I'm trying to create a .dds from a .tga.
I'm trying to use the following command line arguments, as it's suggested here
thecompressonator -convert "normal.tga" "normal.dds" RXGB +red 0.0 +green 0.5 +blue 0.5 -mipmaps
thecompressonator -convert "specular.tga" "specular.dds" DXT1 -mipmaps
thecompressonator -convert "diffuse.tga" "diffuse.dds" DXT1 -mipmaps
thecompressonator -convert "diffuse.tga" "diffuse.dds" DXT3 -mipmaps
but it says "Unrecognized flag: RXGB" ,"Unrecognized flag: DXT1" and "Unrecognized flag: DXT3"
I've installed the compressonator 5 minutes ago...

Can Anyone help me?

Thank you!
I've solved it!
Just unistall compressonator1.30 and install the one linked in that tutorial (compressonator1.21)