Obli@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 8:54 pm : Probably not the ideal place to post this but I as I have been a (pretty inactive) member of the forums here (I am a bit of an Id Software fan) and I know there are some talented people on these forums. I'll just copy what I have posted elsewhere:
I am beginning a project (at University) with a small team and we have decided to begin creating a prototype of a game concept by modding the Source engine. We chose the Source engine as it's (apparently) relatively simple to use, has a vast amount of (official) documentation and support from Valve, has a large community and the AI already present in Half-Life 2 is impressive.
Has there been a mod that allows the player to control (move, shoot etc.) various 'NPC' characters from the first-person view? Any thoughts on implementing this? The request is ironic, I know, considering the meaning of NPC! =)
Thanks to all for reading!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 9:18 pm : most people on moddb.com would dispute that source is easy to use. The general consensus is d3's easier overall.

that would be a better place to look up info too. there's a mod that lets you control a strider & you can play looking like an npc. Are you thinking something like the game "giest" where you can "posess" npc's & be them?
valve also has a wiki. I think it's "developer.valvesoftware.com" or something.
Obli@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 9:37 pm : Thanks for the quick response.
The Happy Friar wrote:
Are you thinking something like the game "giest" where you can "posess" npc's & be them?
Something along those lines, yes

I'll check out Giest.
I am more familiar (and hence comfortable) with Id stuff (although I have only ever mapped, never modded) but for the previous reasons stated, as a team we decided to go with Source. Also, there are some of Half-Life 2's assets more appropriate for us to use. I have posted this enquiry at moddb so I'll see what comes of that. I'd certainly be interested to check anything that exists out there already.
Just to clarify that Valve's Wiki is at
http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Main_Page - been checking that out already =)
EDIT: Geist - are you speaking about the Gamecube game?
EDIT 2: ET:QW calls...!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 10:43 pm : Obli wrote:
EDIT: Geist - are you speaking about the Gamecube game?
yuppers. Never played but what you want sounds like what they did.
I'd imagine you could do something similar in doom 3 with scripting & a new "weapon". I'm pretty sure it would be pretty easy to make a gun that when you point at a baddie & fire, you two switch locations.

EDIT: BTW, just saw that ambershee from moddb backed me up on the non-greatness of source. Knew he's pipe up.

jizaboz@Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 2:09 pm : Ha I got Geist the day it came out. Great game for a platform 1st person shooter really.
Obli@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:32 am : Just thought I'd follow up on this post to say I have a prototype up and running. Posted some videos up on You Tube:
http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p ... 3F171964A6Thanks for your help - got there in the end
iceheart@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 3:12 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
Are you thinking something like the game "giest" where you can "posess" npc's & be them?

Obli@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 9:54 pm : Probably not the ideal place to post this but I as I have been a (pretty inactive) member of the forums here (I am a bit of an Id Software fan) and I know there are some talented people on these forums. I'll just copy what I have posted elsewhere:
I am beginning a project (at University) with a small team and we have decided to begin creating a prototype of a game concept by modding the Source engine. We chose the Source engine as it's (apparently) relatively simple to use, has a vast amount of (official) documentation and support from Valve, has a large community and the AI already present in Half-Life 2 is impressive.
Has there been a mod that allows the player to control (move, shoot etc.) various 'NPC' characters from the first-person view? Any thoughts on implementing this? The request is ironic, I know, considering the meaning of NPC! =)
Thanks to all for reading!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 10:18 pm : most people on moddb.com would dispute that source is easy to use. The general consensus is d3's easier overall.

that would be a better place to look up info too. there's a mod that lets you control a strider & you can play looking like an npc. Are you thinking something like the game "giest" where you can "posess" npc's & be them?
valve also has a wiki. I think it's "developer.valvesoftware.com" or something.
Obli@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 10:37 pm : Thanks for the quick response.
The Happy Friar wrote:
Are you thinking something like the game "giest" where you can "posess" npc's & be them?
Something along those lines, yes

I'll check out Giest.
I am more familiar (and hence comfortable) with Id stuff (although I have only ever mapped, never modded) but for the previous reasons stated, as a team we decided to go with Source. Also, there are some of Half-Life 2's assets more appropriate for us to use. I have posted this enquiry at moddb so I'll see what comes of that. I'd certainly be interested to check anything that exists out there already.
Just to clarify that Valve's Wiki is at
http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Main_Page - been checking that out already =)
EDIT: Geist - are you speaking about the Gamecube game?
EDIT 2: ET:QW calls...!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 11:43 pm : Obli wrote:
EDIT: Geist - are you speaking about the Gamecube game?
yuppers. Never played but what you want sounds like what they did.
I'd imagine you could do something similar in doom 3 with scripting & a new "weapon". I'm pretty sure it would be pretty easy to make a gun that when you point at a baddie & fire, you two switch locations.

EDIT: BTW, just saw that ambershee from moddb backed me up on the non-greatness of source. Knew he's pipe up.

jizaboz@Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 3:09 pm : Ha I got Geist the day it came out. Great game for a platform 1st person shooter really.
Obli@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 3:32 am : Just thought I'd follow up on this post to say I have a prototype up and running. Posted some videos up on You Tube:
http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p ... 3F171964A6Thanks for your help - got there in the end
iceheart@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 4:12 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
Are you thinking something like the game "giest" where you can "posess" npc's & be them?

Obli@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 9:54 pm : Probably not the ideal place to post this but I as I have been a (pretty inactive) member of the forums here (I am a bit of an Id Software fan) and I know there are some talented people on these forums. I'll just copy what I have posted elsewhere:
I am beginning a project (at University) with a small team and we have decided to begin creating a prototype of a game concept by modding the Source engine. We chose the Source engine as it's (apparently) relatively simple to use, has a vast amount of (official) documentation and support from Valve, has a large community and the AI already present in Half-Life 2 is impressive.
Has there been a mod that allows the player to control (move, shoot etc.) various 'NPC' characters from the first-person view? Any thoughts on implementing this? The request is ironic, I know, considering the meaning of NPC! =)
Thanks to all for reading!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 10:18 pm : most people on moddb.com would dispute that source is easy to use. The general consensus is d3's easier overall.

that would be a better place to look up info too. there's a mod that lets you control a strider & you can play looking like an npc. Are you thinking something like the game "giest" where you can "posess" npc's & be them?
valve also has a wiki. I think it's "developer.valvesoftware.com" or something.
Obli@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 10:37 pm : Thanks for the quick response.
The Happy Friar wrote:
Are you thinking something like the game "giest" where you can "posess" npc's & be them?
Something along those lines, yes

I'll check out Giest.
I am more familiar (and hence comfortable) with Id stuff (although I have only ever mapped, never modded) but for the previous reasons stated, as a team we decided to go with Source. Also, there are some of Half-Life 2's assets more appropriate for us to use. I have posted this enquiry at moddb so I'll see what comes of that. I'd certainly be interested to check anything that exists out there already.
Just to clarify that Valve's Wiki is at
http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Main_Page - been checking that out already =)
EDIT: Geist - are you speaking about the Gamecube game?
EDIT 2: ET:QW calls...!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 11:43 pm : Obli wrote:
EDIT: Geist - are you speaking about the Gamecube game?
yuppers. Never played but what you want sounds like what they did.
I'd imagine you could do something similar in doom 3 with scripting & a new "weapon". I'm pretty sure it would be pretty easy to make a gun that when you point at a baddie & fire, you two switch locations.

EDIT: BTW, just saw that ambershee from moddb backed me up on the non-greatness of source. Knew he's pipe up.

jizaboz@Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 3:09 pm : Ha I got Geist the day it came out. Great game for a platform 1st person shooter really.
Obli@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 3:32 am : Just thought I'd follow up on this post to say I have a prototype up and running. Posted some videos up on You Tube:
http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p ... 3F171964A6Thanks for your help - got there in the end
iceheart@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 4:12 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
Are you thinking something like the game "giest" where you can "posess" npc's & be them?

Obli@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 9:54 pm : Probably not the ideal place to post this but I as I have been a (pretty inactive) member of the forums here (I am a bit of an Id Software fan) and I know there are some talented people on these forums. I'll just copy what I have posted elsewhere:
I am beginning a project (at University) with a small team and we have decided to begin creating a prototype of a game concept by modding the Source engine. We chose the Source engine as it's (apparently) relatively simple to use, has a vast amount of (official) documentation and support from Valve, has a large community and the AI already present in Half-Life 2 is impressive.
Has there been a mod that allows the player to control (move, shoot etc.) various 'NPC' characters from the first-person view? Any thoughts on implementing this? The request is ironic, I know, considering the meaning of NPC! =)
Thanks to all for reading!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 10:18 pm : most people on moddb.com would dispute that source is easy to use. The general consensus is d3's easier overall.

that would be a better place to look up info too. there's a mod that lets you control a strider & you can play looking like an npc. Are you thinking something like the game "giest" where you can "posess" npc's & be them?
valve also has a wiki. I think it's "developer.valvesoftware.com" or something.
Obli@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 10:37 pm : Thanks for the quick response.
The Happy Friar wrote:
Are you thinking something like the game "giest" where you can "posess" npc's & be them?
Something along those lines, yes

I'll check out Giest.
I am more familiar (and hence comfortable) with Id stuff (although I have only ever mapped, never modded) but for the previous reasons stated, as a team we decided to go with Source. Also, there are some of Half-Life 2's assets more appropriate for us to use. I have posted this enquiry at moddb so I'll see what comes of that. I'd certainly be interested to check anything that exists out there already.
Just to clarify that Valve's Wiki is at
http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Main_Page - been checking that out already =)
EDIT: Geist - are you speaking about the Gamecube game?
EDIT 2: ET:QW calls...!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 11:43 pm : Obli wrote:
EDIT: Geist - are you speaking about the Gamecube game?
yuppers. Never played but what you want sounds like what they did.
I'd imagine you could do something similar in doom 3 with scripting & a new "weapon". I'm pretty sure it would be pretty easy to make a gun that when you point at a baddie & fire, you two switch locations.

EDIT: BTW, just saw that ambershee from moddb backed me up on the non-greatness of source. Knew he's pipe up.

jizaboz@Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 3:09 pm : Ha I got Geist the day it came out. Great game for a platform 1st person shooter really.
Obli@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 3:32 am : Just thought I'd follow up on this post to say I have a prototype up and running. Posted some videos up on You Tube:
http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p ... 3F171964A6Thanks for your help - got there in the end
iceheart@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 4:12 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
Are you thinking something like the game "giest" where you can "posess" npc's & be them?
