Ive been pulling my hair out tring to render 'alpha channels' through the 'projection modifier' in 3dsmax8, I need to render diffuse textures from 'high poly models' which have some alpha channeled materials within the 'high poly models'.
I realy need to know if this is possible, or if someone out there has tried and failed like I have, then atleast I can move on and get on with my life.
I think you don't need to render a special alpha channel, cause when you export/render your diffuse, it already contain an alpha channel/layer.
Im not trying to render an alpha channel as the final render, im trying to render geometry with alpha channels applied to them
The stones are high poly 3d models in 3dsmax8, the mortar is made up of 3 overlayed alpha channeled textures creating the illusion of blending between the stones and mortar, if you look closely at the closup shot you should see what i mean, problem is; I cant get the 'projection modifier' to project alpha channels, it seems to only render geometry, which is fine if im only using it to render normal maps but rendering alphas for the diffuse would be a great advantage. There's got to be a way to render alpha channels using the 'projection modifier'.
If anyones got any ideas I'd realy like to hear them
Can you post the result diffuse map you obtain if you project directly your Hipoly_bricks+mortar_layer1+mortar_layer2+mortar_layer3 on a rectangle patch?
According to my own tests I also think it's not possible to render alpha in render to texture.
I've actually spent alot of time on this in the past, very recently and there really seems to be no way to make it render the alpha. I ended up render it multiple times with the various layers of alpa and do the alpha blend in PS. This method sucks but Max doesn't seem to have a way to do it.
Oki doki, you saved us a lot of time.

thanks ohihb, I think that pretty much confirms that it cant be done hopefully discreet fixes this in future versions, or a plugin perhaps. Ive posted on a few modeling specific forums and couldnt find out anything else about it, it would be a handy feature for rendering diffuse maps though.