I dont know where to post this but i guess its a texture...
How do i impliment goggles into the HUD
like these
http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/795/ ... luenb2.jpg
http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/6070 ... ew3th3.jpg
that no mercy made
can anyone give me a tutorial on how to do that?
I haven't got any tutorial, anyway, seeing how Resurrection Of Evil did the stuff, I think that you can try the "GUI way".
(exemple from the "guis/helmet/helmet_full.gui" from the pak000.pk4:
windowDef Desktop
rect 0,0,640,480
nocursor 1
windowDef TopLeft {
rect 0,0,213,240
background "guis/assets/helmet/top_left_mask.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
windowDef TopCenter {
rect 213,0,214,240
background "guis/assets/helmet/top_mid_mask.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
windowDef TopRight {
rect 427,0,213,240
background "guis/assets/helmet/top_right_mask.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
windowDef BottomLeft {
rect 0,240,213,240
background "guis/assets/helmet/bottom_left_mask.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
windowDef BottomCenter {
rect 213,240,214,240
background "guis/assets/helmet/bottom_mid_mask.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
windowDef BottomRight {
rect 427,240,213,240
background "guis/assets/helmet/bottom_right_mask.tga"
matcolor 1,1,1,1
at least it should give you the coordinates, then the rest is pictures only...
I used a model for that, it was just a placeholder (low polygons, I just took a head from a zsec and modified it). Then I used a renderDef in the gui. You can also do this with md5mesh files to implement animation.
Check out I think it was "Zeh's Gui Tutorial" or something, just do a search. It should give you some good ideas on how to get this working.
I checked out that ZEH guys tutorials and i have no idea what hes talking about so im gonna get photoshop and try the first guy's idea...
If you could put one in a pk4 file and send it to me that would help too

the trouble is im trying to make it with doom 3 not ROE