darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:41 pm : Hello !!
i have a prob.
I cant Export my model form maya to the d3 engine games,
every time the game kicks me to the desktop with an error...
i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!
is the a exporter that i can use??
why it does not give an md5 exporter for maya but an md5 importer ??
and i have two questions:
-if i have a *.ase how i get it in to the d3 engine? just simple as the *.ma/*.mb files ??

-have quake4 1.3 and prey 1.2 the same version of *.md5 fiels (Version 10)
ohh sry for my baaad english

elusive@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:20 pm : For exporting models from Maya to D3 engine games you need the right MayaImportX86.dll which is only available für Maya 4.5/5/6/6.5 and 7 as far as I know.
Bringing *.ase into D3 engine based games is not that hard. These files are stored in base/models/ usually. By opening the ase file in a texteditor (eg. notepad) you find a line that says "BITMAP" "". Enter your texture shader here. These shaders are included in *.mtr files ( base/materials/ ).
A shader for example can look like that:
diffusemap textures/mytextures/texture1_d.tga
bumpmap textures/mytextures/texture1_local.tga
specularmap textures/mytextures/texture1_s.tga
In the *.ase it will look like this:
"BITMAP" "textures/mytextures/texture1"
Save the ase file and try it loading in a map
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:08 pm : and what ist with the bones? i have a little model exported ab ist looks so in q4:
but in a model view it is right:

an the error i get wenn i try to export maya files in the md5 format:

dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:47 pm : hey girl

is your import dll running without the reg entrie?
with max should it very easy to export. ase and lwos goes on the fly.
but i have some probs. too

1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
2 .
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:57 pm : Quote:
1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
the export function is every time not working,(
not sometime)
how do i get the reg entry right? or you mean the
system environment variable for maya ?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:10 pm : 
cmd exportmodels?!?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:16 pm : maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
thx for help
kat@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:56 pm : darknesz wrote:
..i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!...
Try using Max on the same character to see if that exports a fully working MD5 to D3, if it does then you know there is something wrong with the way you're doing the export from Maya.
If it doesn't then it means there's something wrong with the MD5 that needs fixing regardless as to which 3D app you use to export the model.
ascottk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:24 am : Try this thread & find someone who can make a Maya 8 compatible MayaImportx86.dll from the SDK.
I'm using Maya 6.5 & here's the thread about someone who made a compatible importer a while back:
darknesz@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:12 am : Quote:
maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
mmh did you get the md5 file after exportmodel? are the Bones right configerd? test the model (if you get one) in a
dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:39 pm : i get a md5 md5anim, but without a mesh, and the joint(s) are still default in all vectors valued by zero ?!?

dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:00 pm : 
great it works

darknesz@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:40 pm : how do you have it get?
every time i try to export the model i get the f***ing error

and i dont understand why?
my def file :
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
The bones for the model i extracted are vrome the corpes model
can someone export a md5 file from my ma file???
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:28 pm : i changed the mayaimportx86.dll from 4.5 to 6.0
here is your def file with some changes

export model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5anim
model model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5anim
and if u work with maya 8, i havent try this but try to change the entries in the file to maya 6 (texteditor), i dont know if this works. its alittle hack in maya to get files from a newer maya version to run.
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:08 pm : 
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol
[EDIT]Don't copy paste thousands of lines of code!. Just upload the file somewhere and link to that. kat
Kamikazee@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:54 am : dirk wrote:
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol

Man! I would remove this, and change your posts to a link to the model file itself... No need to spam pages full with the contents of a model file.

darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:40 pm : very thx for the model file but its not complet ,in the middle part is a bite lost
weight 3469 2 0.5 ( -7.2352871895 17.9412651062 6.815141201 )
weight 3470 1 0.5 ( 19.2896060944 6.6511487961 7.7334270477 )
weight 3471 2 0.5 ( -6.6511487961 16.2896060944 7.7334270477 )
weight 3472 1 0.5 ( 19.7023582458 6.4832701683 8.159781456 )
dirk Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:18 pm Post subject:
weight 1440 1 0.5 ( 38.6597709656 -1.7590639591 3.3988060951 )
weight 1441 2 0.5 ( 1.7590639591 35.6597709656 3.3988060951 )
weight 1442 1 0.5 ( 33.0746078491 -3.4971709251 4.2522320747 )
weight 1443 2 0.5 ( 3.4971709251 30.0746078491 4.2522320747 )
weight 1444 1 0.5 ( 32.7135658264 -4.4392538071 4.1725587845 )
-can you upload the md5 file and the def file on rapidshare or something?
-is this model for d3 or q4??
-did you have it exported in d3 ?
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:10 pm : 

the vectors should be complete - to round off, check page #2.
on which mod did you work on?
darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:51 pm : i dont work on a mod...
its just freelance work,
if i finish the model , i want make real model with bump and so.

i dont get the model in q4...
on the weekend i want install d3...
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:01 am : dont worry! heads up!
use for staticmodels ase or lwos. and for dynamicobj md5.
did you know blender?
maybe its not so bad to take a look on it
darknesz@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:16 am : yeah i know blender but i wont model with it,
for export to md5 its an idea , for export i can use 3d MAX too.
tokiWarT00th@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:40 am : Hey gang. I was hoping if someone could help me out with getting static models into Q4 (a box to start). I am using Maya 7 to create my models and normal maps. I then export out the low res model as a .fbx and import it into 3DS Max 8. After I apply the textures (diff,spec,normal,height) in the material editor I then delete all history and export out as an .ase. I then set up my .mtr file and paths.
Now I can get the model into the game, but now I can't for the life of me get the textures to work. It's just a white box with black lines.
I made sure the model is triangulated and whatnot. Here is my path info:
models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox.ase , mybox_d.tga, mybox_s.tga, mybox_h.tga, mybox_local.tga.
Do I strictly have to render out the normalmap in Quake using renderbump or am I ok with what I am doing in Maya? I think my problem may be in my .mtr file but I have no clue. I still have the renderbump command in the file just to be safe. Here is the .mtr file just to be sure:
renderBump -size 1024 1024 -aa 2 -mergehigh -trace .07 models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga
diffusemap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_d.tga
bumpMap addnormals ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga, heightmap ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_h.tga, 4 ) )
specularmap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_s.tga
I would appreciate any help available. Thanks a lot for looking at my post. Cheers.
darknesz@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:10 pm : 
Hello everybody i have my file uploaded, can someone check my files and tell my how i make this right???
i think the bones are a little bit wrong, ohabe the wrong direction odr some thing..
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
please check my files...
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:38 pm : hey darknesz
already looked through this tutorial ?
darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:23 pm : hey TTK-Bandit
jeah i know this tutorial, but it is only for blender... but i need is maya..
now i get ase files out of maya

-how i get the ase in quake/doom/prey or what ever ? do i change ma/mb to ase in the def file and than exportmodel??
-can it be that some dlls on my pc be missing??(because the Error i get ever time?) or knows someone about the error message?

-and what is with the MayaImportx86.dll how i get it working for maya 8.
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:20 pm : ase files are only working statically in d3/q4
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:23 pm : 
you can import your ase directly in the editor.
right click (viewport) -> new model (?) or empty obj i dont know how it calls in doom3 -> attribute editor ? new model -> refresh this dir tree -> import your model
i think, or i havent seen a way around, you have to use the model directory. like //base/models/...
and to your models i dont get it running 1:1 on my maya (i use maya 4)
maybe its better to align your model to the Z xs, but i dont know how its handled in doom3. but Z+ or Z- should have no influence.

is it revered when im thinkin

darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:18 am : Quote:
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
try this:
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
it could be that the path is wrong ,use the absolute path (C:/games/quake4/q4base/...) and spaces dont work (quake 4 [wrong] try this --> quake4 [right])
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
you can download the files here:
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
and the def file
or i send it on a email...
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
dirk do you know about the bones? Directions ? or so? i'll post today some pics...
in my model2.md5mesh are only 58 joints but in the corpse model are 65 joints....
dirk@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:47 pm : --
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:29 pm : wtf ? "maya not installed in registry"
I have to have maya installed to export it ?
I thought thats what the dll is for

sry buddy, seems I cant help you with that.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:07 am : yep
how far are you?
is it possible for you to work with maya 6? then im able to help you
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:09 am : if maya 6.5 is ok, too ??
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
my english is so poor..
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:03 pm : en petit peu

abersch isch versuesche mein beschtesch, oui isch habe gehoerrt von maya 6.5.. soll groschartig sisch verhalten. esch ischt so schwer für moi zuschrieben deutsch. où le cinéma est?
woher viens tu?

Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:07 pm : darknesz wrote:
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
dirk wrote:
en petit peu

Sorry, funny situation.
dirk@Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:08 pm : 
whats the life without humor?
darknesz@Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:32 pm : Quote:
woher viens tu?
i come from germany (Freising)...
and its dont work

can understand this because the md5 file is ok i can watch he model in the model viewer from der_ton
in quake i can only see a polygon blob.
it is frustating

darknesz@Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:15 pm : after i installed a vm with xp,maya and quake ,idont get the error (

) anymore

but now its says that to my:
]exportmodels model2.def
Converting C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb to C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/.md5mesh...
Loading file...
Creating joints...
Creating meshes...
WARNING: file C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/def/model2.def, line 6: Failed to export 'C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb' : CreateMesh: No skinClusters found in this scene.
and this is written in my def file:
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/
model model2
mesh -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
is there a failer or something?
darknesz@Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:49 pm : 
ok finaly i get it done!!!

blender was my last chance to get my model into quake,
and it works good.
everybody please check my model!!!
i know it isnt very nice, but the reason of this model is only to testing the model-export-way for quake.
the last job with this model is adding some bump und spectral textures...
the next model will be much better

darknesz@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:16 am : yeah i know blender but i wont model with it,
for export to md5 its an idea , for export i can use 3d MAX too.
tokiWarT00th@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:40 am : Hey gang. I was hoping if someone could help me out with getting static models into Q4 (a box to start). I am using Maya 7 to create my models and normal maps. I then export out the low res model as a .fbx and import it into 3DS Max 8. After I apply the textures (diff,spec,normal,height) in the material editor I then delete all history and export out as an .ase. I then set up my .mtr file and paths.
Now I can get the model into the game, but now I can't for the life of me get the textures to work. It's just a white box with black lines.
I made sure the model is triangulated and whatnot. Here is my path info:
models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox.ase , mybox_d.tga, mybox_s.tga, mybox_h.tga, mybox_local.tga.
Do I strictly have to render out the normalmap in Quake using renderbump or am I ok with what I am doing in Maya? I think my problem may be in my .mtr file but I have no clue. I still have the renderbump command in the file just to be safe. Here is the .mtr file just to be sure:
renderBump -size 1024 1024 -aa 2 -mergehigh -trace .07 models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga
diffusemap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_d.tga
bumpMap addnormals ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga, heightmap ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_h.tga, 4 ) )
specularmap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_s.tga
I would appreciate any help available. Thanks a lot for looking at my post. Cheers.
darknesz@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:10 pm : 
Hello everybody i have my file uploaded, can someone check my files and tell my how i make this right???
i think the bones are a little bit wrong, ohabe the wrong direction odr some thing..
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
please check my files...
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:38 pm : hey darknesz
already looked through this tutorial ?
darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:23 pm : hey TTK-Bandit
jeah i know this tutorial, but it is only for blender... but i need is maya..
now i get ase files out of maya

-how i get the ase in quake/doom/prey or what ever ? do i change ma/mb to ase in the def file and than exportmodel??
-can it be that some dlls on my pc be missing??(because the Error i get ever time?) or knows someone about the error message?

-and what is with the MayaImportx86.dll how i get it working for maya 8.
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:20 pm : ase files are only working statically in d3/q4
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:23 pm : 
you can import your ase directly in the editor.
right click (viewport) -> new model (?) or empty obj i dont know how it calls in doom3 -> attribute editor ? new model -> refresh this dir tree -> import your model
i think, or i havent seen a way around, you have to use the model directory. like //base/models/...
and to your models i dont get it running 1:1 on my maya (i use maya 4)
maybe its better to align your model to the Z xs, but i dont know how its handled in doom3. but Z+ or Z- should have no influence.

is it revered when im thinkin

darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:18 am : Quote:
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
try this:
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
it could be that the path is wrong ,use the absolute path (C:/games/quake4/q4base/...) and spaces dont work (quake 4 [wrong] try this --> quake4 [right])
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
you can download the files here:
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
and the def file
or i send it on a email...
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
dirk do you know about the bones? Directions ? or so? i'll post today some pics...
in my model2.md5mesh are only 58 joints but in the corpse model are 65 joints....
dirk@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:47 pm : --
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:29 pm : wtf ? "maya not installed in registry"
I have to have maya installed to export it ?
I thought thats what the dll is for

sry buddy, seems I cant help you with that.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:07 am : yep
how far are you?
is it possible for you to work with maya 6? then im able to help you
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:09 am : if maya 6.5 is ok, too ??
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
my english is so poor..
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:03 pm : en petit peu

abersch isch versuesche mein beschtesch, oui isch habe gehoerrt von maya 6.5.. soll groschartig sisch verhalten. esch ischt so schwer für moi zuschrieben deutsch. où le cinéma est?
woher viens tu?

Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:07 pm : darknesz wrote:
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
dirk wrote:
en petit peu

Sorry, funny situation.
dirk@Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:08 pm : 
whats the life without humor?
darknesz@Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:32 pm : Quote:
woher viens tu?
i come from germany (Freising)...
and its dont work

can understand this because the md5 file is ok i can watch he model in the model viewer from der_ton
in quake i can only see a polygon blob.
it is frustating

darknesz@Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:15 pm : after i installed a vm with xp,maya and quake ,idont get the error (

) anymore

but now its says that to my:
]exportmodels model2.def
Converting C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb to C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/.md5mesh...
Loading file...
Creating joints...
Creating meshes...
WARNING: file C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/def/model2.def, line 6: Failed to export 'C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb' : CreateMesh: No skinClusters found in this scene.
and this is written in my def file:
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/
model model2
mesh -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
is there a failer or something?
darknesz@Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:49 pm : 
ok finaly i get it done!!!

blender was my last chance to get my model into quake,
and it works good.
everybody please check my model!!!
i know it isnt very nice, but the reason of this model is only to testing the model-export-way for quake.
the last job with this model is adding some bump und spectral textures...
the next model will be much better

darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:41 pm : Hello !!
i have a prob.
I cant Export my model form maya to the d3 engine games,
every time the game kicks me to the desktop with an error...
i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!
is the a exporter that i can use??
why it does not give an md5 exporter for maya but an md5 importer ??
and i have two questions:
-if i have a *.ase how i get it in to the d3 engine? just simple as the *.ma/*.mb files ??

-have quake4 1.3 and prey 1.2 the same version of *.md5 fiels (Version 10)
ohh sry for my baaad english

elusive@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:20 pm : For exporting models from Maya to D3 engine games you need the right MayaImportX86.dll which is only available für Maya 4.5/5/6/6.5 and 7 as far as I know.
Bringing *.ase into D3 engine based games is not that hard. These files are stored in base/models/ usually. By opening the ase file in a texteditor (eg. notepad) you find a line that says "BITMAP" "". Enter your texture shader here. These shaders are included in *.mtr files ( base/materials/ ).
A shader for example can look like that:
diffusemap textures/mytextures/texture1_d.tga
bumpmap textures/mytextures/texture1_local.tga
specularmap textures/mytextures/texture1_s.tga
In the *.ase it will look like this:
"BITMAP" "textures/mytextures/texture1"
Save the ase file and try it loading in a map
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:08 pm : and what ist with the bones? i have a little model exported ab ist looks so in q4:
but in a model view it is right:

an the error i get wenn i try to export maya files in the md5 format:

dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:47 pm : hey girl

is your import dll running without the reg entrie?
with max should it very easy to export. ase and lwos goes on the fly.
but i have some probs. too

1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
2 .
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:57 pm : Quote:
1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
the export function is every time not working,(
not sometime)
how do i get the reg entry right? or you mean the
system environment variable for maya ?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:10 pm : 
cmd exportmodels?!?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:16 pm : maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
thx for help
kat@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:56 pm : darknesz wrote:
..i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!...
Try using Max on the same character to see if that exports a fully working MD5 to D3, if it does then you know there is something wrong with the way you're doing the export from Maya.
If it doesn't then it means there's something wrong with the MD5 that needs fixing regardless as to which 3D app you use to export the model.
ascottk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:24 am : Try this thread & find someone who can make a Maya 8 compatible MayaImportx86.dll from the SDK.
I'm using Maya 6.5 & here's the thread about someone who made a compatible importer a while back:
darknesz@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:12 am : Quote:
maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
mmh did you get the md5 file after exportmodel? are the Bones right configerd? test the model (if you get one) in a
dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:39 pm : i get a md5 md5anim, but without a mesh, and the joint(s) are still default in all vectors valued by zero ?!?

dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:00 pm : 
great it works

darknesz@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:40 pm : how do you have it get?
every time i try to export the model i get the f***ing error

and i dont understand why?
my def file :
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
The bones for the model i extracted are vrome the corpes model
can someone export a md5 file from my ma file???
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:28 pm : i changed the mayaimportx86.dll from 4.5 to 6.0
here is your def file with some changes

export model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5anim
model model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5anim
and if u work with maya 8, i havent try this but try to change the entries in the file to maya 6 (texteditor), i dont know if this works. its alittle hack in maya to get files from a newer maya version to run.
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:08 pm : 
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol
[EDIT]Don't copy paste thousands of lines of code!. Just upload the file somewhere and link to that. kat
Kamikazee@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:54 am : dirk wrote:
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol

Man! I would remove this, and change your posts to a link to the model file itself... No need to spam pages full with the contents of a model file.

darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:40 pm : very thx for the model file but its not complet ,in the middle part is a bite lost
weight 3469 2 0.5 ( -7.2352871895 17.9412651062 6.815141201 )
weight 3470 1 0.5 ( 19.2896060944 6.6511487961 7.7334270477 )
weight 3471 2 0.5 ( -6.6511487961 16.2896060944 7.7334270477 )
weight 3472 1 0.5 ( 19.7023582458 6.4832701683 8.159781456 )
dirk Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:18 pm Post subject:
weight 1440 1 0.5 ( 38.6597709656 -1.7590639591 3.3988060951 )
weight 1441 2 0.5 ( 1.7590639591 35.6597709656 3.3988060951 )
weight 1442 1 0.5 ( 33.0746078491 -3.4971709251 4.2522320747 )
weight 1443 2 0.5 ( 3.4971709251 30.0746078491 4.2522320747 )
weight 1444 1 0.5 ( 32.7135658264 -4.4392538071 4.1725587845 )
-can you upload the md5 file and the def file on rapidshare or something?
-is this model for d3 or q4??
-did you have it exported in d3 ?
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:10 pm : 

the vectors should be complete - to round off, check page #2.
on which mod did you work on?
darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:51 pm : i dont work on a mod...
its just freelance work,
if i finish the model , i want make real model with bump and so.

i dont get the model in q4...
on the weekend i want install d3...
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:01 am : dont worry! heads up!
use for staticmodels ase or lwos. and for dynamicobj md5.
did you know blender?
maybe its not so bad to take a look on it
darknesz@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:16 am : yeah i know blender but i wont model with it,
for export to md5 its an idea , for export i can use 3d MAX too.
tokiWarT00th@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:40 am : Hey gang. I was hoping if someone could help me out with getting static models into Q4 (a box to start). I am using Maya 7 to create my models and normal maps. I then export out the low res model as a .fbx and import it into 3DS Max 8. After I apply the textures (diff,spec,normal,height) in the material editor I then delete all history and export out as an .ase. I then set up my .mtr file and paths.
Now I can get the model into the game, but now I can't for the life of me get the textures to work. It's just a white box with black lines.
I made sure the model is triangulated and whatnot. Here is my path info:
models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox.ase , mybox_d.tga, mybox_s.tga, mybox_h.tga, mybox_local.tga.
Do I strictly have to render out the normalmap in Quake using renderbump or am I ok with what I am doing in Maya? I think my problem may be in my .mtr file but I have no clue. I still have the renderbump command in the file just to be safe. Here is the .mtr file just to be sure:
renderBump -size 1024 1024 -aa 2 -mergehigh -trace .07 models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga
diffusemap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_d.tga
bumpMap addnormals ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga, heightmap ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_h.tga, 4 ) )
specularmap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_s.tga
I would appreciate any help available. Thanks a lot for looking at my post. Cheers.
darknesz@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:10 pm : 
Hello everybody i have my file uploaded, can someone check my files and tell my how i make this right???
i think the bones are a little bit wrong, ohabe the wrong direction odr some thing..
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
please check my files...
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:38 pm : hey darknesz
already looked through this tutorial ?
darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:23 pm : hey TTK-Bandit
jeah i know this tutorial, but it is only for blender... but i need is maya..
now i get ase files out of maya

-how i get the ase in quake/doom/prey or what ever ? do i change ma/mb to ase in the def file and than exportmodel??
-can it be that some dlls on my pc be missing??(because the Error i get ever time?) or knows someone about the error message?

-and what is with the MayaImportx86.dll how i get it working for maya 8.
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:20 pm : ase files are only working statically in d3/q4
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:23 pm : 
you can import your ase directly in the editor.
right click (viewport) -> new model (?) or empty obj i dont know how it calls in doom3 -> attribute editor ? new model -> refresh this dir tree -> import your model
i think, or i havent seen a way around, you have to use the model directory. like //base/models/...
and to your models i dont get it running 1:1 on my maya (i use maya 4)
maybe its better to align your model to the Z xs, but i dont know how its handled in doom3. but Z+ or Z- should have no influence.

is it revered when im thinkin

darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:18 am : Quote:
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
try this:
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
it could be that the path is wrong ,use the absolute path (C:/games/quake4/q4base/...) and spaces dont work (quake 4 [wrong] try this --> quake4 [right])
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
you can download the files here:
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
and the def file
or i send it on a email...
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
dirk do you know about the bones? Directions ? or so? i'll post today some pics...
in my model2.md5mesh are only 58 joints but in the corpse model are 65 joints....
dirk@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:47 pm : --
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:29 pm : wtf ? "maya not installed in registry"
I have to have maya installed to export it ?
I thought thats what the dll is for

sry buddy, seems I cant help you with that.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:07 am : yep
how far are you?
is it possible for you to work with maya 6? then im able to help you
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:09 am : if maya 6.5 is ok, too ??
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
my english is so poor..
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:03 pm : en petit peu

abersch isch versuesche mein beschtesch, oui isch habe gehoerrt von maya 6.5.. soll groschartig sisch verhalten. esch ischt so schwer für moi zuschrieben deutsch. où le cinéma est?
woher viens tu?

Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:07 pm : darknesz wrote:
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
dirk wrote:
en petit peu

Sorry, funny situation.
dirk@Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:08 pm : 
whats the life without humor?
darknesz@Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:32 pm : Quote:
woher viens tu?
i come from germany (Freising)...
and its dont work

can understand this because the md5 file is ok i can watch he model in the model viewer from der_ton
in quake i can only see a polygon blob.
it is frustating

darknesz@Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:15 pm : after i installed a vm with xp,maya and quake ,idont get the error (

) anymore

but now its says that to my:
]exportmodels model2.def
Converting C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb to C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/.md5mesh...
Loading file...
Creating joints...
Creating meshes...
WARNING: file C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/def/model2.def, line 6: Failed to export 'C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb' : CreateMesh: No skinClusters found in this scene.
and this is written in my def file:
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/
model model2
mesh -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
is there a failer or something?
darknesz@Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:49 pm : 
ok finaly i get it done!!!

blender was my last chance to get my model into quake,
and it works good.
everybody please check my model!!!
i know it isnt very nice, but the reason of this model is only to testing the model-export-way for quake.
the last job with this model is adding some bump und spectral textures...
the next model will be much better

darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:41 pm : Hello !!
i have a prob.
I cant Export my model form maya to the d3 engine games,
every time the game kicks me to the desktop with an error...
i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!
is the a exporter that i can use??
why it does not give an md5 exporter for maya but an md5 importer ??
and i have two questions:
-if i have a *.ase how i get it in to the d3 engine? just simple as the *.ma/*.mb files ??

-have quake4 1.3 and prey 1.2 the same version of *.md5 fiels (Version 10)
ohh sry for my baaad english

elusive@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:20 pm : For exporting models from Maya to D3 engine games you need the right MayaImportX86.dll which is only available für Maya 4.5/5/6/6.5 and 7 as far as I know.
Bringing *.ase into D3 engine based games is not that hard. These files are stored in base/models/ usually. By opening the ase file in a texteditor (eg. notepad) you find a line that says "BITMAP" "". Enter your texture shader here. These shaders are included in *.mtr files ( base/materials/ ).
A shader for example can look like that:
diffusemap textures/mytextures/texture1_d.tga
bumpmap textures/mytextures/texture1_local.tga
specularmap textures/mytextures/texture1_s.tga
In the *.ase it will look like this:
"BITMAP" "textures/mytextures/texture1"
Save the ase file and try it loading in a map
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:08 pm : and what ist with the bones? i have a little model exported ab ist looks so in q4:
but in a model view it is right:

an the error i get wenn i try to export maya files in the md5 format:

dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:47 pm : hey girl

is your import dll running without the reg entrie?
with max should it very easy to export. ase and lwos goes on the fly.
but i have some probs. too

1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
2 .
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:57 pm : Quote:
1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
the export function is every time not working,(
not sometime)
how do i get the reg entry right? or you mean the
system environment variable for maya ?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:10 pm : 
cmd exportmodels?!?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:16 pm : maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
thx for help
kat@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:56 pm : darknesz wrote:
..i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!...
Try using Max on the same character to see if that exports a fully working MD5 to D3, if it does then you know there is something wrong with the way you're doing the export from Maya.
If it doesn't then it means there's something wrong with the MD5 that needs fixing regardless as to which 3D app you use to export the model.
ascottk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:24 am : Try this thread & find someone who can make a Maya 8 compatible MayaImportx86.dll from the SDK.
I'm using Maya 6.5 & here's the thread about someone who made a compatible importer a while back:
darknesz@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:12 am : Quote:
maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
mmh did you get the md5 file after exportmodel? are the Bones right configerd? test the model (if you get one) in a
dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:39 pm : i get a md5 md5anim, but without a mesh, and the joint(s) are still default in all vectors valued by zero ?!?

dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:00 pm : 
great it works

darknesz@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:40 pm : how do you have it get?
every time i try to export the model i get the f***ing error

and i dont understand why?
my def file :
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
The bones for the model i extracted are vrome the corpes model
can someone export a md5 file from my ma file???
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:28 pm : i changed the mayaimportx86.dll from 4.5 to 6.0
here is your def file with some changes

export model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5anim
model model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5anim
and if u work with maya 8, i havent try this but try to change the entries in the file to maya 6 (texteditor), i dont know if this works. its alittle hack in maya to get files from a newer maya version to run.
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:08 pm : 
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol
[EDIT]Don't copy paste thousands of lines of code!. Just upload the file somewhere and link to that. kat
Kamikazee@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:54 am : dirk wrote:
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol

Man! I would remove this, and change your posts to a link to the model file itself... No need to spam pages full with the contents of a model file.

darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:40 pm : very thx for the model file but its not complet ,in the middle part is a bite lost
weight 3469 2 0.5 ( -7.2352871895 17.9412651062 6.815141201 )
weight 3470 1 0.5 ( 19.2896060944 6.6511487961 7.7334270477 )
weight 3471 2 0.5 ( -6.6511487961 16.2896060944 7.7334270477 )
weight 3472 1 0.5 ( 19.7023582458 6.4832701683 8.159781456 )
dirk Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:18 pm Post subject:
weight 1440 1 0.5 ( 38.6597709656 -1.7590639591 3.3988060951 )
weight 1441 2 0.5 ( 1.7590639591 35.6597709656 3.3988060951 )
weight 1442 1 0.5 ( 33.0746078491 -3.4971709251 4.2522320747 )
weight 1443 2 0.5 ( 3.4971709251 30.0746078491 4.2522320747 )
weight 1444 1 0.5 ( 32.7135658264 -4.4392538071 4.1725587845 )
-can you upload the md5 file and the def file on rapidshare or something?
-is this model for d3 or q4??
-did you have it exported in d3 ?
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:10 pm : 

the vectors should be complete - to round off, check page #2.
on which mod did you work on?
darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:51 pm : i dont work on a mod...
its just freelance work,
if i finish the model , i want make real model with bump and so.

i dont get the model in q4...
on the weekend i want install d3...
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:01 am : dont worry! heads up!
use for staticmodels ase or lwos. and for dynamicobj md5.
did you know blender?
maybe its not so bad to take a look on it
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:41 pm : Hello !!
i have a prob.
I cant Export my model form maya to the d3 engine games,
every time the game kicks me to the desktop with an error...
i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!
is the a exporter that i can use??
why it does not give an md5 exporter for maya but an md5 importer ??
and i have two questions:
-if i have a *.ase how i get it in to the d3 engine? just simple as the *.ma/*.mb files ??

-have quake4 1.3 and prey 1.2 the same version of *.md5 fiels (Version 10)
ohh sry for my baaad english

elusive@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:20 pm : For exporting models from Maya to D3 engine games you need the right MayaImportX86.dll which is only available für Maya 4.5/5/6/6.5 and 7 as far as I know.
Bringing *.ase into D3 engine based games is not that hard. These files are stored in base/models/ usually. By opening the ase file in a texteditor (eg. notepad) you find a line that says "BITMAP" "". Enter your texture shader here. These shaders are included in *.mtr files ( base/materials/ ).
A shader for example can look like that:
diffusemap textures/mytextures/texture1_d.tga
bumpmap textures/mytextures/texture1_local.tga
specularmap textures/mytextures/texture1_s.tga
In the *.ase it will look like this:
"BITMAP" "textures/mytextures/texture1"
Save the ase file and try it loading in a map
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:08 pm : and what ist with the bones? i have a little model exported ab ist looks so in q4:
but in a model view it is right:

an the error i get wenn i try to export maya files in the md5 format:

dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:47 pm : hey girl

is your import dll running without the reg entrie?
with max should it very easy to export. ase and lwos goes on the fly.
but i have some probs. too

1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
2 .
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:57 pm : Quote:
1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
the export function is every time not working,(
not sometime)
how do i get the reg entry right? or you mean the
system environment variable for maya ?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:10 pm : 
cmd exportmodels?!?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:16 pm : maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
thx for help
kat@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:56 pm : darknesz wrote:
..i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!...
Try using Max on the same character to see if that exports a fully working MD5 to D3, if it does then you know there is something wrong with the way you're doing the export from Maya.
If it doesn't then it means there's something wrong with the MD5 that needs fixing regardless as to which 3D app you use to export the model.
ascottk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:24 am : Try this thread & find someone who can make a Maya 8 compatible MayaImportx86.dll from the SDK.
I'm using Maya 6.5 & here's the thread about someone who made a compatible importer a while back:
darknesz@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:12 am : Quote:
maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
mmh did you get the md5 file after exportmodel? are the Bones right configerd? test the model (if you get one) in a
dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:39 pm : i get a md5 md5anim, but without a mesh, and the joint(s) are still default in all vectors valued by zero ?!?

dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:00 pm : 
great it works

darknesz@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:40 pm : how do you have it get?
every time i try to export the model i get the f***ing error

and i dont understand why?
my def file :
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
The bones for the model i extracted are vrome the corpes model
can someone export a md5 file from my ma file???
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:28 pm : i changed the mayaimportx86.dll from 4.5 to 6.0
here is your def file with some changes

export model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5anim
model model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5anim
and if u work with maya 8, i havent try this but try to change the entries in the file to maya 6 (texteditor), i dont know if this works. its alittle hack in maya to get files from a newer maya version to run.
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:08 pm : 
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol
[EDIT]Don't copy paste thousands of lines of code!. Just upload the file somewhere and link to that. kat
Kamikazee@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:54 am : dirk wrote:
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol

Man! I would remove this, and change your posts to a link to the model file itself... No need to spam pages full with the contents of a model file.

darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:40 pm : very thx for the model file but its not complet ,in the middle part is a bite lost
weight 3469 2 0.5 ( -7.2352871895 17.9412651062 6.815141201 )
weight 3470 1 0.5 ( 19.2896060944 6.6511487961 7.7334270477 )
weight 3471 2 0.5 ( -6.6511487961 16.2896060944 7.7334270477 )
weight 3472 1 0.5 ( 19.7023582458 6.4832701683 8.159781456 )
dirk Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:18 pm Post subject:
weight 1440 1 0.5 ( 38.6597709656 -1.7590639591 3.3988060951 )
weight 1441 2 0.5 ( 1.7590639591 35.6597709656 3.3988060951 )
weight 1442 1 0.5 ( 33.0746078491 -3.4971709251 4.2522320747 )
weight 1443 2 0.5 ( 3.4971709251 30.0746078491 4.2522320747 )
weight 1444 1 0.5 ( 32.7135658264 -4.4392538071 4.1725587845 )
-can you upload the md5 file and the def file on rapidshare or something?
-is this model for d3 or q4??
-did you have it exported in d3 ?
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:10 pm : 

the vectors should be complete - to round off, check page #2.
on which mod did you work on?
darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:51 pm : i dont work on a mod...
its just freelance work,
if i finish the model , i want make real model with bump and so.

i dont get the model in q4...
on the weekend i want install d3...
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:01 am : dont worry! heads up!
use for staticmodels ase or lwos. and for dynamicobj md5.
did you know blender?
maybe its not so bad to take a look on it
darknesz@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:16 am : yeah i know blender but i wont model with it,
for export to md5 its an idea , for export i can use 3d MAX too.
tokiWarT00th@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:40 am : Hey gang. I was hoping if someone could help me out with getting static models into Q4 (a box to start). I am using Maya 7 to create my models and normal maps. I then export out the low res model as a .fbx and import it into 3DS Max 8. After I apply the textures (diff,spec,normal,height) in the material editor I then delete all history and export out as an .ase. I then set up my .mtr file and paths.
Now I can get the model into the game, but now I can't for the life of me get the textures to work. It's just a white box with black lines.
I made sure the model is triangulated and whatnot. Here is my path info:
models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox.ase , mybox_d.tga, mybox_s.tga, mybox_h.tga, mybox_local.tga.
Do I strictly have to render out the normalmap in Quake using renderbump or am I ok with what I am doing in Maya? I think my problem may be in my .mtr file but I have no clue. I still have the renderbump command in the file just to be safe. Here is the .mtr file just to be sure:
renderBump -size 1024 1024 -aa 2 -mergehigh -trace .07 models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga
diffusemap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_d.tga
bumpMap addnormals ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga, heightmap ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_h.tga, 4 ) )
specularmap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_s.tga
I would appreciate any help available. Thanks a lot for looking at my post. Cheers.
darknesz@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:10 pm : 
Hello everybody i have my file uploaded, can someone check my files and tell my how i make this right???
i think the bones are a little bit wrong, ohabe the wrong direction odr some thing..
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
please check my files...
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:38 pm : hey darknesz
already looked through this tutorial ?
darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:23 pm : hey TTK-Bandit
jeah i know this tutorial, but it is only for blender... but i need is maya..
now i get ase files out of maya

-how i get the ase in quake/doom/prey or what ever ? do i change ma/mb to ase in the def file and than exportmodel??
-can it be that some dlls on my pc be missing??(because the Error i get ever time?) or knows someone about the error message?

-and what is with the MayaImportx86.dll how i get it working for maya 8.
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:20 pm : ase files are only working statically in d3/q4
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:23 pm : 
you can import your ase directly in the editor.
right click (viewport) -> new model (?) or empty obj i dont know how it calls in doom3 -> attribute editor ? new model -> refresh this dir tree -> import your model
i think, or i havent seen a way around, you have to use the model directory. like //base/models/...
and to your models i dont get it running 1:1 on my maya (i use maya 4)
maybe its better to align your model to the Z xs, but i dont know how its handled in doom3. but Z+ or Z- should have no influence.

is it revered when im thinkin

darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:18 am : Quote:
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
try this:
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
it could be that the path is wrong ,use the absolute path (C:/games/quake4/q4base/...) and spaces dont work (quake 4 [wrong] try this --> quake4 [right])
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
you can download the files here:
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
and the def file
or i send it on a email...
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
dirk do you know about the bones? Directions ? or so? i'll post today some pics...
in my model2.md5mesh are only 58 joints but in the corpse model are 65 joints....
dirk@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:47 pm : --
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:29 pm : wtf ? "maya not installed in registry"
I have to have maya installed to export it ?
I thought thats what the dll is for

sry buddy, seems I cant help you with that.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:07 am : yep
how far are you?
is it possible for you to work with maya 6? then im able to help you
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:09 am : if maya 6.5 is ok, too ??
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
my english is so poor..
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:03 pm : en petit peu

abersch isch versuesche mein beschtesch, oui isch habe gehoerrt von maya 6.5.. soll groschartig sisch verhalten. esch ischt so schwer für moi zuschrieben deutsch. où le cinéma est?
woher viens tu?

Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:07 pm : darknesz wrote:
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
dirk wrote:
en petit peu

Sorry, funny situation.
dirk@Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:08 pm : 
whats the life without humor?
darknesz@Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:32 pm : Quote:
woher viens tu?
i come from germany (Freising)...
and its dont work

can understand this because the md5 file is ok i can watch he model in the model viewer from der_ton
in quake i can only see a polygon blob.
it is frustating

darknesz@Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:15 pm : after i installed a vm with xp,maya and quake ,idont get the error (

) anymore

but now its says that to my:
]exportmodels model2.def
Converting C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb to C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/.md5mesh...
Loading file...
Creating joints...
Creating meshes...
WARNING: file C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/def/model2.def, line 6: Failed to export 'C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb' : CreateMesh: No skinClusters found in this scene.
and this is written in my def file:
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/
model model2
mesh -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
is there a failer or something?
darknesz@Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:49 pm : 
ok finaly i get it done!!!

blender was my last chance to get my model into quake,
and it works good.
everybody please check my model!!!
i know it isnt very nice, but the reason of this model is only to testing the model-export-way for quake.
the last job with this model is adding some bump und spectral textures...
the next model will be much better

darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:41 pm : Hello !!
i have a prob.
I cant Export my model form maya to the d3 engine games,
every time the game kicks me to the desktop with an error...
i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!
is the a exporter that i can use??
why it does not give an md5 exporter for maya but an md5 importer ??
and i have two questions:
-if i have a *.ase how i get it in to the d3 engine? just simple as the *.ma/*.mb files ??

-have quake4 1.3 and prey 1.2 the same version of *.md5 fiels (Version 10)
ohh sry for my baaad english

elusive@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:20 pm : For exporting models from Maya to D3 engine games you need the right MayaImportX86.dll which is only available für Maya 4.5/5/6/6.5 and 7 as far as I know.
Bringing *.ase into D3 engine based games is not that hard. These files are stored in base/models/ usually. By opening the ase file in a texteditor (eg. notepad) you find a line that says "BITMAP" "". Enter your texture shader here. These shaders are included in *.mtr files ( base/materials/ ).
A shader for example can look like that:
diffusemap textures/mytextures/texture1_d.tga
bumpmap textures/mytextures/texture1_local.tga
specularmap textures/mytextures/texture1_s.tga
In the *.ase it will look like this:
"BITMAP" "textures/mytextures/texture1"
Save the ase file and try it loading in a map
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:08 pm : and what ist with the bones? i have a little model exported ab ist looks so in q4:
but in a model view it is right:

an the error i get wenn i try to export maya files in the md5 format:

dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:47 pm : hey girl

is your import dll running without the reg entrie?
with max should it very easy to export. ase and lwos goes on the fly.
but i have some probs. too

1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
2 .
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:57 pm : Quote:
1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
the export function is every time not working,(
not sometime)
how do i get the reg entry right? or you mean the
system environment variable for maya ?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:10 pm : 
cmd exportmodels?!?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:16 pm : maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
thx for help
kat@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:56 pm : darknesz wrote:
..i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!...
Try using Max on the same character to see if that exports a fully working MD5 to D3, if it does then you know there is something wrong with the way you're doing the export from Maya.
If it doesn't then it means there's something wrong with the MD5 that needs fixing regardless as to which 3D app you use to export the model.
ascottk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:24 am : Try this thread & find someone who can make a Maya 8 compatible MayaImportx86.dll from the SDK.
I'm using Maya 6.5 & here's the thread about someone who made a compatible importer a while back:
darknesz@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:12 am : Quote:
maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
mmh did you get the md5 file after exportmodel? are the Bones right configerd? test the model (if you get one) in a
dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:39 pm : i get a md5 md5anim, but without a mesh, and the joint(s) are still default in all vectors valued by zero ?!?

dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:00 pm : 
great it works

darknesz@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:40 pm : how do you have it get?
every time i try to export the model i get the f***ing error

and i dont understand why?
my def file :
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
The bones for the model i extracted are vrome the corpes model
can someone export a md5 file from my ma file???
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:28 pm : i changed the mayaimportx86.dll from 4.5 to 6.0
here is your def file with some changes

export model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5anim
model model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5anim
and if u work with maya 8, i havent try this but try to change the entries in the file to maya 6 (texteditor), i dont know if this works. its alittle hack in maya to get files from a newer maya version to run.
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:08 pm : 
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol
[EDIT]Don't copy paste thousands of lines of code!. Just upload the file somewhere and link to that. kat
Kamikazee@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:54 am : dirk wrote:
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol

Man! I would remove this, and change your posts to a link to the model file itself... No need to spam pages full with the contents of a model file.

darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:40 pm : very thx for the model file but its not complet ,in the middle part is a bite lost
weight 3469 2 0.5 ( -7.2352871895 17.9412651062 6.815141201 )
weight 3470 1 0.5 ( 19.2896060944 6.6511487961 7.7334270477 )
weight 3471 2 0.5 ( -6.6511487961 16.2896060944 7.7334270477 )
weight 3472 1 0.5 ( 19.7023582458 6.4832701683 8.159781456 )
dirk Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:18 pm Post subject:
weight 1440 1 0.5 ( 38.6597709656 -1.7590639591 3.3988060951 )
weight 1441 2 0.5 ( 1.7590639591 35.6597709656 3.3988060951 )
weight 1442 1 0.5 ( 33.0746078491 -3.4971709251 4.2522320747 )
weight 1443 2 0.5 ( 3.4971709251 30.0746078491 4.2522320747 )
weight 1444 1 0.5 ( 32.7135658264 -4.4392538071 4.1725587845 )
-can you upload the md5 file and the def file on rapidshare or something?
-is this model for d3 or q4??
-did you have it exported in d3 ?
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:10 pm : 

the vectors should be complete - to round off, check page #2.
on which mod did you work on?
darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:51 pm : i dont work on a mod...
its just freelance work,
if i finish the model , i want make real model with bump and so.

i dont get the model in q4...
on the weekend i want install d3...
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:01 am : dont worry! heads up!
use for staticmodels ase or lwos. and for dynamicobj md5.
did you know blender?
maybe its not so bad to take a look on it
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:41 pm : Hello !!
i have a prob.
I cant Export my model form maya to the d3 engine games,
every time the game kicks me to the desktop with an error...
i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!
is the a exporter that i can use??
why it does not give an md5 exporter for maya but an md5 importer ??
and i have two questions:
-if i have a *.ase how i get it in to the d3 engine? just simple as the *.ma/*.mb files ??

-have quake4 1.3 and prey 1.2 the same version of *.md5 fiels (Version 10)
ohh sry for my baaad english

elusive@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:20 pm : For exporting models from Maya to D3 engine games you need the right MayaImportX86.dll which is only available für Maya 4.5/5/6/6.5 and 7 as far as I know.
Bringing *.ase into D3 engine based games is not that hard. These files are stored in base/models/ usually. By opening the ase file in a texteditor (eg. notepad) you find a line that says "BITMAP" "". Enter your texture shader here. These shaders are included in *.mtr files ( base/materials/ ).
A shader for example can look like that:
diffusemap textures/mytextures/texture1_d.tga
bumpmap textures/mytextures/texture1_local.tga
specularmap textures/mytextures/texture1_s.tga
In the *.ase it will look like this:
"BITMAP" "textures/mytextures/texture1"
Save the ase file and try it loading in a map
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:08 pm : and what ist with the bones? i have a little model exported ab ist looks so in q4:
but in a model view it is right:

an the error i get wenn i try to export maya files in the md5 format:

dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:47 pm : hey girl

is your import dll running without the reg entrie?
with max should it very easy to export. ase and lwos goes on the fly.
but i have some probs. too

1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
2 .
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:57 pm : Quote:
1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
the export function is every time not working,(
not sometime)
how do i get the reg entry right? or you mean the
system environment variable for maya ?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:10 pm : 
cmd exportmodels?!?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:16 pm : maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
thx for help
kat@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:56 pm : darknesz wrote:
..i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!...
Try using Max on the same character to see if that exports a fully working MD5 to D3, if it does then you know there is something wrong with the way you're doing the export from Maya.
If it doesn't then it means there's something wrong with the MD5 that needs fixing regardless as to which 3D app you use to export the model.
ascottk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:24 am : Try this thread & find someone who can make a Maya 8 compatible MayaImportx86.dll from the SDK.
I'm using Maya 6.5 & here's the thread about someone who made a compatible importer a while back:
darknesz@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:12 am : Quote:
maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
mmh did you get the md5 file after exportmodel? are the Bones right configerd? test the model (if you get one) in a
dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:39 pm : i get a md5 md5anim, but without a mesh, and the joint(s) are still default in all vectors valued by zero ?!?

dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:00 pm : 
great it works

darknesz@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:40 pm : how do you have it get?
every time i try to export the model i get the f***ing error

and i dont understand why?
my def file :
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
The bones for the model i extracted are vrome the corpes model
can someone export a md5 file from my ma file???
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:28 pm : i changed the mayaimportx86.dll from 4.5 to 6.0
here is your def file with some changes

export model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5anim
model model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5anim
and if u work with maya 8, i havent try this but try to change the entries in the file to maya 6 (texteditor), i dont know if this works. its alittle hack in maya to get files from a newer maya version to run.
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:08 pm : 
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol
[EDIT]Don't copy paste thousands of lines of code!. Just upload the file somewhere and link to that. kat
Kamikazee@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:54 am : dirk wrote:
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol

Man! I would remove this, and change your posts to a link to the model file itself... No need to spam pages full with the contents of a model file.

darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:40 pm : very thx for the model file but its not complet ,in the middle part is a bite lost
weight 3469 2 0.5 ( -7.2352871895 17.9412651062 6.815141201 )
weight 3470 1 0.5 ( 19.2896060944 6.6511487961 7.7334270477 )
weight 3471 2 0.5 ( -6.6511487961 16.2896060944 7.7334270477 )
weight 3472 1 0.5 ( 19.7023582458 6.4832701683 8.159781456 )
dirk Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:18 pm Post subject:
weight 1440 1 0.5 ( 38.6597709656 -1.7590639591 3.3988060951 )
weight 1441 2 0.5 ( 1.7590639591 35.6597709656 3.3988060951 )
weight 1442 1 0.5 ( 33.0746078491 -3.4971709251 4.2522320747 )
weight 1443 2 0.5 ( 3.4971709251 30.0746078491 4.2522320747 )
weight 1444 1 0.5 ( 32.7135658264 -4.4392538071 4.1725587845 )
-can you upload the md5 file and the def file on rapidshare or something?
-is this model for d3 or q4??
-did you have it exported in d3 ?
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:10 pm : 

the vectors should be complete - to round off, check page #2.
on which mod did you work on?
darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:51 pm : i dont work on a mod...
its just freelance work,
if i finish the model , i want make real model with bump and so.

i dont get the model in q4...
on the weekend i want install d3...
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:01 am : dont worry! heads up!
use for staticmodels ase or lwos. and for dynamicobj md5.
did you know blender?
maybe its not so bad to take a look on it
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:41 pm : Hello !!
i have a prob.
I cant Export my model form maya to the d3 engine games,
every time the game kicks me to the desktop with an error...
i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!
is the a exporter that i can use??
why it does not give an md5 exporter for maya but an md5 importer ??
and i have two questions:
-if i have a *.ase how i get it in to the d3 engine? just simple as the *.ma/*.mb files ??

-have quake4 1.3 and prey 1.2 the same version of *.md5 fiels (Version 10)
ohh sry for my baaad english

elusive@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:20 pm : For exporting models from Maya to D3 engine games you need the right MayaImportX86.dll which is only available für Maya 4.5/5/6/6.5 and 7 as far as I know.
Bringing *.ase into D3 engine based games is not that hard. These files are stored in base/models/ usually. By opening the ase file in a texteditor (eg. notepad) you find a line that says "BITMAP" "". Enter your texture shader here. These shaders are included in *.mtr files ( base/materials/ ).
A shader for example can look like that:
diffusemap textures/mytextures/texture1_d.tga
bumpmap textures/mytextures/texture1_local.tga
specularmap textures/mytextures/texture1_s.tga
In the *.ase it will look like this:
"BITMAP" "textures/mytextures/texture1"
Save the ase file and try it loading in a map
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:08 pm : and what ist with the bones? i have a little model exported ab ist looks so in q4:
but in a model view it is right:

an the error i get wenn i try to export maya files in the md5 format:

dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:47 pm : hey girl

is your import dll running without the reg entrie?
with max should it very easy to export. ase and lwos goes on the fly.
but i have some probs. too

1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
2 .
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:57 pm : Quote:
1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
the export function is every time not working,(
not sometime)
how do i get the reg entry right? or you mean the
system environment variable for maya ?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:10 pm : 
cmd exportmodels?!?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:16 pm : maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
thx for help
kat@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:56 pm : darknesz wrote:
..i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!...
Try using Max on the same character to see if that exports a fully working MD5 to D3, if it does then you know there is something wrong with the way you're doing the export from Maya.
If it doesn't then it means there's something wrong with the MD5 that needs fixing regardless as to which 3D app you use to export the model.
ascottk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:24 am : Try this thread & find someone who can make a Maya 8 compatible MayaImportx86.dll from the SDK.
I'm using Maya 6.5 & here's the thread about someone who made a compatible importer a while back:
darknesz@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:12 am : Quote:
maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
mmh did you get the md5 file after exportmodel? are the Bones right configerd? test the model (if you get one) in a
dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:39 pm : i get a md5 md5anim, but without a mesh, and the joint(s) are still default in all vectors valued by zero ?!?

dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:00 pm : 
great it works

darknesz@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:40 pm : how do you have it get?
every time i try to export the model i get the f***ing error

and i dont understand why?
my def file :
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
The bones for the model i extracted are vrome the corpes model
can someone export a md5 file from my ma file???
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:28 pm : i changed the mayaimportx86.dll from 4.5 to 6.0
here is your def file with some changes

export model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5anim
model model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5anim
and if u work with maya 8, i havent try this but try to change the entries in the file to maya 6 (texteditor), i dont know if this works. its alittle hack in maya to get files from a newer maya version to run.
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:08 pm : 
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol
[EDIT]Don't copy paste thousands of lines of code!. Just upload the file somewhere and link to that. kat
Kamikazee@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:54 am : dirk wrote:
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol

Man! I would remove this, and change your posts to a link to the model file itself... No need to spam pages full with the contents of a model file.

darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:40 pm : very thx for the model file but its not complet ,in the middle part is a bite lost
weight 3469 2 0.5 ( -7.2352871895 17.9412651062 6.815141201 )
weight 3470 1 0.5 ( 19.2896060944 6.6511487961 7.7334270477 )
weight 3471 2 0.5 ( -6.6511487961 16.2896060944 7.7334270477 )
weight 3472 1 0.5 ( 19.7023582458 6.4832701683 8.159781456 )
dirk Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:18 pm Post subject:
weight 1440 1 0.5 ( 38.6597709656 -1.7590639591 3.3988060951 )
weight 1441 2 0.5 ( 1.7590639591 35.6597709656 3.3988060951 )
weight 1442 1 0.5 ( 33.0746078491 -3.4971709251 4.2522320747 )
weight 1443 2 0.5 ( 3.4971709251 30.0746078491 4.2522320747 )
weight 1444 1 0.5 ( 32.7135658264 -4.4392538071 4.1725587845 )
-can you upload the md5 file and the def file on rapidshare or something?
-is this model for d3 or q4??
-did you have it exported in d3 ?
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:10 pm : 

the vectors should be complete - to round off, check page #2.
on which mod did you work on?
darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:51 pm : i dont work on a mod...
its just freelance work,
if i finish the model , i want make real model with bump and so.

i dont get the model in q4...
on the weekend i want install d3...
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:01 am : dont worry! heads up!
use for staticmodels ase or lwos. and for dynamicobj md5.
did you know blender?
maybe its not so bad to take a look on it
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:41 pm : Hello !!
i have a prob.
I cant Export my model form maya to the d3 engine games,
every time the game kicks me to the desktop with an error...
i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!
is the a exporter that i can use??
why it does not give an md5 exporter for maya but an md5 importer ??
and i have two questions:
-if i have a *.ase how i get it in to the d3 engine? just simple as the *.ma/*.mb files ??

-have quake4 1.3 and prey 1.2 the same version of *.md5 fiels (Version 10)
ohh sry for my baaad english

elusive@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:20 pm : For exporting models from Maya to D3 engine games you need the right MayaImportX86.dll which is only available für Maya 4.5/5/6/6.5 and 7 as far as I know.
Bringing *.ase into D3 engine based games is not that hard. These files are stored in base/models/ usually. By opening the ase file in a texteditor (eg. notepad) you find a line that says "BITMAP" "". Enter your texture shader here. These shaders are included in *.mtr files ( base/materials/ ).
A shader for example can look like that:
diffusemap textures/mytextures/texture1_d.tga
bumpmap textures/mytextures/texture1_local.tga
specularmap textures/mytextures/texture1_s.tga
In the *.ase it will look like this:
"BITMAP" "textures/mytextures/texture1"
Save the ase file and try it loading in a map
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:08 pm : and what ist with the bones? i have a little model exported ab ist looks so in q4:
but in a model view it is right:

an the error i get wenn i try to export maya files in the md5 format:

dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:47 pm : hey girl

is your import dll running without the reg entrie?
with max should it very easy to export. ase and lwos goes on the fly.
but i have some probs. too

1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
2 .
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:57 pm : Quote:
1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
the export function is every time not working,(
not sometime)
how do i get the reg entry right? or you mean the
system environment variable for maya ?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:10 pm : 
cmd exportmodels?!?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:16 pm : maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
thx for help
kat@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:56 pm : darknesz wrote:
..i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!...
Try using Max on the same character to see if that exports a fully working MD5 to D3, if it does then you know there is something wrong with the way you're doing the export from Maya.
If it doesn't then it means there's something wrong with the MD5 that needs fixing regardless as to which 3D app you use to export the model.
ascottk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:24 am : Try this thread & find someone who can make a Maya 8 compatible MayaImportx86.dll from the SDK.
I'm using Maya 6.5 & here's the thread about someone who made a compatible importer a while back:
darknesz@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:12 am : Quote:
maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
mmh did you get the md5 file after exportmodel? are the Bones right configerd? test the model (if you get one) in a
dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:39 pm : i get a md5 md5anim, but without a mesh, and the joint(s) are still default in all vectors valued by zero ?!?

dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:00 pm : 
great it works

darknesz@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:40 pm : how do you have it get?
every time i try to export the model i get the f***ing error

and i dont understand why?
my def file :
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
The bones for the model i extracted are vrome the corpes model
can someone export a md5 file from my ma file???
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:28 pm : i changed the mayaimportx86.dll from 4.5 to 6.0
here is your def file with some changes

export model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5anim
model model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5anim
and if u work with maya 8, i havent try this but try to change the entries in the file to maya 6 (texteditor), i dont know if this works. its alittle hack in maya to get files from a newer maya version to run.
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:08 pm : 
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol
[EDIT]Don't copy paste thousands of lines of code!. Just upload the file somewhere and link to that. kat
Kamikazee@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:54 am : dirk wrote:
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol

Man! I would remove this, and change your posts to a link to the model file itself... No need to spam pages full with the contents of a model file.

darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:40 pm : very thx for the model file but its not complet ,in the middle part is a bite lost
weight 3469 2 0.5 ( -7.2352871895 17.9412651062 6.815141201 )
weight 3470 1 0.5 ( 19.2896060944 6.6511487961 7.7334270477 )
weight 3471 2 0.5 ( -6.6511487961 16.2896060944 7.7334270477 )
weight 3472 1 0.5 ( 19.7023582458 6.4832701683 8.159781456 )
dirk Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:18 pm Post subject:
weight 1440 1 0.5 ( 38.6597709656 -1.7590639591 3.3988060951 )
weight 1441 2 0.5 ( 1.7590639591 35.6597709656 3.3988060951 )
weight 1442 1 0.5 ( 33.0746078491 -3.4971709251 4.2522320747 )
weight 1443 2 0.5 ( 3.4971709251 30.0746078491 4.2522320747 )
weight 1444 1 0.5 ( 32.7135658264 -4.4392538071 4.1725587845 )
-can you upload the md5 file and the def file on rapidshare or something?
-is this model for d3 or q4??
-did you have it exported in d3 ?
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:10 pm : 

the vectors should be complete - to round off, check page #2.
on which mod did you work on?
darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:51 pm : i dont work on a mod...
its just freelance work,
if i finish the model , i want make real model with bump and so.

i dont get the model in q4...
on the weekend i want install d3...
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:01 am : dont worry! heads up!
use for staticmodels ase or lwos. and for dynamicobj md5.
did you know blender?
maybe its not so bad to take a look on it
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:41 pm : Hello !!
i have a prob.
I cant Export my model form maya to the d3 engine games,
every time the game kicks me to the desktop with an error...
i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!
is the a exporter that i can use??
why it does not give an md5 exporter for maya but an md5 importer ??
and i have two questions:
-if i have a *.ase how i get it in to the d3 engine? just simple as the *.ma/*.mb files ??

-have quake4 1.3 and prey 1.2 the same version of *.md5 fiels (Version 10)
ohh sry for my baaad english

elusive@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:20 pm : For exporting models from Maya to D3 engine games you need the right MayaImportX86.dll which is only available für Maya 4.5/5/6/6.5 and 7 as far as I know.
Bringing *.ase into D3 engine based games is not that hard. These files are stored in base/models/ usually. By opening the ase file in a texteditor (eg. notepad) you find a line that says "BITMAP" "". Enter your texture shader here. These shaders are included in *.mtr files ( base/materials/ ).
A shader for example can look like that:
diffusemap textures/mytextures/texture1_d.tga
bumpmap textures/mytextures/texture1_local.tga
specularmap textures/mytextures/texture1_s.tga
In the *.ase it will look like this:
"BITMAP" "textures/mytextures/texture1"
Save the ase file and try it loading in a map
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:08 pm : and what ist with the bones? i have a little model exported ab ist looks so in q4:
but in a model view it is right:

an the error i get wenn i try to export maya files in the md5 format:

dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:47 pm : hey girl

is your import dll running without the reg entrie?
with max should it very easy to export. ase and lwos goes on the fly.
but i have some probs. too

1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
2 .
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:57 pm : Quote:
1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
the export function is every time not working,(
not sometime)
how do i get the reg entry right? or you mean the
system environment variable for maya ?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:10 pm : 
cmd exportmodels?!?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:16 pm : maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
thx for help
kat@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:56 pm : darknesz wrote:
..i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!...
Try using Max on the same character to see if that exports a fully working MD5 to D3, if it does then you know there is something wrong with the way you're doing the export from Maya.
If it doesn't then it means there's something wrong with the MD5 that needs fixing regardless as to which 3D app you use to export the model.
ascottk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:24 am : Try this thread & find someone who can make a Maya 8 compatible MayaImportx86.dll from the SDK.
I'm using Maya 6.5 & here's the thread about someone who made a compatible importer a while back:
darknesz@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:12 am : Quote:
maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
mmh did you get the md5 file after exportmodel? are the Bones right configerd? test the model (if you get one) in a
dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:39 pm : i get a md5 md5anim, but without a mesh, and the joint(s) are still default in all vectors valued by zero ?!?

dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:00 pm : 
great it works

darknesz@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:40 pm : how do you have it get?
every time i try to export the model i get the f***ing error

and i dont understand why?
my def file :
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
The bones for the model i extracted are vrome the corpes model
can someone export a md5 file from my ma file???
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:28 pm : i changed the mayaimportx86.dll from 4.5 to 6.0
here is your def file with some changes

export model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5anim
model model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5anim
and if u work with maya 8, i havent try this but try to change the entries in the file to maya 6 (texteditor), i dont know if this works. its alittle hack in maya to get files from a newer maya version to run.
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:08 pm : 
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol
[EDIT]Don't copy paste thousands of lines of code!. Just upload the file somewhere and link to that. kat
Kamikazee@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:54 am : dirk wrote:
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol

Man! I would remove this, and change your posts to a link to the model file itself... No need to spam pages full with the contents of a model file.

darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:40 pm : very thx for the model file but its not complet ,in the middle part is a bite lost
weight 3469 2 0.5 ( -7.2352871895 17.9412651062 6.815141201 )
weight 3470 1 0.5 ( 19.2896060944 6.6511487961 7.7334270477 )
weight 3471 2 0.5 ( -6.6511487961 16.2896060944 7.7334270477 )
weight 3472 1 0.5 ( 19.7023582458 6.4832701683 8.159781456 )
dirk Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:18 pm Post subject:
weight 1440 1 0.5 ( 38.6597709656 -1.7590639591 3.3988060951 )
weight 1441 2 0.5 ( 1.7590639591 35.6597709656 3.3988060951 )
weight 1442 1 0.5 ( 33.0746078491 -3.4971709251 4.2522320747 )
weight 1443 2 0.5 ( 3.4971709251 30.0746078491 4.2522320747 )
weight 1444 1 0.5 ( 32.7135658264 -4.4392538071 4.1725587845 )
-can you upload the md5 file and the def file on rapidshare or something?
-is this model for d3 or q4??
-did you have it exported in d3 ?
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:10 pm : 

the vectors should be complete - to round off, check page #2.
on which mod did you work on?
darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:51 pm : i dont work on a mod...
its just freelance work,
if i finish the model , i want make real model with bump and so.

i dont get the model in q4...
on the weekend i want install d3...
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:01 am : dont worry! heads up!
use for staticmodels ase or lwos. and for dynamicobj md5.
did you know blender?
maybe its not so bad to take a look on it
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:41 pm : Hello !!
i have a prob.
I cant Export my model form maya to the d3 engine games,
every time the game kicks me to the desktop with an error...
i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!
is the a exporter that i can use??
why it does not give an md5 exporter for maya but an md5 importer ??
and i have two questions:
-if i have a *.ase how i get it in to the d3 engine? just simple as the *.ma/*.mb files ??

-have quake4 1.3 and prey 1.2 the same version of *.md5 fiels (Version 10)
ohh sry for my baaad english

elusive@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:20 pm : For exporting models from Maya to D3 engine games you need the right MayaImportX86.dll which is only available für Maya 4.5/5/6/6.5 and 7 as far as I know.
Bringing *.ase into D3 engine based games is not that hard. These files are stored in base/models/ usually. By opening the ase file in a texteditor (eg. notepad) you find a line that says "BITMAP" "". Enter your texture shader here. These shaders are included in *.mtr files ( base/materials/ ).
A shader for example can look like that:
diffusemap textures/mytextures/texture1_d.tga
bumpmap textures/mytextures/texture1_local.tga
specularmap textures/mytextures/texture1_s.tga
In the *.ase it will look like this:
"BITMAP" "textures/mytextures/texture1"
Save the ase file and try it loading in a map
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:08 pm : and what ist with the bones? i have a little model exported ab ist looks so in q4:
but in a model view it is right:

an the error i get wenn i try to export maya files in the md5 format:

dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:47 pm : hey girl

is your import dll running without the reg entrie?
with max should it very easy to export. ase and lwos goes on the fly.
but i have some probs. too

1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
2 .
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:57 pm : Quote:
1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
the export function is every time not working,(
not sometime)
how do i get the reg entry right? or you mean the
system environment variable for maya ?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:10 pm : 
cmd exportmodels?!?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:16 pm : maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
thx for help
kat@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:56 pm : darknesz wrote:
..i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!...
Try using Max on the same character to see if that exports a fully working MD5 to D3, if it does then you know there is something wrong with the way you're doing the export from Maya.
If it doesn't then it means there's something wrong with the MD5 that needs fixing regardless as to which 3D app you use to export the model.
ascottk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:24 am : Try this thread & find someone who can make a Maya 8 compatible MayaImportx86.dll from the SDK.
I'm using Maya 6.5 & here's the thread about someone who made a compatible importer a while back:
darknesz@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:12 am : Quote:
maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
mmh did you get the md5 file after exportmodel? are the Bones right configerd? test the model (if you get one) in a
dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:39 pm : i get a md5 md5anim, but without a mesh, and the joint(s) are still default in all vectors valued by zero ?!?

dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:00 pm : 
great it works

darknesz@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:40 pm : how do you have it get?
every time i try to export the model i get the f***ing error

and i dont understand why?
my def file :
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
The bones for the model i extracted are vrome the corpes model
can someone export a md5 file from my ma file???
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:28 pm : i changed the mayaimportx86.dll from 4.5 to 6.0
here is your def file with some changes

export model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5anim
model model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5anim
and if u work with maya 8, i havent try this but try to change the entries in the file to maya 6 (texteditor), i dont know if this works. its alittle hack in maya to get files from a newer maya version to run.
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:08 pm : 
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol
[EDIT]Don't copy paste thousands of lines of code!. Just upload the file somewhere and link to that. kat
Kamikazee@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:54 am : dirk wrote:
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol

Man! I would remove this, and change your posts to a link to the model file itself... No need to spam pages full with the contents of a model file.

darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:40 pm : very thx for the model file but its not complet ,in the middle part is a bite lost
weight 3469 2 0.5 ( -7.2352871895 17.9412651062 6.815141201 )
weight 3470 1 0.5 ( 19.2896060944 6.6511487961 7.7334270477 )
weight 3471 2 0.5 ( -6.6511487961 16.2896060944 7.7334270477 )
weight 3472 1 0.5 ( 19.7023582458 6.4832701683 8.159781456 )
dirk Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:18 pm Post subject:
weight 1440 1 0.5 ( 38.6597709656 -1.7590639591 3.3988060951 )
weight 1441 2 0.5 ( 1.7590639591 35.6597709656 3.3988060951 )
weight 1442 1 0.5 ( 33.0746078491 -3.4971709251 4.2522320747 )
weight 1443 2 0.5 ( 3.4971709251 30.0746078491 4.2522320747 )
weight 1444 1 0.5 ( 32.7135658264 -4.4392538071 4.1725587845 )
-can you upload the md5 file and the def file on rapidshare or something?
-is this model for d3 or q4??
-did you have it exported in d3 ?
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:10 pm : 

the vectors should be complete - to round off, check page #2.
on which mod did you work on?
darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:51 pm : i dont work on a mod...
its just freelance work,
if i finish the model , i want make real model with bump and so.

i dont get the model in q4...
on the weekend i want install d3...
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:01 am : dont worry! heads up!
use for staticmodels ase or lwos. and for dynamicobj md5.
did you know blender?
maybe its not so bad to take a look on it
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:41 pm : Hello !!
i have a prob.
I cant Export my model form maya to the d3 engine games,
every time the game kicks me to the desktop with an error...
i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!
is the a exporter that i can use??
why it does not give an md5 exporter for maya but an md5 importer ??
and i have two questions:
-if i have a *.ase how i get it in to the d3 engine? just simple as the *.ma/*.mb files ??

-have quake4 1.3 and prey 1.2 the same version of *.md5 fiels (Version 10)
ohh sry for my baaad english

elusive@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:20 pm : For exporting models from Maya to D3 engine games you need the right MayaImportX86.dll which is only available für Maya 4.5/5/6/6.5 and 7 as far as I know.
Bringing *.ase into D3 engine based games is not that hard. These files are stored in base/models/ usually. By opening the ase file in a texteditor (eg. notepad) you find a line that says "BITMAP" "". Enter your texture shader here. These shaders are included in *.mtr files ( base/materials/ ).
A shader for example can look like that:
diffusemap textures/mytextures/texture1_d.tga
bumpmap textures/mytextures/texture1_local.tga
specularmap textures/mytextures/texture1_s.tga
In the *.ase it will look like this:
"BITMAP" "textures/mytextures/texture1"
Save the ase file and try it loading in a map
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:08 pm : and what ist with the bones? i have a little model exported ab ist looks so in q4:
but in a model view it is right:

an the error i get wenn i try to export maya files in the md5 format:

dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:47 pm : hey girl

is your import dll running without the reg entrie?
with max should it very easy to export. ase and lwos goes on the fly.
but i have some probs. too

1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
2 .
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:57 pm : Quote:
1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
the export function is every time not working,(
not sometime)
how do i get the reg entry right? or you mean the
system environment variable for maya ?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:10 pm : 
cmd exportmodels?!?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:16 pm : maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
thx for help
kat@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:56 pm : darknesz wrote:
..i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!...
Try using Max on the same character to see if that exports a fully working MD5 to D3, if it does then you know there is something wrong with the way you're doing the export from Maya.
If it doesn't then it means there's something wrong with the MD5 that needs fixing regardless as to which 3D app you use to export the model.
ascottk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:24 am : Try this thread & find someone who can make a Maya 8 compatible MayaImportx86.dll from the SDK.
I'm using Maya 6.5 & here's the thread about someone who made a compatible importer a while back:
darknesz@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:12 am : Quote:
maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
mmh did you get the md5 file after exportmodel? are the Bones right configerd? test the model (if you get one) in a
dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:39 pm : i get a md5 md5anim, but without a mesh, and the joint(s) are still default in all vectors valued by zero ?!?

dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:00 pm : 
great it works

darknesz@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:40 pm : how do you have it get?
every time i try to export the model i get the f***ing error

and i dont understand why?
my def file :
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
The bones for the model i extracted are vrome the corpes model
can someone export a md5 file from my ma file???
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:28 pm : i changed the mayaimportx86.dll from 4.5 to 6.0
here is your def file with some changes

export model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5anim
model model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5anim
and if u work with maya 8, i havent try this but try to change the entries in the file to maya 6 (texteditor), i dont know if this works. its alittle hack in maya to get files from a newer maya version to run.
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:08 pm : 
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol
[EDIT]Don't copy paste thousands of lines of code!. Just upload the file somewhere and link to that. kat
Kamikazee@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:54 am : dirk wrote:
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol

Man! I would remove this, and change your posts to a link to the model file itself... No need to spam pages full with the contents of a model file.

darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:40 pm : very thx for the model file but its not complet ,in the middle part is a bite lost
weight 3469 2 0.5 ( -7.2352871895 17.9412651062 6.815141201 )
weight 3470 1 0.5 ( 19.2896060944 6.6511487961 7.7334270477 )
weight 3471 2 0.5 ( -6.6511487961 16.2896060944 7.7334270477 )
weight 3472 1 0.5 ( 19.7023582458 6.4832701683 8.159781456 )
dirk Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:18 pm Post subject:
weight 1440 1 0.5 ( 38.6597709656 -1.7590639591 3.3988060951 )
weight 1441 2 0.5 ( 1.7590639591 35.6597709656 3.3988060951 )
weight 1442 1 0.5 ( 33.0746078491 -3.4971709251 4.2522320747 )
weight 1443 2 0.5 ( 3.4971709251 30.0746078491 4.2522320747 )
weight 1444 1 0.5 ( 32.7135658264 -4.4392538071 4.1725587845 )
-can you upload the md5 file and the def file on rapidshare or something?
-is this model for d3 or q4??
-did you have it exported in d3 ?
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:10 pm : 

the vectors should be complete - to round off, check page #2.
on which mod did you work on?
darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:51 pm : i dont work on a mod...
its just freelance work,
if i finish the model , i want make real model with bump and so.

i dont get the model in q4...
on the weekend i want install d3...
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:01 am : dont worry! heads up!
use for staticmodels ase or lwos. and for dynamicobj md5.
did you know blender?
maybe its not so bad to take a look on it
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:41 pm : Hello !!
i have a prob.
I cant Export my model form maya to the d3 engine games,
every time the game kicks me to the desktop with an error...
i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!
is the a exporter that i can use??
why it does not give an md5 exporter for maya but an md5 importer ??
and i have two questions:
-if i have a *.ase how i get it in to the d3 engine? just simple as the *.ma/*.mb files ??

-have quake4 1.3 and prey 1.2 the same version of *.md5 fiels (Version 10)
ohh sry for my baaad english

elusive@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:20 pm : For exporting models from Maya to D3 engine games you need the right MayaImportX86.dll which is only available für Maya 4.5/5/6/6.5 and 7 as far as I know.
Bringing *.ase into D3 engine based games is not that hard. These files are stored in base/models/ usually. By opening the ase file in a texteditor (eg. notepad) you find a line that says "BITMAP" "". Enter your texture shader here. These shaders are included in *.mtr files ( base/materials/ ).
A shader for example can look like that:
diffusemap textures/mytextures/texture1_d.tga
bumpmap textures/mytextures/texture1_local.tga
specularmap textures/mytextures/texture1_s.tga
In the *.ase it will look like this:
"BITMAP" "textures/mytextures/texture1"
Save the ase file and try it loading in a map
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:08 pm : and what ist with the bones? i have a little model exported ab ist looks so in q4:
but in a model view it is right:

an the error i get wenn i try to export maya files in the md5 format:

dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:47 pm : hey girl

is your import dll running without the reg entrie?
with max should it very easy to export. ase and lwos goes on the fly.
but i have some probs. too

1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
2 .
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:57 pm : Quote:
1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
the export function is every time not working,(
not sometime)
how do i get the reg entry right? or you mean the
system environment variable for maya ?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:10 pm : 
cmd exportmodels?!?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:16 pm : maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
thx for help
kat@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:56 pm : darknesz wrote:
..i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!...
Try using Max on the same character to see if that exports a fully working MD5 to D3, if it does then you know there is something wrong with the way you're doing the export from Maya.
If it doesn't then it means there's something wrong with the MD5 that needs fixing regardless as to which 3D app you use to export the model.
ascottk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:24 am : Try this thread & find someone who can make a Maya 8 compatible MayaImportx86.dll from the SDK.
I'm using Maya 6.5 & here's the thread about someone who made a compatible importer a while back:
darknesz@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:12 am : Quote:
maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
mmh did you get the md5 file after exportmodel? are the Bones right configerd? test the model (if you get one) in a
dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:39 pm : i get a md5 md5anim, but without a mesh, and the joint(s) are still default in all vectors valued by zero ?!?

dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:00 pm : 
great it works

darknesz@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:40 pm : how do you have it get?
every time i try to export the model i get the f***ing error

and i dont understand why?
my def file :
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
The bones for the model i extracted are vrome the corpes model
can someone export a md5 file from my ma file???
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:28 pm : i changed the mayaimportx86.dll from 4.5 to 6.0
here is your def file with some changes

export model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5anim
model model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5anim
and if u work with maya 8, i havent try this but try to change the entries in the file to maya 6 (texteditor), i dont know if this works. its alittle hack in maya to get files from a newer maya version to run.
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:08 pm : 
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol
[EDIT]Don't copy paste thousands of lines of code!. Just upload the file somewhere and link to that. kat
Kamikazee@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:54 am : dirk wrote:
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol

Man! I would remove this, and change your posts to a link to the model file itself... No need to spam pages full with the contents of a model file.

darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:40 pm : very thx for the model file but its not complet ,in the middle part is a bite lost
weight 3469 2 0.5 ( -7.2352871895 17.9412651062 6.815141201 )
weight 3470 1 0.5 ( 19.2896060944 6.6511487961 7.7334270477 )
weight 3471 2 0.5 ( -6.6511487961 16.2896060944 7.7334270477 )
weight 3472 1 0.5 ( 19.7023582458 6.4832701683 8.159781456 )
dirk Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:18 pm Post subject:
weight 1440 1 0.5 ( 38.6597709656 -1.7590639591 3.3988060951 )
weight 1441 2 0.5 ( 1.7590639591 35.6597709656 3.3988060951 )
weight 1442 1 0.5 ( 33.0746078491 -3.4971709251 4.2522320747 )
weight 1443 2 0.5 ( 3.4971709251 30.0746078491 4.2522320747 )
weight 1444 1 0.5 ( 32.7135658264 -4.4392538071 4.1725587845 )
-can you upload the md5 file and the def file on rapidshare or something?
-is this model for d3 or q4??
-did you have it exported in d3 ?
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:10 pm : 

the vectors should be complete - to round off, check page #2.
on which mod did you work on?
darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:51 pm : i dont work on a mod...
its just freelance work,
if i finish the model , i want make real model with bump and so.

i dont get the model in q4...
on the weekend i want install d3...
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:01 am : dont worry! heads up!
use for staticmodels ase or lwos. and for dynamicobj md5.
did you know blender?
maybe its not so bad to take a look on it
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:41 pm : Hello !!
i have a prob.
I cant Export my model form maya to the d3 engine games,
every time the game kicks me to the desktop with an error...
i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!
is the a exporter that i can use??
why it does not give an md5 exporter for maya but an md5 importer ??
and i have two questions:
-if i have a *.ase how i get it in to the d3 engine? just simple as the *.ma/*.mb files ??

-have quake4 1.3 and prey 1.2 the same version of *.md5 fiels (Version 10)
ohh sry for my baaad english

elusive@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:20 pm : For exporting models from Maya to D3 engine games you need the right MayaImportX86.dll which is only available für Maya 4.5/5/6/6.5 and 7 as far as I know.
Bringing *.ase into D3 engine based games is not that hard. These files are stored in base/models/ usually. By opening the ase file in a texteditor (eg. notepad) you find a line that says "BITMAP" "". Enter your texture shader here. These shaders are included in *.mtr files ( base/materials/ ).
A shader for example can look like that:
diffusemap textures/mytextures/texture1_d.tga
bumpmap textures/mytextures/texture1_local.tga
specularmap textures/mytextures/texture1_s.tga
In the *.ase it will look like this:
"BITMAP" "textures/mytextures/texture1"
Save the ase file and try it loading in a map
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:08 pm : and what ist with the bones? i have a little model exported ab ist looks so in q4:
but in a model view it is right:

an the error i get wenn i try to export maya files in the md5 format:

dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:47 pm : hey girl

is your import dll running without the reg entrie?
with max should it very easy to export. ase and lwos goes on the fly.
but i have some probs. too

1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
2 .
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:57 pm : Quote:
1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
the export function is every time not working,(
not sometime)
how do i get the reg entry right? or you mean the
system environment variable for maya ?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:10 pm : 
cmd exportmodels?!?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:16 pm : maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
thx for help
kat@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:56 pm : darknesz wrote:
..i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!...
Try using Max on the same character to see if that exports a fully working MD5 to D3, if it does then you know there is something wrong with the way you're doing the export from Maya.
If it doesn't then it means there's something wrong with the MD5 that needs fixing regardless as to which 3D app you use to export the model.
ascottk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:24 am : Try this thread & find someone who can make a Maya 8 compatible MayaImportx86.dll from the SDK.
I'm using Maya 6.5 & here's the thread about someone who made a compatible importer a while back:
darknesz@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:12 am : Quote:
maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
mmh did you get the md5 file after exportmodel? are the Bones right configerd? test the model (if you get one) in a
dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:39 pm : i get a md5 md5anim, but without a mesh, and the joint(s) are still default in all vectors valued by zero ?!?

dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:00 pm : 
great it works

darknesz@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:40 pm : how do you have it get?
every time i try to export the model i get the f***ing error

and i dont understand why?
my def file :
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
The bones for the model i extracted are vrome the corpes model
can someone export a md5 file from my ma file???
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:28 pm : i changed the mayaimportx86.dll from 4.5 to 6.0
here is your def file with some changes

export model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5anim
model model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5anim
and if u work with maya 8, i havent try this but try to change the entries in the file to maya 6 (texteditor), i dont know if this works. its alittle hack in maya to get files from a newer maya version to run.
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:08 pm : 
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol
[EDIT]Don't copy paste thousands of lines of code!. Just upload the file somewhere and link to that. kat
Kamikazee@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:54 am : dirk wrote:
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol

Man! I would remove this, and change your posts to a link to the model file itself... No need to spam pages full with the contents of a model file.

darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:40 pm : very thx for the model file but its not complet ,in the middle part is a bite lost
weight 3469 2 0.5 ( -7.2352871895 17.9412651062 6.815141201 )
weight 3470 1 0.5 ( 19.2896060944 6.6511487961 7.7334270477 )
weight 3471 2 0.5 ( -6.6511487961 16.2896060944 7.7334270477 )
weight 3472 1 0.5 ( 19.7023582458 6.4832701683 8.159781456 )
dirk Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:18 pm Post subject:
weight 1440 1 0.5 ( 38.6597709656 -1.7590639591 3.3988060951 )
weight 1441 2 0.5 ( 1.7590639591 35.6597709656 3.3988060951 )
weight 1442 1 0.5 ( 33.0746078491 -3.4971709251 4.2522320747 )
weight 1443 2 0.5 ( 3.4971709251 30.0746078491 4.2522320747 )
weight 1444 1 0.5 ( 32.7135658264 -4.4392538071 4.1725587845 )
-can you upload the md5 file and the def file on rapidshare or something?
-is this model for d3 or q4??
-did you have it exported in d3 ?
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:10 pm : 

the vectors should be complete - to round off, check page #2.
on which mod did you work on?
darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:51 pm : i dont work on a mod...
its just freelance work,
if i finish the model , i want make real model with bump and so.

i dont get the model in q4...
on the weekend i want install d3...
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:01 am : dont worry! heads up!
use for staticmodels ase or lwos. and for dynamicobj md5.
did you know blender?
maybe its not so bad to take a look on it
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:41 pm : Hello !!
i have a prob.
I cant Export my model form maya to the d3 engine games,
every time the game kicks me to the desktop with an error...
i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!
is the a exporter that i can use??
why it does not give an md5 exporter for maya but an md5 importer ??
and i have two questions:
-if i have a *.ase how i get it in to the d3 engine? just simple as the *.ma/*.mb files ??

-have quake4 1.3 and prey 1.2 the same version of *.md5 fiels (Version 10)
ohh sry for my baaad english

elusive@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:20 pm : For exporting models from Maya to D3 engine games you need the right MayaImportX86.dll which is only available für Maya 4.5/5/6/6.5 and 7 as far as I know.
Bringing *.ase into D3 engine based games is not that hard. These files are stored in base/models/ usually. By opening the ase file in a texteditor (eg. notepad) you find a line that says "BITMAP" "". Enter your texture shader here. These shaders are included in *.mtr files ( base/materials/ ).
A shader for example can look like that:
diffusemap textures/mytextures/texture1_d.tga
bumpmap textures/mytextures/texture1_local.tga
specularmap textures/mytextures/texture1_s.tga
In the *.ase it will look like this:
"BITMAP" "textures/mytextures/texture1"
Save the ase file and try it loading in a map
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:08 pm : and what ist with the bones? i have a little model exported ab ist looks so in q4:
but in a model view it is right:

an the error i get wenn i try to export maya files in the md5 format:

dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:47 pm : hey girl

is your import dll running without the reg entrie?
with max should it very easy to export. ase and lwos goes on the fly.
but i have some probs. too

1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
2 .
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:57 pm : Quote:
1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
the export function is every time not working,(
not sometime)
how do i get the reg entry right? or you mean the
system environment variable for maya ?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:10 pm : 
cmd exportmodels?!?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:16 pm : maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
thx for help
kat@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:56 pm : darknesz wrote:
..i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!...
Try using Max on the same character to see if that exports a fully working MD5 to D3, if it does then you know there is something wrong with the way you're doing the export from Maya.
If it doesn't then it means there's something wrong with the MD5 that needs fixing regardless as to which 3D app you use to export the model.
ascottk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:24 am : Try this thread & find someone who can make a Maya 8 compatible MayaImportx86.dll from the SDK.
I'm using Maya 6.5 & here's the thread about someone who made a compatible importer a while back:
darknesz@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:12 am : Quote:
maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
mmh did you get the md5 file after exportmodel? are the Bones right configerd? test the model (if you get one) in a
dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:39 pm : i get a md5 md5anim, but without a mesh, and the joint(s) are still default in all vectors valued by zero ?!?

dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:00 pm : 
great it works

darknesz@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:40 pm : how do you have it get?
every time i try to export the model i get the f***ing error

and i dont understand why?
my def file :
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
The bones for the model i extracted are vrome the corpes model
can someone export a md5 file from my ma file???
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:28 pm : i changed the mayaimportx86.dll from 4.5 to 6.0
here is your def file with some changes

export model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5anim
model model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5anim
and if u work with maya 8, i havent try this but try to change the entries in the file to maya 6 (texteditor), i dont know if this works. its alittle hack in maya to get files from a newer maya version to run.
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:08 pm : 
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol
[EDIT]Don't copy paste thousands of lines of code!. Just upload the file somewhere and link to that. kat
Kamikazee@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:54 am : dirk wrote:
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol

Man! I would remove this, and change your posts to a link to the model file itself... No need to spam pages full with the contents of a model file.

darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:40 pm : very thx for the model file but its not complet ,in the middle part is a bite lost
weight 3469 2 0.5 ( -7.2352871895 17.9412651062 6.815141201 )
weight 3470 1 0.5 ( 19.2896060944 6.6511487961 7.7334270477 )
weight 3471 2 0.5 ( -6.6511487961 16.2896060944 7.7334270477 )
weight 3472 1 0.5 ( 19.7023582458 6.4832701683 8.159781456 )
dirk Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:18 pm Post subject:
weight 1440 1 0.5 ( 38.6597709656 -1.7590639591 3.3988060951 )
weight 1441 2 0.5 ( 1.7590639591 35.6597709656 3.3988060951 )
weight 1442 1 0.5 ( 33.0746078491 -3.4971709251 4.2522320747 )
weight 1443 2 0.5 ( 3.4971709251 30.0746078491 4.2522320747 )
weight 1444 1 0.5 ( 32.7135658264 -4.4392538071 4.1725587845 )
-can you upload the md5 file and the def file on rapidshare or something?
-is this model for d3 or q4??
-did you have it exported in d3 ?
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:10 pm : 

the vectors should be complete - to round off, check page #2.
on which mod did you work on?
darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:51 pm : i dont work on a mod...
its just freelance work,
if i finish the model , i want make real model with bump and so.

i dont get the model in q4...
on the weekend i want install d3...
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:01 am : dont worry! heads up!
use for staticmodels ase or lwos. and for dynamicobj md5.
did you know blender?
maybe its not so bad to take a look on it
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:41 pm : Hello !!
i have a prob.
I cant Export my model form maya to the d3 engine games,
every time the game kicks me to the desktop with an error...
i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!
is the a exporter that i can use??
why it does not give an md5 exporter for maya but an md5 importer ??
and i have two questions:
-if i have a *.ase how i get it in to the d3 engine? just simple as the *.ma/*.mb files ??

-have quake4 1.3 and prey 1.2 the same version of *.md5 fiels (Version 10)
ohh sry for my baaad english

elusive@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:20 pm : For exporting models from Maya to D3 engine games you need the right MayaImportX86.dll which is only available für Maya 4.5/5/6/6.5 and 7 as far as I know.
Bringing *.ase into D3 engine based games is not that hard. These files are stored in base/models/ usually. By opening the ase file in a texteditor (eg. notepad) you find a line that says "BITMAP" "". Enter your texture shader here. These shaders are included in *.mtr files ( base/materials/ ).
A shader for example can look like that:
diffusemap textures/mytextures/texture1_d.tga
bumpmap textures/mytextures/texture1_local.tga
specularmap textures/mytextures/texture1_s.tga
In the *.ase it will look like this:
"BITMAP" "textures/mytextures/texture1"
Save the ase file and try it loading in a map
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:08 pm : and what ist with the bones? i have a little model exported ab ist looks so in q4:
but in a model view it is right:

an the error i get wenn i try to export maya files in the md5 format:

dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:47 pm : hey girl

is your import dll running without the reg entrie?
with max should it very easy to export. ase and lwos goes on the fly.
but i have some probs. too

1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
2 .
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:57 pm : Quote:
1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
the export function is every time not working,(
not sometime)
how do i get the reg entry right? or you mean the
system environment variable for maya ?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:10 pm : 
cmd exportmodels?!?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:16 pm : maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
thx for help
kat@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:56 pm : darknesz wrote:
..i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!...
Try using Max on the same character to see if that exports a fully working MD5 to D3, if it does then you know there is something wrong with the way you're doing the export from Maya.
If it doesn't then it means there's something wrong with the MD5 that needs fixing regardless as to which 3D app you use to export the model.
ascottk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:24 am : Try this thread & find someone who can make a Maya 8 compatible MayaImportx86.dll from the SDK.
I'm using Maya 6.5 & here's the thread about someone who made a compatible importer a while back:
darknesz@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:12 am : Quote:
maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
mmh did you get the md5 file after exportmodel? are the Bones right configerd? test the model (if you get one) in a
dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:39 pm : i get a md5 md5anim, but without a mesh, and the joint(s) are still default in all vectors valued by zero ?!?

dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:00 pm : 
great it works

darknesz@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:40 pm : how do you have it get?
every time i try to export the model i get the f***ing error

and i dont understand why?
my def file :
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
The bones for the model i extracted are vrome the corpes model
can someone export a md5 file from my ma file???
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:28 pm : i changed the mayaimportx86.dll from 4.5 to 6.0
here is your def file with some changes

export model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5anim
model model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5anim
and if u work with maya 8, i havent try this but try to change the entries in the file to maya 6 (texteditor), i dont know if this works. its alittle hack in maya to get files from a newer maya version to run.
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:08 pm : 
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol
[EDIT]Don't copy paste thousands of lines of code!. Just upload the file somewhere and link to that. kat
Kamikazee@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:54 am : dirk wrote:
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol

Man! I would remove this, and change your posts to a link to the model file itself... No need to spam pages full with the contents of a model file.

darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:40 pm : very thx for the model file but its not complet ,in the middle part is a bite lost
weight 3469 2 0.5 ( -7.2352871895 17.9412651062 6.815141201 )
weight 3470 1 0.5 ( 19.2896060944 6.6511487961 7.7334270477 )
weight 3471 2 0.5 ( -6.6511487961 16.2896060944 7.7334270477 )
weight 3472 1 0.5 ( 19.7023582458 6.4832701683 8.159781456 )
dirk Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:18 pm Post subject:
weight 1440 1 0.5 ( 38.6597709656 -1.7590639591 3.3988060951 )
weight 1441 2 0.5 ( 1.7590639591 35.6597709656 3.3988060951 )
weight 1442 1 0.5 ( 33.0746078491 -3.4971709251 4.2522320747 )
weight 1443 2 0.5 ( 3.4971709251 30.0746078491 4.2522320747 )
weight 1444 1 0.5 ( 32.7135658264 -4.4392538071 4.1725587845 )
-can you upload the md5 file and the def file on rapidshare or something?
-is this model for d3 or q4??
-did you have it exported in d3 ?
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:10 pm : 

the vectors should be complete - to round off, check page #2.
on which mod did you work on?
darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:51 pm : i dont work on a mod...
its just freelance work,
if i finish the model , i want make real model with bump and so.

i dont get the model in q4...
on the weekend i want install d3...
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:01 am : dont worry! heads up!
use for staticmodels ase or lwos. and for dynamicobj md5.
did you know blender?
maybe its not so bad to take a look on it
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:41 pm : Hello !!
i have a prob.
I cant Export my model form maya to the d3 engine games,
every time the game kicks me to the desktop with an error...
i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!
is the a exporter that i can use??
why it does not give an md5 exporter for maya but an md5 importer ??
and i have two questions:
-if i have a *.ase how i get it in to the d3 engine? just simple as the *.ma/*.mb files ??

-have quake4 1.3 and prey 1.2 the same version of *.md5 fiels (Version 10)
ohh sry for my baaad english

elusive@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:20 pm : For exporting models from Maya to D3 engine games you need the right MayaImportX86.dll which is only available für Maya 4.5/5/6/6.5 and 7 as far as I know.
Bringing *.ase into D3 engine based games is not that hard. These files are stored in base/models/ usually. By opening the ase file in a texteditor (eg. notepad) you find a line that says "BITMAP" "". Enter your texture shader here. These shaders are included in *.mtr files ( base/materials/ ).
A shader for example can look like that:
diffusemap textures/mytextures/texture1_d.tga
bumpmap textures/mytextures/texture1_local.tga
specularmap textures/mytextures/texture1_s.tga
In the *.ase it will look like this:
"BITMAP" "textures/mytextures/texture1"
Save the ase file and try it loading in a map
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:08 pm : and what ist with the bones? i have a little model exported ab ist looks so in q4:
but in a model view it is right:

an the error i get wenn i try to export maya files in the md5 format:

dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:47 pm : hey girl

is your import dll running without the reg entrie?
with max should it very easy to export. ase and lwos goes on the fly.
but i have some probs. too

1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
2 .
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:57 pm : Quote:
1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
the export function is every time not working,(
not sometime)
how do i get the reg entry right? or you mean the
system environment variable for maya ?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:10 pm : 
cmd exportmodels?!?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:16 pm : maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
thx for help
kat@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:56 pm : darknesz wrote:
..i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!...
Try using Max on the same character to see if that exports a fully working MD5 to D3, if it does then you know there is something wrong with the way you're doing the export from Maya.
If it doesn't then it means there's something wrong with the MD5 that needs fixing regardless as to which 3D app you use to export the model.
ascottk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:24 am : Try this thread & find someone who can make a Maya 8 compatible MayaImportx86.dll from the SDK.
I'm using Maya 6.5 & here's the thread about someone who made a compatible importer a while back:
darknesz@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:12 am : Quote:
maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
mmh did you get the md5 file after exportmodel? are the Bones right configerd? test the model (if you get one) in a
dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:39 pm : i get a md5 md5anim, but without a mesh, and the joint(s) are still default in all vectors valued by zero ?!?

dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:00 pm : 
great it works

darknesz@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:40 pm : how do you have it get?
every time i try to export the model i get the f***ing error

and i dont understand why?
my def file :
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
The bones for the model i extracted are vrome the corpes model
can someone export a md5 file from my ma file???
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:28 pm : i changed the mayaimportx86.dll from 4.5 to 6.0
here is your def file with some changes

export model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5anim
model model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5anim
and if u work with maya 8, i havent try this but try to change the entries in the file to maya 6 (texteditor), i dont know if this works. its alittle hack in maya to get files from a newer maya version to run.
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:08 pm : 
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol
[EDIT]Don't copy paste thousands of lines of code!. Just upload the file somewhere and link to that. kat
Kamikazee@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:54 am : dirk wrote:
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol

Man! I would remove this, and change your posts to a link to the model file itself... No need to spam pages full with the contents of a model file.

darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:40 pm : very thx for the model file but its not complet ,in the middle part is a bite lost
weight 3469 2 0.5 ( -7.2352871895 17.9412651062 6.815141201 )
weight 3470 1 0.5 ( 19.2896060944 6.6511487961 7.7334270477 )
weight 3471 2 0.5 ( -6.6511487961 16.2896060944 7.7334270477 )
weight 3472 1 0.5 ( 19.7023582458 6.4832701683 8.159781456 )
dirk Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:18 pm Post subject:
weight 1440 1 0.5 ( 38.6597709656 -1.7590639591 3.3988060951 )
weight 1441 2 0.5 ( 1.7590639591 35.6597709656 3.3988060951 )
weight 1442 1 0.5 ( 33.0746078491 -3.4971709251 4.2522320747 )
weight 1443 2 0.5 ( 3.4971709251 30.0746078491 4.2522320747 )
weight 1444 1 0.5 ( 32.7135658264 -4.4392538071 4.1725587845 )
-can you upload the md5 file and the def file on rapidshare or something?
-is this model for d3 or q4??
-did you have it exported in d3 ?
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:10 pm : 

the vectors should be complete - to round off, check page #2.
on which mod did you work on?
darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:51 pm : i dont work on a mod...
its just freelance work,
if i finish the model , i want make real model with bump and so.

i dont get the model in q4...
on the weekend i want install d3...
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:01 am : dont worry! heads up!
use for staticmodels ase or lwos. and for dynamicobj md5.
did you know blender?
maybe its not so bad to take a look on it
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:41 pm : Hello !!
i have a prob.
I cant Export my model form maya to the d3 engine games,
every time the game kicks me to the desktop with an error...
i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!
is the a exporter that i can use??
why it does not give an md5 exporter for maya but an md5 importer ??
and i have two questions:
-if i have a *.ase how i get it in to the d3 engine? just simple as the *.ma/*.mb files ??

-have quake4 1.3 and prey 1.2 the same version of *.md5 fiels (Version 10)
ohh sry for my baaad english

elusive@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:20 pm : For exporting models from Maya to D3 engine games you need the right MayaImportX86.dll which is only available für Maya 4.5/5/6/6.5 and 7 as far as I know.
Bringing *.ase into D3 engine based games is not that hard. These files are stored in base/models/ usually. By opening the ase file in a texteditor (eg. notepad) you find a line that says "BITMAP" "". Enter your texture shader here. These shaders are included in *.mtr files ( base/materials/ ).
A shader for example can look like that:
diffusemap textures/mytextures/texture1_d.tga
bumpmap textures/mytextures/texture1_local.tga
specularmap textures/mytextures/texture1_s.tga
In the *.ase it will look like this:
"BITMAP" "textures/mytextures/texture1"
Save the ase file and try it loading in a map
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:08 pm : and what ist with the bones? i have a little model exported ab ist looks so in q4:
but in a model view it is right:

an the error i get wenn i try to export maya files in the md5 format:

dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:47 pm : hey girl

is your import dll running without the reg entrie?
with max should it very easy to export. ase and lwos goes on the fly.
but i have some probs. too

1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
2 .
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:57 pm : Quote:
1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
the export function is every time not working,(
not sometime)
how do i get the reg entry right? or you mean the
system environment variable for maya ?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:10 pm : 
cmd exportmodels?!?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:16 pm : maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
thx for help
kat@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:56 pm : darknesz wrote:
..i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!...
Try using Max on the same character to see if that exports a fully working MD5 to D3, if it does then you know there is something wrong with the way you're doing the export from Maya.
If it doesn't then it means there's something wrong with the MD5 that needs fixing regardless as to which 3D app you use to export the model.
ascottk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:24 am : Try this thread & find someone who can make a Maya 8 compatible MayaImportx86.dll from the SDK.
I'm using Maya 6.5 & here's the thread about someone who made a compatible importer a while back:
darknesz@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:12 am : Quote:
maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
mmh did you get the md5 file after exportmodel? are the Bones right configerd? test the model (if you get one) in a
dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:39 pm : i get a md5 md5anim, but without a mesh, and the joint(s) are still default in all vectors valued by zero ?!?

dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:00 pm : 
great it works

darknesz@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:40 pm : how do you have it get?
every time i try to export the model i get the f***ing error

and i dont understand why?
my def file :
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
The bones for the model i extracted are vrome the corpes model
can someone export a md5 file from my ma file???
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:28 pm : i changed the mayaimportx86.dll from 4.5 to 6.0
here is your def file with some changes

export model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5anim
model model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5anim
and if u work with maya 8, i havent try this but try to change the entries in the file to maya 6 (texteditor), i dont know if this works. its alittle hack in maya to get files from a newer maya version to run.
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:08 pm : 
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol
[EDIT]Don't copy paste thousands of lines of code!. Just upload the file somewhere and link to that. kat
Kamikazee@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:54 am : dirk wrote:
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol

Man! I would remove this, and change your posts to a link to the model file itself... No need to spam pages full with the contents of a model file.

darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:40 pm : very thx for the model file but its not complet ,in the middle part is a bite lost
weight 3469 2 0.5 ( -7.2352871895 17.9412651062 6.815141201 )
weight 3470 1 0.5 ( 19.2896060944 6.6511487961 7.7334270477 )
weight 3471 2 0.5 ( -6.6511487961 16.2896060944 7.7334270477 )
weight 3472 1 0.5 ( 19.7023582458 6.4832701683 8.159781456 )
dirk Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:18 pm Post subject:
weight 1440 1 0.5 ( 38.6597709656 -1.7590639591 3.3988060951 )
weight 1441 2 0.5 ( 1.7590639591 35.6597709656 3.3988060951 )
weight 1442 1 0.5 ( 33.0746078491 -3.4971709251 4.2522320747 )
weight 1443 2 0.5 ( 3.4971709251 30.0746078491 4.2522320747 )
weight 1444 1 0.5 ( 32.7135658264 -4.4392538071 4.1725587845 )
-can you upload the md5 file and the def file on rapidshare or something?
-is this model for d3 or q4??
-did you have it exported in d3 ?
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:10 pm : 

the vectors should be complete - to round off, check page #2.
on which mod did you work on?
darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:51 pm : i dont work on a mod...
its just freelance work,
if i finish the model , i want make real model with bump and so.

i dont get the model in q4...
on the weekend i want install d3...
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:01 am : dont worry! heads up!
use for staticmodels ase or lwos. and for dynamicobj md5.
did you know blender?
maybe its not so bad to take a look on it
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:41 pm : Hello !!
i have a prob.
I cant Export my model form maya to the d3 engine games,
every time the game kicks me to the desktop with an error...
i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!
is the a exporter that i can use??
why it does not give an md5 exporter for maya but an md5 importer ??
and i have two questions:
-if i have a *.ase how i get it in to the d3 engine? just simple as the *.ma/*.mb files ??

-have quake4 1.3 and prey 1.2 the same version of *.md5 fiels (Version 10)
ohh sry for my baaad english

elusive@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:20 pm : For exporting models from Maya to D3 engine games you need the right MayaImportX86.dll which is only available für Maya 4.5/5/6/6.5 and 7 as far as I know.
Bringing *.ase into D3 engine based games is not that hard. These files are stored in base/models/ usually. By opening the ase file in a texteditor (eg. notepad) you find a line that says "BITMAP" "". Enter your texture shader here. These shaders are included in *.mtr files ( base/materials/ ).
A shader for example can look like that:
diffusemap textures/mytextures/texture1_d.tga
bumpmap textures/mytextures/texture1_local.tga
specularmap textures/mytextures/texture1_s.tga
In the *.ase it will look like this:
"BITMAP" "textures/mytextures/texture1"
Save the ase file and try it loading in a map
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:08 pm : and what ist with the bones? i have a little model exported ab ist looks so in q4:
but in a model view it is right:

an the error i get wenn i try to export maya files in the md5 format:

dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:47 pm : hey girl

is your import dll running without the reg entrie?
with max should it very easy to export. ase and lwos goes on the fly.
but i have some probs. too

1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
2 .
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:57 pm : Quote:
1. i cant understand why the export function in the console sometimes doesnt work
the export function is every time not working,(
not sometime)
how do i get the reg entry right? or you mean the
system environment variable for maya ?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:10 pm : 
cmd exportmodels?!?
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:16 pm : maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
thx for help
kat@Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:56 pm : darknesz wrote:
..i have maya 8 and max 8 but i dont want use both to get my model in to quake4!!...
Try using Max on the same character to see if that exports a fully working MD5 to D3, if it does then you know there is something wrong with the way you're doing the export from Maya.
If it doesn't then it means there's something wrong with the MD5 that needs fixing regardless as to which 3D app you use to export the model.
ascottk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:24 am : Try this thread & find someone who can make a Maya 8 compatible MayaImportx86.dll from the SDK.
I'm using Maya 6.5 & here's the thread about someone who made a compatible importer a while back:
darknesz@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:12 am : Quote:
maybe you can help me, i wanna convert a ma to md5 i set a right def file, the export is running without error, but no mesh info are converted.
mmh did you get the md5 file after exportmodel? are the Bones right configerd? test the model (if you get one) in a
dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:39 pm : i get a md5 md5anim, but without a mesh, and the joint(s) are still default in all vectors valued by zero ?!?

dirk@Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:00 pm : 
great it works

darknesz@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:40 pm : how do you have it get?
every time i try to export the model i get the f***ing error

and i dont understand why?
my def file :
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
The bones for the model i extracted are vrome the corpes model
can someone export a md5 file from my ma file???
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:28 pm : i changed the mayaimportx86.dll from 4.5 to 6.0
here is your def file with some changes

export model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5anim
model model2
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
anim D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5anim
and if u work with maya 8, i havent try this but try to change the entries in the file to maya 6 (texteditor), i dont know if this works. its alittle hack in maya to get files from a newer maya version to run.
dirk@Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:08 pm : 
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol
[EDIT]Don't copy paste thousands of lines of code!. Just upload the file somewhere and link to that. kat
Kamikazee@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:54 am : dirk wrote:
here it is, its amodel from me but you can play around with it

i would share it with u

take it, its for free, its a little present from me lol

Man! I would remove this, and change your posts to a link to the model file itself... No need to spam pages full with the contents of a model file.

darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:40 pm : very thx for the model file but its not complet ,in the middle part is a bite lost
weight 3469 2 0.5 ( -7.2352871895 17.9412651062 6.815141201 )
weight 3470 1 0.5 ( 19.2896060944 6.6511487961 7.7334270477 )
weight 3471 2 0.5 ( -6.6511487961 16.2896060944 7.7334270477 )
weight 3472 1 0.5 ( 19.7023582458 6.4832701683 8.159781456 )
dirk Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:18 pm Post subject:
weight 1440 1 0.5 ( 38.6597709656 -1.7590639591 3.3988060951 )
weight 1441 2 0.5 ( 1.7590639591 35.6597709656 3.3988060951 )
weight 1442 1 0.5 ( 33.0746078491 -3.4971709251 4.2522320747 )
weight 1443 2 0.5 ( 3.4971709251 30.0746078491 4.2522320747 )
weight 1444 1 0.5 ( 32.7135658264 -4.4392538071 4.1725587845 )
-can you upload the md5 file and the def file on rapidshare or something?
-is this model for d3 or q4??
-did you have it exported in d3 ?
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:10 pm : 

the vectors should be complete - to round off, check page #2.
on which mod did you work on?
darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:51 pm : i dont work on a mod...
its just freelance work,
if i finish the model , i want make real model with bump and so.

i dont get the model in q4...
on the weekend i want install d3...
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:01 am : dont worry! heads up!
use for staticmodels ase or lwos. and for dynamicobj md5.
did you know blender?
maybe its not so bad to take a look on it
darknesz@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:16 am : yeah i know blender but i wont model with it,
for export to md5 its an idea , for export i can use 3d MAX too.
tokiWarT00th@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:40 am : Hey gang. I was hoping if someone could help me out with getting static models into Q4 (a box to start). I am using Maya 7 to create my models and normal maps. I then export out the low res model as a .fbx and import it into 3DS Max 8. After I apply the textures (diff,spec,normal,height) in the material editor I then delete all history and export out as an .ase. I then set up my .mtr file and paths.
Now I can get the model into the game, but now I can't for the life of me get the textures to work. It's just a white box with black lines.
I made sure the model is triangulated and whatnot. Here is my path info:
models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox.ase , mybox_d.tga, mybox_s.tga, mybox_h.tga, mybox_local.tga.
Do I strictly have to render out the normalmap in Quake using renderbump or am I ok with what I am doing in Maya? I think my problem may be in my .mtr file but I have no clue. I still have the renderbump command in the file just to be safe. Here is the .mtr file just to be sure:
renderBump -size 1024 1024 -aa 2 -mergehigh -trace .07 models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga
diffusemap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_d.tga
bumpMap addnormals ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga, heightmap ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_h.tga, 4 ) )
specularmap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_s.tga
I would appreciate any help available. Thanks a lot for looking at my post. Cheers.
darknesz@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:10 pm : 
Hello everybody i have my file uploaded, can someone check my files and tell my how i make this right???
i think the bones are a little bit wrong, ohabe the wrong direction odr some thing..
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
please check my files...
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:38 pm : hey darknesz
already looked through this tutorial ?
darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:23 pm : hey TTK-Bandit
jeah i know this tutorial, but it is only for blender... but i need is maya..
now i get ase files out of maya

-how i get the ase in quake/doom/prey or what ever ? do i change ma/mb to ase in the def file and than exportmodel??
-can it be that some dlls on my pc be missing??(because the Error i get ever time?) or knows someone about the error message?

-and what is with the MayaImportx86.dll how i get it working for maya 8.
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:20 pm : ase files are only working statically in d3/q4
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:23 pm : 
you can import your ase directly in the editor.
right click (viewport) -> new model (?) or empty obj i dont know how it calls in doom3 -> attribute editor ? new model -> refresh this dir tree -> import your model
i think, or i havent seen a way around, you have to use the model directory. like //base/models/...
and to your models i dont get it running 1:1 on my maya (i use maya 4)
maybe its better to align your model to the Z xs, but i dont know how its handled in doom3. but Z+ or Z- should have no influence.

is it revered when im thinkin

darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:18 am : Quote:
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
try this:
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
it could be that the path is wrong ,use the absolute path (C:/games/quake4/q4base/...) and spaces dont work (quake 4 [wrong] try this --> quake4 [right])
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
you can download the files here:
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
and the def file
or i send it on a email...
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
dirk do you know about the bones? Directions ? or so? i'll post today some pics...
in my model2.md5mesh are only 58 joints but in the corpse model are 65 joints....
dirk@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:47 pm : --
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:29 pm : wtf ? "maya not installed in registry"
I have to have maya installed to export it ?
I thought thats what the dll is for

sry buddy, seems I cant help you with that.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:07 am : yep
how far are you?
is it possible for you to work with maya 6? then im able to help you
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:09 am : if maya 6.5 is ok, too ??
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
my english is so poor..
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:03 pm : en petit peu

abersch isch versuesche mein beschtesch, oui isch habe gehoerrt von maya 6.5.. soll groschartig sisch verhalten. esch ischt so schwer für moi zuschrieben deutsch. où le cinéma est?
woher viens tu?

Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:07 pm : darknesz wrote:
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
dirk wrote:
en petit peu

Sorry, funny situation.
dirk@Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:08 pm : 
whats the life without humor?
darknesz@Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:32 pm : Quote:
woher viens tu?
i come from germany (Freising)...
and its dont work

can understand this because the md5 file is ok i can watch he model in the model viewer from der_ton
in quake i can only see a polygon blob.
it is frustating

darknesz@Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:15 pm : after i installed a vm with xp,maya and quake ,idont get the error (

) anymore

but now its says that to my:
]exportmodels model2.def
Converting C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb to C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/.md5mesh...
Loading file...
Creating joints...
Creating meshes...
WARNING: file C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/def/model2.def, line 6: Failed to export 'C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb' : CreateMesh: No skinClusters found in this scene.
and this is written in my def file:
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/
model model2
mesh -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
is there a failer or something?
darknesz@Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:49 pm : 
ok finaly i get it done!!!

blender was my last chance to get my model into quake,
and it works good.
everybody please check my model!!!
i know it isnt very nice, but the reason of this model is only to testing the model-export-way for quake.
the last job with this model is adding some bump und spectral textures...
the next model will be much better

darknesz@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:16 am : yeah i know blender but i wont model with it,
for export to md5 its an idea , for export i can use 3d MAX too.
tokiWarT00th@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:40 am : Hey gang. I was hoping if someone could help me out with getting static models into Q4 (a box to start). I am using Maya 7 to create my models and normal maps. I then export out the low res model as a .fbx and import it into 3DS Max 8. After I apply the textures (diff,spec,normal,height) in the material editor I then delete all history and export out as an .ase. I then set up my .mtr file and paths.
Now I can get the model into the game, but now I can't for the life of me get the textures to work. It's just a white box with black lines.
I made sure the model is triangulated and whatnot. Here is my path info:
models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox.ase , mybox_d.tga, mybox_s.tga, mybox_h.tga, mybox_local.tga.
Do I strictly have to render out the normalmap in Quake using renderbump or am I ok with what I am doing in Maya? I think my problem may be in my .mtr file but I have no clue. I still have the renderbump command in the file just to be safe. Here is the .mtr file just to be sure:
renderBump -size 1024 1024 -aa 2 -mergehigh -trace .07 models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga
diffusemap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_d.tga
bumpMap addnormals ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga, heightmap ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_h.tga, 4 ) )
specularmap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_s.tga
I would appreciate any help available. Thanks a lot for looking at my post. Cheers.
darknesz@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:10 pm : 
Hello everybody i have my file uploaded, can someone check my files and tell my how i make this right???
i think the bones are a little bit wrong, ohabe the wrong direction odr some thing..
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
please check my files...
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:38 pm : hey darknesz
already looked through this tutorial ?
darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:23 pm : hey TTK-Bandit
jeah i know this tutorial, but it is only for blender... but i need is maya..
now i get ase files out of maya

-how i get the ase in quake/doom/prey or what ever ? do i change ma/mb to ase in the def file and than exportmodel??
-can it be that some dlls on my pc be missing??(because the Error i get ever time?) or knows someone about the error message?

-and what is with the MayaImportx86.dll how i get it working for maya 8.
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:20 pm : ase files are only working statically in d3/q4
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:23 pm : 
you can import your ase directly in the editor.
right click (viewport) -> new model (?) or empty obj i dont know how it calls in doom3 -> attribute editor ? new model -> refresh this dir tree -> import your model
i think, or i havent seen a way around, you have to use the model directory. like //base/models/...
and to your models i dont get it running 1:1 on my maya (i use maya 4)
maybe its better to align your model to the Z xs, but i dont know how its handled in doom3. but Z+ or Z- should have no influence.

is it revered when im thinkin

darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:18 am : Quote:
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
try this:
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
it could be that the path is wrong ,use the absolute path (C:/games/quake4/q4base/...) and spaces dont work (quake 4 [wrong] try this --> quake4 [right])
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
you can download the files here:
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
and the def file
or i send it on a email...
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
dirk do you know about the bones? Directions ? or so? i'll post today some pics...
in my model2.md5mesh are only 58 joints but in the corpse model are 65 joints....
dirk@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:47 pm : --
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:29 pm : wtf ? "maya not installed in registry"
I have to have maya installed to export it ?
I thought thats what the dll is for

sry buddy, seems I cant help you with that.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:07 am : yep
how far are you?
is it possible for you to work with maya 6? then im able to help you
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:09 am : if maya 6.5 is ok, too ??
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
my english is so poor..
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:03 pm : en petit peu

abersch isch versuesche mein beschtesch, oui isch habe gehoerrt von maya 6.5.. soll groschartig sisch verhalten. esch ischt so schwer für moi zuschrieben deutsch. où le cinéma est?
woher viens tu?

Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:07 pm : darknesz wrote:
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
dirk wrote:
en petit peu

Sorry, funny situation.
dirk@Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:08 pm : 
whats the life without humor?
darknesz@Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:32 pm : Quote:
woher viens tu?
i come from germany (Freising)...
and its dont work

can understand this because the md5 file is ok i can watch he model in the model viewer from der_ton
in quake i can only see a polygon blob.
it is frustating

darknesz@Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:15 pm : after i installed a vm with xp,maya and quake ,idont get the error (

) anymore

but now its says that to my:
]exportmodels model2.def
Converting C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb to C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/.md5mesh...
Loading file...
Creating joints...
Creating meshes...
WARNING: file C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/def/model2.def, line 6: Failed to export 'C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb' : CreateMesh: No skinClusters found in this scene.
and this is written in my def file:
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/
model model2
mesh -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
is there a failer or something?
darknesz@Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:49 pm : 
ok finaly i get it done!!!

blender was my last chance to get my model into quake,
and it works good.
everybody please check my model!!!
i know it isnt very nice, but the reason of this model is only to testing the model-export-way for quake.
the last job with this model is adding some bump und spectral textures...
the next model will be much better

darknesz@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:16 am : yeah i know blender but i wont model with it,
for export to md5 its an idea , for export i can use 3d MAX too.
tokiWarT00th@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:40 am : Hey gang. I was hoping if someone could help me out with getting static models into Q4 (a box to start). I am using Maya 7 to create my models and normal maps. I then export out the low res model as a .fbx and import it into 3DS Max 8. After I apply the textures (diff,spec,normal,height) in the material editor I then delete all history and export out as an .ase. I then set up my .mtr file and paths.
Now I can get the model into the game, but now I can't for the life of me get the textures to work. It's just a white box with black lines.
I made sure the model is triangulated and whatnot. Here is my path info:
models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox.ase , mybox_d.tga, mybox_s.tga, mybox_h.tga, mybox_local.tga.
Do I strictly have to render out the normalmap in Quake using renderbump or am I ok with what I am doing in Maya? I think my problem may be in my .mtr file but I have no clue. I still have the renderbump command in the file just to be safe. Here is the .mtr file just to be sure:
renderBump -size 1024 1024 -aa 2 -mergehigh -trace .07 models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga
diffusemap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_d.tga
bumpMap addnormals ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga, heightmap ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_h.tga, 4 ) )
specularmap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_s.tga
I would appreciate any help available. Thanks a lot for looking at my post. Cheers.
darknesz@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:10 pm : 
Hello everybody i have my file uploaded, can someone check my files and tell my how i make this right???
i think the bones are a little bit wrong, ohabe the wrong direction odr some thing..
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
please check my files...
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:38 pm : hey darknesz
already looked through this tutorial ?
darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:23 pm : hey TTK-Bandit
jeah i know this tutorial, but it is only for blender... but i need is maya..
now i get ase files out of maya

-how i get the ase in quake/doom/prey or what ever ? do i change ma/mb to ase in the def file and than exportmodel??
-can it be that some dlls on my pc be missing??(because the Error i get ever time?) or knows someone about the error message?

-and what is with the MayaImportx86.dll how i get it working for maya 8.
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:20 pm : ase files are only working statically in d3/q4
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:23 pm : 
you can import your ase directly in the editor.
right click (viewport) -> new model (?) or empty obj i dont know how it calls in doom3 -> attribute editor ? new model -> refresh this dir tree -> import your model
i think, or i havent seen a way around, you have to use the model directory. like //base/models/...
and to your models i dont get it running 1:1 on my maya (i use maya 4)
maybe its better to align your model to the Z xs, but i dont know how its handled in doom3. but Z+ or Z- should have no influence.

is it revered when im thinkin

darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:18 am : Quote:
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
try this:
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
it could be that the path is wrong ,use the absolute path (C:/games/quake4/q4base/...) and spaces dont work (quake 4 [wrong] try this --> quake4 [right])
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
you can download the files here:
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
and the def file
or i send it on a email...
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
dirk do you know about the bones? Directions ? or so? i'll post today some pics...
in my model2.md5mesh are only 58 joints but in the corpse model are 65 joints....
dirk@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:47 pm : --
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:29 pm : wtf ? "maya not installed in registry"
I have to have maya installed to export it ?
I thought thats what the dll is for

sry buddy, seems I cant help you with that.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:07 am : yep
how far are you?
is it possible for you to work with maya 6? then im able to help you
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:09 am : if maya 6.5 is ok, too ??
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
my english is so poor..
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:03 pm : en petit peu

abersch isch versuesche mein beschtesch, oui isch habe gehoerrt von maya 6.5.. soll groschartig sisch verhalten. esch ischt so schwer für moi zuschrieben deutsch. où le cinéma est?
woher viens tu?

Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:07 pm : darknesz wrote:
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
dirk wrote:
en petit peu

Sorry, funny situation.
dirk@Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:08 pm : 
whats the life without humor?
darknesz@Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:32 pm : Quote:
woher viens tu?
i come from germany (Freising)...
and its dont work

can understand this because the md5 file is ok i can watch he model in the model viewer from der_ton
in quake i can only see a polygon blob.
it is frustating

darknesz@Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:15 pm : after i installed a vm with xp,maya and quake ,idont get the error (

) anymore

but now its says that to my:
]exportmodels model2.def
Converting C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb to C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/.md5mesh...
Loading file...
Creating joints...
Creating meshes...
WARNING: file C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/def/model2.def, line 6: Failed to export 'C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb' : CreateMesh: No skinClusters found in this scene.
and this is written in my def file:
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/
model model2
mesh -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
is there a failer or something?
darknesz@Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:49 pm : 
ok finaly i get it done!!!

blender was my last chance to get my model into quake,
and it works good.
everybody please check my model!!!
i know it isnt very nice, but the reason of this model is only to testing the model-export-way for quake.
the last job with this model is adding some bump und spectral textures...
the next model will be much better

darknesz@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:16 am Post subject: : yeah i know blender but i wont model with it,
for export to md5 its an idea , for export i can use 3d MAX too.
tokiWarT00th@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:40 am Post subject: : Hey gang. I was hoping if someone could help me out with getting static models into Q4 (a box to start). I am using Maya 7 to create my models and normal maps. I then export out the low res model as a .fbx and import it into 3DS Max 8. After I apply the textures (diff,spec,normal,height) in the material editor I then delete all history and export out as an .ase. I then set up my .mtr file and paths.
Now I can get the model into the game, but now I can't for the life of me get the textures to work. It's just a white box with black lines.
I made sure the model is triangulated and whatnot. Here is my path info:
models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox.ase , mybox_d.tga, mybox_s.tga, mybox_h.tga, mybox_local.tga.
Do I strictly have to render out the normalmap in Quake using renderbump or am I ok with what I am doing in Maya? I think my problem may be in my .mtr file but I have no clue. I still have the renderbump command in the file just to be safe. Here is the .mtr file just to be sure:
renderBump -size 1024 1024 -aa 2 -mergehigh -trace .07 models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga
diffusemap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_d.tga
bumpMap addnormals ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga, heightmap ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_h.tga, 4 ) )
specularmap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_s.tga
I would appreciate any help available. Thanks a lot for looking at my post. Cheers.
darknesz@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:10 pm Post subject: : 
Hello everybody i have my file uploaded, can someone check my files and tell my how i make this right???
i think the bones are a little bit wrong, ohabe the wrong direction odr some thing..
please check my files...
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:38 pm Post subject: : hey darknesz
already looked through this tutorial ?
darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:23 pm Post subject: : hey TTK-Bandit
jeah i know this tutorial, but it is only for blender... but i need is maya..
now i get ase files out of maya 
-how i get the ase in quake/doom/prey or what ever ? do i change ma/mb to ase in the def file and than exportmodel??
-can it be that some dlls on my pc be missing??(because the Error i get ever time?) or knows someone about the error message?

-and what is with the MayaImportx86.dll how i get it working for maya 8.
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:20 pm Post subject: : ase files are only working statically in d3/q4
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:23 pm Post subject: : 
you can import your ase directly in the editor.
right click (viewport) -> new model (?) or empty obj i dont know how it calls in doom3 -> attribute editor ? new model -> refresh this dir tree -> import your model
i think, or i havent seen a way around, you have to use the model directory. like //base/models/...
and to your models i dont get it running 1:1 on my maya (i use maya 4)
maybe its better to align your model to the Z xs, but i dont know how its handled in doom3. but Z+ or Z- should have no influence.
is it revered when im thinkin 
darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:18 am Post subject: : Quote: |
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file. |
try this:
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
it could be that the path is wrong ,use the absolute path (C:/games/quake4/q4base/...) and spaces dont work (quake 4 [wrong] try this --> quake4 [right])
Quote: |
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too. |
you can download the files here:
and the def file
or i send it on a email...
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
dirk do you know about the bones? Directions ? or so? i'll post today some pics...
in my model2.md5mesh are only 58 joints but in the corpse model are 65 joints....
dirk@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:47 pm Post subject: : --
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:29 pm Post subject: : wtf ? "maya not installed in registry"
I have to have maya installed to export it ?
I thought thats what the dll is for 
sry buddy, seems I cant help you with that.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:07 am Post subject: : yep
how far are you?
is it possible for you to work with maya 6? then im able to help you
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:09 am Post subject: : if maya 6.5 is ok, too ??
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
my english is so poor..
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:03 pm Post subject: : en petit peu

abersch isch versuesche mein beschtesch, oui isch habe gehoerrt von maya 6.5.. soll groschartig sisch verhalten. esch ischt so schwer für moi zuschrieben deutsch. où le cinéma est?
woher viens tu?
Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:07 pm Post subject: : darknesz wrote: |
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german? |
dirk wrote: |
en petit peu

Sorry, funny situation.
"And remember, respect is everything" - GTA2
dirk@Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:08 pm Post subject: : 
whats the life without humor?
darknesz@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:16 am : yeah i know blender but i wont model with it,
for export to md5 its an idea , for export i can use 3d MAX too.
tokiWarT00th@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:40 am : Hey gang. I was hoping if someone could help me out with getting static models into Q4 (a box to start). I am using Maya 7 to create my models and normal maps. I then export out the low res model as a .fbx and import it into 3DS Max 8. After I apply the textures (diff,spec,normal,height) in the material editor I then delete all history and export out as an .ase. I then set up my .mtr file and paths.
Now I can get the model into the game, but now I can't for the life of me get the textures to work. It's just a white box with black lines.
I made sure the model is triangulated and whatnot. Here is my path info:
models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox.ase , mybox_d.tga, mybox_s.tga, mybox_h.tga, mybox_local.tga.
Do I strictly have to render out the normalmap in Quake using renderbump or am I ok with what I am doing in Maya? I think my problem may be in my .mtr file but I have no clue. I still have the renderbump command in the file just to be safe. Here is the .mtr file just to be sure:
renderBump -size 1024 1024 -aa 2 -mergehigh -trace .07 models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga
diffusemap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_d.tga
bumpMap addnormals ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga, heightmap ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_h.tga, 4 ) )
specularmap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_s.tga
I would appreciate any help available. Thanks a lot for looking at my post. Cheers.
darknesz@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:10 pm : 
Hello everybody i have my file uploaded, can someone check my files and tell my how i make this right???
i think the bones are a little bit wrong, ohabe the wrong direction odr some thing..
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
please check my files...
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:38 pm : hey darknesz
already looked through this tutorial ?
darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:23 pm : hey TTK-Bandit
jeah i know this tutorial, but it is only for blender... but i need is maya..
now i get ase files out of maya

-how i get the ase in quake/doom/prey or what ever ? do i change ma/mb to ase in the def file and than exportmodel??
-can it be that some dlls on my pc be missing??(because the Error i get ever time?) or knows someone about the error message?

-and what is with the MayaImportx86.dll how i get it working for maya 8.
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:20 pm : ase files are only working statically in d3/q4
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:23 pm : 
you can import your ase directly in the editor.
right click (viewport) -> new model (?) or empty obj i dont know how it calls in doom3 -> attribute editor ? new model -> refresh this dir tree -> import your model
i think, or i havent seen a way around, you have to use the model directory. like //base/models/...
and to your models i dont get it running 1:1 on my maya (i use maya 4)
maybe its better to align your model to the Z xs, but i dont know how its handled in doom3. but Z+ or Z- should have no influence.

is it revered when im thinkin

darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:18 am : Quote:
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
try this:
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
it could be that the path is wrong ,use the absolute path (C:/games/quake4/q4base/...) and spaces dont work (quake 4 [wrong] try this --> quake4 [right])
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
you can download the files here:
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
and the def file
or i send it on a email...
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
dirk do you know about the bones? Directions ? or so? i'll post today some pics...
in my model2.md5mesh are only 58 joints but in the corpse model are 65 joints....
dirk@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:47 pm : --
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:29 pm : wtf ? "maya not installed in registry"
I have to have maya installed to export it ?
I thought thats what the dll is for

sry buddy, seems I cant help you with that.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:07 am : yep
how far are you?
is it possible for you to work with maya 6? then im able to help you
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:09 am : if maya 6.5 is ok, too ??
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
my english is so poor..
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:03 pm : en petit peu

abersch isch versuesche mein beschtesch, oui isch habe gehoerrt von maya 6.5.. soll groschartig sisch verhalten. esch ischt so schwer für moi zuschrieben deutsch. où le cinéma est?
woher viens tu?

Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:07 pm : darknesz wrote:
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
dirk wrote:
en petit peu

Sorry, funny situation.
dirk@Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:08 pm : 
whats the life without humor?
darknesz@Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:32 pm : Quote:
woher viens tu?
i come from germany (Freising)...
and its dont work

can understand this because the md5 file is ok i can watch he model in the model viewer from der_ton
in quake i can only see a polygon blob.
it is frustating

darknesz@Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:15 pm : after i installed a vm with xp,maya and quake ,idont get the error (

) anymore

but now its says that to my:
]exportmodels model2.def
Converting C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb to C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/.md5mesh...
Loading file...
Creating joints...
Creating meshes...
WARNING: file C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/def/model2.def, line 6: Failed to export 'C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb' : CreateMesh: No skinClusters found in this scene.
and this is written in my def file:
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/
model model2
mesh -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
is there a failer or something?
darknesz@Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:49 pm : 
ok finaly i get it done!!!

blender was my last chance to get my model into quake,
and it works good.
everybody please check my model!!!
i know it isnt very nice, but the reason of this model is only to testing the model-export-way for quake.
the last job with this model is adding some bump und spectral textures...
the next model will be much better

darknesz@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:16 am : yeah i know blender but i wont model with it,
for export to md5 its an idea , for export i can use 3d MAX too.
tokiWarT00th@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:40 am : Hey gang. I was hoping if someone could help me out with getting static models into Q4 (a box to start). I am using Maya 7 to create my models and normal maps. I then export out the low res model as a .fbx and import it into 3DS Max 8. After I apply the textures (diff,spec,normal,height) in the material editor I then delete all history and export out as an .ase. I then set up my .mtr file and paths.
Now I can get the model into the game, but now I can't for the life of me get the textures to work. It's just a white box with black lines.
I made sure the model is triangulated and whatnot. Here is my path info:
models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox.ase , mybox_d.tga, mybox_s.tga, mybox_h.tga, mybox_local.tga.
Do I strictly have to render out the normalmap in Quake using renderbump or am I ok with what I am doing in Maya? I think my problem may be in my .mtr file but I have no clue. I still have the renderbump command in the file just to be safe. Here is the .mtr file just to be sure:
renderBump -size 1024 1024 -aa 2 -mergehigh -trace .07 models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga
diffusemap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_d.tga
bumpMap addnormals ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga, heightmap ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_h.tga, 4 ) )
specularmap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_s.tga
I would appreciate any help available. Thanks a lot for looking at my post. Cheers.
darknesz@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:10 pm : 
Hello everybody i have my file uploaded, can someone check my files and tell my how i make this right???
i think the bones are a little bit wrong, ohabe the wrong direction odr some thing..
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
please check my files...
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:38 pm : hey darknesz
already looked through this tutorial ?
darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:23 pm : hey TTK-Bandit
jeah i know this tutorial, but it is only for blender... but i need is maya..
now i get ase files out of maya

-how i get the ase in quake/doom/prey or what ever ? do i change ma/mb to ase in the def file and than exportmodel??
-can it be that some dlls on my pc be missing??(because the Error i get ever time?) or knows someone about the error message?

-and what is with the MayaImportx86.dll how i get it working for maya 8.
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:20 pm : ase files are only working statically in d3/q4
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:23 pm : 
you can import your ase directly in the editor.
right click (viewport) -> new model (?) or empty obj i dont know how it calls in doom3 -> attribute editor ? new model -> refresh this dir tree -> import your model
i think, or i havent seen a way around, you have to use the model directory. like //base/models/...
and to your models i dont get it running 1:1 on my maya (i use maya 4)
maybe its better to align your model to the Z xs, but i dont know how its handled in doom3. but Z+ or Z- should have no influence.

is it revered when im thinkin

darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:18 am : Quote:
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
try this:
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
it could be that the path is wrong ,use the absolute path (C:/games/quake4/q4base/...) and spaces dont work (quake 4 [wrong] try this --> quake4 [right])
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
you can download the files here:
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
and the def file
or i send it on a email...
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
dirk do you know about the bones? Directions ? or so? i'll post today some pics...
in my model2.md5mesh are only 58 joints but in the corpse model are 65 joints....
dirk@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:47 pm : --
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:29 pm : wtf ? "maya not installed in registry"
I have to have maya installed to export it ?
I thought thats what the dll is for

sry buddy, seems I cant help you with that.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:07 am : yep
how far are you?
is it possible for you to work with maya 6? then im able to help you
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:09 am : if maya 6.5 is ok, too ??
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
my english is so poor..
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:03 pm : en petit peu

abersch isch versuesche mein beschtesch, oui isch habe gehoerrt von maya 6.5.. soll groschartig sisch verhalten. esch ischt so schwer für moi zuschrieben deutsch. où le cinéma est?
woher viens tu?

Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:07 pm : darknesz wrote:
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
dirk wrote:
en petit peu

Sorry, funny situation.
dirk@Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:08 pm : 
whats the life without humor?
darknesz@Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:32 pm : Quote:
woher viens tu?
i come from germany (Freising)...
and its dont work

can understand this because the md5 file is ok i can watch he model in the model viewer from der_ton
in quake i can only see a polygon blob.
it is frustating

darknesz@Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:15 pm : after i installed a vm with xp,maya and quake ,idont get the error (

) anymore

but now its says that to my:
]exportmodels model2.def
Converting C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb to C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/.md5mesh...
Loading file...
Creating joints...
Creating meshes...
WARNING: file C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/def/model2.def, line 6: Failed to export 'C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb' : CreateMesh: No skinClusters found in this scene.
and this is written in my def file:
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/
model model2
mesh -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
is there a failer or something?
darknesz@Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:49 pm : 
ok finaly i get it done!!!

blender was my last chance to get my model into quake,
and it works good.
everybody please check my model!!!
i know it isnt very nice, but the reason of this model is only to testing the model-export-way for quake.
the last job with this model is adding some bump und spectral textures...
the next model will be much better

darknesz@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:16 am : yeah i know blender but i wont model with it,
for export to md5 its an idea , for export i can use 3d MAX too.
tokiWarT00th@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:40 am : Hey gang. I was hoping if someone could help me out with getting static models into Q4 (a box to start). I am using Maya 7 to create my models and normal maps. I then export out the low res model as a .fbx and import it into 3DS Max 8. After I apply the textures (diff,spec,normal,height) in the material editor I then delete all history and export out as an .ase. I then set up my .mtr file and paths.
Now I can get the model into the game, but now I can't for the life of me get the textures to work. It's just a white box with black lines.
I made sure the model is triangulated and whatnot. Here is my path info:
models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox.ase , mybox_d.tga, mybox_s.tga, mybox_h.tga, mybox_local.tga.
Do I strictly have to render out the normalmap in Quake using renderbump or am I ok with what I am doing in Maya? I think my problem may be in my .mtr file but I have no clue. I still have the renderbump command in the file just to be safe. Here is the .mtr file just to be sure:
renderBump -size 1024 1024 -aa 2 -mergehigh -trace .07 models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga
diffusemap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_d.tga
bumpMap addnormals ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga, heightmap ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_h.tga, 4 ) )
specularmap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_s.tga
I would appreciate any help available. Thanks a lot for looking at my post. Cheers.
darknesz@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:10 pm : 
Hello everybody i have my file uploaded, can someone check my files and tell my how i make this right???
i think the bones are a little bit wrong, ohabe the wrong direction odr some thing..
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
please check my files...
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:38 pm : hey darknesz
already looked through this tutorial ?
darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:23 pm : hey TTK-Bandit
jeah i know this tutorial, but it is only for blender... but i need is maya..
now i get ase files out of maya

-how i get the ase in quake/doom/prey or what ever ? do i change ma/mb to ase in the def file and than exportmodel??
-can it be that some dlls on my pc be missing??(because the Error i get ever time?) or knows someone about the error message?

-and what is with the MayaImportx86.dll how i get it working for maya 8.
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:20 pm : ase files are only working statically in d3/q4
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:23 pm : 
you can import your ase directly in the editor.
right click (viewport) -> new model (?) or empty obj i dont know how it calls in doom3 -> attribute editor ? new model -> refresh this dir tree -> import your model
i think, or i havent seen a way around, you have to use the model directory. like //base/models/...
and to your models i dont get it running 1:1 on my maya (i use maya 4)
maybe its better to align your model to the Z xs, but i dont know how its handled in doom3. but Z+ or Z- should have no influence.

is it revered when im thinkin

darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:18 am : Quote:
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
try this:
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
it could be that the path is wrong ,use the absolute path (C:/games/quake4/q4base/...) and spaces dont work (quake 4 [wrong] try this --> quake4 [right])
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
you can download the files here:
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
and the def file
or i send it on a email...
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
dirk do you know about the bones? Directions ? or so? i'll post today some pics...
in my model2.md5mesh are only 58 joints but in the corpse model are 65 joints....
dirk@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:47 pm : --
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:29 pm : wtf ? "maya not installed in registry"
I have to have maya installed to export it ?
I thought thats what the dll is for

sry buddy, seems I cant help you with that.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:07 am : yep
how far are you?
is it possible for you to work with maya 6? then im able to help you
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:09 am : if maya 6.5 is ok, too ??
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
my english is so poor..
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:03 pm : en petit peu

abersch isch versuesche mein beschtesch, oui isch habe gehoerrt von maya 6.5.. soll groschartig sisch verhalten. esch ischt so schwer für moi zuschrieben deutsch. où le cinéma est?
woher viens tu?

Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:07 pm : darknesz wrote:
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
dirk wrote:
en petit peu

Sorry, funny situation.
dirk@Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:08 pm : 
whats the life without humor?
darknesz@Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:32 pm : Quote:
woher viens tu?
i come from germany (Freising)...
and its dont work

can understand this because the md5 file is ok i can watch he model in the model viewer from der_ton
in quake i can only see a polygon blob.
it is frustating

darknesz@Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:15 pm : after i installed a vm with xp,maya and quake ,idont get the error (

) anymore

but now its says that to my:
]exportmodels model2.def
Converting C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb to C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/.md5mesh...
Loading file...
Creating joints...
Creating meshes...
WARNING: file C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/def/model2.def, line 6: Failed to export 'C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb' : CreateMesh: No skinClusters found in this scene.
and this is written in my def file:
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/
model model2
mesh -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
is there a failer or something?
darknesz@Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:49 pm : 
ok finaly i get it done!!!

blender was my last chance to get my model into quake,
and it works good.
everybody please check my model!!!
i know it isnt very nice, but the reason of this model is only to testing the model-export-way for quake.
the last job with this model is adding some bump und spectral textures...
the next model will be much better

darknesz@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:16 am : yeah i know blender but i wont model with it,
for export to md5 its an idea , for export i can use 3d MAX too.
tokiWarT00th@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:40 am : Hey gang. I was hoping if someone could help me out with getting static models into Q4 (a box to start). I am using Maya 7 to create my models and normal maps. I then export out the low res model as a .fbx and import it into 3DS Max 8. After I apply the textures (diff,spec,normal,height) in the material editor I then delete all history and export out as an .ase. I then set up my .mtr file and paths.
Now I can get the model into the game, but now I can't for the life of me get the textures to work. It's just a white box with black lines.
I made sure the model is triangulated and whatnot. Here is my path info:
models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox.ase , mybox_d.tga, mybox_s.tga, mybox_h.tga, mybox_local.tga.
Do I strictly have to render out the normalmap in Quake using renderbump or am I ok with what I am doing in Maya? I think my problem may be in my .mtr file but I have no clue. I still have the renderbump command in the file just to be safe. Here is the .mtr file just to be sure:
renderBump -size 1024 1024 -aa 2 -mergehigh -trace .07 models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga
diffusemap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_d.tga
bumpMap addnormals ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga, heightmap ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_h.tga, 4 ) )
specularmap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_s.tga
I would appreciate any help available. Thanks a lot for looking at my post. Cheers.
darknesz@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:10 pm : 
Hello everybody i have my file uploaded, can someone check my files and tell my how i make this right???
i think the bones are a little bit wrong, ohabe the wrong direction odr some thing..
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
please check my files...
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:38 pm : hey darknesz
already looked through this tutorial ?
darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:23 pm : hey TTK-Bandit
jeah i know this tutorial, but it is only for blender... but i need is maya..
now i get ase files out of maya

-how i get the ase in quake/doom/prey or what ever ? do i change ma/mb to ase in the def file and than exportmodel??
-can it be that some dlls on my pc be missing??(because the Error i get ever time?) or knows someone about the error message?

-and what is with the MayaImportx86.dll how i get it working for maya 8.
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:20 pm : ase files are only working statically in d3/q4
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:23 pm : 
you can import your ase directly in the editor.
right click (viewport) -> new model (?) or empty obj i dont know how it calls in doom3 -> attribute editor ? new model -> refresh this dir tree -> import your model
i think, or i havent seen a way around, you have to use the model directory. like //base/models/...
and to your models i dont get it running 1:1 on my maya (i use maya 4)
maybe its better to align your model to the Z xs, but i dont know how its handled in doom3. but Z+ or Z- should have no influence.

is it revered when im thinkin

darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:18 am : Quote:
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
try this:
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
it could be that the path is wrong ,use the absolute path (C:/games/quake4/q4base/...) and spaces dont work (quake 4 [wrong] try this --> quake4 [right])
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
you can download the files here:
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
and the def file
or i send it on a email...
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
dirk do you know about the bones? Directions ? or so? i'll post today some pics...
in my model2.md5mesh are only 58 joints but in the corpse model are 65 joints....
dirk@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:47 pm : --
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:29 pm : wtf ? "maya not installed in registry"
I have to have maya installed to export it ?
I thought thats what the dll is for

sry buddy, seems I cant help you with that.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:07 am : yep
how far are you?
is it possible for you to work with maya 6? then im able to help you
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:09 am : if maya 6.5 is ok, too ??
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
my english is so poor..
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:03 pm : en petit peu

abersch isch versuesche mein beschtesch, oui isch habe gehoerrt von maya 6.5.. soll groschartig sisch verhalten. esch ischt so schwer für moi zuschrieben deutsch. où le cinéma est?
woher viens tu?

Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:07 pm : darknesz wrote:
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
dirk wrote:
en petit peu

Sorry, funny situation.
dirk@Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:08 pm : 
whats the life without humor?
darknesz@Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:32 pm : Quote:
woher viens tu?
i come from germany (Freising)...
and its dont work

can understand this because the md5 file is ok i can watch he model in the model viewer from der_ton
in quake i can only see a polygon blob.
it is frustating

darknesz@Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:15 pm : after i installed a vm with xp,maya and quake ,idont get the error (

) anymore

but now its says that to my:
]exportmodels model2.def
Converting C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb to C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/.md5mesh...
Loading file...
Creating joints...
Creating meshes...
WARNING: file C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/def/model2.def, line 6: Failed to export 'C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb' : CreateMesh: No skinClusters found in this scene.
and this is written in my def file:
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/
model model2
mesh -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
is there a failer or something?
darknesz@Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:49 pm : 
ok finaly i get it done!!!

blender was my last chance to get my model into quake,
and it works good.
everybody please check my model!!!
i know it isnt very nice, but the reason of this model is only to testing the model-export-way for quake.
the last job with this model is adding some bump und spectral textures...
the next model will be much better

darknesz@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:16 am : yeah i know blender but i wont model with it,
for export to md5 its an idea , for export i can use 3d MAX too.
tokiWarT00th@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:40 am : Hey gang. I was hoping if someone could help me out with getting static models into Q4 (a box to start). I am using Maya 7 to create my models and normal maps. I then export out the low res model as a .fbx and import it into 3DS Max 8. After I apply the textures (diff,spec,normal,height) in the material editor I then delete all history and export out as an .ase. I then set up my .mtr file and paths.
Now I can get the model into the game, but now I can't for the life of me get the textures to work. It's just a white box with black lines.
I made sure the model is triangulated and whatnot. Here is my path info:
models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox.ase , mybox_d.tga, mybox_s.tga, mybox_h.tga, mybox_local.tga.
Do I strictly have to render out the normalmap in Quake using renderbump or am I ok with what I am doing in Maya? I think my problem may be in my .mtr file but I have no clue. I still have the renderbump command in the file just to be safe. Here is the .mtr file just to be sure:
renderBump -size 1024 1024 -aa 2 -mergehigh -trace .07 models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga
diffusemap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_d.tga
bumpMap addnormals ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga, heightmap ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_h.tga, 4 ) )
specularmap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_s.tga
I would appreciate any help available. Thanks a lot for looking at my post. Cheers.
darknesz@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:10 pm : 
Hello everybody i have my file uploaded, can someone check my files and tell my how i make this right???
i think the bones are a little bit wrong, ohabe the wrong direction odr some thing..
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
please check my files...
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:38 pm : hey darknesz
already looked through this tutorial ?
darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:23 pm : hey TTK-Bandit
jeah i know this tutorial, but it is only for blender... but i need is maya..
now i get ase files out of maya

-how i get the ase in quake/doom/prey or what ever ? do i change ma/mb to ase in the def file and than exportmodel??
-can it be that some dlls on my pc be missing??(because the Error i get ever time?) or knows someone about the error message?

-and what is with the MayaImportx86.dll how i get it working for maya 8.
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:20 pm : ase files are only working statically in d3/q4
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:23 pm : 
you can import your ase directly in the editor.
right click (viewport) -> new model (?) or empty obj i dont know how it calls in doom3 -> attribute editor ? new model -> refresh this dir tree -> import your model
i think, or i havent seen a way around, you have to use the model directory. like //base/models/...
and to your models i dont get it running 1:1 on my maya (i use maya 4)
maybe its better to align your model to the Z xs, but i dont know how its handled in doom3. but Z+ or Z- should have no influence.

is it revered when im thinkin

darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:18 am : Quote:
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
try this:
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
it could be that the path is wrong ,use the absolute path (C:/games/quake4/q4base/...) and spaces dont work (quake 4 [wrong] try this --> quake4 [right])
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
you can download the files here:
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
and the def file
or i send it on a email...
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
dirk do you know about the bones? Directions ? or so? i'll post today some pics...
in my model2.md5mesh are only 58 joints but in the corpse model are 65 joints....
dirk@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:47 pm : --
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:29 pm : wtf ? "maya not installed in registry"
I have to have maya installed to export it ?
I thought thats what the dll is for

sry buddy, seems I cant help you with that.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:07 am : yep
how far are you?
is it possible for you to work with maya 6? then im able to help you
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:09 am : if maya 6.5 is ok, too ??
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
my english is so poor..
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:03 pm : en petit peu

abersch isch versuesche mein beschtesch, oui isch habe gehoerrt von maya 6.5.. soll groschartig sisch verhalten. esch ischt so schwer für moi zuschrieben deutsch. où le cinéma est?
woher viens tu?

Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:07 pm : darknesz wrote:
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
dirk wrote:
en petit peu

Sorry, funny situation.
dirk@Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:08 pm : 
whats the life without humor?
darknesz@Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:32 pm : Quote:
woher viens tu?
i come from germany (Freising)...
and its dont work

can understand this because the md5 file is ok i can watch he model in the model viewer from der_ton
in quake i can only see a polygon blob.
it is frustating

darknesz@Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:15 pm : after i installed a vm with xp,maya and quake ,idont get the error (

) anymore

but now its says that to my:
]exportmodels model2.def
Converting C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb to C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/.md5mesh...
Loading file...
Creating joints...
Creating meshes...
WARNING: file C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/def/model2.def, line 6: Failed to export 'C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb' : CreateMesh: No skinClusters found in this scene.
and this is written in my def file:
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/
model model2
mesh -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
is there a failer or something?
darknesz@Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:49 pm : 
ok finaly i get it done!!!

blender was my last chance to get my model into quake,
and it works good.
everybody please check my model!!!
i know it isnt very nice, but the reason of this model is only to testing the model-export-way for quake.
the last job with this model is adding some bump und spectral textures...
the next model will be much better

darknesz@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:16 am : yeah i know blender but i wont model with it,
for export to md5 its an idea , for export i can use 3d MAX too.
tokiWarT00th@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:40 am : Hey gang. I was hoping if someone could help me out with getting static models into Q4 (a box to start). I am using Maya 7 to create my models and normal maps. I then export out the low res model as a .fbx and import it into 3DS Max 8. After I apply the textures (diff,spec,normal,height) in the material editor I then delete all history and export out as an .ase. I then set up my .mtr file and paths.
Now I can get the model into the game, but now I can't for the life of me get the textures to work. It's just a white box with black lines.
I made sure the model is triangulated and whatnot. Here is my path info:
models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox.ase , mybox_d.tga, mybox_s.tga, mybox_h.tga, mybox_local.tga.
Do I strictly have to render out the normalmap in Quake using renderbump or am I ok with what I am doing in Maya? I think my problem may be in my .mtr file but I have no clue. I still have the renderbump command in the file just to be safe. Here is the .mtr file just to be sure:
renderBump -size 1024 1024 -aa 2 -mergehigh -trace .07 models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga
diffusemap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_d.tga
bumpMap addnormals ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga, heightmap ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_h.tga, 4 ) )
specularmap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_s.tga
I would appreciate any help available. Thanks a lot for looking at my post. Cheers.
darknesz@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:10 pm : 
Hello everybody i have my file uploaded, can someone check my files and tell my how i make this right???
i think the bones are a little bit wrong, ohabe the wrong direction odr some thing..
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
please check my files...
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:38 pm : hey darknesz
already looked through this tutorial ?
darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:23 pm : hey TTK-Bandit
jeah i know this tutorial, but it is only for blender... but i need is maya..
now i get ase files out of maya

-how i get the ase in quake/doom/prey or what ever ? do i change ma/mb to ase in the def file and than exportmodel??
-can it be that some dlls on my pc be missing??(because the Error i get ever time?) or knows someone about the error message?

-and what is with the MayaImportx86.dll how i get it working for maya 8.
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:20 pm : ase files are only working statically in d3/q4
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:23 pm : 
you can import your ase directly in the editor.
right click (viewport) -> new model (?) or empty obj i dont know how it calls in doom3 -> attribute editor ? new model -> refresh this dir tree -> import your model
i think, or i havent seen a way around, you have to use the model directory. like //base/models/...
and to your models i dont get it running 1:1 on my maya (i use maya 4)
maybe its better to align your model to the Z xs, but i dont know how its handled in doom3. but Z+ or Z- should have no influence.

is it revered when im thinkin

darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:18 am : Quote:
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
try this:
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
it could be that the path is wrong ,use the absolute path (C:/games/quake4/q4base/...) and spaces dont work (quake 4 [wrong] try this --> quake4 [right])
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
you can download the files here:
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
and the def file
or i send it on a email...
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
dirk do you know about the bones? Directions ? or so? i'll post today some pics...
in my model2.md5mesh are only 58 joints but in the corpse model are 65 joints....
dirk@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:47 pm : --
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:29 pm : wtf ? "maya not installed in registry"
I have to have maya installed to export it ?
I thought thats what the dll is for

sry buddy, seems I cant help you with that.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:07 am : yep
how far are you?
is it possible for you to work with maya 6? then im able to help you
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:09 am : if maya 6.5 is ok, too ??
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
my english is so poor..
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:03 pm : en petit peu

abersch isch versuesche mein beschtesch, oui isch habe gehoerrt von maya 6.5.. soll groschartig sisch verhalten. esch ischt so schwer für moi zuschrieben deutsch. où le cinéma est?
woher viens tu?

Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:07 pm : darknesz wrote:
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
dirk wrote:
en petit peu

Sorry, funny situation.
dirk@Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:08 pm : 
whats the life without humor?
darknesz@Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:32 pm : Quote:
woher viens tu?
i come from germany (Freising)...
and its dont work

can understand this because the md5 file is ok i can watch he model in the model viewer from der_ton
in quake i can only see a polygon blob.
it is frustating

darknesz@Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:15 pm : after i installed a vm with xp,maya and quake ,idont get the error (

) anymore

but now its says that to my:
]exportmodels model2.def
Converting C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb to C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/.md5mesh...
Loading file...
Creating joints...
Creating meshes...
WARNING: file C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/def/model2.def, line 6: Failed to export 'C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb' : CreateMesh: No skinClusters found in this scene.
and this is written in my def file:
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/
model model2
mesh -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
is there a failer or something?
darknesz@Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:49 pm : 
ok finaly i get it done!!!

blender was my last chance to get my model into quake,
and it works good.
everybody please check my model!!!
i know it isnt very nice, but the reason of this model is only to testing the model-export-way for quake.
the last job with this model is adding some bump und spectral textures...
the next model will be much better

darknesz@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:16 am : yeah i know blender but i wont model with it,
for export to md5 its an idea , for export i can use 3d MAX too.
tokiWarT00th@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:40 am : Hey gang. I was hoping if someone could help me out with getting static models into Q4 (a box to start). I am using Maya 7 to create my models and normal maps. I then export out the low res model as a .fbx and import it into 3DS Max 8. After I apply the textures (diff,spec,normal,height) in the material editor I then delete all history and export out as an .ase. I then set up my .mtr file and paths.
Now I can get the model into the game, but now I can't for the life of me get the textures to work. It's just a white box with black lines.
I made sure the model is triangulated and whatnot. Here is my path info:
models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox.ase , mybox_d.tga, mybox_s.tga, mybox_h.tga, mybox_local.tga.
Do I strictly have to render out the normalmap in Quake using renderbump or am I ok with what I am doing in Maya? I think my problem may be in my .mtr file but I have no clue. I still have the renderbump command in the file just to be safe. Here is the .mtr file just to be sure:
renderBump -size 1024 1024 -aa 2 -mergehigh -trace .07 models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga
diffusemap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_d.tga
bumpMap addnormals ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga, heightmap ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_h.tga, 4 ) )
specularmap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_s.tga
I would appreciate any help available. Thanks a lot for looking at my post. Cheers.
darknesz@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:10 pm : 
Hello everybody i have my file uploaded, can someone check my files and tell my how i make this right???
i think the bones are a little bit wrong, ohabe the wrong direction odr some thing..
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
please check my files...
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:38 pm : hey darknesz
already looked through this tutorial ?
darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:23 pm : hey TTK-Bandit
jeah i know this tutorial, but it is only for blender... but i need is maya..
now i get ase files out of maya

-how i get the ase in quake/doom/prey or what ever ? do i change ma/mb to ase in the def file and than exportmodel??
-can it be that some dlls on my pc be missing??(because the Error i get ever time?) or knows someone about the error message?

-and what is with the MayaImportx86.dll how i get it working for maya 8.
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:20 pm : ase files are only working statically in d3/q4
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:23 pm : 
you can import your ase directly in the editor.
right click (viewport) -> new model (?) or empty obj i dont know how it calls in doom3 -> attribute editor ? new model -> refresh this dir tree -> import your model
i think, or i havent seen a way around, you have to use the model directory. like //base/models/...
and to your models i dont get it running 1:1 on my maya (i use maya 4)
maybe its better to align your model to the Z xs, but i dont know how its handled in doom3. but Z+ or Z- should have no influence.

is it revered when im thinkin

darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:18 am : Quote:
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
try this:
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
it could be that the path is wrong ,use the absolute path (C:/games/quake4/q4base/...) and spaces dont work (quake 4 [wrong] try this --> quake4 [right])
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
you can download the files here:
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
and the def file
or i send it on a email...
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
dirk do you know about the bones? Directions ? or so? i'll post today some pics...
in my model2.md5mesh are only 58 joints but in the corpse model are 65 joints....
dirk@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:47 pm : --
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:29 pm : wtf ? "maya not installed in registry"
I have to have maya installed to export it ?
I thought thats what the dll is for

sry buddy, seems I cant help you with that.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:07 am : yep
how far are you?
is it possible for you to work with maya 6? then im able to help you
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:09 am : if maya 6.5 is ok, too ??
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
my english is so poor..
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:03 pm : en petit peu

abersch isch versuesche mein beschtesch, oui isch habe gehoerrt von maya 6.5.. soll groschartig sisch verhalten. esch ischt so schwer für moi zuschrieben deutsch. où le cinéma est?
woher viens tu?

Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:07 pm : darknesz wrote:
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
dirk wrote:
en petit peu

Sorry, funny situation.
dirk@Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:08 pm : 
whats the life without humor?
darknesz@Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:32 pm : Quote:
woher viens tu?
i come from germany (Freising)...
and its dont work

can understand this because the md5 file is ok i can watch he model in the model viewer from der_ton
in quake i can only see a polygon blob.
it is frustating

darknesz@Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:15 pm : after i installed a vm with xp,maya and quake ,idont get the error (

) anymore

but now its says that to my:
]exportmodels model2.def
Converting C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb to C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/.md5mesh...
Loading file...
Creating joints...
Creating meshes...
WARNING: file C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/def/model2.def, line 6: Failed to export 'C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb' : CreateMesh: No skinClusters found in this scene.
and this is written in my def file:
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/
model model2
mesh -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
is there a failer or something?
darknesz@Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:49 pm : 
ok finaly i get it done!!!

blender was my last chance to get my model into quake,
and it works good.
everybody please check my model!!!
i know it isnt very nice, but the reason of this model is only to testing the model-export-way for quake.
the last job with this model is adding some bump und spectral textures...
the next model will be much better

darknesz@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:16 am : yeah i know blender but i wont model with it,
for export to md5 its an idea , for export i can use 3d MAX too.
tokiWarT00th@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:40 am : Hey gang. I was hoping if someone could help me out with getting static models into Q4 (a box to start). I am using Maya 7 to create my models and normal maps. I then export out the low res model as a .fbx and import it into 3DS Max 8. After I apply the textures (diff,spec,normal,height) in the material editor I then delete all history and export out as an .ase. I then set up my .mtr file and paths.
Now I can get the model into the game, but now I can't for the life of me get the textures to work. It's just a white box with black lines.
I made sure the model is triangulated and whatnot. Here is my path info:
models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox.ase , mybox_d.tga, mybox_s.tga, mybox_h.tga, mybox_local.tga.
Do I strictly have to render out the normalmap in Quake using renderbump or am I ok with what I am doing in Maya? I think my problem may be in my .mtr file but I have no clue. I still have the renderbump command in the file just to be safe. Here is the .mtr file just to be sure:
renderBump -size 1024 1024 -aa 2 -mergehigh -trace .07 models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga
diffusemap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_d.tga
bumpMap addnormals ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga, heightmap ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_h.tga, 4 ) )
specularmap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_s.tga
I would appreciate any help available. Thanks a lot for looking at my post. Cheers.
darknesz@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:10 pm : 
Hello everybody i have my file uploaded, can someone check my files and tell my how i make this right???
i think the bones are a little bit wrong, ohabe the wrong direction odr some thing..
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
please check my files...
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:38 pm : hey darknesz
already looked through this tutorial ?
darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:23 pm : hey TTK-Bandit
jeah i know this tutorial, but it is only for blender... but i need is maya..
now i get ase files out of maya

-how i get the ase in quake/doom/prey or what ever ? do i change ma/mb to ase in the def file and than exportmodel??
-can it be that some dlls on my pc be missing??(because the Error i get ever time?) or knows someone about the error message?

-and what is with the MayaImportx86.dll how i get it working for maya 8.
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:20 pm : ase files are only working statically in d3/q4
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:23 pm : 
you can import your ase directly in the editor.
right click (viewport) -> new model (?) or empty obj i dont know how it calls in doom3 -> attribute editor ? new model -> refresh this dir tree -> import your model
i think, or i havent seen a way around, you have to use the model directory. like //base/models/...
and to your models i dont get it running 1:1 on my maya (i use maya 4)
maybe its better to align your model to the Z xs, but i dont know how its handled in doom3. but Z+ or Z- should have no influence.

is it revered when im thinkin

darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:18 am : Quote:
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
try this:
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
it could be that the path is wrong ,use the absolute path (C:/games/quake4/q4base/...) and spaces dont work (quake 4 [wrong] try this --> quake4 [right])
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
you can download the files here:
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
and the def file
or i send it on a email...
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
dirk do you know about the bones? Directions ? or so? i'll post today some pics...
in my model2.md5mesh are only 58 joints but in the corpse model are 65 joints....
dirk@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:47 pm : --
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:29 pm : wtf ? "maya not installed in registry"
I have to have maya installed to export it ?
I thought thats what the dll is for

sry buddy, seems I cant help you with that.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:07 am : yep
how far are you?
is it possible for you to work with maya 6? then im able to help you
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:09 am : if maya 6.5 is ok, too ??
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
my english is so poor..
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:03 pm : en petit peu

abersch isch versuesche mein beschtesch, oui isch habe gehoerrt von maya 6.5.. soll groschartig sisch verhalten. esch ischt so schwer für moi zuschrieben deutsch. où le cinéma est?
woher viens tu?

Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:07 pm : darknesz wrote:
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
dirk wrote:
en petit peu

Sorry, funny situation.
dirk@Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:08 pm : 
whats the life without humor?
darknesz@Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:32 pm : Quote:
woher viens tu?
i come from germany (Freising)...
and its dont work

can understand this because the md5 file is ok i can watch he model in the model viewer from der_ton
in quake i can only see a polygon blob.
it is frustating

darknesz@Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:15 pm : after i installed a vm with xp,maya and quake ,idont get the error (

) anymore

but now its says that to my:
]exportmodels model2.def
Converting C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb to C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/.md5mesh...
Loading file...
Creating joints...
Creating meshes...
WARNING: file C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/def/model2.def, line 6: Failed to export 'C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb' : CreateMesh: No skinClusters found in this scene.
and this is written in my def file:
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/
model model2
mesh -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
is there a failer or something?
darknesz@Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:49 pm : 
ok finaly i get it done!!!

blender was my last chance to get my model into quake,
and it works good.
everybody please check my model!!!
i know it isnt very nice, but the reason of this model is only to testing the model-export-way for quake.
the last job with this model is adding some bump und spectral textures...
the next model will be much better

darknesz@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:16 am : yeah i know blender but i wont model with it,
for export to md5 its an idea , for export i can use 3d MAX too.
tokiWarT00th@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:40 am : Hey gang. I was hoping if someone could help me out with getting static models into Q4 (a box to start). I am using Maya 7 to create my models and normal maps. I then export out the low res model as a .fbx and import it into 3DS Max 8. After I apply the textures (diff,spec,normal,height) in the material editor I then delete all history and export out as an .ase. I then set up my .mtr file and paths.
Now I can get the model into the game, but now I can't for the life of me get the textures to work. It's just a white box with black lines.
I made sure the model is triangulated and whatnot. Here is my path info:
models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox.ase , mybox_d.tga, mybox_s.tga, mybox_h.tga, mybox_local.tga.
Do I strictly have to render out the normalmap in Quake using renderbump or am I ok with what I am doing in Maya? I think my problem may be in my .mtr file but I have no clue. I still have the renderbump command in the file just to be safe. Here is the .mtr file just to be sure:
renderBump -size 1024 1024 -aa 2 -mergehigh -trace .07 models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga
diffusemap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_d.tga
bumpMap addnormals ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga, heightmap ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_h.tga, 4 ) )
specularmap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_s.tga
I would appreciate any help available. Thanks a lot for looking at my post. Cheers.
darknesz@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:10 pm : 
Hello everybody i have my file uploaded, can someone check my files and tell my how i make this right???
i think the bones are a little bit wrong, ohabe the wrong direction odr some thing..
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
please check my files...
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:38 pm : hey darknesz
already looked through this tutorial ?
darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:23 pm : hey TTK-Bandit
jeah i know this tutorial, but it is only for blender... but i need is maya..
now i get ase files out of maya

-how i get the ase in quake/doom/prey or what ever ? do i change ma/mb to ase in the def file and than exportmodel??
-can it be that some dlls on my pc be missing??(because the Error i get ever time?) or knows someone about the error message?

-and what is with the MayaImportx86.dll how i get it working for maya 8.
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:20 pm : ase files are only working statically in d3/q4
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:23 pm : 
you can import your ase directly in the editor.
right click (viewport) -> new model (?) or empty obj i dont know how it calls in doom3 -> attribute editor ? new model -> refresh this dir tree -> import your model
i think, or i havent seen a way around, you have to use the model directory. like //base/models/...
and to your models i dont get it running 1:1 on my maya (i use maya 4)
maybe its better to align your model to the Z xs, but i dont know how its handled in doom3. but Z+ or Z- should have no influence.

is it revered when im thinkin

darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:18 am : Quote:
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
try this:
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
it could be that the path is wrong ,use the absolute path (C:/games/quake4/q4base/...) and spaces dont work (quake 4 [wrong] try this --> quake4 [right])
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
you can download the files here:
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
and the def file
or i send it on a email...
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
dirk do you know about the bones? Directions ? or so? i'll post today some pics...
in my model2.md5mesh are only 58 joints but in the corpse model are 65 joints....
dirk@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:47 pm : --
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:29 pm : wtf ? "maya not installed in registry"
I have to have maya installed to export it ?
I thought thats what the dll is for

sry buddy, seems I cant help you with that.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:07 am : yep
how far are you?
is it possible for you to work with maya 6? then im able to help you
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:09 am : if maya 6.5 is ok, too ??
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
my english is so poor..
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:03 pm : en petit peu

abersch isch versuesche mein beschtesch, oui isch habe gehoerrt von maya 6.5.. soll groschartig sisch verhalten. esch ischt so schwer für moi zuschrieben deutsch. où le cinéma est?
woher viens tu?

Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:07 pm : darknesz wrote:
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
dirk wrote:
en petit peu

Sorry, funny situation.
dirk@Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:08 pm : 
whats the life without humor?
darknesz@Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:32 pm : Quote:
woher viens tu?
i come from germany (Freising)...
and its dont work

can understand this because the md5 file is ok i can watch he model in the model viewer from der_ton
in quake i can only see a polygon blob.
it is frustating

darknesz@Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:15 pm : after i installed a vm with xp,maya and quake ,idont get the error (

) anymore

but now its says that to my:
]exportmodels model2.def
Converting C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb to C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/.md5mesh...
Loading file...
Creating joints...
Creating meshes...
WARNING: file C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/def/model2.def, line 6: Failed to export 'C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb' : CreateMesh: No skinClusters found in this scene.
and this is written in my def file:
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/
model model2
mesh -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
is there a failer or something?
darknesz@Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:49 pm : 
ok finaly i get it done!!!

blender was my last chance to get my model into quake,
and it works good.
everybody please check my model!!!
i know it isnt very nice, but the reason of this model is only to testing the model-export-way for quake.
the last job with this model is adding some bump und spectral textures...
the next model will be much better

darknesz@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:16 am : yeah i know blender but i wont model with it,
for export to md5 its an idea , for export i can use 3d MAX too.
tokiWarT00th@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:40 am : Hey gang. I was hoping if someone could help me out with getting static models into Q4 (a box to start). I am using Maya 7 to create my models and normal maps. I then export out the low res model as a .fbx and import it into 3DS Max 8. After I apply the textures (diff,spec,normal,height) in the material editor I then delete all history and export out as an .ase. I then set up my .mtr file and paths.
Now I can get the model into the game, but now I can't for the life of me get the textures to work. It's just a white box with black lines.
I made sure the model is triangulated and whatnot. Here is my path info:
models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox.ase , mybox_d.tga, mybox_s.tga, mybox_h.tga, mybox_local.tga.
Do I strictly have to render out the normalmap in Quake using renderbump or am I ok with what I am doing in Maya? I think my problem may be in my .mtr file but I have no clue. I still have the renderbump command in the file just to be safe. Here is the .mtr file just to be sure:
renderBump -size 1024 1024 -aa 2 -mergehigh -trace .07 models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga
diffusemap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_d.tga
bumpMap addnormals ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga, heightmap ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_h.tga, 4 ) )
specularmap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_s.tga
I would appreciate any help available. Thanks a lot for looking at my post. Cheers.
darknesz@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:10 pm : 
Hello everybody i have my file uploaded, can someone check my files and tell my how i make this right???
i think the bones are a little bit wrong, ohabe the wrong direction odr some thing..
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
please check my files...
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:38 pm : hey darknesz
already looked through this tutorial ?
darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:23 pm : hey TTK-Bandit
jeah i know this tutorial, but it is only for blender... but i need is maya..
now i get ase files out of maya

-how i get the ase in quake/doom/prey or what ever ? do i change ma/mb to ase in the def file and than exportmodel??
-can it be that some dlls on my pc be missing??(because the Error i get ever time?) or knows someone about the error message?

-and what is with the MayaImportx86.dll how i get it working for maya 8.
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:20 pm : ase files are only working statically in d3/q4
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:23 pm : 
you can import your ase directly in the editor.
right click (viewport) -> new model (?) or empty obj i dont know how it calls in doom3 -> attribute editor ? new model -> refresh this dir tree -> import your model
i think, or i havent seen a way around, you have to use the model directory. like //base/models/...
and to your models i dont get it running 1:1 on my maya (i use maya 4)
maybe its better to align your model to the Z xs, but i dont know how its handled in doom3. but Z+ or Z- should have no influence.

is it revered when im thinkin

darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:18 am : Quote:
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
try this:
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
it could be that the path is wrong ,use the absolute path (C:/games/quake4/q4base/...) and spaces dont work (quake 4 [wrong] try this --> quake4 [right])
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
you can download the files here:
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
and the def file
or i send it on a email...
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
dirk do you know about the bones? Directions ? or so? i'll post today some pics...
in my model2.md5mesh are only 58 joints but in the corpse model are 65 joints....
dirk@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:47 pm : --
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:29 pm : wtf ? "maya not installed in registry"
I have to have maya installed to export it ?
I thought thats what the dll is for

sry buddy, seems I cant help you with that.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:07 am : yep
how far are you?
is it possible for you to work with maya 6? then im able to help you
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:09 am : if maya 6.5 is ok, too ??
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
my english is so poor..
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:03 pm : en petit peu

abersch isch versuesche mein beschtesch, oui isch habe gehoerrt von maya 6.5.. soll groschartig sisch verhalten. esch ischt so schwer für moi zuschrieben deutsch. où le cinéma est?
woher viens tu?

Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:07 pm : darknesz wrote:
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
dirk wrote:
en petit peu

Sorry, funny situation.
dirk@Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:08 pm : 
whats the life without humor?
darknesz@Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:32 pm : Quote:
woher viens tu?
i come from germany (Freising)...
and its dont work

can understand this because the md5 file is ok i can watch he model in the model viewer from der_ton
in quake i can only see a polygon blob.
it is frustating

darknesz@Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:15 pm : after i installed a vm with xp,maya and quake ,idont get the error (

) anymore

but now its says that to my:
]exportmodels model2.def
Converting C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb to C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/.md5mesh...
Loading file...
Creating joints...
Creating meshes...
WARNING: file C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/def/model2.def, line 6: Failed to export 'C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb' : CreateMesh: No skinClusters found in this scene.
and this is written in my def file:
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/
model model2
mesh -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
is there a failer or something?
darknesz@Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:49 pm : 
ok finaly i get it done!!!

blender was my last chance to get my model into quake,
and it works good.
everybody please check my model!!!
i know it isnt very nice, but the reason of this model is only to testing the model-export-way for quake.
the last job with this model is adding some bump und spectral textures...
the next model will be much better

darknesz@Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:16 am : yeah i know blender but i wont model with it,
for export to md5 its an idea , for export i can use 3d MAX too.
tokiWarT00th@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:40 am : Hey gang. I was hoping if someone could help me out with getting static models into Q4 (a box to start). I am using Maya 7 to create my models and normal maps. I then export out the low res model as a .fbx and import it into 3DS Max 8. After I apply the textures (diff,spec,normal,height) in the material editor I then delete all history and export out as an .ase. I then set up my .mtr file and paths.
Now I can get the model into the game, but now I can't for the life of me get the textures to work. It's just a white box with black lines.
I made sure the model is triangulated and whatnot. Here is my path info:
models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox.ase , mybox_d.tga, mybox_s.tga, mybox_h.tga, mybox_local.tga.
Do I strictly have to render out the normalmap in Quake using renderbump or am I ok with what I am doing in Maya? I think my problem may be in my .mtr file but I have no clue. I still have the renderbump command in the file just to be safe. Here is the .mtr file just to be sure:
renderBump -size 1024 1024 -aa 2 -mergehigh -trace .07 models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga
diffusemap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_d.tga
bumpMap addnormals ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_local.tga, heightmap ( models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_h.tga, 4 ) )
specularmap models/mapobjects/gman/box/mybox_s.tga
I would appreciate any help available. Thanks a lot for looking at my post. Cheers.
darknesz@Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:10 pm : 
Hello everybody i have my file uploaded, can someone check my files and tell my how i make this right???
i think the bones are a little bit wrong, ohabe the wrong direction odr some thing..
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
please check my files...
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:38 pm : hey darknesz
already looked through this tutorial ?
darknesz@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:23 pm : hey TTK-Bandit
jeah i know this tutorial, but it is only for blender... but i need is maya..
now i get ase files out of maya

-how i get the ase in quake/doom/prey or what ever ? do i change ma/mb to ase in the def file and than exportmodel??
-can it be that some dlls on my pc be missing??(because the Error i get ever time?) or knows someone about the error message?

-and what is with the MayaImportx86.dll how i get it working for maya 8.
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:20 pm : ase files are only working statically in d3/q4
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
dirk@Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:23 pm : 
you can import your ase directly in the editor.
right click (viewport) -> new model (?) or empty obj i dont know how it calls in doom3 -> attribute editor ? new model -> refresh this dir tree -> import your model
i think, or i havent seen a way around, you have to use the model directory. like //base/models/...
and to your models i dont get it running 1:1 on my maya (i use maya 4)
maybe its better to align your model to the Z xs, but i dont know how its handled in doom3. but Z+ or Z- should have no influence.

is it revered when im thinkin

darknesz@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:18 am : Quote:
I tried to create my own .def file, but must have missed something, it always said it couldnt find the source file.
try this:
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2.md5mesh
it could be that the path is wrong ,use the absolute path (C:/games/quake4/q4base/...) and spaces dont work (quake 4 [wrong] try this --> quake4 [right])
can you send me the files you use (also .def files), then I'll try it here too.
you can download the files here:
http://rapidshare.com/files/497818/my_t ... l.rar.html
and the def file
or i send it on a email...
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.ma -dest D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2
model model2
mesh -D:/Games/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2{
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
dirk do you know about the bones? Directions ? or so? i'll post today some pics...
in my model2.md5mesh are only 58 joints but in the corpse model are 65 joints....
dirk@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:47 pm : --
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:29 pm : wtf ? "maya not installed in registry"
I have to have maya installed to export it ?
I thought thats what the dll is for

sry buddy, seems I cant help you with that.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:07 am : yep
how far are you?
is it possible for you to work with maya 6? then im able to help you
darknesz@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:09 am : if maya 6.5 is ok, too ??
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
my english is so poor..
dirk@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:03 pm : en petit peu

abersch isch versuesche mein beschtesch, oui isch habe gehoerrt von maya 6.5.. soll groschartig sisch verhalten. esch ischt so schwer für moi zuschrieben deutsch. où le cinéma est?
woher viens tu?

Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:07 pm : darknesz wrote:
are you a german ? because the "sz" (ß).
or can you speak/wright german?
dirk wrote:
en petit peu

Sorry, funny situation.
dirk@Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:08 pm : 
whats the life without humor?
darknesz@Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:32 pm : Quote:
woher viens tu?
i come from germany (Freising)...
and its dont work

can understand this because the md5 file is ok i can watch he model in the model viewer from der_ton
in quake i can only see a polygon blob.
it is frustating

darknesz@Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:15 pm : after i installed a vm with xp,maya and quake ,idont get the error (

) anymore

but now its says that to my:
]exportmodels model2.def
Converting C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb to C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/.md5mesh...
Loading file...
Creating joints...
Creating meshes...
WARNING: file C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/def/model2.def, line 6: Failed to export 'C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb' : CreateMesh: No skinClusters found in this scene.
and this is written in my def file:
export model2
options -prefix nc_ -scale .3937 -align ALL -keep muzzle_flash
mesh C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.mb -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/
model model2
mesh -dest C:/Programme/idSoftware/Quake4/q4base/models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
channel torso (*waist)
channel legs (*hips origin -*waist)
frame 7 footstep
frame 14 footstep
model model_player_model2
inherit model_player_corpse
mesh models/characters/player/model2/model2.md5mesh
playerModel model_player_model2 {
"model" "model_player_model2"
"skin" "skins/characters/player/model2/default"
"team" "strogg"
"description" "model2"
is there a failer or something?
darknesz@Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:49 pm : 
ok finaly i get it done!!!

blender was my last chance to get my model into quake,
and it works good.
everybody please check my model!!!
i know it isnt very nice, but the reason of this model is only to testing the model-export-way for quake.
the last job with this model is adding some bump und spectral textures...
the next model will be much better
