Joebo3@Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 6:20 am :
I succesfully imported my own animated character into Doom 3. But I want to make him a ragdoll. Unfortunately I'm not having an easy time with the articulated figure editor in the doom 3 editor. Everytime I type in my .md5mesh, the editor does not recognize it. I have all the necessary files including a .def file, .skin, and the md5s and it still won't work. Here is my .def file:

ragdoll RobotFreak

model ragdoll_RobotFreak {
skin skins/
mesh models/md5/RobotFreak.md5mesh
anim af_pose models/md5/RobotFreak_RobotFreak.md5anim

entityDef ragdoll_RobotFreak {
"inherit" "env_ragdoll_gibbable_base"
"editor_color" "1 .5 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_ragdoll" "1"

"editor_usage" "Ragdoll for RobotFreak"

"spawnclass" "idAFEntity_Generic"
"bleed" "1"
"sleep" "1"
"smoke_wound_flesh" "bloodwound.smoke"

"model" "ragdoll_RobotFreak"
"articulatedFigure" "RobotFreak"
"snd_bounce" "bodyparts"
"skin_dropGib" "skins/"

It annoying because an .af file is created, but does not reference any model I type into the editor.

Joebo3@Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 6:20 am :
I succesfully imported my own animated character into Doom 3. But I want to make him a ragdoll. Unfortunately I'm not having an easy time with the articulated figure editor in the doom 3 editor. Everytime I type in my .md5mesh, the editor does not recognize it. I have all the necessary files including a .def file, .skin, and the md5s and it still won't work. Here is my .def file:

ragdoll RobotFreak

model ragdoll_RobotFreak {
skin skins/
mesh models/md5/RobotFreak.md5mesh
anim af_pose models/md5/RobotFreak_RobotFreak.md5anim

entityDef ragdoll_RobotFreak {
"inherit" "env_ragdoll_gibbable_base"
"editor_color" "1 .5 0"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_ragdoll" "1"

"editor_usage" "Ragdoll for RobotFreak"

"spawnclass" "idAFEntity_Generic"
"bleed" "1"
"sleep" "1"
"smoke_wound_flesh" "bloodwound.smoke"

"model" "ragdoll_RobotFreak"
"articulatedFigure" "RobotFreak"
"snd_bounce" "bodyparts"
"skin_dropGib" "skins/"

It annoying because an .af file is created, but does not reference any model I type into the editor.