MelGibbsome@Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 9:32 pm Post subject: space ctf teleporter not working!: I've always thought the teleporter in space_ctf was kewl and wanted to use it in a map I'm making. The problem is, nothing shows up after devmap (although it's there in the editor).
I've tried several things to get it to show up...remmed out "twosided" and "colored" and "DECAL_MACRO" (whatever those last two do...never seen them before) and these did nothing.
HOWEVER, when I remmed out "clamp", it DOES show up except the things rotating all over the place and there's more than one showing up.
Any ideas why this doesn't show up unaltered? (The other five sides of the brush are currently "nodraw" altho I have tried using "caulk" as well as "black" found in the common folder.)
Oh, I also tried saving the jpgs listed as tga's to see if that did anything. Again, the only thing that makes this show up at all, is remming out "clamp" but then it looks like crap.
Here's the original code with some lines remmed out by me:
// Green Space Teleporter
qer_editorimage textures/illuminati/telep_frame_.tga
blend add
rotate time / 3
map textures/illuminati/green_telep2.tga
blend add
rotate time / -2.5
map textures/illuminati/green_telep.tga
rotate time / 7
centerscale 1.4, 1.4
map textures/illuminati/telep_frame.tga
rotate time / -7
map textures/illuminati/telep_frame.tga
MelGibbsome@Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 4:51 pm Post subject: : help here.
while waiting, I have been playing with it............made the brush super humongous and put the texture on all now shows up but only on one plane............parallel to the floor vice perpendicular.
I dont understand this because in the space map, they are perp not parallel.
so, how do i flip the thing 90 degrees? (already tried physically rotating the brush and that didnt work).
i dont see any code in the above material script, that even defines what plane it is to appear in.
MelGibbsome@Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:50 am Post subject: figured it out myself: for whatever reason, that "shader" or whatever it's called in Q4, only works on PATCHES...........wont work on brushes.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:24 am Post subject: : Generally whenever you see a keyword like "twosided", it means the shader as a whole is intended to be used on patches.
Not a rule. Just a guideline.
You'll find that flares also don't work unless they are applied to patches.
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