I tried to make gui with a textfield inside.
It works fine in mainmenu mode. But if i try to use it ingame like on a terminal, i cant enter text. Is there a way to catch the keyboard input while looking on a ingame terminal gui ??
short: How do i enter some text into a editDef control while standing in front of a terminal?
You can't. You have no means to engage or disengage keyboard input with the GUI when you're playing the game.
The only way to make this possible is by modifying the SDK. You need a way to tell the game "I'd like my keyboard to work with this GUI right now" or "I'd like my keyboard to control the player right now".
Not true rich remember the doom in doom3 those guys did it kinda hinders alot of time but its possible but just
Right, he did. And he did exactly what I mentioned in my previous post to do it. He modifed the SDK.
yes, i nkow this doom terminal mod, but i cant find any email address from the author, any idea??
Well from what I've gathered in about 5 minutes with Google, the guy behind "Terminal Doom" is Bernd Kreimeier. It turns out the guy works in the gaming industry although I can't seem to dig up any clues about with whom currently.
I've found a few email addresses that I believe are his but judging by the date of some of these pages I can't be sure they're still in use.
Just a hunch but given the hosting for "Terminal Doom" looks to be a personal page, I'd also try something like...
... or some variation of it.