zeh@Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 5:34 pm : With id Software's
Quake 4 Community Map Pack Contest approaching its deadline - maps should be submitted until the 31st of january - a lot of map threads are popping on the forums, while authors look for testing and feedback.
Given that, I thought it would be a good idea to list them all here to it's easier for people to help level designers; there are more screenshots on each level's thread, and most of them are downloadable. Maybe not all of them will take part in the contest, but I guess constructive feedback can still be a good thing (be sure to reply to the map thread themselves though).
A Ladder to Heaven by CopperHead -
ESReality thread,
I'm proud to present "A Ladder To Heaven" - a small Q4 duel/tourney map featuring "old school" style with a lot of vertical fighting, smart and fast paced gameplay. Currently it's in alpha stage, temporary set of textures was used, but work with layout and item placement seems to be done at this stage and it needs a lot of playtesting to be turned into beta :>
City Heat (methtourney2) by Method -
First thread,
Second thread,
ESReality thread,
Before you download though, I'd like to ask you to play/run around the level without the pro config which kills the visuals at least once. I spent quite some time working on visuals. Also please post FPS you were getting. I'm looking for any kind of feedback.
Iron Star by Koroshiya Ichi -
Thread, No download
The map is ideally made for 1on1 DM, or 3on3 TDM. The inspiration was the sort of 'floating castles' featured in many fantasy novels, integrated with the harsh industrial style of Quake 4 for more of an 'oil rig' theme to it. Unfortuantely due to the rules against custom models the Rock Formations were made completely from splines, greatly harming performance.
As I say though this is my first ever multiplayer map so wasn't expecting too much, if anyone could give advice on how something like this could be enhanced visually though that'd be muchly appreciated! Cheers
KAZ4DM1 (kaz4dm1) by Kazi -
ESReality thread,
I'd really like to craft this particular layout to play as smoothly as possible, so I'd love some feedback regarding how I might improve the flow and whatnot. The item placement is a little hasty, I've only tweaked it a little, so that can use a lot of work as well.
Learning Curve (q4dmbz3_b2) by blushingbride -
This map supports DM, TDM and Deadzone. As Deadzone is rarely played online ive not had the oppotunity to play it enough to really understand it perfectly so im not sure how well it will play in that mode. So if there are any Deadzone experts anywhere i would really appreciate any feedback.
Nihility by Cross -
ESReality thread,
I`m new (week-reading of tutorials) to the mapping so be gentle. What do you think about my map?
Ravage by killat0n -
ESReality thread,
This is my 4th map i'm making for ID map pack called "Ravage", I've only had a week on it so far so it's not fully detailed, though it would be nice to get some item/ammo feedback while i still have a week left untill deadline. I'm not open to changing layout due to time, but can rework brushes if they arent a big change.
Skylight (q4dmbz2_beta3) by blushingbride -
This is an updated version of a map from some time ago. It supports DM and TDM. People with low spec machines can use r_lightdetaillevel 6 to get decent performance.
Spiral (l4dm5_beta2) by Lukin -
ESReality thread,
Download 1,
Download 2
Because the deadline (31. Jan) is so close I don't plan to make any major changes in the layout. I'm mostly interested in suggestions about the item placement (especially about the health, RLs and YA). (...) the map supports also Team DM and DeadZone modes.
The beta number 2 is ready. The rail is back and, most probably, will stay forever
Hopefully 1.4 will make this weapon not so abusive...
Vox Nihili (q4lavadht1) by Corsair/Lavadht -
ESReality thread,
Download 1,
Download 2
The gametypes that are possible range from 1v1 to a 4v4 tdm match, because of the way rooms are connected.
And thats what the beta is for, I'll be glad to hear any of your comments on the map, from minor flaws/errors, taste, item placement, huge dislikes and ofcourse also, praisings. ;D
Untitled (gdlk4tdm1alpha) by GODLIKE72 -
ESReality thread,
Please give me a little feedback on this layout for 2vs2 TDM. The map should also be okay for FFA and Duel. Feedback much appreciated; especially re: Quad placement.
Untitled small fast action map by bolleh -
Thread, No download
The layout itself is very simple and easy to remember, however with some of the ideas i have in mind this map should be very nice for trickjumps and should be fun to chase someone around the map.
Added 22-january:
Popsicle by cuirass -
ESReality thread,
Feel free to complain about visuals. I'll see what I can do, but don't be -too- harsh. I'm not an artist.
Please let me know what you like and why. Tell me what you don't like and why. If you don't like something, do you have a suggestion on how to make it better?
QADEMZ (q4d3m2) by moreigh -
Here is view for my Q4 arena. Inspirations going about Q3A's ambient, Industrial & Fallout's Themes and D3 lightscene. I developed it through last year 2006 and now is at beta version 1.3 uploaded here.
Added 23-january:
A Final Roll of The Dice (dk_idcomp) by dONKEY -
Map info, No download
A geo-comp style atrium map for TDM or tourney modes. The original idea was to emphasise the importance of geometry, brushwork and good construction technique in a Q4 map over a the heavy dependance on texturing that is so often seen. Whilst sticking to this brief it was important that the resulting level remained enjoyable and competitive to play. Whilst not a typical Q4 map, given the limitations of the id Software community map pack competition (ie no custom content), the level achieves its aims.
Deep Impact (dk_idcomp2) by dONKEY -
Map info, No download
The map is designed specifically for tourney mode, but TDM and straight DM play is also supported. This level makes use of the recently release Q1 style gothic textures. By far the majority of Q4 maps are tech or base in style. Although limiting the map to only standard Q4 materials and assets could have resulted in a lack of options for a gothic styled level, use of architecture and decal textures meant that the map appears to have a much wider variation in texturing than it really has. Although a fairly small level, this entry has a classic look and layout.
Added 24-january:
KAT Fight! by Kat -
Map info, No download
Well here's my entry for id's CMP competition, a smallish 4 player max DM/Tourney/TDM map. Quite a different look to the usual work I've been doing as of recent and the no custom content had me spooked for a bit until I just got stuck in.
Added 25-january:
Caustic Burn by phantazm11 -
The map was created for TDM, Dead Zone, and FFA DM gametypes, and is also set up for 1v1 matches using Tournament mode.
G0THDM1 by g0th -
ESReality thread,
Its a tdm map with the focus on competive gameplay and its gonna be my Q4CMP entrance.
The layout is pretty much done... we been beta testing it for the last week and so far so good
The visuals on the other side are not done and I recommend using r_forceambient 1 while playing it atm. I hope i can get some constructive critism here that consurns items, spawns, ammo, minor layout stuffs and like places that feels wrong on the map.
That's it for now. Did I forget some map, both posted on D3W or on other website/forum? Do some author want a change or a map to be removed? If so, play say so in the comments or
via PM and I'll update this post.
kat@Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 8:27 pm : I've got two missing images from the above, GODLIKE's and Copperheads images aren't showing up atm. (delete this comment when they get fixed

SnoopJeDi@Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 8:32 pm : They work here, and thank you zeh for making this post up.
zeh@Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 8:35 pm : I think imageshack is having issues with some of their servers, I also had images disappearing from time to time but then reappearing again, and uploading/adding them all was a real chore as it would timeout all the time. Anyhow, give it some time and it fixes itself.
Are you doing some map for the pack, Kat? I couldn't find any clue on the forums.
kat@Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 8:49 pm : zeh wrote:
I think imageshack is having issues with some of their servers, I also had images disappearing from time to time but then reappearing again, and uploading/adding them all was a real chore as it would timeout all the time. Anyhow, give it some time and it fixes itself.
Are you doing some map for the pack, Kat? I couldn't find any clue on the forums.
'ok' regarding the images, I know shack is a bit iffy at times.
Re : me and the comp, yes I'm doing something but won't be releasing any info till final week, doing quite a bit of 'private' testing atm though. There's also another mapper (Donkey) submitting possibly two maps, Lukin may be doing so as well although the one you posted above seens to be the main one he's submitting. Have a look on the Quake3World LEM forums for the info (incomplete though it may be)
bolleh@Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 11:14 pm : nice list!
ive updated my unnamed map with 2 new screenshots, might be nice to update the old wip-thumbnail as the new stuff looks way better

still havent though of a name yet though

Phobos@Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 12:00 am : I can forsee some great classic tourny maps coming from this competition.
zeh@Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 2:48 pm : I've added a few more maps at the bottom of the list (moreigh's q4d3m2, Cuirass' "Popsicle", and dONKEY's "A Final Roll of The Dice" and "Deep Impact") and updated the link to Method's City Heat (beta 2 was released).
zeh@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:03 pm : Updated again: added "KAT Fight!" by Kat, and updated download and thread links to Lukin's Spiral (Beta 2) and Method's City Heat (Beta 3).
zeh@Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 7:09 pm : Updated: link to moreigh's QADEMZ new version.
And finally, the deadline for the contest is today. I tested/saw some maps that were top notch visually, and while I couldn't play them in a real competitive DM environment, I've seen some authors doing pretty lengthy beta testing... so I'm confident there'll be great new additions to Q4 with this pack.
Good luck to all level designers!