Radialis@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 7:43 pm : So I was working on q4_dm_arena, when windows update forced my computer to do a restart. When it loaded back up I opened up the editor and my map was attempting to autoload when I got this frightening error:
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 2521 milliseconds
------------ Game Map Shutdown --------------
-- idRenderModelManagerLocal::EndLevelLoad --
19 models purged from previous level, 3 models kept.
----- idImageManagerLocal::EndLevelLoad -----
0 purged from previous
226 kept from previous
0 new loaded
all images loaded in 0.0 seconds
0 deferred loading
-------- idSoundCache::EndLevelLoad ---------
0.00 seconds to expand oggs
0k referenced
3031k purged
sound: found efxs/default.efx
Entering message loop
Map_LoadFile: D:/Program Files/id Software/Quake 4/q4base/maps/wip/glissade3.map
------------ Game Map Shutdown --------------
ERROR: file D:/Program Files/id Software/Quake 4/q4base/maps/wip/glissade3.map, line 14070: parsed 1.#IND
I tried loading it in GTK radiant and I got the same line 14070 error. I'm hoping that there this a way to fix this. Someone please help

(I also noticed that my bookmarks were deleted as well, not sure if it's linked, but whatever)
Radialis@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 9:30 pm : anyone?

The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 9:34 pm : map got FUBAR. open it in notpad check that. odds are something needs to be deleted.
Radialis@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 9:45 pm : GTK radiant seems to give a better hint, I jsut don't know how I should delete the brush it seems to be having a problem with. Here's the GTK radiant code:
Loading map from D:/Program Files/id Software/Quake 4/q4base/maps/wip/glissade3.map
Open file D:/Program Files/id Software/Quake 4/q4base/maps/wip/glissade3.map for read...success
14070:72: parse error at '-1.#IND': expected '#number'
brush 1121: parse error
entity 0: parse error
map load timer: 0.17 second(s) elapsed
--- LoadMapFile ---
D:/Program Files/id Software/Quake 4/q4base/maps/wip/glissade3.map
0 primitive
0 entities
Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 10:04 pm :
Radialis@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 10:18 pm : Thanks for the replies so far Kamikazee and Friar, I appreciate it

. Wordpad orgnaizes map info better than notepad, so this is the code of the corrupt sector (or what I believe is to be corrupt)
"# Use #IND or #INF, depending on the error, as the search term and leave the replace term blank (Ensure you match the whole word)
# Replace all instances and save the file "
what am I to do with replacing?
(I have highlighted the affect areas in red for quick reference)
// primitive 1121
( 0.118925795 -0.7156623006 0.6882471442 -308.1590576172 ) ( ( 0.0551350415 0.0000000033 -8.6678447723 ) ( -0.0000000026 0.0426672064 -16.1710357666 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.6130313277 -0.757032454 0.2260407656 -203.4828796387 ) ( ( 0 -0 0.4999997616 ) ( -0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.6130327582 -0.7570312023 -0.2260410488 -242.8246765137 ) ( ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ( -0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.4757208824 -0.5874676108 -0.6546536684 -233.4470825195 ) ( ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.1860116869 -0.2297059745 -0.9553192258 -149.153427124 ) ( ( -0.0000004418 -0 0.5002123713 ) ( 0 -0.0000001758 0.4999662042 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.7466236949 0.118253313 0.6546519399 279.6753845215 ) ( ( 0.0864875987 0.0000000026 -34.902633667 ) ( -0.0000000117 0.1035786122 16.4436340332 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.9621247649 0.152385354 0.2260411531 316.9359130859 )
( ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.9621247649 0.1523854136 -0.2260411084 270.818572998 ) ( ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.7466236353 0.1182534844 -0.6546519995 172.9478302002 ) ( ( -0.0000000351 -0 0.5000148416 ) ( -0 -0.0000000488 0.5000123978 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.2919364274 0.0462381318 -0.9553194046 15.5475063324 )
( ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.2709000409 0.7057204843 0.6546539068 426.0959472656 ) ( ( 0.1592236012 0.000000349 11.8407258987 ) ( -0.0000003345 0.1668359637 47.6891517639 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.3490915298 0.9094168544 0.2260443717 507.4530334473 ) ( ( -0.067108877 0.0000000503 -4 ) ( -0.0000000019 -0.0335544311 -1 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.3490933776 0.9094161987 -0.2260441482 474.875579834 ) ( ( -0.0000000179 -0 0.4999986887 ) ( 0 -0.0000001327 0.5000255704 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.2709000707 0.7057204247 -0.654654026 334.6705932617 ) ( ( 0.0891545042 -0.0000002011 6.3147044182 ) ( 0.0000002174 0.0978160426 -37.5658607483 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.1059246957 0.2759440839 -0.9553192258 75.6477279663 ) ( ( 0.2271898538 -0.0000007651 14.6919698715 ) ( 0.0000009842 0.317766577 -162.5678863525 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.4757207334 0.5874677896 0.6546536088 177.1621704102 ) ( ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.6130313873 0.7570323944 0.2260408252 194.5661621094 ) ( ( 0 -0 0.4999997616 ) ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.6130327582 0.7570312023 -0.2260410339 170.1302185059 )
( ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.4757207632 0.5874676108 -0.6546537876 97.1556777954 )
( ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.1860116869 0.2297059596 -0.9553192258 -23.114780426 ) ( ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.7466236353 -0.1182533875 0.6546520591 -198.5558166504 ) ( ( 0.0078125 0 0 ) ( 0 0.0078125 0 ) ) "textures/terminal/floor_mp"
( 0.9621248245 -0.152385354 0.2260410488 -298.7536315918 ) ( ( 0 -0 0.4999997616 ) ( -0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.9621247649 -0.1523853987 -0.2260411084 -327.6841125488 ) ( ( 0.212975055 -0.0000000045 87.2322006226 ) ( -0.0000000306 0.6334719658 4.5176606178 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.7466236949 -0.1182534993 -0.6546519399 -287.1897583008 ) ( ( 0.0502577201 -0.0000000028 21.3110160828 ) ( 0.0000000157 0.0674859062 10.6543102264 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.2919363976 -0.0462381132 -0.9553194046 -180.4338989258 ) ( ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ( -0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.3342566788 -0.6438853741 0.6882471442 -172.9171447754 ) ( ( -0.00000004 -0 0.5000166893 ) ( -0 -0.0000000254 0.5000066757 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.3490915 -0.9094168544 0.2260444164 -505.7651062012 ) ( ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.3490934372 -0.9094161987 -0.2260441035 -542.008972168 ) ( ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ( -0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.2709001005 -0.7057204247 -0.6546539664 -472.3895874023 ) ( ( -0.000000033 0 0.5000014305 ) ( -0 -0.0000001037 0.4999702275 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.1059246734 -0.2759440541 -0.9553192258 -237.2628631592 ) ( ( -0.000000041 0 0.5000018477 ) ( -0 -0.0000003202 0.499845922 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 10:22 pm : The Modwiki article said to replace it with noting ("leave the replace term blank").
This does leave you with some corrupted brushes of course, but I guess that's still better than needing to scrap your whole map.
Radialis@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 10:32 pm : Well I just killed primitive 1121/ deleted the whole thing if that's what the wiki was instructing me to do. Or... if it wanted me to delete the fields ( ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ).. Which to do? The primitive as a whole? Or just the ( ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ) section?
Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 10:45 pm : Well, it basically instructed to kill only the lines with #IND in it then delete the brush (the primitive) afterwards, but I guess you just killed two birds with one stone.
Also, how many sides did that brush have?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 5:49 am : It's best to do a search and replace. Deleting the offending brush works in this case, but more times than not, the corruption isn't limited to a single brush.
Radialis@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 6:28 am : I believe there were 6 sides to the brush, maybe more though, I really don't know, it could've been a rock detail piece. I had some other outstanding problems with texture loads but i was able to get into the editor and replace the planes with different textures for now. I can now save AND compile, so I'm back in business.

Thanks again Rich, Kamikazee and Friar for the help.

Zombie13@Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:34 pm : For future reference I wouldn't build rocks with brush work

Better off modelling it, by a long shot.
Doomguy87@Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 2:53 am : holy shit!!!! i fixed the error but got another error message saying "line 57: expected number but found " ". " this is the same line that had the INF and IND errors? wtf happened? anyone?
LDAsh@Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:33 am : Sometimes it can be worth trying to rescue problem maps by opening them up, select everything (not "select all", but "select inside" a brush around everything), copy, new map, and paste in the new map. Because sometimes you can get "invisible nasties" leftover from undersized brushes, CSG subtractions, wonky vertex shifting, etc. Sometimes they can be like a disease and continue to affect other things, at least in my experience, and even when you can't see or find anything, you can select everything and you'll often notice some brush that is apparently infinitely tall/deep, you can deselect from the side view before copying. So this can be a quick easy way to clean some problems out of maps. I don't know why, but bad brushes/entities often show up as an infinitely tall selection, while otherwise invisible.
Doomguy87@Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 10:17 pm : nvm fixed it deleted the corrupt brushes, easy to fix

Radialis@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 7:43 pm : So I was working on q4_dm_arena, when windows update forced my computer to do a restart. When it loaded back up I opened up the editor and my map was attempting to autoload when I got this frightening error:
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 2521 milliseconds
------------ Game Map Shutdown --------------
-- idRenderModelManagerLocal::EndLevelLoad --
19 models purged from previous level, 3 models kept.
----- idImageManagerLocal::EndLevelLoad -----
0 purged from previous
226 kept from previous
0 new loaded
all images loaded in 0.0 seconds
0 deferred loading
-------- idSoundCache::EndLevelLoad ---------
0.00 seconds to expand oggs
0k referenced
3031k purged
sound: found efxs/default.efx
Entering message loop
Map_LoadFile: D:/Program Files/id Software/Quake 4/q4base/maps/wip/glissade3.map
------------ Game Map Shutdown --------------
ERROR: file D:/Program Files/id Software/Quake 4/q4base/maps/wip/glissade3.map, line 14070: parsed 1.#IND
I tried loading it in GTK radiant and I got the same line 14070 error. I'm hoping that there this a way to fix this. Someone please help

(I also noticed that my bookmarks were deleted as well, not sure if it's linked, but whatever)
Radialis@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 9:30 pm : anyone?

The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 9:34 pm : map got FUBAR. open it in notpad check that. odds are something needs to be deleted.
Radialis@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 9:45 pm : GTK radiant seems to give a better hint, I jsut don't know how I should delete the brush it seems to be having a problem with. Here's the GTK radiant code:
Loading map from D:/Program Files/id Software/Quake 4/q4base/maps/wip/glissade3.map
Open file D:/Program Files/id Software/Quake 4/q4base/maps/wip/glissade3.map for read...success
14070:72: parse error at '-1.#IND': expected '#number'
brush 1121: parse error
entity 0: parse error
map load timer: 0.17 second(s) elapsed
--- LoadMapFile ---
D:/Program Files/id Software/Quake 4/q4base/maps/wip/glissade3.map
0 primitive
0 entities
Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 10:04 pm :
Radialis@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 10:18 pm : Thanks for the replies so far Kamikazee and Friar, I appreciate it

. Wordpad orgnaizes map info better than notepad, so this is the code of the corrupt sector (or what I believe is to be corrupt)
"# Use #IND or #INF, depending on the error, as the search term and leave the replace term blank (Ensure you match the whole word)
# Replace all instances and save the file "
what am I to do with replacing?
(I have highlighted the affect areas in red for quick reference)
// primitive 1121
( 0.118925795 -0.7156623006 0.6882471442 -308.1590576172 ) ( ( 0.0551350415 0.0000000033 -8.6678447723 ) ( -0.0000000026 0.0426672064 -16.1710357666 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.6130313277 -0.757032454 0.2260407656 -203.4828796387 ) ( ( 0 -0 0.4999997616 ) ( -0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.6130327582 -0.7570312023 -0.2260410488 -242.8246765137 ) ( ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ( -0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.4757208824 -0.5874676108 -0.6546536684 -233.4470825195 ) ( ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.1860116869 -0.2297059745 -0.9553192258 -149.153427124 ) ( ( -0.0000004418 -0 0.5002123713 ) ( 0 -0.0000001758 0.4999662042 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.7466236949 0.118253313 0.6546519399 279.6753845215 ) ( ( 0.0864875987 0.0000000026 -34.902633667 ) ( -0.0000000117 0.1035786122 16.4436340332 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.9621247649 0.152385354 0.2260411531 316.9359130859 )
( ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.9621247649 0.1523854136 -0.2260411084 270.818572998 ) ( ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.7466236353 0.1182534844 -0.6546519995 172.9478302002 ) ( ( -0.0000000351 -0 0.5000148416 ) ( -0 -0.0000000488 0.5000123978 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.2919364274 0.0462381318 -0.9553194046 15.5475063324 )
( ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.2709000409 0.7057204843 0.6546539068 426.0959472656 ) ( ( 0.1592236012 0.000000349 11.8407258987 ) ( -0.0000003345 0.1668359637 47.6891517639 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.3490915298 0.9094168544 0.2260443717 507.4530334473 ) ( ( -0.067108877 0.0000000503 -4 ) ( -0.0000000019 -0.0335544311 -1 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.3490933776 0.9094161987 -0.2260441482 474.875579834 ) ( ( -0.0000000179 -0 0.4999986887 ) ( 0 -0.0000001327 0.5000255704 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.2709000707 0.7057204247 -0.654654026 334.6705932617 ) ( ( 0.0891545042 -0.0000002011 6.3147044182 ) ( 0.0000002174 0.0978160426 -37.5658607483 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.1059246957 0.2759440839 -0.9553192258 75.6477279663 ) ( ( 0.2271898538 -0.0000007651 14.6919698715 ) ( 0.0000009842 0.317766577 -162.5678863525 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.4757207334 0.5874677896 0.6546536088 177.1621704102 ) ( ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.6130313873 0.7570323944 0.2260408252 194.5661621094 ) ( ( 0 -0 0.4999997616 ) ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.6130327582 0.7570312023 -0.2260410339 170.1302185059 )
( ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.4757207632 0.5874676108 -0.6546537876 97.1556777954 )
( ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.1860116869 0.2297059596 -0.9553192258 -23.114780426 ) ( ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.7466236353 -0.1182533875 0.6546520591 -198.5558166504 ) ( ( 0.0078125 0 0 ) ( 0 0.0078125 0 ) ) "textures/terminal/floor_mp"
( 0.9621248245 -0.152385354 0.2260410488 -298.7536315918 ) ( ( 0 -0 0.4999997616 ) ( -0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.9621247649 -0.1523853987 -0.2260411084 -327.6841125488 ) ( ( 0.212975055 -0.0000000045 87.2322006226 ) ( -0.0000000306 0.6334719658 4.5176606178 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.7466236949 -0.1182534993 -0.6546519399 -287.1897583008 ) ( ( 0.0502577201 -0.0000000028 21.3110160828 ) ( 0.0000000157 0.0674859062 10.6543102264 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.2919363976 -0.0462381132 -0.9553194046 -180.4338989258 ) ( ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ( -0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.3342566788 -0.6438853741 0.6882471442 -172.9171447754 ) ( ( -0.00000004 -0 0.5000166893 ) ( -0 -0.0000000254 0.5000066757 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.3490915 -0.9094168544 0.2260444164 -505.7651062012 ) ( ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.3490934372 -0.9094161987 -0.2260441035 -542.008972168 ) ( ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ( -0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.2709001005 -0.7057204247 -0.6546539664 -472.3895874023 ) ( ( -0.000000033 0 0.5000014305 ) ( -0 -0.0000001037 0.4999702275 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.1059246734 -0.2759440541 -0.9553192258 -237.2628631592 ) ( ( -0.000000041 0 0.5000018477 ) ( -0 -0.0000003202 0.499845922 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 10:22 pm : The Modwiki article said to replace it with noting ("leave the replace term blank").
This does leave you with some corrupted brushes of course, but I guess that's still better than needing to scrap your whole map.
Radialis@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 10:32 pm : Well I just killed primitive 1121/ deleted the whole thing if that's what the wiki was instructing me to do. Or... if it wanted me to delete the fields ( ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ).. Which to do? The primitive as a whole? Or just the ( ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ) section?
Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 10:45 pm : Well, it basically instructed to kill only the lines with #IND in it then delete the brush (the primitive) afterwards, but I guess you just killed two birds with one stone.
Also, how many sides did that brush have?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 5:49 am : It's best to do a search and replace. Deleting the offending brush works in this case, but more times than not, the corruption isn't limited to a single brush.
Radialis@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 6:28 am : I believe there were 6 sides to the brush, maybe more though, I really don't know, it could've been a rock detail piece. I had some other outstanding problems with texture loads but i was able to get into the editor and replace the planes with different textures for now. I can now save AND compile, so I'm back in business.

Thanks again Rich, Kamikazee and Friar for the help.

Zombie13@Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:34 pm : For future reference I wouldn't build rocks with brush work

Better off modelling it, by a long shot.
Doomguy87@Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 2:53 am : holy shit!!!! i fixed the error but got another error message saying "line 57: expected number but found " ". " this is the same line that had the INF and IND errors? wtf happened? anyone?
LDAsh@Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:33 am : Sometimes it can be worth trying to rescue problem maps by opening them up, select everything (not "select all", but "select inside" a brush around everything), copy, new map, and paste in the new map. Because sometimes you can get "invisible nasties" leftover from undersized brushes, CSG subtractions, wonky vertex shifting, etc. Sometimes they can be like a disease and continue to affect other things, at least in my experience, and even when you can't see or find anything, you can select everything and you'll often notice some brush that is apparently infinitely tall/deep, you can deselect from the side view before copying. So this can be a quick easy way to clean some problems out of maps. I don't know why, but bad brushes/entities often show up as an infinitely tall selection, while otherwise invisible.
Doomguy87@Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 10:17 pm : nvm fixed it deleted the corrupt brushes, easy to fix

Radialis@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 7:43 pm : So I was working on q4_dm_arena, when windows update forced my computer to do a restart. When it loaded back up I opened up the editor and my map was attempting to autoload when I got this frightening error:
CDialogTextures::BuildTree() took 2521 milliseconds
------------ Game Map Shutdown --------------
-- idRenderModelManagerLocal::EndLevelLoad --
19 models purged from previous level, 3 models kept.
----- idImageManagerLocal::EndLevelLoad -----
0 purged from previous
226 kept from previous
0 new loaded
all images loaded in 0.0 seconds
0 deferred loading
-------- idSoundCache::EndLevelLoad ---------
0.00 seconds to expand oggs
0k referenced
3031k purged
sound: found efxs/default.efx
Entering message loop
Map_LoadFile: D:/Program Files/id Software/Quake 4/q4base/maps/wip/glissade3.map
------------ Game Map Shutdown --------------
ERROR: file D:/Program Files/id Software/Quake 4/q4base/maps/wip/glissade3.map, line 14070: parsed 1.#IND
I tried loading it in GTK radiant and I got the same line 14070 error. I'm hoping that there this a way to fix this. Someone please help

(I also noticed that my bookmarks were deleted as well, not sure if it's linked, but whatever)
Radialis@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 9:30 pm : anyone?

The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 9:34 pm : map got FUBAR. open it in notpad check that. odds are something needs to be deleted.
Radialis@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 9:45 pm : GTK radiant seems to give a better hint, I jsut don't know how I should delete the brush it seems to be having a problem with. Here's the GTK radiant code:
Loading map from D:/Program Files/id Software/Quake 4/q4base/maps/wip/glissade3.map
Open file D:/Program Files/id Software/Quake 4/q4base/maps/wip/glissade3.map for read...success
14070:72: parse error at '-1.#IND': expected '#number'
brush 1121: parse error
entity 0: parse error
map load timer: 0.17 second(s) elapsed
--- LoadMapFile ---
D:/Program Files/id Software/Quake 4/q4base/maps/wip/glissade3.map
0 primitive
0 entities
Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 10:04 pm :
Radialis@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 10:18 pm : Thanks for the replies so far Kamikazee and Friar, I appreciate it

. Wordpad orgnaizes map info better than notepad, so this is the code of the corrupt sector (or what I believe is to be corrupt)
"# Use #IND or #INF, depending on the error, as the search term and leave the replace term blank (Ensure you match the whole word)
# Replace all instances and save the file "
what am I to do with replacing?
(I have highlighted the affect areas in red for quick reference)
// primitive 1121
( 0.118925795 -0.7156623006 0.6882471442 -308.1590576172 ) ( ( 0.0551350415 0.0000000033 -8.6678447723 ) ( -0.0000000026 0.0426672064 -16.1710357666 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.6130313277 -0.757032454 0.2260407656 -203.4828796387 ) ( ( 0 -0 0.4999997616 ) ( -0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.6130327582 -0.7570312023 -0.2260410488 -242.8246765137 ) ( ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ( -0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.4757208824 -0.5874676108 -0.6546536684 -233.4470825195 ) ( ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.1860116869 -0.2297059745 -0.9553192258 -149.153427124 ) ( ( -0.0000004418 -0 0.5002123713 ) ( 0 -0.0000001758 0.4999662042 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.7466236949 0.118253313 0.6546519399 279.6753845215 ) ( ( 0.0864875987 0.0000000026 -34.902633667 ) ( -0.0000000117 0.1035786122 16.4436340332 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.9621247649 0.152385354 0.2260411531 316.9359130859 )
( ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.9621247649 0.1523854136 -0.2260411084 270.818572998 ) ( ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.7466236353 0.1182534844 -0.6546519995 172.9478302002 ) ( ( -0.0000000351 -0 0.5000148416 ) ( -0 -0.0000000488 0.5000123978 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.2919364274 0.0462381318 -0.9553194046 15.5475063324 )
( ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.2709000409 0.7057204843 0.6546539068 426.0959472656 ) ( ( 0.1592236012 0.000000349 11.8407258987 ) ( -0.0000003345 0.1668359637 47.6891517639 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.3490915298 0.9094168544 0.2260443717 507.4530334473 ) ( ( -0.067108877 0.0000000503 -4 ) ( -0.0000000019 -0.0335544311 -1 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.3490933776 0.9094161987 -0.2260441482 474.875579834 ) ( ( -0.0000000179 -0 0.4999986887 ) ( 0 -0.0000001327 0.5000255704 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.2709000707 0.7057204247 -0.654654026 334.6705932617 ) ( ( 0.0891545042 -0.0000002011 6.3147044182 ) ( 0.0000002174 0.0978160426 -37.5658607483 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.1059246957 0.2759440839 -0.9553192258 75.6477279663 ) ( ( 0.2271898538 -0.0000007651 14.6919698715 ) ( 0.0000009842 0.317766577 -162.5678863525 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.4757207334 0.5874677896 0.6546536088 177.1621704102 ) ( ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.6130313873 0.7570323944 0.2260408252 194.5661621094 ) ( ( 0 -0 0.4999997616 ) ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.6130327582 0.7570312023 -0.2260410339 170.1302185059 )
( ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.4757207632 0.5874676108 -0.6546537876 97.1556777954 )
( ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.1860116869 0.2297059596 -0.9553192258 -23.114780426 ) ( ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.7466236353 -0.1182533875 0.6546520591 -198.5558166504 ) ( ( 0.0078125 0 0 ) ( 0 0.0078125 0 ) ) "textures/terminal/floor_mp"
( 0.9621248245 -0.152385354 0.2260410488 -298.7536315918 ) ( ( 0 -0 0.4999997616 ) ( -0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.9621247649 -0.1523853987 -0.2260411084 -327.6841125488 ) ( ( 0.212975055 -0.0000000045 87.2322006226 ) ( -0.0000000306 0.6334719658 4.5176606178 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.7466236949 -0.1182534993 -0.6546519399 -287.1897583008 ) ( ( 0.0502577201 -0.0000000028 21.3110160828 ) ( 0.0000000157 0.0674859062 10.6543102264 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.2919363976 -0.0462381132 -0.9553194046 -180.4338989258 ) ( ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ( -0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( -0.3342566788 -0.6438853741 0.6882471442 -172.9171447754 ) ( ( -0.00000004 -0 0.5000166893 ) ( -0 -0.0000000254 0.5000066757 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.3490915 -0.9094168544 0.2260444164 -505.7651062012 ) ( ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.3490934372 -0.9094161987 -0.2260441035 -542.008972168 ) ( ( 0 0 0.4999997616 ) ( -0 0 0.4999997616 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.2709001005 -0.7057204247 -0.6546539664 -472.3895874023 ) ( ( -0.000000033 0 0.5000014305 ) ( -0 -0.0000001037 0.4999702275 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
( 0.1059246734 -0.2759440541 -0.9553192258 -237.2628631592 ) ( ( -0.000000041 0 0.5000018477 ) ( -0 -0.0000003202 0.499845922 ) ) "textures/rock/rock05a"
Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 10:22 pm : The Modwiki article said to replace it with noting ("leave the replace term blank").
This does leave you with some corrupted brushes of course, but I guess that's still better than needing to scrap your whole map.
Radialis@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 10:32 pm : Well I just killed primitive 1121/ deleted the whole thing if that's what the wiki was instructing me to do. Or... if it wanted me to delete the fields ( ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ).. Which to do? The primitive as a whole? Or just the ( ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ( -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND ) ) section?
Kamikazee@Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 10:45 pm : Well, it basically instructed to kill only the lines with #IND in it then delete the brush (the primitive) afterwards, but I guess you just killed two birds with one stone.
Also, how many sides did that brush have?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 5:49 am : It's best to do a search and replace. Deleting the offending brush works in this case, but more times than not, the corruption isn't limited to a single brush.
Radialis@Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 6:28 am : I believe there were 6 sides to the brush, maybe more though, I really don't know, it could've been a rock detail piece. I had some other outstanding problems with texture loads but i was able to get into the editor and replace the planes with different textures for now. I can now save AND compile, so I'm back in business.

Thanks again Rich, Kamikazee and Friar for the help.

Zombie13@Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:34 pm : For future reference I wouldn't build rocks with brush work

Better off modelling it, by a long shot.
Doomguy87@Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 2:53 am : holy shit!!!! i fixed the error but got another error message saying "line 57: expected number but found " ". " this is the same line that had the INF and IND errors? wtf happened? anyone?
LDAsh@Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:33 am : Sometimes it can be worth trying to rescue problem maps by opening them up, select everything (not "select all", but "select inside" a brush around everything), copy, new map, and paste in the new map. Because sometimes you can get "invisible nasties" leftover from undersized brushes, CSG subtractions, wonky vertex shifting, etc. Sometimes they can be like a disease and continue to affect other things, at least in my experience, and even when you can't see or find anything, you can select everything and you'll often notice some brush that is apparently infinitely tall/deep, you can deselect from the side view before copying. So this can be a quick easy way to clean some problems out of maps. I don't know why, but bad brushes/entities often show up as an infinitely tall selection, while otherwise invisible.
Doomguy87@Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 10:17 pm : nvm fixed it deleted the corrupt brushes, easy to fix