python. Download
Python2.2.3 here: (7 MB)
There are newer versions of Python, but this version is the one that works with Blender2.28. That should be the first step.
Then the next step is to update your system variables. You need a new system variable called PYTHONPATH, and it must be set to something like this:
Ofcourse that´s if you installed Python to C:\Python22
If you don´t know how to set that PYTHONPATH system variable, read more information:
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:11 pm : I just got python working, and I am wanting to try out this script. But when I press alt p I get an error. In the, How to use, part you said something about typing, meta alt p ? where do you type meta?
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:22 pm : what's the error (check both the DOSprompt box sitting behind the main app window and Blender highlighted text)
What Blender and Python vs you running?
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:27 pm : I'm on osx so there is no console. But the error says: ERROR: Python script error, check console. ?????
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:49 pm : I've not got Blender open atm but you should have the script open in the Blender script/text viewport? What normally happens is the error message pops up and when you 'ok' that it goes to and highlights the offending bit of the script... I don't have Mac so don't know if you actually get the same thing happening with errors.
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am : Ok when I try to start the script, and get the error, it highlights: buffer = buffer + meshes[0] . to_md5mesh()
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:26 am : I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
kat@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:30 am : ah right.. I think that's come up before.. do a search using the error term and see what pops up.. der_ton said someting specific to it iirc... something about the mesh you're exporting not having any animation assigned to it
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:08 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
You could also post the exact error message that is printed on Blender´s console (the dos window that comes up with blender).
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:09 pm : I think I have already mentioned that I'm on OSX so there is no console.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:12 am : Ooops, sorry...

Well is your model animated? You don´t have to do a whole animation, just define two different keyframes for at least one bone
(with the skeleton selected, go to "pose mode", select a bone and press I ('insert keyframe'), select "LocRot" for the requested type of keyframe. That sets the first keyframe. Then move the framecounter to a different frame, and then set another keyframe there.)
shadowdragon@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:44 pm : Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:28 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
Yep, sorry... I´ll update the script soon and that´ll be fixed then, too. In the meantime, give me as much feedback as possible so that the next version is as usable as possible.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:47 am : Hey I just got my linux box up and running

It's totaly awesome, and python and blender 2.32 work flawlessly. So as soon as my brrother will give me the linux, I'm gonna try out the scripts again, see if they work

der_ton@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:22 pm : I can already tell you that it´s not gonna work with Blender 2.3x, because they f***ed up some stuff in the Python API. But I´ll write a workaround soon.
In the meantime, you could try it on Linux with Blender 2.28, would be nice to know if that works.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:51 pm : Ok yea I'll try 2.28 as 2.32 sure didn't work

der_ton@Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm : There´s a new version,
It can export camera animations, and it has a GUI!

Userfriendlyness should have improved a bit.
And it works on Blenders from 2.28 until the newest, 2.32.

As always, I´m interested in any feedback. But especially from the Mac and Linux users, as I can´t test it there myself.
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:36 pm : edit: Look at my latest post on page 4 of this thread.
viewtopic.php?p=130466#130466 info:
It has been completed a while ago, but BNA was away and couldn´t upload it. Thanks to him for uploading it so soon after his return!
Read the readme (duh), and read the other details that I included in the script itself (the header of the script is its own readme, kind of).
The script does NOT work with Blender2.30. Blender2.30 was announced as a "preview" version for the 2.3x gui features, and it apparently is exactly that, a
preview (get what I mean?). Just stick to 2.28a or 2.28c until they release a proper 2.3x.
Things to come: a new version of my md5viewer (300% speed gain

, more accurate lighting, especially on low-end cards), including an animated md5 character ("Bob", made by
Kat, look at the WIP forum here). Animation was done in Blender, using this script to export to md5.

BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:38 pm : Hey - my pleasure to click the upload button while you're doing all the awsome work!
Thanks to you man!!!
Onan@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:06 pm : 
Wow! That's really a big step forward to be able to use freeware for Doom3 animations. I think I will stay at Maya nevertheless, but it's good to know that this is possible now.
Would be cool if you could also write an exporter for 3DSMax Animation. There is already one that exports ASE to md5mesh, but until now you can't export the animations.
Good work!
der_ton@Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am : Ok, some "requirements" for that script:
As I mentioned, use Blender2.28a or 2.28c
Then, in order to execute complicated python scripts in Blender, you have to install Python. Download
Python2.2.3 here: (7 MB)
There are newer versions of Python, but this version is the one that works with Blender2.28. That should be the first step.
Then the next step is to update your system variables. You need a new system variable called PYTHONPATH, and it must be set to something like this:
Ofcourse that´s if you installed Python to C:\Python22
If you don´t know how to set that PYTHONPATH system variable, read more information:
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:11 pm : I just got python working, and I am wanting to try out this script. But when I press alt p I get an error. In the, How to use, part you said something about typing, meta alt p ? where do you type meta?
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:22 pm : what's the error (check both the DOSprompt box sitting behind the main app window and Blender highlighted text)
What Blender and Python vs you running?
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:27 pm : I'm on osx so there is no console. But the error says: ERROR: Python script error, check console. ?????
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:49 pm : I've not got Blender open atm but you should have the script open in the Blender script/text viewport? What normally happens is the error message pops up and when you 'ok' that it goes to and highlights the offending bit of the script... I don't have Mac so don't know if you actually get the same thing happening with errors.
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am : Ok when I try to start the script, and get the error, it highlights: buffer = buffer + meshes[0] . to_md5mesh()
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:26 am : I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
kat@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:30 am : ah right.. I think that's come up before.. do a search using the error term and see what pops up.. der_ton said someting specific to it iirc... something about the mesh you're exporting not having any animation assigned to it
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:08 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
You could also post the exact error message that is printed on Blender´s console (the dos window that comes up with blender).
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:09 pm : I think I have already mentioned that I'm on OSX so there is no console.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:12 am : Ooops, sorry...

Well is your model animated? You don´t have to do a whole animation, just define two different keyframes for at least one bone
(with the skeleton selected, go to "pose mode", select a bone and press I ('insert keyframe'), select "LocRot" for the requested type of keyframe. That sets the first keyframe. Then move the framecounter to a different frame, and then set another keyframe there.)
shadowdragon@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:44 pm : Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:28 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
Yep, sorry... I´ll update the script soon and that´ll be fixed then, too. In the meantime, give me as much feedback as possible so that the next version is as usable as possible.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:47 am : Hey I just got my linux box up and running

It's totaly awesome, and python and blender 2.32 work flawlessly. So as soon as my brrother will give me the linux, I'm gonna try out the scripts again, see if they work

der_ton@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:22 pm : I can already tell you that it´s not gonna work with Blender 2.3x, because they f***ed up some stuff in the Python API. But I´ll write a workaround soon.
In the meantime, you could try it on Linux with Blender 2.28, would be nice to know if that works.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:51 pm : Ok yea I'll try 2.28 as 2.32 sure didn't work

der_ton@Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm : There´s a new version,
It can export camera animations, and it has a GUI!

Userfriendlyness should have improved a bit.
And it works on Blenders from 2.28 until the newest, 2.32.

As always, I´m interested in any feedback. But especially from the Mac and Linux users, as I can´t test it there myself.
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:36 pm : edit: Look at my latest post on page 4 of this thread.
viewtopic.php?p=130466#130466 info:
It has been completed a while ago, but BNA was away and couldn´t upload it. Thanks to him for uploading it so soon after his return!
Read the readme (duh), and read the other details that I included in the script itself (the header of the script is its own readme, kind of).
The script does NOT work with Blender2.30. Blender2.30 was announced as a "preview" version for the 2.3x gui features, and it apparently is exactly that, a
preview (get what I mean?). Just stick to 2.28a or 2.28c until they release a proper 2.3x.
Things to come: a new version of my md5viewer (300% speed gain

, more accurate lighting, especially on low-end cards), including an animated md5 character ("Bob", made by
Kat, look at the WIP forum here). Animation was done in Blender, using this script to export to md5.

BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:38 pm : Hey - my pleasure to click the upload button while you're doing all the awsome work!
Thanks to you man!!!
Onan@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:06 pm : 
Wow! That's really a big step forward to be able to use freeware for Doom3 animations. I think I will stay at Maya nevertheless, but it's good to know that this is possible now.
Would be cool if you could also write an exporter for 3DSMax Animation. There is already one that exports ASE to md5mesh, but until now you can't export the animations.
Good work!
der_ton@Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am : Ok, some "requirements" for that script:
As I mentioned, use Blender2.28a or 2.28c
Then, in order to execute complicated python scripts in Blender, you have to install Python. Download
Python2.2.3 here: (7 MB)
There are newer versions of Python, but this version is the one that works with Blender2.28. That should be the first step.
Then the next step is to update your system variables. You need a new system variable called PYTHONPATH, and it must be set to something like this:
Ofcourse that´s if you installed Python to C:\Python22
If you don´t know how to set that PYTHONPATH system variable, read more information:
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:11 pm : I just got python working, and I am wanting to try out this script. But when I press alt p I get an error. In the, How to use, part you said something about typing, meta alt p ? where do you type meta?
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:22 pm : what's the error (check both the DOSprompt box sitting behind the main app window and Blender highlighted text)
What Blender and Python vs you running?
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:27 pm : I'm on osx so there is no console. But the error says: ERROR: Python script error, check console. ?????
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:49 pm : I've not got Blender open atm but you should have the script open in the Blender script/text viewport? What normally happens is the error message pops up and when you 'ok' that it goes to and highlights the offending bit of the script... I don't have Mac so don't know if you actually get the same thing happening with errors.
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am : Ok when I try to start the script, and get the error, it highlights: buffer = buffer + meshes[0] . to_md5mesh()
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:26 am : I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
kat@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:30 am : ah right.. I think that's come up before.. do a search using the error term and see what pops up.. der_ton said someting specific to it iirc... something about the mesh you're exporting not having any animation assigned to it
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:08 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
You could also post the exact error message that is printed on Blender´s console (the dos window that comes up with blender).
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:09 pm : I think I have already mentioned that I'm on OSX so there is no console.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:12 am : Ooops, sorry...

Well is your model animated? You don´t have to do a whole animation, just define two different keyframes for at least one bone
(with the skeleton selected, go to "pose mode", select a bone and press I ('insert keyframe'), select "LocRot" for the requested type of keyframe. That sets the first keyframe. Then move the framecounter to a different frame, and then set another keyframe there.)
shadowdragon@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:44 pm : Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:28 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
Yep, sorry... I´ll update the script soon and that´ll be fixed then, too. In the meantime, give me as much feedback as possible so that the next version is as usable as possible.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:47 am : Hey I just got my linux box up and running

It's totaly awesome, and python and blender 2.32 work flawlessly. So as soon as my brrother will give me the linux, I'm gonna try out the scripts again, see if they work

der_ton@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:22 pm : I can already tell you that it´s not gonna work with Blender 2.3x, because they f***ed up some stuff in the Python API. But I´ll write a workaround soon.
In the meantime, you could try it on Linux with Blender 2.28, would be nice to know if that works.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:51 pm : Ok yea I'll try 2.28 as 2.32 sure didn't work

der_ton@Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm : There´s a new version,
It can export camera animations, and it has a GUI!

Userfriendlyness should have improved a bit.
And it works on Blenders from 2.28 until the newest, 2.32.

As always, I´m interested in any feedback. But especially from the Mac and Linux users, as I can´t test it there myself.
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:36 pm : edit: Look at my latest post on page 4 of this thread.
viewtopic.php?p=130466#130466 info:
It has been completed a while ago, but BNA was away and couldn´t upload it. Thanks to him for uploading it so soon after his return!
Read the readme (duh), and read the other details that I included in the script itself (the header of the script is its own readme, kind of).
The script does NOT work with Blender2.30. Blender2.30 was announced as a "preview" version for the 2.3x gui features, and it apparently is exactly that, a
preview (get what I mean?). Just stick to 2.28a or 2.28c until they release a proper 2.3x.
Things to come: a new version of my md5viewer (300% speed gain

, more accurate lighting, especially on low-end cards), including an animated md5 character ("Bob", made by
Kat, look at the WIP forum here). Animation was done in Blender, using this script to export to md5.

BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:38 pm : Hey - my pleasure to click the upload button while you're doing all the awsome work!
Thanks to you man!!!
Onan@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:06 pm : 
Wow! That's really a big step forward to be able to use freeware for Doom3 animations. I think I will stay at Maya nevertheless, but it's good to know that this is possible now.
Would be cool if you could also write an exporter for 3DSMax Animation. There is already one that exports ASE to md5mesh, but until now you can't export the animations.
Good work!
der_ton@Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am : Ok, some "requirements" for that script:
As I mentioned, use Blender2.28a or 2.28c
Then, in order to execute complicated python scripts in Blender, you have to install Python. Download
Python2.2.3 here: (7 MB)
There are newer versions of Python, but this version is the one that works with Blender2.28. That should be the first step.
Then the next step is to update your system variables. You need a new system variable called PYTHONPATH, and it must be set to something like this:
Ofcourse that´s if you installed Python to C:\Python22
If you don´t know how to set that PYTHONPATH system variable, read more information:
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:11 pm : I just got python working, and I am wanting to try out this script. But when I press alt p I get an error. In the, How to use, part you said something about typing, meta alt p ? where do you type meta?
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:22 pm : what's the error (check both the DOSprompt box sitting behind the main app window and Blender highlighted text)
What Blender and Python vs you running?
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:27 pm : I'm on osx so there is no console. But the error says: ERROR: Python script error, check console. ?????
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:49 pm : I've not got Blender open atm but you should have the script open in the Blender script/text viewport? What normally happens is the error message pops up and when you 'ok' that it goes to and highlights the offending bit of the script... I don't have Mac so don't know if you actually get the same thing happening with errors.
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am : Ok when I try to start the script, and get the error, it highlights: buffer = buffer + meshes[0] . to_md5mesh()
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:26 am : I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
kat@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:30 am : ah right.. I think that's come up before.. do a search using the error term and see what pops up.. der_ton said someting specific to it iirc... something about the mesh you're exporting not having any animation assigned to it
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:08 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
You could also post the exact error message that is printed on Blender´s console (the dos window that comes up with blender).
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:09 pm : I think I have already mentioned that I'm on OSX so there is no console.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:12 am : Ooops, sorry...

Well is your model animated? You don´t have to do a whole animation, just define two different keyframes for at least one bone
(with the skeleton selected, go to "pose mode", select a bone and press I ('insert keyframe'), select "LocRot" for the requested type of keyframe. That sets the first keyframe. Then move the framecounter to a different frame, and then set another keyframe there.)
shadowdragon@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:44 pm : Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:28 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
Yep, sorry... I´ll update the script soon and that´ll be fixed then, too. In the meantime, give me as much feedback as possible so that the next version is as usable as possible.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:47 am : Hey I just got my linux box up and running

It's totaly awesome, and python and blender 2.32 work flawlessly. So as soon as my brrother will give me the linux, I'm gonna try out the scripts again, see if they work

der_ton@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:22 pm : I can already tell you that it´s not gonna work with Blender 2.3x, because they f***ed up some stuff in the Python API. But I´ll write a workaround soon.
In the meantime, you could try it on Linux with Blender 2.28, would be nice to know if that works.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:51 pm : Ok yea I'll try 2.28 as 2.32 sure didn't work

der_ton@Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm : There´s a new version,
It can export camera animations, and it has a GUI!

Userfriendlyness should have improved a bit.
And it works on Blenders from 2.28 until the newest, 2.32.

As always, I´m interested in any feedback. But especially from the Mac and Linux users, as I can´t test it there myself.
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:36 pm : edit: For info on the latest release, look at my post on page 4 of this thread.
viewtopic.php?p=130466#130466The latest version can be found here: info:
It has been completed a while ago, but BNA was away and couldn´t upload it. Thanks to him for uploading it so soon after his return!
Read the readme (duh), and read the other details that I included in the script itself (the header of the script is its own readme, kind of).
The script does NOT work with Blender2.30. Blender2.30 was announced as a "preview" version for the 2.3x gui features, and it apparently is exactly that, a
preview (get what I mean?). Just stick to 2.28a or 2.28c until they release a proper 2.3x.
Things to come: a new version of my md5viewer (300% speed gain

, more accurate lighting, especially on low-end cards), including an animated md5 character ("Bob", made by
Kat, look at the WIP forum here). Animation was done in Blender, using this script to export to md5.

BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:38 pm : Hey - my pleasure to click the upload button while you're doing all the awsome work!
Thanks to you man!!!
Onan@Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:06 pm : 
Wow! That's really a big step forward to be able to use freeware for Doom3 animations. I think I will stay at Maya nevertheless, but it's good to know that this is possible now.
Would be cool if you could also write an exporter for 3DSMax Animation. There is already one that exports ASE to md5mesh, but until now you can't export the animations.
Good work!
der_ton@Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:21 am : Ok, some "requirements" for that script:
As I mentioned, use Blender2.28a or 2.28c
Then, in order to execute complicated python scripts in Blender, you have to install Python. Download
Python2.2.3 here: (7 MB)
There are newer versions of Python, but this version is the one that works with Blender2.28. That should be the first step.
Then the next step is to update your system variables. You need a new system variable called PYTHONPATH, and it must be set to something like this:
Ofcourse that´s if you installed Python to C:\Python22
If you don´t know how to set that PYTHONPATH system variable, read more information:
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:11 pm : I just got python working, and I am wanting to try out this script. But when I press alt p I get an error. In the, How to use, part you said something about typing, meta alt p ? where do you type meta?
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:22 pm : what's the error (check both the DOSprompt box sitting behind the main app window and Blender highlighted text)
What Blender and Python vs you running?
shadowdragon@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:27 pm : I'm on osx so there is no console. But the error says: ERROR: Python script error, check console. ?????
kat@Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:49 pm : I've not got Blender open atm but you should have the script open in the Blender script/text viewport? What normally happens is the error message pops up and when you 'ok' that it goes to and highlights the offending bit of the script... I don't have Mac so don't know if you actually get the same thing happening with errors.
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am : Ok when I try to start the script, and get the error, it highlights: buffer = buffer + meshes[0] . to_md5mesh()
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:26 am : I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
kat@Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:30 am : ah right.. I think that's come up before.. do a search using the error term and see what pops up.. der_ton said someting specific to it iirc... something about the mesh you're exporting not having any animation assigned to it
der_ton@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:08 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
I just relized I didn't have 2.28a or 2.28c, but I got 2.28a and now it highlights: anim = ANIMATIONS . values() [0]
You could also post the exact error message that is printed on Blender´s console (the dos window that comes up with blender).
shadowdragon@Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:09 pm : I think I have already mentioned that I'm on OSX so there is no console.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:12 am : Ooops, sorry...

Well is your model animated? You don´t have to do a whole animation, just define two different keyframes for at least one bone
(with the skeleton selected, go to "pose mode", select a bone and press I ('insert keyframe'), select "LocRot" for the requested type of keyframe. That sets the first keyframe. Then move the framecounter to a different frame, and then set another keyframe there.)
shadowdragon@Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:44 pm : Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:28 pm : shadowdragon wrote:
Oh does the model have to be rigged and animated partialy for the script to work?
Yep, sorry... I´ll update the script soon and that´ll be fixed then, too. In the meantime, give me as much feedback as possible so that the next version is as usable as possible.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 3:47 am : Hey I just got my linux box up and running

It's totaly awesome, and python and blender 2.32 work flawlessly. So as soon as my brrother will give me the linux, I'm gonna try out the scripts again, see if they work

der_ton@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:22 pm : I can already tell you that it´s not gonna work with Blender 2.3x, because they f***ed up some stuff in the Python API. But I´ll write a workaround soon.
In the meantime, you could try it on Linux with Blender 2.28, would be nice to know if that works.

shadowdragon@Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:51 pm : Ok yea I'll try 2.28 as 2.32 sure didn't work

der_ton@Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:20 pm : There´s a new version,
It can export camera animations, and it has a GUI!

Userfriendlyness should have improved a bit.
And it works on Blenders from 2.28 until the newest, 2.32.

As always, I´m interested in any feedback. But especially from the Mac and Linux users, as I can´t test it there myself.