13579~@Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:17 pm :
Ok, I'm new to scripting, I've made a few assembly lines with func_movers, thats about it.

What I want to do is have a weapon like the grenade, only it sticks to anything and has a longer fuse and different model.

Kind of like the timed mine from goldeneye/perfect dark.

I can probably figure out how to increse the time before it explodes, but how would I make it stick to brushes/models? I know it probably has to do with bind command, but how would I make it bind to anything the mine model touches?

13579~@Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:17 pm :
Ok, I'm new to scripting, I've made a few assembly lines with func_movers, thats about it.

What I want to do is have a weapon like the grenade, only it sticks to anything and has a longer fuse and different model.

Kind of like the timed mine from goldeneye/perfect dark.

I can probably figure out how to increse the time before it explodes, but how would I make it stick to brushes/models? I know it probably has to do with bind command, but how would I make it bind to anything the mine model touches?