... tory=15909i think "fun" is her all time favorite word

i believe FountainHead is still looking for talent. if i lived anywhere near Dallas i'd certainlly apply. making a complete games in 6 months does sound very appealing &
fun! working closly with JC/id Software is a major bonus too. ... Employment Very nice interview.
My favourite part of the interview is this:
To what extent is John involved with things at Fountainhead on a day-to-day basis?
For the most part, he comes up with the ideas, and then we will brainstorm, give it some flesh and once John is satisfied with the direction of it, he will let us go. Usually, what he will do is write the engine, and then we take it from there. I’m actually a pure designer. I don’t think I have the temperament to be a programmer!
One of the things that’s kind of difficult is, sometimes when John and I are talking design, he’ll go totally into the technical -- and what’s really funny is, an hour later we don’t understand what each other was saying! He’s talking code tech, and I’m talking story and character development, and we’ll be like, ‘what’d you say?!’ So sometimes it is a bit more trying, since I don’t have the programming experience.
Oftentimes, the way it works is that he will have to make sure that my programmers relate to me what my abilities are -- for instance, ‘this is the hardware spec, this is what we can and can’t do.’ Now from there, I have a quasi-empty canvas to work with. ... tory=15909i think "fun" is her all time favorite word

i believe FountainHead is still looking for talent. if i lived anywhere near Dallas i'd certainlly apply. making a complete games in 6 months does sound very appealing &
fun! working closly with JC/id Software is a major bonus too. ... Employment Very nice interview.
My favourite part of the interview is this:
To what extent is John involved with things at Fountainhead on a day-to-day basis?
For the most part, he comes up with the ideas, and then we will brainstorm, give it some flesh and once John is satisfied with the direction of it, he will let us go. Usually, what he will do is write the engine, and then we take it from there. I’m actually a pure designer. I don’t think I have the temperament to be a programmer!
One of the things that’s kind of difficult is, sometimes when John and I are talking design, he’ll go totally into the technical -- and what’s really funny is, an hour later we don’t understand what each other was saying! He’s talking code tech, and I’m talking story and character development, and we’ll be like, ‘what’d you say?!’ So sometimes it is a bit more trying, since I don’t have the programming experience.
Oftentimes, the way it works is that he will have to make sure that my programmers relate to me what my abilities are -- for instance, ‘this is the hardware spec, this is what we can and can’t do.’ Now from there, I have a quasi-empty canvas to work with.