Kristus@Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:56 pm :
Well, it certainly looks like it.


ratty redemption@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:17 am :
cool and thanks kristus. is that a demon in the top shot? if so I didn't know the original wolf had demons.

Kristus@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:30 am :
That shot is from the sequel (prequel) to "Wolfenstein 3d", "Spear of destiny".
My guess is that it's one of the bosses, probably the Ubermutant.

* Trans Grosse:
* Barnacle Wilhelm:
* Ubermutant:
* Death Knight:
* Angel of Death:

Here's a better shot of the minigun. Notice the icon in the lower right corner.

EDIT: Also notice the texture on the right side wall, as was also present in Doom2.

ratty redemption@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:40 am :
understood and that hud icon does indeed show the mini gun more clearly than the first person view of the gun's barrel. normally I don't like huds and will turn them off most of the time if I can, but in cases like this they do add to the game.

obihb@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 8:26 am :
Yeah, the minigun is for the mod..

Even though it's not to be found in the first level of the game.. I thought.. why not?.. it's a minigun.. everybody should have one.. :)

Oh, about the diffuse textures. I do in fact render them out like I would normal maps. It's actually something I did a little bit before but started recently doing in much more detail and it does work great in duplicating the high poly in the game. The shot is of the high poly model in this case though. I haven't actually made the low poly model just yet.

I basically try and make the high poly what I want it to be as a final piece and then render out all textures from there. Even though I reserve the option of course to make changes in the texture after rendering them. I like doing this because I always hated painting textures for models and dealing with seams and all that. So this way I can do what I like on the high poly and in the final rendered texture it's all seamless.

Kristus@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:29 am :
obihb wrote:
The shot is of the high poly model in this case though.

Yeah, that's why I asked.
Great, now that I know it works. I can do it myself. :p

EDIT: I just just now noticed the filename... wolf3d_minigun_08.jpg

ratty redemption@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:25 pm :
obihb, interesting and considering I'm only a low poly modeler, how do you avoid working with seams?

obihb@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:52 pm :
Well, I guess there are various ways to deal with UV seams. One way I try and use is to place seams in places where a seam is expected in the object. Trying to paint them out directly on the texture can work to some degree but it's not a great way. Some software can allow you to paint on the model so that is helpful to go and get rid of seams. But then of course it means more software. And then of course some methods of render to texture can help out there even just using the low poly mesh without any high poly to render from.

The most hassle free for me is to use render to texture when you have those seams that you just can't put any other place. And you always get those. But the fact is that using render to texture doesn't matter then where you have seams, it will work fine. It's much easier to make the texture look seamless inside Max using some multilayer materials and then render those out to one texture, than sitting and painting stuff out after the fact. But then I don't like painting textures to begin with so it's a preference there for me and not a "rule" really.

The other thing I liked about using render to texture is the fact that you can pelt map stuff with less hassle about painting on those maps afterward. They may have some stretches some places and stuff like that, that would affect the texture if it's just mapped on directly. Having this kind of texture that is basically complete, or very near complete it can be enhanced very easily then on top of that. And I even will render out various mapping on one model and then layer them in on already rendered textures, just to build it up in a faster way without having to remake the high poly stuff or whatever. I mean, it's about what is fastest when it comes to that. Works really great when you want to use some procedurally generated stuff. It comes out 100% seamless.

I like to use procedurals for mixing and blending things and then that will be seamless. It's also great for painting masks inside the vertex channel and then render them out seamlessly.

I think though as with most 3D stuff, it's a matter of preference, a matter of choosing a method with the level of control you need and so on. I don't like to texture stuff so I find shortcuts where I can just to get out of it.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 6:13 pm :
thanks obihb, I'll need to read through your post a few times, but I think I understand the main principles :)

Bejiita@Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 1:24 pm :
That chaingun looks like it's taken straight off the old game!
It looks perfect!
You might also want to try some blue tints on it and post some screens for the fun of it.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:02 am :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:02 am :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:02 am :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:56 pm :
Well, it certainly looks like it.


ratty redemption@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:17 am :
cool and thanks kristus. is that a demon in the top shot? if so I didn't know the original wolf had demons.

Kristus@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:30 am :
That shot is from the sequel (prequel) to "Wolfenstein 3d", "Spear of destiny".
My guess is that it's one of the bosses, probably the Ubermutant.

* Trans Grosse:
* Barnacle Wilhelm:
* Ubermutant:
* Death Knight:
* Angel of Death:

Here's a better shot of the minigun. Notice the icon in the lower right corner.

EDIT: Also notice the texture on the right side wall, as was also present in Doom2.

ratty redemption@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:40 am :
understood and that hud icon does indeed show the mini gun more clearly than the first person view of the gun's barrel. normally I don't like huds and will turn them off most of the time if I can, but in cases like this they do add to the game.

obihb@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 8:26 am :
Yeah, the minigun is for the mod..

Even though it's not to be found in the first level of the game.. I thought.. why not?.. it's a minigun.. everybody should have one.. :)

Oh, about the diffuse textures. I do in fact render them out like I would normal maps. It's actually something I did a little bit before but started recently doing in much more detail and it does work great in duplicating the high poly in the game. The shot is of the high poly model in this case though. I haven't actually made the low poly model just yet.

I basically try and make the high poly what I want it to be as a final piece and then render out all textures from there. Even though I reserve the option of course to make changes in the texture after rendering them. I like doing this because I always hated painting textures for models and dealing with seams and all that. So this way I can do what I like on the high poly and in the final rendered texture it's all seamless.

Kristus@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:29 am :
obihb wrote:
The shot is of the high poly model in this case though.

Yeah, that's why I asked.
Great, now that I know it works. I can do it myself. :p

EDIT: I just just now noticed the filename... wolf3d_minigun_08.jpg

ratty redemption@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:25 pm :
obihb, interesting and considering I'm only a low poly modeler, how do you avoid working with seams?

obihb@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:52 pm :
Well, I guess there are various ways to deal with UV seams. One way I try and use is to place seams in places where a seam is expected in the object. Trying to paint them out directly on the texture can work to some degree but it's not a great way. Some software can allow you to paint on the model so that is helpful to go and get rid of seams. But then of course it means more software. And then of course some methods of render to texture can help out there even just using the low poly mesh without any high poly to render from.

The most hassle free for me is to use render to texture when you have those seams that you just can't put any other place. And you always get those. But the fact is that using render to texture doesn't matter then where you have seams, it will work fine. It's much easier to make the texture look seamless inside Max using some multilayer materials and then render those out to one texture, than sitting and painting stuff out after the fact. But then I don't like painting textures to begin with so it's a preference there for me and not a "rule" really.

The other thing I liked about using render to texture is the fact that you can pelt map stuff with less hassle about painting on those maps afterward. They may have some stretches some places and stuff like that, that would affect the texture if it's just mapped on directly. Having this kind of texture that is basically complete, or very near complete it can be enhanced very easily then on top of that. And I even will render out various mapping on one model and then layer them in on already rendered textures, just to build it up in a faster way without having to remake the high poly stuff or whatever. I mean, it's about what is fastest when it comes to that. Works really great when you want to use some procedurally generated stuff. It comes out 100% seamless.

I like to use procedurals for mixing and blending things and then that will be seamless. It's also great for painting masks inside the vertex channel and then render them out seamlessly.

I think though as with most 3D stuff, it's a matter of preference, a matter of choosing a method with the level of control you need and so on. I don't like to texture stuff so I find shortcuts where I can just to get out of it.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 6:13 pm :
thanks obihb, I'll need to read through your post a few times, but I think I understand the main principles :)

Bejiita@Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 1:24 pm :
That chaingun looks like it's taken straight off the old game!
It looks perfect!
You might also want to try some blue tints on it and post some screens for the fun of it.

obihb@Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:09 am :
Yes, I have all the files but, sorry, no, I don't give that away.

adasdasf@Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:02 am :
Ok, still hoping you will finish him.
Anyway, are you Obihb or Neurological releasing the textures for Wolf3D? I would like to help mapping the original Wolf3d and Spear of Destiny maps :)

obihb@Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:56 pm :
I don't think I'd release anything of my Wolf project as is.

Just again about the Crosswielder, I'm not actually going to make a Doom3 monster out of it. I considered it briefly.. very long ago but I'm never actually gonna make one.. sorry.. maybe it seems like I was working on it since I took some shots of it from within Doom3, but really it's just some shots of a static model and I am not creating a functional creature of it or anything like that.

Besli@Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:01 am :
Hey obihb, that mod looks really great!
And much better as the one that can be found on mod database.

About the Guard, I also first thougt it's a base model for Hitler.
The Guards should wear a M40 tunic.

So you can also save poly's for the tie! :wink:

Here you can see better pics of the Guard sprites: ... cwolf.html

There is a much better SP mod for for HL² (as the one
posted long time ago in this thread) it's called:
It's also a remake of Wolfenstein3D, take a look at it!

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 11:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 2:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 5:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 7:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 7:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:02 pm :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 3:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 11:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

obihb@Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 8:57 am :

Where am I??..



dsm@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 8:39 pm :
obihb wrote:
I'm too busy now in my "real" work and it won't change for 5 or 6 months for sure and then I can't predict it after that.

Well, I'm essentially willing to wait a decade or more if I have to (waited 11 years for Doom 3 itself, didn't I? Waiting for this oughta be a cakewalk).
I'm just hoping you won't make the hugely disappointing choice of just releasing the content made thus far and 'leave it at that', especially since it's just a comparatively simple one-map mod (I know the modelling takes time and all that).
Work on your current "real" work ("Quake: Nails of Chton" I suppose?), then when that's done in a decade or two, get back here and finish this one ;)

Either way, don't take the screenshots or videos down - I need something to drool over during this/these decade(s) :P

obihb@Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 2:43 pm :
I am actually not working on the Quake mod either right now. All my personal and other "mod" stuff that I'm doing is basically on hold for now.

I haven't really decided what I'm gonna end up doing with the Wolf mod. I'd like to finish it at some point since I did make it quite far already. But I'll see. I'm not really thinking about it too hard right now.

Bejiita@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:52 am :
So since my last post here was on Fri Oct 26, 2007 I decided to ask you again for some updated status about this mod.
What are you going to do?
Before you answer I would like to remind you that you are the only guy that wanted to make a mod about wolf 3d and you actually made it very good looking up to the point where yo decided to let it hang.

About that quake mod you said you are a member of I must say the screens look really good but when I think that so many people do mods that remake quake 1 or they make new games with quake 1 ambient I can only really fall back to the fact that you made this cool wolf mod that shouldn't of got left to rot like that since it is sad that nobody actually cares to remake that daddy of fps.Everybody all about doom ,quake and duke but nobody cares about wolf.

I don't know what is in your real life , i don't know how old you are, nor from what country if you have a wife and kids or not, but i do know that you made a great wolf mod and now everything seems to point towards abandon.
I joined this forum especially for this mod.

I worked allot on the doom reborn mod that is the mod that ports doom1 and doom2 to doom3 and tries to stick to the original as much as possible so trust me I know that what you did on the mod should of been at least a 3 man job.

obihb@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:18 am :
First, thanks for the comments about the mod, I appreciate that.

I actually don't want to completely abandon this mod. The one thing I thought of doing is to release existing content and people can do with that what they want and if I get to finishing it the way I wanted, I release the final thing.

The other thing is to hold off on releasing anything until I've completed what I set out to do.

The real idea behind this really was to make the content rather than making a full mod. I guess I ended up making more stuff by going on to make the model for the guard as well, which never really was the plan, although I had it in the back of my head to maybe do it anyway.

But, yeah, I've just left it alone for now, not releasing anything yet. I actually would like more to release it finished. The reason all this is on hold is simply that I'm busy with a real big project for work doing CG and if I do get some time free, I don't do even more CG stuff like modding Doom. Under normal circumstances I would have more time for myself and my own projects.

I can't really say when I'll get back to this though. I really don't wanna just kill it, I do want to get it to a release point some time.

About the Quake thing, it's in the same boat. Although the reason why I do the Quake stuff is for the monsters. I like to make them and that's about all. Joining the Quake mod team meant I was more obligated to give it preference in stead of doing other stuff, like the Wolf mod. That's the way I see it. But in the end, real work take top spot at this point in time. All my personal work are "on hold".. including the mod stuff... unfortunately.

apegomp@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:27 am :
While waiting for obihb-news, you might as well check out Voxelstein 3D:
I basically just modified the map in Ken Silverman's Voxlap test game ( in order to give a better impression of the engine's potential.

der_ton@Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:34 pm :
That looks cool. Do you have any download links?

ratty redemption@Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:38 am :
apegomp, looks cool but does, can it have any texture filtering?

apegomp@Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:28 am :
der_ton wrote:
That looks cool. Do you have any download links?

There is an early version of the map/mod in the following thread:

ratty redemption wrote:
apegomp, looks cool but does, can it have any texture filtering?
I don't know, you'll have to ask Ken Silverman about that (

ratty redemption@Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:49 am :
understood, and thanks for the link.

GMG@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:46 am :
How can I make the textures to look like the box cover,3855/

rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 7:38 am :
This should get you up to speed...

Bejiita@Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 12:25 pm :
Any news about the wolf mod?

obihb@Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 10:04 am :
Only news is not really good news.. :) I haven't actually touched it for a long time. I did run through it the other day to look back at what's going on with it, what needs to be done still, and so on.

Mostly stuff that are left to do on it is stuff like item models and of course weapons. The level structure and textures are actually all done.

dsm@Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 3:30 pm :
obihb wrote:
Only news is not really good news.. :) I haven't actually touched it for a long time. I did run through it the other day to look back at what's going on with it, what needs to be done still, and so on.

Mostly stuff that are left to do on it is stuff like item models and of course weapons. The level structure and textures are actually all done.

Well, at least we know that most of the stuff is done, that's kinda good news.

Personally, I wouldn't expect this mod updated for at least a couple years to come, since you're working on that Quake project - you just can't work on multiple projects simultaneously, but that doesn't mean I give up on it. I still check this thread from time to time to drool over the screenies (please don't take them down!) and get inspired, so I'll be around to encourage if you ever need it ;)

I hope that once the Quake mod is done, you will take a couple of months or how much more time is needed to complete the last items and other models. I don't think you'll need to work too much on coding the weapons; the D3 fist, pistol, machinegun and chaingun basically function like updated Wolf3d weapons, so they just need the models and new animations.

Oh, and I'm also looking forward to the Quake mod, although I'm not actively checking out progress on that so much. I know it will be exciting to play once it's done.

Bejiita@Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:49 am :
How about some status update cuz some serious months have passed since your last comment.

obihb@Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:35 pm :
Sorry, long time.. :)

The mod is not exactly dead and I realize that the longer it takes the more interest is lost and so on but I can't do much about that. I have been messing with some little things here and there just a bit recently and made some choices about how the level is put together in the interest of getting maybe some extra detail in general. It's not a huge change in the look of it at all. It's just something that I wanted to mess with since hardware are much better these days at running Doom3.

Even though I guess classic Wolfenstein is not really supposed to push your hardware to it's limits.. I guess I'm crazy like that.. :)

So the mod is still floating around my hard drive and I still put some time towards it now and then. It's one of those things I can't just drop it and I really don't want to even though a lot of time has gone by since I started it. And I really don't usually drag on something like this. I just like it too much to drop it I guess... it's Wolfenstein!.. :)

So then, with all that said and just because I haven't posted anything for so long.. HERE is a little shot of something I've been working on the side of the other side of other stuff I work on the side of. It may be a little recognizable... maybe.

Oh and... can't WAIT for RAGE!!!.. and of course Doom4!!.. woohoo!!.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:55 pm :
obihb, cool looking gun, what project is that for?

regarding your wolf mod, I think I understand your frustration, I had my d3 hell map shelved for about 18 months, thankfully I'm working on it again and other then real life I don't have too much distracting me from my pet project, and I knew I couldn't just give up on it but there were times I needed to either improve my skills in other projects, or research more into the artistic and game play style I wanted for the hell map.

Kristus@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:12 am :
Do you render the diffuse from the hi-poly, like the normal map is created?

Always loved the Minigun in Wolf3d, it has such a badass sound when firing. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:29 am :
so that minigun is for obihb's wolf mod? I never played the original so didn't know :)

Kristus@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:56 am :
Well, it certainly looks like it.


ratty redemption@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:17 am :
cool and thanks kristus. is that a demon in the top shot? if so I didn't know the original wolf had demons.

Kristus@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:30 am :
That shot is from the sequel (prequel) to "Wolfenstein 3d", "Spear of destiny".
My guess is that it's one of the bosses, probably the Ubermutant.

* Trans Grosse:
* Barnacle Wilhelm:
* Ubermutant:
* Death Knight:
* Angel of Death:

Here's a better shot of the minigun. Notice the icon in the lower right corner.

EDIT: Also notice the texture on the right side wall, as was also present in Doom2.

ratty redemption@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:40 am :
understood and that hud icon does indeed show the mini gun more clearly than the first person view of the gun's barrel. normally I don't like huds and will turn them off most of the time if I can, but in cases like this they do add to the game.

obihb@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:26 am :
Yeah, the minigun is for the mod..

Even though it's not to be found in the first level of the game.. I thought.. why not?.. it's a minigun.. everybody should have one.. :)

Oh, about the diffuse textures. I do in fact render them out like I would normal maps. It's actually something I did a little bit before but started recently doing in much more detail and it does work great in duplicating the high poly in the game. The shot is of the high poly model in this case though. I haven't actually made the low poly model just yet.

I basically try and make the high poly what I want it to be as a final piece and then render out all textures from there. Even though I reserve the option of course to make changes in the texture after rendering them. I like doing this because I always hated painting textures for models and dealing with seams and all that. So this way I can do what I like on the high poly and in the final rendered texture it's all seamless.

Kristus@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:29 am :
obihb wrote:
The shot is of the high poly model in this case though.

Yeah, that's why I asked.
Great, now that I know it works. I can do it myself. :p

EDIT: I just just now noticed the filename... wolf3d_minigun_08.jpg

ratty redemption@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:25 pm :
obihb, interesting and considering I'm only a low poly modeler, how do you avoid working with seams?

obihb@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:52 pm :
Well, I guess there are various ways to deal with UV seams. One way I try and use is to place seams in places where a seam is expected in the object. Trying to paint them out directly on the texture can work to some degree but it's not a great way. Some software can allow you to paint on the model so that is helpful to go and get rid of seams. But then of course it means more software. And then of course some methods of render to texture can help out there even just using the low poly mesh without any high poly to render from.

The most hassle free for me is to use render to texture when you have those seams that you just can't put any other place. And you always get those. But the fact is that using render to texture doesn't matter then where you have seams, it will work fine. It's much easier to make the texture look seamless inside Max using some multilayer materials and then render those out to one texture, than sitting and painting stuff out after the fact. But then I don't like painting textures to begin with so it's a preference there for me and not a "rule" really.

The other thing I liked about using render to texture is the fact that you can pelt map stuff with less hassle about painting on those maps afterward. They may have some stretches some places and stuff like that, that would affect the texture if it's just mapped on directly. Having this kind of texture that is basically complete, or very near complete it can be enhanced very easily then on top of that. And I even will render out various mapping on one model and then layer them in on already rendered textures, just to build it up in a faster way without having to remake the high poly stuff or whatever. I mean, it's about what is fastest when it comes to that. Works really great when you want to use some procedurally generated stuff. It comes out 100% seamless.

I like to use procedurals for mixing and blending things and then that will be seamless. It's also great for painting masks inside the vertex channel and then render them out seamlessly.

I think though as with most 3D stuff, it's a matter of preference, a matter of choosing a method with the level of control you need and so on. I don't like to texture stuff so I find shortcuts where I can just to get out of it.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:13 pm :
thanks obihb, I'll need to read through your post a few times, but I think I understand the main principles :)

Bejiita@Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 2:24 pm :
That chaingun looks like it's taken straight off the old game!
It looks perfect!
You might also want to try some blue tints on it and post some screens for the fun of it.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 7:15 pm :
*Killing Spree Resurrection*
How is this mod going on? :mrgreen:

Neurological@Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:20 pm :
Oh just noticed this project as I was making a similr thing, but if this is still on progress I just wait for this.

Bejiita@Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:31 pm :
Neuro, this is definitely dead.
You should do that, don't wait for this to get finished, I know it will never be finished.
Go ahead and do it yourself if you can.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:43 pm :


Edit: Yeah, no.

Neurological@Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 3:02 pm :
Thats sad it was looking really promising. Well then I start again the one I was working on, still searching a modeller for the weapons and props.

obihb@Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:07 pm :
Yeah, I'm sorry, I've put this on the shelf for now. Even though I still won't admit that it's completely dead, it's on ice for sure.

adasdasf@Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 8:52 pm :
Hi obihb!
Are you still working on Crosswielder?

obihb@Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:28 pm :
No, sorry, that monster will probably never see the light of day.

adasdasf@Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 12:21 am :
Aw! At least do you still have the .max file? If u have it ill try 2 continue

Neurological@Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 2:30 am :

Two days of life. Is not the same quality of obihb work, but well is the best I can do.

obihb@Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:09 am :
Yes, I have all the files but, sorry, no, I don't give that away.

adasdasf@Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:02 am :
Ok, still hoping you will finish him.
Anyway, are you Obihb or Neurological releasing the textures for Wolf3D? I would like to help mapping the original Wolf3d and Spear of Destiny maps :)

obihb@Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:56 pm :
I don't think I'd release anything of my Wolf project as is.

Just again about the Crosswielder, I'm not actually going to make a Doom3 monster out of it. I considered it briefly.. very long ago but I'm never actually gonna make one.. sorry.. maybe it seems like I was working on it since I took some shots of it from within Doom3, but really it's just some shots of a static model and I am not creating a functional creature of it or anything like that.

Besli@Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:01 am :
Hey obihb, that mod looks really great!
And much better as the one that can be found on mod database.

About the Guard, I also first thougt it's a base model for Hitler.
The Guards should wear a M40 tunic.

So you can also save poly's for the tie! :wink:

Here you can see better pics of the Guard sprites: ... cwolf.html

There is a much better SP mod for for HL² (as the one
posted long time ago in this thread) it's called:
It's also a remake of Wolfenstein3D, take a look at it!

obihb@Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:09 am :
Yes, I have all the files but, sorry, no, I don't give that away.

adasdasf@Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:02 am :
Ok, still hoping you will finish him.
Anyway, are you Obihb or Neurological releasing the textures for Wolf3D? I would like to help mapping the original Wolf3d and Spear of Destiny maps :)

obihb@Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:56 pm :
I don't think I'd release anything of my Wolf project as is.

Just again about the Crosswielder, I'm not actually going to make a Doom3 monster out of it. I considered it briefly.. very long ago but I'm never actually gonna make one.. sorry.. maybe it seems like I was working on it since I took some shots of it from within Doom3, but really it's just some shots of a static model and I am not creating a functional creature of it or anything like that.

Besli@Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:01 am :
Hey obihb, that mod looks really great!
And much better as the one that can be found on mod database.

About the Guard, I also first thougt it's a base model for Hitler.
The Guards should wear a M40 tunic.

So you can also save poly's for the tie! :wink:

Here you can see better pics of the Guard sprites: ... cwolf.html

There is a much better SP mod for for HL² (as the one
posted long time ago in this thread) it's called:
It's also a remake of Wolfenstein3D, take a look at it!

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 11:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 2:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 5:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 7:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 7:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:02 pm :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 3:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 11:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

obihb@Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 8:57 am :

Where am I??..



dsm@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 8:39 pm :
obihb wrote:
I'm too busy now in my "real" work and it won't change for 5 or 6 months for sure and then I can't predict it after that.

Well, I'm essentially willing to wait a decade or more if I have to (waited 11 years for Doom 3 itself, didn't I? Waiting for this oughta be a cakewalk).
I'm just hoping you won't make the hugely disappointing choice of just releasing the content made thus far and 'leave it at that', especially since it's just a comparatively simple one-map mod (I know the modelling takes time and all that).
Work on your current "real" work ("Quake: Nails of Chton" I suppose?), then when that's done in a decade or two, get back here and finish this one ;)

Either way, don't take the screenshots or videos down - I need something to drool over during this/these decade(s) :P

obihb@Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 2:43 pm :
I am actually not working on the Quake mod either right now. All my personal and other "mod" stuff that I'm doing is basically on hold for now.

I haven't really decided what I'm gonna end up doing with the Wolf mod. I'd like to finish it at some point since I did make it quite far already. But I'll see. I'm not really thinking about it too hard right now.

Bejiita@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:52 am :
So since my last post here was on Fri Oct 26, 2007 I decided to ask you again for some updated status about this mod.
What are you going to do?
Before you answer I would like to remind you that you are the only guy that wanted to make a mod about wolf 3d and you actually made it very good looking up to the point where yo decided to let it hang.

About that quake mod you said you are a member of I must say the screens look really good but when I think that so many people do mods that remake quake 1 or they make new games with quake 1 ambient I can only really fall back to the fact that you made this cool wolf mod that shouldn't of got left to rot like that since it is sad that nobody actually cares to remake that daddy of fps.Everybody all about doom ,quake and duke but nobody cares about wolf.

I don't know what is in your real life , i don't know how old you are, nor from what country if you have a wife and kids or not, but i do know that you made a great wolf mod and now everything seems to point towards abandon.
I joined this forum especially for this mod.

I worked allot on the doom reborn mod that is the mod that ports doom1 and doom2 to doom3 and tries to stick to the original as much as possible so trust me I know that what you did on the mod should of been at least a 3 man job.

obihb@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:18 am :
First, thanks for the comments about the mod, I appreciate that.

I actually don't want to completely abandon this mod. The one thing I thought of doing is to release existing content and people can do with that what they want and if I get to finishing it the way I wanted, I release the final thing.

The other thing is to hold off on releasing anything until I've completed what I set out to do.

The real idea behind this really was to make the content rather than making a full mod. I guess I ended up making more stuff by going on to make the model for the guard as well, which never really was the plan, although I had it in the back of my head to maybe do it anyway.

But, yeah, I've just left it alone for now, not releasing anything yet. I actually would like more to release it finished. The reason all this is on hold is simply that I'm busy with a real big project for work doing CG and if I do get some time free, I don't do even more CG stuff like modding Doom. Under normal circumstances I would have more time for myself and my own projects.

I can't really say when I'll get back to this though. I really don't wanna just kill it, I do want to get it to a release point some time.

About the Quake thing, it's in the same boat. Although the reason why I do the Quake stuff is for the monsters. I like to make them and that's about all. Joining the Quake mod team meant I was more obligated to give it preference in stead of doing other stuff, like the Wolf mod. That's the way I see it. But in the end, real work take top spot at this point in time. All my personal work are "on hold".. including the mod stuff... unfortunately.

apegomp@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:27 am :
While waiting for obihb-news, you might as well check out Voxelstein 3D:
I basically just modified the map in Ken Silverman's Voxlap test game ( in order to give a better impression of the engine's potential.

der_ton@Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:34 pm :
That looks cool. Do you have any download links?

ratty redemption@Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:38 am :
apegomp, looks cool but does, can it have any texture filtering?

apegomp@Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:28 am :
der_ton wrote:
That looks cool. Do you have any download links?

There is an early version of the map/mod in the following thread:

ratty redemption wrote:
apegomp, looks cool but does, can it have any texture filtering?
I don't know, you'll have to ask Ken Silverman about that (

ratty redemption@Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:49 am :
understood, and thanks for the link.

GMG@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:46 am :
How can I make the textures to look like the box cover,3855/

rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 7:38 am :
This should get you up to speed...

Bejiita@Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 12:25 pm :
Any news about the wolf mod?

obihb@Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 10:04 am :
Only news is not really good news.. :) I haven't actually touched it for a long time. I did run through it the other day to look back at what's going on with it, what needs to be done still, and so on.

Mostly stuff that are left to do on it is stuff like item models and of course weapons. The level structure and textures are actually all done.

dsm@Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 3:30 pm :
obihb wrote:
Only news is not really good news.. :) I haven't actually touched it for a long time. I did run through it the other day to look back at what's going on with it, what needs to be done still, and so on.

Mostly stuff that are left to do on it is stuff like item models and of course weapons. The level structure and textures are actually all done.

Well, at least we know that most of the stuff is done, that's kinda good news.

Personally, I wouldn't expect this mod updated for at least a couple years to come, since you're working on that Quake project - you just can't work on multiple projects simultaneously, but that doesn't mean I give up on it. I still check this thread from time to time to drool over the screenies (please don't take them down!) and get inspired, so I'll be around to encourage if you ever need it ;)

I hope that once the Quake mod is done, you will take a couple of months or how much more time is needed to complete the last items and other models. I don't think you'll need to work too much on coding the weapons; the D3 fist, pistol, machinegun and chaingun basically function like updated Wolf3d weapons, so they just need the models and new animations.

Oh, and I'm also looking forward to the Quake mod, although I'm not actively checking out progress on that so much. I know it will be exciting to play once it's done.

Bejiita@Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:49 am :
How about some status update cuz some serious months have passed since your last comment.

obihb@Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:35 pm :
Sorry, long time.. :)

The mod is not exactly dead and I realize that the longer it takes the more interest is lost and so on but I can't do much about that. I have been messing with some little things here and there just a bit recently and made some choices about how the level is put together in the interest of getting maybe some extra detail in general. It's not a huge change in the look of it at all. It's just something that I wanted to mess with since hardware are much better these days at running Doom3.

Even though I guess classic Wolfenstein is not really supposed to push your hardware to it's limits.. I guess I'm crazy like that.. :)

So the mod is still floating around my hard drive and I still put some time towards it now and then. It's one of those things I can't just drop it and I really don't want to even though a lot of time has gone by since I started it. And I really don't usually drag on something like this. I just like it too much to drop it I guess... it's Wolfenstein!.. :)

So then, with all that said and just because I haven't posted anything for so long.. HERE is a little shot of something I've been working on the side of the other side of other stuff I work on the side of. It may be a little recognizable... maybe.

Oh and... can't WAIT for RAGE!!!.. and of course Doom4!!.. woohoo!!.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:55 pm :
obihb, cool looking gun, what project is that for?

regarding your wolf mod, I think I understand your frustration, I had my d3 hell map shelved for about 18 months, thankfully I'm working on it again and other then real life I don't have too much distracting me from my pet project, and I knew I couldn't just give up on it but there were times I needed to either improve my skills in other projects, or research more into the artistic and game play style I wanted for the hell map.

Kristus@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:12 am :
Do you render the diffuse from the hi-poly, like the normal map is created?

Always loved the Minigun in Wolf3d, it has such a badass sound when firing. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:29 am :
so that minigun is for obihb's wolf mod? I never played the original so didn't know :)

Kristus@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:56 am :
Well, it certainly looks like it.


ratty redemption@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:17 am :
cool and thanks kristus. is that a demon in the top shot? if so I didn't know the original wolf had demons.

Kristus@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:30 am :
That shot is from the sequel (prequel) to "Wolfenstein 3d", "Spear of destiny".
My guess is that it's one of the bosses, probably the Ubermutant.

* Trans Grosse:
* Barnacle Wilhelm:
* Ubermutant:
* Death Knight:
* Angel of Death:

Here's a better shot of the minigun. Notice the icon in the lower right corner.

EDIT: Also notice the texture on the right side wall, as was also present in Doom2.

ratty redemption@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:40 am :
understood and that hud icon does indeed show the mini gun more clearly than the first person view of the gun's barrel. normally I don't like huds and will turn them off most of the time if I can, but in cases like this they do add to the game.

obihb@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:26 am :
Yeah, the minigun is for the mod..

Even though it's not to be found in the first level of the game.. I thought.. why not?.. it's a minigun.. everybody should have one.. :)

Oh, about the diffuse textures. I do in fact render them out like I would normal maps. It's actually something I did a little bit before but started recently doing in much more detail and it does work great in duplicating the high poly in the game. The shot is of the high poly model in this case though. I haven't actually made the low poly model just yet.

I basically try and make the high poly what I want it to be as a final piece and then render out all textures from there. Even though I reserve the option of course to make changes in the texture after rendering them. I like doing this because I always hated painting textures for models and dealing with seams and all that. So this way I can do what I like on the high poly and in the final rendered texture it's all seamless.

Kristus@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:29 am :
obihb wrote:
The shot is of the high poly model in this case though.

Yeah, that's why I asked.
Great, now that I know it works. I can do it myself. :p

EDIT: I just just now noticed the filename... wolf3d_minigun_08.jpg

ratty redemption@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:25 pm :
obihb, interesting and considering I'm only a low poly modeler, how do you avoid working with seams?

obihb@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:52 pm :
Well, I guess there are various ways to deal with UV seams. One way I try and use is to place seams in places where a seam is expected in the object. Trying to paint them out directly on the texture can work to some degree but it's not a great way. Some software can allow you to paint on the model so that is helpful to go and get rid of seams. But then of course it means more software. And then of course some methods of render to texture can help out there even just using the low poly mesh without any high poly to render from.

The most hassle free for me is to use render to texture when you have those seams that you just can't put any other place. And you always get those. But the fact is that using render to texture doesn't matter then where you have seams, it will work fine. It's much easier to make the texture look seamless inside Max using some multilayer materials and then render those out to one texture, than sitting and painting stuff out after the fact. But then I don't like painting textures to begin with so it's a preference there for me and not a "rule" really.

The other thing I liked about using render to texture is the fact that you can pelt map stuff with less hassle about painting on those maps afterward. They may have some stretches some places and stuff like that, that would affect the texture if it's just mapped on directly. Having this kind of texture that is basically complete, or very near complete it can be enhanced very easily then on top of that. And I even will render out various mapping on one model and then layer them in on already rendered textures, just to build it up in a faster way without having to remake the high poly stuff or whatever. I mean, it's about what is fastest when it comes to that. Works really great when you want to use some procedurally generated stuff. It comes out 100% seamless.

I like to use procedurals for mixing and blending things and then that will be seamless. It's also great for painting masks inside the vertex channel and then render them out seamlessly.

I think though as with most 3D stuff, it's a matter of preference, a matter of choosing a method with the level of control you need and so on. I don't like to texture stuff so I find shortcuts where I can just to get out of it.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:13 pm :
thanks obihb, I'll need to read through your post a few times, but I think I understand the main principles :)

Bejiita@Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 2:24 pm :
That chaingun looks like it's taken straight off the old game!
It looks perfect!
You might also want to try some blue tints on it and post some screens for the fun of it.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 7:15 pm :
*Killing Spree Resurrection*
How is this mod going on? :mrgreen:

Neurological@Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:20 pm :
Oh just noticed this project as I was making a similr thing, but if this is still on progress I just wait for this.

Bejiita@Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:31 pm :
Neuro, this is definitely dead.
You should do that, don't wait for this to get finished, I know it will never be finished.
Go ahead and do it yourself if you can.

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:43 pm :


Edit: Yeah, no.

Neurological@Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 3:02 pm :
Thats sad it was looking really promising. Well then I start again the one I was working on, still searching a modeller for the weapons and props.

obihb@Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:07 pm :
Yeah, I'm sorry, I've put this on the shelf for now. Even though I still won't admit that it's completely dead, it's on ice for sure.

adasdasf@Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 8:52 pm :
Hi obihb!
Are you still working on Crosswielder?

obihb@Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:28 pm :
No, sorry, that monster will probably never see the light of day.

adasdasf@Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 12:21 am :
Aw! At least do you still have the .max file? If u have it ill try 2 continue

Neurological@Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 2:30 am :

Two days of life. Is not the same quality of obihb work, but well is the best I can do.

obihb@Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:09 am :
Yes, I have all the files but, sorry, no, I don't give that away.

adasdasf@Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:02 am :
Ok, still hoping you will finish him.
Anyway, are you Obihb or Neurological releasing the textures for Wolf3D? I would like to help mapping the original Wolf3d and Spear of Destiny maps :)

obihb@Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:56 pm :
I don't think I'd release anything of my Wolf project as is.

Just again about the Crosswielder, I'm not actually going to make a Doom3 monster out of it. I considered it briefly.. very long ago but I'm never actually gonna make one.. sorry.. maybe it seems like I was working on it since I took some shots of it from within Doom3, but really it's just some shots of a static model and I am not creating a functional creature of it or anything like that.

Besli@Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:01 am :
Hey obihb, that mod looks really great!
And much better as the one that can be found on mod database.

About the Guard, I also first thougt it's a base model for Hitler.
The Guards should wear a M40 tunic.

So you can also save poly's for the tie! :wink:

Here you can see better pics of the Guard sprites: ... cwolf.html

There is a much better SP mod for for HL² (as the one
posted long time ago in this thread) it's called:
It's also a remake of Wolfenstein3D, take a look at it!

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:02 am :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

mikebart@Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 9:16 pm :
Thats an awesome model, I think it fits into the style quite nicely, it reminds me of the kind of dandy officers you see in the older ww2 films and I dont think wolf was ever meant to be taken too seriously.

I like the thunderbirdish proportions of the model too (I hope you dont mind me saying)

its beautiful work you're doing, you seem to know exactly what you want this mod to look like and you just keep on impressing :)

BJA@Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 12:35 am :
As already said, the model looks fantastic and fits in perfect to the scene. I especially like his evil facial expression and the little details like the tie, the foldings in his trousers or the buttons on his jacket! All that makes this to a really believable character. Do you have any closeups or screens from the back? Would like to have a closer look on this model.

ratty redemption@Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 4:47 am :
BJA wrote:
As already said, the model looks fantastic and fits in perfect to the scene. I especially like his evil facial expression and the little details like the tie, the foldings in his trousers or the buttons on his jacket! All that makes this to a really believable character. Do you have any closeups or screens from the back? Would like to have a closer look on this model.

agreed and perhaps you could make make a turntable anim of him to show us, I always enjoy seeing those of character models :)

obihb@Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 10:18 am :
Some renders for low poly and high poly models.

Image Image

Accept for the helmet it's pretty much finished. I might make some small tweaks still, but this is pretty much it I think.

mikebart@Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 10:38 am :
ok I take it back what I said about it looking thunderbirdish, not that I thought it was a bad idea but they look quite different in those shots, I think the perspective was changing the proportions slightly.
looks good :D

parsonsbear@Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 12:23 pm :
I think the thunderbirds vibe is still there in the face/hairline, but the proportions are way different when the cam hits it.

it's actually pretty crazy how different things look ingame, because of the fov and renderer.

Kristus@Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 12:25 pm :
No diagonal belt?! BLASPHEMY! :p

Seriously though, good work. looks very nice, but IMO he should have a few little details, like a gunholster. And uniform details like trims on the lower sleeves and shoulders..

apegomp@Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 3:17 pm :
Kristus is right :)

Kristus@Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 4:49 pm :
I looked up a pic from Wikipedia of Ze nazis. And the guy you got there aren't too far off from so, with a few badges, shoulder cuffs and rank stuff, you'll be home. :p ... r_1941.jpg

m!chi:be@Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 5:56 pm :
the blond guy is looking so evil. great work.

Lumpengnom@Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 6:07 pm :
Great stuff. They look really evil.

parsonsbear@Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 12:34 am :
blonde guy's hairline in the back looks like a swimming cap

obihb@Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 10:59 am :
The "blond guy" is actually just the high poly mesh to render normal map from and has no textures applied. The other one is the low poly textured version.

Hexen Terzo@Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 1:26 pm :

Bejiita@Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 5:38 am :
Very impressive stuff you posted since my last post.
I just think that the new model of the npc looks more like a general rather than a rookie soldier, since he lacks that helmet that would of looked so cool with the doom3 lighting, i can visualise it now glowing in the engine under each celling lamp, maybe you will rethink and you decide to add a helmet after all.
Im looking forward to see those dogs and the blue coated soldiers also.

Another thing you could do is cut the running animation, becasue seeing them run would probably suck since the level is small like in the old game , and the running animation is made for large doom3 levels.

A guy with your artistical dedication was never implicated into a wolfenstein remake and it will proably never will be again, since as time passes the new generations don't have a clue what wolfenstein/doom/heretic/hexen/quake/dukenukem etc. is so im pretty sure you are the only hope of doing this the proper way and what i can only hope for is that even dough you don't want to remake the old game 100% you will atleast try to stay original to key things like wall paintings, flags, sounds a hud and character look "not to the last belt and medal" but to atleast make him a rookie with a helmet and not a hitler without a mustache :D

obihb@Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 8:20 am :

Yeah, don't worry man, he already has a helmet.. :)

dsm@Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 10:09 am :
Wow, so many updates since I last visited this thread O_O

I think it's a pretty cool Nazi model you've made, although the black-haired dude kinda removes any Wolfenstein feel in him in my opinion. With blonde hair, he's spot on.

Looking forward to seeing him with a helmet.

And still, as always, looking forward to trying out this mod.

I'm kinda starting to think that the old sounds wouldn't do this excellent model any justice - just imagining the old Wolfenstein "Achtung!" sound come from this guy seems weird to me at least. Some voice acting talent who can say the right German words and phrases would be cool. But you do what you think is best.

Kristus@Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 11:31 am :


Skutarth@Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 1:41 pm :

Tetzlaff@Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 3:55 pm :
Kristus wrote:


...für das Mitleid? :?

Kristus@Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 4:05 pm :
Probably. ;)

EDIT: According to Wikipedia it's "Kein Mehrheit Für Die Mitleid"

Bejiita@Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:45 am :
He can use remastered sounds or remaster them himself or if a guy here has the ability to remaster those old sounds into something thats way better i think he should pop up and offer his help to obi, since i think he can use some help.
At the voice part im sure there are allot of german movies where you can hear an actor shouting achtung, dough hearing the old achtung is ok with me since i like it to be as close as possible to the original.

If you ask me id like to hear remastered music for it but by no means should the music have remixes in it where you can hear electric guitarts shouting or something like that that can alter the feel of the old music.

obihb@Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 2:38 pm :
Ok, so just a small update. Haven't had time to work on this a lot, but got some tweak into the soldier guy.

Image Image

About the sounds. I'm not sure yet what I'm doing about enemy sounds. They are not as "usable" as normal sound effects since they're supposed to be voices. So that one is sort of not decided yet. Of course I will test them and see what works.

Weapons and those things although not able to compare to todays standards, they still sound good and very distinctive of Wolf. It'll be hard for me to replace them completely unless it's by something that sounds very much like it. In my opinion pretty much all sounds are fine accept the enemy sounds may not be. But maybe it's fun to hear those sounds.

The problem for me is I can make graphics but not sounds, so I use the old ones. The other problem is that if anyone did want to make sounds for this they would have to make them all and not just some of them and just quit. I won't accept half way stuff. So sound is maybe neglected by me for this reason but it's important to me that it sounds like Wolf. So using the old sound is by no means a bad thing for me, it's really just that it's my only choice.

Bo$bevok@Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 4:53 pm :
the soldier looks great...

as for sounds i think you should just keep going as you are and worry abou them after you have all the other stuff done...

keep going and have fun.

Kristus@Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:24 pm :
I still thinks it looks like a guy in beige suit with riding pants and boots and a helmet on it's head... The jacket just don't look like a uniform to me.

Kamikazee@Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:03 am :
My main issues with these screens are
1) The way the helmet sits on the guy's head as if it could wiggle of at any moment. (It seems as if it's just the metal part, nothing is visible from the interior. Take a look over here to see what it looked like.)
2) The eyes seem to lack depth from this angle, this makes it look like a zombie or something.

All and all it's a great model, but it just has a few of these "weird" things. That's the problem when going from sprites to modeled characters with real-time lighting.

6th Venom@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:12 pm :

Come on guys, obihb could also don't make any model at all...
I found this one great, take too much time just for a model is not necessary, that will not change your joy to play the mod right? :P

"Damn, stop shooting bas***d! i want to see inside your helmet!"

obihb@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 4:01 pm :
6th Venom, thanks, but I think the comments are probably mostly valid. I mean, I haven't created the perfect model by far. But also your comment is valid in that I don't have to create the perfect model.

Nobody know what I have in mind or what I'm doing so the comments are based on very little info and just what's in the shot.

I do take into consideration what people comment on in some cases and in some cases I don't. It just depends on what I planned or maybe if something is brought to my attention that I missed.

So it's all good.. :)

kit89@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 4:37 pm :
If it was me I would of just had one Plane and had an image of the soldier on it. hehe... ;) (animated ofcourse).

Looking great obihb cant wait to see him roaming around. :D

obihb@Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 11:04 am :
Just for the hell of it, a new little video with the guard in there. Got him pretty much working as far as animation is concerned. Still obviously not complete but getting there slowly.

I basically got rid of the crouching, running and diving when dodging bullets. He pretty much will walk around and shoot at you. Even though he still dodges, I made it so that it's a side step and not a dive like the zombie soldier. So he acts just a little more like the old Wolf guard does.

I probably also need to exchange the "sight" animation since the current one looks a bit weird for this guy. But, all in due time.

Video (780KB)

Bo$bevok@Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 11:20 am :
you are so awesome... i hope one day ill be able to make stuff like that but i have alot of learning to do.

Kristus@Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 11:48 am :
obihb wrote:
6th Venom, thanks, but I think the comments are probably mostly valid. I mean, I haven't created the perfect model by far. But also your comment is valid in that I don't have to create the perfect model.

Nobody know what I have in mind or what I'm doing so the comments are based on very little info and just what's in the shot.

I do take into consideration what people comment on in some cases and in some cases I don't. It just depends on what I planned or maybe if something is brought to my attention that I missed.

So it's all good.. :)

A very healthy attitude. :)

dsm@Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 9:51 am :
What? He's not firing his pistol two-handed? BLASPHEMY!
Just kidding of course :lol:

Good idea to remove the blood-spattering to make it feel more like Wolf3d. I would perhaps have wanted the gunshot wounds left by successful hits remain to at least make it feel more like Wolfenstein 3-D rather than RtCW (their corpses did after all have big, bleeding wounds in them), but then it wouldn't feel very Wolf3d'ish while shooting him up.

And about the sound, I can understand your position. Heck, if I don't like that when I try the mod, then maybe I should make an effort to obtain some sounds and have them incorporated into the mod myself instead of being a whiny bitch :wink:

Now, if you add in attack dogs (small, weak versions of the pinky perhaps?), you'd have made my day. It'd have been cool with SS guys too, but there weren't any in the original first map and I'm guessing you're trying to stick faithfully to that.

Oh yeah and bowls with dog food. The 'gibs' should be easy - just a blood pool texture that can be removed.

obihb@Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 6:57 pm :
Actually, you mention the lack of blood, it's because of the way Doom3 makes the demo. Those things are missing from the demo, blood decals and particles and stuff. Don't ask me why, but they are. When you shoot these guys they do actually get bullet marks and leave blood splats.

I don't think I would wanna remove that even though the old Wolf never had that in there. I like to see the guy get hurt.. :)

47_M450N_47@Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:36 am :
I've been watching this thread for a few weeks now, and the progress is amazing! I love Wolf3d, it's a classic that will never die! I'm very impressed by the work that you have done so far! I wish there was some way that I could contribute. I can get the original sounds, but I'm sure anyone else can do that as well. The models look awesome IMO. Are you going to do all the floors to the first chapter or just the first one?

Oh, and leave the blood in there :)

obihb@Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 7:56 am :

Yeah, I'm only making the first map. I don't know if later I'll make more but if I have released it then anybody can make more if they wanted to.

dsm@Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:47 pm :
Could be interesting to go up against Hans Grosse in the D3 engine :P

More maps would require an SS enemy modelled and with machinegun Z-sec animations and AI etc. to keep them faithful.

Bejiita@Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 11:01 pm :
obihb you make sure you create as much as you can to cover the basics , like textures and models and the maps will get done asap.
I really think you have cooked something that, like i sayed before, was never cooked before in wolfenstein3d remakes.

You know some mods never get this much atention that you have managed to atract here , in all their lifes! :twisted:

What can i say, atm your thing here is really bringing life to doom3 moding IMO and im 100% sure its the begining of a "Yea at first i started one map for fun that in time turned in this giant project that you can see today" :wink:

Tesp@Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 8:23 am :
Woah, what a mod :shock:
Any idea when it´s done?

Keep on going!! This is one of the most promising mods I ever seen for Doom 3 8)

obihb@Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 6:47 pm :

About the release, probably not soon, I can't really say when.

ratty redemption@Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:51 pm :
Tesp wrote:
Any idea when it´s done?

obihb wrote:
probably not soon, I can't really say when.

I keep making the mistake of announcing when I'm going to release something, even if its just wip content, then something delays me or I realize its not good enough, resulting in me letting people down. probably best if obihb just does his best and releases the mod 'when its done'

apegomp@Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:15 pm :
making models let alone animating them, is a time consuming process..

47_M450N_47@Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 4:55 am :
apegomp wrote:
making models let alone animating them, is a time consuming process..

Very true, what limited experience I have with 3d modeling constitutes for a very time consuming process. I can't wait for this to come out, but I'd rather him take his time and do a good job. Hopefully with the models and stuff others around here that know their way around the Doom 3 engine can make the rest of the 1st episodes levels. Wolfenstein is one of the best games ever, it's going to be so awesome to play it in full 3d!

dsm@Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 12:33 pm :
Modelling does take some time - especially if you make errors that you gotta correct along the way. Sometimes you also have to spend time simply trying to figure out how to save polygons to make the model less hardware demanding.

47_M450N_47@Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:38 am :
So what's the status? Not trying to rush or anything, I know how it is to complete stuff, I've been working on an Xbox for about 2 years total now and still haven't finished it :shock: I was just wondering if you are still doing some work or if you have other more important things you have been working on.

obihb@Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 8:54 pm :
Sorry, I actually haven't touched this project for some time now. Got some "real" work to do so I won't work on this for a while. The project is not dead, just on a slow spot at the moment.

Bejiita@Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 12:54 pm :
How about it, are you gona touch the mod any time soon?

obihb@Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:36 pm :
I really can't say when I'll get back to this. I'm still pretty busy for maybe the next 2 weeks or so.

There might also be some Quake stuff I'm making in the near future.

Unfortunately because the little Wolf mod is not my main focus but rather a small side project, it always gets the back seat.

47_M450N_47@Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:08 am :
:( I understand what it's like to be busy, though I do want this to come out soon! Hopefully things will clear up so you will have time to work on it more. I bet as soon as it's released there will be a lot of other people start making the other levels!

Great work so far!

47_M450N_47@Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:45 am :
Still no news?

obihb@Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 9:17 am :
No man, sorry. Any extra stuff I do now goes towards the Quake mod "Quake: Nails of Chthon".

47_M450N_47@Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:33 pm :
Ah, oh well, maybe eventually. I don't have Quake so I don't really keep up with the mods on it. Best of luck with the Quake mod though!

obihb@Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 11:17 pm :
Sorry, misunderstanding there. It's a Quake mod for Doom3... not a mod for Quake.. :)

47_M450N_47@Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 4:16 pm :
ohhhh ok, I'll have to check that out!

CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 12:10 am :
obihb wrote:
No man, sorry. Any extra stuff I do now goes towards the Quake mod "Quake: Nails of Chthon".

More Quake mod levels? Oh Hell yeah!!! (hip thrust)

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 11:48 am :
I just post both wire frame.. :)

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 3:42 pm :
thanks and interesting to see the wall is mainly a local map and those bricks are not models for the low poly version.

I had also wondered if the archway was models or local maps.

did you model the golden eagle?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 4:02 pm :
Yeah, I did model the eagle but only like a half model, it only works from the front for the normal map. So in the game it's just a map, not model. The whole inside wall in the arch is one map.

For the arch I actually just decided to model it in stead because the map in general is so simple that I spend some polygons on the decoration features. Even like the pot plant is quite high detail, maybe more then you'd normally use for such a prop. But I think the props is what makes it because everything else is just square walls.. :)

Enforcer@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 4:03 pm :
Looks great so far nice job cant wait to play it

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 4:18 pm :
obihb, cool and understood :)

pendragon@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:40 pm :
That's turning out really wicked, obihb :shock:
I can feel the old Wolf3d in these pics. Good job! All you need now is some brownshirts, white uniforms and a floating Hitler. :lol:

obihb@Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:03 pm :
Some more stuff getting done.

Also a wide shot to show the stuff coming together. This room actually has the chandelier, not those round lights, but I still have to make them.

Anyway, thanks for the positive feedback so far!.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:13 pm :
obihb, nice level of detail and I like the look of the cloth`s folds.

kat@Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:28 pm :
I know those swatiscas were proably in the original game (never played it) but be mindfull of their presense in that people may object to them. A safer bet would be to use the RtCW Wolf logo (or have two media packs in a similar way that RtCW had).

Enforcer@Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:46 pm :
Agreed I don't mind them but yeah kat's right ALOT of people hate the logo

rebb@Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 2:39 pm :
This is looking great ! Keep it up :).

6th Venom@Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 2:49 pm :
I didn't know that RTCW had 2 textures sets with/without the logo...

That's a strange way to think, it's the nazis logo, and the game is about nazis, so why the hell should it be changed?!? :shock:
You don't like it (i hope), that's the reason to play (destroy nazis camp & leader) , but if you can't see it, don't play the game/mod. that's so easy...

To back on topic, textures look amazing compared to architecture (that's wanted), that make a strange feeling... i love the ground material! :wink:

Bauul@Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:06 pm :
6th Venom wrote:
I didn't know that RTCW had 2 textures sets with/without the logo...

That's a strange way to think, it's the nazis logo, and the game is about nazis, so why the hell should it be changed?!? :shock:
You don't like it (i hope), that's the reason to play (destroy nazis camp & leader) , but if you can't see it, don't play the game/mod. that's so easy...

The swastica is illegal to show in Germany, for obvious reasons, so it's not people just being funny they had to make two versions if they wanted to sell the game in Germany, which is a big market. There are a lot of Germans who were perfectly happy to kill Nazis with the Nazi logo on them, but you can't argue with a government on such things.

On the subject of the mod, I'm loving those walls, they really do look 3D. I can't wait to try this with a proper relief mapping mod, should look uber lovely.

obihb@Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:28 pm :
Well, I anticipated some people having problems with the logos. I am not gonna change it though. If people can play through Doom3 with satanic symbols all over the place, because it's hell taking over a base, then play Wolf with Nazi stuff in there since it's a Nazi castle.

I don't put the stuff in there to make people angry, it's part of Wolfenstein3D so I keep it.

As was said before, if you do have problems with it, then give this a skip. I don't care about sales so I'm not gonna make 2 sets of art.

Anyway... here's a little video of that room. Just to show in motion for a change.

VIDEO - About 1MB

ratty redemption@Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 5:20 pm :
textures look excellent obihb, are they all your own work? :)

geX@Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 5:44 pm :
That is really awesome obihb.

would be great with an enemy or two from wolf, but I know that's a bit more work than doors and textures. Oh and weapons. an MP40 would be great to play around with! :)

If you release this I would have some fun making some maps for it actually.

keep up the good work!

obihb@Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 5:54 pm :
Thanks.. :)

Ratty, yeah I make all the art from scratch. Although I use some photo sources for pretty much all of the diffuse maps.

geX, I'm still not sure I'm making any enemies but I may get round to making the guns at least.

ViPr@Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 6:04 pm :
banning swastikas in games is just complete idiocy. i'm sure they meant to ban people using the swastika as their symbol, not ban people trying to be historically accurate. this is just another example of governments taking a blanket inaccurate carpet bombing approach to every problem to make sure they get everything and this is one of the problems with the world today; people making vast generalizations without going deeper into the details.

this reminds me of when the greeks wanted to ban online gambling so they just banned all video games. idiots.

oh he has a brain tumor? ok chop his head off, that should solve it.

ratty redemption@Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 6:10 pm :
obihb, cool and I eventually intend to make all of the textures for my hell map, partly as we`re intending to port it over to gerbil`s web browser engine, although obviously that won`t have any of the original d3 or roe content in it.

I love making textures but I`m not quite as good as you or other artists like kat, but with practice and seeing inspiring work from you guys I am improving, I also need to get myself a digital camera, is that what you use for your photo sources?

6th Venom@Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 6:18 pm :
Great work on materials! :shock: (especially local/bumpmaps)

obihb@Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:57 am :

Where am I??..



dsm@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 7:39 pm :
obihb wrote:
I'm too busy now in my "real" work and it won't change for 5 or 6 months for sure and then I can't predict it after that.

Well, I'm essentially willing to wait a decade or more if I have to (waited 11 years for Doom 3 itself, didn't I? Waiting for this oughta be a cakewalk).
I'm just hoping you won't make the hugely disappointing choice of just releasing the content made thus far and 'leave it at that', especially since it's just a comparatively simple one-map mod (I know the modelling takes time and all that).
Work on your current "real" work ("Quake: Nails of Chton" I suppose?), then when that's done in a decade or two, get back here and finish this one ;)

Either way, don't take the screenshots or videos down - I need something to drool over during this/these decade(s) :P

obihb@Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 1:43 pm :
I am actually not working on the Quake mod either right now. All my personal and other "mod" stuff that I'm doing is basically on hold for now.

I haven't really decided what I'm gonna end up doing with the Wolf mod. I'd like to finish it at some point since I did make it quite far already. But I'll see. I'm not really thinking about it too hard right now.

Bejiita@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 6:52 am :
So since my last post here was on Fri Oct 26, 2007 I decided to ask you again for some updated status about this mod.
What are you going to do?
Before you answer I would like to remind you that you are the only guy that wanted to make a mod about wolf 3d and you actually made it very good looking up to the point where yo decided to let it hang.

About that quake mod you said you are a member of I must say the screens look really good but when I think that so many people do mods that remake quake 1 or they make new games with quake 1 ambient I can only really fall back to the fact that you made this cool wolf mod that shouldn't of got left to rot like that since it is sad that nobody actually cares to remake that daddy of fps.Everybody all about doom ,quake and duke but nobody cares about wolf.

I don't know what is in your real life , i don't know how old you are, nor from what country if you have a wife and kids or not, but i do know that you made a great wolf mod and now everything seems to point towards abandon.
I joined this forum especially for this mod.

I worked allot on the doom reborn mod that is the mod that ports doom1 and doom2 to doom3 and tries to stick to the original as much as possible so trust me I know that what you did on the mod should of been at least a 3 man job.

obihb@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:18 am :
First, thanks for the comments about the mod, I appreciate that.

I actually don't want to completely abandon this mod. The one thing I thought of doing is to release existing content and people can do with that what they want and if I get to finishing it the way I wanted, I release the final thing.

The other thing is to hold off on releasing anything until I've completed what I set out to do.

The real idea behind this really was to make the content rather than making a full mod. I guess I ended up making more stuff by going on to make the model for the guard as well, which never really was the plan, although I had it in the back of my head to maybe do it anyway.

But, yeah, I've just left it alone for now, not releasing anything yet. I actually would like more to release it finished. The reason all this is on hold is simply that I'm busy with a real big project for work doing CG and if I do get some time free, I don't do even more CG stuff like modding Doom. Under normal circumstances I would have more time for myself and my own projects.

I can't really say when I'll get back to this though. I really don't wanna just kill it, I do want to get it to a release point some time.

About the Quake thing, it's in the same boat. Although the reason why I do the Quake stuff is for the monsters. I like to make them and that's about all. Joining the Quake mod team meant I was more obligated to give it preference in stead of doing other stuff, like the Wolf mod. That's the way I see it. But in the end, real work take top spot at this point in time. All my personal work are "on hold".. including the mod stuff... unfortunately.

apegomp@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:27 am :
While waiting for obihb-news, you might as well check out Voxelstein 3D:
I basically just modified the map in Ken Silverman's Voxlap test game ( in order to give a better impression of the engine's potential.

der_ton@Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:34 pm :
That looks cool. Do you have any download links?

ratty redemption@Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:38 pm :
apegomp, looks cool but does, can it have any texture filtering?

apegomp@Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:28 am :
der_ton wrote:
That looks cool. Do you have any download links?

There is an early version of the map/mod in the following thread:

ratty redemption wrote:
apegomp, looks cool but does, can it have any texture filtering?
I don't know, you'll have to ask Ken Silverman about that (

ratty redemption@Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:49 am :
understood, and thanks for the link.

GMG@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:46 am :
How can I make the textures to look like the box cover,3855/

rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 6:38 am :
This should get you up to speed...

geX@Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 6:39 pm :
how a mp40 would look in doom 3:

some guy called chai from made it ... t=168&vc=1

kanabistro@Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 6:41 pm :
Yeah Wolf'n'Doom3D !

Nice screenshot and for the "nazi logo" keep it like that :D

We don't have to be afraid about our past and our history, its part of us, part of Germany nation and part of the world... Trying to forget, dissimulate and change the past and our history is the best way to commit the same error in the future...

And it's just a logo on a game where we gonna kill some nazi !

obihb@Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:19 pm :
Ratty, I actually don't own a digital camera. Still need to get one some day.. :) I have a pretty good texture library of all various surfaces. So I use them and do manual editing on them as I need it.

But the key in Doom textures is the normal maps really. Without a good normal map it's not gonna help much either way. So it's much more modeling to go into a nice texture. I actually went through about 4 different tries to get the rock in my Wolf textures to look even half decent.

But I guess stuff like the concrete involves no modeling at all. It's normal map is made in Photoshop. so just photo of concrete and then create the other maps directly from that.

I have to admit though that I can't texture that well. This is why I like the Doom tech and I guess any future tech because it's more to my skill. I like to think that I can model some and so creating the textures through modeling suits me a lot more than hand drawing stuff. I mean like in the old days of shading and stuff through hand drawn textures. Even then using photo sources makes it even easier because the shading is done through the normal map.

geX, I have seen Chai's mp40. Great looking model. I hope to get a good quality like that as well if I can.

ratty redemption@Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 9:32 pm :
obihb, understood and same here, I can paint textures by hand but I`m not a natural at them, and find it much easier to work with polys then pixels, unless I`m using photo editing filters and effects.

Kiltron@Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 1:31 am :
Looking excellent dude! :)

Enforcer@Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:04 am :

Sebultura@Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:44 pm :
Wow, it's amazing to see the great quality of your textures & all (I'm no texture maker at all, but it look f**cking brilliant to me) !!!

It would be cool to see a "traditional" Wolfenstein mod on that engine, especially if there's a very dark atmosphere (both on the graphics & on the sound part).

The gamma cross isn't a problem to me, because it's just a symbol. Every educated people can understand that there's nothing here, no offense in that sign, in such a context.

Anyway, I can understand for German people out there, but as it's not a commercial stuff, there isn't any problem I think.

All in all, people could disable those textures simply with the shaders isn't it ?

Keep up the good work !

obihb@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:37 pm :
Again, thanks for the more positive feedback.

I wanted to post this little video since I got a little further now in the level and also started to add some sound from Wolf. So this clip has the sound in there. Although I didn't spend too much time trying to sync 100% on the video, it's fairly close.

Video About 2MB

PytoX@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:44 pm :
Nice video! Great artwork :), would be a great mod if you make a lot of levels for it ;)

Oneofthe8devilz@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 7:01 pm :
Dang, I was about to send you the original Wolf3d music with the first song of level 1 and the mainmenu song ... but now I see that you already implented it in your map ... for some reason your version plays faster at a higher pitch ......

Anyways here it is in case you still want to use it : link removed

I used an original soundblaster emulator (since imo the wavetable emulation sucks big time for wolf3d) recorded at 44KHz 16bit mono

kit89@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:10 pm :
Hope you complete the game. Would love to play the original Wolf in all new 3D glory.

mac@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:14 pm :
is wolfenstein freeware yet with the right to redistribute parts of it (ie sound)
.. if yes you can restore youre link to youre file, if not its illegal and it would be wise to not use such content in maps&co ... thnx :)

obihb@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:33 pm :
Well, I recorded it using NewWolf, the OpenGL engine port for Wolf. The pitch may be off since I had to adjust it from the RAW file the engine outputs. I don't know how else to get the sound out properly for the video. The RAW file imports like it's 8x slower than the original. But there's no way for me to tell what it's supposed to be, as far as I know. I'm not really a sound person so I don't know what goes on with that.. :)

I don't know if it's bad to use the sound, it's from the first episode which is part of the shareware version of the game. So it's free on the internet regardless. It's not like you have to buy Wolf to get hold of this music.

If I'm wrong about that, I guess I have to remove it, but, makes sense to me since it's shareware.

obihb@Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 8:56 am :
Well, it's been a while since I've been able to work on this. Should be able to get back to it again a bit more now I hope.

Posting some shots of stuff I haven't really shown before.

Still not sure I'll keep the current version of the armor suit. It's based on real armor but dirty and rusty a bit compared to the super shiny real one. I'll still decide if I keep this one or make another. Just alot of work to make it. Maybe it just needs some work in the bump map, for dent or some stuff like that.

Image Image Image

Ww3@Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 9:07 am :
Looks nice, but the model of the chair looks odd, the seat is too long. Also texturing on the side of the table doesn't match the top.

The armor looks great, no problem there.

Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 10:12 am :
Ww3 wrote:
Looks nice, but the model of the chair looks odd, the seat is too long.
Sure it's no perspective thing? The chair in the back looks relatively OK to me...

Ww3@Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 2:03 pm :
Kamikazee wrote:
Ww3 wrote:
Looks nice, but the model of the chair looks odd, the seat is too long.
Sure it's no perspective thing? The chair in the back looks relatively OK to me...

Maybe it's a warping thing, but the seat looks about as long as the backpiece is high, that doesn't make sense.

kit89@Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 7:53 pm :
Looking Good! obhib. :D

When do you think you'll have a release version?

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 10:02 pm :
agreed about the chair if it's not a distortion from the camera, and texture misalignment on the side of the table, but other then that very nice looking models obihb.

are the gaps between the wood bump mapping or polys?

obihb@Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 10:11 pm :
About release, hhmmm.. not sure yet. I wanna get the first level done at the very least. Probably the only level I'm gonna make anyway. There are a bit of modelling left there for some doors and some other stuff to create the normal maps and also low poly models and so on. And then also haven't really decided about release before making weapons or after.

About the chairs. They're just fine as far as simple wooden chairs go. They certainly are not high tech office chairs with molded back rest. The chair in this spesific shot is warped out of proportion just a bit because of the camera angle and fov of 90 degrees.

obihb@Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 10:34 pm :
Sorry, ratty, I was typing my previous post at the same time you posted.. :)

About the bump or poly question. The gaps are mapped, not modelled.

The map on the table is actually a shading "problem". Not too sure I can do all that much about it short of modelling in more polys into the low poly model which I don't really wanna do. I'll see about that though, if it impacts it badly or not. It's a small enough problem to not loose sleep over.

This shot maybe demonstrate it a bit better.


obihb@Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:14 pm :
Well, I'm still slowly plugging away at this little project. Not a whole lot new stuff accept level is getting bigger. There are still some models to be made for some new rooms I'm getting to.

I've decided though in the mean time to post this typical style of comparison shot, just to keep the thread alive.


kit89@Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:39 pm :
Looking Excellent! obihb.

Only difference I can see is the hud. :)

6th Venom@Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:07 pm :
kit89 wrote:
Only difference I can see is the hud. :)

Change your glasses! :lol::wink:

ratty redemption@Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:39 pm :
obihb, np and I only just noticed your reply. also understood about the shading problem on the side of the table, as opposed to misaligned texture mapping.

the scale and angle of the comparison images looks very well matched :)

and hopefully kit89 does think your d3 powered version looks better then the original ;)

dsm@Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 4:12 pm :
Well, this stuff looks really sweet. Great work so far :D

I have to admit, that I wasn't too interested at first, because remaking classic Wolfenstein 3d maps in newer engines have been done since Doom 2, but seeing the screenshots and how sexy the whole thing looks, this has started to look like a mod I'd definitely want to try.

I've a bunch of curiosity questions here:

- Are you gonna make faithful replicas of the original non-authentic (non-historical correct WW2) wolf3d weapons, or are you making authetic looking WW2 guns (and then a faithful Gatlin gun)? Similarly, are you gonna make Nazi enemies with historically accurate uniforms or replicate the classic Wolfenstein 3D looks?

- Do you have any sound files to replace existing D3 sounds? Or are you just keeping basic D3 sounds? Maybe this is too early to ask this question :P

- When this mod is done, are you considering using your assets to create a more sophisticated Wolfenstein mod with more advanced architecture, staircases etc.?

Either way, thanks for these gorgeous screenshots, they've put me in a great mood and I'm looking forward to trying it out :P

obihb@Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 4:53 pm :
Thanks again for the positive replies here.

dsm, some answers for you.

About the weapons and characters. If I make them, I will probably have to look at some real world reference. The original graphics are so low res and low detail, to recreate them like that, with no other reference, will not be so cool I think. But basically what I've done so far is take the Wolf texture as a guide to create more realistic textures. Like make stone look like stone, etc. So that approuch to the guns and stuff could work, to base it on the old graphic and make it look more realistic. It just depends on what works.

The sound I wanna replace with recordings from the original Wolf3D. I've already got the first level music in there and door sounds and secret passage sound. I would like it to sound like old Wolf since it's so unique. Even though graphics then are updated, the sound is not. But I'll have to see how this works out though. Also one of the things I'll see when I get to it.

The mod thing, I'm not sure although I sortof doubt it. My intentions were to keep it simple since Wolf is so simple. Basically a remake of the first level with all new graphics. Wether I will take it any further I can't say right now. I never know what I will feel like doing, but as a first release it will only be the one map.

bladeghost@Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 5:21 pm :
Wow obihb, looking great, it's a great feeling to have a project coming along to where its enjoyable to work on it. There is a wiki on wolf3d here
that has some facts about it, but whatever, its a cool project you've got there and hope you can finish it. I know your good with characters, and yes its a lot of work but the more complete a mod is the better it is ,or so I'm told... as with the mods I've released. and testing is soo important!
groovy cool keep on rockin and don't be afraid to push a few extra polies for detail... :wink:

all the best!

dsm@Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 6:47 pm :
obihb wrote:
About the weapons and characters. If I make them, I will probably have to look at some real world reference. The original graphics are so low res and low detail, to recreate them like that, with no other reference, will not be so cool I think. But basically what I've done so far is take the Wolf texture as a guide to create more realistic textures. Like make stone look like stone, etc. So that approuch to the guns and stuff could work, to base it on the old graphic and make it look more realistic. It just depends on what works.

Ah, I see. Hope to see some weapon models anyway, since you seem to have the talent to create some good looking stuff (and looks is what matters in this regard).
Personally, I'd hate to model authentic guns myself (note: modelling them - don't mind authentic WW2 weapons in a game, since it's more believable that way), but that's because I love using my imagination and gathering inspiration for other imaginative weapon designs, but it's only great that there are others who don't have that kind of problem.

Enemies would be great, but I understand your goal of keeping it simple and easy.
The sound I wanna replace with recordings from the original Wolf3D. I've already got the first level music in there and door sounds and secret passage sound. I would like it to sound like old Wolf since it's so unique. Even though graphics then are updated, the sound is not. But I'll have to see how this works out though. Also one of the things I'll see when I get to it.

Yeah, sound is often the greatest problem that modders face. Free sounds are usually of poor quality and it is difficult to find just the "right" kind of sounds; I've never succeeded in finding a good sound that "feels" even remotely like the classic Wolf3d "prison door" sound. Which is why I asked in the first place, because if you had happened to have access to some cool new sounds that would "fit", it'd be nice with a heads-up.

I suppose it would be interesting to hear what it would be like with the old sounds, but I must admit that I would prefer fresh "new" sounds.

The mod thing, I'm not sure although I sortof doubt it. My intentions were to keep it simple since Wolf is so simple. Basically a remake of the first level with all new graphics. Wether I will take it any further I can't say right now. I never know what I will feel like doing, but as a first release it will only be the one map.

Ok, fair enough and understood. What about the resources? If someone else asks you for permission to make a mod using some of your assets, would you share them? And no, I don't plan on making a Wolfenstein mod myself (at least not something like that for several years), merely asking out of curiosity, because I think you have done well and think your assets have potential.

Thanks for the answers (and the conversation). Looking forward to seeing more stuff :)

obihb@Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 9:24 pm :
bladeghost, thanks for your comments. I agree with you there, although this project for me is not a full on mod. It's more about making the assets and then making them available. I have fun creating them but I do think that creating a full mod is way more involved than what I'm doing.

dsm, maybe that also is an answer for your last question there. The stuff will be available for anyone to use when I release it. Even if people like to use bits and pieces I don't have a problem. As anyone would, I appreciate the credit if it is used. If you mean will I share at this stage before release?. Probably not.

obihb@Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 10:36 am :
I've watched Indiana Jones again recently and this scene where they open the chamber to the ark got me thinking about the secret rooms in Wolf. When they open it there's a rush of air because it's sealed air tight. So I thought that would be cool for the secret room.

So I came up with this...

Video 815kb

I actually think I might keep this in there. I like the idea to have some "bigger" reaction to open the secret room.

ratty redemption@Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:15 am :
that's really cool obihb, how did you create the effect?

mikebart@Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 8:21 pm :
I couldnt really see it properly, must not have the right codec. was it the part where he slips under the door?

btw this id looking cool :)

6th Venom@Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 8:51 pm :
The "rock break" effect is cool man, the reflect on the paint too.
Are you using relief/parallax mod? Cause your rock wall texture is so "volumetric"! :D

I'm waitin' to play any beta... :wink:

whatthe@Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 9:34 am :
Looked at the pics. Looks fantastic, keep up the good work.

obihb@Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 10:11 am :
Thanks guys.

Ratty: The effect is a combo of rigid body for the wall break and of course particles for the dust. For the wall to break I have a force to push the pieces out. The particle system I had to make just for this since it's so spesific. It's cylindrical emitters to fit the exact space I need it for. Then the sound which is a combo of Doom sounds plus the final sliding sound from old Wolf. I think about 4 sounds in total.

mikebart: The codec is Divx. Should even work if you had Xvid installed aswell I think.

6th Venom: I'm not using relief, it's just all normal Doom3 stuff. So just normal maps. You will see the rock lose some depth at tight angles. To create the normal maps I use quite a steep long angle in the high poly geometry, so this helps to make it seem like the normal map has quite some depth to it.

BJA@Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 1:12 pm :
Have to agree, that effect for the secret room is pretty cool! But the greatest thing is the background music. Brings back so many memories :D

obihb@Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 9:18 pm :
And one more comparison shot.


Bejiita@Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 12:26 pm :
Is this project dead?

obihb@Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 7:02 pm :
Not yet.

It'll just go alot slower since I'm no longer on holiday.

Bejiita@Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 2:33 am :
Is this topic the only place where your project can be found?
I am a member of doom reborn mod thats aiming to do a tc of doom1 and doom2 to doom3, thats why i am interested in this since i come from a similar project.
I am very impressed with the results, having the old hud and some cool 3d npc's that resemble the old sprites would be perfect.
They way you have done it until now is insanely cool,i love it! i also think the wall cracking animation efect is a touch of realism, just be sure not to make the levels too dark cuz allot of the old school feeling stays even in the smallest details like firing sounds and the banging of the doors behind you or treasure picking sounds.

A final question is why did you make the blue completely doors grey?
I really think they shouldn't be so blue like in the old game but they should atleast have a tint of blue on them to show that you respect the original.

obihb@Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 9:20 am :
Yeah, this is the only place I do any updates for this project.

Thanks for your positive feedback aswell.

About the doors. I made them gray because they seem to me like brushed metal and that usually has a more silvery gray look. What I did was add reflection that has some blue in it. I could surely add a very slight blue tint in the texture to see if it looks ok, but my intention is not nesessarily to match every color from the old game, merely the overall "look". Basically if you see it you'll see it's Wolf, right?.. regardless of some color differences here and there.

This counts for lighting aswell, especially since the old game had none. I think it's a oppertunity to give some sort of lighting that maybe doesn't even resemble the old game at all. But yet if you look at it you do recognise it, accept the lighting has maybe a more "real" feel. The main idea being to take this old game that is very cartoony looking and make it almost the oppesite look and style, but of course the resemblence is always there, it's unmistakable that it is Wolf.

dsm@Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 7:36 pm :
Not making use of the D3 engine's lighting capabilities seems like a big, fat waste of the D3 engine to me. Then the mod could almost just as well have been done for the Source Engine.

Bejiita@Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 11:35 pm :
Come on man , its been allot of time since anybody posted here, i really don't want to see that project die!!!

dsm@Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:37 pm :
Bejiita wrote:
Come on man , its been allot of time since anybody posted here, i really don't want to see that project die!!!

Don't think the project is gonna die - obihb's just busy creating Quake creatures I think. That's what he was doing last time.

I think there was also something about Real Life getting on his back, reducing his productivity indefinitely.
So progress, from what I understood, is gonna be damn slooooooow, but the mod probably ain't dying.

/me suddenly notices that his current status is that of him picking up his favorite Doom 3 weapon

obihb@Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:54 am :
Dsm pretty much hit the nail on the head there.. :)

obihb@Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 11:43 am :
Ok, just to bring this thing back from near extinction, I will post this shot from the editor with the completed map. Not the most interesting of shots, but I had to post something.. :)


I've done some work on shaders, basically anything with reflection I've gone and updated the shaders to work much better. As I said the map is now complete as far as the structure goes. Almost all props are in there, I mean map decoration, not pickups. Maybe one or two props remain to make them.

So the work that is left mainly is the pickup models. Not weapons at this stage. There are also other stuff I want to do to just enhance things a bit. I will post more about that when I get to it and see if stuff will actually work the way I plan to make it.

So there is some life left in this project. And I wanted to mention again that this is not a Wolf3D mod for Doom3 in the sense of a "remake" of Wolf in Doom3. I've noticed on some web pages that people get a bit off track. This is merely an attempt to create the art assets. Making one map does not count as a "mod" as far as I am concerned.

If a mod is born from this initial work, then it'll be good for sure. But I just wanted to say this so there is no confusion about the project.

6th Venom@Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 11:49 am :
I heard you will model 12 totally new enemies? :lol: just jocking...

Good to see that you got time to work again on it. good luck for the twelves! lol.

obihb@Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 4:58 pm :
A little vid of one of the things I wanted to do just to take it that one step further.

VIDEO - (750KB)

It's not very realistic and it's not really possible to get it very realistic but it is better then static.

One thing I'm unable to do though is make it so the player can push it. It doesn't seem like even default Doom3 stuff can be pushed like this. But, none the less. I think it works fairly well.

dsm@Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 6:39 pm :
May not look realistic, but it looks good enough to me.

Hexen Terzo@Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 8:35 pm :
obihb wrote:
A little vid of one of the things I wanted to do just to take it that one step further.

VIDEO - (750KB)

It's not very realistic and it's not really possible to get it very realistic but it is better then static.

One thing I'm unable to do though is make it so the player can push it. It doesn't seem like even default Doom3 stuff can be pushed like this. But, none the less. I think it works fairly well.

Impressive :D

parsonsbear@Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:47 pm :
I'd say it was unrealistic mostly because that flag would be torn to sh*t, not rustled about ;)

Other than that, just awesome- is that an af? can you do a video with r_showskel 1 or some of the af debug settings? or explain what's going on there?

Kristus@Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:20 am :
Obihb: I bet I got a way to make that effect better.

Imagine this bonestructure. (I'm not sure how far you can take bonebinding as I haven't experimented with it, but in any case this should work.)

Note: This is just a quick mockup. But something like these two examples should allow for a more realistic flag ragdoll, and make it move less rigid. In particular the left example, but I can't say how that one will fare in game.
You would know that better I expect since I haven't even tried making an AF so far.

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:45 am :
agreed, very impressive but I too would love to see it disintegrate as well as move around. is it possible to combine elements of glass windows breaking with the articulated figure tech?

also I don't think it matters that you personally aren't planning to make a large playable mod out of this, because you've done the hardest work, then if your happy to let some level designers use your assets in their maps while crediting you, then the community could get something playable as well as us geeks enjoying the tech demos :)

obihb@Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 9:06 am :
parsonsbear: Yeah, it is done with AF. If you look actually at the post Kritus made about the bone structure, it's something like the one on the right, just less bones. What I also do is link the bones on the bottom with spring constraint. This allows the flag to have a general movement even when only hit on one side. It also prevents the flag from pulling apart when just one of the bones move.

Kristus: You're spot on about the structure. This video is with my "prototype" and I probably will end up using more bones. I just had to make a test version with less bones because of testing both movement and to see if the spring would even work as I needed it to. As some may or may not know, it's damn tedious work to make AF. So I keep my tests simple.. :)

I guess even with more bones it's still a test to see how things react and how the spring works to keep stuff together. So far it does a great job and it's pretty damn stable. In another test I have the potplant where I use springs to make the plant bounce back after you shoot it. It also works pretty well.

These things just take alot of testing because the AF stuff is so "full of sh..t". It's so easy to break it and then you get the breakdancing from hell.. :) So I tend to do endless tests on this stuff. And now I added the spring into it, which is new to me. So.. test.. and more test. I think slowly I get the hang of it though. I start to figure what to avoid.

ratty redemption: I don't know about the glass stuff. I don't think I'll get into that stuff though. None of the props is gonna be able to be destroyed. It is the choice I made right in the beginning. I just don't intend to spend so much time on making things break. The one reason is that as soon as you realize one thing can break, you wanna break other things aswell.

The point being that not just one thing in the level should be able to break. It should all be able to break or damage. So, that's just the type of work I'm avoiding for this project. It's double the work to do that, maybe more.

Either way, I have no idea how to make the cloth rip. I mean, even if the shatter can be used, I doubt it would look good. I think it is something you've never seen because it's something that can't really be done with decent effect. Accept of course for that one demo I saw for that physics card. They had some real time cloth and shoot through it and it rips apart pretty realistically.

So, yeah, all I really intend to do at least is have objects "react" to getting shot but not get destroyed from it. So there is at least some kind of interaction.

obihb@Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 11:04 am :
Here's an updated video with more complete flag physics.


Using the springs to contain the movement works perfectly, even on multiple rows of bones. The current version of the flag seems pretty stable and does in fact work fairly well for a simulation of a cloth simulation.. :)

I replaced the old video because of limited space, so the old link will also download this new video.

dsm@Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 11:17 am :
obihb wrote:
I don't know about the glass stuff. I don't think I'll get into that stuff though. None of the props is gonna be able to be destroyed. It is the choice I made right in the beginning. I just don't intend to spend so much time on making things break. The one reason is that as soon as you realize one thing can break, you wanna break other things aswell.

The point being that not just one thing in the level should be able to break. It should all be able to break or damage. So, that's just the type of work I'm avoiding for this project. It's double the work to do that, maybe more.

Either way, I have no idea how to make the cloth rip. I mean, even if the shatter can be used, I doubt it would look good. I think it is something you've never seen because it's something that can't really be done with decent effect. Accept of course for that one demo I saw for that physics card. They had some real time cloth and shoot through it and it rips apart pretty realistically.

So, yeah, all I really intend to do at least is have objects "react" to getting shot but not get destroyed from it. So there is at least some kind of interaction.

In my opinion, it's also far more satisfying to simply get objects to move by shooting at them. Destroying them just seems to me like a temporary pleasure that quickly dissipates.

The new video shows a clear improvement over the previous one, but a pity I can't view the masterpiece of a test animation the previous video was.

Just kidding of course... :)

parsonsbear@Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 3:42 pm :
I think the number of bones you have in there works pretty well based on the look of the texture- they run along the vertical folds, right?

The little i've looked at af's, they seem pretty terrifying. Seems like there's a workflow to it- start with broad strokes and dial in iteratively. If you wrote up a tut, maybe someone at id could look it over and add suggestions.

About the 'destructability'- maybe you could break the mesh into many little parts and use skins to simulate a rip up. Or- someone could do some craziness with the sdk and use uploadImage to copy decals into the alpha channel.

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 6:52 pm :
dsm wrote:
In my opinion, it's also far more satisfying to simply get objects to move by shooting at them. Destroying them just seems to me like a temporary pleasure that quickly dissipates.

understood guys and I agree, breaking stuff in game is fun but then it is gone and the player needs to find some other object to interact with.

Kristus@Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 10:46 pm :
Obihb: So the Doom3 engine do have Springs? Funny how they never used it in the games then. (or that I missed it.)

Cause I wanted to make plants with springs, but I didn't expect it to have support for any AF's that would point up. But thanks for sharing. :)

EDIT: Just checked the video out, that looks absolutely fantastic. :) Better than I expected it to look.

EDIT2: Obihb: Is there any place where I can read up on what you've learn about the AFs in Doom3, so I can learn what you know about them?

EDIT3: You could make the cloth rip by changing the texture when it's hit, but it would probably look more stupid than cool. Of course if you make it have several stages of ripp, and you have it eject lots of particles while being hit, you could make it look atleast acceptable.
But my experience with ripping cloth is that it's just a very unsatisfying result. Just look at RTCW.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:02 am :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

ratty redemption@Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:51 pm :
Tesp wrote:
Any idea when it´s done?

obihb wrote:
probably not soon, I can't really say when.

I keep making the mistake of announcing when I'm going to release something, even if its just wip content, then something delays me or I realize its not good enough, resulting in me letting people down. probably best if obihb just does his best and releases the mod 'when its done'

apegomp@Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:15 pm :
making models let alone animating them, is a time consuming process..

47_M450N_47@Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 4:55 am :
apegomp wrote:
making models let alone animating them, is a time consuming process..

Very true, what limited experience I have with 3d modeling constitutes for a very time consuming process. I can't wait for this to come out, but I'd rather him take his time and do a good job. Hopefully with the models and stuff others around here that know their way around the Doom 3 engine can make the rest of the 1st episodes levels. Wolfenstein is one of the best games ever, it's going to be so awesome to play it in full 3d!

dsm@Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 12:33 pm :
Modelling does take some time - especially if you make errors that you gotta correct along the way. Sometimes you also have to spend time simply trying to figure out how to save polygons to make the model less hardware demanding.

47_M450N_47@Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:38 am :
So what's the status? Not trying to rush or anything, I know how it is to complete stuff, I've been working on an Xbox for about 2 years total now and still haven't finished it :shock: I was just wondering if you are still doing some work or if you have other more important things you have been working on.

obihb@Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 8:54 pm :
Sorry, I actually haven't touched this project for some time now. Got some "real" work to do so I won't work on this for a while. The project is not dead, just on a slow spot at the moment.

Bejiita@Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 12:54 pm :
How about it, are you gona touch the mod any time soon?

obihb@Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:36 pm :
I really can't say when I'll get back to this. I'm still pretty busy for maybe the next 2 weeks or so.

There might also be some Quake stuff I'm making in the near future.

Unfortunately because the little Wolf mod is not my main focus but rather a small side project, it always gets the back seat.

47_M450N_47@Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:08 am :
:( I understand what it's like to be busy, though I do want this to come out soon! Hopefully things will clear up so you will have time to work on it more. I bet as soon as it's released there will be a lot of other people start making the other levels!

Great work so far!

47_M450N_47@Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:45 am :
Still no news?

obihb@Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 9:17 am :
No man, sorry. Any extra stuff I do now goes towards the Quake mod "Quake: Nails of Chthon".

47_M450N_47@Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:33 pm :
Ah, oh well, maybe eventually. I don't have Quake so I don't really keep up with the mods on it. Best of luck with the Quake mod though!

obihb@Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 11:17 pm :
Sorry, misunderstanding there. It's a Quake mod for Doom3... not a mod for Quake.. :)

47_M450N_47@Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 4:16 pm :
ohhhh ok, I'll have to check that out!

CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 12:10 am :
obihb wrote:
No man, sorry. Any extra stuff I do now goes towards the Quake mod "Quake: Nails of Chthon".

More Quake mod levels? Oh Hell yeah!!! (hip thrust)

Infernis@Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 11:12 pm :
Any progress Obihb?

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 7:37 am :
Sorry, nothing.

I have started considering releasing existing content and maybe leave it at that. I don't know when I'll get back to it. I'm too busy now in my "real" work and it won't change for 5 or 6 months for sure and then I can't predict it after that.

But I'll see what happens.

Bejiita@Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 7:30 pm :
Atlest release this before you compeltely forget about this !

Bo$bevok@Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 7:44 pm :
obhib will release it when he likes.... dont worry it'll come eventually :)

Kristus@Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 4:51 am :
Bejiita wrote:
Atlest release this before you compeltely forget about this !

Unless he gets hit in the head from a falling safe, I don't think you'll have to worry about him forgetting about it.

obihb@Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:57 am :

Where am I??..



dsm@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 7:39 pm :
obihb wrote:
I'm too busy now in my "real" work and it won't change for 5 or 6 months for sure and then I can't predict it after that.

Well, I'm essentially willing to wait a decade or more if I have to (waited 11 years for Doom 3 itself, didn't I? Waiting for this oughta be a cakewalk).
I'm just hoping you won't make the hugely disappointing choice of just releasing the content made thus far and 'leave it at that', especially since it's just a comparatively simple one-map mod (I know the modelling takes time and all that).
Work on your current "real" work ("Quake: Nails of Chton" I suppose?), then when that's done in a decade or two, get back here and finish this one ;)

Either way, don't take the screenshots or videos down - I need something to drool over during this/these decade(s) :P

obihb@Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 1:43 pm :
I am actually not working on the Quake mod either right now. All my personal and other "mod" stuff that I'm doing is basically on hold for now.

I haven't really decided what I'm gonna end up doing with the Wolf mod. I'd like to finish it at some point since I did make it quite far already. But I'll see. I'm not really thinking about it too hard right now.

Bejiita@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 6:52 am :
So since my last post here was on Fri Oct 26, 2007 I decided to ask you again for some updated status about this mod.
What are you going to do?
Before you answer I would like to remind you that you are the only guy that wanted to make a mod about wolf 3d and you actually made it very good looking up to the point where yo decided to let it hang.

About that quake mod you said you are a member of I must say the screens look really good but when I think that so many people do mods that remake quake 1 or they make new games with quake 1 ambient I can only really fall back to the fact that you made this cool wolf mod that shouldn't of got left to rot like that since it is sad that nobody actually cares to remake that daddy of fps.Everybody all about doom ,quake and duke but nobody cares about wolf.

I don't know what is in your real life , i don't know how old you are, nor from what country if you have a wife and kids or not, but i do know that you made a great wolf mod and now everything seems to point towards abandon.
I joined this forum especially for this mod.

I worked allot on the doom reborn mod that is the mod that ports doom1 and doom2 to doom3 and tries to stick to the original as much as possible so trust me I know that what you did on the mod should of been at least a 3 man job.

obihb@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:18 am :
First, thanks for the comments about the mod, I appreciate that.

I actually don't want to completely abandon this mod. The one thing I thought of doing is to release existing content and people can do with that what they want and if I get to finishing it the way I wanted, I release the final thing.

The other thing is to hold off on releasing anything until I've completed what I set out to do.

The real idea behind this really was to make the content rather than making a full mod. I guess I ended up making more stuff by going on to make the model for the guard as well, which never really was the plan, although I had it in the back of my head to maybe do it anyway.

But, yeah, I've just left it alone for now, not releasing anything yet. I actually would like more to release it finished. The reason all this is on hold is simply that I'm busy with a real big project for work doing CG and if I do get some time free, I don't do even more CG stuff like modding Doom. Under normal circumstances I would have more time for myself and my own projects.

I can't really say when I'll get back to this though. I really don't wanna just kill it, I do want to get it to a release point some time.

About the Quake thing, it's in the same boat. Although the reason why I do the Quake stuff is for the monsters. I like to make them and that's about all. Joining the Quake mod team meant I was more obligated to give it preference in stead of doing other stuff, like the Wolf mod. That's the way I see it. But in the end, real work take top spot at this point in time. All my personal work are "on hold".. including the mod stuff... unfortunately.

apegomp@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:27 am :
While waiting for obihb-news, you might as well check out Voxelstein 3D:
I basically just modified the map in Ken Silverman's Voxlap test game ( in order to give a better impression of the engine's potential.

der_ton@Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:34 pm :
That looks cool. Do you have any download links?

ratty redemption@Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:38 pm :
apegomp, looks cool but does, can it have any texture filtering?

apegomp@Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:28 am :
der_ton wrote:
That looks cool. Do you have any download links?

There is an early version of the map/mod in the following thread:

ratty redemption wrote:
apegomp, looks cool but does, can it have any texture filtering?
I don't know, you'll have to ask Ken Silverman about that (

ratty redemption@Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:49 am :
understood, and thanks for the link.

GMG@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:46 am :
How can I make the textures to look like the box cover,3855/

rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 6:38 am :
This should get you up to speed...

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:02 am :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:02 am :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:02 am :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:02 am :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:02 am :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:02 am :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:02 am :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:02 am :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:02 am :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:02 am :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:02 am :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:02 am :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:02 am :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:02 am :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:02 am :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:02 am :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:02 am :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:02 am :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:02 am :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:36 am :
A while back I got my hands on the Opengl port for the old Wolf3d. So I started to make some high res textures for it. But then I decided it would be much cooler to actually make a direct remake in the Doom3 engine, since the lighting and shaders are, well.. just so much cooler.

So I'm sort of working on a little Wolf mod when I get the chance. It's actually cool to work on since it is so simple. Following the original game's look and just upgrading the quality of the graphics, in a sense.

Here's 2 shots just to show what I've got going so far. It's the first section of the first level.

Image Image

MBolus@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 pm :
Yeah, that classic is always fun!

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm :
obihb, are you going to model the original monsters in the d3 engine?

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 pm :
You know, there is always the possibility I might end up doing that, but maybe a bit unlikely at this stage. It's so much work to make a new enemy. I'm doing this more for the level and level graphics right now. That is considered simple but yet also quite a bit of work as you'll also know.

But you never know.. :)

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:23 pm :
understood and makes sense :)

zenarion@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:54 am :
Make the original guns too :D

Ww3@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 am :
It looks very clean and consistent. Make sure you hold on to that.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am :
Yeah, I also thought about adding in the guns aswell. Will see how it goes.

The blue walls...

Image Image

Black Dog@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:15 am :
That's pretty cool, love the walls. The floor doesn't quite look like it'd fit in wolf though.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:02 am :
The floor I pretty much decided on the concrete since the old Wolf never had floors or ceilings.

I thought about making something more elaborate but in the end I wanna just keep it simple and use it throughout the level. This is the closest thing (that is actually texture) to the old Wolf which is just flat gray.

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:20 pm :
you know you could probably just get someone to write a program to convert the original Wolfenstein3D maps directly to the new engine.

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:40 pm :
Now where is the fun in that?.. :)

ViPr@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:08 pm :
why are there so many people in this world who actually want to spend months of their life doing something so extremely tedious which a computer can do in less than a second and with more accuracy?

Kristus@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:20 pm :
It's not really that tedious, all he has to do is look at the maps in a Wolf3d editor and then do the exact same thing in Doom3. Shouldn't take him much time to make each map. Certainly no "Months".

Obihb: I guess this is full circle, Id put Wolf3d in Doom2, now you put it in Doom3- :p (actually there's also a plethora of Wolf3d TC's in warious quality and shape for Doom2)

Also, don't forget to put Commander Keen in the end of Grosse :p

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:54 pm :
Well, Vipr put it this way. If anyone can write a program to convert the Wolf levels into full 3D, with proper normal mapped textures and 3D models, then.. go for it. I have a feeling I'll be done before that person. Anyway, it's not a matter of recreating the levels it's a matter of recreating the graphics that makes the levels.

Once the graphics are made, it'll take less than a day to make one level because of it's simplicity.

So I'm in the process of making the graphics for the first level of the game. Not sure if I'll take it further then that.

Kristus, yeah, I remember the Wolf in Doom2, was very cool.. :)

nbrancaccio@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:27 pm :
I really like the stone wall textures! They look great! Did you make them? And if so, can you post the diffuse, normal, and specular maps for us to take a gander at and learn something from? Thanks :D

Keep up the great work!

obihb@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:23 pm :

Yeah, I make them. Model the stones in Max and use some photo sources for the diffuse and fine bumps.


Kamikazee@Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:37 pm :
Whilst all textures look awesome, the doors seem a little too square. For what I remember, wall "tiles" were more rectangular.

obihb@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:43 am :
Ok, finally got some more done for this little project.

I also took what you said Kamikazee, about the squareness. It actually was a decision I made in the beginning to keep it square, although in Wolf all textures are square, it is actually squashed in the game to a rectangle. But what actually happened is that the rooms in my map ended up huge.. too huge really. So I also went back and made it the same there as in Wolf. Works out much better, the scale of the map is more accurate.

Don't have a crap load of new stuff in yet. I spent some time looking at physics objects. So for props, like the plant, tables, chairs, those things could be movable objects.

So just 2 new shots to show some small progress here. Got the level built up into the first big room. I basically build the level and make the models and textures as I need them, so got a few new things to make there.

Image Image

ratty redemption@Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:02 am :
I like your door frames there obhib, could you post a wire frame image of them?

obihb@Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:57 am :

Where am I??..



obihb@Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:57 am :

Where am I??..



dsm@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 7:39 pm :
obihb wrote:
I'm too busy now in my "real" work and it won't change for 5 or 6 months for sure and then I can't predict it after that.

Well, I'm essentially willing to wait a decade or more if I have to (waited 11 years for Doom 3 itself, didn't I? Waiting for this oughta be a cakewalk).
I'm just hoping you won't make the hugely disappointing choice of just releasing the content made thus far and 'leave it at that', especially since it's just a comparatively simple one-map mod (I know the modelling takes time and all that).
Work on your current "real" work ("Quake: Nails of Chton" I suppose?), then when that's done in a decade or two, get back here and finish this one ;)

Either way, don't take the screenshots or videos down - I need something to drool over during this/these decade(s) :P

obihb@Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 1:43 pm :
I am actually not working on the Quake mod either right now. All my personal and other "mod" stuff that I'm doing is basically on hold for now.

I haven't really decided what I'm gonna end up doing with the Wolf mod. I'd like to finish it at some point since I did make it quite far already. But I'll see. I'm not really thinking about it too hard right now.

Bejiita@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 6:52 am :
So since my last post here was on Fri Oct 26, 2007 I decided to ask you again for some updated status about this mod.
What are you going to do?
Before you answer I would like to remind you that you are the only guy that wanted to make a mod about wolf 3d and you actually made it very good looking up to the point where yo decided to let it hang.

About that quake mod you said you are a member of I must say the screens look really good but when I think that so many people do mods that remake quake 1 or they make new games with quake 1 ambient I can only really fall back to the fact that you made this cool wolf mod that shouldn't of got left to rot like that since it is sad that nobody actually cares to remake that daddy of fps.Everybody all about doom ,quake and duke but nobody cares about wolf.

I don't know what is in your real life , i don't know how old you are, nor from what country if you have a wife and kids or not, but i do know that you made a great wolf mod and now everything seems to point towards abandon.
I joined this forum especially for this mod.

I worked allot on the doom reborn mod that is the mod that ports doom1 and doom2 to doom3 and tries to stick to the original as much as possible so trust me I know that what you did on the mod should of been at least a 3 man job.

obihb@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:18 am :
First, thanks for the comments about the mod, I appreciate that.

I actually don't want to completely abandon this mod. The one thing I thought of doing is to release existing content and people can do with that what they want and if I get to finishing it the way I wanted, I release the final thing.

The other thing is to hold off on releasing anything until I've completed what I set out to do.

The real idea behind this really was to make the content rather than making a full mod. I guess I ended up making more stuff by going on to make the model for the guard as well, which never really was the plan, although I had it in the back of my head to maybe do it anyway.

But, yeah, I've just left it alone for now, not releasing anything yet. I actually would like more to release it finished. The reason all this is on hold is simply that I'm busy with a real big project for work doing CG and if I do get some time free, I don't do even more CG stuff like modding Doom. Under normal circumstances I would have more time for myself and my own projects.

I can't really say when I'll get back to this though. I really don't wanna just kill it, I do want to get it to a release point some time.

About the Quake thing, it's in the same boat. Although the reason why I do the Quake stuff is for the monsters. I like to make them and that's about all. Joining the Quake mod team meant I was more obligated to give it preference in stead of doing other stuff, like the Wolf mod. That's the way I see it. But in the end, real work take top spot at this point in time. All my personal work are "on hold".. including the mod stuff... unfortunately.

apegomp@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:27 am :
While waiting for obihb-news, you might as well check out Voxelstein 3D:
I basically just modified the map in Ken Silverman's Voxlap test game ( in order to give a better impression of the engine's potential.

der_ton@Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:34 pm :
That looks cool. Do you have any download links?

ratty redemption@Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:38 pm :
apegomp, looks cool but does, can it have any texture filtering?

apegomp@Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:28 am :
der_ton wrote:
That looks cool. Do you have any download links?

There is an early version of the map/mod in the following thread:

ratty redemption wrote:
apegomp, looks cool but does, can it have any texture filtering?
I don't know, you'll have to ask Ken Silverman about that (

ratty redemption@Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:49 am :
understood, and thanks for the link.

obihb@Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:57 am :

Where am I??..



dsm@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 7:39 pm :
obihb wrote:
I'm too busy now in my "real" work and it won't change for 5 or 6 months for sure and then I can't predict it after that.

Well, I'm essentially willing to wait a decade or more if I have to (waited 11 years for Doom 3 itself, didn't I? Waiting for this oughta be a cakewalk).
I'm just hoping you won't make the hugely disappointing choice of just releasing the content made thus far and 'leave it at that', especially since it's just a comparatively simple one-map mod (I know the modelling takes time and all that).
Work on your current "real" work ("Quake: Nails of Chton" I suppose?), then when that's done in a decade or two, get back here and finish this one ;)

Either way, don't take the screenshots or videos down - I need something to drool over during this/these decade(s) :P

obihb@Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 1:43 pm :
I am actually not working on the Quake mod either right now. All my personal and other "mod" stuff that I'm doing is basically on hold for now.

I haven't really decided what I'm gonna end up doing with the Wolf mod. I'd like to finish it at some point since I did make it quite far already. But I'll see. I'm not really thinking about it too hard right now.

obihb@Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:57 am :

Where am I??..



dsm@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 7:39 pm :
obihb wrote:
I'm too busy now in my "real" work and it won't change for 5 or 6 months for sure and then I can't predict it after that.

Well, I'm essentially willing to wait a decade or more if I have to (waited 11 years for Doom 3 itself, didn't I? Waiting for this oughta be a cakewalk).
I'm just hoping you won't make the hugely disappointing choice of just releasing the content made thus far and 'leave it at that', especially since it's just a comparatively simple one-map mod (I know the modelling takes time and all that).
Work on your current "real" work ("Quake: Nails of Chton" I suppose?), then when that's done in a decade or two, get back here and finish this one ;)

Either way, don't take the screenshots or videos down - I need something to drool over during this/these decade(s) :P

obihb@Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 1:43 pm :
I am actually not working on the Quake mod either right now. All my personal and other "mod" stuff that I'm doing is basically on hold for now.

I haven't really decided what I'm gonna end up doing with the Wolf mod. I'd like to finish it at some point since I did make it quite far already. But I'll see. I'm not really thinking about it too hard right now.

Bejiita@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 6:52 am :
So since my last post here was on Fri Oct 26, 2007 I decided to ask you again for some updated status about this mod.
What are you going to do?
Before you answer I would like to remind you that you are the only guy that wanted to make a mod about wolf 3d and you actually made it very good looking up to the point where yo decided to let it hang.

About that quake mod you said you are a member of I must say the screens look really good but when I think that so many people do mods that remake quake 1 or they make new games with quake 1 ambient I can only really fall back to the fact that you made this cool wolf mod that shouldn't of got left to rot like that since it is sad that nobody actually cares to remake that daddy of fps.Everybody all about doom ,quake and duke but nobody cares about wolf.

I don't know what is in your real life , i don't know how old you are, nor from what country if you have a wife and kids or not, but i do know that you made a great wolf mod and now everything seems to point towards abandon.
I joined this forum especially for this mod.

I worked allot on the doom reborn mod that is the mod that ports doom1 and doom2 to doom3 and tries to stick to the original as much as possible so trust me I know that what you did on the mod should of been at least a 3 man job.

obihb@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:18 am :
First, thanks for the comments about the mod, I appreciate that.

I actually don't want to completely abandon this mod. The one thing I thought of doing is to release existing content and people can do with that what they want and if I get to finishing it the way I wanted, I release the final thing.

The other thing is to hold off on releasing anything until I've completed what I set out to do.

The real idea behind this really was to make the content rather than making a full mod. I guess I ended up making more stuff by going on to make the model for the guard as well, which never really was the plan, although I had it in the back of my head to maybe do it anyway.

But, yeah, I've just left it alone for now, not releasing anything yet. I actually would like more to release it finished. The reason all this is on hold is simply that I'm busy with a real big project for work doing CG and if I do get some time free, I don't do even more CG stuff like modding Doom. Under normal circumstances I would have more time for myself and my own projects.

I can't really say when I'll get back to this though. I really don't wanna just kill it, I do want to get it to a release point some time.

About the Quake thing, it's in the same boat. Although the reason why I do the Quake stuff is for the monsters. I like to make them and that's about all. Joining the Quake mod team meant I was more obligated to give it preference in stead of doing other stuff, like the Wolf mod. That's the way I see it. But in the end, real work take top spot at this point in time. All my personal work are "on hold".. including the mod stuff... unfortunately.

apegomp@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:27 am :
While waiting for obihb-news, you might as well check out Voxelstein 3D:
I basically just modified the map in Ken Silverman's Voxlap test game ( in order to give a better impression of the engine's potential.

der_ton@Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:34 pm :
That looks cool. Do you have any download links?

ratty redemption@Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:38 pm :
apegomp, looks cool but does, can it have any texture filtering?

apegomp@Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:28 am :
der_ton wrote:
That looks cool. Do you have any download links?

There is an early version of the map/mod in the following thread:

ratty redemption wrote:
apegomp, looks cool but does, can it have any texture filtering?
I don't know, you'll have to ask Ken Silverman about that (

ratty redemption@Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:49 am :
understood, and thanks for the link.

obihb@Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:57 am :

Where am I??..



dsm@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 7:39 pm :
obihb wrote:
I'm too busy now in my "real" work and it won't change for 5 or 6 months for sure and then I can't predict it after that.

Well, I'm essentially willing to wait a decade or more if I have to (waited 11 years for Doom 3 itself, didn't I? Waiting for this oughta be a cakewalk).
I'm just hoping you won't make the hugely disappointing choice of just releasing the content made thus far and 'leave it at that', especially since it's just a comparatively simple one-map mod (I know the modelling takes time and all that).
Work on your current "real" work ("Quake: Nails of Chton" I suppose?), then when that's done in a decade or two, get back here and finish this one ;)

Either way, don't take the screenshots or videos down - I need something to drool over during this/these decade(s) :P

obihb@Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 1:43 pm :
I am actually not working on the Quake mod either right now. All my personal and other "mod" stuff that I'm doing is basically on hold for now.

I haven't really decided what I'm gonna end up doing with the Wolf mod. I'd like to finish it at some point since I did make it quite far already. But I'll see. I'm not really thinking about it too hard right now.

Bejiita@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 6:52 am :
So since my last post here was on Fri Oct 26, 2007 I decided to ask you again for some updated status about this mod.
What are you going to do?
Before you answer I would like to remind you that you are the only guy that wanted to make a mod about wolf 3d and you actually made it very good looking up to the point where yo decided to let it hang.

About that quake mod you said you are a member of I must say the screens look really good but when I think that so many people do mods that remake quake 1 or they make new games with quake 1 ambient I can only really fall back to the fact that you made this cool wolf mod that shouldn't of got left to rot like that since it is sad that nobody actually cares to remake that daddy of fps.Everybody all about doom ,quake and duke but nobody cares about wolf.

I don't know what is in your real life , i don't know how old you are, nor from what country if you have a wife and kids or not, but i do know that you made a great wolf mod and now everything seems to point towards abandon.
I joined this forum especially for this mod.

I worked allot on the doom reborn mod that is the mod that ports doom1 and doom2 to doom3 and tries to stick to the original as much as possible so trust me I know that what you did on the mod should of been at least a 3 man job.

obihb@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:18 am :
First, thanks for the comments about the mod, I appreciate that.

I actually don't want to completely abandon this mod. The one thing I thought of doing is to release existing content and people can do with that what they want and if I get to finishing it the way I wanted, I release the final thing.

The other thing is to hold off on releasing anything until I've completed what I set out to do.

The real idea behind this really was to make the content rather than making a full mod. I guess I ended up making more stuff by going on to make the model for the guard as well, which never really was the plan, although I had it in the back of my head to maybe do it anyway.

But, yeah, I've just left it alone for now, not releasing anything yet. I actually would like more to release it finished. The reason all this is on hold is simply that I'm busy with a real big project for work doing CG and if I do get some time free, I don't do even more CG stuff like modding Doom. Under normal circumstances I would have more time for myself and my own projects.

I can't really say when I'll get back to this though. I really don't wanna just kill it, I do want to get it to a release point some time.

About the Quake thing, it's in the same boat. Although the reason why I do the Quake stuff is for the monsters. I like to make them and that's about all. Joining the Quake mod team meant I was more obligated to give it preference in stead of doing other stuff, like the Wolf mod. That's the way I see it. But in the end, real work take top spot at this point in time. All my personal work are "on hold".. including the mod stuff... unfortunately.

apegomp@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:27 am :
While waiting for obihb-news, you might as well check out Voxelstein 3D:
I basically just modified the map in Ken Silverman's Voxlap test game ( in order to give a better impression of the engine's potential.

der_ton@Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:34 pm :
That looks cool. Do you have any download links?

ratty redemption@Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:38 pm :
apegomp, looks cool but does, can it have any texture filtering?

apegomp@Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:28 am :
der_ton wrote:
That looks cool. Do you have any download links?

There is an early version of the map/mod in the following thread:

ratty redemption wrote:
apegomp, looks cool but does, can it have any texture filtering?
I don't know, you'll have to ask Ken Silverman about that (

ratty redemption@Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:49 am :
understood, and thanks for the link.

obihb@Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:57 am :

Where am I??..



dsm@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 7:39 pm :
obihb wrote:
I'm too busy now in my "real" work and it won't change for 5 or 6 months for sure and then I can't predict it after that.

Well, I'm essentially willing to wait a decade or more if I have to (waited 11 years for Doom 3 itself, didn't I? Waiting for this oughta be a cakewalk).
I'm just hoping you won't make the hugely disappointing choice of just releasing the content made thus far and 'leave it at that', especially since it's just a comparatively simple one-map mod (I know the modelling takes time and all that).
Work on your current "real" work ("Quake: Nails of Chton" I suppose?), then when that's done in a decade or two, get back here and finish this one ;)

Either way, don't take the screenshots or videos down - I need something to drool over during this/these decade(s) :P

obihb@Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 1:43 pm :
I am actually not working on the Quake mod either right now. All my personal and other "mod" stuff that I'm doing is basically on hold for now.

I haven't really decided what I'm gonna end up doing with the Wolf mod. I'd like to finish it at some point since I did make it quite far already. But I'll see. I'm not really thinking about it too hard right now.

Bejiita@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 6:52 am :
So since my last post here was on Fri Oct 26, 2007 I decided to ask you again for some updated status about this mod.
What are you going to do?
Before you answer I would like to remind you that you are the only guy that wanted to make a mod about wolf 3d and you actually made it very good looking up to the point where yo decided to let it hang.

About that quake mod you said you are a member of I must say the screens look really good but when I think that so many people do mods that remake quake 1 or they make new games with quake 1 ambient I can only really fall back to the fact that you made this cool wolf mod that shouldn't of got left to rot like that since it is sad that nobody actually cares to remake that daddy of fps.Everybody all about doom ,quake and duke but nobody cares about wolf.

I don't know what is in your real life , i don't know how old you are, nor from what country if you have a wife and kids or not, but i do know that you made a great wolf mod and now everything seems to point towards abandon.
I joined this forum especially for this mod.

I worked allot on the doom reborn mod that is the mod that ports doom1 and doom2 to doom3 and tries to stick to the original as much as possible so trust me I know that what you did on the mod should of been at least a 3 man job.

obihb@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:18 am :
First, thanks for the comments about the mod, I appreciate that.

I actually don't want to completely abandon this mod. The one thing I thought of doing is to release existing content and people can do with that what they want and if I get to finishing it the way I wanted, I release the final thing.

The other thing is to hold off on releasing anything until I've completed what I set out to do.

The real idea behind this really was to make the content rather than making a full mod. I guess I ended up making more stuff by going on to make the model for the guard as well, which never really was the plan, although I had it in the back of my head to maybe do it anyway.

But, yeah, I've just left it alone for now, not releasing anything yet. I actually would like more to release it finished. The reason all this is on hold is simply that I'm busy with a real big project for work doing CG and if I do get some time free, I don't do even more CG stuff like modding Doom. Under normal circumstances I would have more time for myself and my own projects.

I can't really say when I'll get back to this though. I really don't wanna just kill it, I do want to get it to a release point some time.

About the Quake thing, it's in the same boat. Although the reason why I do the Quake stuff is for the monsters. I like to make them and that's about all. Joining the Quake mod team meant I was more obligated to give it preference in stead of doing other stuff, like the Wolf mod. That's the way I see it. But in the end, real work take top spot at this point in time. All my personal work are "on hold".. including the mod stuff... unfortunately.

apegomp@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:27 am :
While waiting for obihb-news, you might as well check out Voxelstein 3D:
I basically just modified the map in Ken Silverman's Voxlap test game ( in order to give a better impression of the engine's potential.

der_ton@Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:34 pm :
That looks cool. Do you have any download links?

ratty redemption@Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:38 pm :
apegomp, looks cool but does, can it have any texture filtering?

apegomp@Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:28 am :
der_ton wrote:
That looks cool. Do you have any download links?

There is an early version of the map/mod in the following thread:

ratty redemption wrote:
apegomp, looks cool but does, can it have any texture filtering?
I don't know, you'll have to ask Ken Silverman about that (

ratty redemption@Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:49 am :
understood, and thanks for the link.

obihb@Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:57 am :

Where am I??..



dsm@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 7:39 pm :
obihb wrote:
I'm too busy now in my "real" work and it won't change for 5 or 6 months for sure and then I can't predict it after that.

Well, I'm essentially willing to wait a decade or more if I have to (waited 11 years for Doom 3 itself, didn't I? Waiting for this oughta be a cakewalk).
I'm just hoping you won't make the hugely disappointing choice of just releasing the content made thus far and 'leave it at that', especially since it's just a comparatively simple one-map mod (I know the modelling takes time and all that).
Work on your current "real" work ("Quake: Nails of Chton" I suppose?), then when that's done in a decade or two, get back here and finish this one ;)

Either way, don't take the screenshots or videos down - I need something to drool over during this/these decade(s) :P

obihb@Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 1:43 pm :
I am actually not working on the Quake mod either right now. All my personal and other "mod" stuff that I'm doing is basically on hold for now.

I haven't really decided what I'm gonna end up doing with the Wolf mod. I'd like to finish it at some point since I did make it quite far already. But I'll see. I'm not really thinking about it too hard right now.

Bejiita@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 6:52 am :
So since my last post here was on Fri Oct 26, 2007 I decided to ask you again for some updated status about this mod.
What are you going to do?
Before you answer I would like to remind you that you are the only guy that wanted to make a mod about wolf 3d and you actually made it very good looking up to the point where yo decided to let it hang.

About that quake mod you said you are a member of I must say the screens look really good but when I think that so many people do mods that remake quake 1 or they make new games with quake 1 ambient I can only really fall back to the fact that you made this cool wolf mod that shouldn't of got left to rot like that since it is sad that nobody actually cares to remake that daddy of fps.Everybody all about doom ,quake and duke but nobody cares about wolf.

I don't know what is in your real life , i don't know how old you are, nor from what country if you have a wife and kids or not, but i do know that you made a great wolf mod and now everything seems to point towards abandon.
I joined this forum especially for this mod.

I worked allot on the doom reborn mod that is the mod that ports doom1 and doom2 to doom3 and tries to stick to the original as much as possible so trust me I know that what you did on the mod should of been at least a 3 man job.

obihb@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:18 am :
First, thanks for the comments about the mod, I appreciate that.

I actually don't want to completely abandon this mod. The one thing I thought of doing is to release existing content and people can do with that what they want and if I get to finishing it the way I wanted, I release the final thing.

The other thing is to hold off on releasing anything until I've completed what I set out to do.

The real idea behind this really was to make the content rather than making a full mod. I guess I ended up making more stuff by going on to make the model for the guard as well, which never really was the plan, although I had it in the back of my head to maybe do it anyway.

But, yeah, I've just left it alone for now, not releasing anything yet. I actually would like more to release it finished. The reason all this is on hold is simply that I'm busy with a real big project for work doing CG and if I do get some time free, I don't do even more CG stuff like modding Doom. Under normal circumstances I would have more time for myself and my own projects.

I can't really say when I'll get back to this though. I really don't wanna just kill it, I do want to get it to a release point some time.

About the Quake thing, it's in the same boat. Although the reason why I do the Quake stuff is for the monsters. I like to make them and that's about all. Joining the Quake mod team meant I was more obligated to give it preference in stead of doing other stuff, like the Wolf mod. That's the way I see it. But in the end, real work take top spot at this point in time. All my personal work are "on hold".. including the mod stuff... unfortunately.

apegomp@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:27 am :
While waiting for obihb-news, you might as well check out Voxelstein 3D:
I basically just modified the map in Ken Silverman's Voxlap test game ( in order to give a better impression of the engine's potential.

der_ton@Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:34 pm :
That looks cool. Do you have any download links?

ratty redemption@Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:38 pm :
apegomp, looks cool but does, can it have any texture filtering?

apegomp@Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:28 am :
der_ton wrote:
That looks cool. Do you have any download links?

There is an early version of the map/mod in the following thread:

ratty redemption wrote:
apegomp, looks cool but does, can it have any texture filtering?
I don't know, you'll have to ask Ken Silverman about that (

ratty redemption@Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:49 am :
understood, and thanks for the link.

obihb@Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:57 am :

Where am I??..



dsm@Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 7:39 pm :
obihb wrote:
I'm too busy now in my "real" work and it won't change for 5 or 6 months for sure and then I can't predict it after that.

Well, I'm essentially willing to wait a decade or more if I have to (waited 11 years for Doom 3 itself, didn't I? Waiting for this oughta be a cakewalk).
I'm just hoping you won't make the hugely disappointing choice of just releasing the content made thus far and 'leave it at that', especially since it's just a comparatively simple one-map mod (I know the modelling takes time and all that).
Work on your current "real" work ("Quake: Nails of Chton" I suppose?), then when that's done in a decade or two, get back here and finish this one ;)

Either way, don't take the screenshots or videos down - I need something to drool over during this/these decade(s) :P

obihb@Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 1:43 pm :
I am actually not working on the Quake mod either right now. All my personal and other "mod" stuff that I'm doing is basically on hold for now.

I haven't really decided what I'm gonna end up doing with the Wolf mod. I'd like to finish it at some point since I did make it quite far already. But I'll see. I'm not really thinking about it too hard right now.

Bejiita@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 6:52 am :
So since my last post here was on Fri Oct 26, 2007 I decided to ask you again for some updated status about this mod.
What are you going to do?
Before you answer I would like to remind you that you are the only guy that wanted to make a mod about wolf 3d and you actually made it very good looking up to the point where yo decided to let it hang.

About that quake mod you said you are a member of I must say the screens look really good but when I think that so many people do mods that remake quake 1 or they make new games with quake 1 ambient I can only really fall back to the fact that you made this cool wolf mod that shouldn't of got left to rot like that since it is sad that nobody actually cares to remake that daddy of fps.Everybody all about doom ,quake and duke but nobody cares about wolf.

I don't know what is in your real life , i don't know how old you are, nor from what country if you have a wife and kids or not, but i do know that you made a great wolf mod and now everything seems to point towards abandon.
I joined this forum especially for this mod.

I worked allot on the doom reborn mod that is the mod that ports doom1 and doom2 to doom3 and tries to stick to the original as much as possible so trust me I know that what you did on the mod should of been at least a 3 man job.

obihb@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:18 am :
First, thanks for the comments about the mod, I appreciate that.

I actually don't want to completely abandon this mod. The one thing I thought of doing is to release existing content and people can do with that what they want and if I get to finishing it the way I wanted, I release the final thing.

The other thing is to hold off on releasing anything until I've completed what I set out to do.

The real idea behind this really was to make the content rather than making a full mod. I guess I ended up making more stuff by going on to make the model for the guard as well, which never really was the plan, although I had it in the back of my head to maybe do it anyway.

But, yeah, I've just left it alone for now, not releasing anything yet. I actually would like more to release it finished. The reason all this is on hold is simply that I'm busy with a real big project for work doing CG and if I do get some time free, I don't do even more CG stuff like modding Doom. Under normal circumstances I would have more time for myself and my own projects.

I can't really say when I'll get back to this though. I really don't wanna just kill it, I do want to get it to a release point some time.

About the Quake thing, it's in the same boat. Although the reason why I do the Quake stuff is for the monsters. I like to make them and that's about all. Joining the Quake mod team meant I was more obligated to give it preference in stead of doing other stuff, like the Wolf mod. That's the way I see it. But in the end, real work take top spot at this point in time. All my personal work are "on hold".. including the mod stuff... unfortunately.

apegomp@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:27 am :
While waiting for obihb-news, you might as well check out Voxelstein 3D:
I basically just modified the map in Ken Silverman's Voxlap test game ( in order to give a better impression of the engine's potential.

der_ton@Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:34 pm :
That looks cool. Do you have any download links?

ratty redemption@Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:38 pm :
apegomp, looks cool but does, can it have any texture filtering?

apegomp@Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:28 am :
der_ton wrote:
That looks cool. Do you have any download links?

There is an early version of the map/mod in the following thread:

ratty redemption wrote:
apegomp, looks cool but does, can it have any texture filtering?
I don't know, you'll have to ask Ken Silverman about that (

ratty redemption@Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:49 am :
understood, and thanks for the link.