psychoart@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:25 am : hi all i have problem - after export from 3ds max ASE model , and open in doom 3 editor the model don't have shadows ? other models from doom 3 - chair, characters, and .... have shadows only my imported model don't have

the room have light ..

i follow step by step video tutorial " importing static mesh "
pls help me thanks in advance

6th Venom@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:44 am : Hi, try to look after a "noshadows" into your object's material (texture in .mtr file) and replace it by "//noshadows".
Sometimes the editor just don't show shadows of big models, try to bsp your map and look ingame.

psychoart@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:12 pm : now in my materiasl folder i have mtr file all write in mtrl file is this -
diffusemap models/mapobjects/custom/skin1_d.tga
how to write ? to put "//noshadows in script , ????
modern@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:48 pm : I think your material is ok. Its just that sometimes shadows misteriously disappear, particulary on complicated geometry. I have a really big and complicated model of a town that doom refuses to render a shadow volume for, even in game. Try it in game, and if it still does not work then you might want to reduce the complexity of your model.
ergonaut@Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:27 pm : [quote="modern"]I think your material is ok. Its just that sometimes shadows misteriously disappear, particulary on complicated geometry.
nope, I just put a textured cube .ase in and its like all lit up and no shadows, and the lighting in the map has no effect on it: I can't run a game of my poop mod yet, so we are talking just the editor here. All of the id stuff comes in fine. Whats going on?
der_ton@Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:31 pm : Most probably your material definition is not working/is not being found ("most probably" means that we never ever had a case where something else was at fault when this problem appeared).
ergonaut@Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:53 pm : [quote="der_ton"]Most probably your material definition is not working/is not being found ("most probably" means that we never ever had a case where something else was at fault when this problem appeared).[/quote]
sounds good, cos I can't find my textures folder either. the model folder comes in and I can see the texture and the path is written but I can't find the I guess thats probably right.
ergonaut@Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:24 pm : [quote="der_ton"]Most probably your material definition is not working/is not being found ("most probably" means that we never ever had a case where something else was at fault when this problem appeared).[/quote]
So got this lot, but with the dir/filename per line and still no shadows or lighting effect: do you need material...phong, blinn specified thought stone or metal might have been it
bumpmap addnormals
or is it more simple a directory path problem?
6th Venom@Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:34 pm : Those key words (metal, stone, flesh, etc) are for impact FX and sound impact, i think your problem here is that you point directly your tga in your model, not your material.
That's a common problem for starters.
Open your ASE with a text editor and look at the
bitmap value, it surely appears something like
"c:\doom 3\models\mapobjects\custom\skin1_d.tga", change it by
"\\base\models\mapobjects\custom\skin1" to tell the engine what material use on it.
Check this.

ergonaut@Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:01 am : Thanks for clearing up the stone entry (not phong=stone, metal=blinn but an fx call).
so I'm confused...why do you write a .mtr file listing a texture directory and then change the .ase files bitmap path to point to the model directory like whats going to find what

Sorry about this but I've fallen at the first hurdle. Anyone?

6th Venom@Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 11:36 am : Material names can be anything, but to keep things clear we usually call it something that look like the tga path that you are refering to (in the material).
You can't put animated effect directly on a tga, or anything, like effects.
Materials are shaders, they allow you to make "complex" use of multiple tga images (or stages) to combine these on only one surface in the game.
Plus you define how it react with light, shadows, transparencies, impact FX, sound, etc...
So, the game lack of infos if you point directly on a tga in your ASE/LWO/md5mesh.

ergonaut@Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:43 pm : well I've been trying and I guess I just don't understand the concept.
so what points where?
I have seen...
ase+skin=lit object
and csg+texture=lit object
6th Venom@Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:41 am : Ase point to Materials, and Materials point to TGAs...

BUT, in the editor (or in a def file) you can change the materials used on a ASE with a SKIN.
Basicly, a skin is something like:
Skin YourSkinName {
OldMaterial1 NewMaterial1
OldMaterial2 NewMaterial2
psychoart@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:25 am : hi all i have problem - after export from 3ds max ASE model , and open in doom 3 editor the model don't have shadows ? other models from doom 3 - chair, characters, and .... have shadows only my imported model don't have

the room have light ..

i follow step by step video tutorial " importing static mesh "
pls help me thanks in advance

6th Venom@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:44 am : Hi, try to look after a "noshadows" into your object's material (texture in .mtr file) and replace it by "//noshadows".
Sometimes the editor just don't show shadows of big models, try to bsp your map and look ingame.

psychoart@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:12 pm : now in my materiasl folder i have mtr file all write in mtrl file is this -
diffusemap models/mapobjects/custom/skin1_d.tga
how to write ? to put "//noshadows in script , ????
modern@Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:48 pm : I think your material is ok. Its just that sometimes shadows misteriously disappear, particulary on complicated geometry. I have a really big and complicated model of a town that doom refuses to render a shadow volume for, even in game. Try it in game, and if it still does not work then you might want to reduce the complexity of your model.
ergonaut@Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:27 pm : [quote="modern"]I think your material is ok. Its just that sometimes shadows misteriously disappear, particulary on complicated geometry.
nope, I just put a textured cube .ase in and its like all lit up and no shadows, and the lighting in the map has no effect on it: I can't run a game of my poop mod yet, so we are talking just the editor here. All of the id stuff comes in fine. Whats going on?
der_ton@Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:31 pm : Most probably your material definition is not working/is not being found ("most probably" means that we never ever had a case where something else was at fault when this problem appeared).
ergonaut@Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:53 pm : [quote="der_ton"]Most probably your material definition is not working/is not being found ("most probably" means that we never ever had a case where something else was at fault when this problem appeared).[/quote]
sounds good, cos I can't find my textures folder either. the model folder comes in and I can see the texture and the path is written but I can't find the I guess thats probably right.
ergonaut@Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:24 pm : [quote="der_ton"]Most probably your material definition is not working/is not being found ("most probably" means that we never ever had a case where something else was at fault when this problem appeared).[/quote]
So got this lot, but with the dir/filename per line and still no shadows or lighting effect: do you need material...phong, blinn specified thought stone or metal might have been it
bumpmap addnormals
or is it more simple a directory path problem?
6th Venom@Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:34 pm : Those key words (metal, stone, flesh, etc) are for impact FX and sound impact, i think your problem here is that you point directly your tga in your model, not your material.
That's a common problem for starters.
Open your ASE with a text editor and look at the
bitmap value, it surely appears something like
"c:\doom 3\models\mapobjects\custom\skin1_d.tga", change it by
"\\base\models\mapobjects\custom\skin1" to tell the engine what material use on it.
Check this.

ergonaut@Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:01 am : Thanks for clearing up the stone entry (not phong=stone, metal=blinn but an fx call).
so I'm confused...why do you write a .mtr file listing a texture directory and then change the .ase files bitmap path to point to the model directory like whats going to find what

Sorry about this but I've fallen at the first hurdle. Anyone?

6th Venom@Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 11:36 am : Material names can be anything, but to keep things clear we usually call it something that look like the tga path that you are refering to (in the material).
You can't put animated effect directly on a tga, or anything, like effects.
Materials are shaders, they allow you to make "complex" use of multiple tga images (or stages) to combine these on only one surface in the game.
Plus you define how it react with light, shadows, transparencies, impact FX, sound, etc...
So, the game lack of infos if you point directly on a tga in your ASE/LWO/md5mesh.

ergonaut@Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:43 pm : well I've been trying and I guess I just don't understand the concept.
so what points where?
I have seen...
ase+skin=lit object
and csg+texture=lit object
6th Venom@Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:41 am : Ase point to Materials, and Materials point to TGAs...

BUT, in the editor (or in a def file) you can change the materials used on a ASE with a SKIN.
Basicly, a skin is something like:
Skin YourSkinName {
OldMaterial1 NewMaterial1
OldMaterial2 NewMaterial2