The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:30 am : I just completed it & it's absolutely fabulous. I loved every bit of it & played it every night until I beat it. Not only MUCH better then Doom 3 & Quake 4, but it REALLY showed what the D3 engine can do. The gravity work was way above what I expected, so was the portal usage. Story was one of the most engrossing ones ever in a video game. I also love all the extra tid-bits you could pay attention to if you wanted (like art bell) but the story still progressed even if you didn't want to (which is unlike HL2 imho, which really required you to pay attentions to most details to understand why things are happening).
I've noticed a few things that were never explained inthe game though & I'm hoping some people here know/have theories:
1) women aren't processed? Only men are killed at the start (like grandfather).
2) children aren't processed either?
3) what's up with the white wraiths? They possessed the kids (apparently only girls) & aren't limited to the sphere (as in an art bell call). Strangely, the art book that came with the tin box version of prey all shows boy-possessed kids, but only possessed girls made it in the game?
4) is the whole point of the sphere to harvest planets to keep on living? In the game there's no other point (told in the plot).
5) the doom easter egg was too funny. Not only was it a punch at doom, it was near identical to the DN3D one!
Gabrobot@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:21 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
1) women aren't processed? Only men are killed at the start (like grandfather).
Must've just been a coincidence, because I've seen women get processed. I sometimes would just stand there and watch several people go through (yeah yeah, I know

), and I definitely saw some women go through as well.
Tron@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:24 am : Yeah, also Jen very nearly got processed.

BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:28 am : I absolutely adore Prey, in all it's assets. IMO 90% of all criticism about it (rehash, not original, too dark, bad story) is all based on bullshit. It's story is just about better than 90% of most of the shit you see on TV.
Regulator@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:13 pm : In my opinion its a mediocre game. The story was ehm ok, but Tomy's voice was bad. Gameplay was crappy, some maps were so bad that I was surprised that they could release them, they looked like they were made by 5 year old. Probably they thought that the game is too short so they slapped in few from recycle bin. Weapon sounds were bad and models looked very reminiscent to Quake4 ones. Puzzles were boring though modern. Games performance was much better than D3 for me. I could ran it on the highest detail without any slowdown and the textures looked sharp. Still the game looked like D3. I mean was it so hard to change the rendering style a bit?
Arklon@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:10 pm : Regulator wrote:
In my opinion its a mediocre game. The story was ehm ok, but Tomy's voice was bad. Gameplay was crappy, some maps were so bad that I was surprised that they could release them, they looked like they were made by 5 year old. Probably they thought that the game is too short so they slapped in few from recycle bin. Weapon sounds were bad and models looked very reminiscent to Quake4 ones. Puzzles were boring though modern. Games performance was much better than D3 for me. I could ran it on the highest detail without any slowdown and the textures looked sharp. Still the game looked like D3. I mean was it so hard to change the rendering style a bit?
Of course you think that, you're the biggest troll on these forums.

1) women aren't processed? Only men are killed at the start (like grandfather).
No, I've seen a lot of women get stabbed by spikes and then smashed and sucked up by that machine.
zeh@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:31 pm : I finally got the game a few months ago, and loved it. Tommy's lines were a bit cheesy but everything else was top notch. I'm not sure if one can compare it to most singleplayer fps released today - sci-fi is 'old' so many people will dislike it for this single fact - but I loved playing it and that's enough for me.
Regulator@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:47 pm : Arklon wrote:
Of course you think that, you're the biggest troll on these forums.

The only troll in this thread is you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:05 pm : Regulator wrote:
Arklon wrote:
Of course you think that, you're the biggest troll on these forums.

The only troll in this thread is you.
I'd consider it a close race

The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:13 pm : i liked tommy's voice. it was more "average guy" then most games (Quake 4's were all hardend marines, Duke 3d was a badass [same with serious sam]).
I especially love what he says & the timing. Infact, right before he mentions he's going to puke from all the initial grav changes, that's exactly what I thought. I'd imagine they had people play through & then say their reactions.
I also like near the end when you start to enjoy blasting baddies. It's about time a character you play enjoys blowing things up as much as you do.

I thought the weapon sounds were good.
I also loved the level design. Unlike every other game out there (ever), the levels are the puzzles. There's no "follow the walkway" for most of the game, it's nearly all "ok, i need to get over there... how can i?"
Regulator@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:24 pm : Good voice acting is realy hard to find in games. I'd say that Sam Fisher [Micheal Ironside] voice was pretty good, not perfect, but above the average. Though I think sometimes it was 'drowned'. Alyx from Hl2 was ok, that black dudes voice from Avp2 [and FEAR?] was really good. Not too overacted, but still charismatic and not the one you'd forget. Prey's Tommys voice was way too overacted, annoying and it was mentioned on bunch of gaming boards I've visited too so thats not just my opinion. Imho the only cool thing in Prey was menu music, it was really good, epic, but melodic'n stuff.
Phobos@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:33 pm : I've always wanted to grab a copy of the game, I just haven't picked one up yet :'(
Arklon@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:29 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
I especially love what he says & the timing. Infact, right before he mentions he's going to puke from all the initial grav changes, that's exactly what I thought. I'd imagine they had people play through & then say their reactions.
If you switch the gravity too many times, Tommy actually does puke.
Regulator wrote:
Arklon wrote:
Of course you think that, you're the biggest troll on these forums.

The only troll in this thread is you.
Maybe I'm tired of you posting "Doom 3 and every game made using the Doom 3 engine suck. Because they suck." over and over and over again. :/
zeh@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:44 pm : The problem with Tommy was more with the lines themselves than with the voice. There were some moments where the line was so awkward I don't think they'd get it right either way. Not all, mind you, but a few of them really stood out.
Phobos: I recommend you check it out. It's $19.95 on Steam now, so I suppose it's also cheaper everywhere else.
Regulator@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:00 pm : Arklon wrote:
Maybe I'm tired of you posting "Doom 3 and every game made using the Doom 3 engine suck. Because they suck." over and over and over again. :/
Well I may be sick of something you say, but I dont go drippin slime all over the place with hatred. And I'm not using the circle argument like you are trying to convince me. People have different opinions and have different tastes, get over it.

Arklon@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:41 pm : Regulator wrote:
Arklon wrote:
Maybe I'm tired of you posting "Doom 3 and every game made using the Doom 3 engine suck. Because they suck." over and over and over again. :/
Well I may be sick of something you say, but I dont go drippin slime all over the place with hatred. And I'm not using the circle argument like you are trying to convince me. People have different opinions and have different tastes, get over it.

But you're on a Doom 3 forum.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:48 pm : Arklon wrote:
If you switch the gravity too many times, Tommy actually does puke.
i know, isn't that cool? But it must be based on flipping so many time in X time because later you don't puke when you're fliping a lot.
zeh wrote:
The problem with Tommy was more with the lines themselves than with the voice. There were some moments where the line was so awkward I don't think they'd get it right either way. Not all, mind you, but a few of them really stood out.
i didn't think any were awkward based on the situations in the game, but a couple seemed wierd.
Phobos: I recommend you check it out. It's $19.95 on Steam now, so I suppose it's also cheaper everywhere else.
it's $20 nearly everywhere. You can also find the DVD edition (which I got) for $20-30. I'd recommend that over steam, definetly. It has a book with art made for the game & two cool metal figurines.
Arklon@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 12:00 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
it's $20 nearly everywhere. You can also find the DVD edition (which I got) for $20-30. I'd recommend that over steam, definetly. It has a book with art made for the game & two cool metal figurines.
And a free soundtrack download (which I believe is encoded at 320kbps).
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 12:24 am : yes, that too. it's via directdownload & you need to set IE to allow all cookies for the DRM to work, but a quick "fix" got them in to mp3 high quality VBR for me.

Arklon@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 12:40 am : Oh, where's the Doom easter egg? I couldn't find it.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:05 pm : BloodRayne wrote:
ZippyDSMlee wrote:
iceheart wrote:
You only need to log in to steam once for your games, then you can use it offline...
but you have to do it each time you install it,its like Windows key check thing that makes you call in if you dare reinstall or change the hardware twice in a week ,its simply to much to ask for.
If going online and doing 'something' is so much work... why go online to complain about it?
How often do you install onto a new OS? Hardware changes don't require re-activation.
Furthermore, all the effort it took you to complain about this is propably much more than the effort it will ever take you to activate the installation when you reinstall the game.
Lets see I reinstall my OS about every 2-5 months, oh and the online activation is a bit more invasive than steam you get 2 active installs if you do not uninstall it while online you can not install it again.
Sorry if you feel consumers have no rights but online activation for a store bought retail game is a no no for me sorry (and they are planing to do that with BR movies in the coming years), if you like paying for them to steal your rights away and pay 50$ for a 20$ game good for you,we all should be less chosey in life and walk where the man tells us,its makes life so much simpler so mcuh blander so much more enjoyable.
*rolls eyes*
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:20 pm : ZippyDSMlee wrote:
Lets see I reinstall my OS about every 2-5 months, oh and the online activation is a bit more invasive than steam you get 2 active installs if you do not uninstall it while online you can not install it again.
Sorry if you feel consumers have no rights but online activation for a store bought retail game is a no no for me sorry (and they are planing to do that with BR movies in the coming years), if you like paying for them to steal your rights away and pay 50$ for a 20$ game good for you,we all should be less chosey in life and walk where the man tells us,its makes life so much simpler so mcuh blander so much more enjoyable.
*rolls eyes*
Every 2-5 months a new OS. Haha....
And don't put words into my mouth to make your own inadequate arguments stick. I give
plenty about
customer rights.
No ordinary user reinstalls their OS every 2-5 months, that's just plain stupid and ridculously unnescesary. If you are really willing to go through THAT much trouble then certainly activating Steam is a peace of cake for you....
ps: Please confirm Godwin's law for me in your next reply, make my day!

ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:52 pm : BloodRayne wrote:
ZippyDSMlee wrote:
Lets see I reinstall my OS about every 2-5 months, oh and the online activation is a bit more invasive than steam you get 2 active installs if you do not uninstall it while online you can not install it again.
Sorry if you feel consumers have no rights but online activation for a store bought retail game is a no no for me sorry (and they are planing to do that with BR movies in the coming years), if you like paying for them to steal your rights away and pay 50$ for a 20$ game good for you,we all should be less chosey in life and walk where the man tells us,its makes life so much simpler so mcuh blander so much more enjoyable.
*rolls eyes*
Every 2-5 months a new OS. Haha....
And don't put words into my mouth to make your own inadequate arguments stick. I give
plenty about
customer rights.
No ordinary user reinstalls their OS every 2-5 months, that's just plain stupid and ridculously unnescesary. If you are really willing to go through THAT much trouble then certainly activating Steam is a peace of cake for you....
ps: Please confirm Godwin's law for me in your next reply, make my day!

You must know a lot about XP the registry bloat and after awhile it tends to lag and slow down not to mention the damage crashes dose to it(I have had DX be damaged at least 2 times in the past year and guess what you can not simply reinstall it to fix it you have to reinstall the OS....),from everythign I have read its better to make a 100% backup of a fresh install or to reinstall,I don't have the space for a backup so I do something called mantanace to it by reinstalling it because its more a best of burden than a OS.
Oh and yes I run defrag and scandisk every 2 weeks it dose not seem to help once the registry gets past a certain point,I also run my computer 24/7 because it is better not to restart it a lot int eh same day.
You seem to think since I dare install it more than once I am breaking the law,hell MS thinks that and thus why I try very hard to fight against corporate nonsense like this.
Tell me what is your personal limit on online activation you have to register the game and give your name and number and DOB half the time they hold in it sa list to sell off to the highest bidder or use it for inhouse statistical data,ect,ect,ect
There is always a certain amount of worry about giving away my name and address and such I try and limit as much as possible and find the invasive tactics of most online activation systems disturbing I would like a balance between them, Dark messiah used a inresting setup if they could use steam to enable online play and then have it where you can avoid that by just install SP I would like it a lot more but they do not give you that choice thats why for retail games I simply say No to online activation.
Hell even a mix of steam and IDs key system would be nice the key system checks the key while you are on the net and if you want to play online you have to jump through the extra hoops of registration and such but to prevent a 50$ or more boxed retail game from installing or playing because of a online activation system is a strong deciding factor in weather or not I will put up with the game.
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:31 pm : Quote:
You must know a lot about XP the registry bloat and after awhile it tends to lag and slow down not to mention the damage crashes dose to it
You're gonna love me for this... ever heard of the 'system restore' function in XP? ... store.mspx
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:45 pm : BloodRayne wrote:
You must know a lot about XP the registry bloat and after awhile it tends to lag and slow down not to mention the damage crashes dose to it
You're gonna love me for this... ever heard of the 'system restore' function in XP? ... store.mspxdude......I hate to tell gets corrupted ...its really a basic failsafe measure to keep the system going and dose not prevent the system from degrading into a sluggish mess.
Even most of the registry utilities can not effectively deal with the bloat,corruption and errors,thus why a reinstall is a must for a spry and fresh feeling OS.
Norton ghost is one of the best ways to back it up,you put it on a HD on a USB box and it wont get screwed up by being on all the time.
USB box I have, a spare HDD not so much LOL
I have my WGA tools to disable activation and crap and I get most of my updates from Autopatcher putting updates on a CD is a must and I can install them all in one setting not wait for updates to download install and repeat 1-3 times,I wish MS gave you that option of downloading the updates and storing them so you can install them when you need to..
Ooo speaking of digi games Alpha prime has come down some ... ucts_id=13I am still on the fence about buying it because of the online activation ....and I can find a retail UK box for 10-15 more ...mmmmm
I like my box art,I display it on the wall LOL
*cuddles Fallout 1-2 complete with book and game and box*
yes zippy needs help...a lot of help =0-o=
even have Deus ex 1 big box and Daiblo 2 big box and Arx fatalis small box ^^,oh and the prey tin :X.
Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:17 pm :
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:05 pm : BloodRayne wrote:
ZippyDSMlee wrote:
iceheart wrote:
You only need to log in to steam once for your games, then you can use it offline...
but you have to do it each time you install it,its like Windows key check thing that makes you call in if you dare reinstall or change the hardware twice in a week ,its simply to much to ask for.
If going online and doing 'something' is so much work... why go online to complain about it?
How often do you install onto a new OS? Hardware changes don't require re-activation.
Furthermore, all the effort it took you to complain about this is propably much more than the effort it will ever take you to activate the installation when you reinstall the game.
Lets see I reinstall my OS about every 2-5 months, oh and the online activation is a bit more invasive than steam you get 2 active installs if you do not uninstall it while online you can not install it again.
Sorry if you feel consumers have no rights but online activation for a store bought retail game is a no no for me sorry (and they are planing to do that with BR movies in the coming years), if you like paying for them to steal your rights away and pay 50$ for a 20$ game good for you,we all should be less chosey in life and walk where the man tells us,its makes life so much simpler so mcuh blander so much more enjoyable.
*rolls eyes*
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:20 pm : ZippyDSMlee wrote:
Lets see I reinstall my OS about every 2-5 months, oh and the online activation is a bit more invasive than steam you get 2 active installs if you do not uninstall it while online you can not install it again.
Sorry if you feel consumers have no rights but online activation for a store bought retail game is a no no for me sorry (and they are planing to do that with BR movies in the coming years), if you like paying for them to steal your rights away and pay 50$ for a 20$ game good for you,we all should be less chosey in life and walk where the man tells us,its makes life so much simpler so mcuh blander so much more enjoyable.
*rolls eyes*
Every 2-5 months a new OS. Haha....
And don't put words into my mouth to make your own inadequate arguments stick. I give
plenty about
customer rights.
No ordinary user reinstalls their OS every 2-5 months, that's just plain stupid and ridculously unnescesary. If you are really willing to go through THAT much trouble then certainly activating Steam is a peace of cake for you....
ps: Please confirm Godwin's law for me in your next reply, make my day!

ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:52 pm : BloodRayne wrote:
ZippyDSMlee wrote:
Lets see I reinstall my OS about every 2-5 months, oh and the online activation is a bit more invasive than steam you get 2 active installs if you do not uninstall it while online you can not install it again.
Sorry if you feel consumers have no rights but online activation for a store bought retail game is a no no for me sorry (and they are planing to do that with BR movies in the coming years), if you like paying for them to steal your rights away and pay 50$ for a 20$ game good for you,we all should be less chosey in life and walk where the man tells us,its makes life so much simpler so mcuh blander so much more enjoyable.
*rolls eyes*
Every 2-5 months a new OS. Haha....
And don't put words into my mouth to make your own inadequate arguments stick. I give
plenty about
customer rights.
No ordinary user reinstalls their OS every 2-5 months, that's just plain stupid and ridculously unnescesary. If you are really willing to go through THAT much trouble then certainly activating Steam is a peace of cake for you....
ps: Please confirm Godwin's law for me in your next reply, make my day!

You must know a lot about XP the registry bloat and after awhile it tends to lag and slow down not to mention the damage crashes dose to it(I have had DX be damaged at least 2 times in the past year and guess what you can not simply reinstall it to fix it you have to reinstall the OS....),from everythign I have read its better to make a 100% backup of a fresh install or to reinstall,I don't have the space for a backup so I do something called mantanace to it by reinstalling it because its more a best of burden than a OS.
Oh and yes I run defrag and scandisk every 2 weeks it dose not seem to help once the registry gets past a certain point,I also run my computer 24/7 because it is better not to restart it a lot int eh same day.
You seem to think since I dare install it more than once I am breaking the law,hell MS thinks that and thus why I try very hard to fight against corporate nonsense like this.
Tell me what is your personal limit on online activation you have to register the game and give your name and number and DOB half the time they hold in it sa list to sell off to the highest bidder or use it for inhouse statistical data,ect,ect,ect
There is always a certain amount of worry about giving away my name and address and such I try and limit as much as possible and find the invasive tactics of most online activation systems disturbing I would like a balance between them, Dark messiah used a inresting setup if they could use steam to enable online play and then have it where you can avoid that by just install SP I would like it a lot more but they do not give you that choice thats why for retail games I simply say No to online activation.
Hell even a mix of steam and IDs key system would be nice the key system checks the key while you are on the net and if you want to play online you have to jump through the extra hoops of registration and such but to prevent a 50$ or more boxed retail game from installing or playing because of a online activation system is a strong deciding factor in weather or not I will put up with the game.
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:31 pm : Quote:
You must know a lot about XP the registry bloat and after awhile it tends to lag and slow down not to mention the damage crashes dose to it
You're gonna love me for this... ever heard of the 'system restore' function in XP? ... store.mspx
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:45 pm : BloodRayne wrote:
You must know a lot about XP the registry bloat and after awhile it tends to lag and slow down not to mention the damage crashes dose to it
You're gonna love me for this... ever heard of the 'system restore' function in XP? ... store.mspxdude......I hate to tell gets corrupted ...its really a basic failsafe measure to keep the system going and dose not prevent the system from degrading into a sluggish mess.
Even most of the registry utilities can not effectively deal with the bloat,corruption and errors,thus why a reinstall is a must for a spry and fresh feeling OS.
Norton ghost is one of the best ways to back it up,you put it on a HD on a USB box and it wont get screwed up by being on all the time.
USB box I have, a spare HDD not so much LOL
I have my WGA tools to disable activation and crap and I get most of my updates from Autopatcher putting updates on a CD is a must and I can install them all in one setting not wait for updates to download install and repeat 1-3 times,I wish MS gave you that option of downloading the updates and storing them so you can install them when you need to..
Ooo speaking of digi games Alpha prime has come down some ... ucts_id=13I am still on the fence about buying it because of the online activation ....and I can find a retail UK box for 10-15 more ...mmmmm
I like my box art,I display it on the wall LOL
*cuddles Fallout 1-2 complete with book and game and box*
yes zippy needs help...a lot of help =0-o=
even have Deus ex 1 big box and Daiblo 2 big box and Arx fatalis small box ^^,oh and the prey tin :X.
Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:17 pm :
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:30 am : I just completed it & it's absolutely fabulous. I loved every bit of it & played it every night until I beat it. Not only MUCH better then Doom 3 & Quake 4, but it REALLY showed what the D3 engine can do. The gravity work was way above what I expected, so was the portal usage. Story was one of the most engrossing ones ever in a video game. I also love all the extra tid-bits you could pay attention to if you wanted (like art bell) but the story still progressed even if you didn't want to (which is unlike HL2 imho, which really required you to pay attentions to most details to understand why things are happening).
I've noticed a few things that were never explained inthe game though & I'm hoping some people here know/have theories:
1) women aren't processed? Only men are killed at the start (like grandfather).
2) children aren't processed either?
3) what's up with the white wraiths? They possessed the kids (apparently only girls) & aren't limited to the sphere (as in an art bell call). Strangely, the art book that came with the tin box version of prey all shows boy-possessed kids, but only possessed girls made it in the game?
4) is the whole point of the sphere to harvest planets to keep on living? In the game there's no other point (told in the plot).
5) the doom easter egg was too funny. Not only was it a punch at doom, it was near identical to the DN3D one!
Gabrobot@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:21 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
1) women aren't processed? Only men are killed at the start (like grandfather).
Must've just been a coincidence, because I've seen women get processed. I sometimes would just stand there and watch several people go through (yeah yeah, I know

), and I definitely saw some women go through as well.
Tron@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:24 am : Yeah, also Jen very nearly got processed.

BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:28 am : I absolutely adore Prey, in all it's assets. IMO 90% of all criticism about it (rehash, not original, too dark, bad story) is all based on bullshit. It's story is just about better than 90% of most of the shit you see on TV.
Regulator@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:13 pm : In my opinion its a mediocre game. The story was ehm ok, but Tomy's voice was bad. Gameplay was crappy, some maps were so bad that I was surprised that they could release them, they looked like they were made by 5 year old. Probably they thought that the game is too short so they slapped in few from recycle bin. Weapon sounds were bad and models looked very reminiscent to Quake4 ones. Puzzles were boring though modern. Games performance was much better than D3 for me. I could ran it on the highest detail without any slowdown and the textures looked sharp. Still the game looked like D3. I mean was it so hard to change the rendering style a bit?
Arklon@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:10 pm : Regulator wrote:
In my opinion its a mediocre game. The story was ehm ok, but Tomy's voice was bad. Gameplay was crappy, some maps were so bad that I was surprised that they could release them, they looked like they were made by 5 year old. Probably they thought that the game is too short so they slapped in few from recycle bin. Weapon sounds were bad and models looked very reminiscent to Quake4 ones. Puzzles were boring though modern. Games performance was much better than D3 for me. I could ran it on the highest detail without any slowdown and the textures looked sharp. Still the game looked like D3. I mean was it so hard to change the rendering style a bit?
Of course you think that, you're the biggest troll on these forums.

1) women aren't processed? Only men are killed at the start (like grandfather).
No, I've seen a lot of women get stabbed by spikes and then smashed and sucked up by that machine.
zeh@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:31 pm : I finally got the game a few months ago, and loved it. Tommy's lines were a bit cheesy but everything else was top notch. I'm not sure if one can compare it to most singleplayer fps released today - sci-fi is 'old' so many people will dislike it for this single fact - but I loved playing it and that's enough for me.
Regulator@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:47 pm : Arklon wrote:
Of course you think that, you're the biggest troll on these forums.

The only troll in this thread is you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:05 pm : Regulator wrote:
Arklon wrote:
Of course you think that, you're the biggest troll on these forums.

The only troll in this thread is you.
I'd consider it a close race

The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:13 pm : i liked tommy's voice. it was more "average guy" then most games (Quake 4's were all hardend marines, Duke 3d was a badass [same with serious sam]).
I especially love what he says & the timing. Infact, right before he mentions he's going to puke from all the initial grav changes, that's exactly what I thought. I'd imagine they had people play through & then say their reactions.
I also like near the end when you start to enjoy blasting baddies. It's about time a character you play enjoys blowing things up as much as you do.

I thought the weapon sounds were good.
I also loved the level design. Unlike every other game out there (ever), the levels are the puzzles. There's no "follow the walkway" for most of the game, it's nearly all "ok, i need to get over there... how can i?"
Regulator@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:24 pm : Good voice acting is realy hard to find in games. I'd say that Sam Fisher [Micheal Ironside] voice was pretty good, not perfect, but above the average. Though I think sometimes it was 'drowned'. Alyx from Hl2 was ok, that black dudes voice from Avp2 [and FEAR?] was really good. Not too overacted, but still charismatic and not the one you'd forget. Prey's Tommys voice was way too overacted, annoying and it was mentioned on bunch of gaming boards I've visited too so thats not just my opinion. Imho the only cool thing in Prey was menu music, it was really good, epic, but melodic'n stuff.
Phobos@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:33 pm : I've always wanted to grab a copy of the game, I just haven't picked one up yet :'(
Arklon@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:29 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
I especially love what he says & the timing. Infact, right before he mentions he's going to puke from all the initial grav changes, that's exactly what I thought. I'd imagine they had people play through & then say their reactions.
If you switch the gravity too many times, Tommy actually does puke.
Regulator wrote:
Arklon wrote:
Of course you think that, you're the biggest troll on these forums.

The only troll in this thread is you.
Maybe I'm tired of you posting "Doom 3 and every game made using the Doom 3 engine suck. Because they suck." over and over and over again. :/
zeh@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:44 pm : The problem with Tommy was more with the lines themselves than with the voice. There were some moments where the line was so awkward I don't think they'd get it right either way. Not all, mind you, but a few of them really stood out.
Phobos: I recommend you check it out. It's $19.95 on Steam now, so I suppose it's also cheaper everywhere else.
Regulator@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:00 pm : Arklon wrote:
Maybe I'm tired of you posting "Doom 3 and every game made using the Doom 3 engine suck. Because they suck." over and over and over again. :/
Well I may be sick of something you say, but I dont go drippin slime all over the place with hatred. And I'm not using the circle argument like you are trying to convince me. People have different opinions and have different tastes, get over it.

Arklon@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:41 pm : Regulator wrote:
Arklon wrote:
Maybe I'm tired of you posting "Doom 3 and every game made using the Doom 3 engine suck. Because they suck." over and over and over again. :/
Well I may be sick of something you say, but I dont go drippin slime all over the place with hatred. And I'm not using the circle argument like you are trying to convince me. People have different opinions and have different tastes, get over it.

But you're on a Doom 3 forum.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:48 pm : Arklon wrote:
If you switch the gravity too many times, Tommy actually does puke.
i know, isn't that cool? But it must be based on flipping so many time in X time because later you don't puke when you're fliping a lot.
zeh wrote:
The problem with Tommy was more with the lines themselves than with the voice. There were some moments where the line was so awkward I don't think they'd get it right either way. Not all, mind you, but a few of them really stood out.
i didn't think any were awkward based on the situations in the game, but a couple seemed wierd.
Phobos: I recommend you check it out. It's $19.95 on Steam now, so I suppose it's also cheaper everywhere else.
it's $20 nearly everywhere. You can also find the DVD edition (which I got) for $20-30. I'd recommend that over steam, definetly. It has a book with art made for the game & two cool metal figurines.
Arklon@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 12:00 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
it's $20 nearly everywhere. You can also find the DVD edition (which I got) for $20-30. I'd recommend that over steam, definetly. It has a book with art made for the game & two cool metal figurines.
And a free soundtrack download (which I believe is encoded at 320kbps).
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 12:24 am : yes, that too. it's via directdownload & you need to set IE to allow all cookies for the DRM to work, but a quick "fix" got them in to mp3 high quality VBR for me.

Arklon@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 12:40 am : Oh, where's the Doom easter egg? I couldn't find it.
Regulator@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 1:31 am : Arklon wrote:
But you're on a Doom 3 forum.
Then go tell that to your mommy, because some bad boy said something bad about your lil game.
Arklon@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 1:49 am : Regulator wrote:
Arklon wrote:
But you're on a Doom 3 forum.
Then go tell that to your mommy, because some bad boy said something bad about your lil game.

The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:11 am : Arklon wrote:
Oh, where's the Doom easter egg? I couldn't find it.
I'll have to double check, but there's a spot where the lights go out in a room & Tommy says "Man, the lights just went out. I guess I'm doomed." Obviously poking fun at all the people who said D3 sucks because of little lighting & the "That's one doomed space marine" from Duk3D.
Arklon@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:21 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
Arklon wrote:
Oh, where's the Doom easter egg? I couldn't find it.
I'll have to double check, but there's a spot where the lights go out in a room & Tommy says "Man, the lights just went out. I guess I'm doomed." Obviously poking fun at all the people who said D3 sucks because of little lighting & the "That's one doomed space marine" from Duk3D.
OH. I forgot about that.

BNA!@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 10:09 am : Regulator wrote:
Arklon wrote:
But you're on a Doom 3 forum.
Then go tell that to your mommy, because some bad boy said something bad about your lil game.
You guys finally stop it please.
SnoopJeDi@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 4:51 pm : @ Prey:
I was just finally happy to play a game with thoughtful puzzles again, not just BANGBANGBANGurdeadlolZ!. The gravity cube almost gave me a nerdgasm.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:00 pm : if you like that gravity cube puzzle, you're love
The puzzles were great fun. They didn't feel forced either, they all felt natural, like that's part of the ship.
SnoopJeDi@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:22 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
if you like that gravity cube puzzle, you're love
Neat! I'm too good at it though

[code]The puzzles were great fun. They didn't feel forced either, they all felt natural, like that's part of the ship.
Yeah. Weird ship. The only thing I never really liked was how hunters never gangbanged you with portals in a non-scripted way, ie. my little mini-mod. Never could get the initiative to fix the gravity anomalies though. Should probably do that some time.
Phobos@Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:31 am : that was awesome. lol. i gave up on lv14.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:52 am : did you try it on a wii or the pc? The wii remote definetly makes that game more fun.
We need more FPS's that bring the level of puzzles Prey does. It would make things more interesting (find the key? Heck, it's more like find the exit on the ceiling!)
butmunch@Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:56 am : Phobos wrote:
that was awesome. lol. i gave up on lv14.
I gave up on lvl 15

ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 5:00 am : I dunno the level design is gun and run and I do not like that HL2 has better level design but only by a few "nooks",the weapons are better than HL2s but not by alot I really hated the way the multi gun worked no drops for it plus the charge stations run out of charge.
Its a solid game not the best FPS I have played I'l leave that to the classics HL1,Blood,Duke3D,undying,Unreal 1,Dues ex and even Halo,if I would have to chose between HL2 and prey...I'd chose Prey better Vehicle levels,fun un nerfy weapons and a solid story and plot finish out the game,HL2 plot is ok the story is even ok but the ending sucked and the physics gun still feels like a gimmick even today.
I also hate steam its just a poorly designed DRM setup,I think IDs Key check system is the best and least offensive protection setup made yet,I got the collectors box tin and game for 30$ off ebay last year ^^.
Anyone drooling over Bioshock?
I think I will plunk down 70 for the Collections set I don't normal buy games new but bioshock is calling me...and so is "Jericho" =^0^=
Zombie13@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 7:40 am : ZippyDSMlee wrote:
I dunno the level design is gun and run and I do not like that HL2 has better level design but only by a few "nooks",the weapons are better than HL2s but not by alot I really hated the way the multi gun worked no drops for it plus the charge stations run out of charge.
Its a solid game not the best FPS I have played I'l leave that to the classics HL1,Blood,Duke3D,undying,Unreal 1,Dues ex and even Halo,if I would have to chose between HL2 and prey...I'd chose Prey better Vehicle levels,fun un nerfy weapons and a solid story and plot finish out the game,HL2 plot is ok the story is even ok but the ending sucked and the physics gun still feels like a gimmick even today.
I also hate steam its just a poorly designed DRM setup,I think IDs Key check system is the best and least offensive protection setup made yet,I got the collectors box tin and game for 30$ off ebay last year ^^.
Anyone drooling over Bioshock?
I think I will plunk down 70 for the Collections set I don't normal buy games new but bioshock is calling me...and so is "Jericho" =^0^=
Sorry but I have to go against your word there and honestly say HL2 levels aren't all that exciting at all, SURE there were some cool areas, but over all the levels were lacking any kinda awesomeness what so ever. The levels in Prey were a little better, not by much, but I liked 'em more than HL2's.
About the charging station, if the station kept a full charge and you could get unlimited refills, wouldn't that be kinda silly design? You have to have balance man, when designing these sorts of things.
Also steam is a far more effective platform than a cd key checker, whether it's from id or epic, it's easy (not for me, of course) to get a keygen going within a few hours of the game being released.
And of course Halo, well I don't think I have enough time today at work to right up a review of why I disklike it, so we'll leave it at that

The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:03 am : Zombie13 wrote:
Also steam is a far more effective platform than a cd key checker, whether it's from id or epic, it's easy (not for me, of course) to get a keygen going within a few hours of the game being released.
not everyone uses steam to play valve's games. Just a little harder is all.

der_ton@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 12:55 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
if you like that gravity cube puzzle, you're love
The puzzles were great fun. They didn't feel forced either, they all felt natural, like that's part of the ship.
Yep, nice game! I completed all of the 30 levels, I trial&errored on some of them for quite some time. My time monitoring software tells me that I spent almost 3 hours on that game since yesterday.

Zombie13@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:27 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
Zombie13 wrote:
Also steam is a far more effective platform than a cd key checker, whether it's from id or epic, it's easy (not for me, of course) to get a keygen going within a few hours of the game being released.
not everyone uses steam to play valve's games. Just a little harder is all.

I never said that not everyone uses it

I was merely pointing out that it's more secure.....
The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 3:02 pm : Zombie13 wrote:
I never said that not everyone uses it

I was merely pointing out that it's more secure.....
i agree with that. it does help deter piracy. But is IS the FIRST game game I've actually stopped playing because of the copy-protection. That says something big about it imho. But not everyone feels that way (for some games that are offered on steam & have non-steam versions for more $$ I'd paid more $$ for the non-steam version. Examples: Defcon, RIP tripplepack).
Zombie13@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 3:29 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
Zombie13 wrote:
I never said that not everyone uses it

I was merely pointing out that it's more secure.....
i agree with that. it does help deter piracy. But is IS the FIRST game game I've actually stopped playing because of the copy-protection. That says something big about it imho. But not everyone feels that way (for some games that are offered on steam & have non-steam versions for more $$ I'd paid more $$ for the non-steam version. Examples: Defcon, RIP tripplepack).
Oh for sure I agree with ya. I guess it all comes down to personal preference, I love steam because where ever I go in the world (Lived in 3 different countries in the last 3 years) I can just download my games off of steam onto my new pc without requiring any discs, that to me is groovy

The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 3:51 pm : Zombie13 wrote:
Oh for sure I agree with ya. I guess it all comes down to personal preference, I love steam because where ever I go in the world (Lived in 3 different countries in the last 3 years) I can just download my games off of steam onto my new pc without requiring any discs, that to me is groovy

major major plus. That's one of the things I love about the digital products I've bought (from the garage game/introversion online stores). I just don't like the copy protection. I would of bought Ep1 & have Ep2 pre-ordered by now if it wasn't for Steam required.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 6:53 pm : IDs key system has a online check in and key check,what I am saying is that that added level of protection to check the game when you are online and it not begin mandatory for SP or installation is prefect, Sprocket needs to be online during install and Stream is just psychopathic , D2D is probably the most consumer friendly Digital distro system(No online DRM crap,the games are protected but not at the cost of driving the consumer insane) even if its 14-20% more.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:24 pm : Zombie13 wrote:
I guess it all comes down to personal preference, I love steam because where ever I go in the world (Lived in 3 different countries in the last 3 years) I can just download my games off of steam onto my new pc without requiring any discs, that to me is groovy

That's a point on the plus side for Steam, true, but in the end I would rather be dependant on CDs than on Steam and Valve's mercy.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:37 pm : der_ton wrote:
Zombie13 wrote:
I guess it all comes down to personal preference, I love steam because where ever I go in the world (Lived in 3 different countries in the last 3 years) I can just download my games off of steam onto my new pc without requiring any discs, that to me is groovy

That's a point on the plus side for Steam, true, but in the end I would rather be dependant on CDs than on Steam and Valve's mercy.
Have you tried D2D? its 100% indapendant from the net,once you download it of coarse

I just refuse to touch steam not after the issues with HL2 I had and not with it insisting you need to the net to play or install games.
TelMarine@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:29 am : In my opinion, I will always take the physical media because if you download the game or you need a service to run it, what happens when it doesn't exist anymore in X years or you format your hard drive and the direct to drive service doesn't exist either? With physical media, you can always go back and reinstall it to play.
Zombie13@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:30 am : You actually have never needed the net to play the games at all. It's just the initial installation and unlocking of the game.
I haven't had the net at home for quite a few weeks now, and I use hammer/HL2 offline quite a lot.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:38 am : Zombie13 wrote:
You actually have never needed the net to play the games at all. It's just the initial installation and unlocking of the game.
I haven't had the net at home for quite a few weeks now, and I use hammer/HL2 offline quite a lot.
I am not putting more than 10$ into something that requires the net to install or play,there is a limit on how much I am willing to give up to play something I bought..
And last time I checked HL2 had a update bug you update the game you are forced to be online only,they might have fixed that by now, but frankly the whole no net no install thing is a no no for me.
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 8:53 am : TelMarine wrote:
In my opinion, I will always take the physical media because if you download the game or you need a service to run it, what happens when it doesn't exist anymore in X years or you format your hard drive and the direct to drive service doesn't exist either? With physical media, you can always go back and reinstall it to play.
I buy my cd's then put them in special cases so they stay good, almost never use these but make copies instead that I can use for CD checks etc, instead of ruining my CD's by putting them into the drive every time I want to play.
The fact is that 90% of the CD's I bought 5-7 years ago are decaying so fast that most of the originals have become unreadable in both my 2 DVD drives and my CD drive at this point in time. Physical media isn't 'all that' either.
Frankly (and imho) if one permanently doesn't have net-access on his/her pc, then (s)he's living in the stone-ages.
Zombie13@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 11:46 am : BloodRayne wrote:
Frankly (and imho) if one permanently doesn't have net-access on his/her pc, then (s)he's living in the stone-ages.
All my opinions are based on the fact that I've had a solid net connection for many years.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 2:56 pm : Zombie13 wrote:
You actually have never needed the net to play the games at all. It's just the initial installation and unlocking of the game.
that might be the case with steam now, but when it came out if would auto-update steam any time it wanted, even if you told it no. and when it did it would re-set the auto-update settings for games & start downloading hen steam started, rendering all games updating useless until updated.
BloodRayne wrote:
The fact is that 90% of the CD's I bought 5-7 years ago are decaying so fast that most of the originals have become unreadable in both my 2 DVD drives and my CD drive at this point in time. Physical media isn't 'all that' either.
Really? I have BURNED CD's from 8 years ago that still work. I have games from the mid-90's on CD that still work. you must have something wierd in your environment that's decaying them.
Frankly (and imho) if one permanently doesn't have net-access on his/her pc, then (s)he's living in the stone-ages.
or doesn't want to spend $100+ a month for it. it's not cheap unless you live in an urban area and DEFINETLY not worth it to buy some Steam games.
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 3:13 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
Frankly (and imho) if one permanently doesn't have net-access on his/her pc, then (s)he's living in the stone-ages.
or doesn't want to spend $100+ a month for it. it's not cheap unless you live in an urban area and DEFINETLY not worth it to buy some Steam games.
I know where this is going... an endless discussion wether or not internetaccess is a 'must have' or not (which I won't be going into).
The fact that we're here, on an online discussion forum, should show you just how much impact having internet access has on a person's life. Here in NL having basic internetaccess is free in a lot of areas (wireless free accounts) or costs just under 30$ per month. If somebody has the money to spend to buy half-life 2 then it's a sure bet that they'll have money to also get an internet account. Besides Steam they will then have a wealth of information and fun to be had on the net.

Just my 2 cents.
But if you want to have a fun experiment, go into the store, buy Half Life 2 and ring up Valve with the news that you don't have internet access but would like to play the game that you just bought for 60$, then ask if there is an alternative way of activating your game.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 4:21 pm : BloodRayne wrote:
I know where this is going... an endless discussion wether or not internetaccess is a 'must have' or not (which I won't be going into).
actually, i was pointing out that in the USA internet cost goes up crazily the farther you get from the city. Even though majority of the US population has the ABILITY to the net it's normally cost-prohibitive. My parents pay 1/2 my 'net cost & are 6 times faster, for example (I pay $75 a month plus had to pay a 600 setup fee while they pay ~$35 a month with not setup fee & no contract). You can use the net on dialup no problem, just steam you can't & this issue doesn't really exist in smaller countries (IE not USA, Russia, Canada & China), and if it doesn't it no where near as bad.
Plus, look at the numbers: valve sold millions of copies of HL1+2. with normally 200,000 people playing at any given time. That's ~75% of the people who own HL1+2 on steam don't actually use it on the internet.
But if you want to have a fun experiment, go into the store, buy Half Life 2 and ring up Valve with the news that you don't have internet access but would like to play the game that you just bought for 60$, then ask if there is an alternative way of activating your game.
has this been tried by someone before? Valve was the first company (I know of) to offer products via online activation only with no other way of activating them, period.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 6:22 pm : lets see in the past 2 3 years I have bneen on cable net at 80 a month dailup when I moved after my fathers death at 25 a month Satlitle net 200KBS down 15 up with 400MB FAP horable pings and that was only 150 a month and now I am lucky to have 200KBS DSL that fianly came into the aera for a mesly 70 a month...ya boardband is everywhere >>
the fact is broadband is not everywhere and any setup to require really needs to take a look at what its doing, also it takes a whole extra month for a steam game to be hacked...really they are doing more damage to themselfs with this DRM crap than if they sold it minus the nazisitic steam system and plus 10$ more....
BloodRayne@Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 9:46 am : ZippyDSMlee wrote:
lets see in the past 2 3 years I have bneen on cable net at 80 a month dailup when I moved after my fathers death at 25 a month Satlitle net 200KBS down 15 up with 400MB FAP horable pings and that was only 150 a month and now I am lucky to have 200KBS DSL that fianly came into the aera for a mesly 70 a month...ya boardband is everywhere >>
the fact is broadband is not everywhere and any setup to require really needs to take a look at what its doing, also it takes a whole extra month for a steam game to be hacked...really they are doing more damage to themselfs with this DRM crap than if they sold it minus the nazisitic steam system and plus 10$ more....
- I never claimed broadband is everywhere, but statistics show that 1/3rd of the entire world population has internet access.
- Valve does not use DRM
- Valve has nothing to do with nazism. Nazi's murdered and gassed jews, handicapped people and everyone that opposed them.
Thanks for proving Godwin's law once more.Quote:
There is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that once such a comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically "lost" whatever debate was in progress. This principle is itself frequently referred to as Godwin's Law. It is considered poor form to raise arbitrarily such a comparison with the motive of ending the thread. There is a widely recognized codicil that any such ulterior-motive invocation of Godwin's Law will be unsuccessful (this is sometimes referred to as "Quirk's Exception").[5]
Godwin's Law does not apply to discussions directly addressing genocide, propaganda, or other mainstays of the Nazi regime. Instead, it applies to inappropriate, inordinate, or hyperbolic comparisons of other situations (or one's opponent) with Hitler or Nazis or their actions.
- The current salesnumbers show differently, Steam is a huge success and the number of support calls has lowered drasticly since it's introduction a couple of years ago. There are many redundant servers and it has many perks. I was a fervent anti-steam lobbiest but all my arguments against it have been debunked. I've not seen any valid argument against Steam since. It is, by far, the best way to stop pirates from pirating the crap out of honest game-developers that need to earn a living.
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 10:16 am : ZippyDSMlee wrote:
der_ton wrote:
Zombie13 wrote:
I guess it all comes down to personal preference, I love steam because where ever I go in the world (Lived in 3 different countries in the last 3 years) I can just download my games off of steam onto my new pc without requiring any discs, that to me is groovy

That's a point on the plus side for Steam, true, but in the end I would rather be dependant on CDs than on Steam and Valve's mercy.
Have you tried D2D? its 100% indapendant from the net,once you download it of coarse

I just refuse to touch steam not after the issues with HL2 I had and not with it insisting you need to the net to play or install games.
D2D is pathetic, and you know why? It only works in the US... Thank you for forgetting that the internet exists all over the world.
zeh@Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 2:15 pm : iceheart wrote:
D2D is pathetic, and you know why? It only works in the US... Thank you for forgetting that the internet exists all over the world.
Exactly. More than once I've wanted to buy stuff from D2D only to be turned down because they don't sell worldwide.
I'm not a fan of Steam - having to run the system and authenticate online every time I want to play a game still annoys me - but at least they sell globally. I don't know whether they're in hot water for it or not, but for me it's a major plus. Sometimes we don't get some games published here (or sometimes they take *too long* to be published) and online distribution is the perfect solution.
Zombie13@Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 2:36 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
BloodRayne wrote:
I know where this is going... an endless discussion wether or not internetaccess is a 'must have' or not (which I won't be going into).
actually, i was pointing out that in the USA internet cost goes up crazily the farther you get from the city. Even though majority of the US population has the ABILITY to the net it's normally cost-prohibitive. My parents pay 1/2 my 'net cost & are 6 times faster, for example (I pay $75 a month plus had to pay a 600 setup fee while they pay ~$35 a month with not setup fee & no contract). You can use the net on dialup no problem, just steam you can't & this issue doesn't really exist in smaller countries (IE not USA, Russia, Canada & China), and if it doesn't it no where near as bad.
Plus, look at the numbers: valve sold millions of copies of HL1+2. with normally 200,000 people playing at any given time. That's ~75% of the people who own HL1+2 on steam don't actually use it on the internet.
But if you want to have a fun experiment, go into the store, buy Half Life 2 and ring up Valve with the news that you don't have internet access but would like to play the game that you just bought for 60$, then ask if there is an alternative way of activating your game.
has this been tried by someone before? Valve was the first company (I know of) to offer products via online activation only with no other way of activating them, period.
Oh MAN you gota move to Sweden for awesome internets. next month I'm getting a 100mb connection for $52 USD a month (give or take a dolloar or so).
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 5:49 pm : yes steam is nazisistic with its protection system it makes starforce look good.
Passive protection systems are the best,of coarse that dose not mean they cant lock the game down once they are tripped.
And D2D just expanded to the UK. steam would remove the online activation part of it ,simply make the retail and online games bought work without the net, steam would be the most prefect digi distro setup yet,but as they are now they are another company that treats customers like shepple.
At least none of the games on sprocket are over 40 and it requires online activation bah I want to get my hands on alpha prime >>
I guess I am crazy since I don't like spending money on stuff I cant "own" 0-o
(if it requires the net to run it then I don't "own it",I love corporate logic you cant "own" PC games either thats why retail stores wont sale used copies anymore 0_o)
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 5:55 pm : Whatever.
You only need to log in to steam once for your games, then you can use it offline...
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:11 pm : iceheart wrote:
You only need to log in to steam once for your games, then you can use it offline...
but you have to do it each time you install it,its like Windows key check thing that makes you call in if you dare reinstall or change the hardware twice in a week ,its simply to much to ask for.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:25 pm : Anyone play bioshock yet?
techinle issues aside its pretty good,from what I have played and seen a solid 8 (sorry I am not a mainstream gamer if I was I would give it a 10 LOL)
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 2:56 pm : ZippyDSMlee wrote:
iceheart wrote:
You only need to log in to steam once for your games, then you can use it offline...
but you have to do it each time you install it,its like Windows key check thing that makes you call in if you dare reinstall or change the hardware twice in a week ,its simply to much to ask for.
If going online and doing 'something' is so much work... why go online to complain about it?
How often do you install onto a new OS? Hardware changes don't require re-activation.
Furthermore, all the effort it took you to complain about this is propably much more than the effort it will ever take you to activate the installation when you reinstall the game.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:05 pm : BloodRayne wrote:
ZippyDSMlee wrote:
iceheart wrote:
You only need to log in to steam once for your games, then you can use it offline...
but you have to do it each time you install it,its like Windows key check thing that makes you call in if you dare reinstall or change the hardware twice in a week ,its simply to much to ask for.
If going online and doing 'something' is so much work... why go online to complain about it?
How often do you install onto a new OS? Hardware changes don't require re-activation.
Furthermore, all the effort it took you to complain about this is propably much more than the effort it will ever take you to activate the installation when you reinstall the game.
Lets see I reinstall my OS about every 2-5 months, oh and the online activation is a bit more invasive than steam you get 2 active installs if you do not uninstall it while online you can not install it again.
Sorry if you feel consumers have no rights but online activation for a store bought retail game is a no no for me sorry (and they are planing to do that with BR movies in the coming years), if you like paying for them to steal your rights away and pay 50$ for a 20$ game good for you,we all should be less chosey in life and walk where the man tells us,its makes life so much simpler so mcuh blander so much more enjoyable.
*rolls eyes*
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:20 pm : ZippyDSMlee wrote:
Lets see I reinstall my OS about every 2-5 months, oh and the online activation is a bit more invasive than steam you get 2 active installs if you do not uninstall it while online you can not install it again.
Sorry if you feel consumers have no rights but online activation for a store bought retail game is a no no for me sorry (and they are planing to do that with BR movies in the coming years), if you like paying for them to steal your rights away and pay 50$ for a 20$ game good for you,we all should be less chosey in life and walk where the man tells us,its makes life so much simpler so mcuh blander so much more enjoyable.
*rolls eyes*
Every 2-5 months a new OS. Haha....
And don't put words into my mouth to make your own inadequate arguments stick. I give
plenty about
customer rights.
No ordinary user reinstalls their OS every 2-5 months, that's just plain stupid and ridculously unnescesary. If you are really willing to go through THAT much trouble then certainly activating Steam is a peace of cake for you....
ps: Please confirm Godwin's law for me in your next reply, make my day!

ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:52 pm : BloodRayne wrote:
ZippyDSMlee wrote:
Lets see I reinstall my OS about every 2-5 months, oh and the online activation is a bit more invasive than steam you get 2 active installs if you do not uninstall it while online you can not install it again.
Sorry if you feel consumers have no rights but online activation for a store bought retail game is a no no for me sorry (and they are planing to do that with BR movies in the coming years), if you like paying for them to steal your rights away and pay 50$ for a 20$ game good for you,we all should be less chosey in life and walk where the man tells us,its makes life so much simpler so mcuh blander so much more enjoyable.
*rolls eyes*
Every 2-5 months a new OS. Haha....
And don't put words into my mouth to make your own inadequate arguments stick. I give
plenty about
customer rights.
No ordinary user reinstalls their OS every 2-5 months, that's just plain stupid and ridculously unnescesary. If you are really willing to go through THAT much trouble then certainly activating Steam is a peace of cake for you....
ps: Please confirm Godwin's law for me in your next reply, make my day!

You must know a lot about XP the registry bloat and after awhile it tends to lag and slow down not to mention the damage crashes dose to it(I have had DX be damaged at least 2 times in the past year and guess what you can not simply reinstall it to fix it you have to reinstall the OS....),from everythign I have read its better to make a 100% backup of a fresh install or to reinstall,I don't have the space for a backup so I do something called mantanace to it by reinstalling it because its more a best of burden than a OS.
Oh and yes I run defrag and scandisk every 2 weeks it dose not seem to help once the registry gets past a certain point,I also run my computer 24/7 because it is better not to restart it a lot int eh same day.
You seem to think since I dare install it more than once I am breaking the law,hell MS thinks that and thus why I try very hard to fight against corporate nonsense like this.
Tell me what is your personal limit on online activation you have to register the game and give your name and number and DOB half the time they hold in it sa list to sell off to the highest bidder or use it for inhouse statistical data,ect,ect,ect
There is always a certain amount of worry about giving away my name and address and such I try and limit as much as possible and find the invasive tactics of most online activation systems disturbing I would like a balance between them, Dark messiah used a inresting setup if they could use steam to enable online play and then have it where you can avoid that by just install SP I would like it a lot more but they do not give you that choice thats why for retail games I simply say No to online activation.
Hell even a mix of steam and IDs key system would be nice the key system checks the key while you are on the net and if you want to play online you have to jump through the extra hoops of registration and such but to prevent a 50$ or more boxed retail game from installing or playing because of a online activation system is a strong deciding factor in weather or not I will put up with the game.
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:31 pm : Quote:
You must know a lot about XP the registry bloat and after awhile it tends to lag and slow down not to mention the damage crashes dose to it
You're gonna love me for this... ever heard of the 'system restore' function in XP? ... store.mspx
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:45 pm : BloodRayne wrote:
You must know a lot about XP the registry bloat and after awhile it tends to lag and slow down not to mention the damage crashes dose to it
You're gonna love me for this... ever heard of the 'system restore' function in XP? ... store.mspxdude......I hate to tell gets corrupted ...its really a basic failsafe measure to keep the system going and dose not prevent the system from degrading into a sluggish mess.
Even most of the registry utilities can not effectively deal with the bloat,corruption and errors,thus why a reinstall is a must for a spry and fresh feeling OS.
Norton ghost is one of the best ways to back it up,you put it on a HD on a USB box and it wont get screwed up by being on all the time.
USB box I have, a spare HDD not so much LOL
I have my WGA tools to disable activation and crap and I get most of my updates from Autopatcher putting updates on a CD is a must and I can install them all in one setting not wait for updates to download install and repeat 1-3 times,I wish MS gave you that option of downloading the updates and storing them so you can install them when you need to..
Ooo speaking of digi games Alpha prime has come down some ... ucts_id=13I am still on the fence about buying it because of the online activation ....and I can find a retail UK box for 10-15 more ...mmmmm
I like my box art,I display it on the wall LOL
*cuddles Fallout 1-2 complete with book and game and box*
yes zippy needs help...a lot of help =0-o=
even have Deus ex 1 big box and Daiblo 2 big box and Arx fatalis small box ^^,oh and the prey tin :X.
Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:17 pm :
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:05 pm : BloodRayne wrote:
ZippyDSMlee wrote:
iceheart wrote:
You only need to log in to steam once for your games, then you can use it offline...
but you have to do it each time you install it,its like Windows key check thing that makes you call in if you dare reinstall or change the hardware twice in a week ,its simply to much to ask for.
If going online and doing 'something' is so much work... why go online to complain about it?
How often do you install onto a new OS? Hardware changes don't require re-activation.
Furthermore, all the effort it took you to complain about this is propably much more than the effort it will ever take you to activate the installation when you reinstall the game.
Lets see I reinstall my OS about every 2-5 months, oh and the online activation is a bit more invasive than steam you get 2 active installs if you do not uninstall it while online you can not install it again.
Sorry if you feel consumers have no rights but online activation for a store bought retail game is a no no for me sorry (and they are planing to do that with BR movies in the coming years), if you like paying for them to steal your rights away and pay 50$ for a 20$ game good for you,we all should be less chosey in life and walk where the man tells us,its makes life so much simpler so mcuh blander so much more enjoyable.
*rolls eyes*
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:20 pm : ZippyDSMlee wrote:
Lets see I reinstall my OS about every 2-5 months, oh and the online activation is a bit more invasive than steam you get 2 active installs if you do not uninstall it while online you can not install it again.
Sorry if you feel consumers have no rights but online activation for a store bought retail game is a no no for me sorry (and they are planing to do that with BR movies in the coming years), if you like paying for them to steal your rights away and pay 50$ for a 20$ game good for you,we all should be less chosey in life and walk where the man tells us,its makes life so much simpler so mcuh blander so much more enjoyable.
*rolls eyes*
Every 2-5 months a new OS. Haha....
And don't put words into my mouth to make your own inadequate arguments stick. I give
plenty about
customer rights.
No ordinary user reinstalls their OS every 2-5 months, that's just plain stupid and ridculously unnescesary. If you are really willing to go through THAT much trouble then certainly activating Steam is a peace of cake for you....
ps: Please confirm Godwin's law for me in your next reply, make my day!

ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:52 pm : BloodRayne wrote:
ZippyDSMlee wrote:
Lets see I reinstall my OS about every 2-5 months, oh and the online activation is a bit more invasive than steam you get 2 active installs if you do not uninstall it while online you can not install it again.
Sorry if you feel consumers have no rights but online activation for a store bought retail game is a no no for me sorry (and they are planing to do that with BR movies in the coming years), if you like paying for them to steal your rights away and pay 50$ for a 20$ game good for you,we all should be less chosey in life and walk where the man tells us,its makes life so much simpler so mcuh blander so much more enjoyable.
*rolls eyes*
Every 2-5 months a new OS. Haha....
And don't put words into my mouth to make your own inadequate arguments stick. I give
plenty about
customer rights.
No ordinary user reinstalls their OS every 2-5 months, that's just plain stupid and ridculously unnescesary. If you are really willing to go through THAT much trouble then certainly activating Steam is a peace of cake for you....
ps: Please confirm Godwin's law for me in your next reply, make my day!

You must know a lot about XP the registry bloat and after awhile it tends to lag and slow down not to mention the damage crashes dose to it(I have had DX be damaged at least 2 times in the past year and guess what you can not simply reinstall it to fix it you have to reinstall the OS....),from everythign I have read its better to make a 100% backup of a fresh install or to reinstall,I don't have the space for a backup so I do something called mantanace to it by reinstalling it because its more a best of burden than a OS.
Oh and yes I run defrag and scandisk every 2 weeks it dose not seem to help once the registry gets past a certain point,I also run my computer 24/7 because it is better not to restart it a lot int eh same day.
You seem to think since I dare install it more than once I am breaking the law,hell MS thinks that and thus why I try very hard to fight against corporate nonsense like this.
Tell me what is your personal limit on online activation you have to register the game and give your name and number and DOB half the time they hold in it sa list to sell off to the highest bidder or use it for inhouse statistical data,ect,ect,ect
There is always a certain amount of worry about giving away my name and address and such I try and limit as much as possible and find the invasive tactics of most online activation systems disturbing I would like a balance between them, Dark messiah used a inresting setup if they could use steam to enable online play and then have it where you can avoid that by just install SP I would like it a lot more but they do not give you that choice thats why for retail games I simply say No to online activation.
Hell even a mix of steam and IDs key system would be nice the key system checks the key while you are on the net and if you want to play online you have to jump through the extra hoops of registration and such but to prevent a 50$ or more boxed retail game from installing or playing because of a online activation system is a strong deciding factor in weather or not I will put up with the game.
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:31 pm : Quote:
You must know a lot about XP the registry bloat and after awhile it tends to lag and slow down not to mention the damage crashes dose to it
You're gonna love me for this... ever heard of the 'system restore' function in XP? ... store.mspx
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:45 pm : BloodRayne wrote:
You must know a lot about XP the registry bloat and after awhile it tends to lag and slow down not to mention the damage crashes dose to it
You're gonna love me for this... ever heard of the 'system restore' function in XP? ... store.mspxdude......I hate to tell gets corrupted ...its really a basic failsafe measure to keep the system going and dose not prevent the system from degrading into a sluggish mess.
Even most of the registry utilities can not effectively deal with the bloat,corruption and errors,thus why a reinstall is a must for a spry and fresh feeling OS.
Norton ghost is one of the best ways to back it up,you put it on a HD on a USB box and it wont get screwed up by being on all the time.
USB box I have, a spare HDD not so much LOL
I have my WGA tools to disable activation and crap and I get most of my updates from Autopatcher putting updates on a CD is a must and I can install them all in one setting not wait for updates to download install and repeat 1-3 times,I wish MS gave you that option of downloading the updates and storing them so you can install them when you need to..
Ooo speaking of digi games Alpha prime has come down some ... ucts_id=13I am still on the fence about buying it because of the online activation ....and I can find a retail UK box for 10-15 more ...mmmmm
I like my box art,I display it on the wall LOL
*cuddles Fallout 1-2 complete with book and game and box*
yes zippy needs help...a lot of help =0-o=
even have Deus ex 1 big box and Daiblo 2 big box and Arx fatalis small box ^^,oh and the prey tin :X.
Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:17 pm :
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:30 am : I just completed it & it's absolutely fabulous. I loved every bit of it & played it every night until I beat it. Not only MUCH better then Doom 3 & Quake 4, but it REALLY showed what the D3 engine can do. The gravity work was way above what I expected, so was the portal usage. Story was one of the most engrossing ones ever in a video game. I also love all the extra tid-bits you could pay attention to if you wanted (like art bell) but the story still progressed even if you didn't want to (which is unlike HL2 imho, which really required you to pay attentions to most details to understand why things are happening).
I've noticed a few things that were never explained inthe game though & I'm hoping some people here know/have theories:
1) women aren't processed? Only men are killed at the start (like grandfather).
2) children aren't processed either?
3) what's up with the white wraiths? They possessed the kids (apparently only girls) & aren't limited to the sphere (as in an art bell call). Strangely, the art book that came with the tin box version of prey all shows boy-possessed kids, but only possessed girls made it in the game?
4) is the whole point of the sphere to harvest planets to keep on living? In the game there's no other point (told in the plot).
5) the doom easter egg was too funny. Not only was it a punch at doom, it was near identical to the DN3D one!
Gabrobot@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:21 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
1) women aren't processed? Only men are killed at the start (like grandfather).
Must've just been a coincidence, because I've seen women get processed. I sometimes would just stand there and watch several people go through (yeah yeah, I know

), and I definitely saw some women go through as well.
Tron@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:24 am : Yeah, also Jen very nearly got processed.

BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:28 am : I absolutely adore Prey, in all it's assets. IMO 90% of all criticism about it (rehash, not original, too dark, bad story) is all based on bullshit. It's story is just about better than 90% of most of the shit you see on TV.
Regulator@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:13 pm : In my opinion its a mediocre game. The story was ehm ok, but Tomy's voice was bad. Gameplay was crappy, some maps were so bad that I was surprised that they could release them, they looked like they were made by 5 year old. Probably they thought that the game is too short so they slapped in few from recycle bin. Weapon sounds were bad and models looked very reminiscent to Quake4 ones. Puzzles were boring though modern. Games performance was much better than D3 for me. I could ran it on the highest detail without any slowdown and the textures looked sharp. Still the game looked like D3. I mean was it so hard to change the rendering style a bit?
Arklon@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:10 pm : Regulator wrote:
In my opinion its a mediocre game. The story was ehm ok, but Tomy's voice was bad. Gameplay was crappy, some maps were so bad that I was surprised that they could release them, they looked like they were made by 5 year old. Probably they thought that the game is too short so they slapped in few from recycle bin. Weapon sounds were bad and models looked very reminiscent to Quake4 ones. Puzzles were boring though modern. Games performance was much better than D3 for me. I could ran it on the highest detail without any slowdown and the textures looked sharp. Still the game looked like D3. I mean was it so hard to change the rendering style a bit?
Of course you think that, you're the biggest troll on these forums.

1) women aren't processed? Only men are killed at the start (like grandfather).
No, I've seen a lot of women get stabbed by spikes and then smashed and sucked up by that machine.
zeh@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:31 pm : I finally got the game a few months ago, and loved it. Tommy's lines were a bit cheesy but everything else was top notch. I'm not sure if one can compare it to most singleplayer fps released today - sci-fi is 'old' so many people will dislike it for this single fact - but I loved playing it and that's enough for me.
Regulator@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:47 pm : Arklon wrote:
Of course you think that, you're the biggest troll on these forums.

The only troll in this thread is you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:05 pm : Regulator wrote:
Arklon wrote:
Of course you think that, you're the biggest troll on these forums.

The only troll in this thread is you.
I'd consider it a close race

The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:13 pm : i liked tommy's voice. it was more "average guy" then most games (Quake 4's were all hardend marines, Duke 3d was a badass [same with serious sam]).
I especially love what he says & the timing. Infact, right before he mentions he's going to puke from all the initial grav changes, that's exactly what I thought. I'd imagine they had people play through & then say their reactions.
I also like near the end when you start to enjoy blasting baddies. It's about time a character you play enjoys blowing things up as much as you do.

I thought the weapon sounds were good.
I also loved the level design. Unlike every other game out there (ever), the levels are the puzzles. There's no "follow the walkway" for most of the game, it's nearly all "ok, i need to get over there... how can i?"
Regulator@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:24 pm : Good voice acting is realy hard to find in games. I'd say that Sam Fisher [Micheal Ironside] voice was pretty good, not perfect, but above the average. Though I think sometimes it was 'drowned'. Alyx from Hl2 was ok, that black dudes voice from Avp2 [and FEAR?] was really good. Not too overacted, but still charismatic and not the one you'd forget. Prey's Tommys voice was way too overacted, annoying and it was mentioned on bunch of gaming boards I've visited too so thats not just my opinion. Imho the only cool thing in Prey was menu music, it was really good, epic, but melodic'n stuff.
Phobos@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:33 pm : I've always wanted to grab a copy of the game, I just haven't picked one up yet :'(
Arklon@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:29 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
I especially love what he says & the timing. Infact, right before he mentions he's going to puke from all the initial grav changes, that's exactly what I thought. I'd imagine they had people play through & then say their reactions.
If you switch the gravity too many times, Tommy actually does puke.
Regulator wrote:
Arklon wrote:
Of course you think that, you're the biggest troll on these forums.

The only troll in this thread is you.
Maybe I'm tired of you posting "Doom 3 and every game made using the Doom 3 engine suck. Because they suck." over and over and over again. :/
zeh@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:44 pm : The problem with Tommy was more with the lines themselves than with the voice. There were some moments where the line was so awkward I don't think they'd get it right either way. Not all, mind you, but a few of them really stood out.
Phobos: I recommend you check it out. It's $19.95 on Steam now, so I suppose it's also cheaper everywhere else.
Regulator@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:00 pm : Arklon wrote:
Maybe I'm tired of you posting "Doom 3 and every game made using the Doom 3 engine suck. Because they suck." over and over and over again. :/
Well I may be sick of something you say, but I dont go drippin slime all over the place with hatred. And I'm not using the circle argument like you are trying to convince me. People have different opinions and have different tastes, get over it.

Arklon@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:41 pm : Regulator wrote:
Arklon wrote:
Maybe I'm tired of you posting "Doom 3 and every game made using the Doom 3 engine suck. Because they suck." over and over and over again. :/
Well I may be sick of something you say, but I dont go drippin slime all over the place with hatred. And I'm not using the circle argument like you are trying to convince me. People have different opinions and have different tastes, get over it.

But you're on a Doom 3 forum.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:48 pm : Arklon wrote:
If you switch the gravity too many times, Tommy actually does puke.
i know, isn't that cool? But it must be based on flipping so many time in X time because later you don't puke when you're fliping a lot.
zeh wrote:
The problem with Tommy was more with the lines themselves than with the voice. There were some moments where the line was so awkward I don't think they'd get it right either way. Not all, mind you, but a few of them really stood out.
i didn't think any were awkward based on the situations in the game, but a couple seemed wierd.
Phobos: I recommend you check it out. It's $19.95 on Steam now, so I suppose it's also cheaper everywhere else.
it's $20 nearly everywhere. You can also find the DVD edition (which I got) for $20-30. I'd recommend that over steam, definetly. It has a book with art made for the game & two cool metal figurines.
Arklon@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 12:00 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
it's $20 nearly everywhere. You can also find the DVD edition (which I got) for $20-30. I'd recommend that over steam, definetly. It has a book with art made for the game & two cool metal figurines.
And a free soundtrack download (which I believe is encoded at 320kbps).
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 12:24 am : yes, that too. it's via directdownload & you need to set IE to allow all cookies for the DRM to work, but a quick "fix" got them in to mp3 high quality VBR for me.

Arklon@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 12:40 am : Oh, where's the Doom easter egg? I couldn't find it.
Regulator@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 1:31 am : Arklon wrote:
But you're on a Doom 3 forum.
Then go tell that to your mommy, because some bad boy said something bad about your lil game.
Arklon@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 1:49 am : Regulator wrote:
Arklon wrote:
But you're on a Doom 3 forum.
Then go tell that to your mommy, because some bad boy said something bad about your lil game.

The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:11 am : Arklon wrote:
Oh, where's the Doom easter egg? I couldn't find it.
I'll have to double check, but there's a spot where the lights go out in a room & Tommy says "Man, the lights just went out. I guess I'm doomed." Obviously poking fun at all the people who said D3 sucks because of little lighting & the "That's one doomed space marine" from Duk3D.
Arklon@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:21 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
Arklon wrote:
Oh, where's the Doom easter egg? I couldn't find it.
I'll have to double check, but there's a spot where the lights go out in a room & Tommy says "Man, the lights just went out. I guess I'm doomed." Obviously poking fun at all the people who said D3 sucks because of little lighting & the "That's one doomed space marine" from Duk3D.
OH. I forgot about that.

BNA!@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 10:09 am : Regulator wrote:
Arklon wrote:
But you're on a Doom 3 forum.
Then go tell that to your mommy, because some bad boy said something bad about your lil game.
You guys finally stop it please.
SnoopJeDi@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 4:51 pm : @ Prey:
I was just finally happy to play a game with thoughtful puzzles again, not just BANGBANGBANGurdeadlolZ!. The gravity cube almost gave me a nerdgasm.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:00 pm : if you like that gravity cube puzzle, you're love
The puzzles were great fun. They didn't feel forced either, they all felt natural, like that's part of the ship.
SnoopJeDi@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:22 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
if you like that gravity cube puzzle, you're love
Neat! I'm too good at it though

[code]The puzzles were great fun. They didn't feel forced either, they all felt natural, like that's part of the ship.
Yeah. Weird ship. The only thing I never really liked was how hunters never gangbanged you with portals in a non-scripted way, ie. my little mini-mod. Never could get the initiative to fix the gravity anomalies though. Should probably do that some time.
Phobos@Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:31 am : that was awesome. lol. i gave up on lv14.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:52 am : did you try it on a wii or the pc? The wii remote definetly makes that game more fun.
We need more FPS's that bring the level of puzzles Prey does. It would make things more interesting (find the key? Heck, it's more like find the exit on the ceiling!)
butmunch@Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:56 am : Phobos wrote:
that was awesome. lol. i gave up on lv14.
I gave up on lvl 15

ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 5:00 am : I dunno the level design is gun and run and I do not like that HL2 has better level design but only by a few "nooks",the weapons are better than HL2s but not by alot I really hated the way the multi gun worked no drops for it plus the charge stations run out of charge.
Its a solid game not the best FPS I have played I'l leave that to the classics HL1,Blood,Duke3D,undying,Unreal 1,Dues ex and even Halo,if I would have to chose between HL2 and prey...I'd chose Prey better Vehicle levels,fun un nerfy weapons and a solid story and plot finish out the game,HL2 plot is ok the story is even ok but the ending sucked and the physics gun still feels like a gimmick even today.
I also hate steam its just a poorly designed DRM setup,I think IDs Key check system is the best and least offensive protection setup made yet,I got the collectors box tin and game for 30$ off ebay last year ^^.
Anyone drooling over Bioshock?
I think I will plunk down 70 for the Collections set I don't normal buy games new but bioshock is calling me...and so is "Jericho" =^0^=
Zombie13@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 7:40 am : ZippyDSMlee wrote:
I dunno the level design is gun and run and I do not like that HL2 has better level design but only by a few "nooks",the weapons are better than HL2s but not by alot I really hated the way the multi gun worked no drops for it plus the charge stations run out of charge.
Its a solid game not the best FPS I have played I'l leave that to the classics HL1,Blood,Duke3D,undying,Unreal 1,Dues ex and even Halo,if I would have to chose between HL2 and prey...I'd chose Prey better Vehicle levels,fun un nerfy weapons and a solid story and plot finish out the game,HL2 plot is ok the story is even ok but the ending sucked and the physics gun still feels like a gimmick even today.
I also hate steam its just a poorly designed DRM setup,I think IDs Key check system is the best and least offensive protection setup made yet,I got the collectors box tin and game for 30$ off ebay last year ^^.
Anyone drooling over Bioshock?
I think I will plunk down 70 for the Collections set I don't normal buy games new but bioshock is calling me...and so is "Jericho" =^0^=
Sorry but I have to go against your word there and honestly say HL2 levels aren't all that exciting at all, SURE there were some cool areas, but over all the levels were lacking any kinda awesomeness what so ever. The levels in Prey were a little better, not by much, but I liked 'em more than HL2's.
About the charging station, if the station kept a full charge and you could get unlimited refills, wouldn't that be kinda silly design? You have to have balance man, when designing these sorts of things.
Also steam is a far more effective platform than a cd key checker, whether it's from id or epic, it's easy (not for me, of course) to get a keygen going within a few hours of the game being released.
And of course Halo, well I don't think I have enough time today at work to right up a review of why I disklike it, so we'll leave it at that

The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:03 am : Zombie13 wrote:
Also steam is a far more effective platform than a cd key checker, whether it's from id or epic, it's easy (not for me, of course) to get a keygen going within a few hours of the game being released.
not everyone uses steam to play valve's games. Just a little harder is all.

der_ton@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 12:55 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
if you like that gravity cube puzzle, you're love
The puzzles were great fun. They didn't feel forced either, they all felt natural, like that's part of the ship.
Yep, nice game! I completed all of the 30 levels, I trial&errored on some of them for quite some time. My time monitoring software tells me that I spent almost 3 hours on that game since yesterday.

Zombie13@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:27 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
Zombie13 wrote:
Also steam is a far more effective platform than a cd key checker, whether it's from id or epic, it's easy (not for me, of course) to get a keygen going within a few hours of the game being released.
not everyone uses steam to play valve's games. Just a little harder is all.

I never said that not everyone uses it

I was merely pointing out that it's more secure.....
The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 3:02 pm : Zombie13 wrote:
I never said that not everyone uses it

I was merely pointing out that it's more secure.....
i agree with that. it does help deter piracy. But is IS the FIRST game game I've actually stopped playing because of the copy-protection. That says something big about it imho. But not everyone feels that way (for some games that are offered on steam & have non-steam versions for more $$ I'd paid more $$ for the non-steam version. Examples: Defcon, RIP tripplepack).
Zombie13@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 3:29 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
Zombie13 wrote:
I never said that not everyone uses it

I was merely pointing out that it's more secure.....
i agree with that. it does help deter piracy. But is IS the FIRST game game I've actually stopped playing because of the copy-protection. That says something big about it imho. But not everyone feels that way (for some games that are offered on steam & have non-steam versions for more $$ I'd paid more $$ for the non-steam version. Examples: Defcon, RIP tripplepack).
Oh for sure I agree with ya. I guess it all comes down to personal preference, I love steam because where ever I go in the world (Lived in 3 different countries in the last 3 years) I can just download my games off of steam onto my new pc without requiring any discs, that to me is groovy

The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 3:51 pm : Zombie13 wrote:
Oh for sure I agree with ya. I guess it all comes down to personal preference, I love steam because where ever I go in the world (Lived in 3 different countries in the last 3 years) I can just download my games off of steam onto my new pc without requiring any discs, that to me is groovy

major major plus. That's one of the things I love about the digital products I've bought (from the garage game/introversion online stores). I just don't like the copy protection. I would of bought Ep1 & have Ep2 pre-ordered by now if it wasn't for Steam required.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 6:53 pm : IDs key system has a online check in and key check,what I am saying is that that added level of protection to check the game when you are online and it not begin mandatory for SP or installation is prefect, Sprocket needs to be online during install and Stream is just psychopathic , D2D is probably the most consumer friendly Digital distro system(No online DRM crap,the games are protected but not at the cost of driving the consumer insane) even if its 14-20% more.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:24 pm : Zombie13 wrote:
I guess it all comes down to personal preference, I love steam because where ever I go in the world (Lived in 3 different countries in the last 3 years) I can just download my games off of steam onto my new pc without requiring any discs, that to me is groovy

That's a point on the plus side for Steam, true, but in the end I would rather be dependant on CDs than on Steam and Valve's mercy.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:37 pm : der_ton wrote:
Zombie13 wrote:
I guess it all comes down to personal preference, I love steam because where ever I go in the world (Lived in 3 different countries in the last 3 years) I can just download my games off of steam onto my new pc without requiring any discs, that to me is groovy

That's a point on the plus side for Steam, true, but in the end I would rather be dependant on CDs than on Steam and Valve's mercy.
Have you tried D2D? its 100% indapendant from the net,once you download it of coarse

I just refuse to touch steam not after the issues with HL2 I had and not with it insisting you need to the net to play or install games.
TelMarine@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:29 am : In my opinion, I will always take the physical media because if you download the game or you need a service to run it, what happens when it doesn't exist anymore in X years or you format your hard drive and the direct to drive service doesn't exist either? With physical media, you can always go back and reinstall it to play.
Zombie13@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:30 am : You actually have never needed the net to play the games at all. It's just the initial installation and unlocking of the game.
I haven't had the net at home for quite a few weeks now, and I use hammer/HL2 offline quite a lot.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:38 am : Zombie13 wrote:
You actually have never needed the net to play the games at all. It's just the initial installation and unlocking of the game.
I haven't had the net at home for quite a few weeks now, and I use hammer/HL2 offline quite a lot.
I am not putting more than 10$ into something that requires the net to install or play,there is a limit on how much I am willing to give up to play something I bought..
And last time I checked HL2 had a update bug you update the game you are forced to be online only,they might have fixed that by now, but frankly the whole no net no install thing is a no no for me.
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 8:53 am : TelMarine wrote:
In my opinion, I will always take the physical media because if you download the game or you need a service to run it, what happens when it doesn't exist anymore in X years or you format your hard drive and the direct to drive service doesn't exist either? With physical media, you can always go back and reinstall it to play.
I buy my cd's then put them in special cases so they stay good, almost never use these but make copies instead that I can use for CD checks etc, instead of ruining my CD's by putting them into the drive every time I want to play.
The fact is that 90% of the CD's I bought 5-7 years ago are decaying so fast that most of the originals have become unreadable in both my 2 DVD drives and my CD drive at this point in time. Physical media isn't 'all that' either.
Frankly (and imho) if one permanently doesn't have net-access on his/her pc, then (s)he's living in the stone-ages.
Zombie13@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 11:46 am : BloodRayne wrote:
Frankly (and imho) if one permanently doesn't have net-access on his/her pc, then (s)he's living in the stone-ages.
All my opinions are based on the fact that I've had a solid net connection for many years.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 2:56 pm : Zombie13 wrote:
You actually have never needed the net to play the games at all. It's just the initial installation and unlocking of the game.
that might be the case with steam now, but when it came out if would auto-update steam any time it wanted, even if you told it no. and when it did it would re-set the auto-update settings for games & start downloading hen steam started, rendering all games updating useless until updated.
BloodRayne wrote:
The fact is that 90% of the CD's I bought 5-7 years ago are decaying so fast that most of the originals have become unreadable in both my 2 DVD drives and my CD drive at this point in time. Physical media isn't 'all that' either.
Really? I have BURNED CD's from 8 years ago that still work. I have games from the mid-90's on CD that still work. you must have something wierd in your environment that's decaying them.
Frankly (and imho) if one permanently doesn't have net-access on his/her pc, then (s)he's living in the stone-ages.
or doesn't want to spend $100+ a month for it. it's not cheap unless you live in an urban area and DEFINETLY not worth it to buy some Steam games.
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 3:13 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
Frankly (and imho) if one permanently doesn't have net-access on his/her pc, then (s)he's living in the stone-ages.
or doesn't want to spend $100+ a month for it. it's not cheap unless you live in an urban area and DEFINETLY not worth it to buy some Steam games.
I know where this is going... an endless discussion wether or not internetaccess is a 'must have' or not (which I won't be going into).
The fact that we're here, on an online discussion forum, should show you just how much impact having internet access has on a person's life. Here in NL having basic internetaccess is free in a lot of areas (wireless free accounts) or costs just under 30$ per month. If somebody has the money to spend to buy half-life 2 then it's a sure bet that they'll have money to also get an internet account. Besides Steam they will then have a wealth of information and fun to be had on the net.

Just my 2 cents.
But if you want to have a fun experiment, go into the store, buy Half Life 2 and ring up Valve with the news that you don't have internet access but would like to play the game that you just bought for 60$, then ask if there is an alternative way of activating your game.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 4:21 pm : BloodRayne wrote:
I know where this is going... an endless discussion wether or not internetaccess is a 'must have' or not (which I won't be going into).
actually, i was pointing out that in the USA internet cost goes up crazily the farther you get from the city. Even though majority of the US population has the ABILITY to the net it's normally cost-prohibitive. My parents pay 1/2 my 'net cost & are 6 times faster, for example (I pay $75 a month plus had to pay a 600 setup fee while they pay ~$35 a month with not setup fee & no contract). You can use the net on dialup no problem, just steam you can't & this issue doesn't really exist in smaller countries (IE not USA, Russia, Canada & China), and if it doesn't it no where near as bad.
Plus, look at the numbers: valve sold millions of copies of HL1+2. with normally 200,000 people playing at any given time. That's ~75% of the people who own HL1+2 on steam don't actually use it on the internet.
But if you want to have a fun experiment, go into the store, buy Half Life 2 and ring up Valve with the news that you don't have internet access but would like to play the game that you just bought for 60$, then ask if there is an alternative way of activating your game.
has this been tried by someone before? Valve was the first company (I know of) to offer products via online activation only with no other way of activating them, period.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 6:22 pm : lets see in the past 2 3 years I have bneen on cable net at 80 a month dailup when I moved after my fathers death at 25 a month Satlitle net 200KBS down 15 up with 400MB FAP horable pings and that was only 150 a month and now I am lucky to have 200KBS DSL that fianly came into the aera for a mesly 70 a month...ya boardband is everywhere >>
the fact is broadband is not everywhere and any setup to require really needs to take a look at what its doing, also it takes a whole extra month for a steam game to be hacked...really they are doing more damage to themselfs with this DRM crap than if they sold it minus the nazisitic steam system and plus 10$ more....
BloodRayne@Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 9:46 am : ZippyDSMlee wrote:
lets see in the past 2 3 years I have bneen on cable net at 80 a month dailup when I moved after my fathers death at 25 a month Satlitle net 200KBS down 15 up with 400MB FAP horable pings and that was only 150 a month and now I am lucky to have 200KBS DSL that fianly came into the aera for a mesly 70 a month...ya boardband is everywhere >>
the fact is broadband is not everywhere and any setup to require really needs to take a look at what its doing, also it takes a whole extra month for a steam game to be hacked...really they are doing more damage to themselfs with this DRM crap than if they sold it minus the nazisitic steam system and plus 10$ more....
- I never claimed broadband is everywhere, but statistics show that 1/3rd of the entire world population has internet access.
- Valve does not use DRM
- Valve has nothing to do with nazism. Nazi's murdered and gassed jews, handicapped people and everyone that opposed them.
Thanks for proving Godwin's law once more.Quote:
There is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that once such a comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically "lost" whatever debate was in progress. This principle is itself frequently referred to as Godwin's Law. It is considered poor form to raise arbitrarily such a comparison with the motive of ending the thread. There is a widely recognized codicil that any such ulterior-motive invocation of Godwin's Law will be unsuccessful (this is sometimes referred to as "Quirk's Exception").[5]
Godwin's Law does not apply to discussions directly addressing genocide, propaganda, or other mainstays of the Nazi regime. Instead, it applies to inappropriate, inordinate, or hyperbolic comparisons of other situations (or one's opponent) with Hitler or Nazis or their actions.
- The current salesnumbers show differently, Steam is a huge success and the number of support calls has lowered drasticly since it's introduction a couple of years ago. There are many redundant servers and it has many perks. I was a fervent anti-steam lobbiest but all my arguments against it have been debunked. I've not seen any valid argument against Steam since. It is, by far, the best way to stop pirates from pirating the crap out of honest game-developers that need to earn a living.
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 10:16 am : ZippyDSMlee wrote:
der_ton wrote:
Zombie13 wrote:
I guess it all comes down to personal preference, I love steam because where ever I go in the world (Lived in 3 different countries in the last 3 years) I can just download my games off of steam onto my new pc without requiring any discs, that to me is groovy

That's a point on the plus side for Steam, true, but in the end I would rather be dependant on CDs than on Steam and Valve's mercy.
Have you tried D2D? its 100% indapendant from the net,once you download it of coarse

I just refuse to touch steam not after the issues with HL2 I had and not with it insisting you need to the net to play or install games.
D2D is pathetic, and you know why? It only works in the US... Thank you for forgetting that the internet exists all over the world.
zeh@Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 2:15 pm : iceheart wrote:
D2D is pathetic, and you know why? It only works in the US... Thank you for forgetting that the internet exists all over the world.
Exactly. More than once I've wanted to buy stuff from D2D only to be turned down because they don't sell worldwide.
I'm not a fan of Steam - having to run the system and authenticate online every time I want to play a game still annoys me - but at least they sell globally. I don't know whether they're in hot water for it or not, but for me it's a major plus. Sometimes we don't get some games published here (or sometimes they take *too long* to be published) and online distribution is the perfect solution.
Zombie13@Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 2:36 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
BloodRayne wrote:
I know where this is going... an endless discussion wether or not internetaccess is a 'must have' or not (which I won't be going into).
actually, i was pointing out that in the USA internet cost goes up crazily the farther you get from the city. Even though majority of the US population has the ABILITY to the net it's normally cost-prohibitive. My parents pay 1/2 my 'net cost & are 6 times faster, for example (I pay $75 a month plus had to pay a 600 setup fee while they pay ~$35 a month with not setup fee & no contract). You can use the net on dialup no problem, just steam you can't & this issue doesn't really exist in smaller countries (IE not USA, Russia, Canada & China), and if it doesn't it no where near as bad.
Plus, look at the numbers: valve sold millions of copies of HL1+2. with normally 200,000 people playing at any given time. That's ~75% of the people who own HL1+2 on steam don't actually use it on the internet.
But if you want to have a fun experiment, go into the store, buy Half Life 2 and ring up Valve with the news that you don't have internet access but would like to play the game that you just bought for 60$, then ask if there is an alternative way of activating your game.
has this been tried by someone before? Valve was the first company (I know of) to offer products via online activation only with no other way of activating them, period.
Oh MAN you gota move to Sweden for awesome internets. next month I'm getting a 100mb connection for $52 USD a month (give or take a dolloar or so).
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 5:49 pm : yes steam is nazisistic with its protection system it makes starforce look good.
Passive protection systems are the best,of coarse that dose not mean they cant lock the game down once they are tripped.
And D2D just expanded to the UK. steam would remove the online activation part of it ,simply make the retail and online games bought work without the net, steam would be the most prefect digi distro setup yet,but as they are now they are another company that treats customers like shepple.
At least none of the games on sprocket are over 40 and it requires online activation bah I want to get my hands on alpha prime >>
I guess I am crazy since I don't like spending money on stuff I cant "own" 0-o
(if it requires the net to run it then I don't "own it",I love corporate logic you cant "own" PC games either thats why retail stores wont sale used copies anymore 0_o)
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 5:55 pm : Whatever.
You only need to log in to steam once for your games, then you can use it offline...
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:11 pm : iceheart wrote:
You only need to log in to steam once for your games, then you can use it offline...
but you have to do it each time you install it,its like Windows key check thing that makes you call in if you dare reinstall or change the hardware twice in a week ,its simply to much to ask for.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:25 pm : Anyone play bioshock yet?
techinle issues aside its pretty good,from what I have played and seen a solid 8 (sorry I am not a mainstream gamer if I was I would give it a 10 LOL)
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 2:56 pm : ZippyDSMlee wrote:
iceheart wrote:
You only need to log in to steam once for your games, then you can use it offline...
but you have to do it each time you install it,its like Windows key check thing that makes you call in if you dare reinstall or change the hardware twice in a week ,its simply to much to ask for.
If going online and doing 'something' is so much work... why go online to complain about it?
How often do you install onto a new OS? Hardware changes don't require re-activation.
Furthermore, all the effort it took you to complain about this is propably much more than the effort it will ever take you to activate the installation when you reinstall the game.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:05 pm : BloodRayne wrote:
ZippyDSMlee wrote:
iceheart wrote:
You only need to log in to steam once for your games, then you can use it offline...
but you have to do it each time you install it,its like Windows key check thing that makes you call in if you dare reinstall or change the hardware twice in a week ,its simply to much to ask for.
If going online and doing 'something' is so much work... why go online to complain about it?
How often do you install onto a new OS? Hardware changes don't require re-activation.
Furthermore, all the effort it took you to complain about this is propably much more than the effort it will ever take you to activate the installation when you reinstall the game.
Lets see I reinstall my OS about every 2-5 months, oh and the online activation is a bit more invasive than steam you get 2 active installs if you do not uninstall it while online you can not install it again.
Sorry if you feel consumers have no rights but online activation for a store bought retail game is a no no for me sorry (and they are planing to do that with BR movies in the coming years), if you like paying for them to steal your rights away and pay 50$ for a 20$ game good for you,we all should be less chosey in life and walk where the man tells us,its makes life so much simpler so mcuh blander so much more enjoyable.
*rolls eyes*
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:20 pm : ZippyDSMlee wrote:
Lets see I reinstall my OS about every 2-5 months, oh and the online activation is a bit more invasive than steam you get 2 active installs if you do not uninstall it while online you can not install it again.
Sorry if you feel consumers have no rights but online activation for a store bought retail game is a no no for me sorry (and they are planing to do that with BR movies in the coming years), if you like paying for them to steal your rights away and pay 50$ for a 20$ game good for you,we all should be less chosey in life and walk where the man tells us,its makes life so much simpler so mcuh blander so much more enjoyable.
*rolls eyes*
Every 2-5 months a new OS. Haha....
And don't put words into my mouth to make your own inadequate arguments stick. I give
plenty about
customer rights.
No ordinary user reinstalls their OS every 2-5 months, that's just plain stupid and ridculously unnescesary. If you are really willing to go through THAT much trouble then certainly activating Steam is a peace of cake for you....
ps: Please confirm Godwin's law for me in your next reply, make my day!

ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:52 pm : BloodRayne wrote:
ZippyDSMlee wrote:
Lets see I reinstall my OS about every 2-5 months, oh and the online activation is a bit more invasive than steam you get 2 active installs if you do not uninstall it while online you can not install it again.
Sorry if you feel consumers have no rights but online activation for a store bought retail game is a no no for me sorry (and they are planing to do that with BR movies in the coming years), if you like paying for them to steal your rights away and pay 50$ for a 20$ game good for you,we all should be less chosey in life and walk where the man tells us,its makes life so much simpler so mcuh blander so much more enjoyable.
*rolls eyes*
Every 2-5 months a new OS. Haha....
And don't put words into my mouth to make your own inadequate arguments stick. I give
plenty about
customer rights.
No ordinary user reinstalls their OS every 2-5 months, that's just plain stupid and ridculously unnescesary. If you are really willing to go through THAT much trouble then certainly activating Steam is a peace of cake for you....
ps: Please confirm Godwin's law for me in your next reply, make my day!

You must know a lot about XP the registry bloat and after awhile it tends to lag and slow down not to mention the damage crashes dose to it(I have had DX be damaged at least 2 times in the past year and guess what you can not simply reinstall it to fix it you have to reinstall the OS....),from everythign I have read its better to make a 100% backup of a fresh install or to reinstall,I don't have the space for a backup so I do something called mantanace to it by reinstalling it because its more a best of burden than a OS.
Oh and yes I run defrag and scandisk every 2 weeks it dose not seem to help once the registry gets past a certain point,I also run my computer 24/7 because it is better not to restart it a lot int eh same day.
You seem to think since I dare install it more than once I am breaking the law,hell MS thinks that and thus why I try very hard to fight against corporate nonsense like this.
Tell me what is your personal limit on online activation you have to register the game and give your name and number and DOB half the time they hold in it sa list to sell off to the highest bidder or use it for inhouse statistical data,ect,ect,ect
There is always a certain amount of worry about giving away my name and address and such I try and limit as much as possible and find the invasive tactics of most online activation systems disturbing I would like a balance between them, Dark messiah used a inresting setup if they could use steam to enable online play and then have it where you can avoid that by just install SP I would like it a lot more but they do not give you that choice thats why for retail games I simply say No to online activation.
Hell even a mix of steam and IDs key system would be nice the key system checks the key while you are on the net and if you want to play online you have to jump through the extra hoops of registration and such but to prevent a 50$ or more boxed retail game from installing or playing because of a online activation system is a strong deciding factor in weather or not I will put up with the game.
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:31 pm : Quote:
You must know a lot about XP the registry bloat and after awhile it tends to lag and slow down not to mention the damage crashes dose to it
You're gonna love me for this... ever heard of the 'system restore' function in XP? ... store.mspx
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:45 pm : BloodRayne wrote:
You must know a lot about XP the registry bloat and after awhile it tends to lag and slow down not to mention the damage crashes dose to it
You're gonna love me for this... ever heard of the 'system restore' function in XP? ... store.mspxdude......I hate to tell gets corrupted ...its really a basic failsafe measure to keep the system going and dose not prevent the system from degrading into a sluggish mess.
Even most of the registry utilities can not effectively deal with the bloat,corruption and errors,thus why a reinstall is a must for a spry and fresh feeling OS.
Norton ghost is one of the best ways to back it up,you put it on a HD on a USB box and it wont get screwed up by being on all the time.
USB box I have, a spare HDD not so much LOL
I have my WGA tools to disable activation and crap and I get most of my updates from Autopatcher putting updates on a CD is a must and I can install them all in one setting not wait for updates to download install and repeat 1-3 times,I wish MS gave you that option of downloading the updates and storing them so you can install them when you need to..
Ooo speaking of digi games Alpha prime has come down some ... ucts_id=13I am still on the fence about buying it because of the online activation ....and I can find a retail UK box for 10-15 more ...mmmmm
I like my box art,I display it on the wall LOL
*cuddles Fallout 1-2 complete with book and game and box*
yes zippy needs help...a lot of help =0-o=
even have Deus ex 1 big box and Daiblo 2 big box and Arx fatalis small box ^^,oh and the prey tin :X.
Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:17 pm :
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:30 am : I just completed it & it's absolutely fabulous. I loved every bit of it & played it every night until I beat it. Not only MUCH better then Doom 3 & Quake 4, but it REALLY showed what the D3 engine can do. The gravity work was way above what I expected, so was the portal usage. Story was one of the most engrossing ones ever in a video game. I also love all the extra tid-bits you could pay attention to if you wanted (like art bell) but the story still progressed even if you didn't want to (which is unlike HL2 imho, which really required you to pay attentions to most details to understand why things are happening).
I've noticed a few things that were never explained inthe game though & I'm hoping some people here know/have theories:
1) women aren't processed? Only men are killed at the start (like grandfather).
2) children aren't processed either?
3) what's up with the white wraiths? They possessed the kids (apparently only girls) & aren't limited to the sphere (as in an art bell call). Strangely, the art book that came with the tin box version of prey all shows boy-possessed kids, but only possessed girls made it in the game?
4) is the whole point of the sphere to harvest planets to keep on living? In the game there's no other point (told in the plot).
5) the doom easter egg was too funny. Not only was it a punch at doom, it was near identical to the DN3D one!
Gabrobot@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:21 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
1) women aren't processed? Only men are killed at the start (like grandfather).
Must've just been a coincidence, because I've seen women get processed. I sometimes would just stand there and watch several people go through (yeah yeah, I know

), and I definitely saw some women go through as well.
Tron@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:24 am : Yeah, also Jen very nearly got processed.

BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:28 am : I absolutely adore Prey, in all it's assets. IMO 90% of all criticism about it (rehash, not original, too dark, bad story) is all based on bullshit. It's story is just about better than 90% of most of the shit you see on TV.
Regulator@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:13 pm : In my opinion its a mediocre game. The story was ehm ok, but Tomy's voice was bad. Gameplay was crappy, some maps were so bad that I was surprised that they could release them, they looked like they were made by 5 year old. Probably they thought that the game is too short so they slapped in few from recycle bin. Weapon sounds were bad and models looked very reminiscent to Quake4 ones. Puzzles were boring though modern. Games performance was much better than D3 for me. I could ran it on the highest detail without any slowdown and the textures looked sharp. Still the game looked like D3. I mean was it so hard to change the rendering style a bit?
Arklon@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:10 pm : Regulator wrote:
In my opinion its a mediocre game. The story was ehm ok, but Tomy's voice was bad. Gameplay was crappy, some maps were so bad that I was surprised that they could release them, they looked like they were made by 5 year old. Probably they thought that the game is too short so they slapped in few from recycle bin. Weapon sounds were bad and models looked very reminiscent to Quake4 ones. Puzzles were boring though modern. Games performance was much better than D3 for me. I could ran it on the highest detail without any slowdown and the textures looked sharp. Still the game looked like D3. I mean was it so hard to change the rendering style a bit?
Of course you think that, you're the biggest troll on these forums.

1) women aren't processed? Only men are killed at the start (like grandfather).
No, I've seen a lot of women get stabbed by spikes and then smashed and sucked up by that machine.
zeh@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:31 pm : I finally got the game a few months ago, and loved it. Tommy's lines were a bit cheesy but everything else was top notch. I'm not sure if one can compare it to most singleplayer fps released today - sci-fi is 'old' so many people will dislike it for this single fact - but I loved playing it and that's enough for me.
Regulator@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:47 pm : Arklon wrote:
Of course you think that, you're the biggest troll on these forums.

The only troll in this thread is you.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:05 pm : Regulator wrote:
Arklon wrote:
Of course you think that, you're the biggest troll on these forums.

The only troll in this thread is you.
I'd consider it a close race

The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:13 pm : i liked tommy's voice. it was more "average guy" then most games (Quake 4's were all hardend marines, Duke 3d was a badass [same with serious sam]).
I especially love what he says & the timing. Infact, right before he mentions he's going to puke from all the initial grav changes, that's exactly what I thought. I'd imagine they had people play through & then say their reactions.
I also like near the end when you start to enjoy blasting baddies. It's about time a character you play enjoys blowing things up as much as you do.

I thought the weapon sounds were good.
I also loved the level design. Unlike every other game out there (ever), the levels are the puzzles. There's no "follow the walkway" for most of the game, it's nearly all "ok, i need to get over there... how can i?"
Regulator@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:24 pm : Good voice acting is realy hard to find in games. I'd say that Sam Fisher [Micheal Ironside] voice was pretty good, not perfect, but above the average. Though I think sometimes it was 'drowned'. Alyx from Hl2 was ok, that black dudes voice from Avp2 [and FEAR?] was really good. Not too overacted, but still charismatic and not the one you'd forget. Prey's Tommys voice was way too overacted, annoying and it was mentioned on bunch of gaming boards I've visited too so thats not just my opinion. Imho the only cool thing in Prey was menu music, it was really good, epic, but melodic'n stuff.
Phobos@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:33 pm : I've always wanted to grab a copy of the game, I just haven't picked one up yet :'(
Arklon@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:29 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
I especially love what he says & the timing. Infact, right before he mentions he's going to puke from all the initial grav changes, that's exactly what I thought. I'd imagine they had people play through & then say their reactions.
If you switch the gravity too many times, Tommy actually does puke.
Regulator wrote:
Arklon wrote:
Of course you think that, you're the biggest troll on these forums.

The only troll in this thread is you.
Maybe I'm tired of you posting "Doom 3 and every game made using the Doom 3 engine suck. Because they suck." over and over and over again. :/
zeh@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:44 pm : The problem with Tommy was more with the lines themselves than with the voice. There were some moments where the line was so awkward I don't think they'd get it right either way. Not all, mind you, but a few of them really stood out.
Phobos: I recommend you check it out. It's $19.95 on Steam now, so I suppose it's also cheaper everywhere else.
Regulator@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:00 pm : Arklon wrote:
Maybe I'm tired of you posting "Doom 3 and every game made using the Doom 3 engine suck. Because they suck." over and over and over again. :/
Well I may be sick of something you say, but I dont go drippin slime all over the place with hatred. And I'm not using the circle argument like you are trying to convince me. People have different opinions and have different tastes, get over it.

Arklon@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:41 pm : Regulator wrote:
Arklon wrote:
Maybe I'm tired of you posting "Doom 3 and every game made using the Doom 3 engine suck. Because they suck." over and over and over again. :/
Well I may be sick of something you say, but I dont go drippin slime all over the place with hatred. And I'm not using the circle argument like you are trying to convince me. People have different opinions and have different tastes, get over it.

But you're on a Doom 3 forum.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:48 pm : Arklon wrote:
If you switch the gravity too many times, Tommy actually does puke.
i know, isn't that cool? But it must be based on flipping so many time in X time because later you don't puke when you're fliping a lot.
zeh wrote:
The problem with Tommy was more with the lines themselves than with the voice. There were some moments where the line was so awkward I don't think they'd get it right either way. Not all, mind you, but a few of them really stood out.
i didn't think any were awkward based on the situations in the game, but a couple seemed wierd.
Phobos: I recommend you check it out. It's $19.95 on Steam now, so I suppose it's also cheaper everywhere else.
it's $20 nearly everywhere. You can also find the DVD edition (which I got) for $20-30. I'd recommend that over steam, definetly. It has a book with art made for the game & two cool metal figurines.
Arklon@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 12:00 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
it's $20 nearly everywhere. You can also find the DVD edition (which I got) for $20-30. I'd recommend that over steam, definetly. It has a book with art made for the game & two cool metal figurines.
And a free soundtrack download (which I believe is encoded at 320kbps).
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 12:24 am : yes, that too. it's via directdownload & you need to set IE to allow all cookies for the DRM to work, but a quick "fix" got them in to mp3 high quality VBR for me.

Arklon@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 12:40 am : Oh, where's the Doom easter egg? I couldn't find it.
Regulator@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 1:31 am : Arklon wrote:
But you're on a Doom 3 forum.
Then go tell that to your mommy, because some bad boy said something bad about your lil game.
Arklon@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 1:49 am : Regulator wrote:
Arklon wrote:
But you're on a Doom 3 forum.
Then go tell that to your mommy, because some bad boy said something bad about your lil game.

The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:11 am : Arklon wrote:
Oh, where's the Doom easter egg? I couldn't find it.
I'll have to double check, but there's a spot where the lights go out in a room & Tommy says "Man, the lights just went out. I guess I'm doomed." Obviously poking fun at all the people who said D3 sucks because of little lighting & the "That's one doomed space marine" from Duk3D.
Arklon@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:21 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
Arklon wrote:
Oh, where's the Doom easter egg? I couldn't find it.
I'll have to double check, but there's a spot where the lights go out in a room & Tommy says "Man, the lights just went out. I guess I'm doomed." Obviously poking fun at all the people who said D3 sucks because of little lighting & the "That's one doomed space marine" from Duk3D.
OH. I forgot about that.

BNA!@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 10:09 am : Regulator wrote:
Arklon wrote:
But you're on a Doom 3 forum.
Then go tell that to your mommy, because some bad boy said something bad about your lil game.
You guys finally stop it please.
SnoopJeDi@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 4:51 pm : @ Prey:
I was just finally happy to play a game with thoughtful puzzles again, not just BANGBANGBANGurdeadlolZ!. The gravity cube almost gave me a nerdgasm.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:00 pm : if you like that gravity cube puzzle, you're love
The puzzles were great fun. They didn't feel forced either, they all felt natural, like that's part of the ship.
SnoopJeDi@Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:22 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
if you like that gravity cube puzzle, you're love
Neat! I'm too good at it though

[code]The puzzles were great fun. They didn't feel forced either, they all felt natural, like that's part of the ship.
Yeah. Weird ship. The only thing I never really liked was how hunters never gangbanged you with portals in a non-scripted way, ie. my little mini-mod. Never could get the initiative to fix the gravity anomalies though. Should probably do that some time.
Phobos@Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:31 am : that was awesome. lol. i gave up on lv14.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:52 am : did you try it on a wii or the pc? The wii remote definetly makes that game more fun.
We need more FPS's that bring the level of puzzles Prey does. It would make things more interesting (find the key? Heck, it's more like find the exit on the ceiling!)
butmunch@Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:56 am : Phobos wrote:
that was awesome. lol. i gave up on lv14.
I gave up on lvl 15

ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 5:00 am : I dunno the level design is gun and run and I do not like that HL2 has better level design but only by a few "nooks",the weapons are better than HL2s but not by alot I really hated the way the multi gun worked no drops for it plus the charge stations run out of charge.
Its a solid game not the best FPS I have played I'l leave that to the classics HL1,Blood,Duke3D,undying,Unreal 1,Dues ex and even Halo,if I would have to chose between HL2 and prey...I'd chose Prey better Vehicle levels,fun un nerfy weapons and a solid story and plot finish out the game,HL2 plot is ok the story is even ok but the ending sucked and the physics gun still feels like a gimmick even today.
I also hate steam its just a poorly designed DRM setup,I think IDs Key check system is the best and least offensive protection setup made yet,I got the collectors box tin and game for 30$ off ebay last year ^^.
Anyone drooling over Bioshock?
I think I will plunk down 70 for the Collections set I don't normal buy games new but bioshock is calling me...and so is "Jericho" =^0^=
Zombie13@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 7:40 am : ZippyDSMlee wrote:
I dunno the level design is gun and run and I do not like that HL2 has better level design but only by a few "nooks",the weapons are better than HL2s but not by alot I really hated the way the multi gun worked no drops for it plus the charge stations run out of charge.
Its a solid game not the best FPS I have played I'l leave that to the classics HL1,Blood,Duke3D,undying,Unreal 1,Dues ex and even Halo,if I would have to chose between HL2 and prey...I'd chose Prey better Vehicle levels,fun un nerfy weapons and a solid story and plot finish out the game,HL2 plot is ok the story is even ok but the ending sucked and the physics gun still feels like a gimmick even today.
I also hate steam its just a poorly designed DRM setup,I think IDs Key check system is the best and least offensive protection setup made yet,I got the collectors box tin and game for 30$ off ebay last year ^^.
Anyone drooling over Bioshock?
I think I will plunk down 70 for the Collections set I don't normal buy games new but bioshock is calling me...and so is "Jericho" =^0^=
Sorry but I have to go against your word there and honestly say HL2 levels aren't all that exciting at all, SURE there were some cool areas, but over all the levels were lacking any kinda awesomeness what so ever. The levels in Prey were a little better, not by much, but I liked 'em more than HL2's.
About the charging station, if the station kept a full charge and you could get unlimited refills, wouldn't that be kinda silly design? You have to have balance man, when designing these sorts of things.
Also steam is a far more effective platform than a cd key checker, whether it's from id or epic, it's easy (not for me, of course) to get a keygen going within a few hours of the game being released.
And of course Halo, well I don't think I have enough time today at work to right up a review of why I disklike it, so we'll leave it at that

The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:03 am : Zombie13 wrote:
Also steam is a far more effective platform than a cd key checker, whether it's from id or epic, it's easy (not for me, of course) to get a keygen going within a few hours of the game being released.
not everyone uses steam to play valve's games. Just a little harder is all.

der_ton@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 12:55 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
if you like that gravity cube puzzle, you're love
The puzzles were great fun. They didn't feel forced either, they all felt natural, like that's part of the ship.
Yep, nice game! I completed all of the 30 levels, I trial&errored on some of them for quite some time. My time monitoring software tells me that I spent almost 3 hours on that game since yesterday.

Zombie13@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:27 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
Zombie13 wrote:
Also steam is a far more effective platform than a cd key checker, whether it's from id or epic, it's easy (not for me, of course) to get a keygen going within a few hours of the game being released.
not everyone uses steam to play valve's games. Just a little harder is all.

I never said that not everyone uses it

I was merely pointing out that it's more secure.....
The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 3:02 pm : Zombie13 wrote:
I never said that not everyone uses it

I was merely pointing out that it's more secure.....
i agree with that. it does help deter piracy. But is IS the FIRST game game I've actually stopped playing because of the copy-protection. That says something big about it imho. But not everyone feels that way (for some games that are offered on steam & have non-steam versions for more $$ I'd paid more $$ for the non-steam version. Examples: Defcon, RIP tripplepack).
Zombie13@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 3:29 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
Zombie13 wrote:
I never said that not everyone uses it

I was merely pointing out that it's more secure.....
i agree with that. it does help deter piracy. But is IS the FIRST game game I've actually stopped playing because of the copy-protection. That says something big about it imho. But not everyone feels that way (for some games that are offered on steam & have non-steam versions for more $$ I'd paid more $$ for the non-steam version. Examples: Defcon, RIP tripplepack).
Oh for sure I agree with ya. I guess it all comes down to personal preference, I love steam because where ever I go in the world (Lived in 3 different countries in the last 3 years) I can just download my games off of steam onto my new pc without requiring any discs, that to me is groovy

The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 3:51 pm : Zombie13 wrote:
Oh for sure I agree with ya. I guess it all comes down to personal preference, I love steam because where ever I go in the world (Lived in 3 different countries in the last 3 years) I can just download my games off of steam onto my new pc without requiring any discs, that to me is groovy

major major plus. That's one of the things I love about the digital products I've bought (from the garage game/introversion online stores). I just don't like the copy protection. I would of bought Ep1 & have Ep2 pre-ordered by now if it wasn't for Steam required.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 6:53 pm : IDs key system has a online check in and key check,what I am saying is that that added level of protection to check the game when you are online and it not begin mandatory for SP or installation is prefect, Sprocket needs to be online during install and Stream is just psychopathic , D2D is probably the most consumer friendly Digital distro system(No online DRM crap,the games are protected but not at the cost of driving the consumer insane) even if its 14-20% more.
der_ton@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:24 pm : Zombie13 wrote:
I guess it all comes down to personal preference, I love steam because where ever I go in the world (Lived in 3 different countries in the last 3 years) I can just download my games off of steam onto my new pc without requiring any discs, that to me is groovy

That's a point on the plus side for Steam, true, but in the end I would rather be dependant on CDs than on Steam and Valve's mercy.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:37 pm : der_ton wrote:
Zombie13 wrote:
I guess it all comes down to personal preference, I love steam because where ever I go in the world (Lived in 3 different countries in the last 3 years) I can just download my games off of steam onto my new pc without requiring any discs, that to me is groovy

That's a point on the plus side for Steam, true, but in the end I would rather be dependant on CDs than on Steam and Valve's mercy.
Have you tried D2D? its 100% indapendant from the net,once you download it of coarse

I just refuse to touch steam not after the issues with HL2 I had and not with it insisting you need to the net to play or install games.
TelMarine@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:29 am : In my opinion, I will always take the physical media because if you download the game or you need a service to run it, what happens when it doesn't exist anymore in X years or you format your hard drive and the direct to drive service doesn't exist either? With physical media, you can always go back and reinstall it to play.
Zombie13@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:30 am : You actually have never needed the net to play the games at all. It's just the initial installation and unlocking of the game.
I haven't had the net at home for quite a few weeks now, and I use hammer/HL2 offline quite a lot.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:38 am : Zombie13 wrote:
You actually have never needed the net to play the games at all. It's just the initial installation and unlocking of the game.
I haven't had the net at home for quite a few weeks now, and I use hammer/HL2 offline quite a lot.
I am not putting more than 10$ into something that requires the net to install or play,there is a limit on how much I am willing to give up to play something I bought..
And last time I checked HL2 had a update bug you update the game you are forced to be online only,they might have fixed that by now, but frankly the whole no net no install thing is a no no for me.
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 8:53 am : TelMarine wrote:
In my opinion, I will always take the physical media because if you download the game or you need a service to run it, what happens when it doesn't exist anymore in X years or you format your hard drive and the direct to drive service doesn't exist either? With physical media, you can always go back and reinstall it to play.
I buy my cd's then put them in special cases so they stay good, almost never use these but make copies instead that I can use for CD checks etc, instead of ruining my CD's by putting them into the drive every time I want to play.
The fact is that 90% of the CD's I bought 5-7 years ago are decaying so fast that most of the originals have become unreadable in both my 2 DVD drives and my CD drive at this point in time. Physical media isn't 'all that' either.
Frankly (and imho) if one permanently doesn't have net-access on his/her pc, then (s)he's living in the stone-ages.
Zombie13@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 11:46 am : BloodRayne wrote:
Frankly (and imho) if one permanently doesn't have net-access on his/her pc, then (s)he's living in the stone-ages.
All my opinions are based on the fact that I've had a solid net connection for many years.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 2:56 pm : Zombie13 wrote:
You actually have never needed the net to play the games at all. It's just the initial installation and unlocking of the game.
that might be the case with steam now, but when it came out if would auto-update steam any time it wanted, even if you told it no. and when it did it would re-set the auto-update settings for games & start downloading hen steam started, rendering all games updating useless until updated.
BloodRayne wrote:
The fact is that 90% of the CD's I bought 5-7 years ago are decaying so fast that most of the originals have become unreadable in both my 2 DVD drives and my CD drive at this point in time. Physical media isn't 'all that' either.
Really? I have BURNED CD's from 8 years ago that still work. I have games from the mid-90's on CD that still work. you must have something wierd in your environment that's decaying them.
Frankly (and imho) if one permanently doesn't have net-access on his/her pc, then (s)he's living in the stone-ages.
or doesn't want to spend $100+ a month for it. it's not cheap unless you live in an urban area and DEFINETLY not worth it to buy some Steam games.
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 3:13 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
Frankly (and imho) if one permanently doesn't have net-access on his/her pc, then (s)he's living in the stone-ages.
or doesn't want to spend $100+ a month for it. it's not cheap unless you live in an urban area and DEFINETLY not worth it to buy some Steam games.
I know where this is going... an endless discussion wether or not internetaccess is a 'must have' or not (which I won't be going into).
The fact that we're here, on an online discussion forum, should show you just how much impact having internet access has on a person's life. Here in NL having basic internetaccess is free in a lot of areas (wireless free accounts) or costs just under 30$ per month. If somebody has the money to spend to buy half-life 2 then it's a sure bet that they'll have money to also get an internet account. Besides Steam they will then have a wealth of information and fun to be had on the net.

Just my 2 cents.
But if you want to have a fun experiment, go into the store, buy Half Life 2 and ring up Valve with the news that you don't have internet access but would like to play the game that you just bought for 60$, then ask if there is an alternative way of activating your game.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 4:21 pm : BloodRayne wrote:
I know where this is going... an endless discussion wether or not internetaccess is a 'must have' or not (which I won't be going into).
actually, i was pointing out that in the USA internet cost goes up crazily the farther you get from the city. Even though majority of the US population has the ABILITY to the net it's normally cost-prohibitive. My parents pay 1/2 my 'net cost & are 6 times faster, for example (I pay $75 a month plus had to pay a 600 setup fee while they pay ~$35 a month with not setup fee & no contract). You can use the net on dialup no problem, just steam you can't & this issue doesn't really exist in smaller countries (IE not USA, Russia, Canada & China), and if it doesn't it no where near as bad.
Plus, look at the numbers: valve sold millions of copies of HL1+2. with normally 200,000 people playing at any given time. That's ~75% of the people who own HL1+2 on steam don't actually use it on the internet.
But if you want to have a fun experiment, go into the store, buy Half Life 2 and ring up Valve with the news that you don't have internet access but would like to play the game that you just bought for 60$, then ask if there is an alternative way of activating your game.
has this been tried by someone before? Valve was the first company (I know of) to offer products via online activation only with no other way of activating them, period.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 6:22 pm : lets see in the past 2 3 years I have bneen on cable net at 80 a month dailup when I moved after my fathers death at 25 a month Satlitle net 200KBS down 15 up with 400MB FAP horable pings and that was only 150 a month and now I am lucky to have 200KBS DSL that fianly came into the aera for a mesly 70 a month...ya boardband is everywhere >>
the fact is broadband is not everywhere and any setup to require really needs to take a look at what its doing, also it takes a whole extra month for a steam game to be hacked...really they are doing more damage to themselfs with this DRM crap than if they sold it minus the nazisitic steam system and plus 10$ more....
BloodRayne@Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 9:46 am : ZippyDSMlee wrote:
lets see in the past 2 3 years I have bneen on cable net at 80 a month dailup when I moved after my fathers death at 25 a month Satlitle net 200KBS down 15 up with 400MB FAP horable pings and that was only 150 a month and now I am lucky to have 200KBS DSL that fianly came into the aera for a mesly 70 a month...ya boardband is everywhere >>
the fact is broadband is not everywhere and any setup to require really needs to take a look at what its doing, also it takes a whole extra month for a steam game to be hacked...really they are doing more damage to themselfs with this DRM crap than if they sold it minus the nazisitic steam system and plus 10$ more....
- I never claimed broadband is everywhere, but statistics show that 1/3rd of the entire world population has internet access.
- Valve does not use DRM
- Valve has nothing to do with nazism. Nazi's murdered and gassed jews, handicapped people and everyone that opposed them.
Thanks for proving Godwin's law once more.Quote:
There is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that once such a comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically "lost" whatever debate was in progress. This principle is itself frequently referred to as Godwin's Law. It is considered poor form to raise arbitrarily such a comparison with the motive of ending the thread. There is a widely recognized codicil that any such ulterior-motive invocation of Godwin's Law will be unsuccessful (this is sometimes referred to as "Quirk's Exception").[5]
Godwin's Law does not apply to discussions directly addressing genocide, propaganda, or other mainstays of the Nazi regime. Instead, it applies to inappropriate, inordinate, or hyperbolic comparisons of other situations (or one's opponent) with Hitler or Nazis or their actions.
- The current salesnumbers show differently, Steam is a huge success and the number of support calls has lowered drasticly since it's introduction a couple of years ago. There are many redundant servers and it has many perks. I was a fervent anti-steam lobbiest but all my arguments against it have been debunked. I've not seen any valid argument against Steam since. It is, by far, the best way to stop pirates from pirating the crap out of honest game-developers that need to earn a living.
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 10:16 am : ZippyDSMlee wrote:
der_ton wrote:
Zombie13 wrote:
I guess it all comes down to personal preference, I love steam because where ever I go in the world (Lived in 3 different countries in the last 3 years) I can just download my games off of steam onto my new pc without requiring any discs, that to me is groovy

That's a point on the plus side for Steam, true, but in the end I would rather be dependant on CDs than on Steam and Valve's mercy.
Have you tried D2D? its 100% indapendant from the net,once you download it of coarse

I just refuse to touch steam not after the issues with HL2 I had and not with it insisting you need to the net to play or install games.
D2D is pathetic, and you know why? It only works in the US... Thank you for forgetting that the internet exists all over the world.
zeh@Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 2:15 pm : iceheart wrote:
D2D is pathetic, and you know why? It only works in the US... Thank you for forgetting that the internet exists all over the world.
Exactly. More than once I've wanted to buy stuff from D2D only to be turned down because they don't sell worldwide.
I'm not a fan of Steam - having to run the system and authenticate online every time I want to play a game still annoys me - but at least they sell globally. I don't know whether they're in hot water for it or not, but for me it's a major plus. Sometimes we don't get some games published here (or sometimes they take *too long* to be published) and online distribution is the perfect solution.
Zombie13@Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 2:36 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
BloodRayne wrote:
I know where this is going... an endless discussion wether or not internetaccess is a 'must have' or not (which I won't be going into).
actually, i was pointing out that in the USA internet cost goes up crazily the farther you get from the city. Even though majority of the US population has the ABILITY to the net it's normally cost-prohibitive. My parents pay 1/2 my 'net cost & are 6 times faster, for example (I pay $75 a month plus had to pay a 600 setup fee while they pay ~$35 a month with not setup fee & no contract). You can use the net on dialup no problem, just steam you can't & this issue doesn't really exist in smaller countries (IE not USA, Russia, Canada & China), and if it doesn't it no where near as bad.
Plus, look at the numbers: valve sold millions of copies of HL1+2. with normally 200,000 people playing at any given time. That's ~75% of the people who own HL1+2 on steam don't actually use it on the internet.
But if you want to have a fun experiment, go into the store, buy Half Life 2 and ring up Valve with the news that you don't have internet access but would like to play the game that you just bought for 60$, then ask if there is an alternative way of activating your game.
has this been tried by someone before? Valve was the first company (I know of) to offer products via online activation only with no other way of activating them, period.
Oh MAN you gota move to Sweden for awesome internets. next month I'm getting a 100mb connection for $52 USD a month (give or take a dolloar or so).
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 5:49 pm : yes steam is nazisistic with its protection system it makes starforce look good.
Passive protection systems are the best,of coarse that dose not mean they cant lock the game down once they are tripped.
And D2D just expanded to the UK. steam would remove the online activation part of it ,simply make the retail and online games bought work without the net, steam would be the most prefect digi distro setup yet,but as they are now they are another company that treats customers like shepple.
At least none of the games on sprocket are over 40 and it requires online activation bah I want to get my hands on alpha prime >>
I guess I am crazy since I don't like spending money on stuff I cant "own" 0-o
(if it requires the net to run it then I don't "own it",I love corporate logic you cant "own" PC games either thats why retail stores wont sale used copies anymore 0_o)
iceheart@Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 5:55 pm : Whatever.
You only need to log in to steam once for your games, then you can use it offline...
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:11 pm : iceheart wrote:
You only need to log in to steam once for your games, then you can use it offline...
but you have to do it each time you install it,its like Windows key check thing that makes you call in if you dare reinstall or change the hardware twice in a week ,its simply to much to ask for.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:25 pm : Anyone play bioshock yet?
techinle issues aside its pretty good,from what I have played and seen a solid 8 (sorry I am not a mainstream gamer if I was I would give it a 10 LOL)
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 2:56 pm : ZippyDSMlee wrote:
iceheart wrote:
You only need to log in to steam once for your games, then you can use it offline...
but you have to do it each time you install it,its like Windows key check thing that makes you call in if you dare reinstall or change the hardware twice in a week ,its simply to much to ask for.
If going online and doing 'something' is so much work... why go online to complain about it?
How often do you install onto a new OS? Hardware changes don't require re-activation.
Furthermore, all the effort it took you to complain about this is propably much more than the effort it will ever take you to activate the installation when you reinstall the game.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:05 pm : BloodRayne wrote:
ZippyDSMlee wrote:
iceheart wrote:
You only need to log in to steam once for your games, then you can use it offline...
but you have to do it each time you install it,its like Windows key check thing that makes you call in if you dare reinstall or change the hardware twice in a week ,its simply to much to ask for.
If going online and doing 'something' is so much work... why go online to complain about it?
How often do you install onto a new OS? Hardware changes don't require re-activation.
Furthermore, all the effort it took you to complain about this is propably much more than the effort it will ever take you to activate the installation when you reinstall the game.
Lets see I reinstall my OS about every 2-5 months, oh and the online activation is a bit more invasive than steam you get 2 active installs if you do not uninstall it while online you can not install it again.
Sorry if you feel consumers have no rights but online activation for a store bought retail game is a no no for me sorry (and they are planing to do that with BR movies in the coming years), if you like paying for them to steal your rights away and pay 50$ for a 20$ game good for you,we all should be less chosey in life and walk where the man tells us,its makes life so much simpler so mcuh blander so much more enjoyable.
*rolls eyes*
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:20 pm : ZippyDSMlee wrote:
Lets see I reinstall my OS about every 2-5 months, oh and the online activation is a bit more invasive than steam you get 2 active installs if you do not uninstall it while online you can not install it again.
Sorry if you feel consumers have no rights but online activation for a store bought retail game is a no no for me sorry (and they are planing to do that with BR movies in the coming years), if you like paying for them to steal your rights away and pay 50$ for a 20$ game good for you,we all should be less chosey in life and walk where the man tells us,its makes life so much simpler so mcuh blander so much more enjoyable.
*rolls eyes*
Every 2-5 months a new OS. Haha....
And don't put words into my mouth to make your own inadequate arguments stick. I give
plenty about
customer rights.
No ordinary user reinstalls their OS every 2-5 months, that's just plain stupid and ridculously unnescesary. If you are really willing to go through THAT much trouble then certainly activating Steam is a peace of cake for you....
ps: Please confirm Godwin's law for me in your next reply, make my day!

ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:52 pm : BloodRayne wrote:
ZippyDSMlee wrote:
Lets see I reinstall my OS about every 2-5 months, oh and the online activation is a bit more invasive than steam you get 2 active installs if you do not uninstall it while online you can not install it again.
Sorry if you feel consumers have no rights but online activation for a store bought retail game is a no no for me sorry (and they are planing to do that with BR movies in the coming years), if you like paying for them to steal your rights away and pay 50$ for a 20$ game good for you,we all should be less chosey in life and walk where the man tells us,its makes life so much simpler so mcuh blander so much more enjoyable.
*rolls eyes*
Every 2-5 months a new OS. Haha....
And don't put words into my mouth to make your own inadequate arguments stick. I give
plenty about
customer rights.
No ordinary user reinstalls their OS every 2-5 months, that's just plain stupid and ridculously unnescesary. If you are really willing to go through THAT much trouble then certainly activating Steam is a peace of cake for you....
ps: Please confirm Godwin's law for me in your next reply, make my day!

You must know a lot about XP the registry bloat and after awhile it tends to lag and slow down not to mention the damage crashes dose to it(I have had DX be damaged at least 2 times in the past year and guess what you can not simply reinstall it to fix it you have to reinstall the OS....),from everythign I have read its better to make a 100% backup of a fresh install or to reinstall,I don't have the space for a backup so I do something called mantanace to it by reinstalling it because its more a best of burden than a OS.
Oh and yes I run defrag and scandisk every 2 weeks it dose not seem to help once the registry gets past a certain point,I also run my computer 24/7 because it is better not to restart it a lot int eh same day.
You seem to think since I dare install it more than once I am breaking the law,hell MS thinks that and thus why I try very hard to fight against corporate nonsense like this.
Tell me what is your personal limit on online activation you have to register the game and give your name and number and DOB half the time they hold in it sa list to sell off to the highest bidder or use it for inhouse statistical data,ect,ect,ect
There is always a certain amount of worry about giving away my name and address and such I try and limit as much as possible and find the invasive tactics of most online activation systems disturbing I would like a balance between them, Dark messiah used a inresting setup if they could use steam to enable online play and then have it where you can avoid that by just install SP I would like it a lot more but they do not give you that choice thats why for retail games I simply say No to online activation.
Hell even a mix of steam and IDs key system would be nice the key system checks the key while you are on the net and if you want to play online you have to jump through the extra hoops of registration and such but to prevent a 50$ or more boxed retail game from installing or playing because of a online activation system is a strong deciding factor in weather or not I will put up with the game.
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:31 pm : Quote:
You must know a lot about XP the registry bloat and after awhile it tends to lag and slow down not to mention the damage crashes dose to it
You're gonna love me for this... ever heard of the 'system restore' function in XP? ... store.mspx
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:45 pm : BloodRayne wrote:
You must know a lot about XP the registry bloat and after awhile it tends to lag and slow down not to mention the damage crashes dose to it
You're gonna love me for this... ever heard of the 'system restore' function in XP? ... store.mspxdude......I hate to tell gets corrupted ...its really a basic failsafe measure to keep the system going and dose not prevent the system from degrading into a sluggish mess.
Even most of the registry utilities can not effectively deal with the bloat,corruption and errors,thus why a reinstall is a must for a spry and fresh feeling OS.
Norton ghost is one of the best ways to back it up,you put it on a HD on a USB box and it wont get screwed up by being on all the time.
USB box I have, a spare HDD not so much LOL
I have my WGA tools to disable activation and crap and I get most of my updates from Autopatcher putting updates on a CD is a must and I can install them all in one setting not wait for updates to download install and repeat 1-3 times,I wish MS gave you that option of downloading the updates and storing them so you can install them when you need to..
Ooo speaking of digi games Alpha prime has come down some ... ucts_id=13I am still on the fence about buying it because of the online activation ....and I can find a retail UK box for 10-15 more ...mmmmm
I like my box art,I display it on the wall LOL
*cuddles Fallout 1-2 complete with book and game and box*
yes zippy needs help...a lot of help =0-o=
even have Deus ex 1 big box and Daiblo 2 big box and Arx fatalis small box ^^,oh and the prey tin :X.
Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:17 pm :