Ice Weasel@Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 1:28 am : I've just finished my first Doom3 sp level. 'Twas a rather long time in the making, but I've learned a hell of a lot while making it. It has been a really good experience (for me, anyway).
Screenshots: ... 0168_1.jpg ... 0168_2.jpg ... 0168_3.jpg ... 0168_4.jpg ... 0168_5.jpg ... 0168_6.jpg
The premise:
Right before the disastrous invasion of the UAC's Mars outpost, priority cargo was shipped directly from Delta Level 2 to the former medical research and testing center, the Omega Research Facility on Earth. It contained a live specimen that the research teams had brought back from their expedition into the realm that was beyond the teleporter.
UAC HQ has recieved a distress call from the facility in the early hours of the evening. There is a code red, the experiment is loose...
doom3files link
local download from my site.
If you give it a go, be gentle, 'tis my first attempt at an SP map. Other than that, I hope you have fun playing it

Misc pimping:
I might as well bundle this in here with it too rather than create multiple threads. I has a
website all to my very own

It's nothing particularly groundbreaking, but it's that little corner of the web that I can sit and be by myself in while admiring the skulls of passers-by.
Tron@Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 4:10 am : Those screenshots look good, I'll definitely download this and give it a go when I get home from work tonight.
bkt@Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:20 am : Tron wrote:
Those screenshots look good, I'll definitely download this and give it a go when I get home from work tonight.
P.S. Tron, get back to work!
Hexen Terzo@Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:00 am : in download!!

Ice Weasel@Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:48 pm : Have fun, fellas. Thanks

Tetzlaff@Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 8:03 pm : Wow! For your first Doom3 SP level, this is quite impressive! Have you mapped previously for other games?
You did a good job to create a earth based lab / industrial level that evokes the feeling that you really aren´t on Mars this time, but it fits right into the UAC theme of Doom3, so the way you created your setting is really good.
There is some incredible amount of detail in some rooms (downside: sometimes really bad framerates), there is always something interesting to look at. Texture usage is clever, I like how you combined a few custom textures with stock textures to create unique looking scenery.
Gameplay is quite good really, I like how you encourage exploration (but there could been more side areas to explore! So many locked doors that can´t be opened...). There are some good spots with vertical combat as well.
Monster placement seemed a bit undetermined somehow, a few weak monsters here, a few stronger ones there, and many too obvious triggered spawnings. But it was fun nevertheless. Good job!
Ice Weasel@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 10:58 am : Thanks Tetz! I've mapped for quite a lot of games but only started releasing stuff at D3 level. This was however my first time in doing a singleplayer map since about the Duke3d era. Maybe even longer, I don't really know. But I started back with Doom when me and my dad found a copy of DEU on an old magazine coverdisk

Thanks for the pointers and crit, I'll take them on board for the next time round. I'm glad you had fun

Junkyard God@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 12:51 pm : That looks pretty neat judging by the screenies, nice and wide corridoors etc. so there's enough room to fight and what not.
Love this screenie: ... 0168_4.jpg
looks like the creep has come out to see what that flashignj thing in your hand is

vinnie_jones@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 7:25 pm : dumb q , just how many maps are there called "Omega"?
Plz dont take this as any form of critizism, because its not meant as such, im just cuirous

edit haha yes that screenie is great

Arklon@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 8:23 pm : Damn good map. Would've made more sense if "the experiment" was an Archville rather than a Revenant, though, because Archvilles can summon demons (and probably lost souls to make the zombies, too), which would explain why the complex is infested with demons and zombies.
Ice Weasel@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 9:54 pm : I realised about halfway through making it that there were about six thousand other maps with "Omega" in the name. Hell, while I was building it, people were releasing Omega maps. But it's got a ring to it if you say "There's trouble down at the old Omega Research Facility" in a Sean Connery James Bond voice. And it's a name that I've always liked, so I stuck with it

I didn't expect it to go down as well as it has done, actually. I kind of expected the project would just... sink when released, I thought people would hate it.

I do appreciate all the good comments though, they really mean a lot. Cheers everyone, I'm glad you enjoyed it

About the archvile thing though. Bugger me, it's something so stupidly obvious and yet I didn't think of it at all. Never occurred to me, not once. *cheesy grin*
vinnie_jones@Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 9:41 pm : hehe well as long as the actual names of the .pk4 doesnt match another
Omega map exactly ie "omegalabs.pk4" and "omegalabs.pk4"
then its ok

this is a deff MUST download, thats all i can say !!
Loved the atmos, somehow i got a certain
"80s-action-feel" a la ALiens, not sure why
but it was a really good map! 10/10

One slight "issue" though, the "load-bar" didnt work,
not on any of the maps, but maybe its something thats
wrong with my end, i do not know
fitzroy_doll@Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 7:18 am : Definitely the best of the Omegas!
It was tough! In the second level, when the player is moving around a square corridor, there is a large healthkit on a shelf that the player cannot reach. And somehow I missed the key codes...but still enjoyed it very much, well done.
Also, as has been mentioned above - the progress bar for the loading of each map does not work.
_Kev_Boy_@Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 7:35 pm : Good work, I liked the outdoor start, although it didn't look that great it still added to the atmosphere considerably

If I had to fault anything, it would be the texturing because it really gets downright ugly in some places, the patternless cement wall textures in particular... but these only occur in the first half so perhaps it was a beginner's touch you just overlooked to edit out

The pacing and enemies were good, the tips were alright, PDAs were just right too although the mockup of the text was overall a little clumped together, and the load-bars indeed do not work. The pictures ala CSS's Office were also a bit to out-of-place imo perhaps also some more environmental triggers like exploding pipes but in all honestly you did have a few of these, and even better than just pipes!

Compared to the other great SP maps,which I gave 8, I give this a 7 it's just a tinsy-bit worse. Still really good, though, I'm fairly harsh with my scores.
TelMarine@Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:56 am : I just finished playing through, excellent work here Ice Weasel. A lot of the time I found myself staring at some of the rooms, looking around. You really reminded me how good Doom3 really does look still. I felt your health placements were just right. I died once, but I was in the red a lot. One thing though, I felt you gave too much ammo. I liked how you changed the shotgun to be 5 shots with one shell reload (instead of 2 per), but I had so much ammo for the shotgun I mainly used that and barely used the other guns provided. Overall great work.
I found one thing though in the first 2 min of the game (not that big of a deal). Right in the beginning if you go all the way to the right, turn right to go get some clips/armor shards you can clip right through the wall and fall out of the level. I used noclip to get back, but it was pretty surprising haha.

poompoom500@Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:23 pm : 
To Ice Weasel,
The screenshots are impressive. I'll give your map a go. I love the "Kaiser" maps, T-Lab, Refinery, and Sigma. And yours looks like one of Kaiser's.
I see that you have the map uploaded at Filefront! I'll get it there.
P.S. Your web site isn't any good anymore...

Ice Weasel@Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 1:28 am : I've just finished my first Doom3 sp level. 'Twas a rather long time in the making, but I've learned a hell of a lot while making it. It has been a really good experience (for me, anyway).
Screenshots: ... 0168_1.jpg ... 0168_2.jpg ... 0168_3.jpg ... 0168_4.jpg ... 0168_5.jpg ... 0168_6.jpg
The premise:
Right before the disastrous invasion of the UAC's Mars outpost, priority cargo was shipped directly from Delta Level 2 to the former medical research and testing center, the Omega Research Facility on Earth. It contained a live specimen that the research teams had brought back from their expedition into the realm that was beyond the teleporter.
UAC HQ has recieved a distress call from the facility in the early hours of the evening. There is a code red, the experiment is loose...
doom3files link
local download from my site.
If you give it a go, be gentle, 'tis my first attempt at an SP map. Other than that, I hope you have fun playing it

Misc pimping:
I might as well bundle this in here with it too rather than create multiple threads. I has a
website all to my very own

It's nothing particularly groundbreaking, but it's that little corner of the web that I can sit and be by myself in while admiring the skulls of passers-by.
Tron@Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 4:10 am : Those screenshots look good, I'll definitely download this and give it a go when I get home from work tonight.
bkt@Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:20 am : Tron wrote:
Those screenshots look good, I'll definitely download this and give it a go when I get home from work tonight.
P.S. Tron, get back to work!
Hexen Terzo@Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:00 am : in download!!

Ice Weasel@Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:48 pm : Have fun, fellas. Thanks

Tetzlaff@Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 8:03 pm : Wow! For your first Doom3 SP level, this is quite impressive! Have you mapped previously for other games?
You did a good job to create a earth based lab / industrial level that evokes the feeling that you really aren´t on Mars this time, but it fits right into the UAC theme of Doom3, so the way you created your setting is really good.
There is some incredible amount of detail in some rooms (downside: sometimes really bad framerates), there is always something interesting to look at. Texture usage is clever, I like how you combined a few custom textures with stock textures to create unique looking scenery.
Gameplay is quite good really, I like how you encourage exploration (but there could been more side areas to explore! So many locked doors that can´t be opened...). There are some good spots with vertical combat as well.
Monster placement seemed a bit undetermined somehow, a few weak monsters here, a few stronger ones there, and many too obvious triggered spawnings. But it was fun nevertheless. Good job!
Ice Weasel@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 10:58 am : Thanks Tetz! I've mapped for quite a lot of games but only started releasing stuff at D3 level. This was however my first time in doing a singleplayer map since about the Duke3d era. Maybe even longer, I don't really know. But I started back with Doom when me and my dad found a copy of DEU on an old magazine coverdisk

Thanks for the pointers and crit, I'll take them on board for the next time round. I'm glad you had fun

Junkyard God@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 12:51 pm : That looks pretty neat judging by the screenies, nice and wide corridoors etc. so there's enough room to fight and what not.
Love this screenie: ... 0168_4.jpg
looks like the creep has come out to see what that flashignj thing in your hand is

vinnie_jones@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 7:25 pm : dumb q , just how many maps are there called "Omega"?
Plz dont take this as any form of critizism, because its not meant as such, im just cuirous

edit haha yes that screenie is great

Arklon@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 8:23 pm : Damn good map. Would've made more sense if "the experiment" was an Archville rather than a Revenant, though, because Archvilles can summon demons (and probably lost souls to make the zombies, too), which would explain why the complex is infested with demons and zombies.
Ice Weasel@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 9:54 pm : I realised about halfway through making it that there were about six thousand other maps with "Omega" in the name. Hell, while I was building it, people were releasing Omega maps. But it's got a ring to it if you say "There's trouble down at the old Omega Research Facility" in a Sean Connery James Bond voice. And it's a name that I've always liked, so I stuck with it

I didn't expect it to go down as well as it has done, actually. I kind of expected the project would just... sink when released, I thought people would hate it.

I do appreciate all the good comments though, they really mean a lot. Cheers everyone, I'm glad you enjoyed it

About the archvile thing though. Bugger me, it's something so stupidly obvious and yet I didn't think of it at all. Never occurred to me, not once. *cheesy grin*
vinnie_jones@Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 9:41 pm : hehe well as long as the actual names of the .pk4 doesnt match another
Omega map exactly ie "omegalabs.pk4" and "omegalabs.pk4"
then its ok

this is a deff MUST download, thats all i can say !!
Loved the atmos, somehow i got a certain
"80s-action-feel" a la ALiens, not sure why
but it was a really good map! 10/10

One slight "issue" though, the "load-bar" didnt work,
not on any of the maps, but maybe its something thats
wrong with my end, i do not know
fitzroy_doll@Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 7:18 am : Definitely the best of the Omegas!
It was tough! In the second level, when the player is moving around a square corridor, there is a large healthkit on a shelf that the player cannot reach. And somehow I missed the key codes...but still enjoyed it very much, well done.
Also, as has been mentioned above - the progress bar for the loading of each map does not work.
_Kev_Boy_@Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 7:35 pm : Good work, I liked the outdoor start, although it didn't look that great it still added to the atmosphere considerably

If I had to fault anything, it would be the texturing because it really gets downright ugly in some places, the patternless cement wall textures in particular... but these only occur in the first half so perhaps it was a beginner's touch you just overlooked to edit out

The pacing and enemies were good, the tips were alright, PDAs were just right too although the mockup of the text was overall a little clumped together, and the load-bars indeed do not work. The pictures ala CSS's Office were also a bit to out-of-place imo perhaps also some more environmental triggers like exploding pipes but in all honestly you did have a few of these, and even better than just pipes!

Compared to the other great SP maps,which I gave 8, I give this a 7 it's just a tinsy-bit worse. Still really good, though, I'm fairly harsh with my scores.
TelMarine@Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:56 am : I just finished playing through, excellent work here Ice Weasel. A lot of the time I found myself staring at some of the rooms, looking around. You really reminded me how good Doom3 really does look still. I felt your health placements were just right. I died once, but I was in the red a lot. One thing though, I felt you gave too much ammo. I liked how you changed the shotgun to be 5 shots with one shell reload (instead of 2 per), but I had so much ammo for the shotgun I mainly used that and barely used the other guns provided. Overall great work.
I found one thing though in the first 2 min of the game (not that big of a deal). Right in the beginning if you go all the way to the right, turn right to go get some clips/armor shards you can clip right through the wall and fall out of the level. I used noclip to get back, but it was pretty surprising haha.

poompoom500@Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:23 pm : 
To Ice Weasel,
The screenshots are impressive. I'll give your map a go. I love the "Kaiser" maps, T-Lab, Refinery, and Sigma. And yours looks like one of Kaiser's.
I see that you have the map uploaded at Filefront! I'll get it there.
P.S. Your web site isn't any good anymore...

Ice Weasel@Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 1:28 am : I've just finished my first Doom3 sp level. 'Twas a rather long time in the making, but I've learned a hell of a lot while making it. It has been a really good experience (for me, anyway).
Screenshots: ... 0168_1.jpg ... 0168_2.jpg ... 0168_3.jpg ... 0168_4.jpg ... 0168_5.jpg ... 0168_6.jpg
The premise:
Right before the disastrous invasion of the UAC's Mars outpost, priority cargo was shipped directly from Delta Level 2 to the former medical research and testing center, the Omega Research Facility on Earth. It contained a live specimen that the research teams had brought back from their expedition into the realm that was beyond the teleporter.
UAC HQ has recieved a distress call from the facility in the early hours of the evening. There is a code red, the experiment is loose...
doom3files link
local download from my site.
If you give it a go, be gentle, 'tis my first attempt at an SP map. Other than that, I hope you have fun playing it

Misc pimping:
I might as well bundle this in here with it too rather than create multiple threads. I has a
website all to my very own

It's nothing particularly groundbreaking, but it's that little corner of the web that I can sit and be by myself in while admiring the skulls of passers-by.
Tron@Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 4:10 am : Those screenshots look good, I'll definitely download this and give it a go when I get home from work tonight.
bkt@Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:20 am : Tron wrote:
Those screenshots look good, I'll definitely download this and give it a go when I get home from work tonight.
P.S. Tron, get back to work!
Hexen Terzo@Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:00 am : in download!!

Ice Weasel@Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:48 pm : Have fun, fellas. Thanks

Tetzlaff@Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 8:03 pm : Wow! For your first Doom3 SP level, this is quite impressive! Have you mapped previously for other games?
You did a good job to create a earth based lab / industrial level that evokes the feeling that you really aren´t on Mars this time, but it fits right into the UAC theme of Doom3, so the way you created your setting is really good.
There is some incredible amount of detail in some rooms (downside: sometimes really bad framerates), there is always something interesting to look at. Texture usage is clever, I like how you combined a few custom textures with stock textures to create unique looking scenery.
Gameplay is quite good really, I like how you encourage exploration (but there could been more side areas to explore! So many locked doors that can´t be opened...). There are some good spots with vertical combat as well.
Monster placement seemed a bit undetermined somehow, a few weak monsters here, a few stronger ones there, and many too obvious triggered spawnings. But it was fun nevertheless. Good job!
Ice Weasel@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 10:58 am : Thanks Tetz! I've mapped for quite a lot of games but only started releasing stuff at D3 level. This was however my first time in doing a singleplayer map since about the Duke3d era. Maybe even longer, I don't really know. But I started back with Doom when me and my dad found a copy of DEU on an old magazine coverdisk

Thanks for the pointers and crit, I'll take them on board for the next time round. I'm glad you had fun

Junkyard God@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 12:51 pm : That looks pretty neat judging by the screenies, nice and wide corridoors etc. so there's enough room to fight and what not.
Love this screenie: ... 0168_4.jpg
looks like the creep has come out to see what that flashignj thing in your hand is

vinnie_jones@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 7:25 pm : dumb q , just how many maps are there called "Omega"?
Plz dont take this as any form of critizism, because its not meant as such, im just cuirous

edit haha yes that screenie is great

Arklon@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 8:23 pm : Damn good map. Would've made more sense if "the experiment" was an Archville rather than a Revenant, though, because Archvilles can summon demons (and probably lost souls to make the zombies, too), which would explain why the complex is infested with demons and zombies.
Ice Weasel@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 9:54 pm : I realised about halfway through making it that there were about six thousand other maps with "Omega" in the name. Hell, while I was building it, people were releasing Omega maps. But it's got a ring to it if you say "There's trouble down at the old Omega Research Facility" in a Sean Connery James Bond voice. And it's a name that I've always liked, so I stuck with it

I didn't expect it to go down as well as it has done, actually. I kind of expected the project would just... sink when released, I thought people would hate it.

I do appreciate all the good comments though, they really mean a lot. Cheers everyone, I'm glad you enjoyed it

About the archvile thing though. Bugger me, it's something so stupidly obvious and yet I didn't think of it at all. Never occurred to me, not once. *cheesy grin*
vinnie_jones@Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 9:41 pm : hehe well as long as the actual names of the .pk4 doesnt match another
Omega map exactly ie "omegalabs.pk4" and "omegalabs.pk4"
then its ok

this is a deff MUST download, thats all i can say !!
Loved the atmos, somehow i got a certain
"80s-action-feel" a la ALiens, not sure why
but it was a really good map! 10/10

One slight "issue" though, the "load-bar" didnt work,
not on any of the maps, but maybe its something thats
wrong with my end, i do not know
fitzroy_doll@Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 7:18 am : Definitely the best of the Omegas!
It was tough! In the second level, when the player is moving around a square corridor, there is a large healthkit on a shelf that the player cannot reach. And somehow I missed the key codes...but still enjoyed it very much, well done.
Also, as has been mentioned above - the progress bar for the loading of each map does not work.
_Kev_Boy_@Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 7:35 pm : Good work, I liked the outdoor start, although it didn't look that great it still added to the atmosphere considerably

If I had to fault anything, it would be the texturing because it really gets downright ugly in some places, the patternless cement wall textures in particular... but these only occur in the first half so perhaps it was a beginner's touch you just overlooked to edit out

The pacing and enemies were good, the tips were alright, PDAs were just right too although the mockup of the text was overall a little clumped together, and the load-bars indeed do not work. The pictures ala CSS's Office were also a bit to out-of-place imo perhaps also some more environmental triggers like exploding pipes but in all honestly you did have a few of these, and even better than just pipes!

Compared to the other great SP maps,which I gave 8, I give this a 7 it's just a tinsy-bit worse. Still really good, though, I'm fairly harsh with my scores.
TelMarine@Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:56 am : I just finished playing through, excellent work here Ice Weasel. A lot of the time I found myself staring at some of the rooms, looking around. You really reminded me how good Doom3 really does look still. I felt your health placements were just right. I died once, but I was in the red a lot. One thing though, I felt you gave too much ammo. I liked how you changed the shotgun to be 5 shots with one shell reload (instead of 2 per), but I had so much ammo for the shotgun I mainly used that and barely used the other guns provided. Overall great work.
I found one thing though in the first 2 min of the game (not that big of a deal). Right in the beginning if you go all the way to the right, turn right to go get some clips/armor shards you can clip right through the wall and fall out of the level. I used noclip to get back, but it was pretty surprising haha.

poompoom500@Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:23 pm : 
To Ice Weasel,
The screenshots are impressive. I'll give your map a go. I love the "Kaiser" maps, T-Lab, Refinery, and Sigma. And yours looks like one of Kaiser's.
I see that you have the map uploaded at Filefront! I'll get it there.
P.S. Your web site isn't any good anymore...