ajm113@Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 10:00 pm :
This is my first mini mod. The maps are kinda small and not very detailed with all the A.I, but it's hard as heck on XHard mode. I also have entered the dmg weapon in war3 map that you can use against the boss in the last map. It's hidden in this area on the left.*HINT* Which mite help you a lot.

Also if you are thinking, no this has nothing to do with that movie.

Well, back to the subject here are some screens.


Sorry for the level images when you load a map, but I could not get them to work for some odd reason.


I hope you guys like it and not get to the point on throw your PC through the window if you are a bad Quake player.

Paveway@Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 10:30 pm :
ajm113 wrote:
I hope you guys like it and not get to the point on through your PC through the window if you are a bad Quake player.

Translation please.

ajm113@Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 10:37 pm :

Something like this maybe to answer your question if it's what you are asking. The snipers I placed at the beginning can become frustrating.

I thought I click on throw for some reason in Fire Fox.

Zombie13@Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 8:13 am :
Is this actually a WIP thread, or a funny youtube video links thread?

I can't understand what you say in your post it makes no sense.

ajm113@Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 12:52 am :
This is a Wip thread I was using that video as a good way to say I hope you don't become this kid will playing my mod.

On the movie part I meant that movie war that came out not too long ago where I live.

I do think my boss level needs more work on the cover and some extra ammo. But I can still beat him with his health set to 20000. With the dmg weapon or not!