Dinky@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:27 am : Alright, I've got a problem getting a model into Q4, but let me just make a list of the things that ARE NOT the problem:
1) My Quake 4 directory does not have any spaces in it. It's C:\Quake4\blahblah\
2) I have the correct x86 dll in my Quake 4 directory (not base directory, but \quake4\ directory). Or atleast this should be the right version. I'm using Maya 6.5, and I am using the DLL from this post:
3) It's not the Error that lets you know that Quake 4 doesn't understand that Maya is not in the registery or whatever it is.
I'm pretty sure it's my def file, I have like no expierence with def files and I hate trying to learn some new language just to get a model and some animations into a game engine.
Anyway, here's a screenshot of the error I get after I type in the exportModels command:
And my def file:
export testchar {
options -sourcedir testchar/mb -destdir testchar/md5
mesh testchar.ma
I KNOW something's wrong with my def file because when it comes down to this subject, I just know pretty much nothing

I know this forum can help me! Thanks ahead of time.
EDIT: Oh and I have tried both .mb and .ma. That screenshot is just of the latter. I wasn't sure if the file extension would have anything to do with it, but I tried it.
darknesz@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:12 pm : add this to your quake4 start path(on your quake4 icon on the desktop) +set fs_importpath D:\Games\Quake4\q4base
it should look like this: D:\Games\Quake4\Quake4.exe +set fs_importpath D:\Games\Quake4\q4base
and if this dont work chang all the paths in your def file to the complet quake path(like c:/quake4/q4base/testchar/mb ... whatever....)
Dinky@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:04 pm : Well it looks like that did work, so it just didn't understand that my game was in C:\Quake4\q4base, I've moved it from C:\Program Files\Quake 4\, err maybe it just doesn't have a default import path to begin with.
BUT! I've got another problem, which looks to be the same problem in this post:
Oh hey it was your problem Dark! I don't completely understand how you solved it though. What is Vmware?
Edit: Ah crap I don't wanna have to reinstall windows and all my other stuff

. Putting models into D3 is way too complicated =/.
darknesz@Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:12 pm : sry but this is my prob too, in my vmmaschine i get another error ,an i have no idea!
now i use blender i'm not happy with this, but it works well...
if i have some houres freetime i make a short tutorial (blender --> quake/doom).
but next 2weeks it looks bad for this...
Dinky@Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:18 pm : Yeah I think I'm just going to have to dump working with Doom 3/Quake 4. I'll probably just wait until Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, since they'll be releasing different tools for that game.
I actually want to see mod teams take Quake Wars and like get rid of all the classes and everything, I want to see a MOD where they use the big giant enviroments but use it for more individual type of combat, instead of the teamplay that Quake Wars enforces. I just think it would be neat to see a mod completely strip the game like that, not saying I won't like Quake Wars ('cause I've played it and I love it), I just like to see and play impressive mods.
I haven't tried using Doom 3 to turn my models into MD5Meshs/Anims, so I'm probably going to give that a shot, I wouldn't be surprised if I get the same error though.
Dinky@Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 7:18 pm : Well last night I tried exporting on D3 and it worked, so D3 x86.dlls don't work in q4 hehe, didn't know that =/.
Anyway, my new problem has something to do with the def file, Doom 3 can't find "joint13|joint14", and so it doesn't export. I tried putting in -keep and naming off all my joints, but I guess that still didn't work.
Why can't Doom 3 find the joints?
DeathsSilkyMist@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:23 pm : Oh wow, Im suprised I never saw this thread. I know exactly what your problem is. Here is a def file I made for an old project that involved switching a zombie head from doom3 with a pyramid head model (I use .mb but the extension shouldnt matter):
export phead {
options -keep loneckcontrol loneck neckcontrol headcontrol
mesh models\md5\heads\phead\phead.mb
skin skins\monsters\zombies\pyramindheadhead.skin
anim models\md5\heads\phead\phead_idle.mb
model phead {
mesh models\md5\heads\phead\phead.md5mesh
skin skins\monsters\zombies\pyramindheadhead.skin
anim models\md5\heads\phead\phead_idle.md5anim
Ignore the skin command, you dont need it if I remember correctly (I am a little rusty at this, havent done it in awhile). As you can see, the first section has the options -keep and all of the joints, but you must order them by joint hierarchy, or it wont work (do not include the origin joint). For the correct hierarchy go into the outliner in maya and list the joints off in the def file in order of the joints in the outliner. Also, since you are using maya the names are case sensitive, so if you dont capitalize the name when needed in the def file it wont find the joint. The major problem with your def file before was that it didnt tell the game where to put it. The section in the def file above that says model phead { tells the game where the .md5mesh and anims go (-destdir doesnt cut it). Also, i dont know where you put the testchar.ma, but it starts looking in the base folder, so as of right now your def file is telling the game to look for your .ma file in the base folder. If it is in a folder you need to specify as I did above. I dont remember if you have to do this, but if I remember correctly you need to have alteast one animation (I usually do the idle anim) to export in the def file as well for a .md5mesh to extort, as I did above. Hopefully this is fairly clear now... Im not the best at explaining things so I will be more than happy to clarify anything if needed. If you do what I did above your model should export correctly.
Dinky@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:22 pm : Yeah, I managed to solve this problem a long time ago. You are right, there were problems with my Export def file, but I was able to sort that out later. My biggest problem was my Import .dll.
Ok, nothing was wrong with the import.dll thingy, it was that I was trying to use Quake 4. I used Maya 6.5 and I had a Maya 6.5 .dll, but as it turns out, the only .dll that works with Quake 4 is the 4.5 one that Raven Software (or somebody) released.
Once I moved all my exporting over to Doom 3, I had no problems. I didn't know that the import dll only worked for Doom 3 and not Quake 4.
Dinky@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:27 am : Alright, I've got a problem getting a model into Q4, but let me just make a list of the things that ARE NOT the problem:
1) My Quake 4 directory does not have any spaces in it. It's C:\Quake4\blahblah\
2) I have the correct x86 dll in my Quake 4 directory (not base directory, but \quake4\ directory). Or atleast this should be the right version. I'm using Maya 6.5, and I am using the DLL from this post:
3) It's not the Error that lets you know that Quake 4 doesn't understand that Maya is not in the registery or whatever it is.
I'm pretty sure it's my def file, I have like no expierence with def files and I hate trying to learn some new language just to get a model and some animations into a game engine.
Anyway, here's a screenshot of the error I get after I type in the exportModels command:
And my def file:
export testchar {
options -sourcedir testchar/mb -destdir testchar/md5
mesh testchar.ma
I KNOW something's wrong with my def file because when it comes down to this subject, I just know pretty much nothing

I know this forum can help me! Thanks ahead of time.
EDIT: Oh and I have tried both .mb and .ma. That screenshot is just of the latter. I wasn't sure if the file extension would have anything to do with it, but I tried it.
darknesz@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:12 pm : add this to your quake4 start path(on your quake4 icon on the desktop) +set fs_importpath D:\Games\Quake4\q4base
it should look like this: D:\Games\Quake4\Quake4.exe +set fs_importpath D:\Games\Quake4\q4base
and if this dont work chang all the paths in your def file to the complet quake path(like c:/quake4/q4base/testchar/mb ... whatever....)
Dinky@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:04 pm : Well it looks like that did work, so it just didn't understand that my game was in C:\Quake4\q4base, I've moved it from C:\Program Files\Quake 4\, err maybe it just doesn't have a default import path to begin with.
BUT! I've got another problem, which looks to be the same problem in this post:
Oh hey it was your problem Dark! I don't completely understand how you solved it though. What is Vmware?
Edit: Ah crap I don't wanna have to reinstall windows and all my other stuff

. Putting models into D3 is way too complicated =/.
darknesz@Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:12 pm : sry but this is my prob too, in my vmmaschine i get another error ,an i have no idea!
now i use blender i'm not happy with this, but it works well...
if i have some houres freetime i make a short tutorial (blender --> quake/doom).
but next 2weeks it looks bad for this...
Dinky@Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:18 pm : Yeah I think I'm just going to have to dump working with Doom 3/Quake 4. I'll probably just wait until Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, since they'll be releasing different tools for that game.
I actually want to see mod teams take Quake Wars and like get rid of all the classes and everything, I want to see a MOD where they use the big giant enviroments but use it for more individual type of combat, instead of the teamplay that Quake Wars enforces. I just think it would be neat to see a mod completely strip the game like that, not saying I won't like Quake Wars ('cause I've played it and I love it), I just like to see and play impressive mods.
I haven't tried using Doom 3 to turn my models into MD5Meshs/Anims, so I'm probably going to give that a shot, I wouldn't be surprised if I get the same error though.
Dinky@Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 7:18 pm : Well last night I tried exporting on D3 and it worked, so D3 x86.dlls don't work in q4 hehe, didn't know that =/.
Anyway, my new problem has something to do with the def file, Doom 3 can't find "joint13|joint14", and so it doesn't export. I tried putting in -keep and naming off all my joints, but I guess that still didn't work.
Why can't Doom 3 find the joints?
DeathsSilkyMist@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:23 pm : Oh wow, Im suprised I never saw this thread. I know exactly what your problem is. Here is a def file I made for an old project that involved switching a zombie head from doom3 with a pyramid head model (I use .mb but the extension shouldnt matter):
export phead {
options -keep loneckcontrol loneck neckcontrol headcontrol
mesh models\md5\heads\phead\phead.mb
skin skins\monsters\zombies\pyramindheadhead.skin
anim models\md5\heads\phead\phead_idle.mb
model phead {
mesh models\md5\heads\phead\phead.md5mesh
skin skins\monsters\zombies\pyramindheadhead.skin
anim models\md5\heads\phead\phead_idle.md5anim
Ignore the skin command, you dont need it if I remember correctly (I am a little rusty at this, havent done it in awhile). As you can see, the first section has the options -keep and all of the joints, but you must order them by joint hierarchy, or it wont work (do not include the origin joint). For the correct hierarchy go into the outliner in maya and list the joints off in the def file in order of the joints in the outliner. Also, since you are using maya the names are case sensitive, so if you dont capitalize the name when needed in the def file it wont find the joint. The major problem with your def file before was that it didnt tell the game where to put it. The section in the def file above that says model phead { tells the game where the .md5mesh and anims go (-destdir doesnt cut it). Also, i dont know where you put the testchar.ma, but it starts looking in the base folder, so as of right now your def file is telling the game to look for your .ma file in the base folder. If it is in a folder you need to specify as I did above. I dont remember if you have to do this, but if I remember correctly you need to have alteast one animation (I usually do the idle anim) to export in the def file as well for a .md5mesh to extort, as I did above. Hopefully this is fairly clear now... Im not the best at explaining things so I will be more than happy to clarify anything if needed. If you do what I did above your model should export correctly.
Dinky@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:22 pm : Yeah, I managed to solve this problem a long time ago. You are right, there were problems with my Export def file, but I was able to sort that out later. My biggest problem was my Import .dll.
Ok, nothing was wrong with the import.dll thingy, it was that I was trying to use Quake 4. I used Maya 6.5 and I had a Maya 6.5 .dll, but as it turns out, the only .dll that works with Quake 4 is the 4.5 one that Raven Software (or somebody) released.
Once I moved all my exporting over to Doom 3, I had no problems. I didn't know that the import dll only worked for Doom 3 and not Quake 4.
Dinky@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:27 am : Alright, I've got a problem getting a model into Q4, but let me just make a list of the things that ARE NOT the problem:
1) My Quake 4 directory does not have any spaces in it. It's C:\Quake4\blahblah\
2) I have the correct x86 dll in my Quake 4 directory (not base directory, but \quake4\ directory). Or atleast this should be the right version. I'm using Maya 6.5, and I am using the DLL from this post:
3) It's not the Error that lets you know that Quake 4 doesn't understand that Maya is not in the registery or whatever it is.
I'm pretty sure it's my def file, I have like no expierence with def files and I hate trying to learn some new language just to get a model and some animations into a game engine.
Anyway, here's a screenshot of the error I get after I type in the exportModels command:
And my def file:
export testchar {
options -sourcedir testchar/mb -destdir testchar/md5
mesh testchar.ma
I KNOW something's wrong with my def file because when it comes down to this subject, I just know pretty much nothing

I know this forum can help me! Thanks ahead of time.
EDIT: Oh and I have tried both .mb and .ma. That screenshot is just of the latter. I wasn't sure if the file extension would have anything to do with it, but I tried it.
darknesz@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:12 pm : add this to your quake4 start path(on your quake4 icon on the desktop) +set fs_importpath D:\Games\Quake4\q4base
it should look like this: D:\Games\Quake4\Quake4.exe +set fs_importpath D:\Games\Quake4\q4base
and if this dont work chang all the paths in your def file to the complet quake path(like c:/quake4/q4base/testchar/mb ... whatever....)
Dinky@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:04 pm : Well it looks like that did work, so it just didn't understand that my game was in C:\Quake4\q4base, I've moved it from C:\Program Files\Quake 4\, err maybe it just doesn't have a default import path to begin with.
BUT! I've got another problem, which looks to be the same problem in this post:
Oh hey it was your problem Dark! I don't completely understand how you solved it though. What is Vmware?
Edit: Ah crap I don't wanna have to reinstall windows and all my other stuff

. Putting models into D3 is way too complicated =/.
darknesz@Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:12 pm : sry but this is my prob too, in my vmmaschine i get another error ,an i have no idea!
now i use blender i'm not happy with this, but it works well...
if i have some houres freetime i make a short tutorial (blender --> quake/doom).
but next 2weeks it looks bad for this...
Dinky@Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:18 pm : Yeah I think I'm just going to have to dump working with Doom 3/Quake 4. I'll probably just wait until Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, since they'll be releasing different tools for that game.
I actually want to see mod teams take Quake Wars and like get rid of all the classes and everything, I want to see a MOD where they use the big giant enviroments but use it for more individual type of combat, instead of the teamplay that Quake Wars enforces. I just think it would be neat to see a mod completely strip the game like that, not saying I won't like Quake Wars ('cause I've played it and I love it), I just like to see and play impressive mods.
I haven't tried using Doom 3 to turn my models into MD5Meshs/Anims, so I'm probably going to give that a shot, I wouldn't be surprised if I get the same error though.
Dinky@Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 7:18 pm : Well last night I tried exporting on D3 and it worked, so D3 x86.dlls don't work in q4 hehe, didn't know that =/.
Anyway, my new problem has something to do with the def file, Doom 3 can't find "joint13|joint14", and so it doesn't export. I tried putting in -keep and naming off all my joints, but I guess that still didn't work.
Why can't Doom 3 find the joints?
DeathsSilkyMist@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:23 pm : Oh wow, Im suprised I never saw this thread. I know exactly what your problem is. Here is a def file I made for an old project that involved switching a zombie head from doom3 with a pyramid head model (I use .mb but the extension shouldnt matter):
export phead {
options -keep loneckcontrol loneck neckcontrol headcontrol
mesh models\md5\heads\phead\phead.mb
skin skins\monsters\zombies\pyramindheadhead.skin
anim models\md5\heads\phead\phead_idle.mb
model phead {
mesh models\md5\heads\phead\phead.md5mesh
skin skins\monsters\zombies\pyramindheadhead.skin
anim models\md5\heads\phead\phead_idle.md5anim
Ignore the skin command, you dont need it if I remember correctly (I am a little rusty at this, havent done it in awhile). As you can see, the first section has the options -keep and all of the joints, but you must order them by joint hierarchy, or it wont work (do not include the origin joint). For the correct hierarchy go into the outliner in maya and list the joints off in the def file in order of the joints in the outliner. Also, since you are using maya the names are case sensitive, so if you dont capitalize the name when needed in the def file it wont find the joint. The major problem with your def file before was that it didnt tell the game where to put it. The section in the def file above that says model phead { tells the game where the .md5mesh and anims go (-destdir doesnt cut it). Also, i dont know where you put the testchar.ma, but it starts looking in the base folder, so as of right now your def file is telling the game to look for your .ma file in the base folder. If it is in a folder you need to specify as I did above. I dont remember if you have to do this, but if I remember correctly you need to have alteast one animation (I usually do the idle anim) to export in the def file as well for a .md5mesh to extort, as I did above. Hopefully this is fairly clear now... Im not the best at explaining things so I will be more than happy to clarify anything if needed. If you do what I did above your model should export correctly.
Dinky@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:22 pm : Yeah, I managed to solve this problem a long time ago. You are right, there were problems with my Export def file, but I was able to sort that out later. My biggest problem was my Import .dll.
Ok, nothing was wrong with the import.dll thingy, it was that I was trying to use Quake 4. I used Maya 6.5 and I had a Maya 6.5 .dll, but as it turns out, the only .dll that works with Quake 4 is the 4.5 one that Raven Software (or somebody) released.
Once I moved all my exporting over to Doom 3, I had no problems. I didn't know that the import dll only worked for Doom 3 and not Quake 4.
Dinky@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:27 am : Alright, I've got a problem getting a model into Q4, but let me just make a list of the things that ARE NOT the problem:
1) My Quake 4 directory does not have any spaces in it. It's C:\Quake4\blahblah\
2) I have the correct x86 dll in my Quake 4 directory (not base directory, but \quake4\ directory). Or atleast this should be the right version. I'm using Maya 6.5, and I am using the DLL from this post:
3) It's not the Error that lets you know that Quake 4 doesn't understand that Maya is not in the registery or whatever it is.
I'm pretty sure it's my def file, I have like no expierence with def files and I hate trying to learn some new language just to get a model and some animations into a game engine.
Anyway, here's a screenshot of the error I get after I type in the exportModels command:
And my def file:
export testchar {
options -sourcedir testchar/mb -destdir testchar/md5
mesh testchar.ma
I KNOW something's wrong with my def file because when it comes down to this subject, I just know pretty much nothing

I know this forum can help me! Thanks ahead of time.
EDIT: Oh and I have tried both .mb and .ma. That screenshot is just of the latter. I wasn't sure if the file extension would have anything to do with it, but I tried it.
darknesz@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:12 pm : add this to your quake4 start path(on your quake4 icon on the desktop) +set fs_importpath D:\Games\Quake4\q4base
it should look like this: D:\Games\Quake4\Quake4.exe +set fs_importpath D:\Games\Quake4\q4base
and if this dont work chang all the paths in your def file to the complet quake path(like c:/quake4/q4base/testchar/mb ... whatever....)
Dinky@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:04 pm : Well it looks like that did work, so it just didn't understand that my game was in C:\Quake4\q4base, I've moved it from C:\Program Files\Quake 4\, err maybe it just doesn't have a default import path to begin with.
BUT! I've got another problem, which looks to be the same problem in this post:
Oh hey it was your problem Dark! I don't completely understand how you solved it though. What is Vmware?
Edit: Ah crap I don't wanna have to reinstall windows and all my other stuff

. Putting models into D3 is way too complicated =/.
darknesz@Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:12 pm : sry but this is my prob too, in my vmmaschine i get another error ,an i have no idea!
now i use blender i'm not happy with this, but it works well...
if i have some houres freetime i make a short tutorial (blender --> quake/doom).
but next 2weeks it looks bad for this...
Dinky@Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:18 pm : Yeah I think I'm just going to have to dump working with Doom 3/Quake 4. I'll probably just wait until Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, since they'll be releasing different tools for that game.
I actually want to see mod teams take Quake Wars and like get rid of all the classes and everything, I want to see a MOD where they use the big giant enviroments but use it for more individual type of combat, instead of the teamplay that Quake Wars enforces. I just think it would be neat to see a mod completely strip the game like that, not saying I won't like Quake Wars ('cause I've played it and I love it), I just like to see and play impressive mods.
I haven't tried using Doom 3 to turn my models into MD5Meshs/Anims, so I'm probably going to give that a shot, I wouldn't be surprised if I get the same error though.
Dinky@Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 7:18 pm : Well last night I tried exporting on D3 and it worked, so D3 x86.dlls don't work in q4 hehe, didn't know that =/.
Anyway, my new problem has something to do with the def file, Doom 3 can't find "joint13|joint14", and so it doesn't export. I tried putting in -keep and naming off all my joints, but I guess that still didn't work.
Why can't Doom 3 find the joints?
DeathsSilkyMist@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:23 pm : Oh wow, Im suprised I never saw this thread. I know exactly what your problem is. Here is a def file I made for an old project that involved switching a zombie head from doom3 with a pyramid head model (I use .mb but the extension shouldnt matter):
export phead {
options -keep loneckcontrol loneck neckcontrol headcontrol
mesh models\md5\heads\phead\phead.mb
skin skins\monsters\zombies\pyramindheadhead.skin
anim models\md5\heads\phead\phead_idle.mb
model phead {
mesh models\md5\heads\phead\phead.md5mesh
skin skins\monsters\zombies\pyramindheadhead.skin
anim models\md5\heads\phead\phead_idle.md5anim
Ignore the skin command, you dont need it if I remember correctly (I am a little rusty at this, havent done it in awhile). As you can see, the first section has the options -keep and all of the joints, but you must order them by joint hierarchy, or it wont work (do not include the origin joint). For the correct hierarchy go into the outliner in maya and list the joints off in the def file in order of the joints in the outliner. Also, since you are using maya the names are case sensitive, so if you dont capitalize the name when needed in the def file it wont find the joint. The major problem with your def file before was that it didnt tell the game where to put it. The section in the def file above that says model phead { tells the game where the .md5mesh and anims go (-destdir doesnt cut it). Also, i dont know where you put the testchar.ma, but it starts looking in the base folder, so as of right now your def file is telling the game to look for your .ma file in the base folder. If it is in a folder you need to specify as I did above. I dont remember if you have to do this, but if I remember correctly you need to have alteast one animation (I usually do the idle anim) to export in the def file as well for a .md5mesh to extort, as I did above. Hopefully this is fairly clear now... Im not the best at explaining things so I will be more than happy to clarify anything if needed. If you do what I did above your model should export correctly.
Dinky@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:22 pm : Yeah, I managed to solve this problem a long time ago. You are right, there were problems with my Export def file, but I was able to sort that out later. My biggest problem was my Import .dll.
Ok, nothing was wrong with the import.dll thingy, it was that I was trying to use Quake 4. I used Maya 6.5 and I had a Maya 6.5 .dll, but as it turns out, the only .dll that works with Quake 4 is the 4.5 one that Raven Software (or somebody) released.
Once I moved all my exporting over to Doom 3, I had no problems. I didn't know that the import dll only worked for Doom 3 and not Quake 4.
Dinky@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:27 am : Alright, I've got a problem getting a model into Q4, but let me just make a list of the things that ARE NOT the problem:
1) My Quake 4 directory does not have any spaces in it. It's C:\Quake4\blahblah\
2) I have the correct x86 dll in my Quake 4 directory (not base directory, but \quake4\ directory). Or atleast this should be the right version. I'm using Maya 6.5, and I am using the DLL from this post:
3) It's not the Error that lets you know that Quake 4 doesn't understand that Maya is not in the registery or whatever it is.
I'm pretty sure it's my def file, I have like no expierence with def files and I hate trying to learn some new language just to get a model and some animations into a game engine.
Anyway, here's a screenshot of the error I get after I type in the exportModels command:
And my def file:
export testchar {
options -sourcedir testchar/mb -destdir testchar/md5
mesh testchar.ma
I KNOW something's wrong with my def file because when it comes down to this subject, I just know pretty much nothing

I know this forum can help me! Thanks ahead of time.
EDIT: Oh and I have tried both .mb and .ma. That screenshot is just of the latter. I wasn't sure if the file extension would have anything to do with it, but I tried it.
darknesz@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:12 pm : add this to your quake4 start path(on your quake4 icon on the desktop) +set fs_importpath D:\Games\Quake4\q4base
it should look like this: D:\Games\Quake4\Quake4.exe +set fs_importpath D:\Games\Quake4\q4base
and if this dont work chang all the paths in your def file to the complet quake path(like c:/quake4/q4base/testchar/mb ... whatever....)
Dinky@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:04 pm : Well it looks like that did work, so it just didn't understand that my game was in C:\Quake4\q4base, I've moved it from C:\Program Files\Quake 4\, err maybe it just doesn't have a default import path to begin with.
BUT! I've got another problem, which looks to be the same problem in this post:
Oh hey it was your problem Dark! I don't completely understand how you solved it though. What is Vmware?
Edit: Ah crap I don't wanna have to reinstall windows and all my other stuff

. Putting models into D3 is way too complicated =/.
darknesz@Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:12 pm : sry but this is my prob too, in my vmmaschine i get another error ,an i have no idea!
now i use blender i'm not happy with this, but it works well...
if i have some houres freetime i make a short tutorial (blender --> quake/doom).
but next 2weeks it looks bad for this...
Dinky@Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:18 pm : Yeah I think I'm just going to have to dump working with Doom 3/Quake 4. I'll probably just wait until Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, since they'll be releasing different tools for that game.
I actually want to see mod teams take Quake Wars and like get rid of all the classes and everything, I want to see a MOD where they use the big giant enviroments but use it for more individual type of combat, instead of the teamplay that Quake Wars enforces. I just think it would be neat to see a mod completely strip the game like that, not saying I won't like Quake Wars ('cause I've played it and I love it), I just like to see and play impressive mods.
I haven't tried using Doom 3 to turn my models into MD5Meshs/Anims, so I'm probably going to give that a shot, I wouldn't be surprised if I get the same error though.
Dinky@Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 7:18 pm : Well last night I tried exporting on D3 and it worked, so D3 x86.dlls don't work in q4 hehe, didn't know that =/.
Anyway, my new problem has something to do with the def file, Doom 3 can't find "joint13|joint14", and so it doesn't export. I tried putting in -keep and naming off all my joints, but I guess that still didn't work.
Why can't Doom 3 find the joints?
DeathsSilkyMist@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:23 pm : Oh wow, Im suprised I never saw this thread. I know exactly what your problem is. Here is a def file I made for an old project that involved switching a zombie head from doom3 with a pyramid head model (I use .mb but the extension shouldnt matter):
export phead {
options -keep loneckcontrol loneck neckcontrol headcontrol
mesh models\md5\heads\phead\phead.mb
skin skins\monsters\zombies\pyramindheadhead.skin
anim models\md5\heads\phead\phead_idle.mb
model phead {
mesh models\md5\heads\phead\phead.md5mesh
skin skins\monsters\zombies\pyramindheadhead.skin
anim models\md5\heads\phead\phead_idle.md5anim
Ignore the skin command, you dont need it if I remember correctly (I am a little rusty at this, havent done it in awhile). As you can see, the first section has the options -keep and all of the joints, but you must order them by joint hierarchy, or it wont work (do not include the origin joint). For the correct hierarchy go into the outliner in maya and list the joints off in the def file in order of the joints in the outliner. Also, since you are using maya the names are case sensitive, so if you dont capitalize the name when needed in the def file it wont find the joint. The major problem with your def file before was that it didnt tell the game where to put it. The section in the def file above that says model phead { tells the game where the .md5mesh and anims go (-destdir doesnt cut it). Also, i dont know where you put the testchar.ma, but it starts looking in the base folder, so as of right now your def file is telling the game to look for your .ma file in the base folder. If it is in a folder you need to specify as I did above. I dont remember if you have to do this, but if I remember correctly you need to have alteast one animation (I usually do the idle anim) to export in the def file as well for a .md5mesh to extort, as I did above. Hopefully this is fairly clear now... Im not the best at explaining things so I will be more than happy to clarify anything if needed. If you do what I did above your model should export correctly.
Dinky@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:22 pm : Yeah, I managed to solve this problem a long time ago. You are right, there were problems with my Export def file, but I was able to sort that out later. My biggest problem was my Import .dll.
Ok, nothing was wrong with the import.dll thingy, it was that I was trying to use Quake 4. I used Maya 6.5 and I had a Maya 6.5 .dll, but as it turns out, the only .dll that works with Quake 4 is the 4.5 one that Raven Software (or somebody) released.
Once I moved all my exporting over to Doom 3, I had no problems. I didn't know that the import dll only worked for Doom 3 and not Quake 4.
Dinky@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:27 am : Alright, I've got a problem getting a model into Q4, but let me just make a list of the things that ARE NOT the problem:
1) My Quake 4 directory does not have any spaces in it. It's C:\Quake4\blahblah\
2) I have the correct x86 dll in my Quake 4 directory (not base directory, but \quake4\ directory). Or atleast this should be the right version. I'm using Maya 6.5, and I am using the DLL from this post:
3) It's not the Error that lets you know that Quake 4 doesn't understand that Maya is not in the registery or whatever it is.
I'm pretty sure it's my def file, I have like no expierence with def files and I hate trying to learn some new language just to get a model and some animations into a game engine.
Anyway, here's a screenshot of the error I get after I type in the exportModels command:
And my def file:
export testchar {
options -sourcedir testchar/mb -destdir testchar/md5
mesh testchar.ma
I KNOW something's wrong with my def file because when it comes down to this subject, I just know pretty much nothing

I know this forum can help me! Thanks ahead of time.
EDIT: Oh and I have tried both .mb and .ma. That screenshot is just of the latter. I wasn't sure if the file extension would have anything to do with it, but I tried it.
darknesz@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:12 pm : add this to your quake4 start path(on your quake4 icon on the desktop) +set fs_importpath D:\Games\Quake4\q4base
it should look like this: D:\Games\Quake4\Quake4.exe +set fs_importpath D:\Games\Quake4\q4base
and if this dont work chang all the paths in your def file to the complet quake path(like c:/quake4/q4base/testchar/mb ... whatever....)
Dinky@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:04 pm : Well it looks like that did work, so it just didn't understand that my game was in C:\Quake4\q4base, I've moved it from C:\Program Files\Quake 4\, err maybe it just doesn't have a default import path to begin with.
BUT! I've got another problem, which looks to be the same problem in this post:
Oh hey it was your problem Dark! I don't completely understand how you solved it though. What is Vmware?
Edit: Ah crap I don't wanna have to reinstall windows and all my other stuff

. Putting models into D3 is way too complicated =/.
darknesz@Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:12 pm : sry but this is my prob too, in my vmmaschine i get another error ,an i have no idea!
now i use blender i'm not happy with this, but it works well...
if i have some houres freetime i make a short tutorial (blender --> quake/doom).
but next 2weeks it looks bad for this...
Dinky@Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:18 pm : Yeah I think I'm just going to have to dump working with Doom 3/Quake 4. I'll probably just wait until Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, since they'll be releasing different tools for that game.
I actually want to see mod teams take Quake Wars and like get rid of all the classes and everything, I want to see a MOD where they use the big giant enviroments but use it for more individual type of combat, instead of the teamplay that Quake Wars enforces. I just think it would be neat to see a mod completely strip the game like that, not saying I won't like Quake Wars ('cause I've played it and I love it), I just like to see and play impressive mods.
I haven't tried using Doom 3 to turn my models into MD5Meshs/Anims, so I'm probably going to give that a shot, I wouldn't be surprised if I get the same error though.
Dinky@Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 7:18 pm : Well last night I tried exporting on D3 and it worked, so D3 x86.dlls don't work in q4 hehe, didn't know that =/.
Anyway, my new problem has something to do with the def file, Doom 3 can't find "joint13|joint14", and so it doesn't export. I tried putting in -keep and naming off all my joints, but I guess that still didn't work.
Why can't Doom 3 find the joints?
DeathsSilkyMist@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:23 pm : Oh wow, Im suprised I never saw this thread. I know exactly what your problem is. Here is a def file I made for an old project that involved switching a zombie head from doom3 with a pyramid head model (I use .mb but the extension shouldnt matter):
export phead {
options -keep loneckcontrol loneck neckcontrol headcontrol
mesh models\md5\heads\phead\phead.mb
skin skins\monsters\zombies\pyramindheadhead.skin
anim models\md5\heads\phead\phead_idle.mb
model phead {
mesh models\md5\heads\phead\phead.md5mesh
skin skins\monsters\zombies\pyramindheadhead.skin
anim models\md5\heads\phead\phead_idle.md5anim
Ignore the skin command, you dont need it if I remember correctly (I am a little rusty at this, havent done it in awhile). As you can see, the first section has the options -keep and all of the joints, but you must order them by joint hierarchy, or it wont work (do not include the origin joint). For the correct hierarchy go into the outliner in maya and list the joints off in the def file in order of the joints in the outliner. Also, since you are using maya the names are case sensitive, so if you dont capitalize the name when needed in the def file it wont find the joint. The major problem with your def file before was that it didnt tell the game where to put it. The section in the def file above that says model phead { tells the game where the .md5mesh and anims go (-destdir doesnt cut it). Also, i dont know where you put the testchar.ma, but it starts looking in the base folder, so as of right now your def file is telling the game to look for your .ma file in the base folder. If it is in a folder you need to specify as I did above. I dont remember if you have to do this, but if I remember correctly you need to have alteast one animation (I usually do the idle anim) to export in the def file as well for a .md5mesh to extort, as I did above. Hopefully this is fairly clear now... Im not the best at explaining things so I will be more than happy to clarify anything if needed. If you do what I did above your model should export correctly.
Dinky@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:22 pm : Yeah, I managed to solve this problem a long time ago. You are right, there were problems with my Export def file, but I was able to sort that out later. My biggest problem was my Import .dll.
Ok, nothing was wrong with the import.dll thingy, it was that I was trying to use Quake 4. I used Maya 6.5 and I had a Maya 6.5 .dll, but as it turns out, the only .dll that works with Quake 4 is the 4.5 one that Raven Software (or somebody) released.
Once I moved all my exporting over to Doom 3, I had no problems. I didn't know that the import dll only worked for Doom 3 and not Quake 4.
Dinky@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:27 am : Alright, I've got a problem getting a model into Q4, but let me just make a list of the things that ARE NOT the problem:
1) My Quake 4 directory does not have any spaces in it. It's C:\Quake4\blahblah\
2) I have the correct x86 dll in my Quake 4 directory (not base directory, but \quake4\ directory). Or atleast this should be the right version. I'm using Maya 6.5, and I am using the DLL from this post:
3) It's not the Error that lets you know that Quake 4 doesn't understand that Maya is not in the registery or whatever it is.
I'm pretty sure it's my def file, I have like no expierence with def files and I hate trying to learn some new language just to get a model and some animations into a game engine.
Anyway, here's a screenshot of the error I get after I type in the exportModels command:
And my def file:
export testchar {
options -sourcedir testchar/mb -destdir testchar/md5
mesh testchar.ma
I KNOW something's wrong with my def file because when it comes down to this subject, I just know pretty much nothing

I know this forum can help me! Thanks ahead of time.
EDIT: Oh and I have tried both .mb and .ma. That screenshot is just of the latter. I wasn't sure if the file extension would have anything to do with it, but I tried it.
darknesz@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:12 pm : add this to your quake4 start path(on your quake4 icon on the desktop) +set fs_importpath D:\Games\Quake4\q4base
it should look like this: D:\Games\Quake4\Quake4.exe +set fs_importpath D:\Games\Quake4\q4base
and if this dont work chang all the paths in your def file to the complet quake path(like c:/quake4/q4base/testchar/mb ... whatever....)
Dinky@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:04 pm : Well it looks like that did work, so it just didn't understand that my game was in C:\Quake4\q4base, I've moved it from C:\Program Files\Quake 4\, err maybe it just doesn't have a default import path to begin with.
BUT! I've got another problem, which looks to be the same problem in this post:
Oh hey it was your problem Dark! I don't completely understand how you solved it though. What is Vmware?
Edit: Ah crap I don't wanna have to reinstall windows and all my other stuff

. Putting models into D3 is way too complicated =/.
darknesz@Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:12 pm : sry but this is my prob too, in my vmmaschine i get another error ,an i have no idea!
now i use blender i'm not happy with this, but it works well...
if i have some houres freetime i make a short tutorial (blender --> quake/doom).
but next 2weeks it looks bad for this...
Dinky@Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:18 pm : Yeah I think I'm just going to have to dump working with Doom 3/Quake 4. I'll probably just wait until Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, since they'll be releasing different tools for that game.
I actually want to see mod teams take Quake Wars and like get rid of all the classes and everything, I want to see a MOD where they use the big giant enviroments but use it for more individual type of combat, instead of the teamplay that Quake Wars enforces. I just think it would be neat to see a mod completely strip the game like that, not saying I won't like Quake Wars ('cause I've played it and I love it), I just like to see and play impressive mods.
I haven't tried using Doom 3 to turn my models into MD5Meshs/Anims, so I'm probably going to give that a shot, I wouldn't be surprised if I get the same error though.
Dinky@Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 7:18 pm : Well last night I tried exporting on D3 and it worked, so D3 x86.dlls don't work in q4 hehe, didn't know that =/.
Anyway, my new problem has something to do with the def file, Doom 3 can't find "joint13|joint14", and so it doesn't export. I tried putting in -keep and naming off all my joints, but I guess that still didn't work.
Why can't Doom 3 find the joints?
DeathsSilkyMist@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:23 pm : Oh wow, Im suprised I never saw this thread. I know exactly what your problem is. Here is a def file I made for an old project that involved switching a zombie head from doom3 with a pyramid head model (I use .mb but the extension shouldnt matter):
export phead {
options -keep loneckcontrol loneck neckcontrol headcontrol
mesh models\md5\heads\phead\phead.mb
skin skins\monsters\zombies\pyramindheadhead.skin
anim models\md5\heads\phead\phead_idle.mb
model phead {
mesh models\md5\heads\phead\phead.md5mesh
skin skins\monsters\zombies\pyramindheadhead.skin
anim models\md5\heads\phead\phead_idle.md5anim
Ignore the skin command, you dont need it if I remember correctly (I am a little rusty at this, havent done it in awhile). As you can see, the first section has the options -keep and all of the joints, but you must order them by joint hierarchy, or it wont work (do not include the origin joint). For the correct hierarchy go into the outliner in maya and list the joints off in the def file in order of the joints in the outliner. Also, since you are using maya the names are case sensitive, so if you dont capitalize the name when needed in the def file it wont find the joint. The major problem with your def file before was that it didnt tell the game where to put it. The section in the def file above that says model phead { tells the game where the .md5mesh and anims go (-destdir doesnt cut it). Also, i dont know where you put the testchar.ma, but it starts looking in the base folder, so as of right now your def file is telling the game to look for your .ma file in the base folder. If it is in a folder you need to specify as I did above. I dont remember if you have to do this, but if I remember correctly you need to have alteast one animation (I usually do the idle anim) to export in the def file as well for a .md5mesh to extort, as I did above. Hopefully this is fairly clear now... Im not the best at explaining things so I will be more than happy to clarify anything if needed. If you do what I did above your model should export correctly.
Dinky@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:22 pm : Yeah, I managed to solve this problem a long time ago. You are right, there were problems with my Export def file, but I was able to sort that out later. My biggest problem was my Import .dll.
Ok, nothing was wrong with the import.dll thingy, it was that I was trying to use Quake 4. I used Maya 6.5 and I had a Maya 6.5 .dll, but as it turns out, the only .dll that works with Quake 4 is the 4.5 one that Raven Software (or somebody) released.
Once I moved all my exporting over to Doom 3, I had no problems. I didn't know that the import dll only worked for Doom 3 and not Quake 4.
Dinky@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:27 am Post subject: Test model won't export :(: Alright, I've got a problem getting a model into Q4, but let me just make a list of the things that ARE NOT the problem:
1) My Quake 4 directory does not have any spaces in it. It's C:\Quake4\blahblah\
2) I have the correct x86 dll in my Quake 4 directory (not base directory, but \quake4\ directory). Or atleast this should be the right version. I'm using Maya 6.5, and I am using the DLL from this post: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=9581
3) It's not the Error that lets you know that Quake 4 doesn't understand that Maya is not in the registery or whatever it is.
I'm pretty sure it's my def file, I have like no expierence with def files and I hate trying to learn some new language just to get a model and some animations into a game engine.
Anyway, here's a screenshot of the error I get after I type in the exportModels command:
And my def file:
Code: |
export testchar {
options -sourcedir testchar/mb -destdir testchar/md5
mesh testchar.ma
} |
I KNOW something's wrong with my def file because when it comes down to this subject, I just know pretty much nothing
I know this forum can help me! Thanks ahead of time.
EDIT: Oh and I have tried both .mb and .ma. That screenshot is just of the latter. I wasn't sure if the file extension would have anything to do with it, but I tried it.
darknesz@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:12 pm Post subject: : add this to your quake4 start path(on your quake4 icon on the desktop) +set fs_importpath D:\Games\Quake4\q4base
it should look like this: D:\Games\Quake4\Quake4.exe +set fs_importpath D:\Games\Quake4\q4base
and if this dont work chang all the paths in your def file to the complet quake path(like c:/quake4/q4base/testchar/mb ... whatever....)
Dinky@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:04 pm Post subject: : Well it looks like that did work, so it just didn't understand that my game was in C:\Quake4\q4base, I've moved it from C:\Program Files\Quake 4\, err maybe it just doesn't have a default import path to begin with.
BUT! I've got another problem, which looks to be the same problem in this post: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=17815
Oh hey it was your problem Dark! I don't completely understand how you solved it though. What is Vmware?
Edit: Ah crap I don't wanna have to reinstall windows and all my other stuff
. Putting models into D3 is way too complicated =/.
darknesz@Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:12 pm Post subject: : sry but this is my prob too, in my vmmaschine i get another error ,an i have no idea!
now i use blender i'm not happy with this, but it works well...
if i have some houres freetime i make a short tutorial (blender --> quake/doom).
but next 2weeks it looks bad for this...
Dinky@Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:18 pm Post subject: : Yeah I think I'm just going to have to dump working with Doom 3/Quake 4. I'll probably just wait until Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, since they'll be releasing different tools for that game.
I actually want to see mod teams take Quake Wars and like get rid of all the classes and everything, I want to see a MOD where they use the big giant enviroments but use it for more individual type of combat, instead of the teamplay that Quake Wars enforces. I just think it would be neat to see a mod completely strip the game like that, not saying I won't like Quake Wars ('cause I've played it and I love it), I just like to see and play impressive mods.
I haven't tried using Doom 3 to turn my models into MD5Meshs/Anims, so I'm probably going to give that a shot, I wouldn't be surprised if I get the same error though.
Dinky@Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 7:18 pm Post subject: : Well last night I tried exporting on D3 and it worked, so D3 x86.dlls don't work in q4 hehe, didn't know that =/.
Anyway, my new problem has something to do with the def file, Doom 3 can't find "joint13|joint14", and so it doesn't export. I tried putting in -keep and naming off all my joints, but I guess that still didn't work.
Why can't Doom 3 find the joints?
DeathsSilkyMist@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:23 pm Post subject: : Oh wow, Im suprised I never saw this thread. I know exactly what your problem is. Here is a def file I made for an old project that involved switching a zombie head from doom3 with a pyramid head model (I use .mb but the extension shouldnt matter):
Code: |
export phead {
options -keep loneckcontrol loneck neckcontrol headcontrol
mesh models\md5\heads\phead\phead.mb
skin skins\monsters\zombies\pyramindheadhead.skin
anim models\md5\heads\phead\phead_idle.mb
model phead {
mesh models\md5\heads\phead\phead.md5mesh
skin skins\monsters\zombies\pyramindheadhead.skin
anim models\md5\heads\phead\phead_idle.md5anim
} |
Ignore the skin command, you dont need it if I remember correctly (I am a little rusty at this, havent done it in awhile). As you can see, the first section has the options -keep and all of the joints, but you must order them by joint hierarchy, or it wont work (do not include the origin joint). For the correct hierarchy go into the outliner in maya and list the joints off in the def file in order of the joints in the outliner. Also, since you are using maya the names are case sensitive, so if you dont capitalize the name when needed in the def file it wont find the joint. The major problem with your def file before was that it didnt tell the game where to put it. The section in the def file above that says model phead { tells the game where the .md5mesh and anims go (-destdir doesnt cut it). Also, i dont know where you put the testchar.ma, but it starts looking in the base folder, so as of right now your def file is telling the game to look for your .ma file in the base folder. If it is in a folder you need to specify as I did above. I dont remember if you have to do this, but if I remember correctly you need to have alteast one animation (I usually do the idle anim) to export in the def file as well for a .md5mesh to extort, as I did above. Hopefully this is fairly clear now... Im not the best at explaining things so I will be more than happy to clarify anything if needed. If you do what I did above your model should export correctly.
Insanity is but a state of mind deemed unacceptable by a society that strives to be perfect, which is insanity in itself. - DeathsSilkyMist
Dinky@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:22 pm Post subject: : Yeah, I managed to solve this problem a long time ago. You are right, there were problems with my Export def file, but I was able to sort that out later. My biggest problem was my Import .dll.
Ok, nothing was wrong with the import.dll thingy, it was that I was trying to use Quake 4. I used Maya 6.5 and I had a Maya 6.5 .dll, but as it turns out, the only .dll that works with Quake 4 is the 4.5 one that Raven Software (or somebody) released.
Once I moved all my exporting over to Doom 3, I had no problems. I didn't know that the import dll only worked for Doom 3 and not Quake 4.
"I aim to misbehave." -Captain Tight Pants
Dinky@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:27 am Post subject: Test model won't export :(: Alright, I've got a problem getting a model into Q4, but let me just make a list of the things that ARE NOT the problem:
1) My Quake 4 directory does not have any spaces in it. It's C:\Quake4\blahblah\
2) I have the correct x86 dll in my Quake 4 directory (not base directory, but \quake4\ directory). Or atleast this should be the right version. I'm using Maya 6.5, and I am using the DLL from this post: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=9581
3) It's not the Error that lets you know that Quake 4 doesn't understand that Maya is not in the registery or whatever it is.
I'm pretty sure it's my def file, I have like no expierence with def files and I hate trying to learn some new language just to get a model and some animations into a game engine.
Anyway, here's a screenshot of the error I get after I type in the exportModels command:
And my def file:
Code: |
export testchar {
options -sourcedir testchar/mb -destdir testchar/md5
mesh testchar.ma
} |
I KNOW something's wrong with my def file because when it comes down to this subject, I just know pretty much nothing
I know this forum can help me! Thanks ahead of time.
EDIT: Oh and I have tried both .mb and .ma. That screenshot is just of the latter. I wasn't sure if the file extension would have anything to do with it, but I tried it.
darknesz@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:12 pm Post subject: : add this to your quake4 start path(on your quake4 icon on the desktop) +set fs_importpath D:\Games\Quake4\q4base
it should look like this: D:\Games\Quake4\Quake4.exe +set fs_importpath D:\Games\Quake4\q4base
and if this dont work chang all the paths in your def file to the complet quake path(like c:/quake4/q4base/testchar/mb ... whatever....)
Dinky@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:04 pm Post subject: : Well it looks like that did work, so it just didn't understand that my game was in C:\Quake4\q4base, I've moved it from C:\Program Files\Quake 4\, err maybe it just doesn't have a default import path to begin with.
BUT! I've got another problem, which looks to be the same problem in this post: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=17815
Oh hey it was your problem Dark! I don't completely understand how you solved it though. What is Vmware?
Edit: Ah crap I don't wanna have to reinstall windows and all my other stuff
. Putting models into D3 is way too complicated =/.
darknesz@Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:12 pm Post subject: : sry but this is my prob too, in my vmmaschine i get another error ,an i have no idea!
now i use blender i'm not happy with this, but it works well...
if i have some houres freetime i make a short tutorial (blender --> quake/doom).
but next 2weeks it looks bad for this...
Dinky@Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:18 pm Post subject: : Yeah I think I'm just going to have to dump working with Doom 3/Quake 4. I'll probably just wait until Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, since they'll be releasing different tools for that game.
I actually want to see mod teams take Quake Wars and like get rid of all the classes and everything, I want to see a MOD where they use the big giant enviroments but use it for more individual type of combat, instead of the teamplay that Quake Wars enforces. I just think it would be neat to see a mod completely strip the game like that, not saying I won't like Quake Wars ('cause I've played it and I love it), I just like to see and play impressive mods.
I haven't tried using Doom 3 to turn my models into MD5Meshs/Anims, so I'm probably going to give that a shot, I wouldn't be surprised if I get the same error though.
Dinky@Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 7:18 pm Post subject: : Well last night I tried exporting on D3 and it worked, so D3 x86.dlls don't work in q4 hehe, didn't know that =/.
Anyway, my new problem has something to do with the def file, Doom 3 can't find "joint13|joint14", and so it doesn't export. I tried putting in -keep and naming off all my joints, but I guess that still didn't work.
Why can't Doom 3 find the joints?
DeathsSilkyMist@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:23 pm Post subject: : Oh wow, Im suprised I never saw this thread. I know exactly what your problem is. Here is a def file I made for an old project that involved switching a zombie head from doom3 with a pyramid head model (I use .mb but the extension shouldnt matter):
Code: |
export phead {
options -keep loneckcontrol loneck neckcontrol headcontrol
mesh models\md5\heads\phead\phead.mb
skin skins\monsters\zombies\pyramindheadhead.skin
anim models\md5\heads\phead\phead_idle.mb
model phead {
mesh models\md5\heads\phead\phead.md5mesh
skin skins\monsters\zombies\pyramindheadhead.skin
anim models\md5\heads\phead\phead_idle.md5anim
} |
Ignore the skin command, you dont need it if I remember correctly (I am a little rusty at this, havent done it in awhile). As you can see, the first section has the options -keep and all of the joints, but you must order them by joint hierarchy, or it wont work (do not include the origin joint). For the correct hierarchy go into the outliner in maya and list the joints off in the def file in order of the joints in the outliner. Also, since you are using maya the names are case sensitive, so if you dont capitalize the name when needed in the def file it wont find the joint. The major problem with your def file before was that it didnt tell the game where to put it. The section in the def file above that says model phead { tells the game where the .md5mesh and anims go (-destdir doesnt cut it). Also, i dont know where you put the testchar.ma, but it starts looking in the base folder, so as of right now your def file is telling the game to look for your .ma file in the base folder. If it is in a folder you need to specify as I did above. I dont remember if you have to do this, but if I remember correctly you need to have alteast one animation (I usually do the idle anim) to export in the def file as well for a .md5mesh to extort, as I did above. Hopefully this is fairly clear now... Im not the best at explaining things so I will be more than happy to clarify anything if needed. If you do what I did above your model should export correctly.
Insanity is but a state of mind deemed unacceptable by a society that strives to be perfect, which is insanity in itself. - DeathsSilkyMist
Dinky@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:22 pm Post subject: : Yeah, I managed to solve this problem a long time ago. You are right, there were problems with my Export def file, but I was able to sort that out later. My biggest problem was my Import .dll.
Ok, nothing was wrong with the import.dll thingy, it was that I was trying to use Quake 4. I used Maya 6.5 and I had a Maya 6.5 .dll, but as it turns out, the only .dll that works with Quake 4 is the 4.5 one that Raven Software (or somebody) released.
Once I moved all my exporting over to Doom 3, I had no problems. I didn't know that the import dll only worked for Doom 3 and not Quake 4.
"I aim to misbehave." -Captain Tight Pants
Dinky@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:27 am : Alright, I've got a problem getting a model into Q4, but let me just make a list of the things that ARE NOT the problem:
1) My Quake 4 directory does not have any spaces in it. It's C:\Quake4\blahblah\
2) I have the correct x86 dll in my Quake 4 directory (not base directory, but \quake4\ directory). Or atleast this should be the right version. I'm using Maya 6.5, and I am using the DLL from this post:
3) It's not the Error that lets you know that Quake 4 doesn't understand that Maya is not in the registery or whatever it is.
I'm pretty sure it's my def file, I have like no expierence with def files and I hate trying to learn some new language just to get a model and some animations into a game engine.
Anyway, here's a screenshot of the error I get after I type in the exportModels command:
And my def file:
export testchar {
options -sourcedir testchar/mb -destdir testchar/md5
mesh testchar.ma
I KNOW something's wrong with my def file because when it comes down to this subject, I just know pretty much nothing

I know this forum can help me! Thanks ahead of time.
EDIT: Oh and I have tried both .mb and .ma. That screenshot is just of the latter. I wasn't sure if the file extension would have anything to do with it, but I tried it.
darknesz@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:12 pm : add this to your quake4 start path(on your quake4 icon on the desktop) +set fs_importpath D:\Games\Quake4\q4base
it should look like this: D:\Games\Quake4\Quake4.exe +set fs_importpath D:\Games\Quake4\q4base
and if this dont work chang all the paths in your def file to the complet quake path(like c:/quake4/q4base/testchar/mb ... whatever....)
Dinky@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:04 pm : Well it looks like that did work, so it just didn't understand that my game was in C:\Quake4\q4base, I've moved it from C:\Program Files\Quake 4\, err maybe it just doesn't have a default import path to begin with.
BUT! I've got another problem, which looks to be the same problem in this post:
Oh hey it was your problem Dark! I don't completely understand how you solved it though. What is Vmware?
Edit: Ah crap I don't wanna have to reinstall windows and all my other stuff

. Putting models into D3 is way too complicated =/.
darknesz@Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:12 pm : sry but this is my prob too, in my vmmaschine i get another error ,an i have no idea!
now i use blender i'm not happy with this, but it works well...
if i have some houres freetime i make a short tutorial (blender --> quake/doom).
but next 2weeks it looks bad for this...
Dinky@Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:18 pm : Yeah I think I'm just going to have to dump working with Doom 3/Quake 4. I'll probably just wait until Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, since they'll be releasing different tools for that game.
I actually want to see mod teams take Quake Wars and like get rid of all the classes and everything, I want to see a MOD where they use the big giant enviroments but use it for more individual type of combat, instead of the teamplay that Quake Wars enforces. I just think it would be neat to see a mod completely strip the game like that, not saying I won't like Quake Wars ('cause I've played it and I love it), I just like to see and play impressive mods.
I haven't tried using Doom 3 to turn my models into MD5Meshs/Anims, so I'm probably going to give that a shot, I wouldn't be surprised if I get the same error though.
Dinky@Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 7:18 pm : Well last night I tried exporting on D3 and it worked, so D3 x86.dlls don't work in q4 hehe, didn't know that =/.
Anyway, my new problem has something to do with the def file, Doom 3 can't find "joint13|joint14", and so it doesn't export. I tried putting in -keep and naming off all my joints, but I guess that still didn't work.
Why can't Doom 3 find the joints?
DeathsSilkyMist@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:23 pm : Oh wow, Im suprised I never saw this thread. I know exactly what your problem is. Here is a def file I made for an old project that involved switching a zombie head from doom3 with a pyramid head model (I use .mb but the extension shouldnt matter):
export phead {
options -keep loneckcontrol loneck neckcontrol headcontrol
mesh models\md5\heads\phead\phead.mb
skin skins\monsters\zombies\pyramindheadhead.skin
anim models\md5\heads\phead\phead_idle.mb
model phead {
mesh models\md5\heads\phead\phead.md5mesh
skin skins\monsters\zombies\pyramindheadhead.skin
anim models\md5\heads\phead\phead_idle.md5anim
Ignore the skin command, you dont need it if I remember correctly (I am a little rusty at this, havent done it in awhile). As you can see, the first section has the options -keep and all of the joints, but you must order them by joint hierarchy, or it wont work (do not include the origin joint). For the correct hierarchy go into the outliner in maya and list the joints off in the def file in order of the joints in the outliner. Also, since you are using maya the names are case sensitive, so if you dont capitalize the name when needed in the def file it wont find the joint. The major problem with your def file before was that it didnt tell the game where to put it. The section in the def file above that says model phead { tells the game where the .md5mesh and anims go (-destdir doesnt cut it). Also, i dont know where you put the testchar.ma, but it starts looking in the base folder, so as of right now your def file is telling the game to look for your .ma file in the base folder. If it is in a folder you need to specify as I did above. I dont remember if you have to do this, but if I remember correctly you need to have alteast one animation (I usually do the idle anim) to export in the def file as well for a .md5mesh to extort, as I did above. Hopefully this is fairly clear now... Im not the best at explaining things so I will be more than happy to clarify anything if needed. If you do what I did above your model should export correctly.
Dinky@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:22 pm : Yeah, I managed to solve this problem a long time ago. You are right, there were problems with my Export def file, but I was able to sort that out later. My biggest problem was my Import .dll.
Ok, nothing was wrong with the import.dll thingy, it was that I was trying to use Quake 4. I used Maya 6.5 and I had a Maya 6.5 .dll, but as it turns out, the only .dll that works with Quake 4 is the 4.5 one that Raven Software (or somebody) released.
Once I moved all my exporting over to Doom 3, I had no problems. I didn't know that the import dll only worked for Doom 3 and not Quake 4.
Dinky@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:27 am : Alright, I've got a problem getting a model into Q4, but let me just make a list of the things that ARE NOT the problem:
1) My Quake 4 directory does not have any spaces in it. It's C:\Quake4\blahblah\
2) I have the correct x86 dll in my Quake 4 directory (not base directory, but \quake4\ directory). Or atleast this should be the right version. I'm using Maya 6.5, and I am using the DLL from this post:
3) It's not the Error that lets you know that Quake 4 doesn't understand that Maya is not in the registery or whatever it is.
I'm pretty sure it's my def file, I have like no expierence with def files and I hate trying to learn some new language just to get a model and some animations into a game engine.
Anyway, here's a screenshot of the error I get after I type in the exportModels command:
And my def file:
export testchar {
options -sourcedir testchar/mb -destdir testchar/md5
mesh testchar.ma
I KNOW something's wrong with my def file because when it comes down to this subject, I just know pretty much nothing

I know this forum can help me! Thanks ahead of time.
EDIT: Oh and I have tried both .mb and .ma. That screenshot is just of the latter. I wasn't sure if the file extension would have anything to do with it, but I tried it.
darknesz@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:12 pm : add this to your quake4 start path(on your quake4 icon on the desktop) +set fs_importpath D:\Games\Quake4\q4base
it should look like this: D:\Games\Quake4\Quake4.exe +set fs_importpath D:\Games\Quake4\q4base
and if this dont work chang all the paths in your def file to the complet quake path(like c:/quake4/q4base/testchar/mb ... whatever....)
Dinky@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:04 pm : Well it looks like that did work, so it just didn't understand that my game was in C:\Quake4\q4base, I've moved it from C:\Program Files\Quake 4\, err maybe it just doesn't have a default import path to begin with.
BUT! I've got another problem, which looks to be the same problem in this post:
Oh hey it was your problem Dark! I don't completely understand how you solved it though. What is Vmware?
Edit: Ah crap I don't wanna have to reinstall windows and all my other stuff

. Putting models into D3 is way too complicated =/.
darknesz@Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:12 pm : sry but this is my prob too, in my vmmaschine i get another error ,an i have no idea!
now i use blender i'm not happy with this, but it works well...
if i have some houres freetime i make a short tutorial (blender --> quake/doom).
but next 2weeks it looks bad for this...
Dinky@Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:18 pm : Yeah I think I'm just going to have to dump working with Doom 3/Quake 4. I'll probably just wait until Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, since they'll be releasing different tools for that game.
I actually want to see mod teams take Quake Wars and like get rid of all the classes and everything, I want to see a MOD where they use the big giant enviroments but use it for more individual type of combat, instead of the teamplay that Quake Wars enforces. I just think it would be neat to see a mod completely strip the game like that, not saying I won't like Quake Wars ('cause I've played it and I love it), I just like to see and play impressive mods.
I haven't tried using Doom 3 to turn my models into MD5Meshs/Anims, so I'm probably going to give that a shot, I wouldn't be surprised if I get the same error though.
Dinky@Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 7:18 pm : Well last night I tried exporting on D3 and it worked, so D3 x86.dlls don't work in q4 hehe, didn't know that =/.
Anyway, my new problem has something to do with the def file, Doom 3 can't find "joint13|joint14", and so it doesn't export. I tried putting in -keep and naming off all my joints, but I guess that still didn't work.
Why can't Doom 3 find the joints?
DeathsSilkyMist@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:23 pm : Oh wow, Im suprised I never saw this thread. I know exactly what your problem is. Here is a def file I made for an old project that involved switching a zombie head from doom3 with a pyramid head model (I use .mb but the extension shouldnt matter):
export phead {
options -keep loneckcontrol loneck neckcontrol headcontrol
mesh models\md5\heads\phead\phead.mb
skin skins\monsters\zombies\pyramindheadhead.skin
anim models\md5\heads\phead\phead_idle.mb
model phead {
mesh models\md5\heads\phead\phead.md5mesh
skin skins\monsters\zombies\pyramindheadhead.skin
anim models\md5\heads\phead\phead_idle.md5anim
Ignore the skin command, you dont need it if I remember correctly (I am a little rusty at this, havent done it in awhile). As you can see, the first section has the options -keep and all of the joints, but you must order them by joint hierarchy, or it wont work (do not include the origin joint). For the correct hierarchy go into the outliner in maya and list the joints off in the def file in order of the joints in the outliner. Also, since you are using maya the names are case sensitive, so if you dont capitalize the name when needed in the def file it wont find the joint. The major problem with your def file before was that it didnt tell the game where to put it. The section in the def file above that says model phead { tells the game where the .md5mesh and anims go (-destdir doesnt cut it). Also, i dont know where you put the testchar.ma, but it starts looking in the base folder, so as of right now your def file is telling the game to look for your .ma file in the base folder. If it is in a folder you need to specify as I did above. I dont remember if you have to do this, but if I remember correctly you need to have alteast one animation (I usually do the idle anim) to export in the def file as well for a .md5mesh to extort, as I did above. Hopefully this is fairly clear now... Im not the best at explaining things so I will be more than happy to clarify anything if needed. If you do what I did above your model should export correctly.
Dinky@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:22 pm : Yeah, I managed to solve this problem a long time ago. You are right, there were problems with my Export def file, but I was able to sort that out later. My biggest problem was my Import .dll.
Ok, nothing was wrong with the import.dll thingy, it was that I was trying to use Quake 4. I used Maya 6.5 and I had a Maya 6.5 .dll, but as it turns out, the only .dll that works with Quake 4 is the 4.5 one that Raven Software (or somebody) released.
Once I moved all my exporting over to Doom 3, I had no problems. I didn't know that the import dll only worked for Doom 3 and not Quake 4.
Dinky@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:27 am Post subject: Test model won't export :(: Alright, I've got a problem getting a model into Q4, but let me just make a list of the things that ARE NOT the problem:
1) My Quake 4 directory does not have any spaces in it. It's C:\Quake4\blahblah\
2) I have the correct x86 dll in my Quake 4 directory (not base directory, but \quake4\ directory). Or atleast this should be the right version. I'm using Maya 6.5, and I am using the DLL from this post: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=9581
3) It's not the Error that lets you know that Quake 4 doesn't understand that Maya is not in the registery or whatever it is.
I'm pretty sure it's my def file, I have like no expierence with def files and I hate trying to learn some new language just to get a model and some animations into a game engine.
Anyway, here's a screenshot of the error I get after I type in the exportModels command:
And my def file:
Code: |
export testchar {
options -sourcedir testchar/mb -destdir testchar/md5
mesh testchar.ma
} |
I KNOW something's wrong with my def file because when it comes down to this subject, I just know pretty much nothing
I know this forum can help me! Thanks ahead of time.
EDIT: Oh and I have tried both .mb and .ma. That screenshot is just of the latter. I wasn't sure if the file extension would have anything to do with it, but I tried it.
darknesz@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:12 pm Post subject: : add this to your quake4 start path(on your quake4 icon on the desktop) +set fs_importpath D:\Games\Quake4\q4base
it should look like this: D:\Games\Quake4\Quake4.exe +set fs_importpath D:\Games\Quake4\q4base
and if this dont work chang all the paths in your def file to the complet quake path(like c:/quake4/q4base/testchar/mb ... whatever....)
Dinky@Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:04 pm Post subject: : Well it looks like that did work, so it just didn't understand that my game was in C:\Quake4\q4base, I've moved it from C:\Program Files\Quake 4\, err maybe it just doesn't have a default import path to begin with.
BUT! I've got another problem, which looks to be the same problem in this post: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=17815
Oh hey it was your problem Dark! I don't completely understand how you solved it though. What is Vmware?
Edit: Ah crap I don't wanna have to reinstall windows and all my other stuff
. Putting models into D3 is way too complicated =/.
darknesz@Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:12 pm Post subject: : sry but this is my prob too, in my vmmaschine i get another error ,an i have no idea!
now i use blender i'm not happy with this, but it works well...
if i have some houres freetime i make a short tutorial (blender --> quake/doom).
but next 2weeks it looks bad for this...
Dinky@Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:18 pm Post subject: : Yeah I think I'm just going to have to dump working with Doom 3/Quake 4. I'll probably just wait until Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, since they'll be releasing different tools for that game.
I actually want to see mod teams take Quake Wars and like get rid of all the classes and everything, I want to see a MOD where they use the big giant enviroments but use it for more individual type of combat, instead of the teamplay that Quake Wars enforces. I just think it would be neat to see a mod completely strip the game like that, not saying I won't like Quake Wars ('cause I've played it and I love it), I just like to see and play impressive mods.
I haven't tried using Doom 3 to turn my models into MD5Meshs/Anims, so I'm probably going to give that a shot, I wouldn't be surprised if I get the same error though.
Dinky@Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 7:18 pm Post subject: : Well last night I tried exporting on D3 and it worked, so D3 x86.dlls don't work in q4 hehe, didn't know that =/.
Anyway, my new problem has something to do with the def file, Doom 3 can't find "joint13|joint14", and so it doesn't export. I tried putting in -keep and naming off all my joints, but I guess that still didn't work.
Why can't Doom 3 find the joints?
DeathsSilkyMist@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:23 pm Post subject: : Oh wow, Im suprised I never saw this thread. I know exactly what your problem is. Here is a def file I made for an old project that involved switching a zombie head from doom3 with a pyramid head model (I use .mb but the extension shouldnt matter):
Code: |
export phead {
options -keep loneckcontrol loneck neckcontrol headcontrol
mesh models\md5\heads\phead\phead.mb
skin skins\monsters\zombies\pyramindheadhead.skin
anim models\md5\heads\phead\phead_idle.mb
model phead {
mesh models\md5\heads\phead\phead.md5mesh
skin skins\monsters\zombies\pyramindheadhead.skin
anim models\md5\heads\phead\phead_idle.md5anim
} |
Ignore the skin command, you dont need it if I remember correctly (I am a little rusty at this, havent done it in awhile). As you can see, the first section has the options -keep and all of the joints, but you must order them by joint hierarchy, or it wont work (do not include the origin joint). For the correct hierarchy go into the outliner in maya and list the joints off in the def file in order of the joints in the outliner. Also, since you are using maya the names are case sensitive, so if you dont capitalize the name when needed in the def file it wont find the joint. The major problem with your def file before was that it didnt tell the game where to put it. The section in the def file above that says model phead { tells the game where the .md5mesh and anims go (-destdir doesnt cut it). Also, i dont know where you put the testchar.ma, but it starts looking in the base folder, so as of right now your def file is telling the game to look for your .ma file in the base folder. If it is in a folder you need to specify as I did above. I dont remember if you have to do this, but if I remember correctly you need to have alteast one animation (I usually do the idle anim) to export in the def file as well for a .md5mesh to extort, as I did above. Hopefully this is fairly clear now... Im not the best at explaining things so I will be more than happy to clarify anything if needed. If you do what I did above your model should export correctly.
Insanity is but a state of mind deemed unacceptable by a society that strives to be perfect, which is insanity in itself. - DeathsSilkyMist
Dinky@Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:22 pm Post subject: : Yeah, I managed to solve this problem a long time ago. You are right, there were problems with my Export def file, but I was able to sort that out later. My biggest problem was my Import .dll.
Ok, nothing was wrong with the import.dll thingy, it was that I was trying to use Quake 4. I used Maya 6.5 and I had a Maya 6.5 .dll, but as it turns out, the only .dll that works with Quake 4 is the 4.5 one that Raven Software (or somebody) released.
Once I moved all my exporting over to Doom 3, I had no problems. I didn't know that the import dll only worked for Doom 3 and not Quake 4.
"I aim to misbehave." -Captain Tight Pants