Johnny B. Goode@Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 6:06 pm : As mentioned in a previous post I'm working on creating some models and animations using blender. I have a model created, I've added an armature, parented the mesh to the bone, and created vertex groups(in this case just one). If I move the bone in blender the mesh follows it as it should.
When I try to export it, I get an essentialy empty .md5 file. I can load it into the modelviewer and it's blank. If I look at the console I see an error that reads:
There is a vertex without attachment to a bone in mesh: Knife
It lists that error many many times, so I'm assuming that none of the verticies are being attached to the bone. The problem is I can't figure out why. Does anybody have any suggestions?
kat@Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 1:06 am : I've had this a few times and it's usually to do with the vertex groupd so check your vertex group names, ALL verts need to be 'grouped' to a bone in the armature even if that's just an origin bone.
Also the exporter hasn't been properly tested in 2.42 yet so if you're using that it may have something to do with the error.
Johnny B. Goode@Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 2:06 am : I checked the vertex group names, and they match the bone. I did some basic animations with just the weapon this afternoon, and it's kinda cool if you ask me. I checked the group names, and they match the bone. I don't know if it makes a difference, but there is only one bone, named "bone"and one vertex group named "bone". All vertexes are carrying the same weight of "1". I'm using blender version 2.40. Does the bone have to be named origin? Or does it need a different bone named origin? Since I was able to render a few animations as .avi I would assume that I had it all set up properly, but I think I'm missing something.
kat@Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 2:19 am : If you have just a single bone then yes that should be named "origin". Ideally if you are actually animating an object you need to use two bones; the origin should not really have any vert groups attached to it, instead those 'attach' to the second bone (called "body" for the sake of argument), *that* is part of the main armature along with the origin bone ("body" is the 'child' of "origin").
vertex group > "body" > "origin"
Johnny B. Goode@Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 2:49 am : Ok, I added another armature and named it origin, I then made it the parent to my "bone" bone, I checked the vertex groups, then the weight, then tried to export. I got the same error as before, and a little more this time. Here is a screenshot of the console:

Just for grins, I'm going to include a link to the little video I made this afternoon, in case you want to see what I'm going for here.
I'm pretty sure I have the hierarchy right, as my current setup would look like so:
"origin" armature>"bone" armature>"bone" vertex group
If that doesn't explain it, I'll be glad to email you the .blend file.
kat@Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 4:07 am : You have named your vertex groups to corrispond to the bone each area of the mesh is effected by yes?
vGrp : "handle"
bone : "handle"
I can't look at the blend file atm but may do if the problem persists.
Johnny B. Goode@Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 7:11 am : kat wrote:
You have named your vertex groups to corrispond to the bone each area of the mesh is effected by yes?
vGrp : "handle"
bone : "handle"
I can't look at the blend file atm but may do if the problem persists.
That's correct. I think it's probly something rather minor, but for the life of me I can't figure out what it would be. I've been doing quite a bit of searching and researching but can't figure it out. I do appreciate your help up to this point though.