Anyone know where i can get foliage textures? or tuts on how to make foliage textures?
I'm looking for textures like those used in ET:QW , RTCW , BF2 , ET , Ect...
i have about 3 wall-climbing ivy's in my texture pack here> ... re-pack-01
i think i saw a nice tree model floating around these forums a little while ago.
i am currently making a model-pack of foliage at the moment, but it will be a while before it is released. foliage is a bit of a funny one in the doom3 engine, so i suggest you look aroud the various threads here that other people have put up covering how to get foliage to work in game properly.
bout the best i can do for you, sorry.
Kat (this is aimed at you) unless someone else knows!
I used that quick guide for the [
Quick way to mask tree leaves ] and i have the area;s that will be alpha'd black and wht as whats supposed to be drawn and the diffuse image in there.
and the shader doesnt work. Not sure if its the image or my shader, i've tried several gl & blend funcs and they don't work right, so now im thinking i messed the image up somewhere.
heres the shader
//deform sprite
blend alpha
map textures/foliage/foliage_test.tga
and the image i have [
foliage.tga ]
NOTE: I was messing around trying to get it to work, so either image or mtr file may not be right now!