Tron@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 7:32 pm : Seeing megatexture in action isn't quite as impressive now the ETQW beta is out, but we just got around to releasing this.

Megatexture Technology Mod V2
Showcases John Carmack's early version of the Megatexture technology
which lies hidden in the Doom 3 engine based games. It serves as a
proof of concept.
- r_showMegatextureLabels - Show resolution bands
- r_showMegatexture - Show megatexture levels
- r_skipMegatexture and r_skipMegatextureLevel is broken
Tech works in Doom 3/Quake 4/Prey, but added some Doom 3 specific vehicles. Only Doom 3 map was created.
What's new since the first release:
* A crude attempt at making the ET: Quake Wars Valley map!
* Objects cast shadow on megatexture.
* Blending between Megatexture levels.
* More than halved Megatexture render program size by using a different approach (original file still in the glprogs folder).
* Detail texture, effectively adding another Megatexture level.
* Added vehicles (press f to enter vehicles, g to toggle third person) and water.
The Megatexture has a size of 2048x2048.
A custom program was made to create the Megatexture, you may download the Megagen tool at: ... ELEASE.zipRead the readme for how to generate the 16kx16k Megatexture of the map yourself.
See development log at:
* Terrain scale is ~2/3 of Quake Wars maps.
* The 32768x32768 Megatextures in Quake Wars has 128 times the texture
detail you have in this demo.
* What would be a 5.7GB Megatexture in D3/Q4/Prey takes only ~500MB in
Quake Wars. Or in other words: The 2048x2048 Megatexture in this mod
would have been 2MB and not 22MB.
You need Doom 3.
1. unpack into the game folder.
2. run this found in the unpacked 'megatexture2' folder:
- megatexture2_d3.bat
* May be distributed as you wish as long as long as the zip stays
* Notify me if you'd like to use the mod in your mod.
* Give credit if you use any parts of this mod in your mod.
arneolav at
- Arne Olav Hallingstad
Megagen tool & Megatexture render program
- Tron
Mapping & Megatexture generation
- Rebb
Shadow casting on Megatexture
- Black Dog
Tree models & textures
- pbmax
Thanks for the water shader
Download the mod itself
here (91.66mb)
To save on filesize since Doom3 uses uncompressed Megatextures, the mod is distributed with a 2k*2k megatexture. Doom3 however supports up to 16k*16k, so you'll have to generate that yourself.
Download a copy of Megagen from
here (122mb)
Megagen comes with all the neccesary textures and rules set up to create the full resolution megatexture for the terrain, along with a readme file explaining how to do it.
It's a bit messily put together since it was used as a testbed for various features of the megagen tool as it was developed. I have been busy lately, but am slowly putting together a tutorial to show how to use it to create you own megatextures based off your own terrain meshes.[/url]
mikebart@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 8:01 pm : Nice one, Ill be expecting to see some nice etqw maps from you guys, not long now eh
Bo$bevok@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 8:33 pm : s w e e t . . .
parsonsbear@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 8:54 pm : I noticed AO (who originally released this) works for splashdamage now, is that new? Am I out of the loop?
BNA!@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 10:33 pm : This are very well looking shots. I wish I had more time to dedicate to mapping!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 5:29 am : But... But... But... Doom 3 can't do outdoors?

The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 5:35 am : question: have you happen to try the .mega megatexture that came with the ET:QW beta to see if it works in D3?
Anyway... I plan to download this tomorrow (so I don't exceed my download limit)
Tron@Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:46 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
question: have you happen to try the .mega megatexture that came with the ET:QW beta to see if it works in D3?
Anyway... I plan to download this tomorrow (so I don't exceed my download limit)
Nup, haven't tried it. Given the fact that the stock d3 engine doesn't seem to support above 16k megatextures, or any compression, it seems pointless going through the effort of opening up the beta archives and extracting it out.
Enforcer@Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 12:57 pm : This wont work in q4 will it? Would b extremly kewl if it did
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 1:12 pm : it's not in the pk4's, it right out in the open under base/megatextures.

Tron@Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 2:00 pm : Enforcer wrote:
This wont work in q4 will it? Would b extremly kewl if it did
I haven't tested it out in Quake 4 or Prey, but apart from some D3 specific things like the vehicles it should load.
Enforcer@Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 2:05 am : sweet. ill have to mess around with it in a few months and see the possibilities
parsonsbear@Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 6:31 pm : I'm really curious as to how the megagen works- it's a mod, so you're using the gamecode to load images and custom code to distribute the base textures? How hard would it be to add things like low resolution masks for things like roads and building outlines? Would it be possible to add an interface for stamping decals ingame? (sorry to sound greedy- this is just too cool)
Gmz1013@Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 7:01 pm : NNice job, looks kinda like Halo (orginal), just the way its mapped and the jeep thingy
Tron@Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 12:20 am : parsonsbear wrote:
I'm really curious as to how the megagen works- it's a mod, so you're using the gamecode to load images and custom code to distribute the base textures? How hard would it be to add things like low resolution masks for things like roads and building outlines? Would it be possible to add an interface for stamping decals ingame? (sorry to sound greedy- this is just too cool)
Why bother with the low resolution masks ingame for stuff like roads when the entire point is that you just have them as part of the megatexture in the first place?

As I said I am gradually writing up a tutorial on how to use AO's megagen tool, but if you have a look through the files now you will notice that I actually already used low resolution images as masks to add things like roads and wall outlines into the megatexture.
In the D3 engine itself, the megatexture layer just acts like a diffuse layer in any other material, so you can add onto it any sort of blends you want.
parsonsbear@Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 7:31 am : So the low resolution masks would be to hand draw stuff pre-generation to indicate placement without having to work in photoshop at the final resolution? If so, didn't realize it was already possible.
Tron@Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:24 am : parsonsbear wrote:
So the low resolution masks would be to hand draw stuff pre-generation to indicate placement without having to work in photoshop at the final resolution? If so, didn't realize it was already possible.
If I'm reading that correctly, yes.
The megagen tool has three different options.
1) Height based texture distribution
2) Slope based texture distribution
3) Mask based texture distribution
For the mask based distribution I just took a preview image of the megatexture into photoshop, created a new layer, and drew the roads in it in greyscale. Took out that layer as a 256 colour greyscale image and used it as the basis for a rule.
edit: You can if desired extract out sections of the full scale megatexture to manually add details in photoshop, but I never got around to this apart from a few experimentations. I chose not to do it for this project because it would then make it impossible for people to recreate the complete megatexture themselves just using the megagen tool.
parsonsbear@Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:47 pm : Thanks for the info tron- the extraction process would involve indicating a rectangle in the megatexture, which outputs the local/diffuse for that section at full res, which you can edit in photoshop and send back to the megatexture?
OnlyOneKenobi@Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 7:39 pm : I dowloaded the Megatexture mod and the Megagen zip file from the links that you provided, but when I try to run the ReactorEngine.exe I get an error message
"This application has failed to start because d3dx9_30.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
I've googled the error and the results seem to say that it's a Direct X problem - but all my games and DX apps work fine except reactor.exe
Am I not setting the application up correctly? I've extracted the zip file to the Doom 3 directory.
jcdenton22@Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 8:14 pm : OnlyOneKenobi wrote:
"This application has failed to start because d3dx9_30.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
I've googled the error and the results seem to say that it's a Direct X problem
It seems that your directx is not up to date. Just use "d3dx9_30.dll" as your search string in Google and you'll get links that lead to free download of the dll. Once downloaded, just copy the file to your windows\system32 folder.
Ideally, you should download directx online setup from so that all the missing files would get downloaded and installed.
Tron@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 7:32 pm : Seeing megatexture in action isn't quite as impressive now the ETQW beta is out, but we just got around to releasing this.

Megatexture Technology Mod V2
Showcases John Carmack's early version of the Megatexture technology
which lies hidden in the Doom 3 engine based games. It serves as a
proof of concept.
- r_showMegatextureLabels - Show resolution bands
- r_showMegatexture - Show megatexture levels
- r_skipMegatexture and r_skipMegatextureLevel is broken
Tech works in Doom 3/Quake 4/Prey, but added some Doom 3 specific vehicles. Only Doom 3 map was created.
What's new since the first release:
* A crude attempt at making the ET: Quake Wars Valley map!
* Objects cast shadow on megatexture.
* Blending between Megatexture levels.
* More than halved Megatexture render program size by using a different approach (original file still in the glprogs folder).
* Detail texture, effectively adding another Megatexture level.
* Added vehicles (press f to enter vehicles, g to toggle third person) and water.
The Megatexture has a size of 2048x2048.
A custom program was made to create the Megatexture, you may download the Megagen tool at: ... ELEASE.zipRead the readme for how to generate the 16kx16k Megatexture of the map yourself.
See development log at:
* Terrain scale is ~2/3 of Quake Wars maps.
* The 32768x32768 Megatextures in Quake Wars has 128 times the texture
detail you have in this demo.
* What would be a 5.7GB Megatexture in D3/Q4/Prey takes only ~500MB in
Quake Wars. Or in other words: The 2048x2048 Megatexture in this mod
would have been 2MB and not 22MB.
You need Doom 3.
1. unpack into the game folder.
2. run this found in the unpacked 'megatexture2' folder:
- megatexture2_d3.bat
* May be distributed as you wish as long as long as the zip stays
* Notify me if you'd like to use the mod in your mod.
* Give credit if you use any parts of this mod in your mod.
arneolav at
- Arne Olav Hallingstad
Megagen tool & Megatexture render program
- Tron
Mapping & Megatexture generation
- Rebb
Shadow casting on Megatexture
- Black Dog
Tree models & textures
- pbmax
Thanks for the water shader
Download the mod itself
here (91.66mb)
To save on filesize since Doom3 uses uncompressed Megatextures, the mod is distributed with a 2k*2k megatexture. Doom3 however supports up to 16k*16k, so you'll have to generate that yourself.
Download a copy of Megagen from
here (122mb)
Megagen comes with all the neccesary textures and rules set up to create the full resolution megatexture for the terrain, along with a readme file explaining how to do it.
It's a bit messily put together since it was used as a testbed for various features of the megagen tool as it was developed. I have been busy lately, but am slowly putting together a tutorial to show how to use it to create you own megatextures based off your own terrain meshes.[/url]
mikebart@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 8:01 pm : Nice one, Ill be expecting to see some nice etqw maps from you guys, not long now eh
Bo$bevok@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 8:33 pm : s w e e t . . .
parsonsbear@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 8:54 pm : I noticed AO (who originally released this) works for splashdamage now, is that new? Am I out of the loop?
BNA!@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 10:33 pm : This are very well looking shots. I wish I had more time to dedicate to mapping!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 5:29 am : But... But... But... Doom 3 can't do outdoors?

The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 5:35 am : question: have you happen to try the .mega megatexture that came with the ET:QW beta to see if it works in D3?
Anyway... I plan to download this tomorrow (so I don't exceed my download limit)
Tron@Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:46 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
question: have you happen to try the .mega megatexture that came with the ET:QW beta to see if it works in D3?
Anyway... I plan to download this tomorrow (so I don't exceed my download limit)
Nup, haven't tried it. Given the fact that the stock d3 engine doesn't seem to support above 16k megatextures, or any compression, it seems pointless going through the effort of opening up the beta archives and extracting it out.
Enforcer@Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 12:57 pm : This wont work in q4 will it? Would b extremly kewl if it did
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 1:12 pm : it's not in the pk4's, it right out in the open under base/megatextures.

Tron@Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 2:00 pm : Enforcer wrote:
This wont work in q4 will it? Would b extremly kewl if it did
I haven't tested it out in Quake 4 or Prey, but apart from some D3 specific things like the vehicles it should load.
Enforcer@Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 2:05 am : sweet. ill have to mess around with it in a few months and see the possibilities
parsonsbear@Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 6:31 pm : I'm really curious as to how the megagen works- it's a mod, so you're using the gamecode to load images and custom code to distribute the base textures? How hard would it be to add things like low resolution masks for things like roads and building outlines? Would it be possible to add an interface for stamping decals ingame? (sorry to sound greedy- this is just too cool)
Gmz1013@Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 7:01 pm : NNice job, looks kinda like Halo (orginal), just the way its mapped and the jeep thingy
Tron@Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 12:20 am : parsonsbear wrote:
I'm really curious as to how the megagen works- it's a mod, so you're using the gamecode to load images and custom code to distribute the base textures? How hard would it be to add things like low resolution masks for things like roads and building outlines? Would it be possible to add an interface for stamping decals ingame? (sorry to sound greedy- this is just too cool)
Why bother with the low resolution masks ingame for stuff like roads when the entire point is that you just have them as part of the megatexture in the first place?

As I said I am gradually writing up a tutorial on how to use AO's megagen tool, but if you have a look through the files now you will notice that I actually already used low resolution images as masks to add things like roads and wall outlines into the megatexture.
In the D3 engine itself, the megatexture layer just acts like a diffuse layer in any other material, so you can add onto it any sort of blends you want.
parsonsbear@Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 7:31 am : So the low resolution masks would be to hand draw stuff pre-generation to indicate placement without having to work in photoshop at the final resolution? If so, didn't realize it was already possible.
Tron@Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:24 am : parsonsbear wrote:
So the low resolution masks would be to hand draw stuff pre-generation to indicate placement without having to work in photoshop at the final resolution? If so, didn't realize it was already possible.
If I'm reading that correctly, yes.
The megagen tool has three different options.
1) Height based texture distribution
2) Slope based texture distribution
3) Mask based texture distribution
For the mask based distribution I just took a preview image of the megatexture into photoshop, created a new layer, and drew the roads in it in greyscale. Took out that layer as a 256 colour greyscale image and used it as the basis for a rule.
edit: You can if desired extract out sections of the full scale megatexture to manually add details in photoshop, but I never got around to this apart from a few experimentations. I chose not to do it for this project because it would then make it impossible for people to recreate the complete megatexture themselves just using the megagen tool.
parsonsbear@Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:47 pm : Thanks for the info tron- the extraction process would involve indicating a rectangle in the megatexture, which outputs the local/diffuse for that section at full res, which you can edit in photoshop and send back to the megatexture?
OnlyOneKenobi@Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 7:39 pm : I dowloaded the Megatexture mod and the Megagen zip file from the links that you provided, but when I try to run the ReactorEngine.exe I get an error message
"This application has failed to start because d3dx9_30.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
I've googled the error and the results seem to say that it's a Direct X problem - but all my games and DX apps work fine except reactor.exe
Am I not setting the application up correctly? I've extracted the zip file to the Doom 3 directory.
jcdenton22@Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 8:14 pm : OnlyOneKenobi wrote:
"This application has failed to start because d3dx9_30.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
I've googled the error and the results seem to say that it's a Direct X problem
It seems that your directx is not up to date. Just use "d3dx9_30.dll" as your search string in Google and you'll get links that lead to free download of the dll. Once downloaded, just copy the file to your windows\system32 folder.
Ideally, you should download directx online setup from so that all the missing files would get downloaded and installed.
OnlyOneKenobi@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 4:07 am : Thank you, I installed a newer version of DX 9 C and now Reactor.exe works fine, should it display the map upside down though?

Tron@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 7:29 am : I'm not sure if it's meant to, but it definitely does for me as well.

There are plenty of bugs in the program but it can do a fair bit as well. I haven't got any of the tutorial done for about a month though since I have been crazily busy.

Mordenkainen@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 1:41 pm : OnlyOneKenobi wrote:
Thank you, I installed a newer version of DX 9 C and now Reactor.exe works fine, should it display the map upside down though?

I haven't tried this (or rather, I've tried it but it crashes for me and the MT still doesn't show up in D3/Q4) so without any hands-on experience I can only speculate the map is inverted because it's reading from a TGA, which is an inverted format (that's why the _preview.TGA generated by MakeMegaTexture in the DOOM 3 engine is also inverted relative to your input file).
Tron@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 7:32 pm : Seeing megatexture in action isn't quite as impressive now the ETQW beta is out, but we just got around to releasing this.

Megatexture Technology Mod V2
Showcases John Carmack's early version of the Megatexture technology
which lies hidden in the Doom 3 engine based games. It serves as a
proof of concept.
- r_showMegatextureLabels - Show resolution bands
- r_showMegatexture - Show megatexture levels
- r_skipMegatexture and r_skipMegatextureLevel is broken
Tech works in Doom 3/Quake 4/Prey, but added some Doom 3 specific vehicles. Only Doom 3 map was created.
What's new since the first release:
* A crude attempt at making the ET: Quake Wars Valley map!
* Objects cast shadow on megatexture.
* Blending between Megatexture levels.
* More than halved Megatexture render program size by using a different approach (original file still in the glprogs folder).
* Detail texture, effectively adding another Megatexture level.
* Added vehicles (press f to enter vehicles, g to toggle third person) and water.
The Megatexture has a size of 2048x2048.
A custom program was made to create the Megatexture, you may download the Megagen tool at: ... ELEASE.zipRead the readme for how to generate the 16kx16k Megatexture of the map yourself.
See development log at:
* Terrain scale is ~2/3 of Quake Wars maps.
* The 32768x32768 Megatextures in Quake Wars has 128 times the texture
detail you have in this demo.
* What would be a 5.7GB Megatexture in D3/Q4/Prey takes only ~500MB in
Quake Wars. Or in other words: The 2048x2048 Megatexture in this mod
would have been 2MB and not 22MB.
You need Doom 3.
1. unpack into the game folder.
2. run this found in the unpacked 'megatexture2' folder:
- megatexture2_d3.bat
* May be distributed as you wish as long as long as the zip stays
* Notify me if you'd like to use the mod in your mod.
* Give credit if you use any parts of this mod in your mod.
arneolav at
- Arne Olav Hallingstad
Megagen tool & Megatexture render program
- Tron
Mapping & Megatexture generation
- Rebb
Shadow casting on Megatexture
- Black Dog
Tree models & textures
- pbmax
Thanks for the water shader
Download the mod itself
here (91.66mb)
To save on filesize since Doom3 uses uncompressed Megatextures, the mod is distributed with a 2k*2k megatexture. Doom3 however supports up to 16k*16k, so you'll have to generate that yourself.
Download a copy of Megagen from
here (122mb)
Megagen comes with all the neccesary textures and rules set up to create the full resolution megatexture for the terrain, along with a readme file explaining how to do it.
It's a bit messily put together since it was used as a testbed for various features of the megagen tool as it was developed. I have been busy lately, but am slowly putting together a tutorial to show how to use it to create you own megatextures based off your own terrain meshes.[/url]
mikebart@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 8:01 pm : Nice one, Ill be expecting to see some nice etqw maps from you guys, not long now eh
Bo$bevok@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 8:33 pm : s w e e t . . .
parsonsbear@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 8:54 pm : I noticed AO (who originally released this) works for splashdamage now, is that new? Am I out of the loop?
BNA!@Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 10:33 pm : This are very well looking shots. I wish I had more time to dedicate to mapping!
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 5:29 am : But... But... But... Doom 3 can't do outdoors?

The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 5:35 am : question: have you happen to try the .mega megatexture that came with the ET:QW beta to see if it works in D3?
Anyway... I plan to download this tomorrow (so I don't exceed my download limit)
Tron@Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:46 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
question: have you happen to try the .mega megatexture that came with the ET:QW beta to see if it works in D3?
Anyway... I plan to download this tomorrow (so I don't exceed my download limit)
Nup, haven't tried it. Given the fact that the stock d3 engine doesn't seem to support above 16k megatextures, or any compression, it seems pointless going through the effort of opening up the beta archives and extracting it out.
Enforcer@Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 12:57 pm : This wont work in q4 will it? Would b extremly kewl if it did
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 1:12 pm : it's not in the pk4's, it right out in the open under base/megatextures.

Tron@Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 2:00 pm : Enforcer wrote:
This wont work in q4 will it? Would b extremly kewl if it did
I haven't tested it out in Quake 4 or Prey, but apart from some D3 specific things like the vehicles it should load.
Enforcer@Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 2:05 am : sweet. ill have to mess around with it in a few months and see the possibilities
parsonsbear@Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 6:31 pm : I'm really curious as to how the megagen works- it's a mod, so you're using the gamecode to load images and custom code to distribute the base textures? How hard would it be to add things like low resolution masks for things like roads and building outlines? Would it be possible to add an interface for stamping decals ingame? (sorry to sound greedy- this is just too cool)
Gmz1013@Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 7:01 pm : NNice job, looks kinda like Halo (orginal), just the way its mapped and the jeep thingy
Tron@Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 12:20 am : parsonsbear wrote:
I'm really curious as to how the megagen works- it's a mod, so you're using the gamecode to load images and custom code to distribute the base textures? How hard would it be to add things like low resolution masks for things like roads and building outlines? Would it be possible to add an interface for stamping decals ingame? (sorry to sound greedy- this is just too cool)
Why bother with the low resolution masks ingame for stuff like roads when the entire point is that you just have them as part of the megatexture in the first place?

As I said I am gradually writing up a tutorial on how to use AO's megagen tool, but if you have a look through the files now you will notice that I actually already used low resolution images as masks to add things like roads and wall outlines into the megatexture.
In the D3 engine itself, the megatexture layer just acts like a diffuse layer in any other material, so you can add onto it any sort of blends you want.
parsonsbear@Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 7:31 am : So the low resolution masks would be to hand draw stuff pre-generation to indicate placement without having to work in photoshop at the final resolution? If so, didn't realize it was already possible.
Tron@Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:24 am : parsonsbear wrote:
So the low resolution masks would be to hand draw stuff pre-generation to indicate placement without having to work in photoshop at the final resolution? If so, didn't realize it was already possible.
If I'm reading that correctly, yes.
The megagen tool has three different options.
1) Height based texture distribution
2) Slope based texture distribution
3) Mask based texture distribution
For the mask based distribution I just took a preview image of the megatexture into photoshop, created a new layer, and drew the roads in it in greyscale. Took out that layer as a 256 colour greyscale image and used it as the basis for a rule.
edit: You can if desired extract out sections of the full scale megatexture to manually add details in photoshop, but I never got around to this apart from a few experimentations. I chose not to do it for this project because it would then make it impossible for people to recreate the complete megatexture themselves just using the megagen tool.
parsonsbear@Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:47 pm : Thanks for the info tron- the extraction process would involve indicating a rectangle in the megatexture, which outputs the local/diffuse for that section at full res, which you can edit in photoshop and send back to the megatexture?
OnlyOneKenobi@Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 7:39 pm : I dowloaded the Megatexture mod and the Megagen zip file from the links that you provided, but when I try to run the ReactorEngine.exe I get an error message
"This application has failed to start because d3dx9_30.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
I've googled the error and the results seem to say that it's a Direct X problem - but all my games and DX apps work fine except reactor.exe
Am I not setting the application up correctly? I've extracted the zip file to the Doom 3 directory.
jcdenton22@Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 8:14 pm : OnlyOneKenobi wrote:
"This application has failed to start because d3dx9_30.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
I've googled the error and the results seem to say that it's a Direct X problem
It seems that your directx is not up to date. Just use "d3dx9_30.dll" as your search string in Google and you'll get links that lead to free download of the dll. Once downloaded, just copy the file to your windows\system32 folder.
Ideally, you should download directx online setup from so that all the missing files would get downloaded and installed.
OnlyOneKenobi@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 4:07 am : Thank you, I installed a newer version of DX 9 C and now Reactor.exe works fine, should it display the map upside down though?

Tron@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 7:29 am : I'm not sure if it's meant to, but it definitely does for me as well.

There are plenty of bugs in the program but it can do a fair bit as well. I haven't got any of the tutorial done for about a month though since I have been crazily busy.

Mordenkainen@Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 1:41 pm : OnlyOneKenobi wrote:
Thank you, I installed a newer version of DX 9 C and now Reactor.exe works fine, should it display the map upside down though?

I haven't tried this (or rather, I've tried it but it crashes for me and the MT still doesn't show up in D3/Q4) so without any hands-on experience I can only speculate the map is inverted because it's reading from a TGA, which is an inverted format (that's why the _preview.TGA generated by MakeMegaTexture in the DOOM 3 engine is also inverted relative to your input file).