heXum@Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:13 pm : Hey everyone!
We've been working on this mod for a while now. Doom3World gets this download first. I will spend time later tonight sprucing up the post, adding new screenshots, and sending this out to more sites as well as updating my own page.
Quaker-X, Obi-Wan and myself are very proud to bring you:
To install:
Simply unzip quakemod.zip to your Doom3 directory and run D3Quake.bat
The mod includes:
One map
(roughly 30 minutes of game play)
5 Quake monsters:
Quake Zombie
Fiend (Demon)
Scragg (Wizard)
Quake weapons:
Super Shotgun
Super Nailgun
Grenade Launcher
Rocket Launcher
Lightning Gun (not included in the map because of broken sounds. Functionality works. Use "give all" on your second or third play through.
Quad Damage
New weapon sounds
Rockin' background music
New health, pickups and powerups
A custom desktop
For modders:
Many new props, particles and textures
Scraggs in the courtyard
Vores in the dungeon
A Shambler on the parapet
Fiends in the throne room
87 MB Zip File
80 MB Rar File
Quaddicted ZIP file
Quaddicted RAR file
Planet Philip
DoomWadStation ZIP and RAR files
If you want to link to a "mod page",
Use this
Kristus@Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:24 pm : Awesome. I posted the news over at DW.

Skutarth@Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:41 pm : Must... Have... More...
You just dropped a bomb on the Doom 3 community.
CrimsonHead@Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:42 pm : I posted it at PlanetDoom.
Thx Hexum!

Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:44 pm : 
downloading, can't wait to see this.
elusive@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:00 am : That's one of the finest mods you can get for Doom3!!!
Simply awesome!
Great work! Absolutely!

Hexen Terzo@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:01 am : In Download!!!!

bkt@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:07 am : At work...

Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:07 am : Just played through it.. It's no doubt worth it. I'm a huge quake fan and the style was dead on. Though it didn't seem that sonic clang's beefrock music didn't fit to well with the WHOLE level, it'd be great just for the last part(don't want to spoil it)
Infernis@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:09 am : Posted it at Map-center.
TelMarine@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:19 am : elusive wrote:
That's one of the finest mods you can get for Doom3!!!
Simply awesome!
Great work! Absolutely!

yes, yes! Just wow! You guys have blown me away, honestly. Top notch and even though it was just one map, I had an absolute blast! I think I am going to go replay it now a few more times, woohoo!.
Kristus@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:48 am : Nice design, very well done. But I can't say I agree with the sounds or the music. Quake was a lot better there. But it's a great peice of work still.
Don't want to be a spoiler, but I thought it was a pity you didn't have anything after you finished the map. A picture or anything would have been better than seeing the Doom3 splash-screen and then be dumped to the Doom3 Menu. :/ , Same thing when you die really. (Which I did once or twice. :p) Hadn't required much work to change the death GUI into being a bit more Quake.
But still, Kudos on a job well done.
TelMarine@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:53 am : I actually enjoyed the music, but is there a way to turn it off? I looked under s_ console commands (in quake4 there is s_musicvolume i believe), but couldn't find anything.
Also I thought the sounds were good, but of course Quake original's were better. Quake probably has the best sounds of any id game in my opinion (thanks to Trent Reznor).
Skutarth@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:00 am : Overall, this is a kick in the face. The map is perfect, and it needs no changes.
Jack Rammsdell wrote:
Just played through it.. It's no doubt worth it. I'm a huge quake fan and the style was dead on. Though it didn't seem that sonic clang's beefrock music didn't fit to well with the WHOLE level, it'd be great just for the last part(don't want to spoil it)
I agree. There are some other things I don't like, though.
- Super Shotgun only uses one shell per shot when it should be two.
- The spread for both of the shotguns doesn't feel right, particularly on the Super Shotgun.
- The look of portals needs a little work. It at least needs the effects coming from them to be the same color.
- The axe makes a noise when you take it out, and the surface hit noise sound is the flashlight's. It also has an animation of it being raised while the other weapons don't.
- You can only gib the zombies. This is just a nag, but one of the things I thought was great in the original Quake was that every single one of the non-boss monsters could be gibbed.
- Lightning gun should be done in a different way, it shouldn't sway when moving (at least while shooting) and the trail effect shouldn't be part of the first person gun model. Also, it shows bullet hits. I know it's not done because it's not normally in the game, but I thought I'd give a suggestion.
I hope that, in the future, you guys make more maps. That, and multiplayer.
kat@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:27 am : There's a problem with the ZIP file itself. I downloaded it twice to check and got the same error... double clicking the ZIP file to open it in WinZip return and incomplete/invalid archive error. However, renaming the ZIP to PK4 and then open that seemed to work so I'm not sure what's wrong there - what did you guys ue to pack the files up?
[EDIT]WTF?! I've got PK4 files inside PK4 files!!? I hope this is just some freak error due to me not being able to open the file --- if not, OMG you guys should know better than that.

[EDIT 2]Yup yup, seems to be a problem associated with WinZip having a difficulties with the file.
Kristus@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:37 am : I just opened the zip with WinRar and extracted it.
Seems to be something with the Zip though, because geX had the same problem.
What program are you using Kat?
kat@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:52 am : Kristus : I'm using WinZip. What was the folder structure like inside WinRar? (hmmm WinRar opens and sees the files correctly so that file multipacking error must be related to WinZip)
Also another general note for the guys... I'd strongly suggest you pack this up so that it's extracted into it's own 'mod' folder - 'Quake' - to encourage 'proper' mods and maps for it... leaving it 'open' the way it is (just dropping a PK4 into the base folder) is just asking for trouble with all sorts of conflict/overwrite errors when people try making stuff for it (which they will)
It's nicely done so far though, the quality is certainly there. The only crit is that it's very, very dark; I was playing in a darkened room and it was still dark, even turning out the lights didn't help much (never played the original so can't make any comparative crits)
CrimsonHead@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 2:04 am : I had a problem at first, Windows would'nt open it, then I openend it with winrar and extracted the file, renamed that file to a zip and opened it, then I copied the "quake" folder inside to my doom3 folder.
I just finished playing the whole thing, that really brought back some good memories. It looked really beautiful, it was actually pretty difficult for me I kept dying a lot. The music was good, I would have liked it better if it would have shifted to something slow and sinister during non-action. One thing I did miss is I wanted to hear that big heavy clanking sound when you launch grenades. A few small gripes here and there, overall this is the best mod/level for Doom³ so far. I really want more, I hope some people will make some more maps for this. This is some really awesome work, thank you!!!
btw....I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the quad damage, could someone give me like a hint or something?
vinnie_jones@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 3:17 am : the zip is corrupted???

Quaker-X@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 3:39 am : Glad everyone likes the mod!
Wish we could have put more levels and content into it. We had so much planned, but with our work and lives its really, really hard to squeeze time in for this stuff. Luckily heXum found a way to squeeze enough time in to finish the level and pack everything up.

And for Obi...well, that guy is amazing at what he does, so I will leave it at that.
Thanks to all who gave the map/mod a whirl!
heXum@Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:13 pm : Hey everyone!
We've been working on this mod for a while now. Doom3World gets this download first. I will spend time later tonight sprucing up the post, adding new screenshots, and sending this out to more sites as well as updating my own page.
Quaker-X, Obi-Wan and myself are very proud to bring you:
To install:
Simply unzip quakemod.zip to your Doom3 directory and run D3Quake.bat
The mod includes:
One map
(roughly 30 minutes of game play)
5 Quake monsters:
Quake Zombie
Fiend (Demon)
Scragg (Wizard)
Quake weapons:
Super Shotgun
Super Nailgun
Grenade Launcher
Rocket Launcher
Lightning Gun (not included in the map because of broken sounds. Functionality works. Use "give all" on your second or third play through.
Quad Damage
New weapon sounds
Rockin' background music
New health, pickups and powerups
A custom desktop
For modders:
Many new props, particles and textures
Scraggs in the courtyard
Vores in the dungeon
A Shambler on the parapet
Fiends in the throne room
87 MB Zip File
80 MB Rar File
Quaddicted ZIP file
Quaddicted RAR file
Planet Philip
DoomWadStation ZIP and RAR files
If you want to link to a "mod page",
Use this
Kristus@Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:24 pm : Awesome. I posted the news over at DW.

Skutarth@Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:41 pm : Must... Have... More...
You just dropped a bomb on the Doom 3 community.
CrimsonHead@Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:42 pm : I posted it at PlanetDoom.
Thx Hexum!

Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:44 pm : 
downloading, can't wait to see this.
elusive@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:00 am : That's one of the finest mods you can get for Doom3!!!
Simply awesome!
Great work! Absolutely!

Hexen Terzo@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:01 am : In Download!!!!

bkt@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:07 am : At work...

Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:07 am : Just played through it.. It's no doubt worth it. I'm a huge quake fan and the style was dead on. Though it didn't seem that sonic clang's beefrock music didn't fit to well with the WHOLE level, it'd be great just for the last part(don't want to spoil it)
Infernis@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:09 am : Posted it at Map-center.
TelMarine@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:19 am : elusive wrote:
That's one of the finest mods you can get for Doom3!!!
Simply awesome!
Great work! Absolutely!

yes, yes! Just wow! You guys have blown me away, honestly. Top notch and even though it was just one map, I had an absolute blast! I think I am going to go replay it now a few more times, woohoo!.
Kristus@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:48 am : Nice design, very well done. But I can't say I agree with the sounds or the music. Quake was a lot better there. But it's a great peice of work still.
Don't want to be a spoiler, but I thought it was a pity you didn't have anything after you finished the map. A picture or anything would have been better than seeing the Doom3 splash-screen and then be dumped to the Doom3 Menu. :/ , Same thing when you die really. (Which I did once or twice. :p) Hadn't required much work to change the death GUI into being a bit more Quake.
But still, Kudos on a job well done.
TelMarine@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:53 am : I actually enjoyed the music, but is there a way to turn it off? I looked under s_ console commands (in quake4 there is s_musicvolume i believe), but couldn't find anything.
Also I thought the sounds were good, but of course Quake original's were better. Quake probably has the best sounds of any id game in my opinion (thanks to Trent Reznor).
Skutarth@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:00 am : Overall, this is a kick in the face. The map is perfect, and it needs no changes.
Jack Rammsdell wrote:
Just played through it.. It's no doubt worth it. I'm a huge quake fan and the style was dead on. Though it didn't seem that sonic clang's beefrock music didn't fit to well with the WHOLE level, it'd be great just for the last part(don't want to spoil it)
I agree. There are some other things I don't like, though.
- Super Shotgun only uses one shell per shot when it should be two.
- The spread for both of the shotguns doesn't feel right, particularly on the Super Shotgun.
- The look of portals needs a little work. It at least needs the effects coming from them to be the same color.
- The axe makes a noise when you take it out, and the surface hit noise sound is the flashlight's. It also has an animation of it being raised while the other weapons don't.
- You can only gib the zombies. This is just a nag, but one of the things I thought was great in the original Quake was that every single one of the non-boss monsters could be gibbed.
- Lightning gun should be done in a different way, it shouldn't sway when moving (at least while shooting) and the trail effect shouldn't be part of the first person gun model. Also, it shows bullet hits. I know it's not done because it's not normally in the game, but I thought I'd give a suggestion.
I hope that, in the future, you guys make more maps. That, and multiplayer.
kat@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:27 am : There's a problem with the ZIP file itself. I downloaded it twice to check and got the same error... double clicking the ZIP file to open it in WinZip return and incomplete/invalid archive error. However, renaming the ZIP to PK4 and then open that seemed to work so I'm not sure what's wrong there - what did you guys ue to pack the files up?
[EDIT]WTF?! I've got PK4 files inside PK4 files!!? I hope this is just some freak error due to me not being able to open the file --- if not, OMG you guys should know better than that.

[EDIT 2]Yup yup, seems to be a problem associated with WinZip having a difficulties with the file.
Kristus@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:37 am : I just opened the zip with WinRar and extracted it.
Seems to be something with the Zip though, because geX had the same problem.
What program are you using Kat?
kat@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:52 am : Kristus : I'm using WinZip. What was the folder structure like inside WinRar? (hmmm WinRar opens and sees the files correctly so that file multipacking error must be related to WinZip)
Also another general note for the guys... I'd strongly suggest you pack this up so that it's extracted into it's own 'mod' folder - 'Quake' - to encourage 'proper' mods and maps for it... leaving it 'open' the way it is (just dropping a PK4 into the base folder) is just asking for trouble with all sorts of conflict/overwrite errors when people try making stuff for it (which they will)
It's nicely done so far though, the quality is certainly there. The only crit is that it's very, very dark; I was playing in a darkened room and it was still dark, even turning out the lights didn't help much (never played the original so can't make any comparative crits)
CrimsonHead@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 2:04 am : I had a problem at first, Windows would'nt open it, then I openend it with winrar and extracted the file, renamed that file to a zip and opened it, then I copied the "quake" folder inside to my doom3 folder.
I just finished playing the whole thing, that really brought back some good memories. It looked really beautiful, it was actually pretty difficult for me I kept dying a lot. The music was good, I would have liked it better if it would have shifted to something slow and sinister during non-action. One thing I did miss is I wanted to hear that big heavy clanking sound when you launch grenades. A few small gripes here and there, overall this is the best mod/level for Doom³ so far. I really want more, I hope some people will make some more maps for this. This is some really awesome work, thank you!!!
btw....I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the quad damage, could someone give me like a hint or something?
vinnie_jones@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 3:17 am : the zip is corrupted???

Quaker-X@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 3:39 am : Glad everyone likes the mod!
Wish we could have put more levels and content into it. We had so much planned, but with our work and lives its really, really hard to squeeze time in for this stuff. Luckily heXum found a way to squeeze enough time in to finish the level and pack everything up.

And for Obi...well, that guy is amazing at what he does, so I will leave it at that.
Thanks to all who gave the map/mod a whirl!
Sematary@Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 6:45 am : Also, for those who were having issues with the video - I uploaded it to youtube and put the embedded link in the review page so nobody should have any more issues with the video.
prince10bee@Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 11:53 pm : On both .zip and .rar i get "Error 400 'ug.dyndns.org...' Bad Request.
heXum@Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 4:04 am : Sorry about that. I guess my server is down for the weekend. It should be back up on Monday.
In the meantime, I added a bunch of mirrors to the main post so you can get the download!
SilentSoD@Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:42 am : That was a very fun level to rip through. I've only played through it once, but I very much enjoyed the feel of the weapons, enemies, and how the map was laid out.
I only played on Marine (I think, I launched the mod using the .bat), and it did seem a little bit on the easy side, with the shamblers and vores going down rather quickly. The fiends were the enemy that gave me the most trouble.
The boss battle was excellently presented and I found all the little effects and details in geometry breaking or the lightning running along chains to be great.
I only wish I had a fraction of the talent you guys have in creating worlds like this.
I found the music to be nice, though a bit loud, and am not sure an ambient track would have been the best idea as the action was near constant, much like Classic Doom's.
heXum@Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 11:16 am : Thanks for the comments!
I've posted a few pictures of a sequel that we've started for the mod here:
http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewto ... 952#175952
It's still VERY early but you can see what direction we're going with the levels.
Tetzlaff@Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 6:20 pm : Very nice level and the mod is a great start with the recreated monsters and weapons. I liked the Scrags and the Demon best and it´s very cool that you packed them up separately so that they can used in other Doom3 custom levels as well.
One thing I don´t liked was the Serious Sam style restrictive gameplay where the player is constantly locked in with gates closing behind you forever so that you are always forced straight forward. Quake was never like this, it had much more free exploration (not to mention all those secret areas and hidden passages). But that´s about the only negative point I have.
heXum@Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 8:07 pm : Fair enough. That became necessary towards the end when I had to start forcing portals to close. It was the only way I could get a decent FPS, plus sometimes I didn't want you running away from monsters (like the boss) so I closed the door behind you.
Anyway, glad you liked it!
vinnie_jones@Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 11:55 pm : hope there will be more quake maps from you guys, as someone stated above hopefully with more ambient and varied music, pref not so loud

Dave2600@Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:22 am : Ok I have no idea how to run this mod. I try to run it, and it brings me to the Doom 3 splash page. Then what do I do? If I start a new game it loads normal Doom 3 with quake GUI. I don't see any options to run the map.
Kristus@Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:35 am : From the mod info: Simply unzip quakemod.zip to your Doom3 directory and run D3Quake.bat
NX-317@Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:03 am : Quote:
hope there will be more quake maps from you guys, as someone stated above hopefully with more ambient and varied music, pref not so loud
Yes, it'll be very nice to play more maps with this great mod. They were making a sequel, maybe they'll finish it someday...
Jago@Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 2:49 am : I really really enjoyed this and hope the sequel does see a release one day. Preferably soon

ashkan@Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:33 pm : Thank you so much! It was awesome. I've never seen anything like this before!
voldemort@Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 3:47 am : personally I loved the music reminded me of the fast paced music from q2 ---I loved q1 more but the music from q2 kept you wired as you fragged your merry way along
If you wherent listening to your own jams the q2 jams did a great job them selves
I thought yours fit the faster pace of quake perfectly
Doom needs more dark and foreboeding musice while quake needs you pumped up and running headlong with a shotgun

SonicClang@Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 4:53 am : The Quake 2 soundtrack is in my all time favorites. I used to listen to it in my car all the time. Even my brother, who has never played a first person shooter in his life, used to borrow it from me. It's pretty much the reason I got into game music.
bkt@Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 7:29 am : SonicClang wrote:
The Quake 2 soundtrack is in my all time favorites. I used to listen to it in my car all the time. Even my brother, who has never played a first person shooter in his life, used to borrow it from me. It's pretty much the reason I got into game music.
Agreed! I've still got the tracks in my playlist. Track 9 was the absolute shiznit!
6th Venom@Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 1:06 pm : SonicClang wrote:
Thanks for the vote of confidence. Do me a favor, next time you watch a movie, listen to how much the soundtrack adds to it, and then imagine it with only the visuals and voices.
It's all part of the art that is games.
I know that music is a very big part of movies & games, sometimes better than words.
The fact is that the song volume is to high, and too much repetitive after a time... (ok, and maybe hard rock metal is not my favourite style...)
I think alternate between ambient sounds/track and a strong song for important fights is better for the "big battle for life" feeling.
hellstorm27@Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 1:48 pm : I thought the music was okay; I think there are pros and cons to having music like that in such a mod (takes out some of the suspense, but makes it feel more old-school Quake-ish).
A high quality mod with very good architecture (I particularly liked those arched windows); a bit short, but I think we all knew that was going to be the case.
Sematary@Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:27 pm : heXum wrote:
Hey everyone!
We've been working on this mod for a while now. Doom3World gets this download first. I will spend time later tonight sprucing up the post, adding new screenshots, and sending this out to more sites as well as updating my own page.
Quaker-X, Obi-Wan and myself are very proud to bring you:
To install:Simply unzip quakemod.zip to your Doom3 directory and run D3Quake.bat
The mod includes:One map
(roughly 30 minutes of game play)
5 Quake monsters: Quake Zombie
Fiend (Demon)
Scragg (Wizard)
Quake weapons: Axe
Super Shotgun
Super Nailgun
Grenade Launcher
Rocket Launcher
Lightning Gun (not included in the map because of broken sounds. Functionality works. Use "give all" on your second or third play through.
Powerups: Quad Damage
New weapon sounds
Rockin' background music
New health, pickups and powerups
A custom desktop
For modders:Many new props, particles and textures
Screenshots:Scraggs in the courtyardVores in the dungeonA Shambler on the parapetFiends in the throne roomDownload:87 MB Zip File80 MB Rar FileMore Links Coming SoonIf you want to link to a "mod page",
Use this
I'm downloading this now and unless you mind, I will be placing a page up on Doom Wad Station with both files (zip and rar) - and of course - a link back to this thread so people who find it through my site can follow the progress. Is that alright?
heXum@Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:35 pm : Actually, please link to this page:
...and not directly to the file link, please. You can link to this thread, too. My host wants all links going to that page since it has a decent amount of download mirrors on it.
Sematary@Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 6:40 pm : heXum wrote:
Actually, please link to this page:
http://ug.dyndns.org/~hexum/maps/castle/castle.htm...and not directly to the file link, please. You can link to this thread, too. My host wants all links going to that page since it has a decent amount of download mirrors on it.
I just finished playing it. Awesome by the way - and I'll be doing the review in a few minutes. I am setting the link to that page.
Also - would you mind DWS being one of your mirrors? People can come and read the review - get either download, etc... And - of course - get to your site through mine, in case they've never heard of it.
heXum@Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 6:42 pm : Absolutely, just give me the link when you're ready.
Sematary@Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 6:59 pm : heXum wrote:
Absolutely, just give me the link when you're ready.
I'm still working on the page but here's a link to it. I haven't made it "live" yet so it's not linked from the total conversions page yet but it will give you an idea of what I'm up to.
I'm working on screenies right now
Sematary@Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:06 pm : I also decided to add some in game video. I hope you guys like it.
Are there going to be more maps?
Sematary@Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:34 pm : heXum wrote:
Absolutely, just give me the link when you're ready.
It's done.

heXum@Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 9:57 pm : Updates/sequels/whatever hasn't been announced yet. We're deciding, basically. This took a lot of our time but we're really enjoying it so... everyone will just have to wait and see.
The review looks great! Thanks. I will add the links and stuff to my mod page tonight.
Sematary@Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 10:35 pm : heXum wrote:
Updates/sequels/whatever hasn't been announced yet. We're deciding, basically. This took a lot of our time but we're really enjoying it so... everyone will just have to wait and see.
The review looks great! Thanks. I will add the links and stuff to my mod page tonight.
Cool. Did you enjoy the in game video?
heXum@Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:10 am : Actually the video doesn't work for me, at home or at work.
Dinky@Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:24 am : heXum wrote:
Actually the video doesn't work for me, at home or at work.
Doesn't work for me either.
sparhawk@Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:25 am : The screenshots look very nice.

I'm currently downloading the mod to give it a try.
Sematary@Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 8:53 pm : heXum wrote:
Actually the video doesn't work for me, at home or at work.
It works fine for me in both Firefox and IE. Perhaps you're not giving it enough time to load? The files tend to be at least 30 megs plus so if you got on the server at a busy time (well, it's usually busy but...) or if you have a slow connection from your end...
it is supposed to load the plugin automatically but I know, for instance, that IE will put that little yellow bar at the top warning you that the page is trying to load an activex control and you must allow it.
bkt@Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:43 am : I finally got a chance to play the mod last night. Awesome work guys! I was flawed by the level design, and think the screenshots just don't do it justice. The pacing, scripting and overall feel were just right (as one would expect

). Although I felt that due to the pace more than anything, the whole experience was just over all too soon. It felt just like a quake level, but on it's own, I think that just didn't feel like quite enough. So maybe if there's a next time, another couple monsters and a bit more length to the level, or even a 2nd level, and I think it'd be that much better.
Overall, an A-Grade effort, and a top notch product, great work!
Sematary@Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 5:50 pm : bkt wrote:
I finally got a chance to play the mod last night. Awesome work guys! I was flawed by the level design, and think the screenshots just don't do it justice. The pacing, scripting and overall feel were just right (as one would expect

). Although I felt that due to the pace more than anything, the whole experience was just over all too soon. It felt just like a quake level, but on it's own, I think that just didn't feel like quite enough. So maybe if there's a next time, another couple monsters and a bit more length to the level, or even a 2nd level, and I think it'd be that much better.
Overall, an A-Grade effort, and a top notch product, great work!
Just out of curiosity - did you check out the review on my site and did you think it was fair and accurate or at least pretty close?
heXum@Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:13 pm : Hey everyone!
We've been working on this mod for a while now. Doom3World gets this download first. I will spend time later tonight sprucing up the post, adding new screenshots, and sending this out to more sites as well as updating my own page.
Quaker-X, Obi-Wan and myself are very proud to bring you:
To install:
Simply unzip quakemod.zip to your Doom3 directory and run D3Quake.bat
The mod includes:
One map
(roughly 30 minutes of game play)
5 Quake monsters:
Quake Zombie
Fiend (Demon)
Scragg (Wizard)
Quake weapons:
Super Shotgun
Super Nailgun
Grenade Launcher
Rocket Launcher
Lightning Gun (not included in the map because of broken sounds. Functionality works. Use "give all" on your second or third play through.
Quad Damage
New weapon sounds
Rockin' background music
New health, pickups and powerups
A custom desktop
For modders:
Many new props, particles and textures
Scraggs in the courtyard
Vores in the dungeon
A Shambler on the parapet
Fiends in the throne room
87 MB Zip File
80 MB Rar File
Quaddicted ZIP file
Quaddicted RAR file
Planet Philip
DoomWadStation ZIP and RAR files
If you want to link to a "mod page",
Use this
Kristus@Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:24 pm : Awesome. I posted the news over at DW.

Skutarth@Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:41 pm : Must... Have... More...
You just dropped a bomb on the Doom 3 community.
CrimsonHead@Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:42 pm : I posted it at PlanetDoom.
Thx Hexum!

Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:44 pm : 
downloading, can't wait to see this.
elusive@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:00 am : That's one of the finest mods you can get for Doom3!!!
Simply awesome!
Great work! Absolutely!

Hexen Terzo@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:01 am : In Download!!!!

bkt@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:07 am : At work...

Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:07 am : Just played through it.. It's no doubt worth it. I'm a huge quake fan and the style was dead on. Though it didn't seem that sonic clang's beefrock music didn't fit to well with the WHOLE level, it'd be great just for the last part(don't want to spoil it)
Infernis@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:09 am : Posted it at Map-center.
TelMarine@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:19 am : elusive wrote:
That's one of the finest mods you can get for Doom3!!!
Simply awesome!
Great work! Absolutely!

yes, yes! Just wow! You guys have blown me away, honestly. Top notch and even though it was just one map, I had an absolute blast! I think I am going to go replay it now a few more times, woohoo!.
Kristus@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:48 am : Nice design, very well done. But I can't say I agree with the sounds or the music. Quake was a lot better there. But it's a great peice of work still.
Don't want to be a spoiler, but I thought it was a pity you didn't have anything after you finished the map. A picture or anything would have been better than seeing the Doom3 splash-screen and then be dumped to the Doom3 Menu. :/ , Same thing when you die really. (Which I did once or twice. :p) Hadn't required much work to change the death GUI into being a bit more Quake.
But still, Kudos on a job well done.
TelMarine@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:53 am : I actually enjoyed the music, but is there a way to turn it off? I looked under s_ console commands (in quake4 there is s_musicvolume i believe), but couldn't find anything.
Also I thought the sounds were good, but of course Quake original's were better. Quake probably has the best sounds of any id game in my opinion (thanks to Trent Reznor).
Skutarth@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:00 am : Overall, this is a kick in the face. The map is perfect, and it needs no changes.
Jack Rammsdell wrote:
Just played through it.. It's no doubt worth it. I'm a huge quake fan and the style was dead on. Though it didn't seem that sonic clang's beefrock music didn't fit to well with the WHOLE level, it'd be great just for the last part(don't want to spoil it)
I agree. There are some other things I don't like, though.
- Super Shotgun only uses one shell per shot when it should be two.
- The spread for both of the shotguns doesn't feel right, particularly on the Super Shotgun.
- The look of portals needs a little work. It at least needs the effects coming from them to be the same color.
- The axe makes a noise when you take it out, and the surface hit noise sound is the flashlight's. It also has an animation of it being raised while the other weapons don't.
- You can only gib the zombies. This is just a nag, but one of the things I thought was great in the original Quake was that every single one of the non-boss monsters could be gibbed.
- Lightning gun should be done in a different way, it shouldn't sway when moving (at least while shooting) and the trail effect shouldn't be part of the first person gun model. Also, it shows bullet hits. I know it's not done because it's not normally in the game, but I thought I'd give a suggestion.
I hope that, in the future, you guys make more maps. That, and multiplayer.
kat@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:27 am : There's a problem with the ZIP file itself. I downloaded it twice to check and got the same error... double clicking the ZIP file to open it in WinZip return and incomplete/invalid archive error. However, renaming the ZIP to PK4 and then open that seemed to work so I'm not sure what's wrong there - what did you guys ue to pack the files up?
[EDIT]WTF?! I've got PK4 files inside PK4 files!!? I hope this is just some freak error due to me not being able to open the file --- if not, OMG you guys should know better than that.

[EDIT 2]Yup yup, seems to be a problem associated with WinZip having a difficulties with the file.
Kristus@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:37 am : I just opened the zip with WinRar and extracted it.
Seems to be something with the Zip though, because geX had the same problem.
What program are you using Kat?
kat@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:52 am : Kristus : I'm using WinZip. What was the folder structure like inside WinRar? (hmmm WinRar opens and sees the files correctly so that file multipacking error must be related to WinZip)
Also another general note for the guys... I'd strongly suggest you pack this up so that it's extracted into it's own 'mod' folder - 'Quake' - to encourage 'proper' mods and maps for it... leaving it 'open' the way it is (just dropping a PK4 into the base folder) is just asking for trouble with all sorts of conflict/overwrite errors when people try making stuff for it (which they will)
It's nicely done so far though, the quality is certainly there. The only crit is that it's very, very dark; I was playing in a darkened room and it was still dark, even turning out the lights didn't help much (never played the original so can't make any comparative crits)
CrimsonHead@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 2:04 am : I had a problem at first, Windows would'nt open it, then I openend it with winrar and extracted the file, renamed that file to a zip and opened it, then I copied the "quake" folder inside to my doom3 folder.
I just finished playing the whole thing, that really brought back some good memories. It looked really beautiful, it was actually pretty difficult for me I kept dying a lot. The music was good, I would have liked it better if it would have shifted to something slow and sinister during non-action. One thing I did miss is I wanted to hear that big heavy clanking sound when you launch grenades. A few small gripes here and there, overall this is the best mod/level for Doom³ so far. I really want more, I hope some people will make some more maps for this. This is some really awesome work, thank you!!!
btw....I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the quad damage, could someone give me like a hint or something?
vinnie_jones@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 3:17 am : the zip is corrupted???

Quaker-X@Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 3:39 am : Glad everyone likes the mod!
Wish we could have put more levels and content into it. We had so much planned, but with our work and lives its really, really hard to squeeze time in for this stuff. Luckily heXum found a way to squeeze enough time in to finish the level and pack everything up.

And for Obi...well, that guy is amazing at what he does, so I will leave it at that.
Thanks to all who gave the map/mod a whirl!
Sematary@Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 6:45 am : Also, for those who were having issues with the video - I uploaded it to youtube and put the embedded link in the review page so nobody should have any more issues with the video.
prince10bee@Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 11:53 pm : On both .zip and .rar i get "Error 400 'ug.dyndns.org...' Bad Request.
heXum@Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 4:04 am : Sorry about that. I guess my server is down for the weekend. It should be back up on Monday.
In the meantime, I added a bunch of mirrors to the main post so you can get the download!
SilentSoD@Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:42 am : That was a very fun level to rip through. I've only played through it once, but I very much enjoyed the feel of the weapons, enemies, and how the map was laid out.
I only played on Marine (I think, I launched the mod using the .bat), and it did seem a little bit on the easy side, with the shamblers and vores going down rather quickly. The fiends were the enemy that gave me the most trouble.
The boss battle was excellently presented and I found all the little effects and details in geometry breaking or the lightning running along chains to be great.
I only wish I had a fraction of the talent you guys have in creating worlds like this.
I found the music to be nice, though a bit loud, and am not sure an ambient track would have been the best idea as the action was near constant, much like Classic Doom's.
heXum@Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 11:16 am : Thanks for the comments!
I've posted a few pictures of a sequel that we've started for the mod here:
http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewto ... 952#175952
It's still VERY early but you can see what direction we're going with the levels.
Tetzlaff@Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 6:20 pm : Very nice level and the mod is a great start with the recreated monsters and weapons. I liked the Scrags and the Demon best and it´s very cool that you packed them up separately so that they can used in other Doom3 custom levels as well.
One thing I don´t liked was the Serious Sam style restrictive gameplay where the player is constantly locked in with gates closing behind you forever so that you are always forced straight forward. Quake was never like this, it had much more free exploration (not to mention all those secret areas and hidden passages). But that´s about the only negative point I have.
heXum@Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 8:07 pm : Fair enough. That became necessary towards the end when I had to start forcing portals to close. It was the only way I could get a decent FPS, plus sometimes I didn't want you running away from monsters (like the boss) so I closed the door behind you.
Anyway, glad you liked it!
vinnie_jones@Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 11:55 pm : hope there will be more quake maps from you guys, as someone stated above hopefully with more ambient and varied music, pref not so loud

Dave2600@Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:22 am : Ok I have no idea how to run this mod. I try to run it, and it brings me to the Doom 3 splash page. Then what do I do? If I start a new game it loads normal Doom 3 with quake GUI. I don't see any options to run the map.
Kristus@Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:35 am : From the mod info: Simply unzip quakemod.zip to your Doom3 directory and run D3Quake.bat
NX-317@Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:03 am : Quote:
hope there will be more quake maps from you guys, as someone stated above hopefully with more ambient and varied music, pref not so loud
Yes, it'll be very nice to play more maps with this great mod. They were making a sequel, maybe they'll finish it someday...
Jago@Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 2:49 am : I really really enjoyed this and hope the sequel does see a release one day. Preferably soon

ashkan@Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:33 pm : Thank you so much! It was awesome. I've never seen anything like this before!
voldemort@Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 3:47 am : personally I loved the music reminded me of the fast paced music from q2 ---I loved q1 more but the music from q2 kept you wired as you fragged your merry way along
If you wherent listening to your own jams the q2 jams did a great job them selves
I thought yours fit the faster pace of quake perfectly
Doom needs more dark and foreboeding musice while quake needs you pumped up and running headlong with a shotgun

SonicClang@Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 4:53 am : The Quake 2 soundtrack is in my all time favorites. I used to listen to it in my car all the time. Even my brother, who has never played a first person shooter in his life, used to borrow it from me. It's pretty much the reason I got into game music.
bkt@Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 7:29 am : SonicClang wrote:
The Quake 2 soundtrack is in my all time favorites. I used to listen to it in my car all the time. Even my brother, who has never played a first person shooter in his life, used to borrow it from me. It's pretty much the reason I got into game music.
Agreed! I've still got the tracks in my playlist. Track 9 was the absolute shiznit!
6th Venom@Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 1:06 pm : SonicClang wrote:
Thanks for the vote of confidence. Do me a favor, next time you watch a movie, listen to how much the soundtrack adds to it, and then imagine it with only the visuals and voices.
It's all part of the art that is games.
I know that music is a very big part of movies & games, sometimes better than words.
The fact is that the song volume is to high, and too much repetitive after a time... (ok, and maybe hard rock metal is not my favourite style...)
I think alternate between ambient sounds/track and a strong song for important fights is better for the "big battle for life" feeling.
hellstorm27@Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 1:48 pm : I thought the music was okay; I think there are pros and cons to having music like that in such a mod (takes out some of the suspense, but makes it feel more old-school Quake-ish).
A high quality mod with very good architecture (I particularly liked those arched windows); a bit short, but I think we all knew that was going to be the case.
Sematary@Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:27 pm : heXum wrote:
Hey everyone!
We've been working on this mod for a while now. Doom3World gets this download first. I will spend time later tonight sprucing up the post, adding new screenshots, and sending this out to more sites as well as updating my own page.
Quaker-X, Obi-Wan and myself are very proud to bring you:
To install:Simply unzip quakemod.zip to your Doom3 directory and run D3Quake.bat
The mod includes:One map
(roughly 30 minutes of game play)
5 Quake monsters: Quake Zombie
Fiend (Demon)
Scragg (Wizard)
Quake weapons: Axe
Super Shotgun
Super Nailgun
Grenade Launcher
Rocket Launcher
Lightning Gun (not included in the map because of broken sounds. Functionality works. Use "give all" on your second or third play through.
Powerups: Quad Damage
New weapon sounds
Rockin' background music
New health, pickups and powerups
A custom desktop
For modders:Many new props, particles and textures
Screenshots:Scraggs in the courtyardVores in the dungeonA Shambler on the parapetFiends in the throne roomDownload:87 MB Zip File80 MB Rar FileMore Links Coming SoonIf you want to link to a "mod page",
Use this
I'm downloading this now and unless you mind, I will be placing a page up on Doom Wad Station with both files (zip and rar) - and of course - a link back to this thread so people who find it through my site can follow the progress. Is that alright?
heXum@Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:35 pm : Actually, please link to this page:
...and not directly to the file link, please. You can link to this thread, too. My host wants all links going to that page since it has a decent amount of download mirrors on it.
Sematary@Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 6:40 pm : heXum wrote:
Actually, please link to this page:
http://ug.dyndns.org/~hexum/maps/castle/castle.htm...and not directly to the file link, please. You can link to this thread, too. My host wants all links going to that page since it has a decent amount of download mirrors on it.
I just finished playing it. Awesome by the way - and I'll be doing the review in a few minutes. I am setting the link to that page.
Also - would you mind DWS being one of your mirrors? People can come and read the review - get either download, etc... And - of course - get to your site through mine, in case they've never heard of it.
heXum@Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 6:42 pm : Absolutely, just give me the link when you're ready.
Sematary@Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 6:59 pm : heXum wrote:
Absolutely, just give me the link when you're ready.
I'm still working on the page but here's a link to it. I haven't made it "live" yet so it's not linked from the total conversions page yet but it will give you an idea of what I'm up to.
I'm working on screenies right now
Sematary@Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:06 pm : I also decided to add some in game video. I hope you guys like it.
Are there going to be more maps?
Sematary@Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:34 pm : heXum wrote:
Absolutely, just give me the link when you're ready.
It's done.

heXum@Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 9:57 pm : Updates/sequels/whatever hasn't been announced yet. We're deciding, basically. This took a lot of our time but we're really enjoying it so... everyone will just have to wait and see.
The review looks great! Thanks. I will add the links and stuff to my mod page tonight.
Sematary@Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 10:35 pm : heXum wrote:
Updates/sequels/whatever hasn't been announced yet. We're deciding, basically. This took a lot of our time but we're really enjoying it so... everyone will just have to wait and see.
The review looks great! Thanks. I will add the links and stuff to my mod page tonight.
Cool. Did you enjoy the in game video?
heXum@Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:10 am : Actually the video doesn't work for me, at home or at work.
Dinky@Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:24 am : heXum wrote:
Actually the video doesn't work for me, at home or at work.
Doesn't work for me either.
sparhawk@Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:25 am : The screenshots look very nice.

I'm currently downloading the mod to give it a try.
Sematary@Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 8:53 pm : heXum wrote:
Actually the video doesn't work for me, at home or at work.
It works fine for me in both Firefox and IE. Perhaps you're not giving it enough time to load? The files tend to be at least 30 megs plus so if you got on the server at a busy time (well, it's usually busy but...) or if you have a slow connection from your end...
it is supposed to load the plugin automatically but I know, for instance, that IE will put that little yellow bar at the top warning you that the page is trying to load an activex control and you must allow it.
bkt@Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:43 am : I finally got a chance to play the mod last night. Awesome work guys! I was flawed by the level design, and think the screenshots just don't do it justice. The pacing, scripting and overall feel were just right (as one would expect

). Although I felt that due to the pace more than anything, the whole experience was just over all too soon. It felt just like a quake level, but on it's own, I think that just didn't feel like quite enough. So maybe if there's a next time, another couple monsters and a bit more length to the level, or even a 2nd level, and I think it'd be that much better.
Overall, an A-Grade effort, and a top notch product, great work!
Sematary@Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 5:50 pm : bkt wrote:
I finally got a chance to play the mod last night. Awesome work guys! I was flawed by the level design, and think the screenshots just don't do it justice. The pacing, scripting and overall feel were just right (as one would expect

). Although I felt that due to the pace more than anything, the whole experience was just over all too soon. It felt just like a quake level, but on it's own, I think that just didn't feel like quite enough. So maybe if there's a next time, another couple monsters and a bit more length to the level, or even a 2nd level, and I think it'd be that much better.
Overall, an A-Grade effort, and a top notch product, great work!
Just out of curiosity - did you check out the review on my site and did you think it was fair and accurate or at least pretty close?