pbmax@Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 9:53 pm :
i'm looking for a comprehensive maya uv mapping tutorial (ideally for characters). anyone know of one?

geartype@Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 2:06 am :
Honestly, I've seen a lot of shitty ones.

I'll help you out though.

A very easy way to unwrap in Maya is to select the faces you want to flatten, like say the front of the face. Then do a planar map from the camera's orientation.

Open up the uv texture editor, and then move those UVs over into an empty space(just to work with, you'll move them back into the square if you want for your texture). Select some of the uvs in the planar mapped face and then do shift+right click then unfold. Be sure to be in UV mode(right click>uv) when you are selecting of course.

If it all goes into a small point, or they all break apart into triangles and quads, then that means that the UVs you were unfolding were not welded together beforehand(although if you planar mapped it like I said this shouldn't happen).

Now lets say you did this with an entire arm and then planar mapped it. You get what is a 2d representation of a cylinder(because that's the shape of most arms). So then go back into 3d space, and select the edge you want to be the seam, go back into the uv texture editor and then hit the cut UVs button(looks like scissors) and then unfold again. You may have to weld some uvs on the edges(actually I guarantee it) but it's pretty easy to do. Just select the uvs on the border seam that need to be welded, and hit the weld uvs button.

If you still need a more definite tutorial, I can make one later for you. I hope this helps you though.

pbmax@Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 1:49 pm :

pbmax@Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 9:53 pm :
i'm looking for a comprehensive maya uv mapping tutorial (ideally for characters). anyone know of one?

geartype@Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 2:06 am :
Honestly, I've seen a lot of shitty ones.

I'll help you out though.

A very easy way to unwrap in Maya is to select the faces you want to flatten, like say the front of the face. Then do a planar map from the camera's orientation.

Open up the uv texture editor, and then move those UVs over into an empty space(just to work with, you'll move them back into the square if you want for your texture). Select some of the uvs in the planar mapped face and then do shift+right click then unfold. Be sure to be in UV mode(right click>uv) when you are selecting of course.

If it all goes into a small point, or they all break apart into triangles and quads, then that means that the UVs you were unfolding were not welded together beforehand(although if you planar mapped it like I said this shouldn't happen).

Now lets say you did this with an entire arm and then planar mapped it. You get what is a 2d representation of a cylinder(because that's the shape of most arms). So then go back into 3d space, and select the edge you want to be the seam, go back into the uv texture editor and then hit the cut UVs button(looks like scissors) and then unfold again. You may have to weld some uvs on the edges(actually I guarantee it) but it's pretty easy to do. Just select the uvs on the border seam that need to be welded, and hit the weld uvs button.

If you still need a more definite tutorial, I can make one later for you. I hope this helps you though.

pbmax@Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 1:49 pm :

pbmax@Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 9:53 pm :
i'm looking for a comprehensive maya uv mapping tutorial (ideally for characters). anyone know of one?

geartype@Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 2:06 am :
Honestly, I've seen a lot of shitty ones.

I'll help you out though.

A very easy way to unwrap in Maya is to select the faces you want to flatten, like say the front of the face. Then do a planar map from the camera's orientation.

Open up the uv texture editor, and then move those UVs over into an empty space(just to work with, you'll move them back into the square if you want for your texture). Select some of the uvs in the planar mapped face and then do shift+right click then unfold. Be sure to be in UV mode(right click>uv) when you are selecting of course.

If it all goes into a small point, or they all break apart into triangles and quads, then that means that the UVs you were unfolding were not welded together beforehand(although if you planar mapped it like I said this shouldn't happen).

Now lets say you did this with an entire arm and then planar mapped it. You get what is a 2d representation of a cylinder(because that's the shape of most arms). So then go back into 3d space, and select the edge you want to be the seam, go back into the uv texture editor and then hit the cut UVs button(looks like scissors) and then unfold again. You may have to weld some uvs on the edges(actually I guarantee it) but it's pretty easy to do. Just select the uvs on the border seam that need to be welded, and hit the weld uvs button.

If you still need a more definite tutorial, I can make one later for you. I hope this helps you though.

pbmax@Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 1:49 pm :

pbmax@Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 9:53 pm :
i'm looking for a comprehensive maya uv mapping tutorial (ideally for characters). anyone know of one?

geartype@Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 2:06 am :
Honestly, I've seen a lot of shitty ones.

I'll help you out though.

A very easy way to unwrap in Maya is to select the faces you want to flatten, like say the front of the face. Then do a planar map from the camera's orientation.

Open up the uv texture editor, and then move those UVs over into an empty space(just to work with, you'll move them back into the square if you want for your texture). Select some of the uvs in the planar mapped face and then do shift+right click then unfold. Be sure to be in UV mode(right click>uv) when you are selecting of course.

If it all goes into a small point, or they all break apart into triangles and quads, then that means that the UVs you were unfolding were not welded together beforehand(although if you planar mapped it like I said this shouldn't happen).

Now lets say you did this with an entire arm and then planar mapped it. You get what is a 2d representation of a cylinder(because that's the shape of most arms). So then go back into 3d space, and select the edge you want to be the seam, go back into the uv texture editor and then hit the cut UVs button(looks like scissors) and then unfold again. You may have to weld some uvs on the edges(actually I guarantee it) but it's pretty easy to do. Just select the uvs on the border seam that need to be welded, and hit the weld uvs button.

If you still need a more definite tutorial, I can make one later for you. I hope this helps you though.

pbmax@Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 1:49 pm :

pbmax@Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 9:53 pm :
i'm looking for a comprehensive maya uv mapping tutorial (ideally for characters). anyone know of one?

geartype@Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 2:06 am :
Honestly, I've seen a lot of shitty ones.

I'll help you out though.

A very easy way to unwrap in Maya is to select the faces you want to flatten, like say the front of the face. Then do a planar map from the camera's orientation.

Open up the uv texture editor, and then move those UVs over into an empty space(just to work with, you'll move them back into the square if you want for your texture). Select some of the uvs in the planar mapped face and then do shift+right click then unfold. Be sure to be in UV mode(right click>uv) when you are selecting of course.

If it all goes into a small point, or they all break apart into triangles and quads, then that means that the UVs you were unfolding were not welded together beforehand(although if you planar mapped it like I said this shouldn't happen).

Now lets say you did this with an entire arm and then planar mapped it. You get what is a 2d representation of a cylinder(because that's the shape of most arms). So then go back into 3d space, and select the edge you want to be the seam, go back into the uv texture editor and then hit the cut UVs button(looks like scissors) and then unfold again. You may have to weld some uvs on the edges(actually I guarantee it) but it's pretty easy to do. Just select the uvs on the border seam that need to be welded, and hit the weld uvs button.

If you still need a more definite tutorial, I can make one later for you. I hope this helps you though.

pbmax@Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 1:49 pm :