GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:37 am : Im haveing issues creating a server to play my mod level and haveing everyone link up either by internet games or by lan games... What possibly could be the issue and where would i go to find a fix or the code snipit to place into the pk4s??
AnthonyJa@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 4:01 pm : Quote:
What possibly could be the issue
No idea, it depends on what the issue is.
What happens? What error messages do you get? What is on the console? What does your mod change, and how is it packaged? What versions of things are you using?
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 4:39 pm : Guess the best way to descrbie it is that the game loads up when we create the server but other players cant find the game... The errors we get are something about files missing where we all have the same pk4s
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:14 pm : ok im getting issues with data not in sync with server...
AnthonyJa@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:14 pm : There are two very similar error messages, so it'd be worth you actually making a note of the precise message.
Are you running the server with si_pure 0? If so, dont.
Are you sure you have the same pk4s? This includes all maps that are on the server.
You could always enable downloads (net_serverDlTable "*", and net_serverDownload 3), then it'll dl any pk4's that are missing, unless they're named pak*.pk4
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:19 pm : i just set up the games after directly takeing the pk4s off the other computer. So both of us have the same files. not sure if we need to set up a client side ontop of a server side??
AnthonyJa@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:29 pm : I see a [/img] tag, so I guess you tried to post an image. Getting the *precise* message might be useful, because as I said there are two error messages that you might be referring to.
Also, look into si_pure, cos I guess you'd have mentioned if it has the "(pure server)" on the end of the msg.
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:51 pm : stupid question but how do i get pics up without useing a website??[/img]
AnthonyJa@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:19 pm : Services like allow you to upload it, and then you'll have a URL to put into those img tags. Please just check your si_pure setting tho.
Assuming you're seeing:
"#str_104842" "Data not in sync with server data.\n"
then you cannot have si_pure 1, and so need to set it.
If you have:
"#str_104844" "Data not in sync with server data (pure server).\n"
then you have si_pure 1, but things still arent in sync. Perhaps expanded pk4's somewhere, or a few other things.
See what I mean about the msgs?
Bittoman@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:49 pm : a sync issue is caused by the server running in pure and having exposed files outside of a default installation. You can have .pk4 files but you cannot have a file that is not in a .pk4 and was not installed by the game's installer or patch or created by the game (for example, screenshots and save games are fine but a lone .fx file is not). To fix it, just create a seperate subdirectory under Quake 4 and move those invalid files and folders into that subdirectory so that the q4base folder only contains what was initially installed and/or patched.
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 8:58 pm : all the files and folders are in pk4s i have the checksum on the addon files set up to connect to all the pk4s. am i over looking something as easy as haveint to set up a client other then just a server?
Bittoman@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 9:34 pm : Well what I said above counts for the clients as well. Anyone who attempts to connect to your server that has exposed files in their root and base directory will also get the synch error. What folders do you see inside of your Quake4/q4base directory?
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 9:34 pm : now its set up and saying that the map is set as a single player only map where i have an addon file stateing that its a deathmatch
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 9:50 pm : we have 4 pk4 files.. the server can load it but no one can link to it rather it be sink we cleaned up our q4base file to be exatly the same. We also just tried setting it up as its own folder next to the q4base folder and its now calling our map single player vs the code set up as death match and the map set up with deathmatch.
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 9:52 pm : maybe missed to add spawnpoints or just added singleplayer spawnpoints ?
or you didn't fill out the .def file correctly.. dunno if this is still an issue in 1.4.1, but in previous versions I remember you had to write some things in both the .def file and the addon.conf.
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:02 pm : ive been working with id engines for a few years now.. I just went to the 1.4.1 update and im starting to wounder if thats part of the reason......
i also have the .def files set up for multiplayer and addons also have the multiplayer spawn points.
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:06 pm : while haveing the multiplayer and single player diffrent folders will that have any affect on anything since they started in the 1.4.1??
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:08 pm : in the q4base folder it was fine to be set up as a deathmatch just had issues with syncing now that we changed the folders to the mod set up we are haveing issues with the map yelling at us thats its a single player folder.
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:16 pm : maybe you have different settings in q4base ?
try copying your q4base config(s) to your mod and see what happens.
I could imagine, that in q4base some files are still unzipped although they already are in the pk3, and either the unzipped or the zipped ones are out of date ?
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:37 am : Im haveing issues creating a server to play my mod level and haveing everyone link up either by internet games or by lan games... What possibly could be the issue and where would i go to find a fix or the code snipit to place into the pk4s??
AnthonyJa@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 4:01 pm : Quote:
What possibly could be the issue
No idea, it depends on what the issue is.
What happens? What error messages do you get? What is on the console? What does your mod change, and how is it packaged? What versions of things are you using?
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 4:39 pm : Guess the best way to descrbie it is that the game loads up when we create the server but other players cant find the game... The errors we get are something about files missing where we all have the same pk4s
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:14 pm : ok im getting issues with data not in sync with server...
AnthonyJa@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:14 pm : There are two very similar error messages, so it'd be worth you actually making a note of the precise message.
Are you running the server with si_pure 0? If so, dont.
Are you sure you have the same pk4s? This includes all maps that are on the server.
You could always enable downloads (net_serverDlTable "*", and net_serverDownload 3), then it'll dl any pk4's that are missing, unless they're named pak*.pk4
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:19 pm : i just set up the games after directly takeing the pk4s off the other computer. So both of us have the same files. not sure if we need to set up a client side ontop of a server side??
AnthonyJa@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:29 pm : I see a [/img] tag, so I guess you tried to post an image. Getting the *precise* message might be useful, because as I said there are two error messages that you might be referring to.
Also, look into si_pure, cos I guess you'd have mentioned if it has the "(pure server)" on the end of the msg.
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:51 pm : stupid question but how do i get pics up without useing a website??[/img]
AnthonyJa@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:19 pm : Services like allow you to upload it, and then you'll have a URL to put into those img tags. Please just check your si_pure setting tho.
Assuming you're seeing:
"#str_104842" "Data not in sync with server data.\n"
then you cannot have si_pure 1, and so need to set it.
If you have:
"#str_104844" "Data not in sync with server data (pure server).\n"
then you have si_pure 1, but things still arent in sync. Perhaps expanded pk4's somewhere, or a few other things.
See what I mean about the msgs?
Bittoman@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:49 pm : a sync issue is caused by the server running in pure and having exposed files outside of a default installation. You can have .pk4 files but you cannot have a file that is not in a .pk4 and was not installed by the game's installer or patch or created by the game (for example, screenshots and save games are fine but a lone .fx file is not). To fix it, just create a seperate subdirectory under Quake 4 and move those invalid files and folders into that subdirectory so that the q4base folder only contains what was initially installed and/or patched.
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 8:58 pm : all the files and folders are in pk4s i have the checksum on the addon files set up to connect to all the pk4s. am i over looking something as easy as haveint to set up a client other then just a server?
Bittoman@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 9:34 pm : Well what I said above counts for the clients as well. Anyone who attempts to connect to your server that has exposed files in their root and base directory will also get the synch error. What folders do you see inside of your Quake4/q4base directory?
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 9:34 pm : now its set up and saying that the map is set as a single player only map where i have an addon file stateing that its a deathmatch
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 9:50 pm : we have 4 pk4 files.. the server can load it but no one can link to it rather it be sink we cleaned up our q4base file to be exatly the same. We also just tried setting it up as its own folder next to the q4base folder and its now calling our map single player vs the code set up as death match and the map set up with deathmatch.
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 9:52 pm : maybe missed to add spawnpoints or just added singleplayer spawnpoints ?
or you didn't fill out the .def file correctly.. dunno if this is still an issue in 1.4.1, but in previous versions I remember you had to write some things in both the .def file and the addon.conf.
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:02 pm : ive been working with id engines for a few years now.. I just went to the 1.4.1 update and im starting to wounder if thats part of the reason......
i also have the .def files set up for multiplayer and addons also have the multiplayer spawn points.
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:06 pm : while haveing the multiplayer and single player diffrent folders will that have any affect on anything since they started in the 1.4.1??
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:08 pm : in the q4base folder it was fine to be set up as a deathmatch just had issues with syncing now that we changed the folders to the mod set up we are haveing issues with the map yelling at us thats its a single player folder.
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:16 pm : maybe you have different settings in q4base ?
try copying your q4base config(s) to your mod and see what happens.
I could imagine, that in q4base some files are still unzipped although they already are in the pk3, and either the unzipped or the zipped ones are out of date ?
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:37 am : Im haveing issues creating a server to play my mod level and haveing everyone link up either by internet games or by lan games... What possibly could be the issue and where would i go to find a fix or the code snipit to place into the pk4s??
AnthonyJa@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 4:01 pm : Quote:
What possibly could be the issue
No idea, it depends on what the issue is.
What happens? What error messages do you get? What is on the console? What does your mod change, and how is it packaged? What versions of things are you using?
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 4:39 pm : Guess the best way to descrbie it is that the game loads up when we create the server but other players cant find the game... The errors we get are something about files missing where we all have the same pk4s
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:14 pm : ok im getting issues with data not in sync with server...
AnthonyJa@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:14 pm : There are two very similar error messages, so it'd be worth you actually making a note of the precise message.
Are you running the server with si_pure 0? If so, dont.
Are you sure you have the same pk4s? This includes all maps that are on the server.
You could always enable downloads (net_serverDlTable "*", and net_serverDownload 3), then it'll dl any pk4's that are missing, unless they're named pak*.pk4
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:19 pm : i just set up the games after directly takeing the pk4s off the other computer. So both of us have the same files. not sure if we need to set up a client side ontop of a server side??
AnthonyJa@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:29 pm : I see a [/img] tag, so I guess you tried to post an image. Getting the *precise* message might be useful, because as I said there are two error messages that you might be referring to.
Also, look into si_pure, cos I guess you'd have mentioned if it has the "(pure server)" on the end of the msg.
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:51 pm : stupid question but how do i get pics up without useing a website??[/img]
AnthonyJa@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:19 pm : Services like allow you to upload it, and then you'll have a URL to put into those img tags. Please just check your si_pure setting tho.
Assuming you're seeing:
"#str_104842" "Data not in sync with server data.\n"
then you cannot have si_pure 1, and so need to set it.
If you have:
"#str_104844" "Data not in sync with server data (pure server).\n"
then you have si_pure 1, but things still arent in sync. Perhaps expanded pk4's somewhere, or a few other things.
See what I mean about the msgs?
Bittoman@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:49 pm : a sync issue is caused by the server running in pure and having exposed files outside of a default installation. You can have .pk4 files but you cannot have a file that is not in a .pk4 and was not installed by the game's installer or patch or created by the game (for example, screenshots and save games are fine but a lone .fx file is not). To fix it, just create a seperate subdirectory under Quake 4 and move those invalid files and folders into that subdirectory so that the q4base folder only contains what was initially installed and/or patched.
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 8:58 pm : all the files and folders are in pk4s i have the checksum on the addon files set up to connect to all the pk4s. am i over looking something as easy as haveint to set up a client other then just a server?
Bittoman@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 9:34 pm : Well what I said above counts for the clients as well. Anyone who attempts to connect to your server that has exposed files in their root and base directory will also get the synch error. What folders do you see inside of your Quake4/q4base directory?
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 9:34 pm : now its set up and saying that the map is set as a single player only map where i have an addon file stateing that its a deathmatch
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 9:50 pm : we have 4 pk4 files.. the server can load it but no one can link to it rather it be sink we cleaned up our q4base file to be exatly the same. We also just tried setting it up as its own folder next to the q4base folder and its now calling our map single player vs the code set up as death match and the map set up with deathmatch.
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 9:52 pm : maybe missed to add spawnpoints or just added singleplayer spawnpoints ?
or you didn't fill out the .def file correctly.. dunno if this is still an issue in 1.4.1, but in previous versions I remember you had to write some things in both the .def file and the addon.conf.
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:02 pm : ive been working with id engines for a few years now.. I just went to the 1.4.1 update and im starting to wounder if thats part of the reason......
i also have the .def files set up for multiplayer and addons also have the multiplayer spawn points.
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:06 pm : while haveing the multiplayer and single player diffrent folders will that have any affect on anything since they started in the 1.4.1??
GrimzBlood@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:08 pm : in the q4base folder it was fine to be set up as a deathmatch just had issues with syncing now that we changed the folders to the mod set up we are haveing issues with the map yelling at us thats its a single player folder.
TTK-Bandit@Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:16 pm : maybe you have different settings in q4base ?
try copying your q4base config(s) to your mod and see what happens.
I could imagine, that in q4base some files are still unzipped although they already are in the pk3, and either the unzipped or the zipped ones are out of date ?