unitool@Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 11:06 pm : Apologies if this is the wrong place to post this...
We are looking for one level builder/game designer to join our small team at Treyarch. Maybe you're not interested because there is no gravity gun or orbital death ray, but don't make the mistake of thinking it is a boring job. The job of a builder on our team is challenging and you work with a lot of very competitive people who are striving to improve and make you look bad by comparison.
Here are a few pictures of stuff I made for COD3. These were taken before the game was final and are captured directly from the 360.

This one is from a test map I was goofing around with for a week or so, trying to see how many polys I could add in before the renderer gave up. I finally gave up before the renderer did.

I got paid to build all that. Not only that, our game sold millions of copies and I got a nice royalty check in addition to getting paid to make it to begin with. If you're interested in making stuff like this and think you have the talent to join our small team, please PM me thru the forum message system.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 11:13 pm : moved it to the "mod help wanted" section.
Very nice screens btw. If the Wii version included MP (like red Steel) I would of gotten that instead of red steel.

Good luck finding help!
Tron@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 1:16 am : unitool wrote:
The job of a builder on our team is challenging and you work with a lot of very competitive people who are striving to improve and make you look bad by comparison.
That is the best job ad ever.
I have CoD3 on the Wii, stopped playing about three hours in though when I got too annoyed with a gratuitous "wave the remote and nunchuk to wrestle with your opponent" section I couldn't get past.
edit: Also, isn't this more suitable for the news section?
zeh@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 2:53 am : Yes, it's a nice job ad.
Tron -- just moved it there now (with a link kept on the previous section so nothing's lost).
heXum@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 4:20 am : Your web site is sadly missing a whole lot of content, unitool.
unitool@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 6:38 am : This is still there....
All that other content was dragging me down.
EDIT by iceheart: Eew, I'm not one for censorship but I'm changing that into a link to save some eyeballs

unitool@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 3:16 pm : lols...whatsmatter with you?! The human body is a work of art!
BNA!@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 3:51 pm : unitool wrote:
lols...whatsmatter with you?! The human body is a work of art!
God can be so merciless

DoV_Tomas@Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 9:02 pm : Quote:
The job of a builder on our team is challenging and you work with a lot of very competitive people who are striving to improve and make you look bad by comparison.
Actually I would find a work environment like this very annoying. Aren't teams suppose to support one another? I am a professional level designer and frankly if my team mates were out to make me look bad, I wouldn't be very happy. If I didn't already have a gig - and if the team wasnt' out to get me - I would likely apply.
Rayne@Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 11:30 am : DoV_Tomas wrote:
The job of a builder on our team is challenging and you work with a lot of very competitive people who are striving to improve and make you look bad by comparison.
Actually I would find a work environment like this very annoying. Aren't teams suppose to support one another? I am a professional level designer and frankly if my team mates were out to make me look bad, I wouldn't be very happy. If I didn't already have a gig - and if the team wasnt' out to get me - I would likely apply.
The first time I read this thread I missed that point... Sounds... odd

unitool@Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 8:39 pm : It was just a jokey way of saying we are a competitive bunch, but did you hear something? Are they out to get me?
Quaker-X@Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 4:52 pm : This team has loads of talent and they are a bunch of great guys to work with. When unitool says "competitive" it's more like each builder there is always pushing the engine with some new technique or design that inspires the other builders to do the same and push themselves to do something cooler. It's good for the team/game overall.
You will learn so much working with these guys. Send in your resume peoples!
efx@Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 5:57 pm : I interviewed with Treyarch about a month ago and while I decided to go with DICE instead it had nothing to do with what Treyarch seemed to offer.
They were nothing but an outstanding bunch of people working in a very beautiful part of the states making good games and if it wasn't for the oppurtunity of a life time in my own country of Sweden I would have definately accepted it.
So yeah, go and apply people!
bkt@Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 11:09 am : efx wrote:
So yeah, go and apply people!
Maybe in a game or two's time

unitool@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 2:24 pm : Thanks, Viktor! It was nice to meet you - I was the guy in the office way the hell back in the corner near the conference room.
Good luck at DICE!
efx@Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 3:03 pm : unitool wrote:
Thanks, Viktor! It was nice to meet you - I was the guy in the office way the hell back in the corner near the conference room.
Good luck at DICE!
Oh yeah, I remember!
Thanks for the wellwishes! Keep up the excellent work!