port66@Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 9:29 pm : if your feeling ghetto.. post bugs here or something. i dont have a real connection
TinMan@Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 5:32 am : I was going to try it out then hit wrong dll api, realised I only have q4 1.4 beta installed.
What version of q4 did you build this for, am I reading info.txt right? 1.0?
port66@Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 11:04 pm : small update for those who want it....
multiple drops of powerups when death occurs in vehicles
mp announcer announcment when flag is reset on players death/flag resets after long fall death. instead of dropping
flag being shown when player has invisibility
vehicle kicks driver/s out when flipped. instead of killing/eject
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 10:56 am : is it possible to update it to P.R. 1.3 ?
I dont wanna reinstall quake 4.
port66@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 6:20 pm : you just need the exe file. no real need for a patch anyway. the only real bug is no swimable water which stops making rain etc and specialFx / earthquakes etc is disabled in mp games
port66@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 6:58 am : so no one found the memory error when you shutdown the game..,.
i upload 1 more later, with a god power up and few more fixes that makes it keepable
AnthonyJa@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 8:44 am : I think the problem is that we're all running newer versions of Q4. I may have 4 installs of Q4, but I'm afraid none of them are 1.0...
BTW, I noticed you're using a pak*.pk4 naming convention which wouldnt work with autodownload if you were using a version of Q4 that was modern enough to support it.
You should probably upgrade to at least 1.3, if not 1.4.1 (and then the final 1.4 release when its done), and package your files in a way that means it can just get dropped on a server and played.
port66@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 12:04 pm : theres no real core code in the sdk. especially for mods. all the curl etc code already there its just not enabled.. so its only the api that needs to be changed or the exe should bypass it if the basepath is not q4base
and i dont feel like cut and pasting it all the code. into a ironic beta patch sdk
AnthonyJa@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 12:15 pm : I dunno wtf you're talking about... if you dont think there are many significant codechanges between 1.0 and 1.4.1 you should try comparing the two with WinMerge.
There is no way I would consider dropping q4max back to 1.0 (beside, it wouldnt work since we're taking advantage of API's introduced in each of the PRs)
port66@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 12:59 pm : the main bulk of the renderer is in the exe. you can change some settings in the sdk. not much else. you cant add nothing to the editors. because there in tools.dll
and the inshops game is pants. with everything disabled but bumpmapping. it should look like
and im british. and theres 1 telecom, and its a monopoly. and it wont give me back a phoneline to download nothing
i still upload it. if im not banned for being a brit
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 1:37 pm : I'm a little confused here,
why are you talking about exe, renderer and tools ?
you are not supposed to change them except you have licensed the game.
AJ was talking about porting your sdk code from 1.0 to 1.4.1 or at least 1.3 if you dont want a betapatch.
port66@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 2:40 pm : most of the sdk is to get models to work and die. besides some math and some physics etc.
so you only need to change the api of the dl. theres never no physics bugs in patches or math bugs. and its a mod,. so i still upload it if you sit in a dingy cafe after lockup with some beer
why do all you chat about pr`s and af`s none stop
physics/math/gametypes/spawns all work. so a codechanges page would be more usefull then having to cut and paste all your own code into a clean latest sdk
even if its a complete mod with your own gametypes
AnthonyJa@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 4:39 pm : Whether you're a brit or not has no relevance (fwiw, I am too). I guess you live in an area where neither cable nor ADSL is available, or sth? Perhaps your whole reluctance to upgrade to the latest patch is because a) its too big for you to dl over a modem, and b) because you cannot get the benefits because you cannot play online with a modem (ironically in 1.4.1 you probably can if you're willing to tweak net_clientusercmdpacking and only play on 60fps/80ssd servers).
There are far too many changes to just be able to provide a "copy this line here to here" style tutorial. And yes, the patches fix physics bugs, bugs in the spawn system, provide decent performance boosts etc (all in the SDK portion of the code) so even if you dont care about the new functionality such as Deadzone, Q4TV, gameplay changes like the SG spread, and more (also in the gamecode) it is worth updating.
Either way, I dont care that much, I'm just explaining to you why almost nobody is going to try your mod - because pretty much everyone else who is still playing Q4 updated long ago.
port66@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 7:41 pm : and if you make a game and expect mods to use the sdk. the dll api shouldnt stop you upgrading the exe file which has 90% of the core code in it
- MILITIA 1.4 DRIVER 1.0.2
god powerup. run faster, jump higher, immortality, extreame damage - model could do with a proper texture :
open player.def, add below "fx_gib" "effects/mp/gib.fx" :
"fx_god" "effects/mp/haste_player.fx"
"mtr_god_overlay" "models/god_overlay"
added cvars :
//ingame changes affect next map/restart
si_vehicleRespawn : respawn vehicles
si_vehicleRespawnTime : time to vehicle respawn death
si_vehicleTimeToRespawn : actual time to vehicle respawn after death
si_vehicleSteal : allow enemy team to steal vehicle until vehicle death
vehicle team not being set when stolen
weapon model when holding fire and selecting new weapon
vision bloodsplashes on close combat weapon impacts
player position after weapon zoomout on a mover
stopped zoomin/out loop sound from playing when min/max is reached
some memory error on game shutdown
vehicle healthRegen effect when being recharged with lighteninggun playing multiple times
TinMan@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 9:41 pm : Quote:
and if you make a game and expect mods to use the sdk. the dll api shouldnt stop you upgrading the exe file which has 90% of the core code in it
Yes it should.
The d3 engine sdk represents the entire simulation side of the game, it contains an unprecedented level of control over the game with a lot more stuff accessable by the mod coder, a lot of which was locked up in the exe in past engines.
With that amount of code on the sdk side it has to be synced to the main engine at many points, and that's what dll interfaces are for right?
If a dll interface has changed enough between versions then it's important from an coding standpoint to enforce some kind of system. The d3/q4 engine is probably the simplest, bare minimum approach to this kind of thing.
Sure updating can be a pain, that's why there are tools like winmerge to take some of the grunt work out of it.
Even though I've updated our bots over every point release I've had it relativly easy since we designed it to keep as minimal intrusion to the sdk as possible (amusingly, because of a new api added in the latest point release I've been able to remove a lot of our code from the sdk).
For guys like tkk-bandit and anthonyj who have made a heck of a lot more changes to the sdk for their projects than me, I can see how it would be a lot more work to upgrade, but as they said, the extra functionality that nearly every single point release has brought them makes it fully worth it.
I would like to try your mod, I go to plenty of lan parties where I could give it a good workout, but I don't even think I can find a version 1.0 exe.
Reading over your posts again, are you saying you are doing most of your work on your mod at some kind of net cafe? Or are you saying that's the only place you could test your mod out and that most have sub par computers?
port66@Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 3:32 am : no it shouldnt...
someone makes a full starwars`esq mod like people used to do in the old days and a new patch is released with some network fixes and a weapon fix. all you expect the coder to cut and paste all code. into a new sdk because of a api change. even when all the model code has been replaces or recoded
TinMan@Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 9:23 am : Ok fine, for the sake of discussion, maybe it shouldn't. Maybe it should be more graceful in allowing older dll versions on the engine. But that seems to me like it would be a slippery slope to tread from a software maintance viewpoint.
port66@Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 9:42 am : not really. its a mod. and most modders arnt actually at university. like epic seems to think. bugs are part of the package.
and a codechanges page should be on the dev site. with the new api on.
TinMan@Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 10:21 pm : What I ment from the point of view of idsoft maintiaining the engine, at the very least extending the current dll interface to handle multiple versions could be messy, or if they added a different way of handling it it's likely to be add more complexity to the system. Either way you can see why the chose the simple route of what worked for them over the last decades worth of their engine.
I can't argue your point that the documentation for the code could be described as weak.
There's plenty to discuss about company support for modding in general, but I think it's much has already been said before in other threads.
Anyway you brought up a couple of good points on how things could be better, but bringing them up in response to people who are interested in your work who are stating how things are - the problem they are having, and asking direct questions, seems to be missing the point.
If you're just having fun working away at your mod for your own personal enjoyment that's fine.
But if you are releasing it onto the internet for other people to get some fun out of it, yet refusing to work with the system you're coding on to overcome the problem that prevents pretty much all your audience from playing your mod, it's just odd.
AnthonyJa@Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 11:30 pm : Code changes list? wtf are you on... thats really not practical. You clearly havent even looked at the diffs. As for trying to maintain compatibility, yes, that would have been nice. I managed to make q4max compatible with several of the early point releases by some cunning switching of classes around, and that could have been done engine side too to make it better. However I didnt even try to do that with 1.4 - there are way too many subtle interfaces that its not practical when they make bigger changes. I would rather they fixed things in idlib and broke the interface than left it with bugs in it.
I dunno what you're whining about though, it really isnt that much work. Hell, if you pm me the code (and its not tooooo ugly

) I'll port it myself. I imagine it'd only take an hour or two.
Edit: Since I noticed I still have
this jpg floating around, I thought I might as well show it. The diff on the left is 1.0 vs 1.1 player.cpp. The diff on the right is q4max player.cpp vs 1.0 (from the time of 1.1 release). There is no practical way you could have a "change this line here" tutorial on updating it, and nor is it sensible to continue running the old version with that many changes made. The diff of the q4max version gives you an idea of the scale of changes we've made, and yet I'm still for updating should tell you something, especially as I've merged up to every point release and beta (both closed and open).
port66@Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 11:57 am : a mod is the modders problem for bugs etc. id or raven dont have to maintain it. squares will moan. then they dont download or use mods. bypassing the api for mod dll`s only help having more full mods to use. instead of tweaks to def files.
i upload 1 more some time. with singleplayer fully working and sparks casting shadows. and all you can wait for wolfenstein 2. with none of militia stuff added
port66@Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 3:12 pm : ...the exe and dll files need to be kept inline for logical and business reasons.
any mod using a modified driver with the sdk. doesnt concern raven or id. or anyother company.
and a of the biggest and best virtual world with gun shops and gangstas and save points to go about chatting in. or quakerally which in theory could look like need for speed or wipeout. arnt going to get excited over a rework of the player marine for the actual game
and nor am i. because i lay on a sofa with a beer and a kebab and watch coronation street. and laugh at londoners who cant handle wolfmother live
port66@Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:37 pm : another fine ghetto release in a spanned rar
included effects/def files for the full militia 1.4. never going to actually upload the full pack, tweaks of militia 1.3, and a few extra mp player models...
added cvars :
pm_dropWeapons //replaces player def files "nodrop"
pm_thirdpersonCrosshair //show crosshair in thirdperson view
ai_fovDegrees //replaces ai def files "fov", use overrideFOV in def files
g_burnaway //0/1
g_gibHealth //health below 0. for gibs
g_respawnDelay //time player respawns after death. replaces respawn_delay in player def file
g_damagePushScale //scale of all damage def pushes
g_damagedeathPushTime //replaces def files "deathpush"
g_damagedeathPushScale //deathpushmin/min *scale * powerupmodifier. if any
g_voiceTaunts //enable voice taunts in single player game. 1 in 24 chance of player/ai saying something after kill with "snd_taunt" in def file
si_voiceTaunts //enable voice taunts
full headshots..
impact causes twice the damage.
mp announcer will play sound "announce_headshot"
deathpushmin/min - no need for massive numbers. 20 is kinda extream. not 900000
player get max health/armour when god power up is picked up
few frag leader when mp game is won
player voice taunts when killed some 1/individual mp player model pain/death sounds with no lipsync. cos i cant be assed to piss around with all the files, so do it another time
all mp games have count down before they begin "si_countDown", with warmup still being seperate
added activeGUI/hud to pm_thirdperson
single player vehicles
god powerup announcer only playing in tournament
instant respawn of player when telefragged and inside a vehicle
replaced cvar g_vehicleMode, with controlMode in usuable vehicle def files, default mode is 0, left/right arrow keys. turn not strafe
mp vehicle respawns shouldnt get randomly stuck in a loop
fake weapon being shown on player hud after being killed in a vehicle
cvar pm_thirdpersondeath
port66@Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 3:25 pm : -------------------------------------------------------------
last release.... til BT monopoly is d00m4/d. or move and get cable for new api
add the installer
included militia menu
included militia lights.mtr
updated actor vo sound files. fixed actor hearing in last release - dll/1.3
both teams in mp games get full body burnout fx when dead
few changes in fx files
rocketlauncher +few other muzzlekicks
r_mode in autoexec_high.cfg file, included low.cfg
missing damage def from single player maps with walkers in
driver should alway be killed when vehicle is killed after kick out. no more 1sec flash of life
vehicle fx_dust now stopped after a telefrag
invisibility skin no longer carried over into next round on same map
player view angle after exiting vehicle. will be centered, not the viewAngle you enter
vehicle flashlights all the same
some ai vehicle not being removed after death explosion
download :
port66@Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 1:22 pm : been a while, have this done in a few weeks or something. few small things to sync on dedicated servers. find a lame cafe to upload or scam new mobile telecom...
vehicles should be fully working on dedicated servers. some fps drops with vehicle fx are playing. and fixed all other fx. so few more fps gone, server will die wiithout net_serverDedicated being set to 1
added cvar pm_aiDeathView bool - view through eyes of killer ai
view player death from ai killer, with ai own individual vision hud. set in def files :
"aiVisionHud" "guis/aiVision/gladiator.gui"
entitydef vehicle_ :
can use [in vehicle def files] :
"thirdpersonVehicle" "bool" //vehicle is thirdperson
"thirdpersonRange" "250" //range view from vehicle
"thirdpersonHeight" "40" //height view from vehicle
"thirdpersonCrossHair" "1" //show crosshair
entitydef vehicle_ :
lock mp vehicles on spawn :
"spawnLock" "1" //lock when spawns
"spawnLockTime" "8" //countdown til unlock
entitydef projectile_ :
make projectiles flares [blaster charged blast] :
"flare" "1" //bool
"flareTime" "2.5" //sec to start flare after projectile launch
"weightTime" "2.5" //will slow down after this time, [ for terrain maps ]
"fuse" "16" //keep alive, [ light in flare.fx ]
"fx_flare" "effects/weapons/blaster/flare.fx" //flare fx, contain light only
only on spawnclass idProjectiles
entitydef projectile_ :
make projectiles tripbombs :
"tripBomb" "1" //bool
"tRadius" "100" //entities within this radius make it explode [ idActors/rvVehicles ]
"tBecomeActive" "7" //seconds trip becomes active after launch
"fx_tripBomb_active" "effects/weapons/grenadelauncher/tripbomb_active.fx"
"fx_tripBomb_detonate" "effects/weapons/grenadelauncher/tripbomb_detonate.fx"
entitydef any_entity :
new effect :
"fx_HolySiN_setfire_center" "effects/vehicles/walker/burn_center.fx" - plays in center of model, needed if model is big, joint fire looks kinda crap on its own
entitydef rvMonsterTurret/rvMonsterTurretFlying :
new effect :
"fx_death_looping" "" //play looping death effect, when dead. with remove_on_death 0
entitydef any_entity :
use "skipImpulse" "1" //bool on entities, to disable push/splash damage etc
entitydef any_entity :
change "onFire" // to all entities, not just actors..
or use "onFireChance" ">= 5" // 1 in chance of being on fire.
added "playerBuffer" "7" to marines/rvAITactical. stops the tard blocking and getting you killed, unless they are talking
all vehicle positions now have theyre own hud
entitydef vehicle_ :
make vehicles fly.. with hoverpads.. [ droppod_mp ]
"Flying" "1" //its flies
"HeightGainSpeed" "13" //lift speed
"HeightLoseSpeed" "15" //drop speed
"AutoLock" "1" //it autolocks
"AutoLockHeight" "610" //height when autolocks
"sideWinder" "1" //lets you do barrel rolls with run/mouse look buttons
"rollSpeed" "22" //speed the vehicle rolls
"maxHeight" "23660" //max flight height
in hoverpad entitydef..
"fx_flightHeat" ""
hold crouch+up/down to lift or lower
view winning team base/flag at end of team games
added cvar "si_ctfKillReturns" //return flag when carrier has been killed
added cvar "si_playerViewEffects" //enables player hud bloodsplashes, double/tunnel/shake vision
added cvar "pm/si_dropPowerups" //seperated from pm/si_dropweapons
added cvar "g_fadeDeath" //fade screen to black when dead
added cvar "g_regidDead" //keep actors solid when dead
added cvar "g_knockbackdivision" //got rid of standard knockback running on def_damage "knockback". ai/player both use the same math for damage impulse
added cvar "g_knockbackdivisionMP" //different end impulse on servers and cant be assed to fix
added spawnClass "idHitscanProjectile" and removed all stantard hitscans +code, projectiles have physics
should play stuff on friendly fire, both played at the same time. but not on every impact - 10 in cvar g_voiceFriendlyFireChance.
added "lipsync_friendly_fire_/n" /n = 1-10
added "snd_friendly_fire_/n" /n = 1-10
team names case sensitive and all are now "Marine"/"Strogg" not random 0 or 1
added "team" "All" which is default for all spawns, [ CTF 1 Flag ] is team "All"
railgun color/team hitscan tints
vehicle enter hud message showing when mp game is ended and near a vehicle
gibs no longer just disappear. they burn out
ctf flag no longer gets returned when carrier is killed, unless cvar si_ctfKillReturns is enabled
all clients should view frag winner at end of games.
"isDriver" only controls vehicles with hoverpads
thirdperson vehicle view +all passenger positions through thirdperson
thirdperson weapon zoom [ switches to firstperson ]
all mp charector textures burnaway when dead
half life 2 type of movement for moveables
fixed "mass" in def files, volume * density was only for moveables, so "mass/density" is the same on clipmodels, not all 1.0f
port66@Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 4:20 am :
port66@Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 11:57 am : a mod is the modders problem for bugs etc. id or raven dont have to maintain it. squares will moan. then they dont download or use mods. bypassing the api for mod dll`s only help having more full mods to use. instead of tweaks to def files.
i upload 1 more some time. with singleplayer fully working and sparks casting shadows. and all you can wait for wolfenstein 2. with none of militia stuff added
port66@Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 3:12 pm : ...the exe and dll files need to be kept inline for logical and business reasons.
any mod using a modified driver with the sdk. doesnt concern raven or id. or anyother company.
and a of the biggest and best virtual world with gun shops and gangstas and save points to go about chatting in. or quakerally which in theory could look like need for speed or wipeout. arnt going to get excited over a rework of the player marine for the actual game
and nor am i. because i lay on a sofa with a beer and a kebab and watch coronation street. and laugh at londoners who cant handle wolfmother live
port66@Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:37 pm : another fine ghetto release in a spanned rar
included effects/def files for the full militia 1.4. never going to actually upload the full pack, tweaks of militia 1.3, and a few extra mp player models...
added cvars :
pm_dropWeapons //replaces player def files "nodrop"
pm_thirdpersonCrosshair //show crosshair in thirdperson view
ai_fovDegrees //replaces ai def files "fov", use overrideFOV in def files
g_burnaway //0/1
g_gibHealth //health below 0. for gibs
g_respawnDelay //time player respawns after death. replaces respawn_delay in player def file
g_damagePushScale //scale of all damage def pushes
g_damagedeathPushTime //replaces def files "deathpush"
g_damagedeathPushScale //deathpushmin/min *scale * powerupmodifier. if any
g_voiceTaunts //enable voice taunts in single player game. 1 in 24 chance of player/ai saying something after kill with "snd_taunt" in def file
si_voiceTaunts //enable voice taunts
full headshots..
impact causes twice the damage.
mp announcer will play sound "announce_headshot"
deathpushmin/min - no need for massive numbers. 20 is kinda extream. not 900000
player get max health/armour when god power up is picked up
few frag leader when mp game is won
player voice taunts when killed some 1/individual mp player model pain/death sounds with no lipsync. cos i cant be assed to piss around with all the files, so do it another time
all mp games have count down before they begin "si_countDown", with warmup still being seperate
added activeGUI/hud to pm_thirdperson
single player vehicles
god powerup announcer only playing in tournament
instant respawn of player when telefragged and inside a vehicle
replaced cvar g_vehicleMode, with controlMode in usuable vehicle def files, default mode is 0, left/right arrow keys. turn not strafe
mp vehicle respawns shouldnt get randomly stuck in a loop
fake weapon being shown on player hud after being killed in a vehicle
cvar pm_thirdpersondeath
port66@Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 3:25 pm : -------------------------------------------------------------
last release.... til BT monopoly is d00m4/d. or move and get cable for new api
add the installer
included militia menu
included militia lights.mtr
updated actor vo sound files. fixed actor hearing in last release - dll/1.3
both teams in mp games get full body burnout fx when dead
few changes in fx files
rocketlauncher +few other muzzlekicks
r_mode in autoexec_high.cfg file, included low.cfg
missing damage def from single player maps with walkers in
driver should alway be killed when vehicle is killed after kick out. no more 1sec flash of life
vehicle fx_dust now stopped after a telefrag
invisibility skin no longer carried over into next round on same map
player view angle after exiting vehicle. will be centered, not the viewAngle you enter
vehicle flashlights all the same
some ai vehicle not being removed after death explosion
download :
port66@Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 1:22 pm : been a while, have this done in a few weeks or something. few small things to sync on dedicated servers. find a lame cafe to upload or scam new mobile telecom...
vehicles should be fully working on dedicated servers. some fps drops with vehicle fx are playing. and fixed all other fx. so few more fps gone, server will die wiithout net_serverDedicated being set to 1
added cvar pm_aiDeathView bool - view through eyes of killer ai
view player death from ai killer, with ai own individual vision hud. set in def files :
"aiVisionHud" "guis/aiVision/gladiator.gui"
entitydef vehicle_ :
can use [in vehicle def files] :
"thirdpersonVehicle" "bool" //vehicle is thirdperson
"thirdpersonRange" "250" //range view from vehicle
"thirdpersonHeight" "40" //height view from vehicle
"thirdpersonCrossHair" "1" //show crosshair
entitydef vehicle_ :
lock mp vehicles on spawn :
"spawnLock" "1" //lock when spawns
"spawnLockTime" "8" //countdown til unlock
entitydef projectile_ :
make projectiles flares [blaster charged blast] :
"flare" "1" //bool
"flareTime" "2.5" //sec to start flare after projectile launch
"weightTime" "2.5" //will slow down after this time, [ for terrain maps ]
"fuse" "16" //keep alive, [ light in flare.fx ]
"fx_flare" "effects/weapons/blaster/flare.fx" //flare fx, contain light only
only on spawnclass idProjectiles
entitydef projectile_ :
make projectiles tripbombs :
"tripBomb" "1" //bool
"tRadius" "100" //entities within this radius make it explode [ idActors/rvVehicles ]
"tBecomeActive" "7" //seconds trip becomes active after launch
"fx_tripBomb_active" "effects/weapons/grenadelauncher/tripbomb_active.fx"
"fx_tripBomb_detonate" "effects/weapons/grenadelauncher/tripbomb_detonate.fx"
entitydef any_entity :
new effect :
"fx_HolySiN_setfire_center" "effects/vehicles/walker/burn_center.fx" - plays in center of model, needed if model is big, joint fire looks kinda crap on its own
entitydef rvMonsterTurret/rvMonsterTurretFlying :
new effect :
"fx_death_looping" "" //play looping death effect, when dead. with remove_on_death 0
entitydef any_entity :
use "skipImpulse" "1" //bool on entities, to disable push/splash damage etc
entitydef any_entity :
change "onFire" // to all entities, not just actors..
or use "onFireChance" ">= 5" // 1 in chance of being on fire.
added "playerBuffer" "7" to marines/rvAITactical. stops the tard blocking and getting you killed, unless they are talking
all vehicle positions now have theyre own hud
entitydef vehicle_ :
make vehicles fly.. with hoverpads.. [ droppod_mp ]
"Flying" "1" //its flies
"HeightGainSpeed" "13" //lift speed
"HeightLoseSpeed" "15" //drop speed
"AutoLock" "1" //it autolocks
"AutoLockHeight" "610" //height when autolocks
"sideWinder" "1" //lets you do barrel rolls with run/mouse look buttons
"rollSpeed" "22" //speed the vehicle rolls
"maxHeight" "23660" //max flight height
in hoverpad entitydef..
"fx_flightHeat" ""
hold crouch+up/down to lift or lower
view winning team base/flag at end of team games
added cvar "si_ctfKillReturns" //return flag when carrier has been killed
added cvar "si_playerViewEffects" //enables player hud bloodsplashes, double/tunnel/shake vision
added cvar "pm/si_dropPowerups" //seperated from pm/si_dropweapons
added cvar "g_fadeDeath" //fade screen to black when dead
added cvar "g_regidDead" //keep actors solid when dead
added cvar "g_knockbackdivision" //got rid of standard knockback running on def_damage "knockback". ai/player both use the same math for damage impulse
added cvar "g_knockbackdivisionMP" //different end impulse on servers and cant be assed to fix
added spawnClass "idHitscanProjectile" and removed all stantard hitscans +code, projectiles have physics
should play stuff on friendly fire, both played at the same time. but not on every impact - 10 in cvar g_voiceFriendlyFireChance.
added "lipsync_friendly_fire_/n" /n = 1-10
added "snd_friendly_fire_/n" /n = 1-10
team names case sensitive and all are now "Marine"/"Strogg" not random 0 or 1
added "team" "All" which is default for all spawns, [ CTF 1 Flag ] is team "All"
railgun color/team hitscan tints
vehicle enter hud message showing when mp game is ended and near a vehicle
gibs no longer just disappear. they burn out
ctf flag no longer gets returned when carrier is killed, unless cvar si_ctfKillReturns is enabled
all clients should view frag winner at end of games.
"isDriver" only controls vehicles with hoverpads
thirdperson vehicle view +all passenger positions through thirdperson
thirdperson weapon zoom [ switches to firstperson ]
all mp charector textures burnaway when dead
half life 2 type of movement for moveables
fixed "mass" in def files, volume * density was only for moveables, so "mass/density" is the same on clipmodels, not all 1.0f
port66@Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 4:20 am :
port66@Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 9:29 pm : if your feeling ghetto.. post bugs here or something. i dont have a real connection
TinMan@Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 5:32 am : I was going to try it out then hit wrong dll api, realised I only have q4 1.4 beta installed.
What version of q4 did you build this for, am I reading info.txt right? 1.0?
port66@Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 11:04 pm : small update for those who want it....
multiple drops of powerups when death occurs in vehicles
mp announcer announcment when flag is reset on players death/flag resets after long fall death. instead of dropping
flag being shown when player has invisibility
vehicle kicks driver/s out when flipped. instead of killing/eject
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 10:56 am : is it possible to update it to P.R. 1.3 ?
I dont wanna reinstall quake 4.
port66@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 6:20 pm : you just need the exe file. no real need for a patch anyway. the only real bug is no swimable water which stops making rain etc and specialFx / earthquakes etc is disabled in mp games
port66@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 6:58 am : so no one found the memory error when you shutdown the game..,.
i upload 1 more later, with a god power up and few more fixes that makes it keepable
AnthonyJa@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 8:44 am : I think the problem is that we're all running newer versions of Q4. I may have 4 installs of Q4, but I'm afraid none of them are 1.0...
BTW, I noticed you're using a pak*.pk4 naming convention which wouldnt work with autodownload if you were using a version of Q4 that was modern enough to support it.
You should probably upgrade to at least 1.3, if not 1.4.1 (and then the final 1.4 release when its done), and package your files in a way that means it can just get dropped on a server and played.
port66@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 12:04 pm : theres no real core code in the sdk. especially for mods. all the curl etc code already there its just not enabled.. so its only the api that needs to be changed or the exe should bypass it if the basepath is not q4base
and i dont feel like cut and pasting it all the code. into a ironic beta patch sdk
AnthonyJa@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 12:15 pm : I dunno wtf you're talking about... if you dont think there are many significant codechanges between 1.0 and 1.4.1 you should try comparing the two with WinMerge.
There is no way I would consider dropping q4max back to 1.0 (beside, it wouldnt work since we're taking advantage of API's introduced in each of the PRs)
port66@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 12:59 pm : the main bulk of the renderer is in the exe. you can change some settings in the sdk. not much else. you cant add nothing to the editors. because there in tools.dll
and the inshops game is pants. with everything disabled but bumpmapping. it should look like
and im british. and theres 1 telecom, and its a monopoly. and it wont give me back a phoneline to download nothing
i still upload it. if im not banned for being a brit
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 1:37 pm : I'm a little confused here,
why are you talking about exe, renderer and tools ?
you are not supposed to change them except you have licensed the game.
AJ was talking about porting your sdk code from 1.0 to 1.4.1 or at least 1.3 if you dont want a betapatch.
port66@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 2:40 pm : most of the sdk is to get models to work and die. besides some math and some physics etc.
so you only need to change the api of the dl. theres never no physics bugs in patches or math bugs. and its a mod,. so i still upload it if you sit in a dingy cafe after lockup with some beer
why do all you chat about pr`s and af`s none stop
physics/math/gametypes/spawns all work. so a codechanges page would be more usefull then having to cut and paste all your own code into a clean latest sdk
even if its a complete mod with your own gametypes
AnthonyJa@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 4:39 pm : Whether you're a brit or not has no relevance (fwiw, I am too). I guess you live in an area where neither cable nor ADSL is available, or sth? Perhaps your whole reluctance to upgrade to the latest patch is because a) its too big for you to dl over a modem, and b) because you cannot get the benefits because you cannot play online with a modem (ironically in 1.4.1 you probably can if you're willing to tweak net_clientusercmdpacking and only play on 60fps/80ssd servers).
There are far too many changes to just be able to provide a "copy this line here to here" style tutorial. And yes, the patches fix physics bugs, bugs in the spawn system, provide decent performance boosts etc (all in the SDK portion of the code) so even if you dont care about the new functionality such as Deadzone, Q4TV, gameplay changes like the SG spread, and more (also in the gamecode) it is worth updating.
Either way, I dont care that much, I'm just explaining to you why almost nobody is going to try your mod - because pretty much everyone else who is still playing Q4 updated long ago.
port66@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 7:41 pm : and if you make a game and expect mods to use the sdk. the dll api shouldnt stop you upgrading the exe file which has 90% of the core code in it
- MILITIA 1.4 DRIVER 1.0.2
god powerup. run faster, jump higher, immortality, extreame damage - model could do with a proper texture :
open player.def, add below "fx_gib" "effects/mp/gib.fx" :
"fx_god" "effects/mp/haste_player.fx"
"mtr_god_overlay" "models/god_overlay"
added cvars :
//ingame changes affect next map/restart
si_vehicleRespawn : respawn vehicles
si_vehicleRespawnTime : time to vehicle respawn death
si_vehicleTimeToRespawn : actual time to vehicle respawn after death
si_vehicleSteal : allow enemy team to steal vehicle until vehicle death
vehicle team not being set when stolen
weapon model when holding fire and selecting new weapon
vision bloodsplashes on close combat weapon impacts
player position after weapon zoomout on a mover
stopped zoomin/out loop sound from playing when min/max is reached
some memory error on game shutdown
vehicle healthRegen effect when being recharged with lighteninggun playing multiple times
TinMan@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 9:41 pm : Quote:
and if you make a game and expect mods to use the sdk. the dll api shouldnt stop you upgrading the exe file which has 90% of the core code in it
Yes it should.
The d3 engine sdk represents the entire simulation side of the game, it contains an unprecedented level of control over the game with a lot more stuff accessable by the mod coder, a lot of which was locked up in the exe in past engines.
With that amount of code on the sdk side it has to be synced to the main engine at many points, and that's what dll interfaces are for right?
If a dll interface has changed enough between versions then it's important from an coding standpoint to enforce some kind of system. The d3/q4 engine is probably the simplest, bare minimum approach to this kind of thing.
Sure updating can be a pain, that's why there are tools like winmerge to take some of the grunt work out of it.
Even though I've updated our bots over every point release I've had it relativly easy since we designed it to keep as minimal intrusion to the sdk as possible (amusingly, because of a new api added in the latest point release I've been able to remove a lot of our code from the sdk).
For guys like tkk-bandit and anthonyj who have made a heck of a lot more changes to the sdk for their projects than me, I can see how it would be a lot more work to upgrade, but as they said, the extra functionality that nearly every single point release has brought them makes it fully worth it.
I would like to try your mod, I go to plenty of lan parties where I could give it a good workout, but I don't even think I can find a version 1.0 exe.
Reading over your posts again, are you saying you are doing most of your work on your mod at some kind of net cafe? Or are you saying that's the only place you could test your mod out and that most have sub par computers?
port66@Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 3:32 am : no it shouldnt...
someone makes a full starwars`esq mod like people used to do in the old days and a new patch is released with some network fixes and a weapon fix. all you expect the coder to cut and paste all code. into a new sdk because of a api change. even when all the model code has been replaces or recoded
TinMan@Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 9:23 am : Ok fine, for the sake of discussion, maybe it shouldn't. Maybe it should be more graceful in allowing older dll versions on the engine. But that seems to me like it would be a slippery slope to tread from a software maintance viewpoint.
port66@Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 9:42 am : not really. its a mod. and most modders arnt actually at university. like epic seems to think. bugs are part of the package.
and a codechanges page should be on the dev site. with the new api on.
TinMan@Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 10:21 pm : What I ment from the point of view of idsoft maintiaining the engine, at the very least extending the current dll interface to handle multiple versions could be messy, or if they added a different way of handling it it's likely to be add more complexity to the system. Either way you can see why the chose the simple route of what worked for them over the last decades worth of their engine.
I can't argue your point that the documentation for the code could be described as weak.
There's plenty to discuss about company support for modding in general, but I think it's much has already been said before in other threads.
Anyway you brought up a couple of good points on how things could be better, but bringing them up in response to people who are interested in your work who are stating how things are - the problem they are having, and asking direct questions, seems to be missing the point.
If you're just having fun working away at your mod for your own personal enjoyment that's fine.
But if you are releasing it onto the internet for other people to get some fun out of it, yet refusing to work with the system you're coding on to overcome the problem that prevents pretty much all your audience from playing your mod, it's just odd.
AnthonyJa@Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 11:30 pm : Code changes list? wtf are you on... thats really not practical. You clearly havent even looked at the diffs. As for trying to maintain compatibility, yes, that would have been nice. I managed to make q4max compatible with several of the early point releases by some cunning switching of classes around, and that could have been done engine side too to make it better. However I didnt even try to do that with 1.4 - there are way too many subtle interfaces that its not practical when they make bigger changes. I would rather they fixed things in idlib and broke the interface than left it with bugs in it.
I dunno what you're whining about though, it really isnt that much work. Hell, if you pm me the code (and its not tooooo ugly

) I'll port it myself. I imagine it'd only take an hour or two.
Edit: Since I noticed I still have
this jpg floating around, I thought I might as well show it. The diff on the left is 1.0 vs 1.1 player.cpp. The diff on the right is q4max player.cpp vs 1.0 (from the time of 1.1 release). There is no practical way you could have a "change this line here" tutorial on updating it, and nor is it sensible to continue running the old version with that many changes made. The diff of the q4max version gives you an idea of the scale of changes we've made, and yet I'm still for updating should tell you something, especially as I've merged up to every point release and beta (both closed and open).
port66@Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 11:57 am : a mod is the modders problem for bugs etc. id or raven dont have to maintain it. squares will moan. then they dont download or use mods. bypassing the api for mod dll`s only help having more full mods to use. instead of tweaks to def files.
i upload 1 more some time. with singleplayer fully working and sparks casting shadows. and all you can wait for wolfenstein 2. with none of militia stuff added
port66@Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 3:12 pm : ...the exe and dll files need to be kept inline for logical and business reasons.
any mod using a modified driver with the sdk. doesnt concern raven or id. or anyother company.
and a of the biggest and best virtual world with gun shops and gangstas and save points to go about chatting in. or quakerally which in theory could look like need for speed or wipeout. arnt going to get excited over a rework of the player marine for the actual game
and nor am i. because i lay on a sofa with a beer and a kebab and watch coronation street. and laugh at londoners who cant handle wolfmother live
port66@Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:37 pm : another fine ghetto release in a spanned rar
included effects/def files for the full militia 1.4. never going to actually upload the full pack, tweaks of militia 1.3, and a few extra mp player models...
added cvars :
pm_dropWeapons //replaces player def files "nodrop"
pm_thirdpersonCrosshair //show crosshair in thirdperson view
ai_fovDegrees //replaces ai def files "fov", use overrideFOV in def files
g_burnaway //0/1
g_gibHealth //health below 0. for gibs
g_respawnDelay //time player respawns after death. replaces respawn_delay in player def file
g_damagePushScale //scale of all damage def pushes
g_damagedeathPushTime //replaces def files "deathpush"
g_damagedeathPushScale //deathpushmin/min *scale * powerupmodifier. if any
g_voiceTaunts //enable voice taunts in single player game. 1 in 24 chance of player/ai saying something after kill with "snd_taunt" in def file
si_voiceTaunts //enable voice taunts
full headshots..
impact causes twice the damage.
mp announcer will play sound "announce_headshot"
deathpushmin/min - no need for massive numbers. 20 is kinda extream. not 900000
player get max health/armour when god power up is picked up
few frag leader when mp game is won
player voice taunts when killed some 1/individual mp player model pain/death sounds with no lipsync. cos i cant be assed to piss around with all the files, so do it another time
all mp games have count down before they begin "si_countDown", with warmup still being seperate
added activeGUI/hud to pm_thirdperson
single player vehicles
god powerup announcer only playing in tournament
instant respawn of player when telefragged and inside a vehicle
replaced cvar g_vehicleMode, with controlMode in usuable vehicle def files, default mode is 0, left/right arrow keys. turn not strafe
mp vehicle respawns shouldnt get randomly stuck in a loop
fake weapon being shown on player hud after being killed in a vehicle
cvar pm_thirdpersondeath
port66@Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 3:25 pm : -------------------------------------------------------------
last release.... til BT monopoly is d00m4/d. or move and get cable for new api
add the installer
included militia menu
included militia lights.mtr
updated actor vo sound files. fixed actor hearing in last release - dll/1.3
both teams in mp games get full body burnout fx when dead
few changes in fx files
rocketlauncher +few other muzzlekicks
r_mode in autoexec_high.cfg file, included low.cfg
missing damage def from single player maps with walkers in
driver should alway be killed when vehicle is killed after kick out. no more 1sec flash of life
vehicle fx_dust now stopped after a telefrag
invisibility skin no longer carried over into next round on same map
player view angle after exiting vehicle. will be centered, not the viewAngle you enter
vehicle flashlights all the same
some ai vehicle not being removed after death explosion
download :
port66@Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 1:22 pm : been a while, have this done in a few weeks or something. few small things to sync on dedicated servers. find a lame cafe to upload or scam new mobile telecom...
vehicles should be fully working on dedicated servers. some fps drops with vehicle fx are playing. and fixed all other fx. so few more fps gone, server will die wiithout net_serverDedicated being set to 1
added cvar pm_aiDeathView bool - view through eyes of killer ai
view player death from ai killer, with ai own individual vision hud. set in def files :
"aiVisionHud" "guis/aiVision/gladiator.gui"
entitydef vehicle_ :
can use [in vehicle def files] :
"thirdpersonVehicle" "bool" //vehicle is thirdperson
"thirdpersonRange" "250" //range view from vehicle
"thirdpersonHeight" "40" //height view from vehicle
"thirdpersonCrossHair" "1" //show crosshair
entitydef vehicle_ :
lock mp vehicles on spawn :
"spawnLock" "1" //lock when spawns
"spawnLockTime" "8" //countdown til unlock
entitydef projectile_ :
make projectiles flares [blaster charged blast] :
"flare" "1" //bool
"flareTime" "2.5" //sec to start flare after projectile launch
"weightTime" "2.5" //will slow down after this time, [ for terrain maps ]
"fuse" "16" //keep alive, [ light in flare.fx ]
"fx_flare" "effects/weapons/blaster/flare.fx" //flare fx, contain light only
only on spawnclass idProjectiles
entitydef projectile_ :
make projectiles tripbombs :
"tripBomb" "1" //bool
"tRadius" "100" //entities within this radius make it explode [ idActors/rvVehicles ]
"tBecomeActive" "7" //seconds trip becomes active after launch
"fx_tripBomb_active" "effects/weapons/grenadelauncher/tripbomb_active.fx"
"fx_tripBomb_detonate" "effects/weapons/grenadelauncher/tripbomb_detonate.fx"
entitydef any_entity :
new effect :
"fx_HolySiN_setfire_center" "effects/vehicles/walker/burn_center.fx" - plays in center of model, needed if model is big, joint fire looks kinda crap on its own
entitydef rvMonsterTurret/rvMonsterTurretFlying :
new effect :
"fx_death_looping" "" //play looping death effect, when dead. with remove_on_death 0
entitydef any_entity :
use "skipImpulse" "1" //bool on entities, to disable push/splash damage etc
entitydef any_entity :
change "onFire" // to all entities, not just actors..
or use "onFireChance" ">= 5" // 1 in chance of being on fire.
added "playerBuffer" "7" to marines/rvAITactical. stops the tard blocking and getting you killed, unless they are talking
all vehicle positions now have theyre own hud
entitydef vehicle_ :
make vehicles fly.. with hoverpads.. [ droppod_mp ]
"Flying" "1" //its flies
"HeightGainSpeed" "13" //lift speed
"HeightLoseSpeed" "15" //drop speed
"AutoLock" "1" //it autolocks
"AutoLockHeight" "610" //height when autolocks
"sideWinder" "1" //lets you do barrel rolls with run/mouse look buttons
"rollSpeed" "22" //speed the vehicle rolls
"maxHeight" "23660" //max flight height
in hoverpad entitydef..
"fx_flightHeat" ""
hold crouch+up/down to lift or lower
view winning team base/flag at end of team games
added cvar "si_ctfKillReturns" //return flag when carrier has been killed
added cvar "si_playerViewEffects" //enables player hud bloodsplashes, double/tunnel/shake vision
added cvar "pm/si_dropPowerups" //seperated from pm/si_dropweapons
added cvar "g_fadeDeath" //fade screen to black when dead
added cvar "g_regidDead" //keep actors solid when dead
added cvar "g_knockbackdivision" //got rid of standard knockback running on def_damage "knockback". ai/player both use the same math for damage impulse
added cvar "g_knockbackdivisionMP" //different end impulse on servers and cant be assed to fix
added spawnClass "idHitscanProjectile" and removed all stantard hitscans +code, projectiles have physics
should play stuff on friendly fire, both played at the same time. but not on every impact - 10 in cvar g_voiceFriendlyFireChance.
added "lipsync_friendly_fire_/n" /n = 1-10
added "snd_friendly_fire_/n" /n = 1-10
team names case sensitive and all are now "Marine"/"Strogg" not random 0 or 1
added "team" "All" which is default for all spawns, [ CTF 1 Flag ] is team "All"
railgun color/team hitscan tints
vehicle enter hud message showing when mp game is ended and near a vehicle
gibs no longer just disappear. they burn out
ctf flag no longer gets returned when carrier is killed, unless cvar si_ctfKillReturns is enabled
all clients should view frag winner at end of games.
"isDriver" only controls vehicles with hoverpads
thirdperson vehicle view +all passenger positions through thirdperson
thirdperson weapon zoom [ switches to firstperson ]
all mp charector textures burnaway when dead
half life 2 type of movement for moveables
fixed "mass" in def files, volume * density was only for moveables, so "mass/density" is the same on clipmodels, not all 1.0f
port66@Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 4:20 am :
port66@Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 9:29 pm : if your feeling ghetto.. post bugs here or something. i dont have a real connection
TinMan@Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 5:32 am : I was going to try it out then hit wrong dll api, realised I only have q4 1.4 beta installed.
What version of q4 did you build this for, am I reading info.txt right? 1.0?
port66@Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 11:04 pm : small update for those who want it....
multiple drops of powerups when death occurs in vehicles
mp announcer announcment when flag is reset on players death/flag resets after long fall death. instead of dropping
flag being shown when player has invisibility
vehicle kicks driver/s out when flipped. instead of killing/eject
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 10:56 am : is it possible to update it to P.R. 1.3 ?
I dont wanna reinstall quake 4.
port66@Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 6:20 pm : you just need the exe file. no real need for a patch anyway. the only real bug is no swimable water which stops making rain etc and specialFx / earthquakes etc is disabled in mp games
port66@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 6:58 am : so no one found the memory error when you shutdown the game..,.
i upload 1 more later, with a god power up and few more fixes that makes it keepable
AnthonyJa@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 8:44 am : I think the problem is that we're all running newer versions of Q4. I may have 4 installs of Q4, but I'm afraid none of them are 1.0...
BTW, I noticed you're using a pak*.pk4 naming convention which wouldnt work with autodownload if you were using a version of Q4 that was modern enough to support it.
You should probably upgrade to at least 1.3, if not 1.4.1 (and then the final 1.4 release when its done), and package your files in a way that means it can just get dropped on a server and played.
port66@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 12:04 pm : theres no real core code in the sdk. especially for mods. all the curl etc code already there its just not enabled.. so its only the api that needs to be changed or the exe should bypass it if the basepath is not q4base
and i dont feel like cut and pasting it all the code. into a ironic beta patch sdk
AnthonyJa@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 12:15 pm : I dunno wtf you're talking about... if you dont think there are many significant codechanges between 1.0 and 1.4.1 you should try comparing the two with WinMerge.
There is no way I would consider dropping q4max back to 1.0 (beside, it wouldnt work since we're taking advantage of API's introduced in each of the PRs)
port66@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 12:59 pm : the main bulk of the renderer is in the exe. you can change some settings in the sdk. not much else. you cant add nothing to the editors. because there in tools.dll
and the inshops game is pants. with everything disabled but bumpmapping. it should look like
and im british. and theres 1 telecom, and its a monopoly. and it wont give me back a phoneline to download nothing
i still upload it. if im not banned for being a brit
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 1:37 pm : I'm a little confused here,
why are you talking about exe, renderer and tools ?
you are not supposed to change them except you have licensed the game.
AJ was talking about porting your sdk code from 1.0 to 1.4.1 or at least 1.3 if you dont want a betapatch.
port66@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 2:40 pm : most of the sdk is to get models to work and die. besides some math and some physics etc.
so you only need to change the api of the dl. theres never no physics bugs in patches or math bugs. and its a mod,. so i still upload it if you sit in a dingy cafe after lockup with some beer
why do all you chat about pr`s and af`s none stop
physics/math/gametypes/spawns all work. so a codechanges page would be more usefull then having to cut and paste all your own code into a clean latest sdk
even if its a complete mod with your own gametypes
AnthonyJa@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 4:39 pm : Whether you're a brit or not has no relevance (fwiw, I am too). I guess you live in an area where neither cable nor ADSL is available, or sth? Perhaps your whole reluctance to upgrade to the latest patch is because a) its too big for you to dl over a modem, and b) because you cannot get the benefits because you cannot play online with a modem (ironically in 1.4.1 you probably can if you're willing to tweak net_clientusercmdpacking and only play on 60fps/80ssd servers).
There are far too many changes to just be able to provide a "copy this line here to here" style tutorial. And yes, the patches fix physics bugs, bugs in the spawn system, provide decent performance boosts etc (all in the SDK portion of the code) so even if you dont care about the new functionality such as Deadzone, Q4TV, gameplay changes like the SG spread, and more (also in the gamecode) it is worth updating.
Either way, I dont care that much, I'm just explaining to you why almost nobody is going to try your mod - because pretty much everyone else who is still playing Q4 updated long ago.
port66@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 7:41 pm : and if you make a game and expect mods to use the sdk. the dll api shouldnt stop you upgrading the exe file which has 90% of the core code in it
- MILITIA 1.4 DRIVER 1.0.2
god powerup. run faster, jump higher, immortality, extreame damage - model could do with a proper texture :
open player.def, add below "fx_gib" "effects/mp/gib.fx" :
"fx_god" "effects/mp/haste_player.fx"
"mtr_god_overlay" "models/god_overlay"
added cvars :
//ingame changes affect next map/restart
si_vehicleRespawn : respawn vehicles
si_vehicleRespawnTime : time to vehicle respawn death
si_vehicleTimeToRespawn : actual time to vehicle respawn after death
si_vehicleSteal : allow enemy team to steal vehicle until vehicle death
vehicle team not being set when stolen
weapon model when holding fire and selecting new weapon
vision bloodsplashes on close combat weapon impacts
player position after weapon zoomout on a mover
stopped zoomin/out loop sound from playing when min/max is reached
some memory error on game shutdown
vehicle healthRegen effect when being recharged with lighteninggun playing multiple times
TinMan@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 9:41 pm : Quote:
and if you make a game and expect mods to use the sdk. the dll api shouldnt stop you upgrading the exe file which has 90% of the core code in it
Yes it should.
The d3 engine sdk represents the entire simulation side of the game, it contains an unprecedented level of control over the game with a lot more stuff accessable by the mod coder, a lot of which was locked up in the exe in past engines.
With that amount of code on the sdk side it has to be synced to the main engine at many points, and that's what dll interfaces are for right?
If a dll interface has changed enough between versions then it's important from an coding standpoint to enforce some kind of system. The d3/q4 engine is probably the simplest, bare minimum approach to this kind of thing.
Sure updating can be a pain, that's why there are tools like winmerge to take some of the grunt work out of it.
Even though I've updated our bots over every point release I've had it relativly easy since we designed it to keep as minimal intrusion to the sdk as possible (amusingly, because of a new api added in the latest point release I've been able to remove a lot of our code from the sdk).
For guys like tkk-bandit and anthonyj who have made a heck of a lot more changes to the sdk for their projects than me, I can see how it would be a lot more work to upgrade, but as they said, the extra functionality that nearly every single point release has brought them makes it fully worth it.
I would like to try your mod, I go to plenty of lan parties where I could give it a good workout, but I don't even think I can find a version 1.0 exe.
Reading over your posts again, are you saying you are doing most of your work on your mod at some kind of net cafe? Or are you saying that's the only place you could test your mod out and that most have sub par computers?
port66@Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 3:32 am : no it shouldnt...
someone makes a full starwars`esq mod like people used to do in the old days and a new patch is released with some network fixes and a weapon fix. all you expect the coder to cut and paste all code. into a new sdk because of a api change. even when all the model code has been replaces or recoded
TinMan@Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 9:23 am : Ok fine, for the sake of discussion, maybe it shouldn't. Maybe it should be more graceful in allowing older dll versions on the engine. But that seems to me like it would be a slippery slope to tread from a software maintance viewpoint.
port66@Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 9:42 am : not really. its a mod. and most modders arnt actually at university. like epic seems to think. bugs are part of the package.
and a codechanges page should be on the dev site. with the new api on.
TinMan@Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 10:21 pm : What I ment from the point of view of idsoft maintiaining the engine, at the very least extending the current dll interface to handle multiple versions could be messy, or if they added a different way of handling it it's likely to be add more complexity to the system. Either way you can see why the chose the simple route of what worked for them over the last decades worth of their engine.
I can't argue your point that the documentation for the code could be described as weak.
There's plenty to discuss about company support for modding in general, but I think it's much has already been said before in other threads.
Anyway you brought up a couple of good points on how things could be better, but bringing them up in response to people who are interested in your work who are stating how things are - the problem they are having, and asking direct questions, seems to be missing the point.
If you're just having fun working away at your mod for your own personal enjoyment that's fine.
But if you are releasing it onto the internet for other people to get some fun out of it, yet refusing to work with the system you're coding on to overcome the problem that prevents pretty much all your audience from playing your mod, it's just odd.
AnthonyJa@Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 11:30 pm : Code changes list? wtf are you on... thats really not practical. You clearly havent even looked at the diffs. As for trying to maintain compatibility, yes, that would have been nice. I managed to make q4max compatible with several of the early point releases by some cunning switching of classes around, and that could have been done engine side too to make it better. However I didnt even try to do that with 1.4 - there are way too many subtle interfaces that its not practical when they make bigger changes. I would rather they fixed things in idlib and broke the interface than left it with bugs in it.
I dunno what you're whining about though, it really isnt that much work. Hell, if you pm me the code (and its not tooooo ugly

) I'll port it myself. I imagine it'd only take an hour or two.
Edit: Since I noticed I still have
this jpg floating around, I thought I might as well show it. The diff on the left is 1.0 vs 1.1 player.cpp. The diff on the right is q4max player.cpp vs 1.0 (from the time of 1.1 release). There is no practical way you could have a "change this line here" tutorial on updating it, and nor is it sensible to continue running the old version with that many changes made. The diff of the q4max version gives you an idea of the scale of changes we've made, and yet I'm still for updating should tell you something, especially as I've merged up to every point release and beta (both closed and open).
port66@Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 11:57 am : a mod is the modders problem for bugs etc. id or raven dont have to maintain it. squares will moan. then they dont download or use mods. bypassing the api for mod dll`s only help having more full mods to use. instead of tweaks to def files.
i upload 1 more some time. with singleplayer fully working and sparks casting shadows. and all you can wait for wolfenstein 2. with none of militia stuff added
port66@Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 3:12 pm : ...the exe and dll files need to be kept inline for logical and business reasons.
any mod using a modified driver with the sdk. doesnt concern raven or id. or anyother company.
and a of the biggest and best virtual world with gun shops and gangstas and save points to go about chatting in. or quakerally which in theory could look like need for speed or wipeout. arnt going to get excited over a rework of the player marine for the actual game
and nor am i. because i lay on a sofa with a beer and a kebab and watch coronation street. and laugh at londoners who cant handle wolfmother live
port66@Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:37 pm : another fine ghetto release in a spanned rar
included effects/def files for the full militia 1.4. never going to actually upload the full pack, tweaks of militia 1.3, and a few extra mp player models...
added cvars :
pm_dropWeapons //replaces player def files "nodrop"
pm_thirdpersonCrosshair //show crosshair in thirdperson view
ai_fovDegrees //replaces ai def files "fov", use overrideFOV in def files
g_burnaway //0/1
g_gibHealth //health below 0. for gibs
g_respawnDelay //time player respawns after death. replaces respawn_delay in player def file
g_damagePushScale //scale of all damage def pushes
g_damagedeathPushTime //replaces def files "deathpush"
g_damagedeathPushScale //deathpushmin/min *scale * powerupmodifier. if any
g_voiceTaunts //enable voice taunts in single player game. 1 in 24 chance of player/ai saying something after kill with "snd_taunt" in def file
si_voiceTaunts //enable voice taunts
full headshots..
impact causes twice the damage.
mp announcer will play sound "announce_headshot"
deathpushmin/min - no need for massive numbers. 20 is kinda extream. not 900000
player get max health/armour when god power up is picked up
few frag leader when mp game is won
player voice taunts when killed some 1/individual mp player model pain/death sounds with no lipsync. cos i cant be assed to piss around with all the files, so do it another time
all mp games have count down before they begin "si_countDown", with warmup still being seperate
added activeGUI/hud to pm_thirdperson
single player vehicles
god powerup announcer only playing in tournament
instant respawn of player when telefragged and inside a vehicle
replaced cvar g_vehicleMode, with controlMode in usuable vehicle def files, default mode is 0, left/right arrow keys. turn not strafe
mp vehicle respawns shouldnt get randomly stuck in a loop
fake weapon being shown on player hud after being killed in a vehicle
cvar pm_thirdpersondeath
port66@Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 3:25 pm : -------------------------------------------------------------
last release.... til BT monopoly is d00m4/d. or move and get cable for new api
add the installer
included militia menu
included militia lights.mtr
updated actor vo sound files. fixed actor hearing in last release - dll/1.3
both teams in mp games get full body burnout fx when dead
few changes in fx files
rocketlauncher +few other muzzlekicks
r_mode in autoexec_high.cfg file, included low.cfg
missing damage def from single player maps with walkers in
driver should alway be killed when vehicle is killed after kick out. no more 1sec flash of life
vehicle fx_dust now stopped after a telefrag
invisibility skin no longer carried over into next round on same map
player view angle after exiting vehicle. will be centered, not the viewAngle you enter
vehicle flashlights all the same
some ai vehicle not being removed after death explosion
download :
port66@Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 1:22 pm : been a while, have this done in a few weeks or something. few small things to sync on dedicated servers. find a lame cafe to upload or scam new mobile telecom...
vehicles should be fully working on dedicated servers. some fps drops with vehicle fx are playing. and fixed all other fx. so few more fps gone, server will die wiithout net_serverDedicated being set to 1
added cvar pm_aiDeathView bool - view through eyes of killer ai
view player death from ai killer, with ai own individual vision hud. set in def files :
"aiVisionHud" "guis/aiVision/gladiator.gui"
entitydef vehicle_ :
can use [in vehicle def files] :
"thirdpersonVehicle" "bool" //vehicle is thirdperson
"thirdpersonRange" "250" //range view from vehicle
"thirdpersonHeight" "40" //height view from vehicle
"thirdpersonCrossHair" "1" //show crosshair
entitydef vehicle_ :
lock mp vehicles on spawn :
"spawnLock" "1" //lock when spawns
"spawnLockTime" "8" //countdown til unlock
entitydef projectile_ :
make projectiles flares [blaster charged blast] :
"flare" "1" //bool
"flareTime" "2.5" //sec to start flare after projectile launch
"weightTime" "2.5" //will slow down after this time, [ for terrain maps ]
"fuse" "16" //keep alive, [ light in flare.fx ]
"fx_flare" "effects/weapons/blaster/flare.fx" //flare fx, contain light only
only on spawnclass idProjectiles
entitydef projectile_ :
make projectiles tripbombs :
"tripBomb" "1" //bool
"tRadius" "100" //entities within this radius make it explode [ idActors/rvVehicles ]
"tBecomeActive" "7" //seconds trip becomes active after launch
"fx_tripBomb_active" "effects/weapons/grenadelauncher/tripbomb_active.fx"
"fx_tripBomb_detonate" "effects/weapons/grenadelauncher/tripbomb_detonate.fx"
entitydef any_entity :
new effect :
"fx_HolySiN_setfire_center" "effects/vehicles/walker/burn_center.fx" - plays in center of model, needed if model is big, joint fire looks kinda crap on its own
entitydef rvMonsterTurret/rvMonsterTurretFlying :
new effect :
"fx_death_looping" "" //play looping death effect, when dead. with remove_on_death 0
entitydef any_entity :
use "skipImpulse" "1" //bool on entities, to disable push/splash damage etc
entitydef any_entity :
change "onFire" // to all entities, not just actors..
or use "onFireChance" ">= 5" // 1 in chance of being on fire.
added "playerBuffer" "7" to marines/rvAITactical. stops the tard blocking and getting you killed, unless they are talking
all vehicle positions now have theyre own hud
entitydef vehicle_ :
make vehicles fly.. with hoverpads.. [ droppod_mp ]
"Flying" "1" //its flies
"HeightGainSpeed" "13" //lift speed
"HeightLoseSpeed" "15" //drop speed
"AutoLock" "1" //it autolocks
"AutoLockHeight" "610" //height when autolocks
"sideWinder" "1" //lets you do barrel rolls with run/mouse look buttons
"rollSpeed" "22" //speed the vehicle rolls
"maxHeight" "23660" //max flight height
in hoverpad entitydef..
"fx_flightHeat" ""
hold crouch+up/down to lift or lower
view winning team base/flag at end of team games
added cvar "si_ctfKillReturns" //return flag when carrier has been killed
added cvar "si_playerViewEffects" //enables player hud bloodsplashes, double/tunnel/shake vision
added cvar "pm/si_dropPowerups" //seperated from pm/si_dropweapons
added cvar "g_fadeDeath" //fade screen to black when dead
added cvar "g_regidDead" //keep actors solid when dead
added cvar "g_knockbackdivision" //got rid of standard knockback running on def_damage "knockback". ai/player both use the same math for damage impulse
added cvar "g_knockbackdivisionMP" //different end impulse on servers and cant be assed to fix
added spawnClass "idHitscanProjectile" and removed all stantard hitscans +code, projectiles have physics
should play stuff on friendly fire, both played at the same time. but not on every impact - 10 in cvar g_voiceFriendlyFireChance.
added "lipsync_friendly_fire_/n" /n = 1-10
added "snd_friendly_fire_/n" /n = 1-10
team names case sensitive and all are now "Marine"/"Strogg" not random 0 or 1
added "team" "All" which is default for all spawns, [ CTF 1 Flag ] is team "All"
railgun color/team hitscan tints
vehicle enter hud message showing when mp game is ended and near a vehicle
gibs no longer just disappear. they burn out
ctf flag no longer gets returned when carrier is killed, unless cvar si_ctfKillReturns is enabled
all clients should view frag winner at end of games.
"isDriver" only controls vehicles with hoverpads
thirdperson vehicle view +all passenger positions through thirdperson
thirdperson weapon zoom [ switches to firstperson ]
all mp charector textures burnaway when dead
half life 2 type of movement for moveables
fixed "mass" in def files, volume * density was only for moveables, so "mass/density" is the same on clipmodels, not all 1.0f
port66@Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 4:20 am :