Okay i have searched this forum ALOT and i still couldnt really answer my question. My question is do you HAVE to recompile and change the class.cpp to import a custom weapon into the game? Essentially we've coded some custom walkers already but just simply putting in a new pistol is getting to be very annoying.
"weaponclass" "rvWeaponBlaster"
this is the weapon class i am currently using and i thought you could still use a stock weapon class without changing the whole class.cpp . Am i wrong? For now ill post my code for this particular weapon which is called "HSP" and maybe you guys can find something that im just not seeing.
The main problem is when i go to pickup the weapon (which i see fine in game) in the console it just keeps repeating "unknown weapon"
// hsp.def
// Copyright 2002-2004 Raven Software
// Weapon Defintion
model isdle {
mesh models/weapons/hsp/hsp.md5mesh
anim idle models/weapons/hsp/idle.md5anim
entityDef weapon_hsp
"editor_menu" "pickup"
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 32"
"editor_usage" "hsp"
"spawnclass" "idItem"
"weaponclass" "rvWeaponBlaster"
"weaponname" "hsp"
"size" "32 32 32"
"model_view" "viewmodel_hsp"
"model_world" "worldmodel_hsp"
"model" "models/weapons/hsp/hsp.ase"
"joint_attach" "PST_ATTACHER"
"joint_view_flashlight" "barrel"
"joint_view_flash" "barrel"
"joint_world_flash" "muzzle_flash"
// Firing properties
"chargeTime" ".8"
"chargeDelay" ".1"
"chargeGlow" "0 .4"
"fireRate" ".15"
"spread" ".2"
// "def_projectile" "projectile_blaster"
"def_hitscan" "hitscan_blaster"
"def_altprojectile" "projectile_blaster_charged"
"ammoType" "ammo_blaster"
"clipSize" "0"
"ammoRequired" "0"
// "launchFromBarrel" "1"
"inv_weapon" "weapon_hsp"
"inv_item" "5"
"inv_icon" "gfx/guis/hud/icons/item_blaster.tga"
"inv_name" "hsp"
// "gui" "guis/weapons/blaster_ammo.gui"
"mtr_icon" "gfx/guis/hud/icons/gun_blaster"
"mtr_crosshair" "gfx/guis/crosshairs/crosshair_blaster"
// "crosshairOffsetX" "2"
// "crosshairOffsetY" "2"
// -------------------- Recoil and Muzzle Kick ---------------------------------------
"muzzle_kick_time" "0.1"
"muzzle_kick_maxtime" "0.2"
"muzzle_kick_angles" "-5 0 0"
"muzzle_kick_offset" "2 0 0"
"recoilTime" "100"
"recoilAngles" "-2 0 0"
// ---------------------------- Flashlight ---------------------------------------
"mtr_flashlightShader" "gfx/lights/flashlight"
"flashlightColor" "1 1 .9"
"flashlightRadius" "400"
"flashlightAngle" "15.0"
"flashlightTarget" "1000 0 0"
"flashlightUp" "0 375 0"
"flashlightRight" "0 0 -375"
"flashlightPointLight" "0"
// ---------------------------- Muzzle Flash ---------------------------------------
"mtr_flashShader" "lights/muzzleflash"
"flashColor" "0.7 0.8 1"
"flashRadius" "200"
"flashPointLight" "1"
"flashTime" ".1"
"flashViewOffset" "15 5 -10"
// ------------------------- Sounds and Effects ---------------------------------------
"snd_charge" "weapon_blaster_charge"
"snd_charge_loop" "weapon_blaster_charged"
"snd_charge_click" "weapon_blaster_charge_click"
"snd_quaddamage" "weapon_quaddamage_fire"
"fx_normalflash" "effects/weapons/blaster/muzzleflash.fx"
"fx_chargedflash" "effects/weapons/blaster/charged/muzzleflash.fx"
"fx_respawn" "effects/mp/itemrespawn.fx"
"fx_muzzleflash_world" "effects/weapons/blaster/muzzleflash_world.fx"
"snd_acquire" "pickup_weapon"
"def_viewStyle" "viewStyle_q3_blaster"
"def_viewStyle1" "viewStyle_shouldered_blaster"
"foreshorten" ".65"
"weaponAngleOffsetAverages" "10"
"weaponAngleOffsetScale" ".25"
"weaponAngleOffsetMax" "10"
"weaponOffsetTime" "600"
"weaponOffsetScale" "0.003"
"net_syncPhysics" "1"
// Models
model viewmodel_hsp
mesh models/weapons/hsp/view.md5mesh
anim idle models/weapons/hsp/idle.md5anim
anim raise models/weapons/hsp/raise.md5anim
rate 1.4
frame 6 sound_weapon weapon_hsp_ready
anim putaway models/weapons/hsp/lower.md5anim
frame 1 sound_weapon weapon_switch
anim fire1 models/weapons/hsp/fire.md5anim
frame 1 sound_weapon weapon_blaster_fire
frame 1 sound_item weapon_blaster_fire_stereo
anim fire2 models/weapons/hsp/fire2.md5anim
frame 1 sound_weapon weapon_blaster_fire
frame 1 sound_item weapon_blaster_fire_stereo
anim flashlight models/weapons/hsp/flashlight.md5anim
frame 8 sound_weapon weapon_hsp_flashlight
anim charging models/weapons/hsp/charge_up.md5anim
anim chargedfire models/weapons/hsp/big_recoil.md5anim
frame 1 sound_weapon weapon_blaster_fire_charged
frame 1 sound_item weapon_blaster_fire_stereo
model weapon_hsp_view_strogg
inherit weapon_blaster_view
mesh models/weapons/hsp/view_strogg.md5mesh
model worldmodel_hsp
anim idle models/weapons/hsp/world/idle.md5anim
// Mods
// Projectile
entityDef hitscan_blaster
"range" "10000"
"fx_impact" "effects/weapons/blaster/impact_default.fx"
"fx_impact_water" "effects/ambient/splash_smll.fx"
"fx_impact_concrete" "effects/weapons/hyperblaster/impact_concrete.fx"
"fx_impact_flesh" "effects/weapons/hyperblaster/impact_flesh.fx"
"fx_impact_monstermetal" "effects/weapons/hyperblaster/impact_flesh.fx"
"fx_impact_glass" "effects/weapons/blaster/impact_glass.fx"
"fx_impact_bpglass" "effects/weapons/blaster/impact_bpglass.fx"
"fx_impact_electronics" "effects/weapons/hyperblaster/impact_electronics.fx"
"fx_path" "effects/weapons/blaster/trail.fx"
"def_damage" "damage_blaster"
"push" "7500"
"impact_gib" "1"
entityDef projectile_blaster
"spawnclass" "idProjectile"
"mins" "-2 -2 -2"
"maxs" "2 2 2"
"cone" "2"
"noshadows" "1"
"def_damage" "damage_blaster"
"velocity" "1500 0 0"
"fuse" "4"
"push" "7500"
"detonate_on_fuse" "1"
"detonate_on_death" "0"
"detonate_on_world" "1"
"detonate_on_actor" "1"
"impact_gib" "1"
"decal_bounce" ""
"decal_size" "8"
"fx_fly" "effects/weapons/blaster/fly.fx"
"fx_impact" "effects/weapons/blaster/impact_default.fx"
"fx_impact_water" "effects/ambient/splash_smll.fx"
"fx_impact_flesh" "effects/weapons/blaster/impact_flesh.fx"
"fx_impact_monstermetal" "effects/weapons/blaster/impact_monstermetal.fx"
"fx_impact_electronics" "effects/weapons/machinegun/impact_electronics.fx"
"fx_impact_armor" "effects/weapons/machinegun/impact_armor.fx"
"fx_teleport_enter" "effects/mp/item_teleport.fx"
"fx_teleport" "effects/mp/item_teleport.fx"
entityDef projectile_blaster_charged
"inherit" "projectile_blaster"
"mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"maxs" "8 8 8"
"velocity" "2000 0 0"
"fx_fly" "effects/weapons/blaster/charged/fly.fx"
"fx_impact" "effects/weapons/blaster/charged/impact_default.fx"
"fx_impact_flesh" "effects/weapons/blaster/impact_flesh_charged.fx"
"fx_impact_monstermetal" "effects/weapons/blaster/impact_monstermetal_charged.fx"
"fx_impact_electronics" "effects/weapons/machinegun/impact_electronics.fx"
"fx_impact_armor" "effects/weapons/machinegun/impact_armor.fx"
"def_damage" "damage_blaster_charged"
"def_splash_damage" "damage_blastersplash_charged"
// Damage
entityDef damage_blaster
"inherit" "damage_bullet"
"damage" "8"
"fx_wound" "effects/wounds/energy.fx"
"deathPush" "100"
"deathPushMin" "2000 250"
"deathPushMax" "5000 500"
entityDef damage_blaster_charged
"inherit" "damage_blaster"
"damage" "50"
entityDef damage_blastersplash_charged
"inherit" "damage_blaster"
"damage" "40"
"radius" "50"
"knockback" "30"
"push" "2500"
If something spams a warning over and over again, the easiest way to figure out why is to search for that warning, and then look at why it displays that message.
Assuming you're talking about this, from mpgame\Player.cpp(931):
gameLocal.Warning( "Unknown weapon '%s'", weaponName.c_str() );
then the reason is that you've not added the weapon into the player.def in a def_weaponX slot. Also look for other bits in there, as you need to add a few things I think.
Yeah i already added it into the Player def in an existing slot. So let me be sure i'm understanding....if you dont add it into the class.css you CAN still import the weapon in you just have to essentially replace another one in the weapons slots correct??
Ok, after many hours of trying things again and again this (artist, not scripter) is becoming frustrated.

I am running a dev team at school and things have been going quite smoothly up until trying to get our weapons into the players hands. (Don't worry its not an MD5 export issue). We have the weapons modeled, our characters done levels finished and a ton of art assests as well as custom mp game types done, but the weapons are having issues. Basically I'm having issues more with the definition file side of things. I can everything in the def if requested but for now I'll just post the upper part. The error I'm getting is:
------------ Processing events --------------
Error ERP_DROP: entityDef not found: player_viewweapon
------------ Game Map Shutdown --------------
ERROR: entityDef not found: player_viewweapon
clientState != CS_CONNECTING, not waiting for game auth, authKey ignored
]condump weaponerror
Dumped console text to weaponerror.txt.
now I know what you're thinking, but I do have a both a player.def and a "weapon.def", at this point i'd be willing to send a small test pk4 with just the weapon in it, if they could help me/us/the team. figure out why this isn't working. We're hoping to present and get this up and running by november, and this is the only hiccup in the mod we've really had. Right now I"m just trying to replace an existing weapon, not add a whole new slot. I've been looking through every .def file I can, and I can't find anything on "player_viewweapon" anywhere. Again guys I'm very familiar with the Doom3 engine, (we're using Q4) but, this just has me stumped.
sample def script:
// svinfinity.def
// Copyright 2002-2004 Raven Software
export svinfinity
options -sourcedir models/weapons/svinfinity/animations -destdir models/weapons/svinfinity
mesh view_mesh.ma -dest svinfinity
anim pistol_idle.ma -dest idle
entityDef weapon_svinfinity
"editor_menu" "pickup"
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 32"
"editor_usage" "svinfinity"
"spawnclass" "idItem"
"weaponclass" "rvWeaponBlaster"
"weaponname" "Blaster"
"size" "32 32 32"
"model_view" "weapon_svinfinity_view"
"model_world" "weapon_svinfinity_world"
"model" "models/weapons/svinfinity_world/svinfinity.ase"
"joint_attach" "PST_ATTACHER"
"joint_view_flashlight" "barrel"
"joint_view_flash" "barrel"
"joint_world_flash" "muzzle_flash"
// Firing properties
"chargeTime" ".8"
"chargeDelay" ".1"
"chargeGlow" "0 .4"
"fireRate" ".15"
"spread" ".2"
// "def_projectile" "projectile_svinfinity"
"def_hitscan" "hitscan_blaster"
snippet from hyperblaster.def
model weapon_hyperblaster_view
mesh models/weapons/hyperblaster/mesh.md5mesh
skin skins/weapons/hyperblaster/nobounce
anim idle models/weapons/hyperblaster/idle.md5anim
anim fire models/weapons/hyperblaster/fire.md5anim
frame 1 sound_weapon weapon_hyperblaster_fire
frame 1 sound_item weapon_hyperblaster_fire_stereo
anim reload models/weapons/hyperblaster/reload.md5anim
frame 1 sound_weapon weapon_hyperblaster_cell_out
frame 21 sound_item weapon_hyperblaster_cell_in
frame 34 sound_weapon weapon_hyperblaster_close
anim raise models/weapons/hyperblaster/raise.md5anim
anim putaway models/weapons/hyperblaster/lower.md5anim
frame 1 sound_weapon weapon_switch
have you defined a view model for your weapon_svinfinity_view and also the model for weapon_svinfinity_world?
just asking.
thx for your reply, yes I have actually both for the view and the world model defined as you have shown above. Again I am familiar with the engine, but am not much for scripting and programming. LOL More of an artist

I do know that the Md5's are correct b/c I am able to open and view them in different md5 viewers. At least as far as the geometry and animations are concerned. I spent literally the entire night, last night trying to figure out what this was, but have had no luck,

, Hopefully you have some more words of wisdom for me

taken from the def file: (again this is just a test before I go in and get everything else working. I wanted to get the idle working first) Less to break

forgive the formatting as it is being skewed somehow by the forums.
// Models
model weapon_svinfinity_view
mesh models/weapons/svinfinity/view.md5mesh
anim idle models/weapons/svinfinity/idle.md5anim
model weapon_svinfinity_world
mesh models/weapons/svinfinity/world/view.md5mesh
anim idle models/weapons/svinfinity/world/idle.md5anim
Um snippet from player.def in baseq4 pk4s
entityDef player_viewweapon {
"spawnclass" "rvViewWeapon"
Player.def holds ALOT more than just the player's entitydef, if you have a custom player.def, it is loaded instead, not over top of the q4 .def. This means that if your player.def doesn't contain all the different required entity definitions that the q4 one has, your player.def will cause your game to crash in such fashion.
Alright I shall give this a try, thx for your help I"ll letyouknow how it works out

ok, got that fixed but now I have another error that is popping up.
"EntityDef not found ; player_animatedentity"
Now I'm assuming that you're probably go