Dinky@Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:33 am : http://www.xfire.com/cms/xf_quakewars_07/Siege of SeptemberMark your calendars on September 21st and 28th for the "Siege of September" Enemy Territory: Quake Wars on Xfire. This official Activision event will feature three components - 1. A live broadcast invitational pro tournament, 2. A developer chat with ET:QW developers, Splash Damage 3. A signature Xfire "Play with the Pros" gaming event.
Users will have a chance to win posters and copies of ET:QW. -Xfire e-mail newsletter
Dinky@Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:33 am : http://www.xfire.com/cms/xf_quakewars_07/Siege of SeptemberMark your calendars on September 21st and 28th for the "Siege of September" Enemy Territory: Quake Wars on Xfire. This official Activision event will feature three components - 1. A live broadcast invitational pro tournament, 2. A developer chat with ET:QW developers, Splash Damage 3. A signature Xfire "Play with the Pros" gaming event.
Users will have a chance to win posters and copies of ET:QW. -Xfire e-mail newsletter