after posting about this tool in the pimping section
http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=18701 I now developed this tool to a point, at which it really got useful for Doom3 content creation.
The example I show was derived from a simple armature, which can be setup in a few minutes, Skinny generated a rigged mesh from this armature and I then used the multires and sculpt tools to make high-res and low-res versions - again, a matter of a few minutes of modeling time. The newest version of Skinny supports semi-automated UV-mapping, by assigning the UV-space for each bone segment to a seamless tile on the overall UV-layout. How these tiles are arranged is simply set for each bone.
I exported the meshes to ASE, used in-doom3 renderbump to make the normal map and took the screenshots shown below. The model is a static mesh, but as the blender mesh is fully rigged, I think that it will be very easy to get a rigged mesh running in Doom3 as well. I will test this till next weekend and add any final tweaks useful for streamlined doom3 content creation into the next release!
There are a few things that could be improved in the future, for example, the UV seams are pretty prominent - probably due to overlap of some UV coordinates.
Total modeling time (including rigging, detailing and UV setup, but excluding computer calculation time for the normal map): about 10minutes...

cool and freaky model you made there hellborg

after posting about this tool in the pimping section
http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=18701 I now developed this tool to a point, at which it really got useful for Doom3 content creation.
The example I show was derived from a simple armature, which can be setup in a few minutes, Skinny generated a rigged mesh from this armature and I then used the multires and sculpt tools to make high-res and low-res versions - again, a matter of a few minutes of modeling time. The newest version of Skinny supports semi-automated UV-mapping, by assigning the UV-space for each bone segment to a seamless tile on the overall UV-layout. How these tiles are arranged is simply set for each bone.
I exported the meshes to ASE, used in-doom3 renderbump to make the normal map and took the screenshots shown below. The model is a static mesh, but as the blender mesh is fully rigged, I think that it will be very easy to get a rigged mesh running in Doom3 as well. I will test this till next weekend and add any final tweaks useful for streamlined doom3 content creation into the next release!
There are a few things that could be improved in the future, for example, the UV seams are pretty prominent - probably due to overlap of some UV coordinates.
Total modeling time (including rigging, detailing and UV setup, but excluding computer calculation time for the normal map): about 10minutes...

cool and freaky model you made there hellborg