dcreator@Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:54 pm Post subject: Made some new textures(materials?) for Doom 3: Hello, today I've made 17 textures out of pictures from free to use images sites. I've made normalmaps, and some few specularmaps.
Some of the biggest textures are buggy, they have to be resized to fit on surfaces, or else they will be very repeated. If anyone has any hint how to scale textures to fit correctly, please tell me .
A image with some few of them rendered with light
These can be downloaded here, add them to the base\ folder in youre doom3\ folder in Program Files, rename it so it fits in the series of .pk4 files, and the textures are ready to use.
They are free to use to mostly everything(, except against me )[/img]
EDIT: I will continue adding textures to the file, and add a notice when updated.
* UPDATE 3: Currently 68+ textures in the set, uploaded the file on another server.
* UPDATE 2: ADDED 38 TEXTURES TO THE SET(currently 55 in the set)
If you have any wishes for texture types, Post!, and they might be heard(uhm, read). _________________ /* No comment */
Last edited by dcreator on Tue Dec 19, 2006 10:06 pm; edited 3 times in total 6th Venom@Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:28 am Post subject: : thanks! that's a great idea. anyway, i hope no sources of these are from any copyrighted contents? _________________ If that smell like a shit & look like a shit... it's a shit. =NoMercy=@Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:44 am Post subject: :
Hello, today I've made 17 textures out of pictures from free to use images sites. I've made normalmaps, and some few specularmaps.
kat@Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:50 am Post subject: : Don't use that naming convention you have done for custom files, they use that for 'official' content. Anything you do should be named something similar to
tex-dc_urban.zip _________________ Co-Admin - Modelling and modding tutorials and tips =NoMercy=@Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 2:58 am Post subject: : Yes its important to make sure your files are completely unique, someone can easily have another texture with the exact same filename, which can screw things up. I usually put my name before the file. Like "nomercy_rock01.tga" or something. 6th Venom@Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:46 pm Post subject: :
=NoMercy= wrote:
Hello, today I've made 17 textures out of pictures from free to use images sites. I've made normalmaps, and some few specularmaps.
Let's say i was tired yesterday! _________________ If that smell like a shit & look like a shit... it's a shit. dcreator@Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 3:22 pm Post subject: Texture sources: The base for these textures are from golgotha game from Crack dot Com company. They should be public domain now, so then I guess you can use them really freely. I've just added bumpmaps to them.
Naming of them. I just added texture for texture to the .pk4 file, and just looked if it looked good in the game, without thinking anything by name or something. Well, I'm going to make subfolders for stuff like wood, concrete, brickwalls, metal and so on, and name the files with an own prefix to make the names unique, so they don't, under any circumstages should interfere with the game.
Currently I'm thinking about making a unique mod for Doom3, a Urban Exploration mod, where you explore old buildings, find keys and do other smart things to unlock rooms, and read papers and other written text around in the map, and work you way through it just with a flash light, and picking up things, and moving around things. The mod should best be played in Coop mode or single player, and you just explore the maps, which are fairly huge, heavily detailed.
A map I was thinking about was.
1. You start in a backyard of an abadoned building, you find some crates and barrels you push to use to climb up to a vent. grid, open it up, and goes inside, and unlocks the door from inside to let your friend(s) easily through. Its very dark mostly in this big room, and you go around until you find a emergency aggregate, turns it on to get power, light, and so you can open a port to get deeper into the building, and finding keys, switches and other things around by carefully looking around in the level.
The level should contain hints around, like you can read on post its, that they've hidden the key for a specific door somewhere, because they weren't able to deliver it by hand, and all typical things like that.
And after a while you understands more and more why this building was abadoned, and what who happened there was no good at all and so on...
A kind of you walk around and figures out things like a "Myst" game, just more realistic, and you move around like an FPS, and the only way you are able to hurt yourself is to go into hazardous machinery or fall down from heights and drown ... No enemies.
(Sorry for a little bit rusty English, haven't been writing in it for over 1,5 years.) _________________ /* No comment */