6th Venom wrote:
1) What's the (technical) difference between these?
There is no tehnical difference between them, they are spawned in the same manner and both are of idDebris type. Actually, both these keys are not working. The actual working keys are:
BTW, check the debris_shrapnel, cause it doesn't work. debris_largeshrapnel, on the other hand, works.
6th Venom wrote:
3) How to define disapear/fading time? (can i on/off it?)
Check the entitydefs for debris_shrapnel. Fading/disappearing works same as that of debris_brass, debris_barrelpiece etc.
A small note: My upcoming mod's dll has fixed some issues which includes working of above keys.
I played with "def_debris" and it seems to work fine... (look at env_explodingtank or something like that in vanilla.)
Thanks anyway for reply man!

6th Venom wrote:
I played with "def_debris" and it seems to work fine... (look at env_explodingtank or something like that in vanilla.)
Thanks anyway for reply man!

When I was talking about def_debris and def_shrapnel, I was considering that you found them in projectileDefs. Since it's the only kind of entityDef where these keys are found together.
As far as def_debris key is concerned, it works for every entity which is of type idMoveable. It can be used to show that an object is broken when damaged.