clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:44 am :
I've started writing doom3 plugins for lightwave.
The lightwave importer works but it doesn't correct for the fact that doom3 has Z up and lightwave has Y up. I'll fix that part after I make a working export plugin. Right now it's a little "rough around the edges" and I welcome any suggestions or comments.
(last updated February 9th, 2008)

BNA!@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:35 am :
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:41 pm :
BNA! wrote:
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

That's the plan. I want to create a working exporter and then correct the up orientation.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:37 am :
It's still a work in progress, but I've added an md5mesh exporter. It saves a file named "LWmesh.md5mesh" in the root of the current project folder.

revility@Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:50 pm :
Been hoping somebody would continue lightwave support as I've been really hoping to spend more time with the app and leave max in the dust.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:28 am :
Alright, just finished the first version of the animation exporter. With that the plugin collection is now complete. The next step is bug fixing and code cleanup.

aph0x``@Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:57 am :
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


clintonman@Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 4:10 am :
aph0x`` wrote:
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


I've been using 9.0 for testing and it looks like it should work with both 9 and 9.2. I haven't gotten anything into the game engine yet. The last test I did was to load a mesh from the game, export it back out and use dertons' viewer to look at it. I'll definitely try to have some kind of guide for setting up and transferring assets between the two.

clintonman@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:14 am :
It's done. :D
The Lightwave plugins for importing and exporting meshes and animations is done. It has been tested in lw9 and 9.2 but probably works back to version 6.5 or 7. Next up is to completely redo the website with proper instructions. ... wplug.html

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 7:04 am :
Thanks. I've added the link to the tools section of the md5 format article on the wiki...

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:28 am :
Got some tutorials up for doom3 import/export. They use hellknight to show import/export to lightwave and use the lostsoul flying demon to show custom object creation and import to the doom3 editor.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:16 am :
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:45 pm :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

Thanks. Where can I find the wiki link. I went to the wiki but didn't see any links to my page.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:30 am :
It's under the tools section on this page...

clintonman@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:22 pm :
I was looking in the wrong place, thanks.

port66@Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:54 am :
suspect most people dont support it. because no-one can find where you name the joints.

Springheel@Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 5:46 pm :
I'm curious whether anyone has used this plugin to successfully export models and animations to D3. I currently model with Lightwave, and it would save me a lot of time to use it for exporting models rather than learning Maya and relying on the Doom3 export plugin.

The tutorial is not very well explained, however, and I notice that the importer has a few gaps (it fails to import the surface names, frex). That and the lack of discussion here make me wonder whether the exporter is a decent substitute for Maya?

clintonman@Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 12:22 am :
The mesh importer has been updated to read version 11, ET:Quake Wars md5meshes. :) It still writes version 10 files, but I'm told that Quake Wars can still read them. It can be downloaded from here

Springheel@Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 6:59 pm :
I've been playing around with this and learning quite a bit. However, I'm having difficulty with exporting a md5mesh.

It's this part of the instructions specifically:

load the object into layout
be sure autokey is on
delete any skelegons before loading bones
select the mesh and run "MD5_BoneLoad" to load the bones
utilities tab, plugins, generic, Generic Plugins, MD5_AnimLoad

First of all, I'm using Lightwave 8.0. I know what I'm doing in the modeller, but have almost no experience with layout/scenes.

I load my character into the layout (skelegon layer already deleted). I select all the layers objects, but I can find no way to "run MD5_BoneLoad".

When I go to utilities-->plugins, there is no "generic" or "generic plugins" tab. When I go to "additional", the MD5 plugins do not show up. I know they are installed, as I already loaded the md5mesh. When I go to "edit plugins" I find "MD5_Boneload" listed as a "Layout Command" plugin, but I still have no idea how to run it.

Any help would be appreciated.

edit: here's an image, showing how nothing appears in the 'additional plugins' window, yet the md5 plugins show up when I open the edit plugins window. They seem to be there, so how the heck do I access them?


clintonman@Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 8:00 pm :
Looks like you have a lot of plugins missing from the utilites-additional menu. Try this, go to edit menu layout and choose one of the presets.
File comment: edit- Edit Menu Layout
menuConfig.jpg [ 34.63 KB | Viewed 887 times ]
Once the menu changes are done the missing plugins should show up.

I also found out that the layout plugin caused a crash in lightwave. Attached is a plugin compiled for LW version 8.


Springheel@Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 6:47 pm :
As for the error above, I'm pretty sure it has to do with having floating verts or possibly non-triangulated polys. I tracked down a single mesh that was causing it, and when I redid the mesh the error went away.

Still having one problem, however. I've successfully used the exporter for a few heads and the werebeast above, so I went for broke and tried modifying one of our existing md5mesh characters.

Everything seemed to go smoothly...I got no errors and the game loads fine. Unfortunately, this is what I get:


The animations actually play normally, but the upper torso is rotated ninety degrees at the belt (actually a single mesh is cut in half there, as the whole tunic is a single mesh). Everything else seems perfect. Oddly, when I load the map in the editor, the AI look correct, and even play their animations normally.

Any suggestions of what might cause that?

Springheel@Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:25 am :
Well, after a lot of testing and teeth gnashing, I figured out what the problem was, though not why it happened. The rotation values of a few joints were exported as negative values instead of positive. Not sure why. The offending values are in red:

joints {
"origin" -1 ( 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ) ( 0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 )
"Hips" 0 ( -2.080453 -0.033595 45.048664 ) ( -0.500000 -0.500000 -0.500000 )
"LeftHips_Dummy" 1 ( -1.149826 1.865654 44.565140 ) ( -0.004051 -0.707096 -0.707100 )
"LeftUpLeg" 2 ( -1.149823 4.011930 44.568508 ) ( -0.087588 -0.667687 -0.725822 )
"LeftUpLegRoll" 3 ( -0.479751 4.513688 34.217533 ) ( -0.076845 -0.682601 0.025023 ) //
"LeftLeg" 4 ( 0.137383 5.146533 25.029467 ) ( -0.123549 -0.671721 0.090599 ) //
"LeftLegRoll" 5 ( -2.591582 5.833695 13.489150 ) ( -0.073302 -0.664563 -0.729583 ) //
"LeftFoot" 6 ( -3.055025 6.071348 6.776897 ) ( 0.233301 -0.677183 -0.519786 ) //
"LeftToeBase" 7 ( 4.852250 6.255764 1.459373 ) ( 0.428617 -0.573841 -0.353114 ) //
"LeftToe_end" 8 ( 10.232855 6.674489 1.393528 ) ( 0.559802 -0.736132 -0.152206 ) //
"joint3" 4 ( 6.555445 4.434480 32.939674 ) ( -0.087588 -0.667687 -0.725822 ) //
"joint4" 4 ( -8.399606 5.205424 34.649319 ) ( -0.076845 -0.682601 0.025023 ) //
"RightHips_Dummy" 1 ( -1.149826 -1.932844 44.565140 ) ( 0.707091 -0.002948 -0.004057 )
"RightUpLeg" 12 ( -1.149811 -4.079120 44.568466 ) ( 0.711853 0.046261 -0.050394 ) //
"RightUpLegRoll" 13 ( -1.329061 -4.403437 34.189526 ) ( -0.700378 0.037711 0.712774 )
"RightLeg" 14 ( -1.503861 -4.869214 24.972452 ) ( -0.682935 -0.032319 0.727943 ) //
"RightLegRoll" 15 ( -2.547427 -5.522203 13.533426 ) ( 0.717639 0.027978 -0.060087 ) //
"RightFoot" 16 ( -2.997804 -5.735362 6.879967 ) ( 0.579856 0.365816 0.258453 ) //
"RightToeBase" 17 ( 4.664539 -6.081253 1.617703 ) ( 0.440753 0.525159 0.453599 ) //
"joint5" 14 ( 6.455673 -4.314656 33.023132 ) ( 0.711853 0.046261 -0.050394 ) //
"joint6" 14 ( -9.859050 -4.395708 33.006050 ) ( -0.700378 0.037711 0.712774 ) //
"Spine_Dummy" 1 ( -1.102794 -0.033594 48.691669 ) ( -0.707279 -0.000172 -0.000172 ) //
"Spine" 21 ( -1.105351 -0.031037 53.942913 ) ( -0.374891 -0.599641 -0.599707 ) //
"Spine1" 22 ( -1.941159 -0.030203 55.656265 ) ( -0.704788 -0.059339 -0.059311 ) //
"Spine2" 23 ( -2.795964 -0.027055 60.680130 ) ( -0.689847 -0.154961 -0.703945 ) //
"LeftShoulder_Dummy" 24 ( -2.989003 1.497632 65.371376 ) ( 0.110641 -0.990707 -0.059861 )
"LeftShoulder" 25 ( -0.888298 2.059590 66.504074 ) ( -0.063484 0.952020 0.299078 ) //
"LeftArm_Dummy" 26 ( -3.473857 5.721920 66.350693 ) ( 0.453895 -0.396871 0.221159 ) //
"LeftArm" 27 ( -3.604666 8.331088 66.132141 ) ( -0.493045 -0.506749 -0.497413 ) //
"LeftArmRoll" 28 ( -3.677523 16.971579 65.968140 ) ( -0.372603 -0.391216 -0.583558 ) //
"LeftForeArm" 29 ( -3.620836 20.958031 66.055862 ) ( -0.381432 -0.390605 -0.570699 ) //
"LeftHand" 30 ( -3.708478 32.033730 66.404114 ) ( -0.481558 -0.454411 -0.539432 ) //
"LeftHandIndex1" 31 ( -2.001648 37.286350 66.873016 ) ( -0.695331 -0.709379 0.057047 )
"LeftHandIndex2" 32 ( -1.808184 38.792858 66.663666 ) ( -0.695160 -0.709395 0.057741 )
"LeftHandIndex3" 33 ( -1.706903 39.539272 65.986443 ) ( -0.567363 -0.421851 -0.421884 )
"LeftHandRing1" 31 ( -4.116532 37.041828 66.722389 ) ( -0.623159 -0.767542 -0.147053 ) //
"LeftHandRing2" 35 ( -3.808928 38.422470 65.433395 ) ( -0.623160 -0.767541 -0.147053 ) //
"LeftHandRing3" 36 ( -3.669376 38.402069 64.364304 ) ( -0.623163 -0.767539 -0.147054 ) //
"LeftHandRing4" 37 ( -3.371764 38.044651 62.881557 ) ( -0.623151 -0.767549 -0.147053 ) //
"LeftHandThumb1" 31 ( -1.114869 34.611588 65.303337 ) ( -0.372462 -0.838930 -0.032573 )
"LeftHandThumb2" 39 ( -0.462289 36.176933 65.113396 ) ( -0.174852 -0.767564 -0.402387 )
"LeftHandThumb3" 40 ( 0.186407 37.334820 64.671936 ) ( -0.289401 -0.847408 -0.260585 )
"Neck" 24 ( -3.445109 -0.022530 69.979073 ) ( 0.706865 -0.024261 -0.024248 ) // Spine2
"Head" 42 ( -3.253372 -0.021174 72.769012 ) ( 0.706865 -0.024261 -0.024248 ) // Neck
"RightShoulder_Dummy" 24 ( -2.989008 -1.547176 65.372925 ) ( 0.060344 0.051771 0.110615 )
"RightShoulder" 44 ( -0.888306 -2.108030 66.506271 ) ( 0.296861 -0.035321 0.078606 ) //
"RightArm_Dummy" 45 ( -3.471060 -5.772907 66.049759 ) ( -0.181720 0.753057 0.477963 )
"RightArm" 46 ( -3.774708 -9.001852 65.829964 ) ( -0.494847 0.505212 0.497011 ) //
"RightArmRoll" 47 ( -3.814148 -15.903028 65.971085 ) ( 0.589183 0.601038 -0.391912 ) //
"RightForeArm" 48 ( -3.807623 -20.424763 66.170441 ) ( 0.589025 0.601190 -0.382955 ) //
"RightForeArmRoll" 49 ( -3.781834 -28.324751 66.427277 ) ( 0.589025 0.601190 -0.382955 )
"RightHand" 50 ( -3.905580 -32.569004 66.607315 ) ( 0.536093 0.531159 -0.479579 ) //
"RightHandIndex1" 51 ( -2.219729 -36.805725 67.257553 ) ( 0.052902 -0.000809 -0.694029 )
"RightHandIndex2" 52 ( -1.828893 -38.487350 66.615608 ) ( 0.052229 -0.000105 -0.693966 )
"RightHandIndex3" 53 ( -1.738842 -39.454174 65.987953 ) ( -0.558765 0.433432 0.433212 )
"RightHandMiddle1" 51 ( -4.156804 -37.166122 67.039154 ) ( 0.122641 -0.007464 -0.655792 )
"RightHandMiddle2" 55 ( -3.886443 -38.464523 65.488853 ) ( 0.122638 -0.007456 -0.655784 )
"RightHandMiddle3" 56 ( -3.665246 -38.379631 64.383835 ) ( -0.450217 0.545376 0.545158 )
"RightHandThumb1" 51 ( -1.050102 -34.537518 65.464409 ) ( 0.026182 0.401858 -0.382831 )
"RightHandThumb2" 58 ( -0.464901 -36.255180 65.052689 ) ( 0.368991 0.473605 -0.192926 )
"RightHandThumb3" 59 ( 0.282428 -37.437115 64.628967 ) ( 0.118561 0.325090 -0.350013 )
"joint8" 24 ( 3.871526 5.015752 62.279484 ) ( -0.706720 -0.028172 -0.028158 ) //
"joint9" 24 ( 3.723825 -4.745462 62.439266 ) ( -0.689847 -0.154961 -0.703945 ) // Hips
"leftpad" 24 ( -3.389919 8.590588 69.115173 ) ( -0.370802 -0.389509 -0.584716 ) // Hips
"rightpad" 24 ( -3.775538 -9.665626 69.528755 ) ( 0.582430 0.594021 -0.402625 ) // Hips
"joint7" 21 ( 4.394434 -0.031399 52.335384 ) ( -0.704785 -0.059340 -0.059311 ) // Hips
"sword" 1 ( 3.962236 7.150119 49.330612 ) ( -0.374917 -0.599531 -0.599732 ) // Hips


Fixing those values seems to have solved the problem. I'm not sure if it's connected, but many of the joints seemed to be commented as the wrong names. The last four were all called "hips" for example. Is there some problem if joints exist that aren't weighted to anything?

Mon1018@Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 10:12 am :
Thanks Rich, you pointed me in the right direction
Very nice entry.
That site is amazing for reviews. 8)

Springheel@Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 6:47 pm :
As for the error above, I'm pretty sure it has to do with having floating verts or possibly non-triangulated polys. I tracked down a single mesh that was causing it, and when I redid the mesh the error went away.

Still having one problem, however. I've successfully used the exporter for a few heads and the werebeast above, so I went for broke and tried modifying one of our existing md5mesh characters.

Everything seemed to go smoothly...I got no errors and the game loads fine. Unfortunately, this is what I get:


The animations actually play normally, but the upper torso is rotated ninety degrees at the belt (actually a single mesh is cut in half there, as the whole tunic is a single mesh). Everything else seems perfect. Oddly, when I load the map in the editor, the AI look correct, and even play their animations normally.

Any suggestions of what might cause that?

Springheel@Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:25 am :
Well, after a lot of testing and teeth gnashing, I figured out what the problem was, though not why it happened. The rotation values of a few joints were exported as negative values instead of positive. Not sure why. The offending values are in red:

joints {
"origin" -1 ( 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ) ( 0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 )
"Hips" 0 ( -2.080453 -0.033595 45.048664 ) ( -0.500000 -0.500000 -0.500000 )
"LeftHips_Dummy" 1 ( -1.149826 1.865654 44.565140 ) ( -0.004051 -0.707096 -0.707100 )
"LeftUpLeg" 2 ( -1.149823 4.011930 44.568508 ) ( -0.087588 -0.667687 -0.725822 )
"LeftUpLegRoll" 3 ( -0.479751 4.513688 34.217533 ) ( -0.076845 -0.682601 0.025023 ) //
"LeftLeg" 4 ( 0.137383 5.146533 25.029467 ) ( -0.123549 -0.671721 0.090599 ) //
"LeftLegRoll" 5 ( -2.591582 5.833695 13.489150 ) ( -0.073302 -0.664563 -0.729583 ) //
"LeftFoot" 6 ( -3.055025 6.071348 6.776897 ) ( 0.233301 -0.677183 -0.519786 ) //
"LeftToeBase" 7 ( 4.852250 6.255764 1.459373 ) ( 0.428617 -0.573841 -0.353114 ) //
"LeftToe_end" 8 ( 10.232855 6.674489 1.393528 ) ( 0.559802 -0.736132 -0.152206 ) //
"joint3" 4 ( 6.555445 4.434480 32.939674 ) ( -0.087588 -0.667687 -0.725822 ) //
"joint4" 4 ( -8.399606 5.205424 34.649319 ) ( -0.076845 -0.682601 0.025023 ) //
"RightHips_Dummy" 1 ( -1.149826 -1.932844 44.565140 ) ( 0.707091 -0.002948 -0.004057 )
"RightUpLeg" 12 ( -1.149811 -4.079120 44.568466 ) ( 0.711853 0.046261 -0.050394 ) //
"RightUpLegRoll" 13 ( -1.329061 -4.403437 34.189526 ) ( -0.700378 0.037711 0.712774 )
"RightLeg" 14 ( -1.503861 -4.869214 24.972452 ) ( -0.682935 -0.032319 0.727943 ) //
"RightLegRoll" 15 ( -2.547427 -5.522203 13.533426 ) ( 0.717639 0.027978 -0.060087 ) //
"RightFoot" 16 ( -2.997804 -5.735362 6.879967 ) ( 0.579856 0.365816 0.258453 ) //
"RightToeBase" 17 ( 4.664539 -6.081253 1.617703 ) ( 0.440753 0.525159 0.453599 ) //
"joint5" 14 ( 6.455673 -4.314656 33.023132 ) ( 0.711853 0.046261 -0.050394 ) //
"joint6" 14 ( -9.859050 -4.395708 33.006050 ) ( -0.700378 0.037711 0.712774 ) //
"Spine_Dummy" 1 ( -1.102794 -0.033594 48.691669 ) ( -0.707279 -0.000172 -0.000172 ) //
"Spine" 21 ( -1.105351 -0.031037 53.942913 ) ( -0.374891 -0.599641 -0.599707 ) //
"Spine1" 22 ( -1.941159 -0.030203 55.656265 ) ( -0.704788 -0.059339 -0.059311 ) //
"Spine2" 23 ( -2.795964 -0.027055 60.680130 ) ( -0.689847 -0.154961 -0.703945 ) //
"LeftShoulder_Dummy" 24 ( -2.989003 1.497632 65.371376 ) ( 0.110641 -0.990707 -0.059861 )
"LeftShoulder" 25 ( -0.888298 2.059590 66.504074 ) ( -0.063484 0.952020 0.299078 ) //
"LeftArm_Dummy" 26 ( -3.473857 5.721920 66.350693 ) ( 0.453895 -0.396871 0.221159 ) //
"LeftArm" 27 ( -3.604666 8.331088 66.132141 ) ( -0.493045 -0.506749 -0.497413 ) //
"LeftArmRoll" 28 ( -3.677523 16.971579 65.968140 ) ( -0.372603 -0.391216 -0.583558 ) //
"LeftForeArm" 29 ( -3.620836 20.958031 66.055862 ) ( -0.381432 -0.390605 -0.570699 ) //
"LeftHand" 30 ( -3.708478 32.033730 66.404114 ) ( -0.481558 -0.454411 -0.539432 ) //
"LeftHandIndex1" 31 ( -2.001648 37.286350 66.873016 ) ( -0.695331 -0.709379 0.057047 )
"LeftHandIndex2" 32 ( -1.808184 38.792858 66.663666 ) ( -0.695160 -0.709395 0.057741 )
"LeftHandIndex3" 33 ( -1.706903 39.539272 65.986443 ) ( -0.567363 -0.421851 -0.421884 )
"LeftHandRing1" 31 ( -4.116532 37.041828 66.722389 ) ( -0.623159 -0.767542 -0.147053 ) //
"LeftHandRing2" 35 ( -3.808928 38.422470 65.433395 ) ( -0.623160 -0.767541 -0.147053 ) //
"LeftHandRing3" 36 ( -3.669376 38.402069 64.364304 ) ( -0.623163 -0.767539 -0.147054 ) //
"LeftHandRing4" 37 ( -3.371764 38.044651 62.881557 ) ( -0.623151 -0.767549 -0.147053 ) //
"LeftHandThumb1" 31 ( -1.114869 34.611588 65.303337 ) ( -0.372462 -0.838930 -0.032573 )
"LeftHandThumb2" 39 ( -0.462289 36.176933 65.113396 ) ( -0.174852 -0.767564 -0.402387 )
"LeftHandThumb3" 40 ( 0.186407 37.334820 64.671936 ) ( -0.289401 -0.847408 -0.260585 )
"Neck" 24 ( -3.445109 -0.022530 69.979073 ) ( 0.706865 -0.024261 -0.024248 ) // Spine2
"Head" 42 ( -3.253372 -0.021174 72.769012 ) ( 0.706865 -0.024261 -0.024248 ) // Neck
"RightShoulder_Dummy" 24 ( -2.989008 -1.547176 65.372925 ) ( 0.060344 0.051771 0.110615 )
"RightShoulder" 44 ( -0.888306 -2.108030 66.506271 ) ( 0.296861 -0.035321 0.078606 ) //
"RightArm_Dummy" 45 ( -3.471060 -5.772907 66.049759 ) ( -0.181720 0.753057 0.477963 )
"RightArm" 46 ( -3.774708 -9.001852 65.829964 ) ( -0.494847 0.505212 0.497011 ) //
"RightArmRoll" 47 ( -3.814148 -15.903028 65.971085 ) ( 0.589183 0.601038 -0.391912 ) //
"RightForeArm" 48 ( -3.807623 -20.424763 66.170441 ) ( 0.589025 0.601190 -0.382955 ) //
"RightForeArmRoll" 49 ( -3.781834 -28.324751 66.427277 ) ( 0.589025 0.601190 -0.382955 )
"RightHand" 50 ( -3.905580 -32.569004 66.607315 ) ( 0.536093 0.531159 -0.479579 ) //
"RightHandIndex1" 51 ( -2.219729 -36.805725 67.257553 ) ( 0.052902 -0.000809 -0.694029 )
"RightHandIndex2" 52 ( -1.828893 -38.487350 66.615608 ) ( 0.052229 -0.000105 -0.693966 )
"RightHandIndex3" 53 ( -1.738842 -39.454174 65.987953 ) ( -0.558765 0.433432 0.433212 )
"RightHandMiddle1" 51 ( -4.156804 -37.166122 67.039154 ) ( 0.122641 -0.007464 -0.655792 )
"RightHandMiddle2" 55 ( -3.886443 -38.464523 65.488853 ) ( 0.122638 -0.007456 -0.655784 )
"RightHandMiddle3" 56 ( -3.665246 -38.379631 64.383835 ) ( -0.450217 0.545376 0.545158 )
"RightHandThumb1" 51 ( -1.050102 -34.537518 65.464409 ) ( 0.026182 0.401858 -0.382831 )
"RightHandThumb2" 58 ( -0.464901 -36.255180 65.052689 ) ( 0.368991 0.473605 -0.192926 )
"RightHandThumb3" 59 ( 0.282428 -37.437115 64.628967 ) ( 0.118561 0.325090 -0.350013 )
"joint8" 24 ( 3.871526 5.015752 62.279484 ) ( -0.706720 -0.028172 -0.028158 ) //
"joint9" 24 ( 3.723825 -4.745462 62.439266 ) ( -0.689847 -0.154961 -0.703945 ) // Hips
"leftpad" 24 ( -3.389919 8.590588 69.115173 ) ( -0.370802 -0.389509 -0.584716 ) // Hips
"rightpad" 24 ( -3.775538 -9.665626 69.528755 ) ( 0.582430 0.594021 -0.402625 ) // Hips
"joint7" 21 ( 4.394434 -0.031399 52.335384 ) ( -0.704785 -0.059340 -0.059311 ) // Hips
"sword" 1 ( 3.962236 7.150119 49.330612 ) ( -0.374917 -0.599531 -0.599732 ) // Hips


Fixing those values seems to have solved the problem. I'm not sure if it's connected, but many of the joints seemed to be commented as the wrong names. The last four were all called "hips" for example. Is there some problem if joints exist that aren't weighted to anything?

Mon1018@Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 10:12 am :
Thanks Rich, you pointed me in the right direction
Very nice entry.
That site is amazing for reviews. 8)

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:44 am :
I've started writing doom3 plugins for lightwave.
The lightwave importer works but it doesn't correct for the fact that doom3 has Z up and lightwave has Y up. I'll fix that part after I make a working export plugin. Right now it's a little "rough around the edges" and I welcome any suggestions or comments.
(last updated February 9th, 2008)

BNA!@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:35 am :
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:41 pm :
BNA! wrote:
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

That's the plan. I want to create a working exporter and then correct the up orientation.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 3:37 am :
It's still a work in progress, but I've added an md5mesh exporter. It saves a file named "LWmesh.md5mesh" in the root of the current project folder.

revility@Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:50 pm :
Been hoping somebody would continue lightwave support as I've been really hoping to spend more time with the app and leave max in the dust.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 5:28 am :
Alright, just finished the first version of the animation exporter. With that the plugin collection is now complete. The next step is bug fixing and code cleanup.

aph0x``@Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 2:57 am :
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


clintonman@Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 5:10 am :
aph0x`` wrote:
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


I've been using 9.0 for testing and it looks like it should work with both 9 and 9.2. I haven't gotten anything into the game engine yet. The last test I did was to load a mesh from the game, export it back out and use dertons' viewer to look at it. I'll definitely try to have some kind of guide for setting up and transferring assets between the two.

clintonman@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 2:14 am :
It's done. :D
The Lightwave plugins for importing and exporting meshes and animations is done. It has been tested in lw9 and 9.2 but probably works back to version 6.5 or 7. Next up is to completely redo the website with proper instructions. ... wplug.html

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 8:04 am :
Thanks. I've added the link to the tools section of the md5 format article on the wiki...

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:28 am :
Got some tutorials up for doom3 import/export. They use hellknight to show import/export to lightwave and use the lostsoul flying demon to show custom object creation and import to the doom3 editor.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 6:16 am :
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:45 pm :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

Thanks. Where can I find the wiki link. I went to the wiki but didn't see any links to my page.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 5:30 am :
It's under the tools section on this page...

clintonman@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:22 pm :
I was looking in the wrong place, thanks.

port66@Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 11:54 am :
suspect most people dont support it. because no-one can find where you name the joints.

Springheel@Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:46 pm :
I'm curious whether anyone has used this plugin to successfully export models and animations to D3. I currently model with Lightwave, and it would save me a lot of time to use it for exporting models rather than learning Maya and relying on the Doom3 export plugin.

The tutorial is not very well explained, however, and I notice that the importer has a few gaps (it fails to import the surface names, frex). That and the lack of discussion here make me wonder whether the exporter is a decent substitute for Maya?

clintonman@Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 1:22 am :
The mesh importer has been updated to read version 11, ET:Quake Wars md5meshes. :) It still writes version 10 files, but I'm told that Quake Wars can still read them. It can be downloaded from here

Springheel@Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 7:59 pm :
I've been playing around with this and learning quite a bit. However, I'm having difficulty with exporting a md5mesh.

It's this part of the instructions specifically:

load the object into layout
be sure autokey is on
delete any skelegons before loading bones
select the mesh and run "MD5_BoneLoad" to load the bones
utilities tab, plugins, generic, Generic Plugins, MD5_AnimLoad

First of all, I'm using Lightwave 8.0. I know what I'm doing in the modeller, but have almost no experience with layout/scenes.

I load my character into the layout (skelegon layer already deleted). I select all the layers objects, but I can find no way to "run MD5_BoneLoad".

When I go to utilities-->plugins, there is no "generic" or "generic plugins" tab. When I go to "additional", the MD5 plugins do not show up. I know they are installed, as I already loaded the md5mesh. When I go to "edit plugins" I find "MD5_Boneload" listed as a "Layout Command" plugin, but I still have no idea how to run it.

Any help would be appreciated.

edit: here's an image, showing how nothing appears in the 'additional plugins' window, yet the md5 plugins show up when I open the edit plugins window. They seem to be there, so how the heck do I access them?


clintonman@Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 9:00 pm :
Looks like you have a lot of plugins missing from the utilites-additional menu. Try this, go to edit menu layout and choose one of the presets.
File comment: edit- Edit Menu Layout
menuConfig.jpg [ 34.63 KB | Viewed 2139 times ]
Once the menu changes are done the missing plugins should show up.

I also found out that the layout plugin caused a crash in lightwave. Attached is a plugin compiled for LW version 8.


clintonman@Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 9:13 pm :
Had trouble with trying to upload the plugin to the forum so it's now on the website.

Springheel@Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 8:01 pm :
Thanks, Clintonman. I've been able to get further. I'm a little unclear about a few of the steps, however. It might make sense to someone more familiar with the layout part of Lightwave, but if you could help me out that would be great.

Select the object and run MD5_BoneLoad

When you say "select the object" do you mean select all the meshes, or just one?

select each of the other meshes and set them to use the bones from the hellknightmesh layer
select the mesh layer that is not connected to the skeleton

This is the part that makes me wonder whether I should be using one mesh or all at the start.

go to Bones (shift b)
properties (p)
use bones from object - change from "self" to hellknightmesh

When I go to the properties window, I have the option of changing from "self" to a list of the other meshes. How do I know which one to use when I'm using one of my own models? Should I change it to the mesh name of the mesh I've selected (in other words, if I select the hands, should I change "self" to the "hand" mesh)?


Any help you can offer would be great. :)

edit: I went ahead and did an experiment, to see if what I needed to do was set each mesh to its own name, rather than "self". I exported the md5mesh, and tried to load a map with that AI in it, but got this error:

ERROR: R_RangeCheckIndexes: index out of range

and the map shuts down. Any idea what this means?

edit: I assume it's something I'm doing wrong with the plugin, because when I load a working animation for that AI, I get this:


clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:47 pm :
Select only one mesh to receive the skeleton. After that one mesh has a skeleton you tell the other meshes to use the skeleton from the mesh that already has the skeleton. So if you have mesh A,B and C you attach the skeleton to A and then tell B and C to use the skeleton from mesh A. The only one that should say "self" is mesh A.

"select the mesh layer that is not connected to the skeleton
go to Bones (shift b)
properties (p)
use bones from object - change from "self" to hellknightmesh"

all goes together, the line above "select each of the other meshes and set them to use the bones from the hellknightmesh layer" is just a short version of that and should be considered more of a heading. I should have separated and underlined it.

What is "AI"?

Springheel@Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 9:32 pm :
Ok thanks. I'll try that and report back.

What is "AI"?

"Artificial Intelligence." Basically shorthand for any animated character.

Springheel@Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 7:00 pm :
Well, I'm still not having any luck with our character models, but I tried it with the D3 hellknight and everything seemed to work. I'll have to do some more experiments to narrow down what's happening.

Springheel@Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 3:38 am :
Had my first successful run-through of the exporter. :)

I created a new monster, the werebeast, created over top of an imp skeleton. I've got him in game and everything seems to work fine, except for one odd problem. The head *should* look like the image on the left (the base model), but instead it looks like the one on the right. The head seems to be missing its texture. No 'texture not found' message comes up in the console, and other parts of the same mesh show up normally. The head, however, does not.


I doubt this has anything to do with the exporter, but does anyone have any ideas what might be causing that? At first glance the md5mesh seems to be pointing to the right material (if it weren't the rest of the mesh wouldn't show up properly).

6th Venom@Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 10:58 am :
Something like material id (used for multimaterials on 1 model) by triangles? i don't know blender att all but i suppose it's possible.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:34 pm :
He's using Lightwave.

That might be a UV coordinates issue. I'm thinking that the coordinates for the head are in a really tight group so that the only thing visible is the color of a single pixel. I have a pretty good idea on how to test that. Add a scrolling additive map to your material shader. Something simple like this...

pinkband.png [ 475 Bytes | Viewed 1094 times ]

What you should end up with is a pink band that travels over the entire model. If at any time the head of the model turns pink, you'll know for certain that the texture is working properly but the model's UV coordinates are botched.

Springheel@Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 2:30 pm :
Hmm, interesting theory. I'll check that out.

Oh, I don't know if this is relevant, but I also noticed that one mesh that is two-sided when viewing the base .lwo model, is not two-sided when viewing the md5mesh. Since the head also has an alphatest keyword in the material, it made me wonder if there is any known issue with md5meshes having difficulty with transparencies?

6th Venom@Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 11:32 pm :
He's using Lightwave.

Lol... oups! sorry, i had a hard wake up this morning... :D

Springheel@Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 12:32 am :
Thanks Rich, you pointed me in the right direction. I had one mesh/layer pointing to two different uvmaps, and the exporter only recognized the first one. It was an easy fix.

The second issue is less of a deal-breaker, but it's still a bit perplexing. I have a series of rings with a transparent hair texture around the shoulders. The shader is here:


     {  blend   diffusemap
       map models/md5/chars/monsters/werebeast/werewolf_hair_d.tga
        alphaTest 0.5         }

        bumpmap models/md5/chars/monsters/werebeast/werewolf_hair_local.tga

On the .lwo (left, below) the hair actually appears two-sided, as I would expect. On the md5mesh, however (below, right), it is NOT two-sided. When you look from below it isn't there at all (but, it is correct when viewed from the top, so it's not a uvmap issue).


Any idea why it would be twosided in the .lwo but not the .md5mesh? Are there other keywords I should try? I've tested the ones I could think of without effect.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 4:36 am :
Looks like I'm going to be 1 for 2 because I'm not sure what would cause that.

Have you tried exporting the model with the "two-sided" setting for your surface disabled in Lightwave? MD5meshes don't have a cooresponding property so it shouldn't make a difference but without any real idea as to what would cause that anything could be suspect.

Another thing to try is to use "twoSided" with a capital S in your material shader as opposed to how you have it now. I think the material shader interpreter is case insensitive but again, it's worth a shot.

Springheel@Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 11:08 pm :
Have you tried exporting the model with the "two-sided" setting for your surface disabled in Lightwave?

I doubt it was on to begin with, as it isn't necessary to do that with static meshes.

I'll try the case issue, but I know most keywords are case insensitive. Ah well, worst case I just add a few more polys facing the other way.

It's still very cool to be able to make unique monsters this way, and instantly have them able to use all the existing D3 animations (for the base skeleton, of course). Thanks, clintonman, for making it. :)

Springheel@Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 10:25 pm :
Just to show off the new creation, here's a collage of The Dark Mod werebeast. :)

6th Venom@Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 1:38 am :
here's a collage of The Dark Mod werebeast.

I tought The Dark Mod was about a thief in a medieval world, without any magic or "monsters"... ?

Springheel@Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 2:14 am :
It's a medieval-steampunk setting, but there is magic as well (zombies, potions, shamans, etc).

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 7:19 am :
I bet it looks even better in motion. :)

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 8:13 am :
Springheel wrote:
Any idea why it would be twosided in the .lwo but not the .md5mesh? Are there other keywords I should try? I've tested the ones I could think of without effect.

If the surface is a plane, try it without the bumpmap.

Springheel@Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 1:48 am :
Hmmm, I've come across another annoying little problem during export.

When the head is exported to the game, something happens to the uvmap to cause the issues visible on the back of the neck. On the default .lwo file (on the right) the texture is fine. I've highlighted the polys making that diamond shape and posted the uvmap as well.


Can anyone see anything obviously amiss? This is kind of a deal-breaker if the exporter is going to mess with uvmaps. :(

edit: Ok, solved my own problem. Apparently the engine doesn't mind if two vertexes occupying different coordinates on the uvmap are merged together on a static mesh, but .md5meshs are less forgiving. Actually, I don't know if that's the exporter or just something about md5meshes in general, but either way it went away when I unwelded the problem verts.

Springheel@Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 11:46 pm :
Hmm, back to getting this same error:

ERROR: R_RangeCheckIndexes: index out of range

Anyone care to venture a guess about what it might mean?

Springheel@Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 7:47 pm :
As for the error above, I'm pretty sure it has to do with having floating verts or possibly non-triangulated polys. I tracked down a single mesh that was causing it, and when I redid the mesh the error went away.

Still having one problem, however. I've successfully used the exporter for a few heads and the werebeast above, so I went for broke and tried modifying one of our existing md5mesh characters.

Everything seemed to go smoothly...I got no errors and the game loads fine. Unfortunately, this is what I get:


The animations actually play normally, but the upper torso is rotated ninety degrees at the belt (actually a single mesh is cut in half there, as the whole tunic is a single mesh). Everything else seems perfect. Oddly, when I load the map in the editor, the AI look correct, and even play their animations normally.

Any suggestions of what might cause that?

Springheel@Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 3:25 am :
Well, after a lot of testing and teeth gnashing, I figured out what the problem was, though not why it happened. The rotation values of a few joints were exported as negative values instead of positive. Not sure why. The offending values are in red:

joints {
"origin" -1 ( 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ) ( 0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 )
"Hips" 0 ( -2.080453 -0.033595 45.048664 ) ( -0.500000 -0.500000 -0.500000 )
"LeftHips_Dummy" 1 ( -1.149826 1.865654 44.565140 ) ( -0.004051 -0.707096 -0.707100 )
"LeftUpLeg" 2 ( -1.149823 4.011930 44.568508 ) ( -0.087588 -0.667687 -0.725822 )
"LeftUpLegRoll" 3 ( -0.479751 4.513688 34.217533 ) ( -0.076845 -0.682601 0.025023 ) //
"LeftLeg" 4 ( 0.137383 5.146533 25.029467 ) ( -0.123549 -0.671721 0.090599 ) //
"LeftLegRoll" 5 ( -2.591582 5.833695 13.489150 ) ( -0.073302 -0.664563 -0.729583 ) //
"LeftFoot" 6 ( -3.055025 6.071348 6.776897 ) ( 0.233301 -0.677183 -0.519786 ) //
"LeftToeBase" 7 ( 4.852250 6.255764 1.459373 ) ( 0.428617 -0.573841 -0.353114 ) //
"LeftToe_end" 8 ( 10.232855 6.674489 1.393528 ) ( 0.559802 -0.736132 -0.152206 ) //
"joint3" 4 ( 6.555445 4.434480 32.939674 ) ( -0.087588 -0.667687 -0.725822 ) //
"joint4" 4 ( -8.399606 5.205424 34.649319 ) ( -0.076845 -0.682601 0.025023 ) //
"RightHips_Dummy" 1 ( -1.149826 -1.932844 44.565140 ) ( 0.707091 -0.002948 -0.004057 )
"RightUpLeg" 12 ( -1.149811 -4.079120 44.568466 ) ( 0.711853 0.046261 -0.050394 ) //
"RightUpLegRoll" 13 ( -1.329061 -4.403437 34.189526 ) ( -0.700378 0.037711 0.712774 )
"RightLeg" 14 ( -1.503861 -4.869214 24.972452 ) ( -0.682935 -0.032319 0.727943 ) //
"RightLegRoll" 15 ( -2.547427 -5.522203 13.533426 ) ( 0.717639 0.027978 -0.060087 ) //
"RightFoot" 16 ( -2.997804 -5.735362 6.879967 ) ( 0.579856 0.365816 0.258453 ) //
"RightToeBase" 17 ( 4.664539 -6.081253 1.617703 ) ( 0.440753 0.525159 0.453599 ) //
"joint5" 14 ( 6.455673 -4.314656 33.023132 ) ( 0.711853 0.046261 -0.050394 ) //
"joint6" 14 ( -9.859050 -4.395708 33.006050 ) ( -0.700378 0.037711 0.712774 ) //
"Spine_Dummy" 1 ( -1.102794 -0.033594 48.691669 ) ( -0.707279 -0.000172 -0.000172 ) //
"Spine" 21 ( -1.105351 -0.031037 53.942913 ) ( -0.374891 -0.599641 -0.599707 ) //
"Spine1" 22 ( -1.941159 -0.030203 55.656265 ) ( -0.704788 -0.059339 -0.059311 ) //
"Spine2" 23 ( -2.795964 -0.027055 60.680130 ) ( -0.689847 -0.154961 -0.703945 ) //
"LeftShoulder_Dummy" 24 ( -2.989003 1.497632 65.371376 ) ( 0.110641 -0.990707 -0.059861 )
"LeftShoulder" 25 ( -0.888298 2.059590 66.504074 ) ( -0.063484 0.952020 0.299078 ) //
"LeftArm_Dummy" 26 ( -3.473857 5.721920 66.350693 ) ( 0.453895 -0.396871 0.221159 ) //
"LeftArm" 27 ( -3.604666 8.331088 66.132141 ) ( -0.493045 -0.506749 -0.497413 ) //
"LeftArmRoll" 28 ( -3.677523 16.971579 65.968140 ) ( -0.372603 -0.391216 -0.583558 ) //
"LeftForeArm" 29 ( -3.620836 20.958031 66.055862 ) ( -0.381432 -0.390605 -0.570699 ) //
"LeftHand" 30 ( -3.708478 32.033730 66.404114 ) ( -0.481558 -0.454411 -0.539432 ) //
"LeftHandIndex1" 31 ( -2.001648 37.286350 66.873016 ) ( -0.695331 -0.709379 0.057047 )
"LeftHandIndex2" 32 ( -1.808184 38.792858 66.663666 ) ( -0.695160 -0.709395 0.057741 )
"LeftHandIndex3" 33 ( -1.706903 39.539272 65.986443 ) ( -0.567363 -0.421851 -0.421884 )
"LeftHandRing1" 31 ( -4.116532 37.041828 66.722389 ) ( -0.623159 -0.767542 -0.147053 ) //
"LeftHandRing2" 35 ( -3.808928 38.422470 65.433395 ) ( -0.623160 -0.767541 -0.147053 ) //
"LeftHandRing3" 36 ( -3.669376 38.402069 64.364304 ) ( -0.623163 -0.767539 -0.147054 ) //
"LeftHandRing4" 37 ( -3.371764 38.044651 62.881557 ) ( -0.623151 -0.767549 -0.147053 ) //
"LeftHandThumb1" 31 ( -1.114869 34.611588 65.303337 ) ( -0.372462 -0.838930 -0.032573 )
"LeftHandThumb2" 39 ( -0.462289 36.176933 65.113396 ) ( -0.174852 -0.767564 -0.402387 )
"LeftHandThumb3" 40 ( 0.186407 37.334820 64.671936 ) ( -0.289401 -0.847408 -0.260585 )
"Neck" 24 ( -3.445109 -0.022530 69.979073 ) ( 0.706865 -0.024261 -0.024248 ) // Spine2
"Head" 42 ( -3.253372 -0.021174 72.769012 ) ( 0.706865 -0.024261 -0.024248 ) // Neck
"RightShoulder_Dummy" 24 ( -2.989008 -1.547176 65.372925 ) ( 0.060344 0.051771 0.110615 )
"RightShoulder" 44 ( -0.888306 -2.108030 66.506271 ) ( 0.296861 -0.035321 0.078606 ) //
"RightArm_Dummy" 45 ( -3.471060 -5.772907 66.049759 ) ( -0.181720 0.753057 0.477963 )
"RightArm" 46 ( -3.774708 -9.001852 65.829964 ) ( -0.494847 0.505212 0.497011 ) //
"RightArmRoll" 47 ( -3.814148 -15.903028 65.971085 ) ( 0.589183 0.601038 -0.391912 ) //
"RightForeArm" 48 ( -3.807623 -20.424763 66.170441 ) ( 0.589025 0.601190 -0.382955 ) //
"RightForeArmRoll" 49 ( -3.781834 -28.324751 66.427277 ) ( 0.589025 0.601190 -0.382955 )
"RightHand" 50 ( -3.905580 -32.569004 66.607315 ) ( 0.536093 0.531159 -0.479579 ) //
"RightHandIndex1" 51 ( -2.219729 -36.805725 67.257553 ) ( 0.052902 -0.000809 -0.694029 )
"RightHandIndex2" 52 ( -1.828893 -38.487350 66.615608 ) ( 0.052229 -0.000105 -0.693966 )
"RightHandIndex3" 53 ( -1.738842 -39.454174 65.987953 ) ( -0.558765 0.433432 0.433212 )
"RightHandMiddle1" 51 ( -4.156804 -37.166122 67.039154 ) ( 0.122641 -0.007464 -0.655792 )
"RightHandMiddle2" 55 ( -3.886443 -38.464523 65.488853 ) ( 0.122638 -0.007456 -0.655784 )
"RightHandMiddle3" 56 ( -3.665246 -38.379631 64.383835 ) ( -0.450217 0.545376 0.545158 )
"RightHandThumb1" 51 ( -1.050102 -34.537518 65.464409 ) ( 0.026182 0.401858 -0.382831 )
"RightHandThumb2" 58 ( -0.464901 -36.255180 65.052689 ) ( 0.368991 0.473605 -0.192926 )
"RightHandThumb3" 59 ( 0.282428 -37.437115 64.628967 ) ( 0.118561 0.325090 -0.350013 )
"joint8" 24 ( 3.871526 5.015752 62.279484 ) ( -0.706720 -0.028172 -0.028158 ) //
"joint9" 24 ( 3.723825 -4.745462 62.439266 ) ( -0.689847 -0.154961 -0.703945 ) // Hips
"leftpad" 24 ( -3.389919 8.590588 69.115173 ) ( -0.370802 -0.389509 -0.584716 ) // Hips
"rightpad" 24 ( -3.775538 -9.665626 69.528755 ) ( 0.582430 0.594021 -0.402625 ) // Hips
"joint7" 21 ( 4.394434 -0.031399 52.335384 ) ( -0.704785 -0.059340 -0.059311 ) // Hips
"sword" 1 ( 3.962236 7.150119 49.330612 ) ( -0.374917 -0.599531 -0.599732 ) // Hips


Fixing those values seems to have solved the problem. I'm not sure if it's connected, but many of the joints seemed to be commented as the wrong names. The last four were all called "hips" for example. Is there some problem if joints exist that aren't weighted to anything?

Mon1018@Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:12 am :
Thanks Rich, you pointed me in the right direction
Very nice entry.
That site is amazing for reviews. 8)

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:44 am :
I've started writing doom3 plugins for lightwave.
The lightwave importer works but it doesn't correct for the fact that doom3 has Z up and lightwave has Y up. I'll fix that part after I make a working export plugin. Right now it's a little "rough around the edges" and I welcome any suggestions or comments.
(last updated February 9th, 2008)

BNA!@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:35 am :
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:41 pm :
BNA! wrote:
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

That's the plan. I want to create a working exporter and then correct the up orientation.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 3:37 am :
It's still a work in progress, but I've added an md5mesh exporter. It saves a file named "LWmesh.md5mesh" in the root of the current project folder.

revility@Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:50 pm :
Been hoping somebody would continue lightwave support as I've been really hoping to spend more time with the app and leave max in the dust.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 5:28 am :
Alright, just finished the first version of the animation exporter. With that the plugin collection is now complete. The next step is bug fixing and code cleanup.

aph0x``@Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 2:57 am :
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


clintonman@Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 5:10 am :
aph0x`` wrote:
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


I've been using 9.0 for testing and it looks like it should work with both 9 and 9.2. I haven't gotten anything into the game engine yet. The last test I did was to load a mesh from the game, export it back out and use dertons' viewer to look at it. I'll definitely try to have some kind of guide for setting up and transferring assets between the two.

clintonman@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 2:14 am :
It's done. :D
The Lightwave plugins for importing and exporting meshes and animations is done. It has been tested in lw9 and 9.2 but probably works back to version 6.5 or 7. Next up is to completely redo the website with proper instructions. ... wplug.html

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 8:04 am :
Thanks. I've added the link to the tools section of the md5 format article on the wiki...

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:28 am :
Got some tutorials up for doom3 import/export. They use hellknight to show import/export to lightwave and use the lostsoul flying demon to show custom object creation and import to the doom3 editor.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 6:16 am :
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:45 pm :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

Thanks. Where can I find the wiki link. I went to the wiki but didn't see any links to my page.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 5:30 am :
It's under the tools section on this page...

clintonman@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:22 pm :
I was looking in the wrong place, thanks.

port66@Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 11:54 am :
suspect most people dont support it. because no-one can find where you name the joints.

Springheel@Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:46 pm :
I'm curious whether anyone has used this plugin to successfully export models and animations to D3. I currently model with Lightwave, and it would save me a lot of time to use it for exporting models rather than learning Maya and relying on the Doom3 export plugin.

The tutorial is not very well explained, however, and I notice that the importer has a few gaps (it fails to import the surface names, frex). That and the lack of discussion here make me wonder whether the exporter is a decent substitute for Maya?

clintonman@Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 1:22 am :
The mesh importer has been updated to read version 11, ET:Quake Wars md5meshes. :) It still writes version 10 files, but I'm told that Quake Wars can still read them. It can be downloaded from here

Springheel@Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 7:59 pm :
I've been playing around with this and learning quite a bit. However, I'm having difficulty with exporting a md5mesh.

It's this part of the instructions specifically:

load the object into layout
be sure autokey is on
delete any skelegons before loading bones
select the mesh and run "MD5_BoneLoad" to load the bones
utilities tab, plugins, generic, Generic Plugins, MD5_AnimLoad

First of all, I'm using Lightwave 8.0. I know what I'm doing in the modeller, but have almost no experience with layout/scenes.

I load my character into the layout (skelegon layer already deleted). I select all the layers objects, but I can find no way to "run MD5_BoneLoad".

When I go to utilities-->plugins, there is no "generic" or "generic plugins" tab. When I go to "additional", the MD5 plugins do not show up. I know they are installed, as I already loaded the md5mesh. When I go to "edit plugins" I find "MD5_Boneload" listed as a "Layout Command" plugin, but I still have no idea how to run it.

Any help would be appreciated.

edit: here's an image, showing how nothing appears in the 'additional plugins' window, yet the md5 plugins show up when I open the edit plugins window. They seem to be there, so how the heck do I access them?


clintonman@Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 9:00 pm :
Looks like you have a lot of plugins missing from the utilites-additional menu. Try this, go to edit menu layout and choose one of the presets.
File comment: edit- Edit Menu Layout
menuConfig.jpg [ 34.63 KB | Viewed 2139 times ]
Once the menu changes are done the missing plugins should show up.

I also found out that the layout plugin caused a crash in lightwave. Attached is a plugin compiled for LW version 8.


clintonman@Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 9:13 pm :
Had trouble with trying to upload the plugin to the forum so it's now on the website.

Springheel@Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 8:01 pm :
Thanks, Clintonman. I've been able to get further. I'm a little unclear about a few of the steps, however. It might make sense to someone more familiar with the layout part of Lightwave, but if you could help me out that would be great.

Select the object and run MD5_BoneLoad

When you say "select the object" do you mean select all the meshes, or just one?

select each of the other meshes and set them to use the bones from the hellknightmesh layer
select the mesh layer that is not connected to the skeleton

This is the part that makes me wonder whether I should be using one mesh or all at the start.

go to Bones (shift b)
properties (p)
use bones from object - change from "self" to hellknightmesh

When I go to the properties window, I have the option of changing from "self" to a list of the other meshes. How do I know which one to use when I'm using one of my own models? Should I change it to the mesh name of the mesh I've selected (in other words, if I select the hands, should I change "self" to the "hand" mesh)?


Any help you can offer would be great. :)

edit: I went ahead and did an experiment, to see if what I needed to do was set each mesh to its own name, rather than "self". I exported the md5mesh, and tried to load a map with that AI in it, but got this error:

ERROR: R_RangeCheckIndexes: index out of range

and the map shuts down. Any idea what this means?

edit: I assume it's something I'm doing wrong with the plugin, because when I load a working animation for that AI, I get this:


clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:47 pm :
Select only one mesh to receive the skeleton. After that one mesh has a skeleton you tell the other meshes to use the skeleton from the mesh that already has the skeleton. So if you have mesh A,B and C you attach the skeleton to A and then tell B and C to use the skeleton from mesh A. The only one that should say "self" is mesh A.

"select the mesh layer that is not connected to the skeleton
go to Bones (shift b)
properties (p)
use bones from object - change from "self" to hellknightmesh"

all goes together, the line above "select each of the other meshes and set them to use the bones from the hellknightmesh layer" is just a short version of that and should be considered more of a heading. I should have separated and underlined it.

What is "AI"?

Springheel@Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 9:32 pm :
Ok thanks. I'll try that and report back.

What is "AI"?

"Artificial Intelligence." Basically shorthand for any animated character.

Springheel@Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 7:00 pm :
Well, I'm still not having any luck with our character models, but I tried it with the D3 hellknight and everything seemed to work. I'll have to do some more experiments to narrow down what's happening.

Springheel@Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 3:38 am :
Had my first successful run-through of the exporter. :)

I created a new monster, the werebeast, created over top of an imp skeleton. I've got him in game and everything seems to work fine, except for one odd problem. The head *should* look like the image on the left (the base model), but instead it looks like the one on the right. The head seems to be missing its texture. No 'texture not found' message comes up in the console, and other parts of the same mesh show up normally. The head, however, does not.


I doubt this has anything to do with the exporter, but does anyone have any ideas what might be causing that? At first glance the md5mesh seems to be pointing to the right material (if it weren't the rest of the mesh wouldn't show up properly).

6th Venom@Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 10:58 am :
Something like material id (used for multimaterials on 1 model) by triangles? i don't know blender att all but i suppose it's possible.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:34 pm :
He's using Lightwave.

That might be a UV coordinates issue. I'm thinking that the coordinates for the head are in a really tight group so that the only thing visible is the color of a single pixel. I have a pretty good idea on how to test that. Add a scrolling additive map to your material shader. Something simple like this...

pinkband.png [ 475 Bytes | Viewed 1094 times ]

What you should end up with is a pink band that travels over the entire model. If at any time the head of the model turns pink, you'll know for certain that the texture is working properly but the model's UV coordinates are botched.

Springheel@Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 2:30 pm :
Hmm, interesting theory. I'll check that out.

Oh, I don't know if this is relevant, but I also noticed that one mesh that is two-sided when viewing the base .lwo model, is not two-sided when viewing the md5mesh. Since the head also has an alphatest keyword in the material, it made me wonder if there is any known issue with md5meshes having difficulty with transparencies?

6th Venom@Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 11:32 pm :
He's using Lightwave.

Lol... oups! sorry, i had a hard wake up this morning... :D

Springheel@Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 12:32 am :
Thanks Rich, you pointed me in the right direction. I had one mesh/layer pointing to two different uvmaps, and the exporter only recognized the first one. It was an easy fix.

The second issue is less of a deal-breaker, but it's still a bit perplexing. I have a series of rings with a transparent hair texture around the shoulders. The shader is here:


     {  blend   diffusemap
       map models/md5/chars/monsters/werebeast/werewolf_hair_d.tga
        alphaTest 0.5         }

        bumpmap models/md5/chars/monsters/werebeast/werewolf_hair_local.tga

On the .lwo (left, below) the hair actually appears two-sided, as I would expect. On the md5mesh, however (below, right), it is NOT two-sided. When you look from below it isn't there at all (but, it is correct when viewed from the top, so it's not a uvmap issue).


Any idea why it would be twosided in the .lwo but not the .md5mesh? Are there other keywords I should try? I've tested the ones I could think of without effect.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 4:36 am :
Looks like I'm going to be 1 for 2 because I'm not sure what would cause that.

Have you tried exporting the model with the "two-sided" setting for your surface disabled in Lightwave? MD5meshes don't have a cooresponding property so it shouldn't make a difference but without any real idea as to what would cause that anything could be suspect.

Another thing to try is to use "twoSided" with a capital S in your material shader as opposed to how you have it now. I think the material shader interpreter is case insensitive but again, it's worth a shot.

Springheel@Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 11:08 pm :
Have you tried exporting the model with the "two-sided" setting for your surface disabled in Lightwave?

I doubt it was on to begin with, as it isn't necessary to do that with static meshes.

I'll try the case issue, but I know most keywords are case insensitive. Ah well, worst case I just add a few more polys facing the other way.

It's still very cool to be able to make unique monsters this way, and instantly have them able to use all the existing D3 animations (for the base skeleton, of course). Thanks, clintonman, for making it. :)

Springheel@Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 10:25 pm :
Just to show off the new creation, here's a collage of The Dark Mod werebeast. :)

6th Venom@Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 1:38 am :
here's a collage of The Dark Mod werebeast.

I tought The Dark Mod was about a thief in a medieval world, without any magic or "monsters"... ?

Springheel@Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 2:14 am :
It's a medieval-steampunk setting, but there is magic as well (zombies, potions, shamans, etc).

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 7:19 am :
I bet it looks even better in motion. :)

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 8:13 am :
Springheel wrote:
Any idea why it would be twosided in the .lwo but not the .md5mesh? Are there other keywords I should try? I've tested the ones I could think of without effect.

If the surface is a plane, try it without the bumpmap.

Springheel@Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 1:48 am :
Hmmm, I've come across another annoying little problem during export.

When the head is exported to the game, something happens to the uvmap to cause the issues visible on the back of the neck. On the default .lwo file (on the right) the texture is fine. I've highlighted the polys making that diamond shape and posted the uvmap as well.


Can anyone see anything obviously amiss? This is kind of a deal-breaker if the exporter is going to mess with uvmaps. :(

edit: Ok, solved my own problem. Apparently the engine doesn't mind if two vertexes occupying different coordinates on the uvmap are merged together on a static mesh, but .md5meshs are less forgiving. Actually, I don't know if that's the exporter or just something about md5meshes in general, but either way it went away when I unwelded the problem verts.

Springheel@Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 11:46 pm :
Hmm, back to getting this same error:

ERROR: R_RangeCheckIndexes: index out of range

Anyone care to venture a guess about what it might mean?

Springheel@Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 7:47 pm :
As for the error above, I'm pretty sure it has to do with having floating verts or possibly non-triangulated polys. I tracked down a single mesh that was causing it, and when I redid the mesh the error went away.

Still having one problem, however. I've successfully used the exporter for a few heads and the werebeast above, so I went for broke and tried modifying one of our existing md5mesh characters.

Everything seemed to go smoothly...I got no errors and the game loads fine. Unfortunately, this is what I get:


The animations actually play normally, but the upper torso is rotated ninety degrees at the belt (actually a single mesh is cut in half there, as the whole tunic is a single mesh). Everything else seems perfect. Oddly, when I load the map in the editor, the AI look correct, and even play their animations normally.

Any suggestions of what might cause that?

Springheel@Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 3:25 am :
Well, after a lot of testing and teeth gnashing, I figured out what the problem was, though not why it happened. The rotation values of a few joints were exported as negative values instead of positive. Not sure why. The offending values are in red:

joints {
"origin" -1 ( 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ) ( 0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 )
"Hips" 0 ( -2.080453 -0.033595 45.048664 ) ( -0.500000 -0.500000 -0.500000 )
"LeftHips_Dummy" 1 ( -1.149826 1.865654 44.565140 ) ( -0.004051 -0.707096 -0.707100 )
"LeftUpLeg" 2 ( -1.149823 4.011930 44.568508 ) ( -0.087588 -0.667687 -0.725822 )
"LeftUpLegRoll" 3 ( -0.479751 4.513688 34.217533 ) ( -0.076845 -0.682601 0.025023 ) //
"LeftLeg" 4 ( 0.137383 5.146533 25.029467 ) ( -0.123549 -0.671721 0.090599 ) //
"LeftLegRoll" 5 ( -2.591582 5.833695 13.489150 ) ( -0.073302 -0.664563 -0.729583 ) //
"LeftFoot" 6 ( -3.055025 6.071348 6.776897 ) ( 0.233301 -0.677183 -0.519786 ) //
"LeftToeBase" 7 ( 4.852250 6.255764 1.459373 ) ( 0.428617 -0.573841 -0.353114 ) //
"LeftToe_end" 8 ( 10.232855 6.674489 1.393528 ) ( 0.559802 -0.736132 -0.152206 ) //
"joint3" 4 ( 6.555445 4.434480 32.939674 ) ( -0.087588 -0.667687 -0.725822 ) //
"joint4" 4 ( -8.399606 5.205424 34.649319 ) ( -0.076845 -0.682601 0.025023 ) //
"RightHips_Dummy" 1 ( -1.149826 -1.932844 44.565140 ) ( 0.707091 -0.002948 -0.004057 )
"RightUpLeg" 12 ( -1.149811 -4.079120 44.568466 ) ( 0.711853 0.046261 -0.050394 ) //
"RightUpLegRoll" 13 ( -1.329061 -4.403437 34.189526 ) ( -0.700378 0.037711 0.712774 )
"RightLeg" 14 ( -1.503861 -4.869214 24.972452 ) ( -0.682935 -0.032319 0.727943 ) //
"RightLegRoll" 15 ( -2.547427 -5.522203 13.533426 ) ( 0.717639 0.027978 -0.060087 ) //
"RightFoot" 16 ( -2.997804 -5.735362 6.879967 ) ( 0.579856 0.365816 0.258453 ) //
"RightToeBase" 17 ( 4.664539 -6.081253 1.617703 ) ( 0.440753 0.525159 0.453599 ) //
"joint5" 14 ( 6.455673 -4.314656 33.023132 ) ( 0.711853 0.046261 -0.050394 ) //
"joint6" 14 ( -9.859050 -4.395708 33.006050 ) ( -0.700378 0.037711 0.712774 ) //
"Spine_Dummy" 1 ( -1.102794 -0.033594 48.691669 ) ( -0.707279 -0.000172 -0.000172 ) //
"Spine" 21 ( -1.105351 -0.031037 53.942913 ) ( -0.374891 -0.599641 -0.599707 ) //
"Spine1" 22 ( -1.941159 -0.030203 55.656265 ) ( -0.704788 -0.059339 -0.059311 ) //
"Spine2" 23 ( -2.795964 -0.027055 60.680130 ) ( -0.689847 -0.154961 -0.703945 ) //
"LeftShoulder_Dummy" 24 ( -2.989003 1.497632 65.371376 ) ( 0.110641 -0.990707 -0.059861 )
"LeftShoulder" 25 ( -0.888298 2.059590 66.504074 ) ( -0.063484 0.952020 0.299078 ) //
"LeftArm_Dummy" 26 ( -3.473857 5.721920 66.350693 ) ( 0.453895 -0.396871 0.221159 ) //
"LeftArm" 27 ( -3.604666 8.331088 66.132141 ) ( -0.493045 -0.506749 -0.497413 ) //
"LeftArmRoll" 28 ( -3.677523 16.971579 65.968140 ) ( -0.372603 -0.391216 -0.583558 ) //
"LeftForeArm" 29 ( -3.620836 20.958031 66.055862 ) ( -0.381432 -0.390605 -0.570699 ) //
"LeftHand" 30 ( -3.708478 32.033730 66.404114 ) ( -0.481558 -0.454411 -0.539432 ) //
"LeftHandIndex1" 31 ( -2.001648 37.286350 66.873016 ) ( -0.695331 -0.709379 0.057047 )
"LeftHandIndex2" 32 ( -1.808184 38.792858 66.663666 ) ( -0.695160 -0.709395 0.057741 )
"LeftHandIndex3" 33 ( -1.706903 39.539272 65.986443 ) ( -0.567363 -0.421851 -0.421884 )
"LeftHandRing1" 31 ( -4.116532 37.041828 66.722389 ) ( -0.623159 -0.767542 -0.147053 ) //
"LeftHandRing2" 35 ( -3.808928 38.422470 65.433395 ) ( -0.623160 -0.767541 -0.147053 ) //
"LeftHandRing3" 36 ( -3.669376 38.402069 64.364304 ) ( -0.623163 -0.767539 -0.147054 ) //
"LeftHandRing4" 37 ( -3.371764 38.044651 62.881557 ) ( -0.623151 -0.767549 -0.147053 ) //
"LeftHandThumb1" 31 ( -1.114869 34.611588 65.303337 ) ( -0.372462 -0.838930 -0.032573 )
"LeftHandThumb2" 39 ( -0.462289 36.176933 65.113396 ) ( -0.174852 -0.767564 -0.402387 )
"LeftHandThumb3" 40 ( 0.186407 37.334820 64.671936 ) ( -0.289401 -0.847408 -0.260585 )
"Neck" 24 ( -3.445109 -0.022530 69.979073 ) ( 0.706865 -0.024261 -0.024248 ) // Spine2
"Head" 42 ( -3.253372 -0.021174 72.769012 ) ( 0.706865 -0.024261 -0.024248 ) // Neck
"RightShoulder_Dummy" 24 ( -2.989008 -1.547176 65.372925 ) ( 0.060344 0.051771 0.110615 )
"RightShoulder" 44 ( -0.888306 -2.108030 66.506271 ) ( 0.296861 -0.035321 0.078606 ) //
"RightArm_Dummy" 45 ( -3.471060 -5.772907 66.049759 ) ( -0.181720 0.753057 0.477963 )
"RightArm" 46 ( -3.774708 -9.001852 65.829964 ) ( -0.494847 0.505212 0.497011 ) //
"RightArmRoll" 47 ( -3.814148 -15.903028 65.971085 ) ( 0.589183 0.601038 -0.391912 ) //
"RightForeArm" 48 ( -3.807623 -20.424763 66.170441 ) ( 0.589025 0.601190 -0.382955 ) //
"RightForeArmRoll" 49 ( -3.781834 -28.324751 66.427277 ) ( 0.589025 0.601190 -0.382955 )
"RightHand" 50 ( -3.905580 -32.569004 66.607315 ) ( 0.536093 0.531159 -0.479579 ) //
"RightHandIndex1" 51 ( -2.219729 -36.805725 67.257553 ) ( 0.052902 -0.000809 -0.694029 )
"RightHandIndex2" 52 ( -1.828893 -38.487350 66.615608 ) ( 0.052229 -0.000105 -0.693966 )
"RightHandIndex3" 53 ( -1.738842 -39.454174 65.987953 ) ( -0.558765 0.433432 0.433212 )
"RightHandMiddle1" 51 ( -4.156804 -37.166122 67.039154 ) ( 0.122641 -0.007464 -0.655792 )
"RightHandMiddle2" 55 ( -3.886443 -38.464523 65.488853 ) ( 0.122638 -0.007456 -0.655784 )
"RightHandMiddle3" 56 ( -3.665246 -38.379631 64.383835 ) ( -0.450217 0.545376 0.545158 )
"RightHandThumb1" 51 ( -1.050102 -34.537518 65.464409 ) ( 0.026182 0.401858 -0.382831 )
"RightHandThumb2" 58 ( -0.464901 -36.255180 65.052689 ) ( 0.368991 0.473605 -0.192926 )
"RightHandThumb3" 59 ( 0.282428 -37.437115 64.628967 ) ( 0.118561 0.325090 -0.350013 )
"joint8" 24 ( 3.871526 5.015752 62.279484 ) ( -0.706720 -0.028172 -0.028158 ) //
"joint9" 24 ( 3.723825 -4.745462 62.439266 ) ( -0.689847 -0.154961 -0.703945 ) // Hips
"leftpad" 24 ( -3.389919 8.590588 69.115173 ) ( -0.370802 -0.389509 -0.584716 ) // Hips
"rightpad" 24 ( -3.775538 -9.665626 69.528755 ) ( 0.582430 0.594021 -0.402625 ) // Hips
"joint7" 21 ( 4.394434 -0.031399 52.335384 ) ( -0.704785 -0.059340 -0.059311 ) // Hips
"sword" 1 ( 3.962236 7.150119 49.330612 ) ( -0.374917 -0.599531 -0.599732 ) // Hips


Fixing those values seems to have solved the problem. I'm not sure if it's connected, but many of the joints seemed to be commented as the wrong names. The last four were all called "hips" for example. Is there some problem if joints exist that aren't weighted to anything?

Mon1018@Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:12 am :
Thanks Rich, you pointed me in the right direction
Very nice entry.
That site is amazing for reviews. 8)

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:44 am :
I've started writing doom3 plugins for lightwave.
The lightwave importer works but it doesn't correct for the fact that doom3 has Z up and lightwave has Y up. I'll fix that part after I make a working export plugin. Right now it's a little "rough around the edges" and I welcome any suggestions or comments. ... wplug.html

BNA!@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:35 am :
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:41 pm :
BNA! wrote:
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

That's the plan. I want to create a working exporter and then correct the up orientation.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:37 am :
It's still a work in progress, but I've added an md5mesh exporter. It saves a file named "LWmesh.md5mesh" in the root of the current project folder.

revility@Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:50 pm :
Been hoping somebody would continue lightwave support as I've been really hoping to spend more time with the app and leave max in the dust.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:28 am :
Alright, just finished the first version of the animation exporter. With that the plugin collection is now complete. The next step is bug fixing and code cleanup.

aph0x``@Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:57 am :
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


clintonman@Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 4:10 am :
aph0x`` wrote:
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


I've been using 9.0 for testing and it looks like it should work with both 9 and 9.2. I haven't gotten anything into the game engine yet. The last test I did was to load a mesh from the game, export it back out and use dertons' viewer to look at it. I'll definitely try to have some kind of guide for setting up and transferring assets between the two.

clintonman@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:14 am :
It's done. :D
The Lightwave plugins for importing and exporting meshes and animations is done. It has been tested in lw9 and 9.2 but probably works back to version 6.5 or 7. Next up is to completely redo the website with proper instructions. ... wplug.html

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 7:04 am :
Thanks. I've added the link to the tools section of the md5 format article on the wiki...

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:28 am :
Got some tutorials up for doom3 import/export. They use hellknight to show import/export to lightwave and use the lostsoul flying demon to show custom object creation and import to the doom3 editor.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:16 am :
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:45 pm :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

Thanks. Where can I find the wiki link. I went to the wiki but didn't see any links to my page.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:30 am :
It's under the tools section on this page...

clintonman@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:22 pm :
I was looking in the wrong place, thanks.

port66@Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:54 am :
suspect most people dont support it. because no-one can find where you name the joints.

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:44 am :
I've started writing doom3 plugins for lightwave.
The lightwave importer works but it doesn't correct for the fact that doom3 has Z up and lightwave has Y up. I'll fix that part after I make a working export plugin. Right now it's a little "rough around the edges" and I welcome any suggestions or comments. ... wplug.html

BNA!@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:35 am :
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:41 pm :
BNA! wrote:
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

That's the plan. I want to create a working exporter and then correct the up orientation.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:37 am :
It's still a work in progress, but I've added an md5mesh exporter. It saves a file named "LWmesh.md5mesh" in the root of the current project folder.

revility@Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:50 pm :
Been hoping somebody would continue lightwave support as I've been really hoping to spend more time with the app and leave max in the dust.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:28 am :
Alright, just finished the first version of the animation exporter. With that the plugin collection is now complete. The next step is bug fixing and code cleanup.

aph0x``@Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:57 am :
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


clintonman@Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 4:10 am :
aph0x`` wrote:
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


I've been using 9.0 for testing and it looks like it should work with both 9 and 9.2. I haven't gotten anything into the game engine yet. The last test I did was to load a mesh from the game, export it back out and use dertons' viewer to look at it. I'll definitely try to have some kind of guide for setting up and transferring assets between the two.

clintonman@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:14 am :
It's done. :D
The Lightwave plugins for importing and exporting meshes and animations is done. It has been tested in lw9 and 9.2 but probably works back to version 6.5 or 7. Next up is to completely redo the website with proper instructions. ... wplug.html

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 7:04 am :
Thanks. I've added the link to the tools section of the md5 format article on the wiki...

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:28 am :
Got some tutorials up for doom3 import/export. They use hellknight to show import/export to lightwave and use the lostsoul flying demon to show custom object creation and import to the doom3 editor.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:16 am :
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:45 pm :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

Thanks. Where can I find the wiki link. I went to the wiki but didn't see any links to my page.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:30 am :
It's under the tools section on this page...

clintonman@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:22 pm :
I was looking in the wrong place, thanks.

port66@Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:54 am :
suspect most people dont support it. because no-one can find where you name the joints.

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:44 am :
I've started writing doom3 plugins for lightwave.
The lightwave importer works but it doesn't correct for the fact that doom3 has Z up and lightwave has Y up. I'll fix that part after I make a working export plugin. Right now it's a little "rough around the edges" and I welcome any suggestions or comments. ... wplug.html

BNA!@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:35 am :
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:41 pm :
BNA! wrote:
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

That's the plan. I want to create a working exporter and then correct the up orientation.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:37 am :
It's still a work in progress, but I've added an md5mesh exporter. It saves a file named "LWmesh.md5mesh" in the root of the current project folder.

revility@Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:50 pm :
Been hoping somebody would continue lightwave support as I've been really hoping to spend more time with the app and leave max in the dust.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:28 am :
Alright, just finished the first version of the animation exporter. With that the plugin collection is now complete. The next step is bug fixing and code cleanup.

aph0x``@Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:57 am :
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


clintonman@Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 4:10 am :
aph0x`` wrote:
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


I've been using 9.0 for testing and it looks like it should work with both 9 and 9.2. I haven't gotten anything into the game engine yet. The last test I did was to load a mesh from the game, export it back out and use dertons' viewer to look at it. I'll definitely try to have some kind of guide for setting up and transferring assets between the two.

clintonman@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:14 am :
It's done. :D
The Lightwave plugins for importing and exporting meshes and animations is done. It has been tested in lw9 and 9.2 but probably works back to version 6.5 or 7. Next up is to completely redo the website with proper instructions. ... wplug.html

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 7:04 am :
Thanks. I've added the link to the tools section of the md5 format article on the wiki...

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:28 am :
Got some tutorials up for doom3 import/export. They use hellknight to show import/export to lightwave and use the lostsoul flying demon to show custom object creation and import to the doom3 editor.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:16 am :
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:45 pm :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

Thanks. Where can I find the wiki link. I went to the wiki but didn't see any links to my page.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:30 am :
It's under the tools section on this page...

clintonman@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:22 pm :
I was looking in the wrong place, thanks.

port66@Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:54 am :
suspect most people dont support it. because no-one can find where you name the joints.

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:44 am :
I've started writing doom3 plugins for lightwave.
The lightwave importer works but it doesn't correct for the fact that doom3 has Z up and lightwave has Y up. I'll fix that part after I make a working export plugin. Right now it's a little "rough around the edges" and I welcome any suggestions or comments. ... wplug.html

BNA!@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:35 am :
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:41 pm :
BNA! wrote:
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

That's the plan. I want to create a working exporter and then correct the up orientation.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:37 am :
It's still a work in progress, but I've added an md5mesh exporter. It saves a file named "LWmesh.md5mesh" in the root of the current project folder.

revility@Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:50 pm :
Been hoping somebody would continue lightwave support as I've been really hoping to spend more time with the app and leave max in the dust.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:28 am :
Alright, just finished the first version of the animation exporter. With that the plugin collection is now complete. The next step is bug fixing and code cleanup.

aph0x``@Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:57 am :
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


clintonman@Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 4:10 am :
aph0x`` wrote:
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


I've been using 9.0 for testing and it looks like it should work with both 9 and 9.2. I haven't gotten anything into the game engine yet. The last test I did was to load a mesh from the game, export it back out and use dertons' viewer to look at it. I'll definitely try to have some kind of guide for setting up and transferring assets between the two.

clintonman@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:14 am :
It's done. :D
The Lightwave plugins for importing and exporting meshes and animations is done. It has been tested in lw9 and 9.2 but probably works back to version 6.5 or 7. Next up is to completely redo the website with proper instructions. ... wplug.html

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 7:04 am :
Thanks. I've added the link to the tools section of the md5 format article on the wiki...

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:28 am :
Got some tutorials up for doom3 import/export. They use hellknight to show import/export to lightwave and use the lostsoul flying demon to show custom object creation and import to the doom3 editor.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:16 am :
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:45 pm :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

Thanks. Where can I find the wiki link. I went to the wiki but didn't see any links to my page.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:30 am :
It's under the tools section on this page...

clintonman@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:22 pm :
I was looking in the wrong place, thanks.

port66@Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:54 am :
suspect most people dont support it. because no-one can find where you name the joints.

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:44 am :
I've started writing doom3 plugins for lightwave.
The lightwave importer works but it doesn't correct for the fact that doom3 has Z up and lightwave has Y up. I'll fix that part after I make a working export plugin. Right now it's a little "rough around the edges" and I welcome any suggestions or comments. ... wplug.html

BNA!@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:35 am :
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:41 pm :
BNA! wrote:
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

That's the plan. I want to create a working exporter and then correct the up orientation.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:37 am :
It's still a work in progress, but I've added an md5mesh exporter. It saves a file named "LWmesh.md5mesh" in the root of the current project folder.

revility@Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:50 pm :
Been hoping somebody would continue lightwave support as I've been really hoping to spend more time with the app and leave max in the dust.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:28 am :
Alright, just finished the first version of the animation exporter. With that the plugin collection is now complete. The next step is bug fixing and code cleanup.

aph0x``@Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:57 am :
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


clintonman@Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 4:10 am :
aph0x`` wrote:
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


I've been using 9.0 for testing and it looks like it should work with both 9 and 9.2. I haven't gotten anything into the game engine yet. The last test I did was to load a mesh from the game, export it back out and use dertons' viewer to look at it. I'll definitely try to have some kind of guide for setting up and transferring assets between the two.

clintonman@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:14 am :
It's done. :D
The Lightwave plugins for importing and exporting meshes and animations is done. It has been tested in lw9 and 9.2 but probably works back to version 6.5 or 7. Next up is to completely redo the website with proper instructions. ... wplug.html

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 7:04 am :
Thanks. I've added the link to the tools section of the md5 format article on the wiki...

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:28 am :
Got some tutorials up for doom3 import/export. They use hellknight to show import/export to lightwave and use the lostsoul flying demon to show custom object creation and import to the doom3 editor.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:16 am :
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:45 pm :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

Thanks. Where can I find the wiki link. I went to the wiki but didn't see any links to my page.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:30 am :
It's under the tools section on this page...

clintonman@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:22 pm :
I was looking in the wrong place, thanks.

port66@Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:54 am :
suspect most people dont support it. because no-one can find where you name the joints.

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:44 am :
I've started writing doom3 plugins for lightwave.
The lightwave importer works but it doesn't correct for the fact that doom3 has Z up and lightwave has Y up. I'll fix that part after I make a working export plugin. Right now it's a little "rough around the edges" and I welcome any suggestions or comments. ... wplug.html

BNA!@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:35 am :
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:41 pm :
BNA! wrote:
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

That's the plan. I want to create a working exporter and then correct the up orientation.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:37 am :
It's still a work in progress, but I've added an md5mesh exporter. It saves a file named "LWmesh.md5mesh" in the root of the current project folder.

revility@Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:50 pm :
Been hoping somebody would continue lightwave support as I've been really hoping to spend more time with the app and leave max in the dust.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:28 am :
Alright, just finished the first version of the animation exporter. With that the plugin collection is now complete. The next step is bug fixing and code cleanup.

aph0x``@Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:57 am :
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


clintonman@Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 4:10 am :
aph0x`` wrote:
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


I've been using 9.0 for testing and it looks like it should work with both 9 and 9.2. I haven't gotten anything into the game engine yet. The last test I did was to load a mesh from the game, export it back out and use dertons' viewer to look at it. I'll definitely try to have some kind of guide for setting up and transferring assets between the two.

clintonman@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:14 am :
It's done. :D
The Lightwave plugins for importing and exporting meshes and animations is done. It has been tested in lw9 and 9.2 but probably works back to version 6.5 or 7. Next up is to completely redo the website with proper instructions. ... wplug.html

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 7:04 am :
Thanks. I've added the link to the tools section of the md5 format article on the wiki...

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:28 am :
Got some tutorials up for doom3 import/export. They use hellknight to show import/export to lightwave and use the lostsoul flying demon to show custom object creation and import to the doom3 editor.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:16 am :
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:45 pm :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

Thanks. Where can I find the wiki link. I went to the wiki but didn't see any links to my page.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:30 am :
It's under the tools section on this page...

clintonman@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:22 pm :
I was looking in the wrong place, thanks.

port66@Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:54 am :
suspect most people dont support it. because no-one can find where you name the joints.

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:44 am    Post subject: New plugin for md5mesh and md5anim: I've started writing doom3 plugins for lightwave.
The lightwave importer works but it doesn't correct for the fact that doom3 has Z up and lightwave has Y up. I'll fix that part after I make a working export plugin. Right now it's a little "rough around the edges" and I welcome any suggestions or comments.
Clinton Reese

BNA!@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:35 am    Post subject: : I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?
Staff - The world is yours, soon in 6 degrees of freedom!
Visit ModWiki

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:41 pm    Post subject: :
BNA! wrote:
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

That's the plan. I want to create a working exporter and then correct the up orientation.
Clinton Reese

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:37 am    Post subject: : It's still a work in progress, but I've added an md5mesh exporter. It saves a file named "LWmesh.md5mesh" in the root of the current project folder.
Clinton Reese

revility@Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:50 pm    Post subject: : Been hoping somebody would continue lightwave support as I've been really hoping to spend more time with the app and leave max in the dust.
Q4: HardQore

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:28 am    Post subject: : Alright, just finished the first version of the animation exporter. With that the plugin collection is now complete. The next step is bug fixing and code cleanup.
Clinton Reese

aph0x``@Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:57 am    Post subject: : sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


clintonman@Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 4:10 am    Post subject: :
aph0x`` wrote:
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


I've been using 9.0 for testing and it looks like it should work with both 9 and 9.2. I haven't gotten anything into the game engine yet. The last test I did was to load a mesh from the game, export it back out and use dertons' viewer to look at it. I'll definitely try to have some kind of guide for setting up and transferring assets between the two.
Clinton Reese

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:44 am :
I've started writing doom3 plugins for lightwave.
The lightwave importer works but it doesn't correct for the fact that doom3 has Z up and lightwave has Y up. I'll fix that part after I make a working export plugin. Right now it's a little "rough around the edges" and I welcome any suggestions or comments. ... wplug.html

BNA!@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:35 am :
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:41 pm :
BNA! wrote:
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

That's the plan. I want to create a working exporter and then correct the up orientation.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:37 am :
It's still a work in progress, but I've added an md5mesh exporter. It saves a file named "LWmesh.md5mesh" in the root of the current project folder.

revility@Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:50 pm :
Been hoping somebody would continue lightwave support as I've been really hoping to spend more time with the app and leave max in the dust.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:28 am :
Alright, just finished the first version of the animation exporter. With that the plugin collection is now complete. The next step is bug fixing and code cleanup.

aph0x``@Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:57 am :
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


clintonman@Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 4:10 am :
aph0x`` wrote:
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


I've been using 9.0 for testing and it looks like it should work with both 9 and 9.2. I haven't gotten anything into the game engine yet. The last test I did was to load a mesh from the game, export it back out and use dertons' viewer to look at it. I'll definitely try to have some kind of guide for setting up and transferring assets between the two.

clintonman@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:14 am :
It's done. :D
The Lightwave plugins for importing and exporting meshes and animations is done. It has been tested in lw9 and 9.2 but probably works back to version 6.5 or 7. Next up is to completely redo the website with proper instructions. ... wplug.html

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 7:04 am :
Thanks. I've added the link to the tools section of the md5 format article on the wiki...

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:28 am :
Got some tutorials up for doom3 import/export. They use hellknight to show import/export to lightwave and use the lostsoul flying demon to show custom object creation and import to the doom3 editor.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:16 am :
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:45 pm :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

Thanks. Where can I find the wiki link. I went to the wiki but didn't see any links to my page.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:30 am :
It's under the tools section on this page...

clintonman@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:22 pm :
I was looking in the wrong place, thanks.

port66@Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:54 am :
suspect most people dont support it. because no-one can find where you name the joints.

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:44 am :
I've started writing doom3 plugins for lightwave.
The lightwave importer works but it doesn't correct for the fact that doom3 has Z up and lightwave has Y up. I'll fix that part after I make a working export plugin. Right now it's a little "rough around the edges" and I welcome any suggestions or comments. ... wplug.html

BNA!@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:35 am :
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:41 pm :
BNA! wrote:
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

That's the plan. I want to create a working exporter and then correct the up orientation.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:37 am :
It's still a work in progress, but I've added an md5mesh exporter. It saves a file named "LWmesh.md5mesh" in the root of the current project folder.

revility@Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:50 pm :
Been hoping somebody would continue lightwave support as I've been really hoping to spend more time with the app and leave max in the dust.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:28 am :
Alright, just finished the first version of the animation exporter. With that the plugin collection is now complete. The next step is bug fixing and code cleanup.

aph0x``@Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:57 am :
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


clintonman@Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 4:10 am :
aph0x`` wrote:
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


I've been using 9.0 for testing and it looks like it should work with both 9 and 9.2. I haven't gotten anything into the game engine yet. The last test I did was to load a mesh from the game, export it back out and use dertons' viewer to look at it. I'll definitely try to have some kind of guide for setting up and transferring assets between the two.

clintonman@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:14 am :
It's done. :D
The Lightwave plugins for importing and exporting meshes and animations is done. It has been tested in lw9 and 9.2 but probably works back to version 6.5 or 7. Next up is to completely redo the website with proper instructions. ... wplug.html

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 7:04 am :
Thanks. I've added the link to the tools section of the md5 format article on the wiki...

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:28 am :
Got some tutorials up for doom3 import/export. They use hellknight to show import/export to lightwave and use the lostsoul flying demon to show custom object creation and import to the doom3 editor.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:16 am :
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:45 pm :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

Thanks. Where can I find the wiki link. I went to the wiki but didn't see any links to my page.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:30 am :
It's under the tools section on this page...

clintonman@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:22 pm :
I was looking in the wrong place, thanks.

port66@Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:54 am :
suspect most people dont support it. because no-one can find where you name the joints.

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:44 am :
I've started writing doom3 plugins for lightwave.
The lightwave importer works but it doesn't correct for the fact that doom3 has Z up and lightwave has Y up. I'll fix that part after I make a working export plugin. Right now it's a little "rough around the edges" and I welcome any suggestions or comments. ... wplug.html

BNA!@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:35 am :
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:41 pm :
BNA! wrote:
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

That's the plan. I want to create a working exporter and then correct the up orientation.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:37 am :
It's still a work in progress, but I've added an md5mesh exporter. It saves a file named "LWmesh.md5mesh" in the root of the current project folder.

revility@Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:50 pm :
Been hoping somebody would continue lightwave support as I've been really hoping to spend more time with the app and leave max in the dust.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:28 am :
Alright, just finished the first version of the animation exporter. With that the plugin collection is now complete. The next step is bug fixing and code cleanup.

aph0x``@Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:57 am :
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


clintonman@Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 4:10 am :
aph0x`` wrote:
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


I've been using 9.0 for testing and it looks like it should work with both 9 and 9.2. I haven't gotten anything into the game engine yet. The last test I did was to load a mesh from the game, export it back out and use dertons' viewer to look at it. I'll definitely try to have some kind of guide for setting up and transferring assets between the two.

clintonman@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:14 am :
It's done. :D
The Lightwave plugins for importing and exporting meshes and animations is done. It has been tested in lw9 and 9.2 but probably works back to version 6.5 or 7. Next up is to completely redo the website with proper instructions. ... wplug.html

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 7:04 am :
Thanks. I've added the link to the tools section of the md5 format article on the wiki...

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:28 am :
Got some tutorials up for doom3 import/export. They use hellknight to show import/export to lightwave and use the lostsoul flying demon to show custom object creation and import to the doom3 editor.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:16 am :
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:45 pm :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

Thanks. Where can I find the wiki link. I went to the wiki but didn't see any links to my page.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:30 am :
It's under the tools section on this page...

clintonman@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:22 pm :
I was looking in the wrong place, thanks.

port66@Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:54 am :
suspect most people dont support it. because no-one can find where you name the joints.

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:44 am :
I've started writing doom3 plugins for lightwave.
The lightwave importer works but it doesn't correct for the fact that doom3 has Z up and lightwave has Y up. I'll fix that part after I make a working export plugin. Right now it's a little "rough around the edges" and I welcome any suggestions or comments. ... wplug.html

BNA!@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:35 am :
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:41 pm :
BNA! wrote:
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

That's the plan. I want to create a working exporter and then correct the up orientation.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:37 am :
It's still a work in progress, but I've added an md5mesh exporter. It saves a file named "LWmesh.md5mesh" in the root of the current project folder.

revility@Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:50 pm :
Been hoping somebody would continue lightwave support as I've been really hoping to spend more time with the app and leave max in the dust.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:28 am :
Alright, just finished the first version of the animation exporter. With that the plugin collection is now complete. The next step is bug fixing and code cleanup.

aph0x``@Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:57 am :
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


clintonman@Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 4:10 am :
aph0x`` wrote:
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


I've been using 9.0 for testing and it looks like it should work with both 9 and 9.2. I haven't gotten anything into the game engine yet. The last test I did was to load a mesh from the game, export it back out and use dertons' viewer to look at it. I'll definitely try to have some kind of guide for setting up and transferring assets between the two.

clintonman@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:14 am :
It's done. :D
The Lightwave plugins for importing and exporting meshes and animations is done. It has been tested in lw9 and 9.2 but probably works back to version 6.5 or 7. Next up is to completely redo the website with proper instructions. ... wplug.html

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 7:04 am :
Thanks. I've added the link to the tools section of the md5 format article on the wiki...

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:28 am :
Got some tutorials up for doom3 import/export. They use hellknight to show import/export to lightwave and use the lostsoul flying demon to show custom object creation and import to the doom3 editor.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:16 am :
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:45 pm :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

Thanks. Where can I find the wiki link. I went to the wiki but didn't see any links to my page.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:30 am :
It's under the tools section on this page...

clintonman@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:22 pm :
I was looking in the wrong place, thanks.

port66@Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:54 am :
suspect most people dont support it. because no-one can find where you name the joints.

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:44 am :
I've started writing doom3 plugins for lightwave.
The lightwave importer works but it doesn't correct for the fact that doom3 has Z up and lightwave has Y up. I'll fix that part after I make a working export plugin. Right now it's a little "rough around the edges" and I welcome any suggestions or comments. ... wplug.html

BNA!@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:35 am :
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:41 pm :
BNA! wrote:
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

That's the plan. I want to create a working exporter and then correct the up orientation.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:37 am :
It's still a work in progress, but I've added an md5mesh exporter. It saves a file named "LWmesh.md5mesh" in the root of the current project folder.

revility@Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:50 pm :
Been hoping somebody would continue lightwave support as I've been really hoping to spend more time with the app and leave max in the dust.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:28 am :
Alright, just finished the first version of the animation exporter. With that the plugin collection is now complete. The next step is bug fixing and code cleanup.

aph0x``@Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:57 am :
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


clintonman@Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 4:10 am :
aph0x`` wrote:
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


I've been using 9.0 for testing and it looks like it should work with both 9 and 9.2. I haven't gotten anything into the game engine yet. The last test I did was to load a mesh from the game, export it back out and use dertons' viewer to look at it. I'll definitely try to have some kind of guide for setting up and transferring assets between the two.

clintonman@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:14 am :
It's done. :D
The Lightwave plugins for importing and exporting meshes and animations is done. It has been tested in lw9 and 9.2 but probably works back to version 6.5 or 7. Next up is to completely redo the website with proper instructions. ... wplug.html

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 7:04 am :
Thanks. I've added the link to the tools section of the md5 format article on the wiki...

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:28 am :
Got some tutorials up for doom3 import/export. They use hellknight to show import/export to lightwave and use the lostsoul flying demon to show custom object creation and import to the doom3 editor.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:16 am :
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:45 pm :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

Thanks. Where can I find the wiki link. I went to the wiki but didn't see any links to my page.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:30 am :
It's under the tools section on this page...

clintonman@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:22 pm :
I was looking in the wrong place, thanks.

port66@Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:54 am :
suspect most people dont support it. because no-one can find where you name the joints.

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:44 am :
I've started writing doom3 plugins for lightwave.
The lightwave importer works but it doesn't correct for the fact that doom3 has Z up and lightwave has Y up. I'll fix that part after I make a working export plugin. Right now it's a little "rough around the edges" and I welcome any suggestions or comments. ... wplug.html

BNA!@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:35 am :
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:41 pm :
BNA! wrote:
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

That's the plan. I want to create a working exporter and then correct the up orientation.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:37 am :
It's still a work in progress, but I've added an md5mesh exporter. It saves a file named "LWmesh.md5mesh" in the root of the current project folder.

revility@Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:50 pm :
Been hoping somebody would continue lightwave support as I've been really hoping to spend more time with the app and leave max in the dust.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:28 am :
Alright, just finished the first version of the animation exporter. With that the plugin collection is now complete. The next step is bug fixing and code cleanup.

aph0x``@Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:57 am :
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


clintonman@Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 4:10 am :
aph0x`` wrote:
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


I've been using 9.0 for testing and it looks like it should work with both 9 and 9.2. I haven't gotten anything into the game engine yet. The last test I did was to load a mesh from the game, export it back out and use dertons' viewer to look at it. I'll definitely try to have some kind of guide for setting up and transferring assets between the two.

clintonman@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:14 am :
It's done. :D
The Lightwave plugins for importing and exporting meshes and animations is done. It has been tested in lw9 and 9.2 but probably works back to version 6.5 or 7. Next up is to completely redo the website with proper instructions. ... wplug.html

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 7:04 am :
Thanks. I've added the link to the tools section of the md5 format article on the wiki...

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:28 am :
Got some tutorials up for doom3 import/export. They use hellknight to show import/export to lightwave and use the lostsoul flying demon to show custom object creation and import to the doom3 editor.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:16 am :
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:45 pm :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

Thanks. Where can I find the wiki link. I went to the wiki but didn't see any links to my page.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:30 am :
It's under the tools section on this page...

clintonman@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:22 pm :
I was looking in the wrong place, thanks.

port66@Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:54 am :
suspect most people dont support it. because no-one can find where you name the joints.

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:44 am :
I've started writing doom3 plugins for lightwave.
The lightwave importer works but it doesn't correct for the fact that doom3 has Z up and lightwave has Y up. I'll fix that part after I make a working export plugin. Right now it's a little "rough around the edges" and I welcome any suggestions or comments. ... wplug.html

BNA!@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:35 am :
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:41 pm :
BNA! wrote:
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

That's the plan. I want to create a working exporter and then correct the up orientation.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:37 am :
It's still a work in progress, but I've added an md5mesh exporter. It saves a file named "LWmesh.md5mesh" in the root of the current project folder.

revility@Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:50 pm :
Been hoping somebody would continue lightwave support as I've been really hoping to spend more time with the app and leave max in the dust.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:28 am :
Alright, just finished the first version of the animation exporter. With that the plugin collection is now complete. The next step is bug fixing and code cleanup.

aph0x``@Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:57 am :
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


clintonman@Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 4:10 am :
aph0x`` wrote:
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


I've been using 9.0 for testing and it looks like it should work with both 9 and 9.2. I haven't gotten anything into the game engine yet. The last test I did was to load a mesh from the game, export it back out and use dertons' viewer to look at it. I'll definitely try to have some kind of guide for setting up and transferring assets between the two.

clintonman@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:14 am :
It's done. :D
The Lightwave plugins for importing and exporting meshes and animations is done. It has been tested in lw9 and 9.2 but probably works back to version 6.5 or 7. Next up is to completely redo the website with proper instructions. ... wplug.html

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 7:04 am :
Thanks. I've added the link to the tools section of the md5 format article on the wiki...

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:28 am :
Got some tutorials up for doom3 import/export. They use hellknight to show import/export to lightwave and use the lostsoul flying demon to show custom object creation and import to the doom3 editor.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:16 am :
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:45 pm :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

Thanks. Where can I find the wiki link. I went to the wiki but didn't see any links to my page.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:30 am :
It's under the tools section on this page...

clintonman@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:22 pm :
I was looking in the wrong place, thanks.

port66@Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:54 am :
suspect most people dont support it. because no-one can find where you name the joints.

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:44 am :
I've started writing doom3 plugins for lightwave.
The lightwave importer works but it doesn't correct for the fact that doom3 has Z up and lightwave has Y up. I'll fix that part after I make a working export plugin. Right now it's a little "rough around the edges" and I welcome any suggestions or comments. ... wplug.html

BNA!@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:35 am :
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:41 pm :
BNA! wrote:
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

That's the plan. I want to create a working exporter and then correct the up orientation.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:37 am :
It's still a work in progress, but I've added an md5mesh exporter. It saves a file named "LWmesh.md5mesh" in the root of the current project folder.

revility@Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:50 pm :
Been hoping somebody would continue lightwave support as I've been really hoping to spend more time with the app and leave max in the dust.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:28 am :
Alright, just finished the first version of the animation exporter. With that the plugin collection is now complete. The next step is bug fixing and code cleanup.

aph0x``@Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:57 am :
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


clintonman@Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 4:10 am :
aph0x`` wrote:
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


I've been using 9.0 for testing and it looks like it should work with both 9 and 9.2. I haven't gotten anything into the game engine yet. The last test I did was to load a mesh from the game, export it back out and use dertons' viewer to look at it. I'll definitely try to have some kind of guide for setting up and transferring assets between the two.

clintonman@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:14 am :
It's done. :D
The Lightwave plugins for importing and exporting meshes and animations is done. It has been tested in lw9 and 9.2 but probably works back to version 6.5 or 7. Next up is to completely redo the website with proper instructions. ... wplug.html

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 7:04 am :
Thanks. I've added the link to the tools section of the md5 format article on the wiki...

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:28 am :
Got some tutorials up for doom3 import/export. They use hellknight to show import/export to lightwave and use the lostsoul flying demon to show custom object creation and import to the doom3 editor.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:16 am :
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:45 pm :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

Thanks. Where can I find the wiki link. I went to the wiki but didn't see any links to my page.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:30 am :
It's under the tools section on this page...

clintonman@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:22 pm :
I was looking in the wrong place, thanks.

port66@Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:54 am :
suspect most people dont support it. because no-one can find where you name the joints.

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:44 am :
I've started writing doom3 plugins for lightwave.
The lightwave importer works but it doesn't correct for the fact that doom3 has Z up and lightwave has Y up. I'll fix that part after I make a working export plugin. Right now it's a little "rough around the edges" and I welcome any suggestions or comments. ... wplug.html

BNA!@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:35 am :
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

clintonman@Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:41 pm :
BNA! wrote:
I can't say how happy I am that someone picks up LightWave support again!

Any chance you'll write an exporter for LightWave to get animated LW models into Doom3?

That's the plan. I want to create a working exporter and then correct the up orientation.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:37 am :
It's still a work in progress, but I've added an md5mesh exporter. It saves a file named "LWmesh.md5mesh" in the root of the current project folder.

revility@Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:50 pm :
Been hoping somebody would continue lightwave support as I've been really hoping to spend more time with the app and leave max in the dust.

clintonman@Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:28 am :
Alright, just finished the first version of the animation exporter. With that the plugin collection is now complete. The next step is bug fixing and code cleanup.

aph0x``@Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:57 am :
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


clintonman@Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 4:10 am :
aph0x`` wrote:
sounds great!

i hope there will be a lw - workthrough how to set the scene up correctly for it

which version of lightwave are you using to test it?! 9.2 ?!


I've been using 9.0 for testing and it looks like it should work with both 9 and 9.2. I haven't gotten anything into the game engine yet. The last test I did was to load a mesh from the game, export it back out and use dertons' viewer to look at it. I'll definitely try to have some kind of guide for setting up and transferring assets between the two.

clintonman@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:14 am :
It's done. :D
The Lightwave plugins for importing and exporting meshes and animations is done. It has been tested in lw9 and 9.2 but probably works back to version 6.5 or 7. Next up is to completely redo the website with proper instructions. ... wplug.html

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 7:04 am :
Thanks. I've added the link to the tools section of the md5 format article on the wiki...

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:28 am :
Got some tutorials up for doom3 import/export. They use hellknight to show import/export to lightwave and use the lostsoul flying demon to show custom object creation and import to the doom3 editor.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:16 am :
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

clintonman@Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:45 pm :
rich_is_bored wrote:
Awesome work. I've updated the wiki article to link to your tutorials.

Thanks. Where can I find the wiki link. I went to the wiki but didn't see any links to my page.

rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:30 am :
It's under the tools section on this page...

clintonman@Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:22 pm :
I was looking in the wrong place, thanks.

port66@Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:54 am :
suspect most people dont support it. because no-one can find where you name the joints.

Springheel@Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 5:46 pm :
I'm curious whether anyone has used this plugin to successfully export models and animations to D3. I currently model with Lightwave, and it would save me a lot of time to use it for exporting models rather than learning Maya and relying on the Doom3 export plugin.

The tutorial is not very well explained, however, and I notice that the importer has a few gaps (it fails to import the surface names, frex). That and the lack of discussion here make me wonder whether the exporter is a decent substitute for Maya?

clintonman@Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 12:22 am :
The mesh importer has been updated to read version 11, ET:Quake Wars md5meshes. :) It still writes version 10 files, but I'm told that Quake Wars can still read them. It can be downloaded from here

Springheel@Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 6:59 pm :
I've been playing around with this and learning quite a bit. However, I'm having difficulty with exporting a md5mesh.

It's this part of the instructions specifically:

load the object into layout
be sure autokey is on
delete any skelegons before loading bones
select the mesh and run "MD5_BoneLoad" to load the bones
utilities tab, plugins, generic, Generic Plugins, MD5_AnimLoad

First of all, I'm using Lightwave 8.0. I know what I'm doing in the modeller, but have almost no experience with layout/scenes.

I load my character into the layout (skelegon layer already deleted). I select all the layers objects, but I can find no way to "run MD5_BoneLoad".

When I go to utilities-->plugins, there is no "generic" or "generic plugins" tab. When I go to "additional", the MD5 plugins do not show up. I know they are installed, as I already loaded the md5mesh. When I go to "edit plugins" I find "MD5_Boneload" listed as a "Layout Command" plugin, but I still have no idea how to run it.

Any help would be appreciated.

edit: here's an image, showing how nothing appears in the 'additional plugins' window, yet the md5 plugins show up when I open the edit plugins window. They seem to be there, so how the heck do I access them?


clintonman@Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 8:00 pm :
Looks like you have a lot of plugins missing from the utilites-additional menu. Try this, go to edit menu layout and choose one of the presets.
File comment: edit- Edit Menu Layout
menuConfig.jpg [ 34.63 KB | Viewed 17 times ]
Once the menu changes are done the missing plugins should show up.

I also found out that the layout plugin caused a crash in lightwave. Attached is a plugin compiled for LW version 8.
